Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 February 1924

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 484 1 g ex* e® tmb ms» o [tokisatsu, i PHOTOGRAPHIC J A RT STUDIO. J 'Phone 772. I 6 S. BISHOP STREET- j I C.C. WAKEFIELD Co., T.rd., S Q L GNUM 1 BRITISH THROUGHOUT 1 I g lauoffli |O A LWAYS 5 0LVE T« e r idoles Qf Lubrication, g
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    • 21 1 X X X i T. NAGATA, ti is iii DENTIST. ii NEXT DOOR TO ij -THE DISPENSARY.” IK3Sl K3SK x _j
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  • 776 2 Nomads vs Casuals. A DRAWN GAME. But for two unpleasant incidents, which occurred during the second half of the game, the League fixture between the Nomads and the Casuals, which was played off on the Esplanade, Penang, yesterday evening, might be described as a fast and clean
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  • 88 2 The health statement for the Mnnicipality of George Town for the week ending 9th February. 1924, shows a total of 67 deaths39 males and 28 femalesthe death-rate being 26.78 per mille oer annum, compared with 17.99 in the preceding week and with 23.97 in the corresponding week of
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    • 62 2 London. February 9.Northern Union results.Barrow beat Saiford 23-10. Bramley beat Featherstone 9-5. Broughton tied with Oldham 0-0. Dewsbury beat St. Helens 16-10. Huddersfield beat Leeds 17-6. Hull beat Swinton 3-0. Hunslet beat Bradford 10-2. Keighley beat Wakefield 11 5. Leigh beat Batley 6-0. Rochdale Hornets tied
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    • 177 2 London, February 9.In the rugby football match between England and Ireland at Belfast to-day England won by 14 points to 3. J.. Wheeler ieplaced W. Hall. Justonians, in the Irish team, while R. Hamilton Wickes and Robson played for England instead el H. Locke, Birkenhead’ Park, and
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    • 85 2 London, February 10.—The England I rugby footba 1 team selected to play against France at Twickenham on the 23rd instant is .s follows. B. Chantrill, i Bristol H. Jacob. Oxford University H. Locke. Birkenhead Park L. Corb-tt. Bristol H. Catcheside. Percy Park E. i Myers. Bradford
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    • 83 2 London, February ILThe Irish Rugby football team which w ll meet Scotland at Edinburgh on 23rd instant will be as follows.—A. Douglas, Waisonians :J. Clarke, Bective Rangers-. I. Stuart. Dublin University J. Stewart. Queen's I niversity H. Stephenson, United Servi ces G. Stephenson. Queen s University J. Gardener.
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    • 52 2 London, February 8. A Melbourne message say s the Lawn Tennis Council has decided to send a Davis Cup team provided it can be made fully representative. The Herald” understands that .Anderson will be willing to play provided he is compensated for lose of business during
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    • 130 2 London. February 4.The differences of the railway unions have been intensified since the strike was settled. Mr. Cramp, who succeeded Mi. Thoma s in the political Secretaryship of the National Union of Railwaymen, in a speech on Saturday, said he was willing to consider any scheme for
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    • 99 2 London. February 6.A six point charter has been issued by the Gen ral Council of the Trade Union Congress on I» ha f of the unemployed, and demands: Firstly. effective Goverr ment main tenance of all unemployed, dissociated fioin the Poor Law administration Secondly, the immediate development of
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    • 17 2 London. February *.Mr. Patrick Hastings. Attorney-General. and Mr. Henry Slesser, Solicitor-General. have been knighted.
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    • 252 2 London. February The Children and Young Persons’ Bill, which will be introduced into the House of Commons on the Isth instant and which i. backed by Mr. Clynes, Miss Bondfield. Col. Wedgwood and other Labourites, is the Labour Government's first direct experi ment at legislation. It i d
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    • 102 2 London. February 7 The Empire Cotton-Growing Corporation announce the appointment of Messrs. S. Milligan and F. R. Parcell who were hitherto holding Government posts in India as cotton growing experts. In South Africa the Emj ire Cotton Growing Corporation understand that Government have endorsed a scheme,
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    • 34 2 London. February 10.The Senate of Cambridge University has accepted an offer of the Empire Cotton-growing Corporation to grant the University £l.OOO annually for the pant genetic department of the School of Agriculture.
