Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 October 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 585 1 NIKKO” MODERN art I hotographic I STLDIO I 7, Norths® Road. Penan 8- I No. SW- I Telephone no (lewis Berger Sons, Ltd., i the motorists si re shield. (ESTABLISHED 1760) 11 ru I It is a very common human uft i < failing to under-estimate risk, g I ffi
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    • 37 1 x are- jh J P4TBM.ZED 11 MMLn X good jewellery 111 MUSI POSSESS THREE VIRTUES J’ Beauty, Utility S Quality* AND THE GREATEST OF THESE IS QUALITY. 0 B. P. de SILVA, X J 1, BISHOP STREET.
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    • 1708 2 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] SIR, —With regard to the tuberculosis Committee’s report that the provision of sufficient new houses, and the improvement of housing accommodation in the congested areas must precede or accompany any other action taken to control the spiead of Tuberculosis, when new
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  • 117 2 With reference to the recently reported mishap to the Montoro on her voyage to Australia, the welcome information has been received -by Boustead and Co., agent» of the Burns, Philp Company, that the vessel has been refloated apparently undamaged, and that she was due to reach Sydney on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 979 2 01 s.s. “GLENAMOY.” L ?'->*. G v i k- £1 Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Europe are hereby notified that the A rife» survey of cargo landed in a damaged condition HUVerUSCInCHIS. wi H beheld on 24-10-23 at 2-30 p.m.. in Godown No. 4. Wanted, For Sale,
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    • 755 2 Concert and Dramatic banking co (Tncor Poratedin Hon eko X ’l Entertciinrnent paid UP capita I Reserve Fonda For St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sterling Church Funds, “Z,. Liability o( p TOWN HALL, Head Office,-nONGRoXc I Branches and PENANG Amoy, Bangkok, liala.ia jj I SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, AT 9-30 P.M. Ipoh, Johore,
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  • 745 3 ~J -I MEETING. Own Correspondent.) (I'rom Ulil j ;ll)liua l meeting of Malay- i(| he ]d in Kuala Lumpur October 20, Mr. R. O. Bw ;UH I in proposing the adop--I",'’,.port and accounts for the (J (ientlemen, The report pa-t y al been in your hands tfd»
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  • 2447 3 Crown Evidence On Rubber Land Prices. The test case involving the question of the compensation payable to the owners of land compulsorily acquired for the purposes of the Singapore Naval Base, was continued in the Supreme Court, Singapore, on Friday, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 I p‘ I -MENU- Wk .-v soup. Aha FISH. JOINT. -*;•> «S IF YOU DON’T ENJOY YOUR MEALS TONE UP YOUR STOMACH RIGHT AWAY SO IT WILI DO ITS OWN PROPER WORK. Nothing takes the joy out of life like a weak stomach. Enjoy the good things that others enjoy.
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    • 327 3 1 here is no I/ A\ BKS 1 need to send i your baby i A J home i£you i <jjr R >lve the i j child Wlenbtwgs M J Foods Por» Infants Entirely free from harm ul germs they give complete independence of doubtful milk supply, j and their
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  • 2749 4 HIE LINE WELL PATRONISED. SUCCESSFUL LUNCHEON AT CRAG HOTEL Another red letter day was added to the annals of local history, yesterday, when the Hills Railway was informally opened to the general public. The weather throughout the day was fine but dull, an I towards
