Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 February 1924

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 271 1 ATSU, I 4'ntTfr* h J; 1 UmivAi HIG >ne '772. I ;s. bishop street- I o "'!!:.':i::::..'”.':"::;.::..':::. ...aiiiiiimibiiiiiHiii iintiuimiii IC. C. WAKEFIELD CO., LTD., lif O-TYI ir'kll YH K I (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) R g |j g |\kj |l BRITISH THROUGHOUT S I JV LiIUH kJIVI j i SOLWO I
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  • 695 2 S. T. ALLEGATIONS OE FALSE DECLARATION. Before Mr. P. A. F. David. District Judge. Captain W. F. Watkins, of the “Arabestan together with Dr. L. S. Shin, surgeon, and Teo Hiok iCheng, chinchew, of the same vessel, were charged, respectively, with having on January 8 made a
    S. T. ”  -  695 words
  • 157 2 Bombay, February 4. —The labour situation has not improved. Thm malcontents, who since yesterday were in a defiant mood, first attacked! a running suburban railway train near Mahauluxmi early this morning but dispersed almost immediately on the arrival of the police. A little latter, however, near Currey
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1377 2 ni *-9 NOTICES. ohon Classified u/atfd qi ictcdc < j s. s. PEMBROKESHIRE Voy. 7. HA lEK DLIO I ErO Advei tsemcnts. Consignees of cargo per the above steamer HM ***** R’C DfIRV from Europe are hereby notified that the (J|| UIIILU W uUUT 117 1 p__ Cl_Tn I W
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    • 774 2 BANKS I B CHARTERED (ft AUSTRALIA AND CHIN?* j a B Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund S"’ 000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3’ooo <1 Head Office: K/ 38, BISHOPSGATE LONDON E c Agencies and Branches. fffwWig 0 A,or Star Amrit sar, Bangkok S i H 0 Bombay, Calcutta, Canton, Cawnnor P
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    • 179 3 I January 28.—Sir William -nson-Ilicks, addressing a meeting in tin- Citv 1,1 support of the candidature of (l.c Conservative. Sir T. Vansittart liowater. said that Mr. MacDonald was i, riding on his “wild men of the backlicneht*s,’‘ and had to cut and trim his
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    • 291 3 I lie d, Janu.i y 30.-—Mr. Philip Snowden, th new Chancellor of the Excheuei. has been engaged -n considering h’s Budget. It is understood that he is nxious. it possible, to signa’ise Labour’s first tenure of th<- Chancellorship by some relief of domestic taxation and he
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    • 149 3 London, February 5. —Mi. Ramsay Macdonald in an interview granted to the press claims that in? present Government is no’ a businessman s Govern inent. He declares ‘he recognition of Russia i s absolute and objects to lan 4tiage that is not understandable by the man in
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    • 176 3 London, February 5. —Mr. Robert Smillie in a speech at a Socialist demorstration at Kirkintilloch said that no Government could solve the problems ol housing, unemployment and child "‘‘lfare unless it could get the money to *h» it. Money could not be got from du* workers who
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    • 191 3 London. January 30. —APhough France is pleased that Mr. Macdonid and M. 1 oincare have at last exchanged greetings there is admittedly a feeling that a long road has yet to bo traversed before it is possible to achieve a complete Fran-co-British settlement. There are many points, says
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    • 138 3 London. February 4.—The differences between the Railway Unions hav e become intensified since the strike wa 5 settled. Mr. Cramp, who succeeded Mr. Thomas in the political secretaryship of the National I mon of Railwaymen, in a speech on Saturday, said that he was willing to consider
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    • 141 3 London. February 4. —The Nationa onf deration of Employers Organisations has just replied to a quest«onnairt by Sir Montague Barlow, Minister of Labour, in November. seeking their views on things and to an improvem nt in the system of unemployment insurance. especially the question of unemployment by indust
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    • 124 3 London. February 4.—London magis trat<s to-day decided against changing the hours of closing licensed houses in their respective districts. Ibis means a perpetuation of the anomalous system wlieroby houses m certain areas remain open til] 11 whit» houses on the other side of the road
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    • 78 3 London, January 30. —Lecturing at the Cambridge University Aeronautical Society, the Duke of Sutherland, who has ipcently returned from America, declarled that light aeroplanes would prove a I wonderful new factor n aviation. The I most important factor in their develop- ment was the evolution of
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    • 194 3 London, February 5. —Presiding at a meeting of the India Society to-day on the occasion of a lecture by Sir Arnold. Sir Charles Holmes, Director of the National (Jalleiy said, speaking quite unofficially, he wa 8 eager to see the great paintings of India, Persia.
