Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 582 1 fOKISATSU, PHOTOGRAPHIC ART studio ’Phone 772. 68 bishop street. □*llllllilllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllFIIIIIIIIIUIII!ll!!!illll!lllll!!ll!llllll(!llllllllllllllll!l|||||llllllll|IO j CONTINENTAL I “POMPEIAN” I tyres I I THE BERGER Colours in London 5' mo way TWO-COAT FINISH in n«r J Hl gh.gloss paint lENDURANCE. I 1 1 POMPEIAN is a Ready-for-use leadless paint for inside 5 v EE or
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  • 408 2 “SEAGOING FLEET” AT YEARLY COST OF £475,000. Open to British and Indian Boys. Details are now available of the new Royal Indian Navy, the formation of which Lord Reading announced to the State Council. The official report from Delhi (states Reuter) suggests that the Navy should consist of
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  • 291 2 MR. ZANGWILL’S PESSIMISM. Is it on its last legs Mr. Israel Zangwill, responding to the toast of The Drama,” at a dinner given by the O. P. Chib said he did not share the optimism which had been expressed in regard to the theatre. He feared
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 857 2 NOTICES. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, B K MALAKAB 378 Jalan R Indodins free town delivery or II Knlim. Licensed Surveyor and Leveller W TZl' NX E X S. 8., accepts surveys at moderate rates yf£X X postage o f ever y d eBcr iption. t PAYASIF TN ADVANCE. y 11 I
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    • 60 2 For Children’s Bruises For “black and blue” bruises, sprains of wrists and ankles, strains of cords and muscles, stubbed toes, cuts, burns and other mishaps of childhood, Chamberlain’fe Pain Balm always gives relief. Does just as much for older people too. Eases their rheumatic pains, backaches and neuralgia.. Just rub
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    • 266 2 The George Town Dispensary Ltd., I THE LEADING CHEMISTS, I PENANG. I OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE. I THE I Cheapest House in the Trade FOR I Estate Medical Supplies. I SAFETY FIRST. You are absolutely safe when you deal with “THE GEORGETOWN.” Each order is exe- cuted by a QUALIFIED
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  • 1088 3 BOW-STREET BEAUTY 4 CHORI’St Back again at Bow street Police Court, 1 was moro than even impressed by the; difference between a busy metropolitan court and the. leisurely methods oif the provincial courts, v. liters R. E. Corder. Metre than 50 cases were on Mr. Graham Campbell’s
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  • 541 3 TOBACCO, ALCOHOL, AND HOT TEA. Some evidence that smoking and drinking a’coholic liquor may be predisposing causes of cancer in certain sites jn the boy is given in a report published by the Medical Research Council. “An Investigation into the Statistics of Cancer in Different Trades and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 327 3 TTTTWImrWWWi HM 111 111 I limn iiiiiiiiiiiilliilnlhiliilii milhilhilii Every Bottle carries a guarantee of Quality Aye\ h-. hli Hiilul ihi hi »>»i i AGENTS: Me ssrs. Adamson, GiKillan Co. Ltd., Penang, Malay Peninsula. wm «.I i mm a aoMaws mmmmw flU.Cnllis Browne) aluaJMiiiiMa THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like
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    • 40 3 For Coughs and Colds When changeable weather or exposure to cold and wot results in bronchitis, start at once taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Been in use for over fifty years, and strongly recommended for stubborn, weakening coughs. For "a’e everywhere.
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    • 428 3 '!!ll!lll!llilii'l!l Illi THE NEW j Colwnbia I Grafonoia Cabinet Model is now only SMil $220 1 Tonal Quality, Finish g i 111 I’ iW'i '1 and Beauty are all g g lly g combined in this In- g g strument at a much g i j Lower Price. g Other’Models
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  • 1101 4 SWARAJ PARALLEL WITH IRELAND. A New Survey. The fifth volume of that excellent series of historical essays, “The Modern World” is an astonishingly accurate and dispassionate survey df that seething cauldron of problems—lndia. That its author is Sir Valentine Chirol, is another guarantee of its excellence. Indeed, if the
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  • 410 4 MORE PLAYING FIELDS. What is everybody’s business is notoriously nobody’s business, writes H. M. Olympic Games 100-Mel-res Champion, 1924. That is why for untold centuries cities have been built without a thought for the children, who need some playground other than the streets. With the
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  • 58 4 Determined to stamp out a detestable type of crime, so far as it could be eradicated by him, Lord Alness, a-t Glasgow, in pcsed a sentence of throe years’ penal servitude on James Coghlan, who pleaded guilty to having behaved improperly towards two girls, aged respectively
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 339 4 Tbe modem woman know» how ei«y It J v\'A J V* 5 .g», v? 1» to bare the charm j ML J JL3/ of a loreJy ikin. '99S' V A. JKw < Today everywhere we tee more > and more beautiful women. What’s Become of the j Palm and olive
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    • 49 4 Cramps in tho Stomach No need of suffering from cramps in the stomach or intestinal pains. Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy nevar fails to relieve the most severe cases. Get it to-day there will be no time to send for it after the attack comes on. Fcr sale everywhere.
