Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 March 1924

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 706 1 kOKISATSU,! otographic IRT STUDIO. I Ttione 772. 6B bishop street-® I o fC. C. WAKEFIELD CO., LTD., 1 B ni-riT»«n-rtTrr n..-w S j (IHGOBPORATBD IS BNGLAHW. g DTTI TK/JI Al j Q DA I ftIT I BRITISH THROUGHOUT I I OUUIuIitUJD IT Alli 1. g sr S S? x-~ ANOTHER
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    • 18 1 T NAGATA, i I DENTIST. i Hi I! NEXT DOOR TO |j X i THE (DISPENSARY.” x L^
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  • 744 2 DIRECTORS’ REPORT. The report of the Directors of the Parit Perak Rubber Co., Limited, for the year ended the 3lst December, 1923, shows that the revenue from rubber was $81.198.31, less revenue expenditure $58,568.14 ($22,630.17), to which must be added —transfer and registration fees $61.00, interest
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1388 2 TENDERS INVITED. 2 Illi Wl RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, rpj ie Municipal Commissioners of |||j George Town, Penang, hereby invite fj; Including free town delivery or IB tenderg for the unde rmentioned work X postage. iij Laying Concrete Paving in the Vehi- PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. x cle Stand, Prangin Road Erects
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    • 820 2 NOTICE. ba nks In the Estate of Mashoredin Merican MAATSCHATPIJ, L Noordin Deceased. NEDERLANDS TRADING xt 144 ESTABLISHED 1824 Pursuant to Ordinance No. 144 Capital (Paid Up (Trustees) Notice is hereby given that all f 80,000,000 abt Creditors and other persons having any statutory Reserve claims or demands against the
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  • 463 3 As previously arranged. Messrs V. K. Murugasapillai N. Eiiatamby J. Thambiah of Taiping and Dr. Sivacoluntu of Kuala Kangsar proceeded to Ipoh to accompany the distinguished visitors. The party started from Ipoh at 10 a. m. on Thursday the
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  • 364 3 SIR P. RAMANATHAN. [To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, —The attention of my Committee having been drawn to certain misstatements in the Press account of Friday’s doings. I ask leave to make a correction or two and supply an comission. The party which met the distinguished visitors
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  • 373 3 Messrs James F. Hutton Co.. Ltd., Manchester, reported orr Wednesday’ 27th Febuary Cotton values have again been weak and further steady decline has taken place. This must be attributed almost wholly to the action of the American market wheie strongly’ depressing factors appear to be at work
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  • 159 3 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. March 23. The Perak Motor Union held its annual general meeting yesterday at 6.30 p.m. at the Ipoh Club with Mr. IL J. Cooper in the chair. After the report and accounts had been adopted there was some discu-sion
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  • 99 3 Mar. 25 —Football League. Nomads v Wanderers. Esplanade. 27—Football League. Casuals v Wanderers, Esplanade. 29 Cricket League. P.R.C. v C.R.C., Victoria Green. 30— P.S.C. A Class (50 yards Handicap). B Class (50 y’ards Handicap. April 3—Football League, Albion v Rovers. s—Cricket League. P.C.C. v E.S.C.. Esplanade. s—Parit Perak
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  • 42 3 A Teheran message says it is reported from Khoramabad that Amir-ed Monazam. chief of Hassanwand and Norzar Ali Khan, chief of the Piranowand tribes and thirteen other petty chiefs found guilty of participation in the late rebellion have been executed.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 385 3 lbod 3- Safest and Best for Baby. M3vi sb 3 i iV-M-, n Mellin’s Food forms a perfect r diet for the hand-fed baby jT' prepared as directed, it be- ftSfa X --I H comes as safe and beneficial as r- mother’s J</W r». Give your baby Mellin’s Food k!
