Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 May 1925

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 773 1 kodak films for SALEi artistic local views always in stock, NIKKO STUDIO 7, Northam Road, Penang. V w u i- *<» u udfik u n u □□□■■<■ unn m ana i4uq w• w SANITAS i MOTOR™UNIdN I THE IDEAL DISINFECTANT. S i x i w V V VIIIVII S INSURANCE
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    • 39 1 YOUR EYES If Optically Defective and Strained can only be relieved if scientifically made Glasses are used. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE Perfectly equipped testing rooms, and accurately adapted Spectacles are AT YOUR SERVICE. SHANGHAI EASTERN MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS, 111, Penang Road.
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  • 322 2 iUDGE’S COMMENTS ON COMMON JURY’S VERDICT. Strong comments were made tine acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Sproule) on a verdict returned by a common jury at the Singapore Assizes in which a Chinese was charged with being illegally in possession of 699 forged Si notes, and another Chinese
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  • 394 2 GERMAN COMPETITION. The reply of the engineering employers to a demand recently made by the men far all round advance in wages of Ail per week is a request for an increase in the number of working hours per week—from 47 to 50 in the case
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1134 2 NOTICE. x 'III jgggy 8 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. x MAMBAU TIN LIMITED. J? |H Including free town delivery or l!li gx. ta e K The Share Transfer Books of the above HI Company will remain open until the 1®^ I- PAYABLE in ADVANCE. Is th J une 1925 to enable
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    • 36 2 you are Tired take /sANATOGEin a The True Tonic-Food. M Mahmoud Ali Khan, Bhopal State: W Since using Sanatogen I feel M active and keen at every moment. Sanatogen is like the combination ot a thousand
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    • 324 2 I PTHY DRAGOONS? For tvhat they got the burning match, riding at a denomination of Dragoons gallop, may something is not easy to be told, but resemble that beast zvhich a musketeer on naturalists call a fiery horseback zvith his dragon.” VALUE in cigarettes depends on the amount of enjoyment
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  • 1106 3 MY YEAR’S PREMIERSHIP. M. Edouard Herriot (Late Premier of France, now President of the Chamber of Deputies) writes as follows in the Sunday Times,” On the tenth of April the Cabinet over which I had the honour to preside was defeated by the Senate and resigned.
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  • 295 3 .—“China Mail.” SERIOUS COMPLAINTS. Before M.r. H. R. Butters, at the Central Magistracy, Hongkong, a Chinese named Lai Yee-fung was charged on various counts of unlawfully attempting to introduce into Victoria Gaol, through the medium of Warder H. G. Fuller, opium and letters to |be handed to
    .—“China Mail.”  -  295 words
  • 189 3 A starling revolution was to be seen in the machines exhibited by the British Tabulating Machine Company, Limited, at the recent Business Efficiency Exhibition held at the Central Hall, Westminster, London. This Company had on view one of their latest types of machine, namely, the Printing and
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  • 126 3 A difficulty which has faced the Essex County Council in its £43,000 widening scheme on the main London to Colchester road is to be overcome by the removal bodily of a house. The house, which is octagonaJ in shape and built of brick, stands at a bend
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 357 3 Your health’s best friend Ik —the daily dash of ENO V Give Nature the gentle aid she sometimes needs under the trying conditions so usual in tropical ■L climates —follow the time-proved practice of sjg drinking, first time every morning, a glass of water sparkling with a ‘dash’ of ENO’S
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    • 125 3 cfsturdy childhood. Buildupyour baby's 8 /wf cons ttt u d m I i J^odicksWaitedlllilk, i (A J provides all g essential nourishment 1 lb is more readily 1 of all chemists >. j il aiqesled than cotos B AND STORES *<77 j g milk and is absolute- H IN FOUR
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 92 3 Saturday to Tuesday. 23rd to 26th May. THEATRE ROYAL. CHARLES CHAPLIN in his latest feature written and directed by himself. “THE PILGRIM” (Screening between 10>15 and 11 p. m The laugh of a lifetime—for everybody. Not just a comedy bat a classic. Do you think any one but Chaplin could
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  • 272 4 Cotton Interests. MEETINGS AT MANCHESTER. [Reute'j’s Telegrams.] London, May 23. Various meetings of cotton interests were held at Manchester yesterday dealing with a modification of the silk duties and other questions. A meeting representing the Associations of Affiliated Cotton Spinners and the Manufacturing Association passed a resolution strongly
    [Reute'j’s Telegrams.]  -  272 words
  • 99 4 KING LAYS FOUNDATION STONE. London, May 23. His Majesty the King, accompanied by the Queen and Prince Henry, drove in semi-state to the City and laid the foundation stone of Lloyd's new building, which will cover an acre of ground, in Leadenhall Street. The King in his
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  • 69 4 visas refused. Moscow, May 23. The Izvestia states that several Powers in normal relations with Russia have recently refused visas to the representatives of Soviet economic organisations, thus injuring the development of economic intercourse. Many responsible representatives of Soviet firms have been obliged to cease work and leave
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  • 59 4 SQUADRON DEPARTS NEXT MONTH. Moscow, May 24. The Rosta Agency states that with a view to studying the problem of air communication between Russia and the Far East a squadron of six aeroplanes, three of which were constructed at Soviet workshops, leaves on a flight to Peking
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  • 51 4 REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE. Los Angeles, May 24. Haakon Hammer, who was associated with Amuudsmr’s previous flights and led the Amundsen relief expedition in 1923, has telegraphed to the Navy Department in Washington asking for the co-operation and services of an expert arctic flier, if necessary, to assist the
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  • 46 4 I tie girls of to-day will never make Old women” ~y 9 (hv o buiM-.v v lo eelebrrtte( l her eightieth 27 -j and diamond wedding, on April is wronT n 8 8 > vro lg their food she decUres. habltB are wron 8.