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    • 241 2 London. February 7.Mis. Noel Buxton will be the first official hostess of th e Labour Government. She has issued invitations to an At Home jit Hyde Park Hotel on Monday evening to meet Mr. Macdonald. Morning dress will be worn. 1h e refreshments will consist of
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    • 211 2 London, February 9.The election of a chairman and deputy chairman of Committees will be the first business in the House of Commons on Tuesday. The. Labourite Mr. Robert- Young will be proposed by the Government as chairman and the Liberal Mr. Pringle will be mentioned for
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    • 76 2 London, February 11.—M.. Amery has written to Mr. Baldwin to night, announcing his intention of continuing to urge the need for fairer treatment for our industries, regardless of the limitations imposed by the official programme of the party. He declares that unless the bar to Empire preference
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    • 103 2 London. February 4.Captain Francis Eustace, who was sentenced some months ago by the District Judge of Tipperary to twelve months’ imprisonment for an offence under the Public Safety Act. has successfully appealed to the King’s Bench, Dublin, where the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Moloney, to day quashed
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    • 67 2 London, February 7.Madame Sorgue, the famous Continental Syndicalist, was found dead to-day in a Bloomsbury hotel. She had had a stormy caree. and boasted she had led 50 strikes in different parts of the world. The Italian Public Prosecutor once described her as the most
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    • 204 2 London. February 11.The nine Clydeside Labour Members of the House of Commons have arrived in London in high spirits for the opening of Parliament after a weekend of speechifying’ at Glasgow in which they indicated they were opposed to much moderation on the part of Government. Mr.
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    • 117 2 London. February form of swindling was disclosed to day in a West London Police Court when a man des criberl a s a commercial traveller was convicted of defrauding Christian Science practitioners and told them that a cousin of his in New Zealand was cured
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    • 174 2 London, February 11.—In connection with the report which is given much prominence in the press that the Indian Government ha* ordered six locomotives from Germany, it is announced to-day that tenders have been, invited from Scottish locomotive builders for 60 powerful engines. R< uter learns that the
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    • 159 2 Ijondon, February 8.The Prince of Wales and hi s companions had completed the whole of the jumps except the last fence on the *homeward journey when His Royal Highness met with an accident at the crest of a sligh 4 hill. His two companions had
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    • 108 2 London, February 9.Lord Muir Mackenzie and Earl de la M arr have been appointed Lords-in M aiting to His Majesty. Lord de la Warr served in the Naw as an able seamanLord Muir Mackenzie, who is 79, is a Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn and was for many
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    • 194 2 THE LATE MR. WOODROW WILS0 N. London, February 5,-The Washin correspondent of The Tn il( s > ,On that despatches from E<n the belief that the de,- :> o Jnay incline Americans (l R n pathy for the policies for which h' so uncompromisingly. It wculd I fortunate if the
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    • 76 2 London. February 7.—(,eneral Booth, accompanied by Commissioner Mapp travelling international sect tary. .\<|j u tant Wycliffe Booth, and Brigadier .1 E Smith, private secretary, left Victoria Station this morning on a tour of Cev on. Australia and New Zealand. They- were given an enthusiastic farcwcFl by many Salvationists.
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    • 159 2 London, February 10.The special correspondent of the Obser.ti” w rite s he has reason to believe tha. so far as the present Government’s policy towards India has been thought out at all it will be somewhat on the fol’owing lines.— There will be every sympathy to Indian
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    • 234 2 London. February 7.— Playing with Fire” is the heading of a Mi uing Post” editorial criticising the release, particularly the unconditional release, of Mr. Gandhi a s a surrender. The paper suggests that the new Governor of Bombay was prompted, or commanded, by the Viceroy, and declares
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    • 58 2 London, February 7.—An eminent e’ vernment spokesman, addressing overseas journalists, assured his hearers that the Dominions, India and the < <r nies would not find Labour inferior 1 intelligence and good intentons an preceding Government. They [l aP the foolish things that have bm n p
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 KEEP YOUR BABY LOVELY AND WELL. Are you one of those lucky mothers w hose baby seldom cries, sleeps peacefully, eats well, gains weight regularly day by day If not most probably the trouble is in the little one’s stomach or intestines. where most of the ailments of infancy arise.
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    • 10 2 WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE For Coughs, Colds and Internal Troubles.