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    • 42 3 Daily Mirror, Atlas of the World, s2'so per book or $2/80 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang. Penang Sea Frontage Rights and, $2/50 per book or $2/80 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
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    • 103 3 I AT WHITEAWAY’S I JUST UNPACKED b EX I 5 Is. s. “KALYAN” Choice Assortment a OF LADIES’ AND 5 I CHILDREN’S J Trimmed and J Untrimmed S MILLINERY ALSO A SMART SELECTION S OF NEW I S J I Artificial Flowers, I J I Wreaths, Foliage, I 5 S
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  • 1479 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. J. A. Archibald has left for Home. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fletcher, of Klang, leave for home by the s. s. Teiresias. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sharpe-Smith, of Kinrara Estate, have left for Home. Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt, of Messrs. Osborne and Chappel will be
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  • 1182 4 ALLEGED FALSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS. Before the Hon. Mr. Justice P. J. Sproule and a special jury at the Penang Assizes, yesterday morning, the hearing was begun of the case against Lee Chooi Thang and Teh Ewe Chor, who were charged that they about November and December, 1922 and
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  • 325 4 NEW OIL WELL ON FIRE. (Translated). Batavia, March 15. News of a very serious outbreak of fire in a new oil well at Pangkalan Soesoe, Sumatra, the property of De Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij was received by Aneta on the 13th instant. The fire was raging fiercely for three
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  • 92 4 “EASY, SELFISH SUBSTITUTE FOR CHUROHGOING.’* Th? Rev. James Smith, preaching in Aberdeen condemned wireless broadcasting on Sundays. Even cemetery visiting had become in many cases a substitute for church-going, he said. It looked as if a minister would find himself reducel to a machine for baptising, marrying,
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  • 422 4 EURASIAN VOLUNTEERS’ tributes. The premises of the Eurasian Volunteer Club, Penang Road, Penang, were selected as the venue of a pleasant but memorable function, the presentation of a swagger stick mounted with silver with the crest of the Penang Volunteers on it together with a group photograph of
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  • 258 4 Under the auspices of the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association an agricultural show of the South West District of Penang will be held at the District Office. Balik Pulau, on Monday, the 21st of April next. The show is timed to open at 8 o’clock in the morning
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  • 85 4 Tie for Tuesday, March 25: —Single Championship (Semi-final). —Lee Tiang Liat vs. Cheah Wat Sun. Ties for Wednesday, March 26:—Doubles Championship (Semi-final) (Unfinished). —Oh Eng Leong and Lee Huan Cheang vs. Wong Pak How and Lam Choon Kee. Doubles Handicap Class “B” (Final). 15.1 Aw Boon Soo
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  • 887 4 NO lI—NEW YEA Il’S EVE. Wang Cha-Ee was teaching primary school and was drawing month. With this he had to sunnJ a wife and two little children—a r a girl. He had to fight very hZn M cause things were very dear, n Q never happy because
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 165 5 London, March 14.—A vigorous attack Mr. Churchill was made by Mr. J.R. (’lvnes in a letter to Mr. Fenner Brockthe Labour candidate in the AbLev division by-election. He says: “If politics could be viewed as a great entertainment it would be fitting to send Mr Churchill back
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    • 63 5 London, March 17. —Mr. Churchill virtually admitted his conversion to Conservatism to-day. When questioned whether he might take office in an Asquith ian Cabinet if Labour were defeated. Mr. Churchill replied “It would be impossible for me to serve under any Government not based on a
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    • 113 5 London, March 16. —Given a dinner by the London Press Club who handed him a silver inkstand for his daughter Isohel. "with love on her 21st birthday,” Mr. Ramsay MacDonald said he now knew why the Government had survived during the last fortnight (laughter),
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    • 162 5 London, March 14. —His Majesty has approved the appointment of the Labourite M.P. Mr. James Brown 0.8. E., as Lord High Commissioner of the Church of Scotland in succession to Lord Elphinstone. The office for 2.‘ centuries has been held by the Scottish nobility.
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    • 36 5 London, March 17.—The first woman diplomat Nadejda Stancioff, eldest daughter and secretary to the Bulgarian Minister in London, was married in London this morning at the Brompton Oratory to Sir Alexander Kay Muir.