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    • 124 3 London, February 5. —A Capetown message says meetings protesting against the Class Areas Bill are being held throughout Natal. Indian speakers de nouncing it ’as class legislation. The coloured community in Kimbe-ley has also protested and passed a resolution to the effect that should the Bill
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    • 100 3 London. Februaiy 5. —A Capetown nie> sage says in the Assembly, in the course ot a debate on unemployment, the labour leader Creswell and tin Nationalist leader Hertzog incidentally approved of General Smuts’s stand on the Asiatic qu< st ion at the Imperial Conference. Hertzog remarked with
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    • 191 3 Delhi. February 6- —>ii Narasimha Satina announced in the Council of Stat to-day that th e Secretaiy of State for India had wired the Government of India to appoint forthwith in accordance with the discussion at the Imperial Conference, a Colonies Committee whose view s would be heard
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    • 106 3 London, Feb’uary 5. —lhe Government is faced with an unexpected difficulty at the outset of >ts attempt to solve the housing problem owing to the shortage not merely of skilled labour but of supplies especially bricks. There will be a private conference of Mr. John Wheatley, Health
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    • 552 3 London, February 6.—The first interim r*»porf of the Air Mail g Committee says that since the Civil Aviation Advisory board reported in 1922, estimating the ‘‘ost of a weekly air mail service from Britain to India at £268,000 to £355,000 yearly, exper'erce has proved that a
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    • 173 3 London. Februaiy 5. —A Capetown message says fhe South African Indian Congress has cabled to Mr. Gandhi con gratulating him on his release. A Durban message says the Indian Morning Market Association has passed r resolution suspending work on Thurs day as a mark of esp.ct for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE For Coughs, Colds and Internal Troubles. p
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    • 26 3 Pitman’s Shorthand Rapid Coursi. (New Era Edition) Complete Edirio; with supplementary Exercises <a> ?3 or $3/30 post free, stocked by th< Pinang Gazette Press Ltd.. Ponane
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    • 167 3 MeF- 5 Bod Iff Prepared as directed Mellin s Food is the perfect substitute for breast milk and JPI I Ih|L contains nature’s essential constituents /in for building sturdy limbs and solid flesh. Im I I. 'l Ifi Equally good for nursing or expectant m > hers as for babies.
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  • 485 4 S.F.P.” THE ARRIVAL AT SINGAPORE. The Special Service Squadron arrived at Singapore at the scheduled time, 4.30, on Sunday afternoon. Their movements shrouded in the thick rain <mist that overhung the Channel throughout the afternoon, the two gigantic battle cruisers .and the accompanying light-cruisers came to their anchorage
    S.F.P.”  -  485 words
  • 198 4 (From Ou» Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 12. Two thousand men from the squadron were ashore yesterday. Laige numbers saw the battlecruiser footballers beaten after an excel'ent game by one goal to nil. the naval players giving the impression of ability to win had they been acclimatised. Benson
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  • 131 4 Calcutta, January 29.—At the High Court to-day Mr. Justice Buckland disposed of the suit brought by Miss Diana de Brett, a revue artiste, claiming damage against th? l Anglo South African Musical Productions, Ltd, for alleged wrongful dismissal. Plaintiff joined the defendant company at Marseilles and
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  • 193 4 P.C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The results of P.C.C. tennis ties played yesterday were as follow: Profession Pairs.—M. K. Whitlock and A. J. L. Donaldson beat P. R. Zeeman and R. G. Pash 6 —l, 6—4. “A” Class Doubles.— —15.3 E. H. Everest and A.K.A.’B. Terrell beat —15.3 J.
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  • 35 4 Owing to Chap Goh Meh and Chingay procession, the match, Nomads v. Casuals, originally arranged for the 19th February, w’ll take place on the 18th February at the same time and plaee.
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  • 36 4 The Siam Golf Championship was won on tho Hua. Hin Course by Mr. A. O. Robins with a score of ]B3 and the Open Cup by Major Elkins with a score of 167.
