Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 514 1 Photographic Studio Every Possible Assistance and advice given to amateurs. No I Northam Road, Penang. tel. 579. IftlllVCl EO I 1 ALHAMBRA CIGARS f wFw Ha B Bl”" |BB[ J BB Here are a few of the most POPULAR SHAPES: Iw-': j.jE excelentes C|TT WWW EOIID t B ESPECIALES Wiz:><3
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    • 13 1 THE Eastern Optical Co., (PENANG DIVISION) 188, PENANG ROAD, PENANG Head Office SINGAPORE.
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  • 822 2 “NOT A CLASS ATTACK.” Mr. Lloyd George spoke on his land proposals at iai meeting at Shrewsbury. had been issued to persons representing various shades of political opinion, a;nd the audience included a large number of farmers, smallholders. and labourers. Mr. Lloyd George, who declared
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  • 104 2 SKY MEETING. (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) Eight Races for all Ponies Four Races for all Horses. Iwo Races for Polo Ponies. Two Races for Hacks. Two Consolation Races. Entries close at 5 p.m. on Saturday 27th March 1926 at the Secretary’s Office. One Unlimited
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 888 2 CSJXSSXSSXSSS.XESXSS® X3MBX3BB FOR SALE. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. T" 7 7 L Two beater American Car in good R Including free town delivery or III running order. Just painted, overhauled; K X new hood. Owner buying new car. k postage. h| p r j ce or near offer. Apply to W
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    • 263 2 NOTICES. Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging N.L [Incorporated in New South Wales.] NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of 1/- per share will be paid to shareholders on Wednesday, the 14th April, 1926. NOTICE is further given that the transfer books of the Company will be t
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    • 467 2 PARBOILED RICE LOCAL WHITE RICE. “SEOCHIAM” AND TUAPEH AH enquiries and orders will have our prompt alteniio HOCK HIN BROS., LTD, RICE MILLERS, 34, Beach Street, Penang. Ordinance No. 125 (Merchant Shipping) Section 331. Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one year from Notice the Receiver of
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  • 1320 3 THE REPAIRS TO THE SPHINX. The chief change in Egypt that one no- licco rftcr a lapse of some years since his 'rst though that v as “post be'tom,” writes Dr. H. R Hall, in the “Observer,” is the cmnipi ceencc of the motor-car. The Opera Square,
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  • 350 3 NEW STYLE NECK FOR JUMPERS. Another blow’ has been struck at the makers of collars. Oxford, not content with its attack on the traditional coverings of our legs, not content with abusing the Trilby hat until it assumed a shape midway between a straw
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 150 3 'King George IV” w-x /r'' YA aFx/L “Say WHEN, «an.'.'"K J/ ML xzK ,OvW w W ffe®O x t! i L te. z *s The TOP NOTCH’Scotch BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd., PENANG. a^xKMPnii^jb.: sHsMtuiwusasw <sMineia (l a«i!i. s;3^iw»^!ffla!;i! :iinKua Silk Piece Goods j have just arrived, embracing a v/ide range of
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    • 31 3 GUAN KONGSI 240, Beach Street, Penang. Estate, Mine and Building Material Suppliers, General Import Merchants, and Commission Agents. All orders will receive prompt attention. Telephone No. 1116. T« le. Address GUANKONGSI.”