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    • 91 5 London, March 17. —The Prince of M ales hitherto knows nothing of the public disapproval concerning his participation in dangerous pastimes, but according to those in close personal touch with the Prince steps will be taken to inform him ,in a day or two W
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    • 52 5 th n^? n arc h D.—announced ‘‘t lis Majesty the King has decided *t to race the Britannia this year owing cht« aC 1 com P in big class ya- s lis Majesty, however, will com.lf 111 Britannia for cruising pur(t s and hopes to sail aboard
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    • 176 5 London, March 18.—-Herbert Roger Sadd, a solicitor of .Saddlestone, Surrey, was charged at the Guildhall with fraudulently converting certain deeds of ownership of property entrusted to him by Lord Foley under a power of attorney. The prosecutor said the prisoner had been in financial difficulties for
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    • 63 5 London, March 13. —The Secretary for War states that the total initial cast of the new equipment for the Army including the general issue of white belts and sporrans and gaiters to Scottish regiments is estimated at £lo4,lo'’. The normal annual additional cost will be £7,500. The cost
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    • 166 5 London, March 15. —A Capetown message says Mrs. Naidu after touring Natal and the Transvaal left by mail train to-day for M ellington. She arrived at Capetown by special train this afternoon and was accorded a most wonderful reception, crowds surging round her motor car. Interviewed
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    • 156 5 London, March 13. —An excellent example of keenness for the work of the Empire Cancer campaign is found in the efforts of the Northamptonshire branch to raise money by many novel ways. The newsagents of the Borough have agreed to give one w’hole week in March as
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    • 84 5 Bombay March 12. —Among the arrivals yesterday by the s.s. City of >B>imla was a photographic party of the Mount Everest Expedition in charge of Captain J. B. Noel, who is accompanied by Lieut-enant-Colonel V. A. Haddick, well known in India as the inventor of military kitchen
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    • 62 5 London, March 17.—Questioned in the House of Commons about protection for the native women being brought to the Empire Exhibition, Mr. Lunn said that special accommodation within the Exhibition area would be provided for all such women while the respective authorities were free to take
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    • 163 5 London, March 18. —In the Chancery Division Mr. Justice Russell decided in favour of plaintiffs, three Burman students, Pe Maung Tin and two others, now in England against Sir Harvey Adamson to restrain the latter from acting or purporting to act as President of the Burma Society.
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    • 107 5 London, March 14. —Mr. Stephen Walsh must feel aglow with the compliments bestow’ed on him by Lieut.Colonel Repingtion in the “Daily Telegraph” with reference to his handling of the War Estimates. The military journalist goes so far as to say he feels the interests of the Army
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    • 56 5 London, March 14. —As the result of a conference with Cape Members of Parliament, Government has decided to introduce a clause in the Class Areas Bill exempting the Cape from the provisions of the Bill. This is regarded as significant, as the Cape is the only province
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    • 121 5 London, March 17. —A Teheran message says the matter of a republic is making rapid headway. The question will probably be brought before the Mejliss to-day and there is every possibility that it will be passed before the Norooz on the 21st. The independent Democrats, now called
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    • 102 5 London, March 13. —The Jhanzie Tea Association, Limited, have recommended that the existing £5 shares be split, each into five £1 shares, to give bonus of two extra £1 shares to every £5 share held. The total dividend declared for the year by the Ragalla Tea estates
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    • 104 5 London, March 15. —A Paris message says the destroyer Aisne to-day conveyed to France the remains of 26 French sailors, who died in England from wounds received during the fig|hting of 1914. A battalion of chasseurs sounded the Last Post as the vessel was
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    • 670 5 RECOGNITION OF SERVICES IN MALABAR OPERATIONS. London, March 17. —In the House of Commons to-day replying to Major R.D. T. Yerburgh, Mr. Richards stated that the King had approved the grant of the Indian General Service Medal with clasp for the Malabar operations of 1921 to the
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    • 80 5 London, March 16. —The High Commissioner for India has appointed Mr. Cecil Barth to represent him in arranging engagements for the bands of the 4th-Bth battalion of the Prince of Wales’s Own Punjabis’ pipers and drums and the 2nd-10th battalion of the Baluchis who are
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    • 186 5 London, [March 18. —Commenting onr the latest political happenings in India,) the “Daily Telegraph” says one thing certain about the future is that India will be spared the frightful disaster of the concession of Swarajist demands by the Imperial Parliament. There is only one method of
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    • 127 5 London, March 18. —In an editorial comment on the Legislative Assembly b rejection of the Finance Bill under the heading “A Set Back to India,” the “Daily Chronicle” says that it is difficult to understand how the Swarajist» hope by such methods to persuade the
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    • 119 5 London, March 18.- —A Nairobi message says that following recent statements n the House of Commons and elsewhere concerning the Indian question in Kenya, a deputation comprising representatives of the entire European community waited on Governor Coryndon on March 15, and pointed out that Europeans were perturbed
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    • 101 5 London, March 14. —Mr. E. Beresford, Chancellor, lecturing before the Society of Arts on London's Royal residences pleaded for the preservation of Devonshire House in which Queen Anne lived,. He declared it would be a disgrace if this last complete example of Kent's work was demolished. He
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    • 137 5 London, March 14. —A non-politieal speech by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald at to-night’s St. David’s Day banquet at Cardiff was broadcast in the clearest way throughout the country/ The Premier said that nationality must be catholic, not exclusive, and found the best expression in education. Mr. J. H.
