Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 September 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 585 1 rOKISATSU.j PHOTOGRAPHIC I ART STUDIO. I ’Phone 772. 3 6S BISHOP STREET- J «I a THE I I W'-oA I I A F HUI 1* <% V I I WVu I IVi Ila 1 IVr/AA L FIRE EXTINGUISHER I The 3 Simple 11 Driving Belt W| g h =E costs
      585 words
    • 55 1 «x ss= x X X 7s=:-: x*r x an. is??. hi I MWWZEB "italtt. g >’ GOOD JEWELLERY JI 111 MUST POSSESS THREE VIRTUES Ji 111 111 Beauty, Utility Quality AND THE GREATEST OF JJ THESE IS QUALITY. j,; II B. P. de SILVA,x 1, BISHOP STREET. I# £s x
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  • 1212 2 -“The Times. NEW PRESIDENT’S TASK. Recent events in Portugal seem to justify a greater measure of optimism than one might expect considering the difficult times through which the country has passed during the last few years. Senhor Maria da Silva’s Premiership, the thirty-fourth in the thirteen years’ history
    -“The Times. ”  -  1,212 words
  • 363 2 -“Free Press.” This subject is of much interest for Singapore, for in time it is proposed to Ido away with the present tramway system and replace it by the free bus. driven by a trolley from overhead wires, but able to travel on any part of the road
    -“Free Press.”  -  363 words
  • 66 2 ARMISTICE DAY. SKYE MEETING, 10th and 12th November, 1923. FIRST DAY—Six Races for Ponies. SECOND DAY—Seven Races for Ponies. GENTLEMEN RIDERS. A Special Race First Day for Service and Ex-Service Riders. LOTTERIES EACH DAY. Free transport, stabling and fodder for ponies running at the meeting. HALF PROFITS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 930 2 Ol /'ll 1 AUCTION. ohort Classified Advertisements. Penang Sales Room. Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c., AUCTION SALE can be inserted in the Pinang OF Gazette” at Household Furniture etc., THREE CENTS A WORD At No. 28 Logan Road, counting the address to which 22n< September, 1923, replies are to
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    • 76 2 When a man asserts his disbelief in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine cases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed bis taste for years it proves not so much that he is
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    • 379 2 Imperial War Graves Commission. Memorials to the Missing in France. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The Imperial War Graves Commission invite Architects who served during the War as members of the Military, Naval, or Air Forces raised in any part of the British Empire to send in their names for admission to a
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    • 579 2 1. Construction of 2. Alterations to 97 p f Full partied ran A*--Q f^ ted at the Municipal gj* Tenders which should! L Construction of drain^ o^l Road ln M will-be Beach Street" to 10 a.m. on Saturday instant for item No 1 > 22nd IO a m. on Saturday,
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  • 1281 3 Two Accused Convicted. Mr. A. V. Aston in the Police L' v s t ei’flay afternoon, the hearing <lUr concluded’ of against Yew Heng Khean, Karpen and ']’,eng Chean. who were charged L'- ,'j fei meriting intoxicating liquor "L‘ nt licence, (2) being in possession of
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    • 295 3 [To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir.—Spain has been in the limelight of late in regard to her Morocco policy, as well as her domestic affairs. This Kingdom, which was once one of the greatest empires that the world had ever seen, and embraced territory in the old
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  • 158 3 IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION'S BY SUB-COMMITTEE. Simla, September 10.—Apropos, the Inchcape Enquiry, a sub-Committee has been appointed under Sir Alexander Muddiman regarding the Calcutta High Court. It recommends considerable savings, and suggests the abolition of the I ost of Clerk of the the conversion of the post of Sheriff
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    • 229 3 Simla, September-G—H. E. the Countess of Reading with her well-known intelest in the welfare of the women and children of India, is inaugurating a Na tional Baby Week throughout India and Burma, which it is proposed should be held during the third week of January, 1524.
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    • 93 3 Simla, September 9.—Nagpur.—The Central Provinces Government, reviewing the Flag agitation, point out that its policy has remained consistent in demanding, first, submission to lawful authority, and secondly, processions only with due permission. On August 18 the agitation leaders fulfilled these conditions and hence the procession of
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    • 70 3 Simla, September 10.—With a view to carrying out the recommendations of the inchcape Committee the Raj has decided <o locate the bulk of the Government of India offices at Simla, allowing only the camp offices to move towards Delhi in the winter. Consequently all the Secretariat
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    • 43 3 Simla, September 9.—Bombay.—The Indian Merchants’ Chamber of Bombay, nf ’a letter to the Tariff Board, support protection to the steel industry against ioreign dumping, provided the protection be on a sliding scale and to be extinct after twenty five years.