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    • 224 3 Rgmin,gtot]k=. Express and Hi-Speed Cartridges More speed—new power z-\ "~i for the old rifle r~ ATSHESE new cartridges give greatly in- I I JL creased velocity and much lowe~ trajec- IJ a Zl tory over the regular loads. Your old rifle Ot G) 40 ?-I c can safely be converted
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  • 2817 4 Government-Built Reuses For Glasgow. BRITAIN’S BID FOR WORLD TRADE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, February 18. Newly-Appointed Ministers. There is every probability that in future Parliaments members of the House of Commons appointed to an office of profit under the Crown will not be faced by the necessity
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  • 427 4 BRITISH ATTITUDE. London, March 4—Lortl Irwin w as t L guest of the Colonial Institute at a far» "ell lunch, Lord Fitzallon fii’esidinthundred persons were present include the Earl of Meath, the o f Aber deen, Lord Emmott, Lord Glendyne Si r Atul and Lady Chatterjr, Sir Yo-unghusband,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 240 4 *~z z z 7r777/TZ* 'ff*' M X* »k Zst vl Y;;/ J The Swan is the finest pen a man can have. It is so reliable. Never a skip, blot reak in the middle of a word, but just an easy glide. There is a Swan for every hand and
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    • 92 4 Am j Kers fej.) Mother A -f 0 s 0 I Wa ChK tJAw Wbat a b, sy I rt’M Id /i person mo’Dr "p 1 bt j lyl in the morning ano £3 last at nignti necessary r Mother know s ho* ra (jut it is to keep fit
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  • 2684 5 |j\ O’CKOATS TO MONTE CARLO. ,'e > i a.ipements to start from hat’ I j ■< mats on January 18th, at 8-10 !]((S the Lon. Victor A. Bruce a |t [.< ndon on Thursday, Janu- and picking up my passenger, arrived at Carlisle that The whole of the
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  • 1122 5 ABDICATION ACCEPTED. Bawla Murder Recalled. (From Our Own Coriespenden*.) Allahabad, February 28, 1926. A communique, issued at Delhi on Saturday night, states In the communique issued by this deI partment (Foreign and Political) on the Ist February, 1926, it w|as stated that His Excellency the Governor-General, had
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  • 303 5 TRUTH ABOUT LORD KITCHENER. Categorical denial *of the egregious stories relating to the, last hours of Lord Kitchener has been issued by Mr. Bridgeman, First Lord of the Admiralty. It is in reply to a, question by Capt. VV aterhouse, who asked the First Lord whether he is
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  • 170 5 ROMANTIC LADY WHO MARRIED FOR LOVE. There has died, at Omaha, Nebraska, an octogenarian lady who was formerly employed in Queen Victoria’s household. Mrs. Alice Brown Barlett was on the secretarial staff of the Queen for many years, and afterwards became companion to Lady Forbes. She was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 TO DRIVE PAIN OUT OF JOINTS. V hen joints become swollen, hot or painful, get a box of De Witt’s Pills from the nearest chemist, and take them in accordance with thb simple directions in every box. That appears to be the best and quickest way to get rid of
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    • 59 5 LABOUR CODE 1923 F.M.S. LABOUR ORDINANCE 1923 S.S. EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months of April, July. October and January. Forms for the return will te
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    • 376 5 CIENTIST TAPS NEW SOURCE OF ENERGY. TRIUMPH AFTER YEARS OF PATIENT RESEARCH. One by one, Nature’is stores of energy ire being laid opeai to Mankind. Prof. E. Buergi, of Berne University, has sue ceeded in isolating in a concentrated form the principles of potential energy generated and stored up in
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  • 1360 6 yj|K ANY happy returns of the day to XIIJ Irishmen in general, our Irish readers in particular and their patron saint the blessed St. Patrick whose name has been their guiding star for fifteen hundred years and will be till the end of time. Strange to say,
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  • 110 6 ACCUSED ACQUITTED. The trial of Ooi Look Thian at the Penang Assizes for alleged forgery of some documents, in connection with a quantity of rubber belonging to Messrs. E. A. Barbour and Co., came to an abrupt end yesterday after the evidence of the fourth witness, for the
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  • 133 6 COLLISION WITH ANOTHER CAR. I (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, Mrrch 17, The Malay driver of the Citroen taxi which collided with a Mattis two-seater in which were three Europeans, Messrs. A. B. Gown, Burns and Prodgson, all of whom were badly injured, was sentenced to
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  • 793 6 ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary meeting of the Penang Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal Chambers, yesterday afternoon, when there were present Messrs. B. Nunn (President), J. D. Kemp, J. H. Pedlow, Khoo Sian Ewe, Yeoh Cheang Ann, Lim Cheng Ean, P. M. Robinson, C. R. Samuel, A.
