Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 April 1925

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 599 1 KODAK FILMS FOR SALE. artistic local views always in stock, NIKKO STUDIO 7, Northam Road, Penang. oI ip wyd ii p g A ALHAMBRA CIGARS i S J I 8W I yT ag 4 I p Here are a few of ‘he most POPULAR SHAPES 19 2 5 I mH
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    • 39 1 YOUR EYES If Optically Defective and Strained can only l»e relieved if scientifically made Glasses are used. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE Perfectly equipped testing rooms, and accurately adapted Spectacles are AT YOUR SERVICE. SHANGHAI EASTERN MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS, ill. Penang Road.
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    • 170 2 London, April 14. The Dculy (iraph's diplomatic correspondent says that Mustapha Kemal Pasha and the Angora General Staff profess disappointment and annoyance at the failure of Turkish commanders to encircle the main body of Kurdish rebels fleeing towards the Persian frontier where they may find either a haven
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    • 123 2 London, April 13.—A Baghdad message says Mr. Amery and Sir Samuel Hoare will leave Baghdad to-morrow by air for the Royal Air Force station at Ziza en route to Palestine. During their stay in Iraq they have visited all the principal areas including Mosul, Kirkuk and Basrah
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    • 73 2 London. April 10.—A Cairo message says El Mokattam published an appeal of Ibn Saud to Moslems of the whole world in which he says Jeddah is encircled and will fall soon. Pilgrims will be welcomed and their safety and comfort will be assured. There are no difficulties
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    • 39 2 London April 10.—The Secretary of State for India has offered Sir Campbell Rhodes a seat on the Council of India in succession to Sir Malcolm Hogg, whose tenure of office expires at the end of April.
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    • 251 2 Bombay. April 7.—Before Mr. Justice Shaw, at the High Court to-day. two cousins of the late Abdul Kadir Bawla, who was murdered on Malabar Hill on the 12th January, filed a caveat objecting to the grant of letters of administration to the mother of the deceased in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1203 2 <=ĕ x NOTICES. pi|i I RATES OF SI BSCRIPUON. J PENANG TURF CLUB. M Including free town delivery or W t postage. n* The Half-yearly General Meeting of flll» \Y ?W the Penang Turf Club will be held at the r j 'MZfa, PAYABLE INADVANCE. oj iatn j )er of
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    • 23 2 massace AND RENU LIFE VIOLET RAY Specially for “Rheumatism and every Nervous Disease by Miss SATO 35, Leith Street, PENANG TaUvhoaa N«, 491.
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    • 897 2 BANKS f NEDERLANDSCHE i maatschapplj. NEDERLANDS TRAP NQ so(3 Rtt ESTABLISHED 15 24 Capital (Paid Up) f. 80,000,000 abt. 5 fil f Statutory Reserve '-St Wideweave f 20,045,032 abt Special Reserve f *2'660,000 abt. £i 888 ?t Branches.—Bandoeng, BandiennaM- R..' VIA BoMBAY > Calcutta, Cherilm. >L Djokjakarta, Hongkong, Kobe, Kota
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  • 1807 3 THE SURVIVAL OF RUSKIN. In the early days of February a notice appeared in the paper of the gift by Mr. George Cadbury and Mr. Edward C«l--bury of some 400 acres in the neighbourhood of Birmingham to the National Trust writes the Rev. C. A. Alington, D.D..
