Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 510 2 PRODUCTION IN THE EAST. Tho following circular letter has been issued by Messrs E. A. Barbour, and Co., Ltd. Malaya.—The Government gives no figure as to what standard production actually is, but reliable authorities place it at 285.<00 tons and we are of opinion the average
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  • 109 2 SKY MEETING. (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) Nine Races for all Ponies. Four Races for all Horses. Two Races for Polo Ponies. Entries close at 5 p.m. Monday Is! March at the Secretary’s Office. One Unlimited $5 Cash Sweep each day. Tickets obtainable at the
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  • 55 2 March 6—Planters’ Dance, Taiping. 17—St. Patrick’s Day. April 2—Good Friday Public Holiday. 2nd, 3rd, 4th sth—P. V. R. C. Annual Risley Rifle Meeting, The Rifle Range, Penang. 3—Public Holiday. s—Public Holiday. 14—Hari Raya Puasa, Public and Bank Holiday. May 8, 11. 1.3 15—Singapore Sammer Races. June 5, 8.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 X srxrr irr—.A *A7-r =—r GS«r auwiffi’, I P‘»TES or SUBSCRIPTION. Including free town delivery or IH 1 X postage. 5 >AYAR LE IN ADVANCE. jj jl a year III > Local $36 X Country (S.S. F.M.S.) $42 1 Foreign (Siam, Sumatra, ii’ England, the Continent L Ac.) $48 S
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    • 320 2 MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted: Used and unused Postage Stamps of Malaya. Highest possible prices paid. Prompt cash. Registered correspondence only. Box No. 41, c/o Pinang Gazette. 350 —hi th s 19-5 FOR SALE. A. C. Car— four-seater aluminium body —recently overhauled and in excellent running order. Hood and battery both brand new.
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    • 567 2 NOTICES. B. K. Malakar, 378, Jalan Raya, Kulim, License i Surveyor and Leveller, S. S., accepts surveys at moderate rates of every description. The Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Company, Limited. (Incorporated in Penang). 1 Notice of Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the Thir- teenth Annual General Meeting
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    • 95 2 COCOGEM speak rather from the mouth of customers than from the pen of Advertisers I like Cocogem very much. It is an excellent substitute for butter in puddings, scones and plain pastry.”—Miss Haskins. I am glad to state that we are using Cocogern as a substitute for ghee in our
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    • 257 2 29are'27* The George Town Dispensary Lti, I THE LEADING CHEMISTS, PENANG. OUR REPUTATION —YOUR GUARANTEE, THE Cheapest House in ths Trade FOR Estate Medical Supplies. SAFETY FIRST. I You are absolutely safe when you deal with “THE GEORGETOWN.” Each order is executedbya QUALIFIED ENGLISH CHEMIST and we guarantee every article
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  • 1078 3 Results of Tests. INCREASED DURABILITY. (Aneta Radio Service.) Mr. R. A. van Prehn, Director of the Cultuur Maatscbappijen Planer, Gollie and Gedat, and the Manager of the last two named estates, have discovered a new method of coagulation, whereby absolutely no chemicals are used, and without exception
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  • 490 3 30,000 RUPEES LOOTED FROM TICCA GHARRY. Five arrests. A dacoity of a most daring nature has taken place in Hteedan quarter of Kemniendine, when eight Hindustanis, armed with lathis, held up a ticca, gharry which was conveying the head jemadar of Messrs. Bulloch Brothers and Co. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 I! Z 2' X \X Jcu r lj lt- J Jr 5%® 2)oye/t of 7 7 S' 77 ococc/t &3 TtSi/sj&es W 3 John Haig THE OLDEST DISTILLERS IN THE WORLD JOHN HAIG C? L” MARKINCH .SCOTLAND. •I Igffissnr EZUXLtCT ?rnmfn 7 TrH i.i hj-ijm fee Van der Sluys products
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    • 46 3 Troublesome Coughs. A troublesome, sleep disturbing night cough can be easily and pleasantly stopped by taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. You will like the soothing, healing coating it puts on an inflamed, tickling throat and the promptness with which the troublesome cough is stopped. For sale everywhere.