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  • 137 6 QUARTERLY GENERAL MEETING. The Quarterly General Meeting of the Association will be held at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 31st March, 1926, in the hall of the Scottish Masonic Lodge, Venning Road, Kuala Lumpur, to transact the business specified in the Agenda appended hereto. The following is
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  • 432 6 MR, A. C. PEARSON DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS. Jesselton, March 15. The death occurred early this morning from after a short illness, of Mr. A. C. Pearson, C- M. G., Governor of British North Borneo. The late Mr. Pearson was formerly Government Secretary at
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  • 773 6 Lt.-Col. Chasey is now attached to the P.W.D., Ipoh. Mr. Albert Sikes, a former Ceylon planter, has died as the result of a hunting accident at Home. Mr. H. M. Thomasz, of Seremban, is expected back from his holiday in Ceylon by the “Macedonia,” due in Singapore
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  • 432 6 PULLED CONSTABLgg BE ARr A rather amusing case of Police constable was before Sennett, in the Second Conn d" A to-day. rt The accused was a Kling nam.a n My.lin who pleaded t d the charge. 5 to The complainant, an old Siu stable in the service of
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  • 172 6 “LAT PAU PRESS AS DEFENDANTS. Reference was made in thi < hief he’ ice’s Court, 'Singapore to an action pent ing against the “Lat Pau Press, one the leading Chinese newspapers in Sin_tpore, on account of an alleged libel pah dished n the paper, says the ‘Singapore
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 30 6 DONT Endure the Humiliation Complexion j i use kt -a ,1 Life Pills and have ihe clear skin and ihebeauiyqi zj) perfect healih v f/if/ioria of'poop/c* ZtzZv t/’icni ('i 'cryaaij
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  • 1023 7 f'HIXESE “AT HOME” TO MR. kindersley. A Pioneer Rubber Planter. th invitation of the Asiatic PlantAssociation of Malaya, the Selangor 0 li)|( hamber of Commerce, and the <t Miners’ Association, there was iri re gathering present at the Miners’ Association room in Kuala Lumpur on Moict'i.v to bid
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  • 870 7 The First Trees in Selangor. Tn reply Mr. Kndersley said T cannot possibly find words adequately to express my pleasure and appreciation of the great honour that you have done me by asking me to be present here this evening. The pleasure is all th*e greater
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  • 126 7 PENANG MARCH 17, 1926. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 9/16 m 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank R«154 1 3 day’s sight Private 156| B Bombay Demand Bank 154 2 Madras Demand Bank 154 g-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 205 7 i 11' < HOW DO YOU WAKE these mornings Fresh and fit, or dujl, depressed and ill-tempered If the latter most probably your liver is to blame, for which trouble Pinkettes are the ideal remedy. As gently as nature Pinkettes sHimulate the liver, dispel constipation, banish biliousness and sick headaches,
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    • 389 7 WHITEAWAYS FOR STANDARD VALU E tgjr -r RIBBED HOSE SNON-TEARING India Sir Iff; Gauze M \A H i -lops T IF Illi H wf L4~ ha yf ButiowssVests I --n This vest represents the very best value obtainable. WORSTED MOSE. Made of a very strong wearing India cotton, well For
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  • 705 8 The recent tragedy in which Mr. L. V. Karl, the Chief Conservancy Inspector, of Penang, lost his life on February 13, at the hands of Chelliah, a Municipal carpenter now under sentence of death, has culminated in a controversy, the basis of which may be said to
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  • 380 8 In the report of the P. A. M. Labour Committee appointed to inquire into and report upon matters connected with the local recruiting and crimping of estate labourers and registration of employers of labour, there are several interesting observations and recommendations. The committee has gone into the question
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  • 377 8 One of the most serious disadvantages of European life in the East is the lack of Educational facilities for the children. Parents who can afford to do so break up the home and send their youngsters to England at ages varying from four to eight but those
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  • 1407 8  -  PROBLEMS IN BIDDING BY J. J. BREBNER. I play a good deal of auction bridge and probably my readers will have gathered that my views and theories on the game are constantly being subjecte 1 to the acid test of the green-cloth board. If indeed the proof
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 ■■■□nuMnnnnn«B»noDn«««nn[.««» ■KENS I T AS n n As 75 Good n As Cents Per jj Rea,, y |JW .B■. n Good T,n Cigarettes kßNWtwjw|MWW| E s c- Wm n Be 50 n l g CIGARETTES OBTAIN ABLE EVERYWHERE. d WHOLESALE ONLY FROM C HUTTENBACH LAZARUS SONS., LTD. UMnnn •■■□□nniotiann MonntHMM
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    • 37 8 “ID. O.” Guest Night and Dancing— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Satu r d a y—E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. A SB A Ari DEARS’ .fl GOLDEN SERIES. < -qqoqqq-x s
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 92 8 Bring the whole family to see a clean and wholesome picture, wherein the soul of a girl is laid bare at Theatre Royal. From Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th March, 1926. A remarkable All JStar cast in Lois Weber’s Tremendous Production A Chapter in Her Life 6 parts A Universal
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    • 25 8 TIDE TABLES. ToDAT. HIxL Waler. Tow 2.13 a.m. 8.42 a.m 2.42 p.m. 9-5 I’ To- Mok row. 216 a.m. I’.H am. 3.1.2 p.m. 9.40 P-m.