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  • 1020 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Inspector W. H. Bendle, of Tam pin, has been transferred to Ipoh in place of Chief Inspector Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. H. de B. Williams have returned to Siliau after spending their honeymoon in Penang. His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has appointed Mr. J. Graham Black
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  • 224 4 Btn; resOpi'im I». ♦*'.000.0(1 Cloves 90.00 selb'Gold leaf 72.00 Mace Pickings no stock Nutmegi-80s 110.00 nom. llOs 100.00 Coconntaper 1.00•' 50.00 Copra Sundried 12 25 sellers Rattans 11.15 sale's Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell» 13.00 Siam H»ce No. 1 1.5 Of?»- < do do do 2 15.50
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  • 126 4 PENANG MAY 25. 1925 (By CorjRTNNv on phk Bane.) London Demand Bank 2/4 l/<8 4 months’sigh: ILuiu 2 4 11'32 3 Credit 2/4 3 1 3 Document ar < 2/4 25 32 Calcutta Demand Bank !55| 3 days’sight Pri vam 159 I Bombay Demand Bank Lss| i c Madras
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  • 837 4 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Mr. Palgrave Simpson presided at the annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Swimming Club, which was held a t the Club Bungalow, Tanjong Bungah, Penang, at noon yesterday, when over 50 members were present, including Mr. J. Pennycuick, Hon. Secretary. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 23 4 Planters’ Medical Guide, by Dr. E. N. Graham, $3/- per book or ?3/3O post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., P
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    • 116 4 I ADVICE ON TWO j ESSENTIALS. 1 Sleep on a mattress A well stuffed with New A Cotton Only. z ft* by 01 ft. Price $9. z i J CJse pillows smilariy fitted. 25 a. Keep your body covered by x 1 a Sheet of Horrack’s. z I fi Size
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 101 4 'TOEiATRi; Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th, Friday Matinee 31st 2.30 p.m. WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Based on Goldsmith’s Poem (to be shown bttw>> 9.45 and 11.20 p.m.) The opening episodes of Universal Airo-Grip per Serial “THE EAGLE’S TALONS” TOM MOORE IN “GAY LORD QUEX Showing on Saturday 30th (between
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  • 907 5 lIBERAL M.P.’S plea for PREFERENCE. Sir Edward Grigg. M. P., speaking at Oldham recently on trade depression, p;( jj he did not agree with the Socialist in his diagnosis of the disease. The Socialist said. “It is your system that is at t uilt. AH
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  • 1399 5 RESTRICTION TOO DRASTIC.” The twentieth annual general ineetung of the Kepong (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd. wag held yesterday at the Great Eastern Hotel, L. C., Sir Francis Voules, C. B. E. (the Chairman), presiding, says the “Financial Times” of April 22. The Secretary (Mr. W. B. Gauld)
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  • 454 5 Singapore, May 20.—Rubber has once again advanced considerably in price dm l ing the past week touching 2s. lid. at its highest and closing at 2s. 9d. Stocks in Loudon are heavily dowm and there appears to be a distinct shortage for near positions. As is only
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  • 206 5 Singapore, May 21. —Rubber. —Prices have continued to advance during the greatest part of the period under review. London at one time touched 2s. lid., and New York 69 6-8 gold. On Wednesday morning, 20th instant, London was reported down to 2s. 9|d. and New York to 63.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 x s Junior Typist Book, $l/75 per "k or $2/- post free, stocked by inang Gazette Press, Ltd.