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    • 446 3 < > >lllli ***************1111 l llllllllllllli Z :~C-' H 1 can’t see the beautiful sea Foxtrot S She’s driving me wild "T In sunny Havana Save your sorrow v < s Kinky kids parade zx I want you ail for me 1 s Tin roof blues S Sonya Got no
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 1263 5 BV “A GENTLEMAN WITH A DUSTER.” Too irnich foul play; too much foul work. Such is the verdict given against our so-called leaders. This dishonesty leads to distrust between nations and is the cause of all our trouble. Politicians of all nations must u play the
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  • 268 5 CRtABBED BOOlt WORMS. “Book learning overdone produces a crabbed. self-sptrifled type of intellect, whose possessor is a valuable human being, but a sort of i; ttle crawler, generally known as a book-worm,” stated Mr. H. E. Brown. Inspector of Education for Surrey, lecturing on “Book Learning and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 shamp°° Powders i Bad For the Hair (i]l v t t<> keep your hair in good i |l ,ii uiref'ul what you wash it with. ]> pared sh mipoos and shampoo ,ii too much tree alkali. This makes the hair brittle, and is r Mulsilied co< oanut oil shampoo u
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    • 204 5 DIET AND THE BABY When Food Dons Not Agree Add Dinestion With BABY’S OWN TABLETS. v Nothing is more cou mon in infancy and childhood than ii digestion. Ninehenths of all the mine- Ills of childhood have their root in d native disorder. There is no medicinn f.little ones to
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    • 372 5 o 111 His Food W will decide his Future Every baby bas a future of x' great jiossibiiities. 7 he infant i n your arms may make a name that will ring round the world, and everything may depend upon the foundation laid in infancy. A baby who is not
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  • 1457 6 LEG PULLING. We hate to think that so experienced a newspaper man as Sir Percival Phillips, a special and noted correspondent of the Daily Mail, could have his leg pulled and seriously write about tall tale, but his recent article on Rubber Running in Malaya seems to
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  • 95 6 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday: Championship Pairs. —A.K. a B. Terrell and R. N. Byatt beat G. C. Watson and C. B. Terdre 7 —5, 6 —4. Single Handicap Class “A”. —2 J. Schiess beat —3 F. N. Syer 4 —6, 6
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  • 120 6 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday: Championship.—G. B. F. Southam beat J. M? Chalmers (CIS.) 21—20. Championship Pairs. —B. E. Mitchell and W. J. Owens beat E. Reimann and J. G. Allan 21—19. Single Handicap.—l-6 D. S. Harvey beat —5 J. M. Chalmers
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  • 1442 6 Parliament’s New Session. THE PRINCE OF WALES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, February 4. The King’s Appeal For Peace In Industry. The second session of the present Parliament opened on Tuesday, the scene in the House of Lords lacking much of its usual brilliance owing to the observance
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  • 300 6 CHINESE RUNS AMOK. KILLS THREE COMPATRIOTS. Injures Four Others. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 1. It was reported in Singapore last night that a Chinese ran amok in Klvang, North Johore, killed three compatriots with a parang and seriously wounded two others, whilst two Malay ccnstables were
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  • 300 6 ASSORTMENT OF GARAGE THEFTS. Servant Charged. In the Penang Police Court, before Mr. C. W. A. Sennett to-day, a Kling named Hussain was sentenced to one month’s rigorous imprisonment for dishonestly retaining stolen property, to wit—one inspection lamp, two tail lamps, one driver’s mirror, two caps for
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  • 204 6 BULLOCK CART DRIVER IN COURT. A charge of mischief, by killing a bullock valued at $l2O, the property of Govindan, in Green Lane on February 11, was preferred against Pho Ham Hock, a Chinese, yesterday, before Mr. C. W.A. Sennett in the Police Court. Mr. J. J. Smnders
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  • 260 6 Ng Ah Heab, a fowl dealer, Western Road, was charged with dishonestly retaining two turkeys and a fowl in an attap house. No. 73 Western Road. Rachel Irving of 40 Cantonment Road said on the 23rd of last month she missed 23 hens and two turkeys and found
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  • 640 6 Mrs. Basil Barnard and V are visiting Kuala Lump,/ Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bail,. Kuala Lumpur on Sundae Mrs. Macaak pur from Home last W enk Mr. and Mrs. W. F. r] Malacca on Fridav 1 s t f Bra stagi. Che Mohamed Z.rn < Officer.