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  • 123 8 FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of Mrg. Khoo Heng Pan nee Lee Hooi Chit will take place on Friday, the 19th instant, at 10-30 a.m. The remains of the deceased will leave her residence No. 40, Muntri Street, for Khoo Cemetery, Thean Tek Road. Friends and relatives are kindly requested not
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  • 838 9 Brazil The Stumbling-Block. \|)JOURNMENT likely. (rugby Radio Service.) .—R> uter. London, March 16. Although hopes were maintained that t h e situation would clarify itself within next twenty-four hours, to-day at (Ten* '.t waS not free f fOm anxieties. Sir Ansten Chamberlain and M. Briand and tbeG.-rnrin
    (rugby Radio Service.); .—R> uter.  -  838 words
  • 196 9 International Conference. examination of Washington CONVENTION. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 16. The International Conference on hours of labour, to-day, continued the examination, article by article, of the Washington Hours Convention, which was begun yesterday. One or two minor points were raised on Article 1, which deals
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  196 words
  • 147 9 PRINCE OF WALES’S APPEAL. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 16. Presiding at the annual general meeting of the Empire Forestry Association, the Prince of Wales said that considering what excellent timber of every kind the Empire produced, it appeared rather unfortunate that this country should depend so much
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  147 words
  • 81 9 SPAIN AND FOREIGN COAL. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 16. A question was raised in the House of Commons as to the intention of Spain to propose legislation or issue decrees disadvantageous to British coal imports. Mr. Locker-Lampson, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said the British Government was
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  81 words
  • 38 9 —Reuter. FLIGHT TO TOKIO. Copenhagen, March 16. The Danish army airmen, Botvend and Berscbend, departed at 11 o’clock this morning in two aeroplanes in an attempt to fly to Tokio, via Bagdad, Calcutta, Bangkok and Peking.
    !.—Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 33 9 —Reuter. AUSTRALIA NOT PARTICIPATING. New York, March 16. Twenty-four nations have entered for the Davis Lawn Tennis Cup, the entries for which closed to-day. Australia is the only notable absentee.
    —Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 230 9 Premier’s Explanation. TEINTSIN TRAFFIC. (Rugby Radio Service.) —Reuter. London, March 16. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the Labour leader, called tho attention of the Premier in the House of Commons to a press statement that the Ministers of the Protocol Powers in Peking had made representations to the Chinese
    (Rugby Radio Service.); —Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 241 9 —Reuter. TRIAL OF ACCUSED. Chieti, March 16. The trial of the five men—Dumini, Viola, Vol pi. Poveromo and Malacria accused of wilful but unpremediated killing of Signor Matteotti. the Socialist Deputy, the discovery of whose body was made in July 1924 after his disappearance in June of
    —Reuter.  -  241 words
  • 145 9 Reuter. HAVOC AMONG CAGED ANIMALS AND BIRDS. New York, March 16. The heaviest loss of animal and bird life recorded in American annals occurred in the early hours of this morning. A fire starting from two barrels of sawdust killed 1000 canaries, 500 lovebirds and
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 34 9 —Renter. ACQUISITION OF BUILDINGS. Washington, March 16. The House of Representatives voted the appropriation of $10,000,000 to acquire the Embassy and Consular buildings to consolidate the government ser- vices abroad.-
    —Renter.  -  34 words
  • 156 9 Madras Assembly Incident. MANIFESTATIONS OF PROTEST. Madras, March 16. The Swarajist and United Nationalist members of the Madras Legislative Council, numbering twenty-three, walked out of the Council in accordance with the recent decision of the AU-India Congr *ss Committee calling upon the Swarajists to withdraw from the Legislative
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  • 120 9 ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK. New York, March 16. Mr. A. B. Houghton, American Ambassador in London, has arrived here for a week’s stay. He declared that there wis little significance attached to his visit. He thought that conditions in England were considerably improving and believed that