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  • 62 3 FIVE SHILLINGS FOR DOCTOR WITH PATIENT IN CANADA. In a judgment summons at Brighton County Court a doctor was awarded ss. for advice given. He was consulted by a woman about her sister’s health. The sister is in Canada and the symptoms were described in a letter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 454 3 W|jITE Hopse Scotch WI 2I S KY Aged in Wood The best advertisement is\\ quality. First -class materials v and mellow age aione produce i this in whisky. Therein lies fcjfe U the secret of White Horse. n i wnwOSb. 'ZZ/ ,J v X M<v' •’s“'zfc-Mf tsfe-. '.~y f r
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    • 340 3 Something M Special New! Loads! Nrrao CLUB Eetpnx* J Remmgtcff Game Loads In ft Nitro Club f 9 Cartridges THE CORRECT LOAD for whatever frame you are going to shoot —the proper amount of powder and shot and the right shot size. With these loads you may be certain of
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  • 2532 4 Committee’s Annual Report. The Thirty-ninth Annual Report of the Penang Chamber of Commerce above the signature of Mr. R- N. Holmes, Vice Chairman, is as follows: Membership. The number of members on the roll at the close of the year was 46, an increase of one
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  • 249 4 New York, z March 24.—Professor J a!r>< H. Breasted, the Egyptologist, ha B f oUlld written on the back of the famous Edv r Smith medical papyrus of 1600 B. C., owned iby the New York Historical Society, a chapter entitled p ow change an old
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 W You can dc P end f Mt.ll upon it! In the East, “Capstan” Navy i Cut Cigarettes are recognised RCAFSTAH.j as the dependable cigarette. p Dependable from the points of O view ,of quality and packing i *»dependable, also, from the never varying sound satisfac--B^P^H.o.Wi- s -lrj| tion they
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    • 40 4 Pitman’s Junior Typist Book, $l/75 pe book or $2/- post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Course. Key for New Era. $l/50 per book osl/80 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press. Ltd.. Penan?.
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  • 288 5 racing motorist bound over. I, ,ftus Gerald .Moller Le Champion.-29, rar ng motorist, whose address was given s The Hydro, Richmond, was charged on remand, before the Kingston Borough bench with being an unauthorized person found in possession of morphine. The defendant had obtained the drug
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  • 481 5 Mr. Neville, Chamberlain, Minister of Health, xxas the guest of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce at its noth auniversarx dinner, at Edinburgh, under the chairmanship ot Mr. Alexander Johnston. President of th© Chamber. Responding to the toast of h«s Majesix s Ministers, Mr. Chamberlain said
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  • 105 5 The half yearly general court of the and Company of the Bank of 1 mi uid wag held on March 19. he Right Hon. Montagu Collet 'man, the Governor, xvho presided, p ll 'l the profits of the half-year ending 'i.iaiy 28 last, after making provisions
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  • 234 5 people who should be jailed. A man cofnplained to Judge Parry at Lambeth County Court that a moneylender had charged him 50 per eent. interest. The Judge Then keep away from such people. You should know by now just as much about the tribe as 1 do.
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  • 151 5 INOCULATION AS A CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS. Many doctors are hopeful that it may be possible to prevent tuberculosis by administering small doses of the microbes which cause the disease to very young children. Two French physicians have treated 300 children in this way since 1922 with apparently successful
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  • 175 5 Eminent counsel frequently find themselves in a dilemma at the Law Courts xvhen two cases in xvhich they are briefed (ome on for trial simultaneously before different judges. Mr. Norman Birkett, K.C., xvho has had this experience in connection with txvo important law- suits now being tried,
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  • 737 5 MILLIGAN V. LEWIS. t The return match betxvecn 'Pommy 2vlilligan, of Scotland. the holder of the t We]ter-xveight title, and Kid Lewis the i formnr champion, xvas, no doubt one of the main ue.asons for so large an attend Gance at the Royal Albert Hall