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    • 31 3 Bombay, September 7. —A Poona correspondent of the “Lokamanya” states that there is a strong rumour in Poona that .Mr, Gandhi will be released within three or four days.
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    • 65 3 Calcutta, September 11. —Simla Observatory officially reports that yesterday’s earthquake might have originated below the sea about 120 miles east or south-east of- Calcutta where a sudden chasm of a -depth of 4,000 fathoms exists. The Calcutta Observatory says that the < rigin of the earthquake is
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    • 189 3 Colombo, September 11. —About a hundred and twenty five village headmen of Siyana Korale East, who went through a course of sanitation, were given certificates and awards on Wednesday the sth inst. at Batadola Walauwa, the residence of Mudafiyar J. P. Obeyesekera. These men belong to
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  • 550 3 NATURE’S PRANKS ON THE BED OF THE OCEAN. Memories of Jules Verne’s enthralling romance of submarine adventure are recalled by a reported discovery by an Eastern Telegraph Company’s repair ship on the St. Helena-Capetown route. Early last month a break was reported in the cable
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  • 204 3 CRITICISM BY SALARIES COMMITTEE. The following Special Cable to the ‘'Statesman” contains fuller details of the recommendations mentioned in a recent Reuter’s message Extensive economies in the Civil Service, to be effected by the scrapping of needless routine duties, are suggested by the Committee on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 Rubber Companies Account Books, at $3.50 per book or $3 80 post free, stocked by The Pinr if Gazette Pt<s. Ltd.
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    • 222 3 /Wife r. Wr i I Columbia I 1 New Process RECORDS j TITLES THAT ARE POPULAR. |Ĕ Caravan Fox Trot I Want Some Money One Step g Pyjama Blues Fox Trot E My Rambler Rose g H Sunshine E S Some Day in Cambay E E Wana E Russian Rose
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  • 315 4 Alleged Forgery. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 21. During the hearing at the Assizes, of the case in which Veerappa Chetty was charged on three counts of forging the names of Ng Hong Guan and two others to promissory notes, Ng Hong Guan was submitted to the
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  • 7 4 M.M.” POLO.
    M.M.”  -  7 words
    • 9 4 -“S. T.” POLO. score four goals to nil.—
      -“S. T.”  -  9 words
    • 32 4 London, September 8. —The following are the results of Rugby football matches played to-day: Leicester 14, Plymouth 5; Bath 3, Aberavon 4 Gloucester 43, Sydney 12; Cardiff 12, Bridgend 5.
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    • 81 4 Deauville, August 17.—Some singular hands were played at chemin-de-fer in <he casino in the early hours of this morning. A girl starting with 245. played at a small table in the big room. Thirty times in succession she won and by then she had £3,840. After
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    • 103 4 The following are the results’af tennis ties played yestetrday Championship. E. J. Bennett beat R. G. Pash 3 —6; G— 2; 7—5. Profession Pairs. G. N. Saye and C. D. D. Hogan w. o. E. A- Taylor and S- Madsen. Singles Handicap Class “C.” —l5
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    • 53 4 Members of the P.S.C. are request*>d to note that no fresh water for use after sea-bathing will be available at the Swimming Club on Monday and Tuesday, the 24th and 25th inst., as the main tank will be empty dur mg the fitting of the Club’s new
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    • 450 4 London, September 9. —The American, Charles Toth, has swum the English Channel, starting from Cape Grisnez and landing at Dover. His time was 16 hours 54 minutes, or 21 minutes longer than the time taken by the Argentinian Sebastian Tiraboschi. Toth left Cape Grisnez at 6-56 last evening,
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  • 185 4 PROPOSED TEXTILE SCHOOL. Mr. J. Ranklne Finlayson, Manchester, in a letter to “The Times,’' says: There cannot but be grave doubts as to the wisdom of using the Boxer Indemnity money to set up a school on the lines advocated, by the Textile Machinery Makers’ Association. Tfie
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  • 211 4 “Free Press.” It is gratifying to hear .that wholehearted co-operation is forthcoming to the Singapore Sporting Club to make the special race meeting which is being held on Saturday October 27th, of the utmost benefit to the Japanese Relief Fund, in aid of which it has been specially
    “Free Press.”  -  211 words
  • 120 4 London, September 6.—Papyrus must have a black cat and a kitten as stablecomnanions, in addition to the thoroughbred horse Bar Gold, to prevent him fretting while away from home. A veterinary surgeon accompanies him, also a masseur. For the voyage his Newmarket box will be installed
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  • 38 4 London, September 6. —Following is rhe result of the race for the Peveril of the Peak Plate run to-day: Sir Ernest Paget’s Reecho 1 Mr. S. B. Joel’s Colossus 2 Lord Derby's Torlonia
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  • 349 4 Our relations with foreign nations remain friendly in spite- of all we can do. The concert of Europe is now well under way with each nation singing in a different key. It seems that Germany's financial problems can be solved only by applying the golden rule.