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  • 777 7 A STATE LOTTERY IN THE 18TH: CENTURY. Mr. G.E. Morrison, writing in the “Morning Post,” recalls a great lottery scandal of 150 years ago. The State Lottery drawn at the Guildhall in December, 1775, supplied the newspapers—which it had for months past provided with about half their
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  • 432 7 THREE MEN KILLED: FOUR INJURED. A serious mining disaster occurre<l on Friday, at Sungei Puteh, Ampang village, when, as the result of an explosion, three men were killed, and four slightly injured, with (burns. Mr. H. T. Patersen, a Danish engineer, who stood in a dangerous
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  • 270 7 SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. The Penang Rubber Exchange, of 14, I China Street, celebrated their seventh anniversary by an “At Home” on Saturday, February 27. The Exchange premises were tastefully decorated with flags and palms, while at i night it was illuminated. Among the large number of guestp
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 r—in— «MCJaCZZI—BIEZJarTiM—ni 1-1 j Compliments of the I Season to Everyone New Year brings down the curtain on the g achievements of the past twelve months. gg Greetings to our many friends We believe p the sincerity of the Service we have rendered L to them will make our good
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    • 53 7 Stuffy Colds. Mothers, why allow snuffles and stuffy wheezy breathing to distress your babies when quick relief follows the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 1 It checks the development of a cold and contains no narcotics. It is good too for croup and whooping cough. Every user is a friend.
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    • 215 7 ESmnt’SW XP sWWHiSKY 111 111 ******************************111 l II **********1111 l Every Bottle carries a guarantee otQuality &Aye AGENTS: Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan Co. Ltd., Penang, Malay Peninsula. KARACHI STORES, 27, BISHOP STREET. Having no heavy expenses, can supply their clients with the best quality goods at lowest possible prices. A small
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  • 662 8 Towards the end of January this year, the Singapore mister tadors, after a dispute lasting for several weeks, acceded to their workmen’s demands for a substantial increase in wages, and thereby added from 25 per cent, to 150 per cent, to the cost of production. In the light
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  • 411 8 Some time ago the authorities at home were reported to be toying gently with an idea to impose a tax on betting as a means of helping to swell the national coffers. It came as a great relief to most of us when the ambitious scheme was defini ely
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  • 381 8 According to a writer in a Home paper a good deal of mystery surrounds the action of Oxford University in regard to two young s u len’S who were suspected of leanings towards Communism. We were not aware that the movement had spread to such an extent and
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  • 1129 8 THE PROBLEM OF SHELTERED INDUSTRIES AN UNFAIR BURDEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, February 3. For some years past it has been evident to industrialists and traders in Britain that the disparity of wages as between the sheltered and unsheltered occupations constitutes an unfair and oppressive burden upon
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  • 140 8 SKYE MEETING. The following are the weights for the first dayj't 11 Skve Meeting on March 5 Race 1. —-5 furlongs). Ponies D Class. Gloaming 11 12. TheGlf 11.9. Lenador 11.6. .Im* p)!i). Was A Gypsy Girl (Late Trevarth)!Race 2. —(6 furlongs)Horses B Class. 11 12 I-'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 Rpm- Ta 'MwUIiW f&f» i Mh Mkv\ b ®if I iw rWnH I inj®®! r wo m i n<^s I I /W$ One smoke I I All the world over there are r two points of view —the man’s > I and the woman’s» But their views on cigarettes are
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    • 41 8 “E. e» 9 o.” Guest Night and Dancing Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Satu r d a y —E. O Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday. DEARS’ i 1 GOLDEN SERIES. f ’< > V M x vX'v -i
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 767 9 Membership Discussed. DOMINIONS’ STATUS. London, March 1. In the House of Commons, the Mat quia Hirtington asked whether any com.nunications had been received from the Dominions expressing their views on the r oposed increase of permanent memberdip of the League Council. Nir. Vinery said it was impossible to
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  • 116 9 —Reuter. Question in Commons. GOVERNOR’S Rl PORT. London, March 1. In the House of Commons, Mr. F. G. Penny (Conservative) asked whether Cantonese Bolshevik elements in the Straits Settlements were spreading propaganda and fomenting strikes and whether* the Chinese master-tailors at Singapore had petitioned the Governor to have
    .—Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 140 9 LOCK OUT IMMINENT. London, March 1. The engineering lock-out was brought a step nearer as a result of a meeting of strikers of the London firm of printing machine manufacturers, Robert He, whose workers originated the dispute. The meeting reaffirmed the decision not to return to work.