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  • 251 4 Th? most interesting 'point about the Ipoh races (says the Free Press” Sports Note s writer) '«as the success which attende.l H.H. the Sultan of 1 rak s horses. llis Highness has now. and has had. a good stiuig. and has won many races in the past,
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  • 47 4 London. Febiihity 5. —The London County Council has agreed to the Thea tres' Committee s proposal to allow ho te’.s and restauranl s licensed for publi music and dancing, to 'emain open afte’ midnight from Monday to Friday during tha British Empire Exhibition.
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  • 561 4 MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held in the Labour Office, at Kuala Lumpur, at 10 a. ni. on Saturday. the 9th February, 1924; Present: Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, Controller of Labour. S. S. and F. M. S. (Chairman) t Dr.
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  • 336 4 "—M. M." BANK ACCOUNTANT S EVIDENCE. On Saturday morning, in the Kuala Lumpur police court, the hearing was continued of the case in which R. A. Boardman is charged with criminal misappropriation of various sums of money belonging to the Sanitary Board. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. F. O.
    "—M. M."  -  336 words
  • 1139 4 NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Yarak Rubber Company, Limited, will be held at the Registered Office of the Company. No. 8 King Street. Penang on the 21st day of February 1924 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon when the subjoined resolutions
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 337 4 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION WANTED. Experienced Book-keeper, Stenographer, with good knowledge of Estate accounts, open to engagement immediately. Highest references available. Apply Box 48, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. Clyno Lightweight Motor Cycle 1922 model unused $4OO. Apply Chin Kooi Co.. 18, Northam Road. One six seater Studebaker Car, six cylinder,
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    • 150 4 LITTLE CHILDREN NEED MEDICINE OF THEIR OWN. Every careful parent will insist that medicine given to children should be absolutely pure, sa.fe, gentle, and free from narcotic drugs. Baby’s Own Tablets, the Canadian children’s remedy, are guaranteed not to contain one atom of any harmful drug or opiate. One tiny
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    • 313 4 DEAFNESS CAN BE CURED. DEAFNESS. NOISES IN THE HEAD AND NASAL CATARRH. The new Continental Remedy called “LARM ALENE” (Regd.) is a simple harmless home-treatment which absolutely cures deafness, noises in the head, etc. NO EXPENSIVE APPLIANCES NEEDED for this new Ointment, instantly operates upon the affected parts with com
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 61 4 Lyric Theatres, Ltd., Theatre Royal. Penang Road. Programme for Tuesday 12th, at 7-50 p.m. In the Movies Torn and Jerry) Comedy Charles Hutchison in “Speed” Episodes 3 and 4 Serial Pathe Gazette No. 965/6 News Good Night Paul, with Constance Talmadge Comedy Drama Love and the Law, featuring Glen White
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  • 1120 5 MUSEUMS of style. By A Lady Correspondent.) Paris, .January 16. If some interprising artisan of the •oming modes in quest of inspiration Should wander into the (’arnavalet Museum.a little later in the year, we may p t .e startling changes in the feminine silhomrfte. Merveilliuses, may saunter
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  • 258 5 London. February 4.—A New York message says America's chance of retaining the international j>olo cup in the challenge match with the Hurlingham Club at Meadowbrook. Westbury, Long Island, has had a slump as the result of the announcement that Louis E. Stoddard, the vete'-an No. 1. ha
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  • 17 5 London. February 6,—in the Northern Union Leigh beat'Hull 18-0, Featherstone lost to St. Helens 6-11.
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  • 568 5 M. Andree Viollis. writing in the “Dai-, ly ‘Mail” says the Prince of Wales —or, rather, the Earl of Chester —has just left us. It was his first visit to Paris since 1918. ‘‘lf this young man comes back to us from time to time.” an
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  • 344 5 In the House of Lords, Lord Curzon said it wa- true that the international situation was h iavily overclouded and it was i difficult to find a rift. He did not dispute anything said by Lord Grey on the European situation. The Government ftilt that thconly
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  • 435 5 “S.F.P.” COPRA FIRM S AFFAIRS. Among the nublic examinations in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Acton, was that of Mok Keng Seah, one of the five partners of Chop Ban Joo Seng Chan, a firm of copra dealers, who had been arrested on a warrant obtained
    “S.F.P.”  -  435 words
  • 446 5 strenuous fortnight finally emerge.—“ Evening Standard.” HOW A CREW IS BUILT FOR PUTNEY. Almost every man who rows for his college crew in the summer has the bait <rf the “trials” ahead of him. and while he does his conscientious best for his college, he cherts he- all
    strenuous fortnight finally emerge.—“ Evening Standard.”  -  446 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 Planters’ Medical Guide, by Dr. E. K. Graham, $3/- per book or $3/30 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
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    • 433 5 I MORE HEAT- I LESS CARE WITH THE u J “Florence” Automatic J Oil Cook Stoves. THE FLORENCE Automatic turns the J drudgery of cooking into a joy. It saves x 5 money as it burns kerosene—the cheapest Z A fuel. For economy and efficiency it is unexcelled. A The
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  • 24 6 Rcdrigues.—On Sunday. February 10, 1924. at Junjone Balei Dun. Kulim. to M*. and Mrs. 1’. E. Rodrigues. Penang, a daughter. Both doing well.