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  • 43 4 London, September 10. —The wedding of Princess Maud with Lord Carnegie has been postponed from October 15 till November 12 owing to an accident to Lord Carnegie’s father, Lord Southesk, who wrenched his knee while out shooting in Kincardineshire.
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  • 944 4 A SURVEY OF RECENT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Mr. C. Alma Baker, 0. B, E., famed for his foresight in predicting the mighty part that aviation would play in the war, was profoundly impressed by the exposure of physical decay which resulted from the examination of men for military service.
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  • 275 4 s.T. Two companies were summon < ottences under the Companies r,"i f r in the Senior Magistrate. Con??» pore. The Empire Studio ItU summoned for failing t„ hold a general meeting, and Seam Ton 7 r Co., Ltd,, were summoned for ffiUfile with the Registrar of Comp copy
    – ” s.T. ”  -  275 words
  • 177 4 ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO MURDER MOTHER-IN-LAW. At the Singapore Assizes, Lay Uan Soon was sentenced to three and a halt years’ imprisonment for armed robbrry This man, with another who subsequently died, held up a Chinese amah, threatened her with knives and took her jewellery. A Chinese, named Lee
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  • 27 4 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, KUA LA KANGSAR. CHURCH OF THE RESURRECT. Sept. 24th. Monday.—Evening-" 5.30 p.m. T Io v Coinu 11 11 Sept. 25th, Tuesday.-IW 7.30 a.m.
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  • 39 4 m SAMIS’ CHURCH 23rd Sept., Hth Sunday 8 :i >; Matins 7.30 a.m.; Hol > i0 <1.15 Matins and Sermon (T a.t Holy Communion < Evensong l Children’s Service 5 PSermon 6.30 p.m. t h. Preacher: Rev. J.
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    • 210 5 London, September 11.—The “Times'’ correspondent cables that the fact Franco German conversations are in rd'i-ess has brought the German dieL'ards fulminating into the field. The Nanoualists demanded the immediate sumnioning of.the Foreign Affairs Committee o f the Reichstag in order to enable the Chancellor to make*a
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    • 71 5 London, September 11. —The “Times” i respondent at Athens cables that Serbia's reply to Italy will be negative. According to advices from Belgrade, me will follow step by step every Italian military preparation. Even to-day, on the Italo-Serbian frontier the two armies were face to
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    • 40 5 London, September *ll.—Six were killed and several wounded in a clash beteen the Greeks and the Turks near the M.aitza river. Greek circles assert that the Turks have become aggressive after the occupation of Corfu.
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    • 48 5 Loiid'in. September 6. —The American Colonel Low asserts that the Ita- hearsed the occupation of Corfu ai: >nth ago. An Italian cruiser visited t! -laud. The Commander asked per- nto exercke his crew and they •ermitted to stay for five days, h officers inspected the island.
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    • 39 5 L don, September 10. —Geneva. —M. informed the Council of the of Nations, that Greece is depoin the Swiss Bank the amount ''l upon as security for the Italian b ’l uity to-morrow at the latest.