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  • 74 9 Reuter. BRITISH SUBJECT'S APPEAL. London March 1. Questioned in the House of Commons regarding the imprisonment in Italy of a British subject, named William Ellison, for. it is stated, using offensive words about Signor Mussolini, Sir Austen Chamberlain said Ellison had lodged an appeal to the British
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 77 9 Reuter. PAYMENTS TAX REJECTED. Paris, March 1. The Finance Committee of the Chamber, discussing the financial proposals voted by the Senate, rejected the rate proposed in the Senate Finance Bill for the payments tax. but intends to propose to Government a reduced rate. This tax which, with other
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 66 9 .—Reuter. INCREASE IN REVENUE. Delhi, March 1. The Budget presented to the Legisla-. tive Assembly shows the revenue in the past financial year at 1.31.35 crores and the expenditure at 130.05. The estimates for next year show a revenue of 133.43 crores and an expenditure of *****. There
    .—Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 59 9 DELEGATE FROM INDIA. (Rugby Radio Service.) London. March 1. Earl Winterton, Under Secretary for India, announced in the House of Commons that it was the intention of the Government of India to nominate an Indian to represent India at the eighth and ninth sessions of the International Labour
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  59 words
  • 43 9 The homeward mail by the s.s. Ellora closes at 6 p.m. on Friday, the sth instant. The B. I. Packet Teesta with mails despatched from London on February 11’» expected to arrive here at 6 a.ui. on Friday, the sth instant.
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  • 245 9 Cairo-Capetown Flight. MACHINE DAMAGED. Cairo, March 1. The first stige of the 11,000 miles flight by trie R.A.F. to Capetown, under the leadership of Wing-Comm mder Pulford, with 5 officers and 2 mechanics, has been completed with the arrival at Assuit from Heliopolis of four Eairey 3 D seaplanes
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  • 199 9 £5,000,000 FUND. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 1. Mr. Ronald McNeill, Financial tary to the Treisury, moving in th** Commons a vote of £18,700 for the sd tries and expenses of the Imperial War Graves’ Comrais-ion, explained that last summer the Governments of the British Emoire, including that
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  199 words
  • 109 9 M. DOUMER GOING TO LONDON. (Rugby Radio Sevtce.) London. March 1. It is expected that the French Finance Minister, M. D uimer, will come to London next week to take up negotiations with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Winston Churchill, regarding France’s war debt to Great
    (Rugby Radio Sevtce.)  -  109 words
  • 66 9 (Rugby Radio Service) Yesterday’s fore gn exchange rates were Paris, 131 New York. 4.86 Brussels, 107 Geneva, 25.25 Amsterdam, 12.14 Milan, 120.95 Berlin. 20.41 Stockholm, 18.12 Copenhagen, 18.72 Oslo, 22.47 Vienna, 34.5 Prague, 164 Helsingfors, 193 Madrid, 34.48 Lisbon, 2| Rio, 7] Buenos Aires, 45 rt Bombay, Is.
    (Rugby Radio Service)  -  66 words
  • 201 9 —Reuter. Victory For Wales. ENGLAND’S WEAK ATTACKS. Selhnr.-t, March 1. In dull weather and before 20,000 spectators Wales beat England at soccer by 3 goals to one. Play in the first h df was rather loose, neither side showing effective combination. Both goals ran several narrow escapes. Three
    —Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 31 9 COMPSTON- TOUR. Bellairs (Florida), March 1. In a thirty-six holes golf match Compston and Massy defeated Macdonald Smith and Alec Smith by 5 and 4. Reuter.