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  • 1463 4 Perak vs. Penang. VICTORY FOR CHAMPIONS. Jn spite of the uncertain weather outlook during the earlier part of Saturday afternoon and except for a slight drizzle, which lasted a feW minutes, the weather conditions were good, if not excellent, for the Rugby’ match between Penang and Perak,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 TO WAKE UP A LAZY LIVER. For liverishness, constipation, billiousness headache, drowsiness, bad complexion, etc., try drinking before breakfast a little Alkia Saltrates dissolved hi plain water. Feel fit as a prize fighter all day. When yon sleep the heart immediately slows down and then the sluggish-moving Wood deposits greasy
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    • 73 4 IBI|I L. Pastry-making- ff \S| With the aid of‘‘Raisley’’ U any cook can make pie 17 crust, cakes, bread an jJ. qJ scones of exquisite lig ness because Raisi mixes perfectly with t. t.e flour and causes particle to be thoroug 1 y raised and cooked. Farmarly Jinov/n fWlf--A bv
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  • 421 5 msT DAY’S RESULTS. Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 20. day of the Singapore fl* ‘"rinb's race meeting opened with gportaifi bea y 'Vd are the results: APPC X'. (Seven furlongs). .1 h 6 (Wilkinson) 1 (Whalley) hs; half a length second and third. nie min. 36 secs. sis. $26
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  • 151 5 AL RACING RESULT’S 1 1 T ON BETTING. Th 1 lu dead-heated in a race ".p •‘"'■(iiiph Handicap) at Wind- one to women-owners, Mrs. Mm,.;'" ls R R -Jeffrey, who ran Binkie. The third, Dumas, T] h J of Air. George Hardy. g were divided, so .in thr<<>
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  • 346 5 London, October 4.—The “News of the World Tournament was continued in fine weather to-day. Havers led Renouf to the 17th. He was one up at the 14th which was the turning point of The match. Renouf, halving the 15th Havers should have been 2
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  • 63 5 London, October 6. —The polo player Major E. G. Atkinson, intervieAved on his arrival from New York, en route to India, said that the attendance at the matches was anything from 12.000 to 15,000. He declared that polo in America is a battle and not a game.
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  • 127 5 London, Oct. 8. —The young men. and women Avho are occasionally seen in the streets of Paris wearing a green ribbon, says "The Times” correspondent in Paris are those who have taken up membership of the “Green Ribbon” Club Avhich Avas formed a year ago to promote
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  • 83 5 Rangoon. October 9. —Before a large gathering of spectators to-day in the replay of the final match, in the Walter Lbcke Tournament for the Championship of Burma. betAveen the Friends’ Union and the “South Staffordshire, the former Avon by one goal to nil. Mrs Gavin Scott presented
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  • 18 5 London. October B.—ln a Rugby football match Blackheath bea f Headingly by 28 points to 8.
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  • 167 5 Bombay. Octobei 6. —At a meeting of the Council of the AVestfrn India Natioi nal Liberal Association, the folloAving re- solution Avas passed. ancT a copy Avas forAvarded to His Excellency the Viceroy: i “In vi. AA' of the instructions issued by the Home Government to the
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  • 920 5 GOVERNMENT- ACTION EXPLAINED. In the following announcement the Governor-in-Council of Bengal explains the reasons for the drastic action recently taken in arresting, and keeping in detention, certain persons who are suspected of criminal designs against the State. Regulations 111 of 1818 provides for such action and the
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  • 242 5 Bombay, October s.—Sentences to death and for life are common occurrences during the session of the Bombay High Court, but from noon to-day the compound of the Court presented an unusually animated scene with a large croAvd who were unable to get access to the Court-room.