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  • 787 3 THE DIVIDEND. The sixteenth ordinary general meeting of Messrs. C. A. Ribeiro and Company was held at Singapore, reports the Free Press.” The Chairman, Mr. C. A. da Silva, presided and there were also present the hon’ble Mr. E. Tessensohn, Messrs C. H. da Silva, V. Clumeck,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1511 3 positions vacant TENDERS INVITED. i- ,4 pxp<*> Storekeeper for Ihe Municipal Commissioners of lowns. Securities required. George I'own. Penang, invite tenders for ly//'' I‘ n iA c/o 1 inang < »azette. the supply and erection of a steei skeleton y/"/, bi building measuring 58 feet long by 42 l ep
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    • 45 3 Penang Sea Frontage Rights and, $2/50 per book or $2/80 post fr?e, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang. Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Course, (New Era Edition) Complete Edition with supplementary Exercises (<«■ $3/or $3/30 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd., Penang
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    • 747 3 Selangor Turf Club. ew Year Meeting 1924. B Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, B 19th, 21st 23rd February. a RACES EACH DAY. nS JI 5 Three for all Horses B Stakes $l,lOO, $l,OOO and $9OO. Two forex-griffin Horses Stakess9oo and $BOO. Two for ex-griffin Ponies Stakes $BOO and $7OO. J Selangor
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  • 118 4 a Beckett Terrell-H xmilton.At St. George’s Church. Penang. S. S.. on the 16th February. Arthur K a Beckett Terrell, elder son of the Jate Arthur a Beckett Terrell and Mrs. a Beckett Terrell of 12. Fitzjames e Avenue. S. W.. and Ashmansworth. Hants, to F’leyne Helen Mary, elder daughter
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  • 692 4 The departure of the special service Squadron from Singapore en route for Australia will occasion heartfelt regret among those of us whose privilege it was to assist in making their visit to Malayan waters the subject for future pleasant reflections. During their cruise, and before
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  • 172 4 The President Harrison, of the Dollar Line, inaugurating the round the world passenger service in connection with the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce round the world trade tour, arrived in port late on Sunday evening and left yesterday for Colombo. Suez. Port Said. Alexandra, Naples, Genoa, Marseilles
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  • 118 4 The fourth annual general meeting of the Engineering Association of Malaya will be held in the Association’s Room. Straits Trading Company’s Building. Kuala Lumpur, at 10-15 a.m. on Sunday, 24th February, Business1. To read, and if approved, to pass the minutes of the last annual general
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  • 44 4 The B. I. Packet Teesta, with mails despatched from London on the 31st January, is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m on Friday, the 22nd instant. The homeward mail, by the Tara, closes at 10 a.m. on Friday, the 22nd instant.
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  • 1442 4 To-day is the fifteenth day of the Chinese First Moon, a most Chap Goh important day in the life of Meh. Chinese girls, who are permitted this evening to show themselves, in some cases for the first time, in public. Many of the Chinese in Malaya are
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  • 68 4 SELANGOR COMMITTEE’S ACTIVITIES. (From Our Own Correspondent J Kuala Lumpur, February 19At a meeting of the Committee of th* Selangor Anti-Opium Society, I ll paganda activities were reported and also the arrangements for the treatnnnt of smokers in hospitals. It was <l<“* > lf to invite all Anti-Opium
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  • 88 4 CH INA SQ UAD RON DE FFA 1 L 1 (From Our Own Correspondent J Singapore. February The S. C. C. defeated the China Squadron at Rugby by 18 points to four after a good game. The Navy attack* d 1 commencement but play was ti.m- 1 r r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 251 4 r 1 (555| VK VIRGINIA 1 3 /or I s /fen cc/to care VIRGINIA CIGARETTES djmHHw H 8 3m i PEWaRE of Ch*ap I i A’lhfi n-anufjctured by f ?*aq.. a y’ < r2f C c f 'ho-i'^ s py’" 1 th I ToSaccs -us* aid g 1 I '*€!2X
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    • 73 4 E. O” Guest Nights and Dancing. Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Saturday. Orchestra. Orchestral Concert Every Wednesday 9-45 p. m. < x x x=x x x s x I RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Including free town delivery or X apostage. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. v H a year
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 116 4 The Best Place to see the Chingay Procession is at the Theatre Royal. Lyric Theatres, Ltd., THEATRE ROYAL. PENANG ROAD. Showing on Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th, Feb., at 7-50 p.m. and Day Show on Saturday 23rd, at 3 p.m. 1. Touch ail the Bases (Paul Parrot). 2.