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    • 169 5 “OH HOW W? 1 LOVE MY mJ “DARLING” W FOXTROT /Mt® Played by the Colombia Novelty Orchestra, is going to haun’t you. It’s a top hole catchy tune and you’ll hear it everywhere. //cA OTHER NEW TITLES mil naw Dear One Foxtrot I Gleneagles Adoring You Hotel Band Eat More
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 158 5 MORE HUMOURS OF HISTORY. Ry Arthur morfland. No. 31. Four Opposition Candidates. IAM SENDING THE LAT£ FVvU 9- WN DIJ «T YW okk ILL ROAPniwr; SfHAftl A\.TAKE IT ON J OLD CANUTE A THING OR TWd (Edmund's two son S.They < fig charge Expenses Normandy, 'ha \ARE IN The WAY-
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  • 2432 6 Annual General Meeting. GOOD FINANCIAL POSITION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 23. The eighteenth annual general qjeeting of the F. M. S. Chamber of Mines was held in Ipoh on Saturday, May 23, at 2.30 p. m. Mr. R. P. Brash, the President,
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  • 99 6 CSE PLAIN ENGLISH. A doctor who gave evidence for the defence in a successful denial of drunkenness at North London stated that the man was not drunk, but that his condition was iiue to spastic paraplegia,. The Magistrate (Mr. Samuel Pope).What is that The Doctor.—Acute nervous exhaustion. Mb*.
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    • 182 6 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.’ Sir, In your issues of April 14 and 15. I read articles regarding Hindoo and Tamil New year that fell on the 13th April which was solemnly celebrated this year by Tamils and Hindoos, for the first time since the
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  • 136 6 To be married at a fashionable London church during the season is the latest craze among American brides and bridegrooms elect. During the next f<*w weeks large numbers of betrothed couples will arrive in England to make arrangements for their marriage. They will be accompanied by
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  • 106 6 His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to appoint a Special delegation to be sent to Hanoi for the purpose of negotiating a Special Convention relating to Indo-China’ The Delegates are IL S, H. Prince Varnvaidya, Chief DeI gate representing His Maj- sty’s Government. H, S.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 510 6 j NOTICE. The Springtide Hotel Tanjong Bungah Penang will be re-opened to visitors on Sun- 'I day, the 31st May, 1925, and will be known I under the name and style of the NEW j SPRINGTIDE HOTEL.” Terms Moderate. CHONG KEE 0 of Prince of Wales Hotel, Penang, b. Proprietor,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 183 6 “P. G.” CROSS-WORDS PUZZLE. We publish below, the correct solution of the Pinang Gazette Cross-Words Puzzle No. 14, together with the names of the successful readers to whom cheques have been despatched to-day L P lfJh*jfc M Mo[ulTlß lalm A RJBJ JM j E R T afw I L E
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  • 1172 7 (By a Lady Correspondent.) Paris, April 30. |i is Spring, and Summer is within sight, Spring goes with lagging feet, but there is no getting out of the laws of Nature. She is not to be beguiled, and V ives us rough and smooth to bear as
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  • 325 7 The trouble over the erection of steel houses has not ended with the report of the Court of Inquiry which has just been published. The men’s federation, it was stated refuses to abide by the court’s recommendations. according to the London correspondent of the Evening Standard.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 696 7 II ll' —-f* r- 1.-- —y- ,-L<. I nr I I I How much Rubber will be exported from British Malaya during June, 1925 R I cASH 1 DAO cash ■j PRIZES. A, V W PRIZES. ANOTHER COMPETITION FOR SMOKERS OF “GOLDEN SPECIALS” CIGARETTES. Jsj> FIRST PRIZE 500 You may
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  • 456 8 Every "disease, observes Dr. Tertius Clarke in his pamphlet Medical work on an Estate has its cause, and any disease’must cease to exist if its cause is eradicated. The effect of such eradication in th? rubber industry would be (1) A big reduction in the hospital expenses
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  • 463 8 Rubber is up 2d. The moment, therefore. is opportune to revert to the situation from a general standpoint for the purpose, if possible, of curtailing the extent of the feeling of optimism at present unjustified and due, merely, to a rise in figure. If we are to believe the
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  • 420 8 Judicial affectation of ignorance may be carried too far—it sometimes is—but it shows that the Judge has the law of evidence firmly fixed in his mind and that he is conscientiously administering it. Who is Connie Gilchrist has become a Grub Street classic: and when a former Lord
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  • 1190 8 THE BUDGET SPEECH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. April 30. It is no exaggeration to say that no speech Mr. Churchill has delivered in Parliament hitherto had been awaited with so much interest as that which he delivered in the House of Commons to introduce his
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  • 165 8 ACTION WITHDRAWN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 25. Mr. H. N. Ferrers' action against the Straits Times” for libel was withdrawn this morning. Mr. Everitt read the terms of the settlement which were as follows :—Discussion having taken place between Mr. Ferrers and the representatives