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  • 226 5 Calcutta,* October 10.—In connection with the case in which R. Douglas, a driver, and four Bengalees Avere arrested on charges of conspiracy, forgery, and cheating Lloyd’s Bank, of Rs. 1.80,700. by means of forged transfer orders, three more Bengalees Avere arrested in French Chandernagore, and all the
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  • 175 5 Calcutta, October 6. —The special correspondent of the “Statesman,” Avho has been making enquiries at Madhupur, reports that the murder oDColonel Kennedy is still a mystery. He states that the local people connect the crime with the Post Office murder in Calcutta, and maintain that the whole
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  • 71 5 Delhi, October 10. —On the night of the Bth October the Delhi Excise authorities arrested a Mussalman at the main.rail way station. The man was dressed as a Hindu and was wearing the Hindu sacred thread. On being searched, over 4 lbs. of cocaine was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 429 5 I Your car wi, l run at Its best if the engine is fitted with j jK IMSIGE I SPARKING PLUGS Give maximum power and consistent service in all makes of engines. Easily detachable (two parts only) for cleaning. The illustrations show the plugs for American engines screwed S''thread Model
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  • 83 6 Knott. —At 1, Brook Road, Penang, to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Knott, a son. HASTIE.—At Gadek Estate, Tampin, on October 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hastie. a son. Killick. —At Jugra Estate on the 13th inst., to the wife of N. S. Killick, a son. Droppert. —At
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  • 1077 6 It is an error to imagine that this problem of the housing of the poor concerns only remote places like Liverpool, London, New York or even Singapore. To a greater or lesser degree it invites the attention of the citizens of most places where people
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  • 1292 6 The defeat of Papyrus, the winner of the Derby, by Zev in America, 1 Papyrus will not affect the prices of > Beaten. tin and rubber, and it does not prove what would have happened if the race had been run in 1 South Africa. The conditions
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  • 284 6 The P. &0. Packet Devanlia, with mails despatched from London "0 the 4th October, is expected to arriv here at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, the 24th instant. The homeward mail, by the CordilleN closes at 10 on Thursday, the 2->th instant. The homeward mail, by the Karnuli
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 278 6 XgCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSK. I Craven x 1 I' x x |X. x x Wi 'Olll *****11 In nl k x 'W *****11 a£ «x f\ i\ x x 7V x x MlW®i x X B| jjsSvjSßj x X mb dwoM 1 X S£ dj ,/se /-jPjMJuV Sf Me? 5 ftffjraffW z
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    • 65 6 “E. O.” The Best Situated Hotel in the East. 842 feet Sea Frontage. Unique Ball Room—Up-to-date Orchestra. Guest Nights and Dancing every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffins every Wednesday and Saturday—Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every Wednesday. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 11l Including free town delivery or X postage. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. x
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 805 7 between the Devil and the Deep ■sea. rIIEM sh separatist lIIL movemen i. Reuter’s Telegrams.) Berlin, October 20. Hv tiid externally Dr. Strese'"‘Xremme»* is between the devil C..d«psea.On the one hand Saxo- aliening open revolt »nle« heel. Bavaria, in iependent, >n unless Red gtf onyis s «PP
    Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  805 words
  • 112 7 THE PARTY’S PROGRAMME. Paris, October 20. The Radical Socialist-Party, which, notwithstanding its lack of homogeneity constitutes the main opposition to the Government, concluded its annual Congress with a programme which aims at uniting all sections. The programme steers a course between the Communists and the Government Party
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  • 56 7 WANTS FRENCH ASSISTANCE. Paris, October 20. M. Rakovsky, head of the Soviet delegation in Britain, interviewed by the London correspondent of the “Echo de Paris” said that Russia needs capital and wants French assistance. M. Scheinmann. the director of the Soviet State Bank, has gone to Paris
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  • 43 7 PILGRIMAGE TO NELSON’S COLUMN. London. October 21. The traditional pilgrimage to Nelson’s column marked Trafalgar Day. Large numbers of people, including parties of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides brought and inspected the many floral tributes sent from all over the world.
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  • 43 7 London, October 21. M. Masaryk, President of Czechoslovakia, after a State visit to Paris, arrived in London and. was welcomed at the station by large crowds, including Lord Albemarle, representing His Majesty, the Earl of Derby and other ministers.
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  • 87 7 ITS ENFORCEMENT PROMISED. Washington, October 20. Addressing a Conference of State Governors on the subject of the enforcement of prohibition, President Coolidge expressed his determination not to allow any tampering with prohibition, which was voted by the nation in Congress. He declared that the great law-abiding
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  • 35 7 London, October 20. A large crowd greeted the Priifce *of Wales on his arrival in London from Canada. H. IL H. was sun-bronzed and said he had enjoyed his holiday.
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  • 492 7 Papyrus Fails on Soft Course. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) New York, October 20. The track at Belmont Park was soft following two days’ rainfall, the forecast being cloudy and cooler. Although when he arrived in America shrewd racing men thought Papyrus had scarcely a chance of winning, he will
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  492 words
  • 112 7 IRELAND BEATS ENGLAND. London, October 20. At Belfast, in Association football, Ireland beat England by 2 goals to 1. A Keen Struggle. Belfast, October 20. The weather was fine. Twentythousand watched the play, which was very fast. England mostly attacked in the early stages, but the Irish defence
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  • 34 7 On the 25th September some Mahsud snipers from a range of about 900 yards dropped some shots a few yards wide of the tennis courts at Sorarogha no damage was done.