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  • 389 5 £lOO FINE. FOR DECEIT. At the Mansion House, before Aiderman i v ir John Baddeley, Charles Fritschi was I summoned for having made or caused to be made to the Ministry of Labour, acting under the Aliens Order, 1920. false state ments and representations relating to
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  • 236 5 LORD HALDANE ON WAGE .STAN DA R DIZ AT I ON. Lord Haldane, speaking at Kensington said that, speaking as an old Mar Minister, he was not going to say the A liny and Navy were not better run than they could be by a
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  • 1058 5 ATTITUDE OF THE F. B. I. lire Federation of British Industries has addressed the following letter to the (Chancellor of the Exchequer, asking for an earlx statement of the Government’s currency policy The general meeting of the Federation of British Industries at its meeting on lire Uth
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  • 225 5 To the considerable surprise of British shipbuilder, a number of German shipt-' ping firms have recently invited them to fender for the construction of vessels. One or two of the builders approached were prompted by the unexpectedness of the inquiries to ask discreetly as to the reason, and
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  • 34 5 The death has taken place in Edinburgh of the Rev. Dr. James Curdie Russe”, aged 94, the father of the Church f «Scotland and a former moderator of th© church.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 189 5 MORE HUMOURS OF HISTORY.? By Arthur moreland. No. 4. Ethelred the Unready we a «»1 re I V/E’LL PUTON A TAX/vJ.'L) I PENCE SHORTri-XiqiA I AT f r> ■.J S A BRAIN WAVE •I M PEP UP I s VAgE YouPJH-fU «can Sell with these DANesr tpve^ 6 wN. POUNDS
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  • 40 6 McKenna.—On April 19, 1925. at Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenna, a son. Platt. —On April 19. 1925. at the Singapore Private Hospital. Pender Road, to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Platt, a son. both well.
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  • 409 6 Mincing Lane appears to I»e perturbed over the question of the extent of rubber supplies available in the Metropolis, According to Reuter. the London rubber dealers are apparently quite satisfied that there will be a world rubber shortage before very long, ■statistics show that the supplies of rubber in
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  • 463 6 According to a Home contemporary, lord Esher, whois now over seventy years of age, has declared that few men are fiv for politics after the age of forty. That is a sweeping assertion and one which we cannot readily admit. It is destined to invite challenge from
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  • 395 6 Political circles in India and at Home are speculating as to the prospective successor of Lord Reading as Viceroy of India. No doubt, the choice has to be made with the grea’est discretion and forethought and the man chosen has not, as some fancy, a bed of
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  • 1038 6  -  IRON SHOTS PRESENT AND PAST. BY HARRY VARDON (Six Times Open Champion). There can be no blinking the fact that, during recent years, a considerable change has taken place in the method of playing iron shots at golf. Almost wherever one looks nowadays, the scheme seems to
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    • 264 6 [To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir. —The local press recently contained inspired articles on the New Ferry Service between Penang and Butterworth. It is pleasing to note that the Church Street Ghaut pier is admitted to be public property. The question exercising the minds of
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  • 83 6 There will be no issue of the* Ptnan<l Gazette on Saturday. The paper will be published as usual on Friday, before noon. Friday, 24th instant. General Post Office closed at noon; Savings Bank and Money Order Branch closed; Government Telegraph Office 7 a.m. to 6 p.m
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  • 33 6 Golf Harry Vardon. Bridge E. BergboltLondon Letter 1 Our Own Scottish Letter J Corresponden s Women’s Page) London aii‘l Paris Fashions I Paris. In the Public Eye. David 3U Cross-Word Puzzle.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 306 6 VALUED FRIENDS. Real friends, once made, never change, sir. Friends are rare and very valuable. They’re like Kensitas, sir, always the same and never depreciate. That’s why people always stick to Kensitas when once they try them. They have discovered that Kensitas are as good, as good cigarettes can be.”