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    • 59 5 London, March 16. —Communication with the cruiser Sutlej was yesterday. She was seen in the morning by the Peterhead coastguards three miles off the port being towed northwards en route to Belfast. Progress at times was very slow. They were working with the tide, which accounted for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 135 5 OUR WEEKLY CARTOON. “IN THE PUBLIC EYE.” *4)=^—, .> gSi I 1 •V 2 -I i [\V*Sl I. IzOI 1 \l /W 'I z? J& j J p\ x l\ i b z.»< *SR >-'♦■ THE RIGHT HON. JOHN WHEATLEY. This stockily built smiling gentleman, with the ruddy face, thin
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  • 39 6 MICHAU. At the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Monsieur and Madame R. Michaux. a son, Claude» Carter. —On March 23rd, 1924, at the Maternity Hospitaj. Batu Gajah. to Vida, wife of Mr. Ar F. Carter. Sengat Estate, Ipoh.—a son.
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  • 301 6 We congratulate the Labour Secretary of State for the Colonies on the appointment of the Hon. Mr. Edward Shaw Hose. C. M.G.. to the Colonial Secretaryship. Straits Settlements, in succession to Sir Frederick Seton James, and in congratulating the Rt. Hon. J. 11. Thomas, we must also felicitate
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  • 327 6 Woman is again evincing the primitive instincts of the huntress. Even in these days of almost-total emancipation the eternal feminine retains her Diana-like propensities and continues to harass the humble male, granting him no respite from her charms and inflicting upon his bowed bead, the full force
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  • 284 6 Someone has discovered that man’s nether garments were first invented by a Roman general in the days when the mere male wore short skirts and an air of indifference as to the length of hirsute limb he displayed. The general, it is said, was engaged behind the lines pondering
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  • 129 6 The P. A O. Packet Kashmir, with mails despatched from London on the 6th March, is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Friday, the 28th instant. The homeward mail, by the Naldera, closes at 6 p.m. on Friday, the 28th instant. Lord Goschen, who succeeds Lord
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  • 1457 6 The career of the new Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, The Hon. Mr. is given in the Times E. S. Ho»e of Malaya as follows: Mr. Edward Shaw Hose was born on November 25, 1871, and joined the F.M.S. Service at the age of twenty years, but even
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  • 167 6 WATCHMAN CONVICTED. Md. Jahir, who described himsell as a watchman, appeared before Mr. IL Forrer, in the Police Court, Penang. th’S morning charged with cheating one Vellasamy Chettiar in respect of 50 cents. According to the evidence for the prosecution, the accused called the complainant. who went about
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  • 55 6 The following have been selected <’ represent the Nomads against tin Wanderers on the Esplanade. Penang, this evening:—Goal, Lim Cheng 11 Backs, Lim Khav Seng and Yeoh heng Hoe Halfbacks, Ong Eng Hock. Teoh Cheng Hoe and Ah Kow Forwards. Kiew, Kim Ch wee. Keng Teong, Ph'-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 321 6 gf Cheapness doesnot 0 mean eeonomij! m C-Z S Economy must always be considered, n but the greatest consideration uZS should go to the quality of the IE LI! article desired. Ft 1 V In the case of the cheap cigarette, l\L •84*0 nothing is gained when the health IT
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    • 29 6 “E. O.” Guest Night and Dancing every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin —Orchestra Every Wednesday and Saturday. Orchestral Concert every other Sunday at 9.45 p.m. Next Concert —6th April.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 149 6 TIDE TABLES. Penang P. Sw’ham Singapore Mar. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. 25 2.50 a 8.58 a 7.27 a 1.45 a 0.33 a 6.51 a 3.13 p 9.29 p 7.48 p 1.53 p 1.14 p 7.09 p 26 3.30 a 9.31 a 8.02 a 2.17 a I.loa 7.37 a
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  • 263 7 More About the Singapore Base. -Reuter’s Telegrams.) t London. March 24. T U the House of Coinmns, Commander Bellairs asked in view ol the gravity of the issue with regard to the time required t 0 complete the Singapore project, in the event of the Government’s disarmament
    -Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  263 words
  • 75 7 London, March 13. —Replying to questions in the House of Commons to-day, Mr. Ammon said that our latest large warship could be docked in two existing docks in British territory outside the United Kingdom, namely, Quebec and St. John's, New Brunswick. Two other suitable docks were being
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  • 40 7 London, March 24. The whole country will listen to the King’s Speech at the opening of the Empire Exhibition on April 23. The speech will be delivered directly into a microphone and broadcast to all stations.