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  • 19 7 New York, October 20. General Pershing has left for Europe for three- months on a private holiday.
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  • 37 7 Mr. W. D- Ashdown will deliver an ad dress to day at 6 p.m. in the Fitzgerald Memorial Church (Burmah Road) at 6 p.m. on “The Teaching in 1 and 2 Thessalonians”
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  • 323 7 PRESENTATION OF EFFICIENCY CUP. The Eurasian Volunteer Club in Penang Road was on Saturday night the scene of the first social gathering, at which there was a good muster of the members of B Company, P. and P.W. V. and their lady friends, who spent a
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  • 340 7 London, Oct. 8. —Theie was a senseless panic on Sunday morning in a streetmarket in Bethnal Green, which caused severe injuries to eleven people who had to be sent to hospital and minor injuries to fifty others. Two thousand cagebirds were trodden to death or liberated,
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  • 60 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 22. Following largely attended Volunteer operations yesterday, Mr. Wootton, ex-Sergeant-Major of the S.V.A.. was presented with a cheque on severing his connection lasting four years with the Volunteers. The thirty yards’ shooting cup, given by Sir Neill Malcolm for competition in Malaya,
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  • 32 7 DRAWN GAME AT IPOH(From Our Own Correspondent.) October 22. The Soccer Inter-Railway match at Ipoh, between Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh, on Saturday, resulted in a draw of one goal each.
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  • 1484 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. H. Murdoch Hill arrived here yesterday by the s.s. Glengarry from Home. Mrs. Ansly-Young is expected to arrive from Home next week by the s s. Devanha,—“M.M.” Mr. Douglas Dunn has become head of the Anglo-Dutch Estates Company in Sumatra. Mr. J. F. Arthur, of Messrs. Kennedy
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  • 1346 8 GENERAL MEETING. The fourth ordinary general meeting of Batu Lintang Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the registered offices of the Company, 33. Beach Street, at noon on Saturday, the Hon. Mr. W. H. Thorne occupying the chair. The others were the Hon Mr. John Mitchell,
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  • 257 8 Messrs. Barlow and Co., Singapore, report on 18th October than an. uncertain, market has been met with during the period under review. Fluctuations have varied from 47 'to 49 cents for Standard Sheet. In yes--1 terday’s auction, a very quiet tone pre- vailed. Business passed in Awarded
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  • 109 8 The advertisement (taken from the London “Times”) given below is full of significance. It would appear most likely that the seeker after a billet is an ex-Ceylon man who does not want to return to the Colony, and prefers “fresh fields and pastures new”—even with
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  • 750 8 The thirteenth annual ordinary general meeting of the Bukit Jelotong Rubber Estates, Ltd., wa* held at the. Company’s Office on Friday. 12th October, 1923, at noon, the Hon’ble Mr. Tan C heng Lock (Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said: —Since we met in General meeting last year, restriction
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  • 147 8 The District Traffic Superintendent of the North-Western Railway at Saharan pur announces that 18 down passenger collided with the rear portion of a down special goods at 7-35 p.m. on Monday at mile 114/15 beween Sarsawa and Pilk hanai. The rear portion of the goods tram i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 474 8 Nerve 1801 Failure Powerless, Wasted and W fT Bedridden. 'f'fflk? Had only a month to live i f'li 1 ’CPRi An authentic statement bj L'P'W'K the father of a boy who was W. J sent hoine Wasted, i. P jflf X speechless, helpless it was ts?at more jrMljiiiiiy /K could
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    • 20 8 The Menace of Famine, by J. C. Pasqua!, 20 cts. per book, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang.