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  • 132 8 DA COSTA— PEREIRAA pretty wedding was s olen the Church of the Assumption-” A. Devals officiating, on noon, when Mr. Metins da to K P.M. steamer Kalmoa. was Miss Elizabeth Pereira. < kl,li;hte and Mrs. B. P. Pereira of attb e There was a large gathering Church and
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  • 42 8 flarry Golf p Bergh o Bridge. M r own London-Letter I rreS p o Ti>lr l Scottish Letter >n don a"' l Women’s Pagel p, ir 3i Paris Fashions! -j Wi's 1 Tn the Public Eye. pG Cross Word Pnzale.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 245 8 J Estate J I Managers. 1 YOU must have everything that is good, |M otherwise it is not worth having. We |U| know it and, therefore, we keep to it. YOU will be given the best quality j obtainable while the prices are not over- I looked. Each and every
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    • 31 8 ‘‘E. O.” H.M. THE KING’S BIRTHDAY, JUNE 3rd. 1925. DINNER AND DANCE. Dinner on the Lawn, Weather Permitting. PINANG GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1833. London Agents: —FREEMAN Co., 33, Paternoster Row, E.C., 4.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 474 9 Shock at Osaka. CONSIDERABLE damage. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Osaka, May 23. The inhabitants were terrified by a heavy earthquake shock this morning i three minutes. The shock was atso felt at Kobe. It affected the area confined within the Province of Taiima and the coast of the Sea of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  474 words
  • 127 9 Turkish str a mfr founders. Constantinople. May 24. Forty-four passengers ami crew were di wvned when the Turkish coasting st'-amer Heraklia with a cargo of coal undered in a storm at the entrance to 1 Bosphorus. A violent gale damaged > gora considerably and telegraphic com•n inication has
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  • 287 9 M. Malvy’s Mission. PRE'S COMMENTS. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 23. The newspapers continue to be preoccupied with the position in Morocco. “Le Matin’s Madrid correspondent say’s that M. Malvy’s mission has resulted in an agreement not providing for Franco-Spanish military collaboration but authorising France to pursue the rebels
    ; Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  287 words
  • 99 9 ANOTHER ATTEMPT. Brussels. May 23. The Liberal. M. Max. who moved the vote of censure on M. vande Vyvere’s Ministry, has agreed to attempt to solve the crisis and has announced his intention first of examining the possibilities of forming a Ministry outside Parliament as a temporary measure.
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  • 58 9 FIGHTING NEAR SULAIMANI. Bagdad, May 22. Recent intermittent skirmishing developed into actual fighting yesterday, when the Kurds, under Sheikh Mahmuy, in a determined manner attacked a regiment of Iraq Cavalry between Sulaimani and Balebja. Aircraft co-operated with the cavalry, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy, who drew off
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  • 68 9 COLLECTING RECONSTRUCTION LOANS. Washington. May 24. In addition to taking steps to collect war debt from European countries the Government has drawn the attention of some of them to their failure to pay principal and interest on reconstruction loans made after the Armistice. The
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  • 64 9 Reuter sm passes himself to-day. He cables from London to Penang that the Italian airman arrived in Penang on Saturday It is now upto Reuter’s Penang*correspondent to cable London that the King attended the Empire Day Thanks giving service at Wembley yesterday. Mr. J. S. W. Arthur has
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  • 144 9 Finding the Deficit. FURTHER FAXES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Paris, May 23. As regards M. Oaillaux’s new financial schemes the newspapers state that further revenues required will be obtained by an increase in postal and telegraphic charges, an increase in the tobacco revenue, the establishment of an apprenticeship tax. an
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  144 words
  • 323 9 CELEBRATIONS IN LONDON London, May 23. Empire Day celebrations were held yesterday in many parts of the country. The chief London function was a gathering of a thousand school children at the Guildhall, where they were addressed by the Lord Mayor and the President of the Board of
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  • 130 9 PA HWANG’S FIND. Mrs. Ferguson, who lost over $2OO some time ago., was again the victim of another theft iin which h®r house was broken into and jewellery amounting to about $1535 odd extracted from a drawer in her room. Inspector Beckingham is making enquiries into
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  • 57 9 DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 25. H.R.H. Prince George attended the final performance of the M litary Pageant. afterwards participating in dancing at the Europe Hotel and the Race Dance until 2 a.m. His Highness re-embarked on the Malwa at 10 o clock yesterday
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  • 117 9 Dutch Demonstration. GOD’S BLESSING INVOKED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, Maj’ 24. Reuter’s correspondent with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales says that at Burgersdorp the happiest proofs of the effect of the Prince of Wales’ visit on AngloDutch relations were provided by a crowd of 60.000 men.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  117 words
  • 34 9 APPEAL DISMISSED. Moscow, May 23. The Soviet Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal of the Sinclair Oil Company from the decision of the Moscow High Court, annulling its concession in SaghaFen.