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    • 25 4 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 12.1 t» p.m. 6. 8 p.m. To-morrow. 12. 9 a.m. 6. 34 12.49 p.m. 6. 42 p.m.
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  • 18 4 DEATH. Fitz-Gerald.At Johore Bahru, suddenly, on the 16th inst., Winifred, beloved wife of Richard Desmond FitzGerald. P.M.0.. Johore.
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  • 365 5 Complete Cessation of Work. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London. February 18. r Kevin stated that the dockers in all t lw provincial ports are out solidly. I’rictically all the dockers in London n ve struck, despite the instructions of the ether Unions. Effects on Cotton Trade. London. February LS. As
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  365 words
  • 39 5 THREATENING ASPECT. Bombay. February. 18. All the mills reopened this morning but the operatives did not return. They have assumed a threatening attitude. Some grain shops were looted but hitherto there has been no serious disturbance.
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  • 45 5 FURTHER CONSTITUTIONAL ADVANCE FAVOURED. Delhi, February 18. The debate in the Assembly ended in the adoption of a resolution in favour of calling a round table conference to prepare a scheme for further constitutional advance by 76 votes to 48, amidst Swarajist cheers.
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  • 101 5 THE QUESTION OF WOMENFOLK. London. February 11. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. J. W. Black, who suggested steps to secure henceforth that Chinese contract labour employed in Nauru at phosphate mining should only be recruited under the proviso that a certain proportion of womenfolk
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  • 22 5 London. February 18. r H unsay Macdonald received the Charge d’Affaires at the Foreign nice this morning.
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  • 71 5 Dr. Von Kahr Resigns Dictatorship. (Reuters Telegrams.) Munich. February 18. The Bavarian Dictator. Dr. von Kahr, has resigned, also General von Lossow, the commander of the Bavarian Reichswehr. A Disagreement. Berlin, February IS Von Kahr’s resignation is attributed to a disagreement with the Bavarian ministry and his connection
    (Reuters Telegrams.)  -  71 words
  • 35 5 THE GOVERNMENT’S VIEW. London. February 18. In the House of Commons, asked whether the Government was in favour of demanding payment of reparations from Germany. Mr. Macdonald replied in the affirmative. amid Opposition cheers.
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  • 141 5 DEALINGS ON CHANGE. London. February 18. The Stock Exchange dealings in the new Japanese Loan began at li per cent, premium. Premium Increases. London. February IS. It is stated on the Stock Exchange that applications for £l.OOO and upwards of the Japanese loan would receive 10 per
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  • 88 5 London. February 19. In connection with the SinoGerman agreement and with regard to Germany’s war indemnity to China, the Times says that as soon as payment is made to China, China should remove the notices of invalidation of her outstanding bonds issued in Germany, and this
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  • 48 5 RECOVERED FROM ACCIDENT. London. February 18. The Prince of Wales has recovered. He attended a football match between Tottenham Hotspur and Oxford University in aid of the Tottenham Hospital. His right arm is still in a sling. He received an ovation from the crowd.
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  • 59 5 SOVIET CONVICTS UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. Riga. February 18. A message from Moscow states that the Soviet Tribunal sentenced to death Professor Clair of Ekaterinburg University for economic espionage in supplying French capitalists with information concerning the platinum industry in the Urals. The sentence has since been commuted to 10
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  • 26 5 TWELVE KILLED. London. February 18. Eleven women and one man were killed in an explosion at Slades Green shell-filling factory near Frith.
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  • 11 5 Washington, February 18. Senator Greene’s condition is critical.
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  • 292 5 Mr. Denby Resigns. (Reuters Telegrams.) Washington, February 18. President Coolidge has accepted the resignation of Mr. Denby, Secretary of the Navy. Telephone Conversation. Washington. February 18. The resignation of Mr. Denby followed a telephonic communication with President Coolidge, in the course of which the situation as
    (Reuters Telegrams.)  -  292 words
  • 43 5 MR. MCADOO’S CANDIDATURE APPROVED. Chicago, February 18. The supporters of Mr. McAdoo unanimously approved his candidature for the Presidency. The officials of many railway and labour unions also passed resolutions that his candidature was not impaired by the oil developments.
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  • 48 5 POLICY UNCHANGED. Washington. February 18. The Government’s war debt policy remains unchanged after to-day’s conference of the Debt Funding Commission which failed to act on the proposal that the debtor governments should again be reminded. The United States is awaiting their funding proposals.