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  • 806 6 It coes not fall to the lot of many to receive such encomiums from the Chinese of Malaya as have been bestowed on His Excellency Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, who is vacating the Command of the Troops in Malaya and is proceeding home after a stay in
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  • 88 6 MANY’ KILLED IN RELIGIOUS DISPUTE. Weltevreden February 11. Yesterday, at T-mgerang. 20 miles from Batavia, there was severe fighting between 41 native religious fanatics and the police. The fanatics armed with native swords and knives declared that they wished to proclaim a new Kingdom on Mount Gedeh.
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    • 112 6 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette. Sir. —The charge for conveying a person from Magazine Station to the Jettx by the Municipal Tramways is three cents. One wonders why an extra charge is not made forthose passengers enjoying the beautiful scenery for at least five minutes opposite
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  • 1655 6 The tentacles of the law administered in the Privy Council Penang and the Chamber, at the heart of Law Reports. the Empire, embrace the smallest and most distant of His Majesty’s Dominions and in the course of the hearing of one or two cases from Penang the
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  • 51 6 The homeward mail, by the closes at 6 p.m. on Thursday. instant. Ilit ih The P.AO. Backet Khyber, u > (h despatched from London <»n January, is expected t<> arriv noon on Thursday, the 1 Ith ll The homeward mail, by i| S[ closes at 6 p.m. on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 v/' I No man eafc sand and dust! IV/zz/ inhale either? JS V Cheap cigarettes manufactured by i machinery at the rate of thousands JTI aL a minute contain sand and dust j TT which enters the system and sets up I V/? a dangerous irritation. Avoid these Fj a/
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    • 75 6 “E. O.” Guest Nights and Dancing.— Every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffin Every Wednesday and Saturday Orchestra. Orchestral Concert Every Wed* nesday 9*45 p. m. c== x= x x s x RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ci Including free delivery or postage. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ill a year 111 v Local $36
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 288 7 Important Meeting. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Loudon, February 11. Over members, including a consft|eral)le number of defeated candidates < nd 200 Peers, attended a meeting of the Unionist party at the Hotel Cecil this afternoon to decide questions of leadership and the future policy of the party. Mr Baldwin, who
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  288 words
  • 55 7 MINISTRY OF LABOUR INTERVENES. London. February 11. The Ministry of Labour has intervened in the dock dispute and has summoned a meeting of the parties to-morrow. A Breakdown. London. February 11. The negotiations in the dockers’ dispute have broken down, the «lockers rejecting the employe! s’ offer to
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  • 55 7 INVITATION TO HOME CONTRACTORS. London, February 11. In connection with the report, which has been given much prominence in the press, that the Indian Government had ordered six locomotives from Germany, it is announced to-day that tenders have been invited from Scottish locomotive builders for 60 powerful
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  • 83 7 CITY OF PARIS IN COLLISION. London, February 11. The British steamer Matheran from the Tees reports that near Gravesend she fell across the bows of the anchored British steamer City of Paris from Shanghai. The Matheran was badly damaged. The damage to the “City of Paris is unknown.
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  • 40 7 OPENING OF SARCOPHAGUS. Luxor. February 11. M. Lacan, Director of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities, has arrived in anticipation of raising to-morrow, the lid of rutankhamen’s sarcophagus. Egyptologists believe that several mummy cases will be found enclosing the mummy.
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  • 26 7 London. February 11. I nderwriting has commenced of the apanese loan of £2’».(XM).OOO six percent •ond*» issued at 87- l > and redeemable in 11’29-1959.