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  • 251 9 LAST WEEK’S New York. May 23. The following are American baseball results Saturday. National—New York 2. Cincinnati 1 Brooklyn 6, St. Louis 4 Pittsburgh 7 Boston 5 Philadelphia 7, Chicago 5. American—New York 12, Detroit 3 Washington 6, Cleveland 2; St. Louis 10, Bos’on 7. Sunday. National—New York
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  • 35 9 ENGLAND BEATS SCOTLAND. London May 23. At Westward Ho the usual International preliminary to Monday’s Amateur Championship was held in which England beat Scotland by 8 matches to 5, two games being halved.
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  • 24 9 LADY CHAMPION. London, May 23. At Surbiton, in the Surrey Grass Courts Championship final. Miss Ryan beat Miss McKane 7-9. 6-1, 6-3.
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  • 33 9 ENGLAND’S SECOND VICTORY. Melbourne. May 23. Before 15.000 spectators and in showery weather the English Football team beat Australia in the Sec >nd Test match by 5 goals to 0.
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  • 23 9 MORE SCRATCHINGS. London, May 23. Ayaz was scratched at 9 o’clock to day and Aske at 11.30 for the Derby Stakes.
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  • 68 9 Trial Ended. DEATH SENTENCES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Bombay. May 23. Shafi Amed, Sbamrao Dighe and Pande, an officer in the Maharajah of Indore’s household, have been sentenced to death in connection with the murder of Mr. A. K. Bawla on January 12. Anandrao Phanse and three others have been
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  68 words
  • 165 9 BOOMBONG LIMA. One of our readers writes as follows: I should like to call the attention of those who are responsible for the bridge at Boombong Lima” (P. W.); as it was during the month of October 24. during the heavy rains that this bridge collapsed —since then we have
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  • 134 9 SIT OR FLIT May 25, the Scottish Whitsuntide quarterda.v. is a great day north of Tweed, as for some unexplained reason more Scots change their abode to-day than on any other day of the year. When the landlord calls for the preceding quarter’s rent, at Candlemas, he asks his tenants
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  • 112 9 A smoking Concert will be held Straits Trading Club. Butterworth (by kind permission of the Committee) on Saturday May 30 at 9-15 p.m., in aid of the Y. W. C. A. funds. The following artistes have offered to appear Miss Pasqual. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Cowden Glegg, Mr. and
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  • 47 9 To-day at the Esplanade al 6 p.m. to 7 p.m 1 March The Great Little Army Alford 2 Waltz Cinema Star Jean Gilbert 3 Fox Trot Coal Black Mammy Helier 4 Selection Duchess of Danzig Caryll 5 One Stap Mazie Gold God Save The King.
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  • 368 9 General Meeting. MARKED IMPROVEMENTS. The adjourned annual general meeting of the members of the Parish Hall was held at the hall yesterday morning. The Rev. A. Devals, President ex-officio, presided and was supported by Dr. J. Emile Smith, Vice-President. The minutes of the last annual general meeting were
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    • 159 9 In the Police Court. Penang, this morning, before Mr. C. W. A. Sen nett, Ooi Kia Hye waa_brought up for sentence, on a charge of theft of jewellery worth $1550. the property of one Ng Kian Ching of 120, Armenian Street. The accused pleaded guilty and was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 72 9 A CAR FOR EVERY PURSE. In stock, ready for immediate delivery. Chrysler $3,500 Hupmobile 3,200 Jewett 3,200 Austin 12 3,200 Jewett 2,300 Clyno 2,200 Cars supplied for cash or on deferred terms. Low rate of interest. Buy your new car from a substantial firm in a position to back up
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  • 60 9 OBITUARY. SIR E. HULTON DEAD. London. May 23. 1 death is announced of Sir hi ward H niton. Edward Hulton was formerly a '7 H,K r l ,,c Prietor and sold his in- recently for a sum approximating '< Ml di io. e owned several racehorses.] \h’s Nomination. 'bving to
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  • 242 10 POSSIBLE UNION. The possibility of the union of Germany and Austria is again attracting attention in Central Europe. After two years of “reconstruction” under the auspices of the League of Nations, Austria is still in such a sorry plight that the Government has again been compelled to