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    • 24 6 “E. S’ O.” Guest Night and Dancing— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin every Wednesday and Saturday—E. O. Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 697 7 Government’s Policy. LIVELY DEBATE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Paris. April 21. Parliament assembled with the expectation of a lively deba'e centreing on the personality of M. Caillaux on whom the Opposition is concentrating an attack, having noticed two interpellations in respect of the Minister of Finance. There is little chance
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  697 words
  • 66 7 Communist Resists Arrest. KILLED BY POLICE [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Sofia, April 21. The police yesterday evening discovered the hiding place of Yankoff. one of the Communist leaders. Summoned to surrender Yankoff fired and threw’ bom’s at the police who fired a fusillade, killing Yankoff. Yankoff was also an ex-officer.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  66 words
  • 71 7 SIR GEORGE LLOYD London. April 21. The Daily Mail says it has been definitely decided that Sir George Lloyd M. P.. will succeed Lord Allenby. Lord Ronaldshay was offered but declined the post. Government Not Decided. London. April 21. In connection with the report that Sir George
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  • 89 7 RETURN TO GOLD BASIS. Rome. April 21. After the plenary session at which it approved of a resolution that currency should be established on a gold basis, the Inter-Parliamentary Trade Conference closed. [0 i April 17 Reuter cabled:—The inaugural meeting of the International Parliamentary-and Commercial Conference was held
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  • 68 7 RANGE OF 500 MILES. Paris, April 21. The thousand million candle-power revolving lighthouse at Mont Afrique. near Dijon, has been lighted for the first time and is the most powerful in the world. It is meant primarily for aeroplanes flying between Paris and Algiers. The lights are
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  • 51 7 SURPLUS OVER ESTIMATES. Berlin. April 21. The Reich’s revenue returns for the year ending March 31 show a total revenue of 7,000,000.000 marks, a surplus of 2.000.000,000 marks over the estimates. The revenue on income tax and customs shows surpluses of 900.000,000 and 450,000.000 marks respectively over the
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  • 46 7 ALL QUIET. Bloemfontein, April 21. It is now stated that 4 natives were killed, and 5 seriously wounded and slightly wounded as the result of the disturbances. Ten European policemen were injured. In view of the continued quiet the special Police have been disbanded.
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  • 54 7 LATEST DECISION. London, April 21. The Lawn Tennis Association has decided that British players are now allowed to compete in tournaments held in countries affiliated with the International Federation irrespective of the nationality of players competing. The resolution excluding ex-enemy players from competing tn open tournaments in Great
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  • 26 7 London. April 21. In the Northern Section of the Third Division of the English Football League Nelson beat Southport by 2 goals to 1.
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  • 41 7 The homeward mail by the Karmala closes at 6 p.m. on Saturday, the 25th inst. The P. X O. Packet More* with mail despatched from London on the 2»d April is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 208 7 Funding Conversations. BRITISH OFFICIALS- VIGILANCE. [Reuter's Telegrams]. Washington, April 21. The Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Mellon, has announced that a nation, the clue to whose identity he declines to disclose beyond the fact that it owes the United States less than $50,000,000 and is
    [Reuter's Telegrams].  -  208 words
  • 120 7 PRESIDENT’S STATEMENT. Washington. April 21. President Coolidge, in welcoming the Annual Convention of the Daughters of the American Revolution, praised their effort for ameliorating the condition of immigrants and expressed the opinion that the restriction of immigration was necessary in view of the unprecedented tide which would
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  • 78 7 SIR W. CORRY’S SON DETAINED. New York. April 21. Mr. William, Corry the son of Sir William Corry. Director of the Cunard Line, has been removed to Ellis Island from the steamer Laconia. The immigration authorities state that despite the fact that the passport permitted a visit
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  • 96 7 WILL NOT EXCEED LAST YEAR’S. London, April 21. Mr. Frederick Tomlinson. President of the Manchester Cotton Association, has returned from a two months’ visit to the United States where he had been the principal British delegate at the Washington Cotton Convention. He expresses the opinion that
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  • 106 7 TOTAL CREW LOST. New York. April 21. I regret I am unable to save lives was the tragic radio from the Captain of the White Star liner Homeric, who was proceeding to New York. He changed his course in response to an S. O. S. message from
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  • 30 7 EIGHT-HOUR-DAY BI! L. Halifax, (Nova Scotia) April 21. The Legislature at the second reading of the Labourite Eight-Hour-Day Bill rejected it by 13 votes to 6.