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    • 339 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiii 3 9 H i Phyllosan 8 EE Humagsolan Aqua Velva ĕ J Shavex j Stacomb, i H Rubinat 5 Urace Yadil j i EEE 5 3 H Clark’s Reducing Paste 5 ts e X k H Hygeia Feeding Bottles i 3 Synol and Kotalko Soaps i 2 Cuticura Talcums
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  • 4252 5 unofficial views on devolution SCHEME. f.m.s. educational policy. The following is a continnance of the rtport of tbe Federal fnnncil proceedings. Th,. Hon’bl Mr. Ritchie said: Sir,—l d not how cordially I share the n ee eX by Mr. Robson. Ido not V J g h to make
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  • 154 5 CHINESE GAMBLERS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Krian, March 10. Nine Chinese were arrested by O.C.P. D. Samsudin and hi® men for unlawful gaming at Ragan. Kuala Krau, in North Krian Drstpct, and charged before Mr. J. A. Harvey, Magistrate, Parit Buhtar, who fined them $5 each, except one
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  • 353 5 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. \vu hia for Bela wan (Deli) and Asahan Sri Mnar for P. Langkawi and Kantang Trang) Pungah for Aaahan, and Patn Rahara. Ghiibi for Kantang (Trang) Girbee, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Brouwer for Bela wan (Deli),. Paneh and Asaban. Delti for Singapore, China and Japan. Am
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  • 409 5 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). it tmii. Federateu Malay States, Malacca, Johoresnd Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-hoar earlier than the Ordinary mail. Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed Gaily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m, bain:—Parit Bantar,
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  • 660 6 Cruiser’s Interesting Commission. VOYAGE OF 40.0011 MILES. Described during the war as one of Commodore Tyrwhitt’s dreadnoughts,” the light cruiser H. M. S. Concord, which is at present lying in the Penang Roads, possesses a service record as gallant as her build. A Pinang C&uefte representative,
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  • 100 6 STORE-KEEPER’S NARROW ESCAPE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 10. Describing the crime as a most wicked and vindictive one, and stating that he must have been hired by someone to commit it, Mr. Justice Deane sentenced 9a.n Kim Swee to 7 years’ rigorous imprisonment and twelve strikes,
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  • 305 6 Chelliah Trial Commenced. V. C. HURT SENTENCE. The trial of Chelliah, the Tamil, charged with the murder of Mr, Louis Karl, late chief conservancy inspector, attracted a large attendance of Tamils to the Penang Assizes this afternoon. The court room was thronged and there was an excited whispering
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  • 85 6 Before Mr. C.W.A. Sennett, this morning, fourteen Teochew Chinese were each fined $2O or 14 days for playing in house No, 362, Penang Road, at 2-45 p.m. yesterday, which was used or kept as a common gaming house. Lee Hock Beng, a Hokien, was charged with the
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  • 404 6 COMMITTEE S ANNUAL REPORT. The following are excerpte from the report of the Committee, to be submitted to members at the meeting to be held on March 24: The financial position of the Library remains sound: there wa« on December 31st, 1925, a balance on current account of
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    • 918 6 [To the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette.’’] Sir,—Would you, believe' it, Sir, that a certa’n Mission School has made a wholesale expulsion of those boys who have not been fortunate to pass their last year’s Junior and Senior Examinations. Most of them are first year’s boys, and I believe,
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  • 603 6 [To the Editor!of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir. Enlightenment and disintegration—if that be possible—are opposed. 1 he former brings understanding and the latter, in the case of the Church of Rome, can only result in a gesture of splendid isolation dating back to the period before the
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  • 127 6 PENANG MARCH 11, 1926. (By Courtesy of the Charterei Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/3 31/32 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 I'2 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank K *****1 3 day’s sight Private 156 q Bombay Demand Bank 153| Madras Demand Bank 153| g 3