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  • 190 10 BRITISH RESIDENT WOUNDED. Shanghai. May 11. Shortly alter nightfall on Saturday the A.P.C. houseboat Doric containing the British residents, Mr. Lawson Hall, Mr. F. A. Walker, their wives and the latter’s son and daughter, returning from a cruise, was fired on by a Chinese gun boat off the
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  • 164 10 WOUNDED HORSE AND DOG IN BRONZE. The design and plans of the war memorial to animals which the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals proiwses to erect at Hyde Park Corner is now being submitted to the Office of Works and the Westminster
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  • 150 10 The marriage of Mr. Roger Wethered, the famous amateur golfer, and Miss Elizabeth Cavendish-Bentinck, daughter of Lord and Lady Charles Cavendish-Ben-tinck and niece of the Duke of Portland, took place afj ISt. Margaret’s, Westminster, on April 29. Mr. Cyril Tolley, who, like Mr. Wethered, is an ex-amateur
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  • 118 10 J O-f)AY’S DEPARTURES Rochussen for Sabang, Olehleh and West Sumatra. Alipore for Bombay. van Hogendorp for Belawan, (Doli) Edi and Langsa. Rawang for Pangkalan Brandan and Langkat. Rasa for Tanjong Star, Sungei Opis and Setul. M/V Rompin for Pangkor, Dindings and Sitiawan. The following ships are in communicaHon
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  • 417 10 CLORE DAILY (except Hnndny) II lUM. Federated Malay State», Malacca, .Libor and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-honr earliei than the Ordinary mail Resumption o» Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Snnday excepted) by the 7-30 p.m
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  • 86 10 May 28—Football, P.R.C. v. Municipality. 30—Inter-State Cricket. Penang v. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. 30— Football, P.C.C. v. Perak Club, Penang. 31— Football, Crescent Star Sports Club vs. Lumut and Sitiawan, Dato Kramat Ground. June I—lnter-State Cricket Match, Penang v. Selangor. Kuala Lumpur. 3—Cricket, P.C.C. v. A Ceylon XI Penang.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 218 10 1 »ijiin ii ■ii ~r -r.?»***» ———ffflW word! diese have the \A natural g* z JropK/ U(U(|\UU'' I I l, l. x uoLP WW which never on any ZZ account departs from W e NATURAL flavour VIRGINIA CIGARETTES Th a t* s the point natural un--7 adulterated and pure —therefore
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    • 22 10 Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Course, Key for New'Era. $l/50 per book or $l/80 post Tree, stocked—- by the Pinang Gazette Press, ltd., Penang.
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    • 649 10 B ANK S. HONGKONG AND SHANcu" banking corpora^ l (Incorporated in TL*r- z ko„ p Authorised Capital Issued and folly paid up S’ 000 1 R««.-r.e Fnnd. Sterling Silver Reserve Liability of Proprietors 20, Bead Office, —HONGKONG Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok. Batavia, Bombw c Canton, Colombo, Chefoc, I)ai ren
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  • 160 11 DEPARTURE FOR SINGAPORE. Colonel De Pinedo, the Italian Airman th-ing to Australia and thence to p kyo and who arrived here at noon on iaiind'ay. left for Singapore at 7-15 ter day morning in fine weather. He •ook off gracefully near the Runny mede Uatel. flew over the
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  • 234 11 FOUR RI KISH AS DAMAGED. The vicinity of the junction of Penang Road and Tamil Street was yesterday morning the scene of a motor accident in which a hired bus and four rikishas were implicated. These four rikishas were on the left hand side of Penang Road facing
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  • 398 11 The following new books have been received at the Library Avowals, bv George Moore. The Beating Heart, by Victoria Cross The host short stories of 1924, edited by E. J. O’Brien and J. Cournos. Broadcast Over Britain, by J. C. W. Reith. The Complete Limerick Book, by Langford
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  • 424 11 P.C.C. vs. THE REST. The cricket match between the P.O.C. and The Rest resulted in a victory for the latter by 24 runs. On resuming on Saturday afternoon, the Rest carried their total to 159, when the whole side was accounted for, Reutens and Concannon making a fine stand.
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  • 68 11 P. C. C. V. PUBLIC SERVICES. The following will represent the P. C. C. in the football match with the Public Services to-moyrow on the Esplanade: Goal, J. Wilkinson: Backs, J. H. Wilniott and S. H. Duff Halfbacks, E. A. Taylor, A. Ferguson and D. I). B. Cook, Forwards,
    68 words
  • 23 11 The entries for the next June Tournamen of the Penang Cricket Club will close on May the 31st.