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    • 179 5 London, September 10. —“It is best to t that hare sit” is the pithiest comment n ’he raising of the boundary question ever heard in North Ireland, says the Tin special correspondent, but the Lire has been started. President Cos:i‘ave, prior to the elections, formally
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    • 94 5 Lmdon. September 10.—30,000,000,000 (,< nviis ar e involved in revenue frauds a Jeged against Austrian officials and bers, wires the “Times” correspondent ienna. The police have arrested ’iienty in addition to the thirty-four mer- 'Hits and agents already charged with pading and selling huge consignments mnded
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    • 541 5 London, September 12.—The Reverend Plowden Wardlaw. replies to Colonel Douglas Jones’ letter of September 9 m the “Times” (see “Observer” of September 10) and says that the Church of England has no separate standard. Doctrine is according to belief. Christendom has only one universal Catholic Church
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    • 127 5 London, September 10. —The "Times’\ Cologne correspondent states that the rescue of three German syndicalists by Belgian cavalry from the custody of British military police is reported from 1 reuchen in the outskirts of Cologne. J he Freuchen syndicalists have an unenviable notoriety. The British
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    • 185 5 London, September 11. —The “Times” Peking correspondent cables that Wu-Pei-Fu is apparently carrying out earnestly the recent announcement of his intention to suppress the bandits. Reports state that he has rounded up a big gang, killing 300, rescuing 400 Chinese captives and capturing 4,000 rifles,
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  • 1074 5 Unceremonious Life with His Cow Punchers. The Prince of Wales is enjoying a life which few can taste without wanting to enjoy again life on a ranch. A ranch is a cattle farm magnified to such a degree that it becomes something else for it
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  • 357 5 Americans who have been visiting Europe return depressed with the gloomy catlook and the danger of a fresh outbreak of hostilities. Some of them, however, s fl em to think that Germany is in a position to pay reparations to a much larger extent than she
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 NOT FOR BABIES ONLY. BABY’S OWN TABLETS BENEFIT CHILDREN OF ANY AGE. Babyls Own Tablets are not for babies only. They are helpful and healthful for children of all ages. The mother who keeps Baby’s Own Tablets, the Canadian children’s remedy, in the house feels safe, for the use of
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    • 64 5 fr g—.;. Ex. s. s. Nellore,” s. s. Memnon,” s. s. Meriones,” i s. s. Glenogle,” s. s. Eurypylus,” etc., etc. NEW GOODS FOR ALL I DEPARTMENTS, i I u I Just r II V I Unpacked j INSPECTION J CORDIALLY J invited I Remember— Penang’s I Premier |j j
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  • 82 6 Chan.—On September 9, 1923. at 5-13 a. m„ at his residence Chiang’s Villa,” Bangnara, Siam, to Mr. and Mrs. Chan Hup Soon a son. Mother and child are doing well. Singapore and Saigon papers please copy. FRASER.—On September 19. at the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Heera (nee Kennedy) wife
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  • 1138 6 The political cataclysm that has rent Spain asunder, brought about the downfall of the Government and led to the declaration of martial-law may be due to a diversity of causes. But the chief of these were enunciated in a document distribute*! at the beginning of
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  • 1448 6 The proposals at home for the stabilisation of the price of tin The Future of prices, through the conTin. trol of supplies and, where necessary, the restriction of output, have aroused considerable interest among those concerned in the production of the metal and have led to much
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  • 197 6 A mail for Colombo, by the rambora. via Singapore, closes at 7.15 a.m. morrow. Telegraphic communication with bankok is interrupted. Messages for Bangktr are being forwarded via Songkhla an t are subject to delay. September 25 is the Chinese festival of mid-autumn. The mid-autumn o‘* ll bration is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 IJ x x S 3 x»x-s I Ft M II i i H i Jilt ii i! jOMik. JKgSoHh i II ||i B, >fc W; w i a| :< G. H. SLOT CO., LTD., Penang, =v K XW^XS^K^x4 JJP— —I g 9 Three Major Improvements I -in i Tyre Manufacture