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  • 77 7 World Shortage in View. SUPPLIES DECREASING. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, April 21. Rubber dealers in Mincing Lane are talking of a world rubber shortage before very long. Statistics show that the supplies of rubber in London are decreasing by 1.000 tons a week. Anti-restrictionists declare that the increased consumption
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  77 words
  • 368 7 SERIOUS CHARGES. Apparently the case in which two Cantonese women are charged with abetment of rape and Cheah Tong and Tan Huat Kee, alias Chin Fat Kee, two well-to-do Chinese, are charged with the alleged offence, is attracting considerable interest, among the Chinese Community, as was evidenced by
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  • 164 7 Gerald Courtney Tress, 28, commercial artist, living at Birmingham, but who was stated to have given his father’s address at Woking, was sentenced by Sir Chartres Biron at Bow-street Police Court to one month’s imprisonment in the second division for being drunk while in charge of
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  • 98 7 The following is the Band programme to be played at the Waterfall Gardens to-day from 5.15 to 6.15 p m. [Weather permitting]— 1 March The British Legion Bidgood 2 Overture Light Cavalry Suppe 3 Fox Trot Sunshine Alley West 4 Selection Merrie England German 5 Patrol Britain’s Ist
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  • 156 7 Metropolitan Stakes. CLOSE FINISH. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London. April 21. The following was the result of the Great Metropolitan Stakes (handicap) run at Epsom to-day Great Metropolitan Stakes. (about two miles and a quarter) (handicap) of 5 so vs each, 7 so vs extra if not struck out by
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  156 words
  • 208 7 NEW PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARIES. Tokio. April 18.—Messrs. C. Mitsuchi, T. Hata M. Furihata, and S. Takeuchi have been selected as Parliamentary Under-Secretaries from among the members of the Government parties in coali-: tion for the Agriculture and Forestry,: Commerce and Industry, Army and Navy Departments respectively, while' Messrs.
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  • 90 7 The health statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending 18th April, 1925, shows a total of 53 deaths—3B males and 15 females—the death-rate being 20.72 per mille per annum, compared with 27.37 in the preceding week and with 23.18 in the corresponding week of
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  • 560 7 Chinese vs. Municipality. DRAWN GAME. After a very hard struggle, the Penang I Soccer League fixture between the Municipality and the Chinese, which was played on the Esplanade, Penang, yesterday afternoon, resulted in a draw of one goal each. The Municipality who were favourites notched a goal within
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 THE NEW CHEVROLET. The next consignment of these cars is due here shortly. All the previous lot were sold on sight. Call and book one of the next batch. You will not be able to obtain one without previous reservation. BORNEO MOTORS, LIMITED. I
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  • 1024 8 FAIR DEAL FOR MINERS. < 1 Mr. Ramsay MacDonald began a two < days’ visit to his constituency by making a tour of the mining villages in the Avon Valley. Speaking at one meeting. Mr. MacDonald said the state of the country’s trade was much
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  • 110 8 10-DAY’S PEPARTURES. Kalmoa for Asahan. Paneh and Batu Laisang for Singapore, China and Japan. Silverelm for Colombo, Boston. New York and Baltimore, Albert Voegler for Colombo, Port Said, Naples, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Namsang for Calcutta. The following ships are in communicaHon with the Wireless Stations at:— Penang—Alaskan
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  • 455 8 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday 81 TRAIM. Federated Malay Statea, Malacca. Joli»r and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except wliert otherwise stated, close half nn-honr earliei than the Ordinary mail Resumption o» Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be close daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30