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  • 59 9 .—Reuter. SAVING £31,000,000. London, March 16. In the House of'Commons, Mr. Churchill, Chancellor of the Exchequer, estimated that the total expenditure for which the Budget must provide w s £799,500,000. In order to keep down expenditure to the £799,000,000 mentioned, £31,000,000 must be economised in national administration in
    .—Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 65 9 LAUNCHED AT CHATHAM AND BARROW. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 16. Two new cruisers were launched to-day, the Kent at Chatham and the Cumberland at Barrow. Both are of 10,000 tons and will carry eight inch guns in cmformity with the Washington Naval Agreement. They will have
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  65 words
  • 64 9 NEW RECORD TN MOTORING. Ratdo Service.) [London, March d Major Seagrave, to-day, broke t* e world’s racing record for a kilometre with a new Sunbeam car. His tim' is given as 14.687 seconds, which is ovu 153 miles an hour. The new car is the smallest
    Ratdo Service.)  -  64 words
  • 67 9 Reuter. REDUCTION OF EXPORTS. Delhi, March 16. The Council of State passed the offi dal resolution to give effect to a policy of progressive reduction in the exports of opium, except for strictly medicinal purposes. The Finance Secretary said that tho motion was not a gesture but
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 I SALUDOR FILTERS I EFFECTIVE, gj RAPID, easily <IH y J fl L A MET) IBfBSI «.H V t.'' If -S STOCKED tfct J A in HI tP allsizes 1 PR,CES I ii 1A Gallon Size $lO 50 3 Gallon Size $l6-50 u 2 .13-00 4 25-00 m, SPARE PARTS
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  • 665 10 (4th RESTRICTION YEAR.) I. The following statistics relating to Rubber Restriction in British Malaya, have bĕen forwarded to us by the Controller of Rubber Exports Total Ex- Total Ex- Total Imports Bri- ports Re- ports tish Malaya, striction Foreign Area. Rubber, (at minimum rate of duty.) Nov.
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  • 74 10 The following ships are in communicaHon with the Wireless Stations at: Penang—Blitar, Bolton Castle, Genoa Maru, Kamakura Maru. Nagano Maru, Nizam, Osaka Maru, Penang Maru, Scottish Border. Selandia M. S., Sikiang, Suwa Maru, Sydic, Takliwa, Talamba, Unkai Maru No. 12 and Yamato Maru. Singapore—Amrum, Azumasa Maru, Hachiro Maru,
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  • 430 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BI TRAIN. Federateu Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption oe Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m, train:
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  • 44 10 The homeward mail by the b.s Egra closes at 6 p.m. on Friday, the 19th instant. The B. I. Packet Tara with mails despatched from London on February 25 is expected to arrive here at 6 a,m. on Friday, the 19lh instant.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 348 10 gl TANGYE fgSfCjjO N®, I self-contained pumping JpWMi 111 jjJ scts > suitable for water j I supply to estates, bun- 5 ~~C ■tl galows, hospitals, etc. a I u ilWi JfZM 4 3gjMR k Made in three sizes J x W up ,o 2,300 gal,ons j \gTjj^i aii v
      348 words
    • 201 10 F.Bll When! appetite fails remember ENO'S "FRUII SALT' If your system is not clearing itself of impurities, appetite fails, i To aid the proper 1 functioning of the human system, to J (purify the blood, and I to restore the con- I ditions of digestion I which bring back a
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  • 1126 11 “WITHIN THE RANGE OF POSSIBILITY”. \'ot long since the origin of thunder- was assigned to some extra terft. st rial source. In their electricity r<s niav be differences of potential to millions of volts, and the i L t h of the flashes, is enormous. It C "s
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  • 202 11 TAIPING TOURNAMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tai pi ng, March 16. A long interval has elapsed since a boxing tournament has been staged in Perak and to Taiping belongs the honour of having taken the lead in reviving interest in the sport. The tournament was held at the Town
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  • 19 11 Tho following tie has been fixed for tomorrow Championship :—J. Eriguid v. D- Lucey.
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  • 66 11 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates were Paris, 134} New York, 4.861’0 Brussels, 116 Geneva, 25.25 Amsterdam, 12.13}; Milan, 121}; Berlin, 20.42; Stockholm, 18.15 Copenhagen, 18.54 Oslo, 22.55 Vienna, 34.5 Prague, 164 Helsingfors, 193 th Madrid, 34 52 Lisbon, 2} Rio, 7} Buenos Aires, 43* Bombay, Is.