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    • 36 6 “E. O. M The Best Situated Hotel in the East. 842 feet Sea Frontage. Unique Ball Room—Up-to-date Orchestra. Guest Nights and Dancing every Tuesday and Friday. Special Tiffins every Wednesday and Saturday—Orchestra. Orchestral Concert every Wednesday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 125 7 Conversations May be Continued. Reuter'» Telegrams.) London, September 20. Oilicial quarters in London have no of yesterday’s meeting in but the fact that Mr. Baldwin has nnP ,i his return to London till pOS'l 1 1 )W is regarded as indicating that III”* 1 n hei hvay was
    Reuter'» Telegrams.)  -  125 words
  • 66 7 HIE LEAGUE’S COMPETENCE. Geneva. September 20. Then 1 is general disappointment that th Council of the League has not debat' d the question of its competence jn the Italo-Greek dispute. Viscount Ishii announced that in view of the difl. !•> nt interpretations, the question would be submitted
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  • 110 7 FRESH OUTBREAKS. London, September 20. R :> »rts of the revolution in Bulgaria are explained by messages from Sofia .-•ring that bands of Communists at Suuozagora, Novazagora, Tchirpan and C townships, attacked the police cations and barracks with the object of Jibes ting their comrades who were
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  • 54 7 AS GOOD AS EVER. Atlantic City. September 20. The Directors of the National Association of Credit Men, at the annual meeting, is-ued a declaration expressing the opinion that the credit of Japan was as goo 1 as it ever had been, and urging American business to extend every
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  • 79 7 QUESTION OF ADMISSION. Geneva, September 20. A difference of opinion was expressed hy the committee appoined to investigate the ap plication of Abyssinia for admission to the League in consequence of the supposed existence of slave trading. Syed Hassan Imam (India) associated himself with the French
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  • 56 7 the HALF YEARLY PROFITS. London, September 20. Fhe Bank of England for the six months ending August 31 shows net profits of £674,195 after payment of a dividend of 6 per cent. The undivided Profit stands at £3,019,265. For the corresponding six months last year the were
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  • 75 7 The Hague, September 20. iiie Second Chamber approved the Proposal to discuss the Naval Construc'mi bill in connection with the defence wVi I )nlc h Indies next month. Mean- ’io, Heer Troeistra will interpellate "‘vernment on the 11th October yarding the causes of the Recent miet crisis
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  • 142 7 Printers Defiant. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) New York, September 20. The owners of the Metropolitan newspapers have informed the President of the International Pressmen’s Union that they have refused to deal further with the local organisation, declaring its strike to be illegal. The men are defiant and declare that
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  142 words
  • 211 7 CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTS SUGGESTED. < 1 n Geneva, September 20. The Opium Traffic Committee passed a resolution requesting the Council to invite the interested Governments to confer for the purpose of deciding on a reduction in the quantity of raw opium which may be imported for smokers
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  • 58 7 Chicago, September 20. In the golf championship second round. Ouimet beat Hunter 3 and 2, anil Marston beat Bobby .Tones 2 and 1. The Third Round. eptember 20, In the third rouibit»jBweetser defeated Guilford 3 and 1. heat Shute 6 and 5. .Ouimet boat V.fn Elm 2
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  • 35 7 New York, September 20. The Yankees, by winning to-day’s baseball, are assured of winning _the American League Championship, and therefore meet the Champions of the National League at the end of the season.
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  • 222 7 The three newly-projected 15,000-ton ma id steamers of the Hind type are to be called Ri|jjhitana, Rawalpindi and Ranpura respectively, while Razmak hiMfc beeri chosen for the name of the new express steamer of 10,000 tons. All four vessels are intended for the
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  • 1842 7 Interesting Evidence. Gapt iin A. 0. Cooney appeared before r ■>. i). in t’.e District Court, this morning, in answer to a summons for (1) rash an I n -gligent driving of motor can No. 1621 on or about August 17, 1923, at 11 p.m. at the
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  • 1504 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. E. A. Strouts has arrived in Kuala J uinpur to join the Forestry Department Mr. T. L. Andrews and Mr. A. E. C. McGavin are passengers to Melbourne from Calcutta by the s.s. Gharinda. Mr. E. W. F. Gilman, Controller of l abour, arrived here by the
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  • 965 8 BRITISH EMPIRE VERSUS FOREIGN OUTPUTS. Mr. A. Stuart, Assoc. Inst. M.M., writing in the “Financier” says Mr. Kendrick, in reply to W. I. L„ takes exception to the latter’s contention that Great Britain does not control the production of tin, but maintains that, in the last full