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  • 129 9 MOST SUCCESS UL SINCE WAR. (Rugby Radio Service.) I a n lan, March 1. Mr. A. M. Siinii'-l. Un-ier Secretary for Overseas Trade, stated in the House of Commons that a meeting of the Advis' ry Committee of Exhibitors at the British Industries Fair had unanimously expressed the
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  129 words
  • 75 9 MR. AMERY ON TH *1 AGENDA. (Rugby Radio Service.) London, March 1. Mr. Amery, Secretary for the Dominions and Colonies, was questioned in the Commons regarding the agenda of the Imperial Conference, which is to be held in London next October. He replied that it was contemplate! that
    (Rugby Radio Service.)  -  75 words
  • 254 9 CLEARING UP COMPLETE. London February 4. The special correspondent of the ‘‘Singapore Free Press’’ writes, as follows: London, February 4. —In response to an enquiry as to whether there was anything further to add with regard toi the work of clearing up the Malaya Section at Wembley,
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  • 537 9 To Whom A Summons Can Be Served. AN IN I ERESTING JUDGMENT. An interesting point affecting the serving of summonses in the case of partnership was explained by Mr. C. W. A. Secnett in the Police Court, Penang, today, in giving judgment in a civil case in which
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  • 108 9 MUNICIPALITY v. MONOPOLIES. The following have been selected to represent the Municipality in the match against the Monopolies on Renong ground to-morrow afternoon —Pawanteh Lim Khay Senang and Tan Kean Soon W. F. Fletcher, Phung Swee Leng and Teoh Cheng Hoe M. S. d’Orville, Cheah Phea Hin,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 I “TRICOLINE” EQUAL TO SILK gfl !ij For |i[ I Ladies’ Frocks, Blouses, Sportswear, 11 Underwear, etc. I (Children’s Dresses Rompers and Underwear. i I Men’s Shirts, Pyjamas and Soft Collars. ui| I jW Plain Colours $l-90 Striped $2-05 per yard. UM JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) jg
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  • 426 10 ABSENT MINDED TRAVELLERS. Gloves, Crutches And Champagne! Absentmindedncss besets Londoner.) more and mere as they travel to-and-fro in this age of hurry, and the task of re trieving their unconsideied trifles grows from year to year. Enough articles are left on the District Railway and the tul>es
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  • 301 10 The report presented by Mr. Thomas Johnston, M.P., and Mr. John F. Sime, the secretary of the Dundee Jute and Flax Workers I niion, upon their recent inquiries into the jute industry in India, is being published in pamphlet- form. "The profits, say Messrs. Johnston and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1280 10 Pontianak Gold Dredging Concessions, Limited. (Incorporated in Singapore under The Companies Ordinance, 1923). 1 Capital $2,000,000 Divided into 2,000,000 shares of $1 each. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Company is issuing a Prospectus, dated 17th February, 1926, a copy of which has been filed with the Registrar of
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    • 409 10 In view of the present demand for suitable dradg ng pr apsrties the Directors anticipate no difficulty in disposing of prove! portions of the Company s property. Vendor and Purchase Consideration. The Vendor to and promoter of the Company is Yin Choo Soon of 12 South Canal Road, Singapore, and
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    • 57 10 A Favorite Among Athletes. The golfer, the football player and the all round athlete know the value of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It is just the thing for a rub down after a hard game. All soreness disappears like magic and sprains and swellings are cured in one-third Jnc<? fy an
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    • 230 10 sfc i j/-/» IgSwte- I. Not a ngle Disfigurr ic? I* Almost every i< fi Pt problem of getting rid of thos< ibte growths of superfluous lamtiness. Nearly two mill, j;i c -< i r t -U-factory an-wer in V t ,-i Cre-'m 17 velvets cream removes hair n-
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 132 10 TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Shanghai Theatrical Enterprises (L. Ladow, Managing Director) PRESENT THE Russian Imperial Light Opera Company, and Their Beautiful Ballet Directed by M. BAKALEIN1KOFF Friday March 5th THE MERRY WIDOW Light Opera in 3 Acts. Saturday March 6th CHARI—VARI Vaudeville Show in 3 Acta. 30 Artistes Talented and Beautiful
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  • 439 11 $1 GOO,COO PROPERTY SALE. Fear of Increased Rents. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 1. The biggest sale of Landed property,in Kuiala Lumpur, ever held, began to-day in the Chinese Miners’ hall, in the presence of a very large number of small ajid big capitalists. The
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  • 57 11 LONDON STANDARD (LOOSE) S. R. Sheet 85 cts per pound per pl. $116.66 No. 1 Crepe 91 cts pet' pound per pl. $121.33 Firm. (By Courtesy of Messrs. Allen Dennys.) The folloiving were the rubber quotations in London on March 1: Smoked Sheet 2/3 Plantation Ist latex crepe
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  • 39 11 The General Produce Agency Ltd. Beach Street, Penang, report that the folloiving prices were realised at their auction room to-day: Good F.A.Q. Ribbed Smoked Sheet $ll5 to $ll7 F.A:Q. do 111 114 Low F.A.Q. do 105 110
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  • 102 11 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following prices, on March 1 London. Spot £295.158 Up £2.5s 3 m/s. buying 285.15 a 3.5 s 3 selling 286 3.5 s Local. March 2: Singapore sold 150 tons at sl42 i Penang buyers no sellers at 1431. 7he Pastern Smelting
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  • 48 11 The output of The Tongkah Compound No. 2 N. L. for February was hours run 471, yardage treated 55,155 cubic yards, output piculs 455. The output of Tepah Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for the month of February was hours 477. vardage 40,000, piculs 122.50. v i.