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  • 63 8 April 23—Soccer League P.C.C. vs. P.R.C. Padang. 28—Soccer League, P.R.C. vs. Municipality, Padang. 30—Soccer League. P. C. C. vs. Chinese, Padang. May 2—Cricket, P.C.C. v. Sungei Patani, Penang 30—Inter-State Cricket Match. Penang v. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. June I—lnter-State Cricket Match. Penang v. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur. 3— r ricket.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 251 8 1111 |H WWI A fir DANCE TT TO THESE a» NEW HITS ffl Patsy Fox Trot Dreary Weather JzcA Drift wood tv NOTES TWMMM» Please Charley My Boy Dreamer of Dreams Waltz Sahara Fox Trot Gonna Bring Watermelon Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Hongkong) PENANG. lb I— ll■ ill
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    • 265 8 F° r all engines in all climates kLODIBw all conditions -y* there is no sparking plug equal to a gjß he lodge sparking plug is a definite guarantee of its inherent high quality and cHici c n c j .lade in dC'ercnt models, and bt.unable from accessory dealers. Harases and
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  • 740 9 Mr. R. L. Naish. of Kamunting. has arrived back from England. Mr. R. B. Bannon has left hospital, and will proceed Home almost immediately. Mr. J. L. McFall has assumed duties as Assistant Registrar. Supreme Court. Ipoh. Dr. Cross, of Kuala Lumpur, is under orders to proceed
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  • 268 9 DIREC TORS’ REPORT. I'he, report of the directors of the Gula-Kalumi>ong Rubber Estates. Limited for the year ended 31st December 1924. states:— The output for the year amounted to 979,600 lbs. l’he Standard Production is assessed at 1.684.500 lbs. The net profit per acre- of mature rubber amounted
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  • 34 9 At the annual general meeting of Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates, Limited, to be held on the 16th of May. a dividend of 6 per cent will b** recommended by the Directors.
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  • 234 9 Benares Op>«j»n p. J.’».000.00 nom. Cloves 90.00 sellerGold leaf 72.00 seller Mace Pickings no stock Nutmegs 80s 110.00 nom. 110 s 100.00 Coconuts per 1.000 50.00 Copra Sundried 12.10 sales Rattans 11.15 sales Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 p r ba
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  • 230 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.'» share list at I p.m. to-day Yesterday. To-day. 2 E Sharks Jt 0Q aS 5 ot Mining. Batang P6l .62? .621 .65 Cheuderiang 22/- 22/6 22/3 22/6 Ipoh 31/6 33/6 31/- 33/ Johan .45 .471 .41 .43
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  • 97 9 April 22. 1925. 1/>cal. cts all (Sn oked Sheet 73} markets Fine Pale Crepe ...73} easier on Unsmoked ShoM 59 profit SINQAPORB (Crepe ...75| London and New York f Smoked Shw-t Lot,DO ( New York 44| Smoked Ribbed Sheet 71} to 74} per lb do. No. 2 671
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  • 90 9 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd,, gives the following prices, on April 21: London. Spot £234.158 Up £2 3 mos. buying 237.15 s „2 3 selling 238 2 Local. April 22: Singapore sold 125 tons at Pena\g buyers no sellers at $l2O. Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd:— To-day’s quotation
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  • 123 9 PENANG. APRIL 22, 1925 (By Coußrasv of Ch Bane.) London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months' sigh’ 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 11/16 3 2’4 23.32 Calcutta Dem in i Bank IL*'s6 1 3 days’sight Private 159 i Bombay Demand Bank 156 i c Madras Demand Bank 156 5
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  • 1142 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. i J NAMES. z I s 'r z L L_w _L RUBBER (Dollar,-. S c S e M c Allenoy Rubber Co I I SCI Alor Gaj&h Rubber Estate 1 05 15 Amalgamated Malay Estate» 2 101 2 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 11 oG' 1 .5
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 541 9 New Advertisements. L auction POSITION VACANT. “PENANG SALES ROOM. Wanted for Selangor from Ist May M auzvti wi o «r»in Overseer with thorough knowledge AN AUCTION SALE of and experience in concrete and earth q Thursdav 23rd Anril 192«; work, must he able to set out, take levels, n inursaa