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  66 words
  • 255 11 The health statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending 13th March 1926, shows a total of 69 deaths—4s males and 24 females —the death-rate being 26.45 per mille per annum, compared with 26.83 in the preceding week and with 19.94 in the corresponding week
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  • 232 11 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs, Kennedy <k Co.’a share list at 1 p.m. to-day Yesterday. To-day. E E E Sharks. t»> -5 t*» s S 2Q o 5 CQ 00 I 0. I C. t 0. c. Rubber (Dollar.) A. Hitam 21.50 22.50 2LOO
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  • 102 11 The following are our latest quotations: Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Amalgamated $4.20 $4.35 Ayer Hitams 21.50 22.50 Bassetts 1.40 1.45 Bedfords 1.30 1.35 Connemaras 2.50 2.65 Glenealys 2.35 2.50 Indragiris 9.50 9.75 Katoyangs 2.25 2.40 cum Mentakabs .57} .60 Semanggols 2.40 2.50 S. Tukangs .70 .72} U. Malaccas
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  • 56 11 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE) S. R. Sheet 99 cts per pound => per pl. $132/No. 1 Crepe 99 cts per pound per pl. $132/Easier. (By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys.) The folloiving ivere the rubber quotations in London on March 16: Smoked Sheet 2/6} Plantation Ist latex crepe 2/6}
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  • 113 11 The Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., g.'ves the following prices, on March 16 London. Spot £297.12.6 Up £2.7.6 3 m/s. buying 288.15 s I.los 3 selling 288.17.6 17.6 Local. March 17: Singapore sold 125 tons at sl44} Penang 25 tons at sl44}. lhe Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd:— London, March
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  • 76 11 The following is the Band Programme to be played at the Waterfall Gardens to-day at 5.15 p.m. (weather permitting) March A Nation Again Hume 2. Waltz September Godin 3. Fox Trot Sally’s Come Back Winson 4. Selection Hibernia Gready 5. Patrol Egyptian Lane God Save The King. Municipil
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  • 1214 11 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. S 11 ta <a RUBBER [Doll*».] S c f c A-llcnby Rubber Co q q» Alor G*j*h Rubber Estate 2 90 3 10 e Amalgamated Malay Estate. 4 25 4 50 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 9| 5022 50 Ayer Knning Rubber Batate. 20 1 25|
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 357 11 New Advertisements. notices. MISCELLANEOUS. Rungei Besi Mines, Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) Private Tuition required in Book- DIVIDEND No. 26 keeping and Accountancy. Write giving full particulars. Box No. 69, c/o Pinang Gazette. A dividend of 1/- per share, less Income Tax of 4/- in the has been declared payable in
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  • 880 12 A STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. “Of the Chinese it can finally be said, as was said of the Israelites, that the children’s teeth.are set on edge because the fathers have eaten sour The unparalled and unique phenomenon in China of the decay of inland cities through civil
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  • 615 12 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang, March 17, 1926 ev Government Mutton— Mutton Indian aM per lb 55 Mutton Head, sheep or goat m each I.(X Liver with heart A Inng do 1.3' Tripe w* do L 0( Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 294 12 n“ A Pine Forest in a Bottle?' EPS JiL/Ja O THE REMEDY YOU BREATHE.” Dccause their healing effect is so like the famous curative pine-forest air, Peps are often described as A Pine-Forest in a Bottle.” You simply take a Peps out of its silver wrapper, place it on the
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    • 174 12 ~v lillllllllllSilllllllillilllllil li’ii -.ui'llll *ilill!illlll.lli|||!!| -i 1 Let’s Wander Away Foxtrot 2 Dreaming of To-.morrow W S S Want a Little Lovin’ S Close Your Eyes Waltz x S Pearl of Hawaii Sometime n Naila hoxtrot Echoes of Ireland I Love the Moon Waltz S Love’s Dream M S Paddlin’
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  • 1140 13 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the’above Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 23, Beach Street, Penang, on Wednesday, the 24th day of March at 12 o’clock noon, immediately after the General Meeting of the Company which