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  • 35 5 SOUTH AFRICA CHALLENGES. New York. February 18. South Africa has challenged for the Davis Cup. Australian Team. Sydney, February 19. The Tennis Council approved the Davis Cup team. Patterson will be Captain.
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  • 52 5 London, February 18. Paris travellers arriving at Boulogne received 102 francs for£la new record. French rentes reached flat low records. 4 per cents are 17}. 5 per cents are 21 s ex-coupon on the influence of the collapse of the exchange rate, which is 102.10 francs
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  • 86 5 London, February 7.A Cairo message says King Hussein, interviewed, stated that he had no desire to become Caliph and he was not occupied ir the Caliphate question. Nevertheless personally be considered Islam was at present without a Caliph because Abdul Medjid was unable to exercise the proper
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  • 786 5 LANDGRANTS TO EX-SERVICE MEN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 18. Regarding the approval of the Council of advances under the War Service Land Grants Scheme of sums not exceeding 8325,000. the Hon. Mr. Lowther Kemp hoped thati each individual case would be investigated so that the utmost
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  • 881 5 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESS AT A LOR STAR. A lor Star, February 19. I The beautiful Zahara Mosque would I lend impressiveness to a function of any sort, and the Committee responsible for the At Home” given m honour of H.H. Tunku Mahmud, made a happy choice
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  • 760 5 Colonel H. W. Lake is on a visit to Ipoh. Lt.-Col. R. L. B. Thompson, C.M.G., D. assumed command of the troops i in Malaya on the ]sth instant. Mr. E. R. de Zylva left Taiping on Sunday night by the mail train to Kuala Lumpur en
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  • 606 6 THE KING’S MESSAGE TO SINGAPORE. At the dinner given on board H. M. S. Hood on Wednesday, Vice-Admiral Sir F. 1.. Field in his speech said Your Excellency, it is my pleasant duty to convey a message from His Majesty King George. When
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  • 527 6 S.F.P.” Large Crowds Witness Smart Evolution. The ceremonial march bv the Naval Brigade from the ships of the Special Service Squadron earlv on Fridav morning aroused a considerable amount of interest and enthusiasm along the r<>u‘e covered during the departure o r the Brigade from Poll ver
    S.F.P.”  -  527 words
  • 486 6 Messrs. Symington Sinclair’s Weekly Market Report, dated London, the 17th January, states The Rubber Market has maintained a fully steady tone during the past week. There has been a good demand for spot and near Rubber which has I absoroed all offerings. Although buyers have been rather
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 402 6 .V:.. i-'.. > I MORE HEAT- I LESS CARE WITH THE Florence Automatic Oil Cook Stoves. Jp- FLORENCE Automatic turns the J T drudgery of cooking into a joy. It saves x J money as it burns kerosene—the cheapest fuel. For economy and efficiency it is unexcelled. The burners are
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    • 527 6 Perfumed Velvety Crecm 4 That Removes Superfluouz 'air. g No offensive odour. No irritation. More pleasant than depilatories. Far better than a raz r I Until the discovery of Veet Cream irritation, soreness and skin blemishes I® women have had to resort to scrap- has a most offensive odour. v..
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  • 955 7 IMPOSING SPECTACLE. r h r the auspices of the Poh Hock jn honour of the birthday of 1,1 peh Kontf, the God of prosperity 1 f-'.i, tails to-day. the 15th day of the ll( the Chinese Community of 1 have organised a Chingay prof ''/''n which started yesterday
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  • 39 7 FIRST DAY’S SCRATCHINGS. (From Dur Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. February 19. The following are the scratchings for the first day Race 2Bonnie Mary. Race .3Tigablas. Race ICesarion Girl, Bonza, Calculator. Race 6Radium. Race 7Lastaway. Race 9Top Price.