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    • 317 8 w w 'i Remember! Wincarnisi, i f a positive necessity to y Ou if you are Weak, Anemic j Nervous or Wincarnis is not a luxury-;, is a positive necessity to al! who are Weak, or Anemic, c- Nervous, or Run-down. Because Wincarnis exercisesan extraordinary power in promoting New Strength
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  • 298 9 HUNT SECTION. Polo took the place of the usual paperchase and follow my leader ride on both Tuesday and Thursday on account of the Polo team going down t) Singapore. Good practise games were had on both days, though the ground was rather soft. The team selected
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  • 260 9 British films are to be “boosted” during the autumn and New Year with a view to encouraging the British film industry, says “The "Westminster Gazette.” The Prince of Wales is to attend a dinner on November 14, promoted by the British National Film League, to which Cabinet
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  • 279 9 The 2nd battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment, which has assumed garrison duty in Singapore, has an excellent record of service in the late war. It was in the original Expeditionary Force to France, having left on August 14, 1914, for that country. It fought at Mons,
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  • 196 9 S.T.” TOWKAY MURDERED IN LAVENDER STREET. A shocking affair occurred in a carpenter’s shop in Lavender Street, Singapore, on Thursday morning, when a coolie suddenly went mad and murdered his towkay with an axe. The coolie, who was employed at 113, Lavender Street, with two other coolies,
    —“ S.T.”  -  196 words
  • 230 9 M.M.” Benares Opium p. chest $5,000.00 nom. Cloves 105.00 nom. Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 55.00 sellers 110 s 48.00 Coconuts per 1,000 50.00 Copra Sundried 11.15 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00
    M.M.”  -  230 words
  • 257 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Saturday To-day. fC X g 30 Shares. Jg a cs "5 30 02 M K C. C. C. C. Rubber (Dollar.) A.Hitam 13.75 14.25 13.50 14.00 A. Molek 1.40 1.50 1.20 1.30 Ayer Pauas 5.75
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  • 69 9 22nd October, 1923. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 44 4 Pen axg I Fine Pale Crepe 44 >nom Unsmoked Sheet 35 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 14] weak pore 1 Crepe 44J London and New York. (Smoked ls.lgdv.weak IAWOS b ?J New York G 251 The following were the rubber quotations
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  • 57 9 Mr. J. W. Douglas supplies the following figures of rubber produced within the Restriction area on which export duty has been paid during September Tons. F.M.S. 8,564 i S.S. 2,102 Johore 2,895 Kedah 842 Kelantan 395 Trengganu 64i Total 14,863 Import of Foreign Rubber 5,268 tons. Stocks in
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  • 62 9 Local. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd, Oct. 22: Singapore sold 50 tons at SIOOL Penang buyers no sellers at S 100.25. Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd:— To-day’s quotation for Singapore refined tin $100,621 per picul, business done 50 tons, Penang refined tin $100.25 per picul, buyers no sellers,
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  • 18 9 Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N.L. from 14th to 20th October (being one week) 6 tons.
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  • 118 9 PENANG. OCTOBER 22, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 3/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 169 J 3 days’sight Private 171} Bombay Demand Bank 169 Madras Demand Bank 169 > g-
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  • 557 9 CHOWRABTA MARKET. Penang, October 22, 1923. ctn Government Mutton— Mutton Indian j>er lb 45 Mutton— Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 45 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 45 Lamb do 45
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 547 9 x* 7 r»UBW ITtf t I lIMM -.11.-. x.UL -J—, !!IIIi!IIIIIIIIII1I1I!IIII1IIIII A'' I I I UA' Spß[ J I j,W> -’UJ' S I J I f > i g-L H s 1 $2OO. c I). ~n-it and small monthly payments will enable you to purchase a ROBINSON TROPICAL PIANO. Each
      547 words