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  • 403 6 H.H. THE SULTAN OPENS NEW CLUB. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ip oh, March 10. His Highness the Sultan of Perak officially declared open, lasit week, the new Malayan Volunteer Infantry Club at Kuala Kangsar. In honour of the occasion, His Highness, w!ho takes a very
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  • 413 6 The recent fierce weather, with its terrible toll of disasters at sea, causes the "landlubber” to wonder what beeomes of those abandoned wrecks, writes a British mariner. When referred to in the nautical sense, the word "derelict” often strikes a note of fear and dread in
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  • 678 6 Mrs. A. C. Baker, of jq r,. shortly for England. Mr. J. Q. Hay, of < Gutl Co., leaves for England bv the -“antua. Colonel and Mrs. Rae, Ipoh v f Bangkok to-night and will week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher are by the “Tenyo Maru” f<
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  • 2128 7 PRICELESS treasures of record office. Domesday Book’s Home. me the greatest documentary 'reasaies of Great Britain to be found? jn other words, Avfhere would you rea t com missioned to write a, History of England 1 Vine people out of ten would probably The British Museum, of
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  • 460 7 SURPLUS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE. Rangoon, February 2G. The Budeet session of the Burma Legislative Council commenced to-day. S r Robert Gile«». the President, occup’ed the chair After the swearing-in of four n°w memb* r?. the Finance Member presented the Budget. It shows that the current financial year
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 CPIIMA Direct from Potteries n te. iiw? <‘f cash <>n delivery (or w > lll "r'l'-rl. Finest qwrity Tea Sets from 46, Dinner Si ts 146. Toilet Sets 109. Krenest 'T prices |iiote<! to Ston s. t'anteeh- Schrxrfs. Hotels, etc. ij S.rtisfaetion rtuatahteed. Will I K NOW FOR FRFF ,u:
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    • 321 7 WHITEAWAYS THE HOUSE FOR BIG VALUE LOW PRICES, NEW STOCKS OF CHINA-WARE. /Z Tilt Ik' >-8| JR I y The Tudor Dinner Ware The Imperial Dinner Ware Plain white with embossed design, exact to sketch, owing to the enormous sale Exact to sketch in plain white. A very we are
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  • 577 8 We have on many occasions in the past bad occasion to refer to the general suspicion with which education throughout Malaya is regarded by both Press and public alike. We have dealt more particularly with this subject from the aspect of a need for total revision on the part
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  • 538 8 As we expected, nationalisation of the coal mines of the United Kingdom on the lines adumbrated hv the Miners’ Federation has been r-jected by the Ro\al Commission appointed to enquire into the coal industry. The report of the Comm'ssi »n, which was issued ye terday, conv ys
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  • 1633 8 March 11, 1618, two sisters were burnt at Lincoln for the crime of witchcraft. They were Margaret and Philippa Flower and with their mother Joan Flower, they had ac ed as i the confidential servants of the Karl and Countess of Rutland at Belvoir Castle. Dissatisfie 1
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  • 32 8 (From Our Own Correspondent? Singapore, March i At the auctions rubber fetched '1 95 cts. There w< re fair sales in tin. P'd tons wtre sol.l u! $142 per picul.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 96 8 <■ .-t£gg- CORONA I PORTABLE ADDING MACHINE f o3M** h $l5O only. <■ jjj IL. Indispensable for the up-to-date office. t WHHv Write or call for particulars from the Sole Agents J. Hottenbach, Lazarus Sons, Ltd. j I■■ 1 g ■■PG'£, —l*l -*i\/F= 'i' FT'"brn n?ssggsn£Mea I ESTD. 1872 I
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    • 60 8 Guest Night and Dancing— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Satu r d a y—E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. ’fpEARS’ y J GOLDEN SERIES. M g h 1 p SV W /"x k Dr. A. «S'. McKern. t p. p. a l i i
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 151 8 TOWN HALL. S TO-NIGHT’S THE NIGHT g g BETTER THAN EVER RETURN VISIT The Russian Imperial Light Opera Co., in an entire change of programme ZZ 1 TO-NIGHT GYPSY LOVE j H TO MORROW NIGHT g g “SYLVIA”, (The Chardash Princess) BOOKING AT ROBINSON PIANO CO. Prices $3, $2 $l.