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  • 501 11 ECHO OF RICE SHORTAGE. Agreeing with the Official Assignee (Mr. E. E. Colman) that he was formerly a wealthy man, ia, twakow owner named Yew Ah Leng was publicly examined in the Bankiuptcy Court, Singapore, says the “Singapore Free Press.” He said his liabilities, unsecured, amounted to $29,000
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  • 234 11 Benares Opinm r. cheat 15,000.00 non.. Olovpb 100.00 buyers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Picking» no stock Nutmegs 80ft 125.00 nom. 110 s 110.00 Coconut* per 1,000 50.00 nom. Copra Sundried $12.05 sales Rattan* 11.15 sales Rattan* Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell» 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00
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  • 223 11 Ths following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <£ share list at 1 p.m. to-day Yesterday. Tu-day. o E E E Shares. «5 P CQ 02 CQ 00 c. se. sc. c. Rubber (Dollar.) Ayer K. 1.25 1.30 1.20 1.30 Balgownie 4.25 4.50 4.25 4.50 cum
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  • 144 11 The following are the changes in the report of THE MALAYA COMPANY LIMITED for to-day:— Rubber Shares. Buyers. Sellers. Bassett Rubber Co $1.32} $1.37} Batu Lintang Rubber 1.40 1.45 Mentakab Rubber Co .42} .47} Tambalak Rubber 1.22} 1.32} Temerloh Coconut 1.32} 1.37} Ulu Benut Rubber .70 .75
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  • 1195 11 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. i RUBBBR [Dollar.] f o f o S Allenby Rubber Co 3 00 3 20 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 2 80 3 00 Amalgamated Malay Retatea 4 fiO 4 20 Ayer Hitam Planting Byndloate 21 50 22 50 Ayer Ktining Rubber Ertatea 1 20 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 568 11 Sew Advertisements. POSITION VACANT. m s= /v aMSRfe Waited in mediately experienced office 1 Clerk -Salary $l2O per mensem, free I 9 N I 1 I W.V Selatna E v4kb!'a''‘‘' lost. reward will be given for the return mi 1 »1 f o f a Black Scotch Terrier, Municipal IHC
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    • 98 11 mi ini im no in ini uh in l“F.&N.”l i i I TONIC I 3. a Pure Quinine Pleasantly j Prepared. I I I TONIC Goes well with Gin. g I I i I g i TONIC I s g Most Beneficial of g i Beverages. I I I I
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  • 675 12 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Brouwer for Bela wan (Deli), Paneh and Asahan. Fooksang for Singapore, China and Japan. Kopah for Belawan (Deli). Peng Fook for Langsa. Rengam for Bernam River, Kuala Selangor, Port Dickson Malacca and Singapore. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Corby Castle for Colombo, Boston and New
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 248 12 Keep your Teeth clean with Calwrl'i Tooth Powder for it is a big help to anyone who wants her or his teeth to look well and last well. It cleans them so easily, so smoothly, so thoroughly, and polishes beautifully without scratching or in any way injuring the enamel. Sold
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    • 409 12 Speeds the i Rec© very ©t the j p "PROCTORS all over the and abundantly nourishes world prescribe gruel the muscles. It gives fifty and porridge made cf per cent more body energy QUAKER OATS for invalids, than meat and twenty per persons in frail health and cent more than
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  • 661 13 W OMAN WHO LOVED BLUE BOOKS. r\S(IX T VH()N OF LEARNING h THEM BY HEART. uF n VXIQUE POSITION AT THE H HOME OFFICE. Rose E. Squire, the woman who (V 1 ‘‘Gombeen Man,” as Sir Malcolm beat .!>’ p' t \in of the Home Office, hinted t the dinner
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  • 757 13 Treasure Hunt: Is it Bunkum a Warning. The Daily Mail has received inquiries rom a number of readers concerning a scheme of hunting for treasure supposed to be buried in Cocos Island (in the Eastern Pacific, 540 miles from Panama) to which they 7 have been invited to
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  • 974 13 DEVELOPING BRITISH INDUSTRY. Remarkable Figures. [At a time when so much interest is being displayed in the development of British industry abroad the following article provides a striking object lesson that Great Britain is very much alive so Jar as the manufacture oj cycles and motor
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  • 149 13 PRIVATE PLANE FOR TOURING AUSTRALIA. A private touring aeroplane is being built for Lord Stonehaven, the Govern-nor-General of Australia, and will be delivered to him shortly. Lord Stonehaven during the war, as Major J. L. Baird, acted as Under Secretary of State for Air. He intends to use