    23 words
  • 26 11 We are informed by telegraph that the last date of the entries for the Taiping Rifle Meeting has extended to the 26th instant.
    26 words
  • 110 11 ACTIVITIES OF THE PREVENTIVE SERVICE. There has been another series oi captures of rubber smugglers off the West Coast of the Peninsula by preventive launches. These include six by the Peningat—three in one day—one each by the Kalai, Sembang and Pikat and two by the Lalat. Two hundred
    110 words
  • 183 11 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <t Co.'s share list at I p.m. to-day Saturday. To-day. co Sharks. x c 'c c 20 X 20 X 5 c. c. sc. sc. Rubber (Dollar.) Aver Pauas 7.50 8.00 7.25 7.75 Balgowuie 3.50 3.75 3.40 3.60
    183 words
  • 94 11 May 25, 1925. o Local. ct». (Smoked Sheet 92 Fine Pale Crepe 92 market Unsmoked Sheet 78 steady Singa- Smoked Sheet PORBlCiepe ...94| London and Nkw York. Lokdok Shw>< 2/9 New York ...51§ Smoked Ribbed Sheet 94f to 97 j peril» do. No. 2 891 901 Unsmoked Sheet
    94 words
  • 152 11 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following prices, on May 22: London. Spot £249.15s Up £ 3 mos. buying „251 0.15 s 3 selling „251.2.6 0.12.6 Local. May 23: Singapore sold 125 tons at sl24| Penang 25 tons at sl24}. May 25: Singapore sold 125 tons at
    152 words
  • 24 11 The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N. L. from 17th to 23rd May 1925 (being one week) was 12 tons.
    24 words
  • 42 11 Messrs Bousted Co., the local agents of Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging N. L. inform us that they have received a telegram from the manager of the mine, advising them that dredging operations recommenced on the afternoon of the 22nd instant.
    42 words
  • 121 11 We learn that Messrs. John 1 Thornycroft’s tender for the supply of nine 80 B. H. P. Maj'ine Motors, for installation in the three, new rubber restriction patrol Cruisers has been accepted by the F.M.S. Government. We are glad to see the enterprise of this well known
    121 words
  • 1156 11 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. c names. 5 S x RUBBER [DolUr.l S c s c S c Allenby Rubber Co 1 65 1 75 cum Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 40 1 Amalgamated Malay RaUtet 2 t 0 2 60 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 1- 00 3 0 cum Ayer Kuning
    1,156 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 376 11 EXCLUSIVE LINES I s IN i MENS TAILORING. s J MFNS I ?’^&*™g NA vy blazers I 11 Made of a good quality i wo °l flannel. This is T without doubt the best S value to be found. Very T j wjJilgLX. smart and looks well for J sports
      376 words

  • 728 12 I see that a mission of distinguished Chinese gentlemen is at present among ms to study our post-war economic, social and political institutions writes C. 0. With ordinary luck they should find ns mildly interesting. How wonderful it would be to see London for the first time with the
    728 words
  • 138 12 The Stanton Ironworks Company, Limited, has recently raised a Debenture of £1,000,000 4J per cent, interest at the issue having been made by the Bank of England and a guarantee as to principal and interest by the Treasury. The money is required for the development of this Company’s
    138 words
  • 589 12 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, May 25, 1925 eta Government Mutton Mutton Indian per lb 55 Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Lamb do 55
    589 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 506 12 T-- Jim ll' XclemenTs "Ifgal H tonic J twiiSra saar ‘~>r;i.n. n Whenever you feel run-down or out-of-sorta, whether the 'W y fT* g impairment the result of JN O 6110 Ft climate, worry, mental or t physical overstrain, take a tO lilt 3. heavy C3.F course of Clements Tonic
      506 words
    • 280 12 I THE NEW J STUDEBAKER.! The Improvements in Detail on the g New STUDEBAKER Models are J numerous. J STANDARD SIX MODELS ARRIVED. x Balloon Tyres L r Hydraulic Front W T heel Brakes. j $3,025 CASH E Deferred Terms Arranged. 4 MALAYAN MOTORS I PROPRIETORS J I WEARNE BROS.,
      280 words

  • 859 13 Third Day's Results. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, May 23. There was torrential rain in the morning, but the afternoon was fine and bright. The going was heavy. H. R H. Prince George arrived before the first race and stayed the whole’afternoon. Appended are the results Accident to
    859 words
  • 116 13 The Navy Department has published Secretaiy Wilbur’s reply to the request by a newspaper 'in Mainichi (Osaka) for a statement to clear the doubt or suspicion of Japan in connection with the naval manoeuvre® in,the Pacific. Secretary Wilbur says the present manoeuvres are part of the schedule