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    • 24 8 UDE TABLES. To-Day. High Water. Low Water. 10.51 a.m. 4.49 a.rn 10.51 p.m. 4.52 p.m. To-Morrow. 11.37 a.m. 5.39 a.m. 11.37 p.m. 5.47 p.m.
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  • 986 9 Report Issued. j|\\Y SOUND SUGGESTIONS. (lU’cby Radio Service.) London, March 10. r( >nrt of the R>yal Commission 1)O c< H l Iniustry haa been issued. Jh Commissioners consider that the ae nt difficult position of the coal inP r jf t lP r -suit of p> erful economic
    (lU’cby Radio Service.)  -  986 words
  • 358 9 Reuter. Premier And Germany. NO DIFFICULTY ANTICIPATED. London, March 10. The House of Commons applauded Mr. Baldwin, the Premier, when, in reply to a question whether he wag able to make a statement regarding Germany’s entry to the League, he said The usual formal preliminary enquiries are
    Reuter.  -  358 words
  • 50 9 —Reuter. EXPORTS INCREASE: BIG FALL IN IMPORTS. London, March 10. A big fall in imports and an increase in exports are shown in the Board of Trade returns for February. The imports totd £96,815,000 and exports £62,814,000 as compared with £117,689,000 and £60,380,000 res- pectively in January.
    .—Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 53 9 —Reuter. MORE RESCUES. Bluefields (West Virginia), March 10. Ten of those entombed were rescued yesterday evening. Eight are still buriel down the mineshaft. Eleven are known to be dead. Those rescue! barricaded themselves nearly two miks back in the mine in an effort to escape from
    —Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 244 9 —Reuter. Hasty Formation. M. BRIAN!) WELCOMED. Paris, March 10. From a political point of view the new Cabinet, not including Under Secretaries who will be appointed this morning, comprises six Radical-Socialists, two Republican-Socialists, two members of the Radical Left, two Left Republicans and one Deputy pertaining to no
    —Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 115 9 SCOTTISH CUP SEMI-FINALS. London, March 10. The Scottish Cup semi-finals will be played at Tynecastle, Edinburgh, and Celtic Park, Glasgow, respectively, on iMarch 20. Aberdeen will play Celtic and Rangers, will meet St. Mirren. SCOTTISH CUP REPLAY.i In the Scottish Cup replay Aberdeen beat Third Lanark by 3
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  • 113 9 SENTENCE REDUCED. Florence, March 10. The Court of Appeal dealing with the Ellision case has reduced the sentence to 5 months and 21 days’ imprisonment and a fine of 585 lire. Ellison is applying for the King’s pardon.—Reuter. [On March I Reuter cabled as follows: —Questioned in
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  • 63 9 —Renter. DIRIGIBLE NOSE-DIVES. Newport News, March 10. An army dirigible nose-dived while over the Hampton roads. There was great excitement over the fall of the dirigible. Army officers at the aerodrome were despatched with another dirigible to the rescue, but this was unnecessary as a Government
    —Renter.  -  63 words
  • 30 9 ,—Renter. $2,000,000 DAMAGE. New York, March 10. Fire swept the liner America, which is being reconditioned here, from stem to stern. The damage is estimated at $2,600,000.-
    ,—Renter.  -  30 words
  • 162 9 ,—Reuter. On Railway Issues. COMMONS AND ARREARS. London, March 10. In the House of Commons, in reply to a question, Mr. Locker Lampson said that despite the r public announcement on July 4, 1924 of their intention to resume payment to meet all arrears of principal and interest