    • 47 9 j SANFORD’S i Violet s Rubber Stamp j Ink i; 1 OZ. BOTTLE CTS. t j SANFORD’S I Ink Eraser (in liquid form) EACH. J “UTOPIAN” Office and I Photo Paste IN 8 OZ. BOTTLES. i WITH BRUSH $1 EACH. 1 j The Pinang Gazette press, LTD.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 174 9 LYRIC 7 theatres ltd., T| iEATRE ROYAL. PENANG ROAD. From Sunday, 21st to We Ines jay, 24th October, 1923. Biink you have a lot to be sad about Do you believe that Old Man !l1 Pas cn ised joy out of your life for ever Are you bowed down un1,1,1
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  • 813 10 A STRENUOUS PROGRAMME. London. September 26.—1 t is now possible to give an almost complete itinerary of the tour of Canada and America which Mr. Lloyd George is to commence on Saturday next, although, as invitations are still being received, it may be found necessary to
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  • 134 10 Oct. 22, 23 and 24—Moonlight Band, Eslanade. 23—P.U.C. Annual Meeting, t> p.m. 27—Batting Padang Dredging, Meeting, 33 Beach Street, 12 noon. 2<S—P.V.R.C. Shoot (Donegal Badge) 7 a.m. Nov 2—Church Workers’ Association. Bazaar, Turf Club Enclosure, 4.30 p.m. 3—Rugby, Selangor v Penang, K.L. —General Meeting, Paradise Rubber Estates. Ltd.,
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  • 85 10 TO-DAY’S van Hogendorp for Deli Rasa for Setul. Taipeng for Teluk Anson Kedah for Dindings and Takada for Calcutta. anm/s Jutlandia for Port Said an r The following ships are in tion with the Wireless Stations PENANG—Agapenor, Benmohr 7 Bagdad, City of Norwich i Edavana, Ekina, Insulinde ui
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  • 367 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday> BT TRAIN. Federated Malay States. M a aCM and Singapore. Registratiou and Parcel Post, except i otherwise stated, close half ail L, than the Ordinary mail. Resumption of Night Mail Serv The following additional mail will bedf daily (Sunday excepted) by the 73 train:
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 415 10 Assets over $5,000,000 S.C. Assurance in force over $17,000,000. x I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. g H n Straits Settlements). X HEAD OFFICE: Wmaheater Mwat R- LONDON OFFICE: 32, OH Jewry, M. The CompMy taw «MMMO dSpsHHI Uflb As *MBM 00H« England and compile, with the British
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    • 25 10 I’lantkrs’ Medical Guide, by Dr. E. N. Graham, S 2- per book or $2/30 post free, stocked by the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., Penang. ‘W
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    • 159 10 TAPPING THE NERVE-FORCE-Than Bleeding- It is better to lose a pint have the nerves tapped. No om. 11 your nerve-force as it runs away. >' famous Doctor Oliver AV eml -II p, It is easy to explain why tins blood-making organs rapidly rt-p and blood can be injected into th-'
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  • 885 11 London, September 21.—The restraint shown in the East at the lower level recently established was not without effect on values here, the standard market responding sharply early in the week. Present indications suggest that a repetition of see-saw markets is all that can be expected for the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 321 11 11 i ll W *1 JH >j ffiSf i, gM?H Ireife-jir 3K A' |S§sfm|’ V=A?SS:^J/Hy night-cap is a cup of delicious 'O\>altinĕ' THERE is nothing to equal “Ovaltine” as a “night-cap” to ensure sound, restful sleep. It provides just that necessary nourishment which allays digestive unrest and, at the same
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    • 316 11 IHOTELBRASTAGI.j Telegraphic Address Postal Address w BRASTAGI, MEDAN. BRASTAGI, Sumatra, O. K. 5 4,800 feet above sea level. Climate fresh, invigorating, equivalent to an English Summer. X General temperature 52 to 60 degrees by night. 60 to 75 degrees by day. No regular wet X season. Rainfall 75 inches equally
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1402 12 LLOYD TRIESTINO “ELLERMAN” LINE THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Incorporated in Italy.) CO., LTD.. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. (Incorporated in England.) WEEKLY SERVICE LONDON AND N. CONTINENT. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. PHEMIUS Oct. 25 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. From Penang. “ELLERMAN LINE. ELPENOR 31 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Steamer due The following steam
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    • 643 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Du© Penang. To Marseilles London about e Pen 'M DEVANHA Oct. 26 KARMALA KAISAR-I-HIND Nov. 9
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