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  • 110 7 Swing of the Pendulum in Germany. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Berlin. February 11. The elections for the new Thuringian Diet resulted in a crushing defeat of the Socialists, who hitherto have had a strong majority in the Diet, but are now replaced by the Bourgeois bloc. From 80 to 90
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  110 words
  • 29 7 Vienna. February 11. Forty men. mostly wood-cutters, have lost their lives in the last few days under avalanches of snow from the mountains of Styria and Salzkammergut.
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  • 92 7 FEDERALS RETAKE VERA CRUZ. Mexico City, February 11. Government troops regained possession of Vera Cruz this morning. Decisive Battle. Mexico City. February 11. The Federal troops are reported to have decisively defeated the rebels on Saturday in an 11-hour battle at Ocotlan. There were heavy casualties on both
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  • 97 7 MR. MAC A DOO GIVES EVIDENCE. Washington. February 11. Mr. MacAdoo. who until recently was the most favoured candidate for the Democratic nomination to the Presidency, gave evidence before the Senate Investigation Committee. He stated that he did not know Mr. Doheny before resigning the Secretaryship of
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  • 96 7 RESIGNATION DEMANDED. Washington. February 11. The Senate passe I a resolution demanding the resignation of Mr. Denby. Secretary of the Navy. Allegations of Corruption. Washington, February 11. A first class scandal is arising out of the allegations of corruption in connection with the granting of Government concessions on
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  • 30 7 Santiago de Chile, February 11. The French Bank of Chile is in voluntary liquidation by the decision of the shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting.
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  • 56 7 Famous Regiment Disbanded. (Reuters Telegrams.) London, February 11. A Riga message states that travellers from Moscow report that the authorities have ordered the disbandment of the famous Lett Regiment of Moscow owing to its mutinous actions. The regiment refused to be disbanded, but a Tartar regiment overcame
    (Reuters Telegrams.)  -  56 words
  • 64 7 POLICY OF LENIN’S SUCCESSOR. London. February 11. A message from Moscow says that M. Rykoff’s first public speech since he succeeded Lenin, indicated that he would carry out Lenin's foreign policy. It is not one of aggression, but sb long as the international situation is disturbed
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  • 48 7 FAILURE OF SCHEME. London. February 12. Protracted efforts to establish a Cotton Control Board broke down after a conference at Manchester, at which it was decided that owing to the diversity of interests, it was impracticable to devise a scheme which would meet the interests concerned.
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  • 362 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. February 11. Mr. Monckton has succeeded Mr. J. M. Noble as Assistant Engineer at Perlis. Alor Star entertained ten officers and twenty five naval ratings «luring the visit of the Battle Cruiser S piadr >n to Penang. The visitors arrived by the
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  • 83 7 London. February 4. —At the inquest on Captain Rodge’son, who was found shot in a taxicab in South Kensington on February 1, a verdict of suicide while of unsound mild was retu r ned to-day. The evidence showed that he suffered badly from influenza and had malaria
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  • 81 7 Cairo, January 28.—Zaghul Pasha has created a precedent by including two Copts in thu Cabinet, instead of one. Both were imprisoned at Almanza for many months after the reprieve of th? death sentence Mustapha Bey Nahas, the Minister for Communications, and Fathalla Pasha Barhat, the
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  • 400 7 ELEVEN CASES. The Court of Appeal opened in the Supreme Court, Penang, this morning before the Hon. Sir Walter Shaw, Chief Justice (President), the Hon. Mr. Justice A. V. Brown and the Hon. Mr. Justice McCabe Reay. There are altogether eleven cases on the list, but the
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  • 239 7 Mr. Edgar Warwick, who arrived here yesterday from India, informs us that he is visiting the Straits in connection with the forthcoming tour here of the worldrenowned London Syncopating Orchestra. The attraction is just concluding a remarkable season of three months in Calcutta, and will
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  • 97 7 The following programme of music will be presented at the Orchestral Concert to be given at the E. and O. Hotel to-morrow night (Wednesday) at 9-45 1 Overture Masaniell. Anber 2 Three Dances from Casae-Noisette Tschaikowsky a. Danse de la Fee-Dragee b. Danse Russe —Trepak c. Danse Aral>e