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  • 231 13 PENANG, MARCH 17, 1926. Benares Opinrn p 15,000.00 non.. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stock Nutmegs 80s 125.00 nom. 110 s 110.00 Coconuts per 1,000 50.00 nom Copra Sundried $12.15 buyers Rattans 11.15 sales Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 302 13 BRITISH CARS X JJfoi jj X <r I fy- oft I p Tzflk Z 14 Hp famous Standard cars Standard Cars have increased in popularity since the first Standard took the road twenty-two years ago. Roomy and comfortable, soundly constructed, easily handled, small in fuel consumption anti big in performance,
      302 words
    • 36 13 MILK— There’s health and strength, recuperation and invigoration in a bottle of SIMONDS’ MILK. STOUT-a n d very nice, too. Nutritious and creamy—you’ll remember the first to-day if it’s SIM O N DS’ MILK STOUT. —STOUT
      36 words
    • 235 13 a amn □tmanDHuuunnDEinn D Value i g FOR V g ESSEX I a 6 CYLINDER, g n I 1 STANDARD TOURING j $1,890. g WIRE WHEELS, SPARE TYRE, SIDELAMPS, g $165 EXTRA. n 1 MALAYAN MOTORS, 7 n Proprietors WEARNE BROS., 30, Anson Road, fl 5 fl PENANG. J fl
      235 words

  • 665 14 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE DRESS SUIT. The critic-3 of Mr. J. H. Thomas in his own party have an odd way of taunting him with wearing evening dress, writes Robert Lynd in the Daily News,” Mr. Cook, in his recent exchange of compliments with Mr. Thomas, once moie
    665 words
  • 76 14 March 17 —St. Patrick’s Day. 20— Municipal Sports. April 2—Good Friday Public Holiday. 2nd, 3rd, 4th sth—P. V. R. C. Annual Bisley Rifle Meeting, The Rifle Range, Penang. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and sth—Annual M. S. V. R. Prize Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. 3,5, Ipoh Gymkhana Club Skye Meeting. 3—Public
    76 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 580 14 ■’fl ttS/ tX J S CARS 1! to Cairo jbi» \S the/irst time J. from \2Y M CAPE rX *—througn.Afri.can fl fl jli JL B -fi ~~-1 Dos er t. S\v\mo Jfl > y J Jurujte V flgfl. TQ 1 CAIRO y"' ff for the first time A ’■■•?>_ fl*'
      580 words
      31 words
    • 259 14 p To make a really enjoyable meal of COLD MEAT, add a little LEA PERRIES’ I SAUCE 1 *1 Made from pure sugar, English farm butter, and rich thick cream delicious beyond description 1 i JOHN MACKINTOSH A SONS. ltd. Halifax, Ea& ' I Why Trouble Yourself? j When your
      259 words

  • 625 15 THE WORSHIP OF MITHRA. Last year was time of vigorous rebuilding in London, and the deep digging necessary for modem foundations and for making basement below basements resulted in man-interesting historical finds. In the City, especially where there have been some big excavations, many relics of Roman London
    625 words
  • 240 15 LORD DARLING AT 76 .SEEMS TO POSSESS PERENNIAL YOUTH. We have moved far from the days when a man was said to be too old at 40. The Lord Chief Jus- tice, in fact, has just declared that at 56 “a man is very young.”
    240 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1079 15 B N JS S 2 the mercantile bank of T 4 INDIA. LIMITED. J 4 (Incorporated in England.) Let QUaHty deClde 5 Authorised Capital £3.000,000 S’ J *“X' t The Super-efficient j'eserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,458,221 Y Board of Directors. T I V Ilvrio, Esq., (Chairman), 11. Melvill NT
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    • 309 15 Z 3^ w r «/j By Royal iCI Ro y** Appoinlmeat r 1 V Appointment tin Court ,o ,he Ooun f l,alf ,,iß rhe Foo3oTKings! TO YOU, Baby is the King of your household, and claims as his birthright the Food of Kings I —and as the best is not
      309 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1317 16 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. MI ITbS INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG- IH k W ASK 'a III “B WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. IH gM KM fikwM I l sJE|||| PERSEUS Mar. 18 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Hamburg. IH jK ITm BbM BhL IBk 8 -fl HFLENUS Mar. 26 London, Rotterdam
      1,317 words
    • 595 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. A O. SAILINQ3, LONDON—FAR.EABTERN SERVICE. For Bittfiaporo. Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl. For Colombo, Aden P ort a Yokohama and Kobo. and Undo". M r
      595 words