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  • 376 8 Messrs Symington and Sinclair’s weekly market report, dated London, the 23rd August, states —Our market has been rather more active during the week, and prices show an advance of ]d. to jd. since last Thursday. The Rubber Association of America has just published statistics based on
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  • 752 8 London, August 24.—There has so far been no great expansion in the amount of business moving with consuming quarters, and the current quiet trading conditions are reflected in the daily transactions on’ Change, which have not usually been particularly animated; The lack of any pressing demand for
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  • 112 8 '[’he marriage season” at the WestEnd register offices may now be said to have come to a close, and Registrars will not be over-burdened with work until October. We always experience a slack period at this time of the year,” a legistrar told the Evening Standard.” “We have
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  • 829 8 BY SIR HALL CAINE. The most supercilious critic of the cinema cannot fail to realise that it has already travelled far. Whatever its critics may say of it, they are compelled to admit that it is universally in being, that it is an immense industry,
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  • 90 8 Rangoon, September 7. —The rice mar bet remains strong on account of continued demand for Japan. There was a sharp rise in prices to-day. Rates for small mills quality rose to Rs. 520 early this morning and later to Rs. 525. Meedong was quoted at Rs. 520
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 639 8 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA LIMITED. (Incorporated in England.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,352,105 Board of Directors. Sir R. J. Black Bart, (Chairman), J. M. Ryrie, Esq., H. Melvill Simons, Esq., P. R. Chalmers, Esq., Sir David Yule, Bart. Lord
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    • 29 8 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (In various colours) To be disposed of at re I need prices. Thf. Pin \ng Gazette Press, LIMITED
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    • 310 8 < Wash That Itch Away There is absolutely no Buff eczema who ever used the from DEXMA and did not feel that wonderfully calm, cool s 6llsa^- comes when the itch is taken away 'Jp soothing wash penetrates the pores’ hlB instant relief from the most skin diseases. Wing For
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  • 455 9 CHECKING OUTBREAKS OF DISEASE. The .Japanese Consul-General in Singapore has received the following telegram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Tokio Tokio. September 17. The Kelief Bureau publishes a communique on the 15th wherein it states that the barracks established in Tokio by the Municipal and Prefectural
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  • 332 9 AIR FORCE OFFICER’S SUICIDE. London, September 10. Tli inquest on Flight Lieutenant Claude Bucknail, who was found shot in the flat of the well-known artist. Miss Grace Chapman, revealed that the tragedy was the outcome of war effects. Witnesses testified that the deceased, who was
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  • 267 9 WHAT IT MEANS TO THE EMPIRE. Singapore has never heard so much of itself since nutmegs were invented. I hat is where the nutmegs come from, you know.”—Mrs. Cunningham, in the Western Morning News,” June IL Singapore! great city of 300,000 souls and throbbing hub of the Middle East,
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  • 269 9 A company is being floated, with a capital of $55,000 in one dollar shares. The Company has been formed for the I urpose of acquiring any coconut Plantations and lands suitable for coconut plantation in the Malay Peninsula and elsewhere and to carry on the
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  • 52 9 London, September 6. —That sierra Leone is going "dry” is suggested by the Colonial Office report for 1922, which records a heavy decrease in the consumption of spirits. Imports were valued at £“68,000 compared with £264.000 in 1913. Imports of cotton increased by £40,000 and tobacco
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  • 122 9 PENANG. SEPTEMBER 21. 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/8 4 rflontbs’ sight Bank 2/4 9/32 3 Credit- 2/4 5/8 3 Documentary 2/4 21/32 Calcutta Demand Bank R»l72|' 3 days’sight Private 175 s Bombay Demand Bank 172? Madras Demand Bank 172| r 3 days’sight Private
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  • 88 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list:— Yesterday To-day. S 8 2 E Shares. >» >» S U J 5 CQ 00 PQ 00 Sc. c. sc. sc. Rubber (Dollar.) Sandycroft 1.85 1.95 1.75 1.85 Mining. Johan 374 40 374 40 N.