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  • 48 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. The Municipal Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 to-morrow 1 March Les Soldats Qui Passent Costa 2 Overture Juanitas Williams 3 Waltz L'lngenue Penso 4 Selection Moses in Egypt Rossine 5 Fox Trot I Never Knew Egan
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  • 1289 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. f Mrs. W. Hay-Pratt returned to Scrcm- ban on Saturday, after her holiday in Scotland. I Dt. E. N. Graham is the latest vic- tim to the prevailing septic throat epide- > mic in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. J. R. Lynch, late Assistant Traffic Manager, F. M. S. Railways,
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  • 267 7 SCULLY—THEAN. The marriage was solemnised at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, McAlister Road, Penang, this morning, of Mr. Frank Alexander Scully, Sanitary Sub-Inspector. Municipality of George Town, second son of Mr. M. M. Scully, formerly Usher. Police Courts, Penang, and now of Kuala Lumpur, with Miss
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  • 736 8 NEW METHOD. The all-important question of road construction is receiving an immense amount of attention just now. Rubber as a factor in roadway construction has been under experiment for some years, though only in isolated cases. The s’retch of roadway in the Borough High-street, London, laid with rubber
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  • 288 8 Messrs Geo. White Co London, reported on the 16th January, as follows :—An inactive market has been met with during the past week with prices fluctuating within very narrow limits from day today. Compared wi;h a week ago closing values show little or no change. The uncertain
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  • 238 8 Pioneer. On the whole the outlook for the rubber growing industry during 1924 appears to be more hopeful. There is a reasonable prospect ot the price ol the commodity being maintained at Is 3d ami a possibility of the exportable allowance being raised to above the existing
    —“ Pioneer. ”  -  238 words
  • 528 8 The fabric of London, like our politics, in solution. The rebuilding of the f?< nous streets has reached the climax of frenzy. The gracious uniformity of Regen' Street has gone. Vast white commercial palaces discordantly break the old yellow line. It is the passing of a tradition. Regent
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 “Before deciding 5 Son a Car we invite you to call at our j new showroom and j inspect our compre- J j i hensive stock.” j Wearne Brothers, j LIMITED, J j PENANG. jHUPMOBILEi The Car of Established Repute. q To make a thing mechanically per fect is success
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    • 339 8 Ik MILEAGE, j Bra The long mileage that Firestone Gum Dipped Cords deliver with rFWg such remarkable uniformity, is taken, I I llu f° r ever y w^ere Yet it is but a ew brief seasons since such records BjEy as are now common among FIRE- STONE users, were unthought
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  • 2142 9 ’•S.F.P.” THE sentiments of the CHINESE OF MALAYA. •rhe Garden Club Singapore was the of a particularly memorable function on Saturday night, when a large oinpany. including the leading members the Chinese communities in the Straits and F. M. S as well as listinuuished members of Government nil
    ’•S.F.P.”  -  2,142 words
  • 48 9 12th February. 1924. I.DC Al.. cts fSmoked Sheet 4« x Pen AN'tj Fine Pale Crepe I 7 j 3. I Unsmoked Sheet 42 Singa- (Smoked Sheet IS pore 1 Crepe ...48 London and New York. (Smoked Sheet Losnos Crepe ls i;d New York G 25;
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  • 187 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for January:— lbs. Anglo-Malay 66,161 Pataling 38.050 London Asiatic 18<.279 Golden Hope 22.734 Selaba 52.050 Bikam 24.300 Sungkai-Chumor 31.994 Seaport 37,000 R. E. of Johore 32,2»>4 Sungei Dangar 21.000 North Labis 20.000 Victoria 31.884 Tebolang 24.439 Pemambang 46.761 Strathisla 24.791 Lanadron 110.921
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  • 118 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. c Shares. f 02 ffi Jc. Ic. Ic. le. Mining. Chenderiaug 11/9 12/3 12/6 13/Ipoh 20/- 21/- 20/6 21/6 K. Kamunting 48/6 49/6 Kamunting 39/ 40/- 39/- 40/-cint. Kramat P. 12.50 13.00 12.60
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  • 101 9 London. The Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., gives the following prices, on February 11 Spot £266 up 5s 3 mos. buying 262.175.6 d 25.6 d 3 selling,. 263 Unchanged The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd:— London, Feb. 11, £266 spot, and £262.17«.6d three months buying, £263 selling. Loca l. February
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  • 16 9 Tronoh Mines, Limited, for January, 1,863 piculs. Hitam Tin. Limited, for January, 99 piculs.