    ,—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 108 9 —Reuter. UNIONS’ RECOMMENDATION REJECTED. London, March 10. A lively mass meeting of strikers at the London works of Robert Hoe rejected the recommendation of the executives of the unions to return to w<>rk, and resolved not to resume until the nonunionists were removed and a substantial increase in
    —Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 72 9 POWERS’ JOINT THREAT. Peking, March 10. •An intervention protocol from the powers is threatened in a joint note to the China Foreign Office, protesting against the developments cabled yesterday and declaring that they reserve the right to collaborate and protect foreign shipping and to maintain free access to
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  • 64 9 (Rugby Radio Service.) Yesterday’s foreign exchange rates were Paris, 133.5 New York, 4.861 Brussels, 107 Geneva, 25.25 Amsterdam, 12.13 Milan, 121 Berlin, 20.41 Stockholm, 18.12 Copenhagen, 18.73 Oslo, 22.45 Vienna, 34.5 Prague, 164 Helsingfors, 193 Madrid, 34.37 Lisbon, 2s Rio, 7} Buenos Aires, 451 Bombay, Is. 6id. Shanghai,
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  64 words
  • 211 9 TO-NIGHT'S PERFORMANCE. We /are to be (favoured to-night at the Town Hall with a return visit of the Russian Imperial Light Opera Company, and according to the bookings at the Robinson Piano Co., it that they will surpass their previous record here, it such Js possible. This
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 iGOLF CLUBS. I SUITABLE "FOR ALL. IJ. 11. Taylor’s “Auph” j Clubs. Ay Drivers Price $7-00 Ty Brassies n 7-00 /.W ti Irons, Mashies, u Niblicks, Putters... 675 XJ n Robt. Simpson’s Famous JO N mi Clubs Perfect Balance JI Drivers Piice $B-50 I Perfect Balance Brassies 8-75 /j 1
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  • 1462 10 A GREAT STYLIST. Every now and again, for no discoverable reason, a dead author is fetched down from the bookshelf and made fashionable for a week or two by some popular pen. Yesterday it was Disraeli the day before it was Bolingbroke today it is Walter
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  • 220 10 PENANG, MARCH 11, 1926. Benares Op'n>n p 15,000.00 nom. Cloves 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Picking* no stock Nutmegs 80s 125.00 nom. IlOa HO.Oo Ooconutsper I,oon 50.00 nom Copra Sundries $12.25 sales Rattans 11.15 sale-i Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell* 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 141 10 PRITCHARD CO., LTD., S J Are showing a new and exclusive range of DRESS MATERIALS MOROCAIN Striped and Plain Prices from $2-25 to $3-50. i J VOILES Plain and Fancy 5 Prices from $l-25 to $l-75. SEFTON VOILES Plain and Fancy x 5 Prices from $l-25 to $2-75. r I
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    • 354 10 QGXZ LXXXEDCZXIXJiJ CSXIXSXiXXIXE] jXXXXXD aKaU 3X3HX3 C Phone 905. vj t Day and Night Dispensing All Prescriptions Dispensed 3 g THE NEW DISPENSARY fi Chemists, Pharmacists and Opticians, 3 H 217, Penang Road, Penan". C Supplies To:— Esta'es, Mines, Hospitals and Dispensaries. Q L Depot For:— Pure Chemicals and Drugs,
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  • 1266 11 APPEALS AGAINST AWARDS OF COMMISSIONER OF LaNDS. Litigation arising out of the acquisition by Government of Nos. 23 to 31 Ramah Street, belonging to the estate of the latSultan Khan Sarattee, occupied the attention of the Chief .Justice, Sir William M orison, and tw r o as.-ssors. Mr.
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  • 76 11 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Championship Pairs: —G. H. Pinckney and J. R. Bennett, beat J. Duguid and J. H. Bowyer 6—l, G—4. Single Handicap Class “B” —15.3 J. L. Potter beat- —3O C. A. Scott G —3, B—68 —6 —l5 A.