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  • 192 7 GOVERNMENT’S NEW BILL. London, March 24. In the House of Commons, replying to a question with regard to the tram strike, Mr. H. Gosling announced that the Government would introduce the London Traffic Bill to -morrow and pass it as rapidly as possible. Mr. Macdonald emphasised that
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  • 47 7 London. March 24. In the House of Commons, in reply to b’ l -tions, Mr. Macdonald said the Gov'l’’l Dot intend to introduce Miners’ Minimum Wage Bill in r< “i- to settle the present dispute, *>■ ’h he hoped would be settled by “klustrial methods.
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  • 178 7 Work of Irresponsibles. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, March 24. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Neville Chamberlain. Mr. J. H. Thomas, expressed the Government’s deepest sympathy for the victims of the cowardly and brutal outrage at Queenstown (Cheers) and for their relatives and friends. He emphasised
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  178 words
  • 133 7 CREW KILLED IN BUNKS. London, March 24. During the night, there was a collision on the Thames, between the Shaw Savill cargo ship “Matatua” of the United States Line and the cargo vessel American Merchant which resulted in eight of the crew of the “Matatua”
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  • 139 7 EIGHT PERSONS KILLED. Metz, March 24. Th? International express from Ostend to Bale collided w’ith a goods train at Bensdqrf during the night. Eight dead and 11 injured have hitherto been reported. Unidentified. Metz, March 24. Owing to their terrible mutilation, six out of the eight
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  • 45 7 SINKING OF THE AUSTRALIA. A PROTEST. Sydney, March 24. A meeting of the Australian Natives Association telegraphed to the Rt. Hon. S.M. Bruce, protesting against the decision to sink the battleship Australia on the ground that the sinking is not obligatory under the Washington Treaty.
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  • 32 7 Berlin, March 24. The famous airman Linnekogel, who established two world height records, resuming flying after six years, crashed and was killed in his first flight near Cassel.
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  • 62 7 REQUEST FOR CONFERENCE. London. March 24. In the House of Commons, replying to Dr. W. A. Chapple. Mr. Macdonald stated that the Chinese request to hold a preliminary conference to discuss matters relating to the increase of 2.» per cent on the Customs duties, in accordance with
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  • 251 7 Experts at Variance. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, March 24. The situation arising out of the differences among the reparations experts, on which the British representatives have returned to report to Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, is described here as extremely difficult, if not critical. It is understood that the British representatives
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  251 words
  • 64 7 SU BST ANT IA L INCREASES. Dusseldorf, March 24. The output of the Ruhr mines amounts to 102 per cent, and the coke ovens to 82 per cent compared with the figures for 1922. 7160 railwaymen were reenlisted. The February custom duties and special licences yielded
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  • 28 7 Washington, March 25. The House of Representatives, passed a resolution to appropriate $10,000,000 for the purchase of foodstuffs for women and children in Germany.
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  • 12 7 Hamburg, March 24. The dock strike has been settled.
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  • 28 7 SIXTEEN FISHERMEN KILLED. Cairo, March 24. Sixteen fishermen were killed off Alexandria by the explosion of a floating mine, which became entangled in the nets.
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  • 56 7 RAKOWSKY AND LITVINOFF TO BE PRESENT. London, March 24. Russia will be represented by a very influential deputation at the AngloRussian conference to deal with outstanding questions between the two countries. The deputation is expected to arrive in ample time to open the discussions early in April, and
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  • 50 7 London, March 24. It is announced that the Soviet authorities have decided to release and expel Cieplak. It is believed that the representations of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald influenced the decision in the proceedings against the Patriarch Tikhon on June 27 and 29, which have been definitely abandoned.
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  • 57 7 London, March 24. The British Committee organising the movement to help to replace English books in the Japanese Imperial University. lost through the earthquake, writes to the press stating that learned societies and British publishers have already made a very generous response, and inviting cash donations
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  • 153 7 The Rejected Supply Measures. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Nagpur, March 24. Consequent on the Legislature’s rejection of the Supply Measures the Governor, Sir William Marris announced his decision to certify that the expenditure was essential for the carrying on of the administration. He was restoring practically all the supplies for
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  153 words
  • 18 7 Bombay, March 24. Work has been resumed in all except eight of the cotton mills.