    116 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 277 13 J* B r| i *'*F2ry»** ft*"» THE 10 H.P. ss |JWiFF*' is typical of all that is best in British Light Car». It :s built by the Pioneers of the Light Car Industry, and for over 25 years SWIFT Light Cars have held pride of place amongst the cars of
      277 words
    • 314 13 I THE SECRET OF HIS LONGEVITY. i How to prolong I'lfe is a subject of never-failing interest, and those who have attained to advanced years are constantly being asked what has been their secret. Such a question was put by a reporter to 1 M. Yvcneau de Bordeneuve, a wonderfully
      314 words
    • 351 13 r uai——l 11—IJ J—■■■■ r~- ~lW—■ IFL- xe«XT 23KV0C Children's Skin Ailments For children’s skin ailments—ringworm, impetigo, heat spots and sores, chafings and tenderness, Cermolenc can be confidently relied upon. It soothes and heals and stops i all infection from spreading. The skin of a child is very tender—a prey
      351 words

  • 777 14 INTEREST OF THE AFTERNOON PROGRAM ME. Ey this time Singapore has surely realised that in the military pageant it has an unusually fine show says the Straits Times” of Thmsday. Yesterday the first of the afternoon performances was given, with an entirely different programme from that given at
    777 words
  • 118 14 Recent revelations with regard to dole abuses are to be raised in the House of Commons. lhe first of what is likely to be a series of questions has mow appeared on the paper in the name of Sir Clement Kinloch Cooke, who is to ask
    118 words
  • 460 14 M. SYLVAIN LEVI’S PLEA FOR ENCOURAGEMENT. M. Sylvain Levi, the great Sinologist J and professor of Sanskrit in the College 3 de France, came from Paris to give a lantern lecture to the India Society on 1 the art of Nepal, at 21, Cromwell-road. 7 South Kensington.
    460 words
  • 379 14 DIRECTIONS TO STEER FOR CENTRE OF DEPRESSION. The 75th anniversary dinner of the Royal Meteorological Society was held at the Hotel Rembrandt, South Kensington, the President, Mr. C. J. P. Cave in the chair. Captain H. P. Douglas (Hydrographer of the Navy), responding to the
    379 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 17 14 Pitman's New Coubse in Typewriting, ?l/60 per book, stocke 1 by the Pinarg Gazette Press, Ltd., Feneng.
      17 words
    • 609 14 I -run ««II 111 B «f 1 J Mobiloil I E? Male the 'chart your guide S. Gargoyle Mobiloil is the real bargain—-it represents the real economy. It gives you the sum-total of your Ist, expectations in results. It is a wellknown fact once a motorist experiences the benefits of
      609 words

  • 1591 15 ANOTHER“GORGEOUS ADVENTURE, You gaze along the Government Front Bench and behold a front bench similar to that in all Administrations, writes the Right Hon. C. F. G. Masterman. Here are well-meaning, hard-working men: the sons of Joseph Chamberlain; hyphenated knights: Mr. Baldwin with his honest sob
    1,591 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 464 15 i| f Here is the way 'S&k 1!3 J r to the health you need. ta j r B yo\ Doa’t remain Weak, Q\ Q r3v T S r A- A Ammuc, Nervous, Run-down. •e) vH The way to health it the Wincami» >2 '.f tIUTĔj' Wa J —because it
      464 words
    • 51 15 PENANG 1« PAST BY BOOKWORM. This little book contains more information respecting the infancy of this Settlement than has hitherto been known to have been published in handy book form. NOW READY FOR SALE at 80 cts. per copy. Post free $1 to S.S. and F.M.S. OBTAINABLE FROM The Pinang
      51 words
    • 290 15 [lf|| > Wij "J Mild Z betterfbr Invalids Convalescents, nurse!” t. W A food value of “Ovaltine” combined rR 1 H w,th ,ts attractive flavour and ease of digestion 1 make this delicious food beverage invaluable I I during and after illness. 'll’ ot hrr form of nourishment possesses such
      290 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1340 16 BS!■! >lll II ■I II -I I lIH —llll mI 1T 'HITT THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE IF ¥it INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. IB k Ik 1 WEPKI V SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT IB M M A wBW SB?! I Ik I CALCHa-" May 28 Marseilles, London. Rotterdam Hamburg IM
      1,340 words
    • 616 16 P. 0.-BRITISH INm A AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL PASSENGER 4 CARGO SERViCF.b PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. A O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. For Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Moji For Colombo, Aden, Port Yokohama and Kobe. an d London. KASHMIR
      616 words