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  • 80 11 The following were, the results of the ties played yesterday: Championship Pairs :—Dr. C. H. Hertz and G. B. F. Southam beat B. E. Mitchell and W. J. Owens 21 —7. Single Handicap :—l-4 D. Lucey beat —2 J. M. Chalmers (C.S.) 21 —14. The following tie
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  • 196 11 Ts the pallid appearance of many mod.» ern babies, whose physique otherwise may be all that could be desired, due to incoirectly designed perambulators? The experience of two parents, described in ‘‘The British Medical Journal,” is of remarkable interest on this question. “The modern perambulator,” they
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  • 390 11 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Ayer V. eng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Co., Ltd., was held at the registered effico of the Company, 39, Beach street, Penang, yesterday, when there were present Messrs. H. Dove (in the Chair), R. P. Brash, J. D. Kemp,
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  • 142 11 BLAKE CO’S SHARE REPORT. Singapore, March 9. The market opened the week in a much more cheerful vein. Rubbers are brisk but very speculative mining shares are steady and industrials and loans quiet. Quotations are as follows Rubbers. Buyers. Sellers. Jerams $1.55 $1.67| U. Benu's —.77 —Bl cum Tambalaks 1.25
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  • 21 11 The following are additional rubber outputs for February:— lbs. Kuala Kangsar 35,853 Perak River 23,000 Semanggol 25,557 Juru 17,430
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  • 66 11 The General Produce Agency Ltd. Beach Street, Penang, report that the following prices were realised at their auction room to-day: Good F.A.Q. Ribbed Smoked Sheet $124 to sl2s| F.A.Q. do 121 123 Low F.A.Q. do 114 120 The folio wing tvere the rubber quotations in London on March
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  • 192 11 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <k Co.'n share list at I p.m. to-day Yesterday. Tu-day. u 00 Sharer. J 0 0 a. CO 00 CQ O) S c. c. c. c. Rubber (Dollar.) Amalgamated... 4.00 4.20 4.25 4.50 Benta 7.75 825 8.00 8.25
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  • 87 11 The Straits Trading Go., Ltd., gives the following prices, on March 10 London. Spot £293.10s Up £1.2.6 3 m/s. buying 284.5 s I.los 3 selling 284.10 s 1.12.6 Local. March 11: Singapore sold 125 tons at sl42i Penang 25 tons at $1421. Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd:— To-day’s
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  • 87 11 The output of Pahang Consolidated Co,. Ltd., for the month of February was 3,562 pels. The output of Ipoh Tin Dredging Limited for the month of February 610 pels. The output of tin ore from the Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate Limited, for the month of
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  • 1222 11 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. NAMES. 5 ij I > j KDBHKR IDolUr.] 8 e 5 c S Allenoy Rahher C* o in i o A lor (UJah Rubber Ifctate o w 3 X Amalfrsmated Malay Estate» 4 05 1 rn Ayer Hitam Ranting Byndk'»U o. 50,22 5(, Ayer Kittling Rubber
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 597 11 Advertisements. POSITION VACANT. Wanted Stenographer with good Vnowied-e of figures for merchant firm in Penang. Apply Box No. 68, c/o pinang Gazette. POSITION WANTED. Pv m Independent Ceylonese as Fact(rVM. lt ager, Supervisor of Works S.D. or'.my >l’' r position of trust. Experience v 'e,.! -in liubber, Copra, Dessicated CocoIlU
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    • 45 11 P APiCL STEEL c nd certain for ali Female S J? conij»iaints.Fvery lady should •t keep a box in the house. Q fe* 1 I F Chemists and Stores sell I j them throughout the world. Proprietor: B K MARTIN, Chassis', South amptea, EnglsaJ. jjj
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    • 143 11 Wanted: everybody to join the crowd on 25th March 1926, to see Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush at Theatre Royal. Forewarned zzzzzzz is Forearmed //HAT DAY AND MARTINS NEGLECTED. MANAGING DIRECTOR'S FRANK STATEMENT. London. Jauoary 19. “Thirty years ago we ha i the world tt our feet,” said Mr.
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  • 852 12  -  BY L. C. P. The chital or spotted deer (C(7’vu.s- r/.rAs) is a most graceful animal and might well be called the Adonis of the deer tribe as the sambhur is called the king from his superiority in size and majestic pr 'portions. Spotted deer
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 207 12 3 J trv^X'r 2 z> tr\ O?rU k 1 Sf £i <«u Ww-ff >*rA ®r ;W® p^derbog ><Golden Smokes from London. j Piccadilly Virginia Cigarettes are like old wine to the palate. ”™***df v The finest Sun-sweetened golden Virginia '?-'i"^&" > 'V^ < '"i'Z^ y J —*y*— tobacco only is
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    • 245 12 5 I j 3 1 KF ■Hr o °7 fl 0 r La /11 0 S-- f ’>• r o A iSBX A Sore Throat Give her Fwmamint lablets immediately and take some yourself, too. L orinamint, Wolfing Brand, destroys the dangerous’ germs,which are the cause of her Sore Throat.