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  • 60 7 MR. SINCLAIR’S CONTEMPT. Washington. March 24. With a view to having Mr. Sinclair adjudged guilty of contempt, the Senate has decided to certify to the I nited States Attorney, his refusal to answer questions before the oil committee. Another witness who refused to be examined is Mr.
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  • 81 7 THE JAPANESE QUESTION. Washington, March 24. The House of Representatives Immigration Committee submitted a formal report on the Johnson Immigration Bill. The report expresses the opinion that cancellation of the socalled Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan was justified. The Committee agrees to give wider latitude to the admission
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  • 38 7 GENERALS FALL OUT. Buenos Aires, March 24. Generals Justo. Minister of War and Dellipiane, Commander of the Garrison, fought a duel. Both are seriously wounded. The Minister’s criticism of the army caused the quarrel.
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  • 36 7 Washington, March 24. The House of Representatives passed a resolution authorising an investigation into the aircraft industry of the United States and also into the Army and Navy and postal air services.
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  • 38 7 New York. March 24. The American women’s hockey team has returned from Europe. They spoke highly of their British opponents, play. The only victory gained by the American team was in Paris.
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  • 52 7 A GOOD YEAR. New York, March 24. The annual statement of the United States Steel Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1923. shows that the net earnings amounted to $128,177,000 and the surplus net income to $54,260,000. A dividend on preferred shares of 7 per cent
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  • 55 7 London, March 24. A message from Teheran states that owing to the opposition shown by the clergy and public, Parliament has dropped the proposal to establish a Republic, but has decided to depose the Shah in favour of his two year old son and on having
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  • 88 7 Capablanca Comes Back. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) New York, March 24. In the sixth round of the International Chess Tournament, Capablanca beat Tartakower (Russia) after 51 moves Russians in Ascendant. New York, March 24. Three Russians lead at the end of the fifth round of the Chess Tournament, Bogulbujow. Tartakower
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  88 words
  • 58 7 A BAN RAISED. Paris, March 24. A meeting of the International Lawn Tennis Federation l decided to admit Japan as a member of the Federation, with four votes. Rumania was also admitted. The applications of Austria and Hungary were postponed, but the ban against members of the Federation
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  • 89 7 New York, March 24. Counsel for Mr. William Anderson having failed to secure a certificate of reasonable doubt from the Supreme Court, announces that his client surrenders to serve his term in Sing Sing. It is estimated that Anderson’s sentence may be reduced to about nine months
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  • 28 7 Rome, March 24. The Pope in a private consistory, announced that Monsignors Sayes and Mundelein, Archbishops of New York and Chicago respectively, had been appointed Cardinals.
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  • 21 7 FALL OF £2O. London, March 24. Tin this morning slumped £2O to £259, owing to heavy American selling.
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  • 25 7 London, March 24. The Siamese loan is expected early this week, probably amounting to £3,000,000 at 6 per cent and issued at 95|.
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  • 150 7 CLERGY’S STRENGTH DECLINING AT RATE OF 400 A YEAR. In the new edition of Crockford’s, just issued, the dearth of candidates for Holy Orders is commented upon. “We doubt whether the seriousness of the situation is generally realised,” says “Crockford’s.’” “In most parishes the assistant curate is
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  • 112 7 ARRANGEMENTS FOR RECEPTION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 25. The Tagore Reception Committee appointed Mr. Cumarasami to proceed to Penang to meet the poet. It is not certain whether he will fulfil his promise to visit Kuala Lumpur now on his return from
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  • 433 7 MR. PECK GIVES EVIDENCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 25. At yesterday’s hearing of the Malayan Collieries’ case, the evidence taken on commission of Mr. Tan Chong Chew, Secretary of the E. M. R. Company, was read, in which there was a long list of
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  • 138 7 GANG ROBBERS CONVICTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 25. At the Assizes, three Chinese were found guilty of gang robbery in broad dayligjht in January and sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment. Malay Councillor Entertained. luche Eunos bin Abdullah, the recently appointed Malay member of the Legislative Council,
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  • 63 7 Mrs. Adams gratefully acknowledges the following contributions to the Children’s Aid Society Previously acknowledged $280.00 Mrs. J. B. B.ker $25.00; The Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell «$10.00; Mr. Codrington «$lO.OO. Total $325.00. It is reported that the Dalai Lama has left for Mongolia. Troops are moving about on
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  • 13 7 OBITUARY. London. March 24. The death is announced of Sir William Mac Ewen.