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  • 209 9 Benares Opium p. ehost $5.000.00 nom. Cloves 110.00 sellers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 85.00 seller? 110 s 75.00 Coconuts per 1.000 50.00 Copra Sundried 12.50 nom. Rattans 11.20 sellerRattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bay
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  • 1112 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. 22 i S names 3 c CQ tn RUBBER [Dollar.] S c 8 o S c Allenby Rubber Co 1 12$, 1 17$ Alor Gaj&h Rubber Estate 1 101 1 25 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 CO Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 11 0012 00 Ayer Kuning Rubber
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  • 548 9 CHOWRASTA MARKET Penang, February 12. 1924 ctw Government Mutton— Mutton Indian per lb 5<P Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 50 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mntton lb SO Lamb do 50
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 818 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Padang for Alor Star. Lake F’aulk for Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) and Calcutta. Camphuijs for Singapore. Lake Gitano for Singapore A Hongkong. Paleleh for Sabang and Deli. Kopah for Deli. Klang for Port Swettenham Singapore. Hong Hwa for Singapore A China. The M.M. s.s.
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  • 31 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BT TRiIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johor* and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-honr earlier than the Ordinary mail EXCHANGE.
    31 words
  • 87 10 Feb. 12—Football League. Casuals v Rovers. Esplanade. 13— E.S.A.M. (P. A P.W.) Annual Meeting. P.C.C.. (>.30 p.m. 14— Football League. Albion v Wamlerers. Esplanade. 1(>—Old Frees’ Association Sports. IG—Cricket League, P.C.C. v P. S., Esplanade. !♦’>—Penang Club. Final ”A Class Billiards H’cap. 9.15 p.m. 15— Penang Club, Sale
    87 words
  • 119 10 PENANG. FEBRUARY 12. 1924 (By CnnRTRSY of phr Chartrrrd Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 9/32 3 Credit 2/4 19 32 3 Documentary 2/4 5/<8 Calcutta Demand Bank r»**lf»sA’l 3 days’sight Private j Bombay Demand Ikmk lt>s| g Madras Demand Bank It>s\ z 3
    119 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 206 10 I BECK’S KEY BEER j fl 4 fcjfnjg- KEY BRAND lljajgll u Chop Kunchi ww I' I Stocked by all first class dealers and Stores. Sole Agents: a. N. V. Straits Java Trading Coy., t (Incorpented ip Batavia) PENANG AND SINGAPORE. M j Fleming Brothers, Mechanical and Structural Engineers, Brass
      206 words

  • 600 11 IMPORTANCE OF DRIED MILK. A d iscovery, the importance of which I feel certain has not yet been sufficiently appreciated, particularly ip. tropical and sub-tropical countries, is the drying of liquid cow’s milk into a powder, which on reconstitution with water, not only cor tains all the
    600 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 232 11 r --.1 XT T i I IKI. 448 K 6K Made to Wear The amount of 14 kt. gold used on a Krementz collar button is greater than that used on any other collar button. This liberal quantity of 14 kt. gold is especially hardened by an exclusive process used
      232 words
    • 119 11 NEW HEALTH W AND NERVE POWER ’X quickly gained with I regular use of M sanatocen Hk Ntfs. Bjomsterne Bjornson. the wife of the celebratad.Norwegian poet and novelist, wrote "Bjomson uses Sanat one', every day and finds that the efiects of this admirable revitalising food are exceeding y beneficial to
      119 words
    • 512 11 dr wSl'ifilr Nt j REMOVAL NOTICE. j g I b h t DOULATRAM co V' A to announce the public that they have removed their stores from Nos. t P E^tey^y D E L Y c c J 230-232, Penang Road, to 8 A-B, s REMOVES HAIR lIKE MAGIC Beach
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1409 12 Canadian pacific “ELLERMAN” LINE THI7 RT T TIT 17T TIXINIRT T IMK steamships, limited. ellerman and bucknam. M 11IL r Ljl> (Incorporated in England). STEAMSHIP CO., LTD.. INTENDED FILINGS Reduced to Europe. (Incorporated in England.) WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT FIRST CLASS. •MENTOR Feb. 16 London. Rotterdam and Hamburg.
      1,409 words
    • 624 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseille. Ixmdon about about KHYBER Feb. 14 KASHGAR F eb 17 NELLORE 25
      624 words