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  • 1195 13 A RALLY OF POETS. A satirical Parisian weekly recently asked its readers to select forty representative French celebrities, all living and worthy of accompanying Cyrano de Bergerac in his imaginary travels in the Moon, writes D.B. Wyndham Lewis. The resultant list, headed by
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  • 323 13 Messrs Baker Morgan and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, reported on Monday as follows: Another quit© active week but more Races and consequently a somewhat slack day or two towards the close! Again, a long list of rubber shares dealt in though a little less doing in Tins.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 641 13 BANKS. ""chartered BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. /Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) r«nifal £3.000.000 P»' p E (1 £4,000,000 Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 Head Office: 38 BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star, Amritsar, Bangkok, Batavia, k V Calcutta, Canton, Cawnpore, Cebu, ?i a bo Delhi,
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  • 451 14 PROSPECTS FOR INDIAN SETTLERS. THE COLONISATION SCHEME. Delhi, February 22. The report is published of Kunwar Maharaj Singh on his deputation to British Guiana in 1925. He was asked to enquire into the progress made by that Government in providing suitable land for prospective settlersand existing immigrants, the
    451 words
  • 185 14 BETRAYED BY HOTEL BILLS. South Africa was the graveyard of the domestic happiness of Mrs. Margaret Livingstone Barclay, of Charleville-man-sions, West Kensington, London. She was married in 1902 to Dr. Alexander Henry Hogart Barclay, of Parliament Hill, Hampstead, and, two years later, they went to Nyassaland, returning in
    185 words
  • 61 14 March 17—St. Patrick’s Day, 20—Municipal Sports. April 2—Gnod Fridav Public Holiday. 2nd, 3rd, 4th A sth—P. V. R. 0. Annual Bisley Rifle Meeting. The Rifle Range, Penane'. 3,5, Ipoh Gymkhana Club Skye Meeting. 3—Public Holiday. s—Public Holidav. 14—Hari Raya Puasa, Public and Bank Holiday. May 8, 11. 13
    61 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 627 14 FREE—IO-Day Tube Note Coupon Maybe your teeth are gloriously clear, simply clouded with a film coat. Make this remarkable test and find out. '•*s i\3 Dazzling JW X White (li i Teeth A I \aa I K A Here is the quick, I new wa Y ent BtB K UKk
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    • 52 14 Keep It Handy. Do not forget that there are more bottles sold each year of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy than of any other cough medicine. Have you a bottle of it in your home It is good for the children and the crown ups too. Every user is a friend. For
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    • 215 14 3L TANG YE j I self-contained pumping fg TB y sets, suitable for water A supply to estates, bun- galows, hospitals, etc. I Made in three sizes L JZIP IFr up t 0 pilons |T P er hour Silent ear d" ve ma i neto ignition, throttle 1 governor. X
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  • 611 15 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang. March 11, 1926 oto Government Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat M each 1.00 Liver with heart A Inng do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton m lb 55
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    • 183 15 BOA I A. I MOTOR CYCLES I AH Models Stocked. Prices from $375 Ask for Catalogue and Easy Terms. I 8 Cycle and Carriage Co., Ltd., J PENANG. I Silk Piece Goods I f a i have just arrived, embracing a wide range of all f high-class silk wearing apparels
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    • 89 15 ITTirTTFEIi IT T 1111 II II SMSOMI CARR’S CELEBRATED BISCUITS. BcarSs jSH BISCUITS JsS Agents for Penang:— Messrs. Sandilands, Buttery Co., H •4Ey/' /Jr Penang. yUSt B BL t 2 Wffl i Ism I I JqJ Supplies Available from all Food and Provision Stores. TRY SOME! TRAVERS TABLE SHERRY. Ikl
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    • 1218 16 __—_i—————— THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG E k 1 I WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. IM Bl A A WEB A I *|S|R| PERSEUS Mar. IS Marseilles, London, Rotterdam Hamburg. IM H|L Ws! j| J|k fl HELENUS Mar. 26 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. MENTOR Apr. 1
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    • 663 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. dt O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. For Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Moji For Colombo, Aden, Port Said m Yokohama and Koba. -n d London. DEVANHA
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