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  • 685 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, March 23. The annual general meeting of the Central Perak Planters’ Association was held on Saturday, with Mr. G. E. Johnson in the Chair. The Chairman explained that the membership had fallen considerably since 1920, the present membership being only about one
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  • 95 8 P AND T. COOPERATIVE SOCIETY CASE. Tan Kim Choon, at one time secretary of the F. M. S. Posts and Telegraphs Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society, was produced before Mr. W. Pryde, the Kuala Lumpur police magistrate, and charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of
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  • 462 8 Messrs. Baker Morgan and Company, Kuala Lumpur report under date March 22 Tin suffered another sensational drop early in the week, this time of £2O/since when however there have been two sharp recoveries of £lO/- and £6.5/- respectively, and the price at the close is £279.5/-, which
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  • 257 8 The deferred third ordinary general meeting of the Mergui Tin Dredging Co. Ltd., was held at Rangoon, when the following were present :—Messrs. A. C. Martin, A.E. Donaldson. G. Holland, M. Joakim, M. Shakur and K. Sain Lyan (Secretary). Mr. A. C. Martin was elected
    257 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 I THE NEW! COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA THE GRAMOPHONE I ADVANCE OF THE < CENTURY j Dame Clara Butt Says—“ I consider S W that this invention 6^^*^ T easily places the e Grafonola several J Clara Butt w years in advance S of any o t her Gramophone.” j I* MahoganyjModel
      142 words
    • 25 8 Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Coursh, (New Era Edition) Complete Edition with supplementary Exercises $3 or $3/30 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd., Penang.
      25 words
    • 33 8 1 If it’s your NERVES R fl you mu»t have K 1 sanatocen I seM Dr. Claude WHEKLKRuya: gl The debilitated nervous V'jjK system absorbs Sanatogen *s the parched earth drinks up water.”
      33 words
      137 words

  • 685 9 APPLICATION BY’ A CAFE REFUSED. I qUar V ?rly rneetin of the Board of trict (W i? Btlces waa hel <l in the DisDistXt I’ ingapore Mr P- A. F. David, District Judge, presided, and the other Hnnt berS f the Board present were Dr, Hvmter, Messrs.
    685 words
  • 118 9 PENANG. MARCH 25, 1924. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 1/32 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/417/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 167 3 days’sight Private „170 o Bombay Demand Bank „167 g Madras Demand Bank „167 S 3
    118 words
  • 117 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yestreday. To-day. E Shares. >» 5 CQ 0Q CQ QD Ic. tc. ic. t e. Mining. Asam K. 42/- 43/- 42/- 43/-. Batang P. 1... 47} 50 47} 50 Idris Hyd. 21/- 21/6 20/9 21/3
    117 words
  • 66 9 25th March, 1924. Local. cts. {Smoked Sheet 40| Fine Pale Crepe 40j Unsmoked Sheet 35 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 41| PORE 1 Crepe London and New York. London (Smoked Sheet... h.OJd (Crepe 15.0. d New York G22| The following were the rubber quotations in London on March 24: Smoked
    66 words
  • 44 9 The General Produce Agency, Ltd., Beach Street, Penang, report that the following prices were realised at their auction room to-day Good F.A.Q. Smoked diamond sheet $53 to $54 F.A.Q. do 51 52 Off quality and Low F.A.Q. Smoked diamond sheet 45 50
    44 words
  • 83 9 London. The Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., gives the following prices, on March 24 Spot £261.5s down £lB 3 mos. buying 261.5 s „18 3 selling 261.10 s „18 Local. March 25th Singapore sold 75 tons at $l3O Penang buyers no sellers at $129.25. Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd:—
    83 words
  • 205 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5,000.00 nom. Cloves 110.00 sellers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings 115.00 Nutmegs 80s 100.00 110 s 90.00 Coconuts per 1.000 50.00 Copra Snndried 11.20 sellers Rattans 11.20 seller* Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do
    205 words
  • 1100 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. names 1 3 75 T X v Eh RUBBER [Dollar.] 8 of e 8 c Allenby Rubber Co 1 12} 1 15 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 10 1 25 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 00 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 11 00 12 00 Ayer Kuning Rubber