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    • 68 9 SHUT OUT SICKNESS by preventing its cause. Constipation is the root reason for most of the everyday ailments which afflict mankind. Are you troubled with sick headaches, flatulency, ill-smelling breath Pinkettes quicklv dispel these troubles. If bilious, liverish, gloomy, ill-tempered, Pinkettes will speedily set you right. Chemists everywhere sell Pinkettes.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 146 9 TOWN HALL, PENANG j Commencing Saturday 25th at 9.30 p.m. For a Short Season Only THEATRICAL announce the return «of ENTERPRISES Madeline Rossiter and Her New London Company The Show that has broken all Records since Pavlova. Saturday, 25th at 9.30 p.m. FLASHLIGHTS lntroducing'New Songs, New Dances, New Burlesque. Monday,
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  • 857 10 IMPROVING THE PROPERTY. The annual meeting of the J eram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Limited, was held m Chartered Bank Chambers, Sl «g a P°^ e when Mr. Chew Woon Poh presided and those also present were Messrs. Gaw Khek Khiam, E. A. Elias, and 1. x Knight
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 316 10 Recognised Everywhere as the Finest Value Ever Offered! M■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■■>■ 15 30 h. p. from £420. 19- 6 h. p. from £760. Prices subject to alteration Delivered, including duty and charges at SINGAPORE and PENANG. jdU pun from Authorised Agents THE CYCLE J CARRIAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh, Peuaug awl
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    • 41 10 Pitman’s New Course tn Typewriting *1 /50 per book, stocked hv the Pinanr Gazette Press. Ltd Penang. Pi inters’ Medical Guide, by Dr. E. 'N. Graham, 83/- per book or 83/30 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
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    • 150 10 I ■Tf.,**’ l /V I I I maintains its pre-war delicacy I of BOUQUET and FLAVOUR I 7* I The Distillers Agency Limited, I I Edinburgh, SCOTLAND. L— J THE NEW I STUDEBAKER. I r The Improvements in Detail on the v I New STUDEBAKER Models are F numerous. x
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  • 1153 11 (By A Lady Correspondent.) Paris, March 25. Woman to-day has so few caprices, that she has for many seasons with a sweet obstinacy, to change the style of her dress. The dressmakers have produced all manner of new and captivating models they have attempted new styles to
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  • 274 11 Professor Henri Rebaud. French expent in the studx of heredity, has issued an !>>' itation to the scientists of every nation to co operate' with him to a worldwide study of the family trees of i Unusually bepaitiful womanlie wishes to establish precisely the respective parts
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 402 11 V\ Go through the how wth LOTOL —it destroys all Insect Test». /J 1 16uf Greatest Cleattlmess C Quick L Easy— Thorough! \v > |SK Zg»arK.<K-'r ,'»niddor.~.' .tr-iM X Em* /Jgltl?yr?fcCVr "‘ffiFsWWm, kan /g tl4 ,'mr .«■mb wa; Ljgs \JL ‘f/ B S 3 35 IEWWiK H Sfefl? &i (I
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    • 41 11 Pitman’s Junior Typist Book, $l/75 per book or $2/- post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Course. Key for New Era. $l/50 per book or $l/80 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
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    • 262 11 A q Your children should be full of the I energy of good health. To ensure th* B »should form part of their daily diet. Ordinary milk, however, is un- < suitable, for it is always exposed to 5 the dangers of dust, flies and germs. The famous Milk-Food, Glaxo,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1398 12 THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE S INTENDED SAILINGS R °M PBNANG, H k BL N JUEBfi WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N CONTINENT k gg|g g B BISIM I AOMEDON April 24 London. Rotterdam <• Hamburg. H 9 LYCAON April Marseille, London. Rotterdam Hamburg. EUM A EUS Maj’ 7 London. Rotterdam and
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    • 692 12 P. ©.-BRITISH INDIA AND apcar lines. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIU PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. A O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. For Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Moji For Colombo, Aden, Port Said, M.r Sei ei and Kobe. nd London. MOREA
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