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  • 102 7 The results of the P.C.C. tennis ties played yesterday were as under Single Handicap Class A” 2 E. T. M. Lias beat 2 E. A. Taylor I6, 63, B7. Single Handicap Class C” 15 J. A. Goetzee beat scr J. B. M. Wilson 7>. 4—2. Thursdav. the
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  • 98 7 The following programme of music will be presented at the Orchestral Concert to be riven at the E. and O. Hotel to-morrow night (Wednesday) at 9-45 1 Festival Overture Lortzing’ 2 Two Scandinavian Dances JuelFrederiksen 3 String Triao Serenata celebre Toselli 4 Peer Gynt Suite Grieg a. Anitra’s
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  • 84 7 The Municipal Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 8.30 to 1°.30 to-morrow 1 March The Pompadours Stanley 2 Overture The Fair Maid of Perth Waddell 3 Waltz Swanee River Moon Clarke 4 Selection Bran Pie Darewski 5 Gavotte Louis XIII Radonx
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  • 901 7 HIS EXCELLENCY SAYS GOODBYE. His Excelleny the Governor went on board the Hood on Sunday morning and left shortly before the fleet got under weigh. The light cruisers were the first to move, the Delhi leading. Gathering up speed they turned east and cruised away, turning round
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  • 178 7 The new year came to me By the brink of a trop’'* sea Pouring its beat Of phosphor waves at my feet: in a round moon sailing high The star bejewelled sky: In little spurts and calms Of w ind among the palms In the cry of
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  • 42 7 19th February. 1924. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 46 PENANG-jFine Pale Crept- 16 I Unsmoked 42 Stnga- (Smoked Sheet 46i PORK (Crepe 46] Unchanged market very flat. London and New York. (Smoked Sheet Is.H’d LONDON j Crepe ...UUd New York G2sf
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  • 48 7 London. The Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., gives the following prices, on February IS Spot £284.15s up £3.15» 3 mos. buying 281.10 s 3.15 s 3 selling*,, 281.15 s 3,10 s Local. February 19th Singapore sold 175 tons at Si 40.50. Penang buyers no sellers at $110.50.
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  • 34 7 Chenderiang Tin Dredging. Ltd., first half of February. Dredge hours 225. piculs 75. Lost 2 days Chinese New Year lost 1 day building dams to float over shallow ground. Tributors piculs 05.
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  • 115 7 PENANG. FEBRUARY 19, 1924. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Rank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 9/32 3 Credit 2/4 19/32 3 Documentary 2/4 5/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rslo4 'I 3 days’sight Private 167 3 Bombay Demand Bank 164 g Madras Demand Bank ..164 >
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  • 45 7 Feb. 21Football League, Rovers v Albion. Esplanade. 27Football League. Wanderers v Nomads. Esplanade. Mar. ICricket League, P.S. v P.R.C., Esplanade. 4Football League, Casuals v Wanderers. BCricket League, P.C.C. v C.R.C., Esplanade. 6Football League, Albion v Nomades, Esplanade. 11Football League, Rovers v Wanderers, Esplanade.
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  • 313 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Menggala for Deli and P. Brandan. Ngmsang for Singapore. China Japan. Ghirbi for Alor Star. Kopah for Deli. m/s Asia for Singapore, China and Japan. The s.s. Teesta, from Negapatam with English Mails is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Friday, the 22nd instant,
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  • 384 7 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BT TRAIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-honr earlier than the Ordinary mail Resumption of Night Mail Service. The following additional mails will be closed daily (Sunday excepted) by the 7-30
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  • 89 7 The following are the changes in the share list of THE MALAYA COMPANY, LIMITED for to day. Tin Shares. Buyers. Sellers. Chenderiang Tin Dredging 13/- 13/6 Hitam Tin Ltd $1.45 $1.50 Kamunting Tin Dredging 4’ 1 41/ Nawng Pet- Tin Ltd 1.75 1.77 J North Taiping Tin 1.274
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 NEW HEALTH W AND NERVE POWER quickly gained with I regular use of M SAH® N I fctrs. Bjomsteme Bjornson. the wife Ski of the .an poet and BgzW novelist, wrote: Bjornson uses Sanatoeeu every day and finds that the effects of this admirable revitalising food are exceeding y beneficial
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    • 261 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION vacant. Wanted Driver used to Fordson Tractors and Lorries. Must have good experience and be prepared to go to Siam. State wages required to Box 60, c/o Pinang Gazette. MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted partly furnished house, with three or four bed rooms, facing sea, Northam or Kelawei Roads. Apply
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1595 8 banks DOLLAR LINE NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE F VrewHT E SERVICE ,D MAATSCHAPPIJ. intended sailings from penang. NEDERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. From P nan £2££tS? R Feb 23 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. ROBERT DOLLAR ESTABLISHED 1824. PHEMIUS 29 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. loadinc
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    • 635 8 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. o. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles A Ixindon Leave p -viavc r enana aboat about NELLORE Feb. 25 MOREA
      635 words