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  • 156 13 Mr. R. S. O’Meara, newly appointed on transfer from South Africa to the office of Canadian Trade Commissioner at Singapore, announces a change of headquarter for the area from this centre to Batavia Java., with effect from yesterday. The new laddreas is given as Post Office Box
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  • 143 13 A fund of £3,000,000 has been established in New York for the purpose of teaching Americans music. Seven years ago the late Augustus Juillard, a Now York merchant, made music his residuary legatee, and to-day the trustees of the Juillard Musical Foundation announce that, the estate
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 69 13 A Standard Remedy. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a standard family medicine. Prompt, relab e and effective for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial coughs, coughs resulting fnm whooping cough, nervous hacking. Jcklmg throat, troublesome night coughs p lld the chronic coughs of elderly people. "r sale everywhere. UPWflOflfiJ KORR--NGZAL’ OINTMENT WIBW *****1
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  • 1269 14 Politics are in the melting pot and the public is led m douht as to the future. The Government shoics itself to be helpless, and there is no united Opposition [A tcay out o this condition of things must be found or disaster will ensue. What Carly’e
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  • 274 14 LORD INCHCAPE SATISFIED. Interviewed as to th? objc t cf his visit to India and t’ durat on < his stay, lord Inchcape vharccent’v landed at Bombay from th? “Panpura” said he had come out simply for the sake of the voyage and h s stay would net
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  • 135 14 NEW SETS OF RED AND WHITE. The Russian revolution has affected chess, the mest cosmopolitan of all games, and a pastnne so ancient that its origin is lost in antiquity. The recent international tournament held at Moscow has stimulated the game, and Bolshevik chessmen are being manufactured in
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    • 284 14 British Doctors t er APPOINTMENT |f T!i Bi» of Spain -< HI KirgManuelof Rxhgil I Recommend -4 n^i 1 Hall’s Wine I -It quickly Aflk flalls g builds up SSSIP your strength L^J lNf Wf ne J J -V n/f izJ V-» Hall’s Wine has great value where I"" I-nrrtEMsMirHic?
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    • 46 14 Stops Stubborn Bronchial Coughs. When changeable weather or exposure to cold and wet results in bronchitis, start at once taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Been used for over fifty years and strongly recommended for bronchial and influenza coughs, stubborn weakening coughs and troublesome night coughs. Sold everywhere.
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    • 309 14 Proper feeding in infancy is absolutely/ -z- a r essential to future health and develop- J ment. That is why thousands of mothers, I unable to breast feed their babies, give Mellin’s Food. f Mixed as directed it is the nearest equivalent to nature’s J food and lays the foundation
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  • 613 15 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, March 2, 1926 ct» Goveknment Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart A lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 68 Latnb do
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    • 899 15 BANKS. 7’ T HE mercantile bank of ig INDIA, LIMITED. It “Anchor” Brand I v t or ised Capital £3,000.000 ‘6! Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 f Paid-uP 1.050,000 Igj reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,458,221 y m 13 Board of Directors. 'E jw-fl H jjy J a. i rresn outier s
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    • 372 15 I■. I V As good to-day as when you tried them first “Capstan” I I Cigarettes. I W. D. H. O. WILLS, I V BRISTOL AND LONDON. X MMMMM— I IN A CORNER OF ASIA, 9 Being Tales and Impressions of M<>n and Tilings in the Malay Peninsula 9 BY
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    • 1245 16 II I Mill I THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE. TTBTM INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG S IKS 1 I aiSggfe WEEKLY SERVICE. LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. S k |M HBE MB 1 k i infill AUTOMEDON Mar. 4 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. jjssk 9Ok S HECTOR Mar. 10 Marseilles, London, Rotterdam
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    • 530 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INF)i7 AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorpora* d in Englani MAIL, PASSENGER A CARGO ;tv > PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Go ven r. P. A O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-B ASTERN SERVICE. For Singspore, Hon£kon£, Shanghai. Moji; For Co»n-i.i> o v Yokohama end Kobe. f
      530 words