    1,100 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 476 9 ICZEMA ALL OVER CHILDIHEAD Old Not Rest Cried With Pain. Cuticura Heals. "My little girl’s head broke out with small pimples that broke and formed a wet eczema. The eruptions spread all over and the irritation was very great. She could not rest day or night and cried con- .tinually
      476 words
    • 231 9 Q Tennis Huahin D TOURNAMENTS O N S E A g APRIL sth 12th. g OPEN MEN’S SINGLES (all comers To be Held from Fl OPEN MIXED DOUBLES all comers J April sth to 7th. s Handicaps Competition will also be Arranged. s*? EE Cups for these Tournaments are Presented
      231 words

  • 256 10 KEEN CONTESTS. On the invitation of the Balik Pulau Platoon of the Malay Company of the Penang Volunteers, the three Penang Platoons of the Company proceeded to Balik Pulau on Saturday afternoon and engaged their hosts in indoor as well as outdoor games. Every event was keenly
    256 words
  • 141 10 Statement by Chief Collector of Customs showing exports of rice (including paddy converted to two thirds rice) from Burma to India and Foreign Countries during the week ending the 15th March. 1924, and the progressive total from the Ist January. 1924. and totals for the corresponding
    141 words
  • 75 10 The Committee of the Young Women’s Christian Association beg to acknowledge these gifts to the Rest Room —A clock. Lady Guillemard. Two pictures, General Sir Neill Malcolm, Role of matting and silk for lamp shades, Messrs. Wassiamull Assomull. Mrs. le Fevre has very kindly offered
    75 words
  • 145 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES Menggala for Deli and P. Brandan Kalmoa for Deli and Asahan. Kopah for Deli. Ormara for Singapore. 0 Klang for Port Swettenham Singa Waroonga for Singapore. America for Singapore. Van Cloon for Singapore and China The P. &O. s. s. Kashmir, f n n London via
    145 words
  • 407 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday) BT TRAIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-honr earlier than the Ordinary mail Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30 p.
    407 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 474 10 "v WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE For Coughs, Colds and Internal Troubles. s x xs= x xs x= x sx«= z =x as is* s x S8:-:«EX21X I Asset* over »5,000,000 S.C. Awurance in force over $17,000,000. s I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j jti (Incorporated in Straits
      474 words
    • 150 10 little children need Medicine of Their Own. Every careful parent will insist that medicine given to children should be absolutely pure, safe, gentle and free from narcotic drugs. Baby’s Own Tablets, the Canadian children’s remedy, are guaranteed not to contain one atom of any harmful drug or opiate One tiny
      150 words
    • 15 10 Singapore Dollar Directory 1923-24 At $2 each. STOCKED BY Th® Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. PENANG.
      15 words

  • 545 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, March 25, 1924. cts Government Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 47 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.30 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 50 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 50 Lamb do 50
    545 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 ——-t ONE HUNDRED YEARS’ HISTORY OF s THE CHINESE IN SINGAPORE (1819 to 1919.) 'Being a chronological record of the contribution by the Chinese community to the development, progress and prosperity of Singapore; of events and incidents concerning the whole or sections of that community and of the lives, pursuits
      296 words
    • 29 11 Millkts, their Nutritive and Economic Vahie, Cultivation, etc., in Malaya, by L. M. Bereuger, $l/- per book or fl/30 post free, stocked by the Pinaag Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
      29 words
    • 174 11 China-Clay and Pottery Co., Ltd., Gopeng. MANUFACTURERS OF Latex Cups, Capacity 7 and 10 oz. with or without the name of the estate printed on the cups. Fire Bricks and Fireclay, China Clay and Whiting Porcelain Electrical Ware. SOLE DISTRIBUTING AGENTS: McAlister 00., LIMITED. MESSRS. W. D. H. O. WILLS’
      174 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1297 12 ITHE BLUE FUNNEL line! INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. |Sj| k 11 |gKk OMR S WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. IM |k Mfl AWH QM| I ft J *TEIKESIAS Mar. London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. I RHEXENOR Apl. 3 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. MERIONES 10 Havre, London, and Rotterdam. zmtddonj vitckuv
      1,297 words
    • 723 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseille* A Londtn 1 ca p abont KASHMIR Mar. 27 NALDERA Mar 0 t
      723 words