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  • 65 9 21st September, 1923. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 50 Fine Paia Crepe 50 Inom Unsmoked Sheet 45 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 50] pore I Crepe 50} London and New York. t (Smoked Sheet ls.3d dull J/iNDON Crepe New York G2B| The following were the rubber quotations in London on September
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  • 47 9 The General Produce Agency, Ltd., Beach Street, Penang, report that the following prices were realised at their auction rooms to-day Good F.A.Q. Smoked diamond sheet 66.50 F.A.Q. do 63t0 64 Off quality Smoked diamond sheet 57 60 Plain Sheet 48 53 Loose Scrap 30 40
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  • 115 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the fi•[lowing prices, on September 20 Spot £l9B down 2s. 6d 3 mos. buying 198.5 s 10s 3 selling,. 198.75.6 d 10s The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd: London. September 19, £198.25.6d spot, and 199.15 s three months buying, £198.175.6d selling. London,
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  • 173 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5,000.00 nom. Cloves Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutm< gf- 110 s 48.00 sellers Coconuts per 1,000 50.00 sellers Copra Sundried 10.70 sellers Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do
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  • 28 9 2,144 coolies arrived per ss Tara, tod:ty, of which 995 were sent to Pulau Jerejak, aiß the balance proceed direct to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 1110 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. a NAMES ;tn RUBBER [Dollar.] 8 c c 8 c Allenby Rubber Co J 35 1 40 Alor Gai ’1 Rubber Estate 1 40 1 50 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 20 2 25 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate «4 25 14 76 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 50
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 346 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T H E lost p I n a n g Diamond Brooch, Gun Pattern. M B 0 Finder rewarded on returning to J. J. If Aw fJUJ I B Saunders, c/o Hogan I vens. LOCAL SHARE PRICES. List of Places where the Gazc,,c can be bought at 15
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 125 9 RICH MEN’S WIVES WILL BE AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. POOR MEN’S WIVES WISE WIVES Rich and Poor, Girls and Boys should all be there to enjoy. (FOOLISH WIVES need not come) A GREAT PICTURE SECURED AT GREAT COST BY THE LYRIC THEATRES, Ltd. From Thursday 20th to Sunday, 23rd September,
      125 words

  • 943 10 a TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Teesta for Madras taking mails for Europe etc, via Bombay. Peng Fook for Langsa. Kopah for Deli, m's Jutlandia for Deli and Singapore. Kampar for Teluk Anson. Tara for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Rasa for Alor Star. Antiloch us
    943 words
  • 351 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday. 6! IRHIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca i and Singapore. J orf Registration and Parcel P oBt except where otherwise stated, close half a,. lf nr than the Ordinary mail FOR AT Baty Gajab, Tapah Road. > p Teluk Arison.Kuala Kulm Ku li itk Lnmpnr.
    351 words
  • 110 10 Sept.22—Rantau Agricultural Show. 22Dance, New Club, 9.30 p.m. 22, 23 and 24—Kedah Kxhil )ltl I Artsand Crafts and Agriculture Products. 22. 24 and 25— Moonlight Band Esplanade. 2s—London Hospital Kete. D 11 Anson. 30—P.V.R.G. Shoot. 7 a.m. 30— Penang Swimming 1 yards Gibbons Cup Hand and B” Class
    110 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 806 10 Iu f CCA DI Ito wf Jll VIRGINIA CIGARETTES -g M i ';i| I F good judgment leads you to smoke Piccadilly Cigarettes you III”J 1 will realise that their fine appearance is but a hint of the still t finer smoking qualities which lie underneath the pure rice paper.
      806 words

  • 1184 11 MR. FORD’S VIEW. Detroit, Mich., (by mail). —It was a little after 8 o’clock in the morning when I walked into the experimental plant cf Henry Ford at Dearborn. He was there ahead of me. Through the glass partition of the office adjoining that into which
    1,184 words
  • 472 11 the controversy that centred around the original proposal for the Johore Causeway is still fjesh in the memory, says the "Malay Mail.” And it had little to do with the cost, enormous though this has been. There were various lines of opposition. One was from the standpoint that
    472 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 436 11 The Primary Causes of I Most 111-health. Carelessness about one’s personal condition is the cause of much of the distress and the source of a large part of the serious complaints which to-day contribute to ill-health. Constipation is at the bottom of nine-tenths of all the ailments from which we
      436 words
    • 187 11 NERVE-WEAKNESS. How to Remove and Prevent it. The symptoms of nerve-exhaustion.” writes a distinguished physician in the London Medical Times comprise the whole extended gamut of all the manifestations of nervous disease. The wandering thought, the headache, and the depression, the mental and moral weakness in its every form, the
      187 words
    • 305 11 9BSB During the J anxious times of Ulness Z 1 BOVRIL Z gives strength Z a Prevents that Sinking Feeling a ITCH! Jjk ITCH! ITCH! Scratch and rubrub and «orate/»— until you feel as if you could almost tear the burning skin from your body —until it seems as if
      305 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1473 12 Australia by Burns Philp Line Nippon Yusen Kaisha. IJSJJ jg T I (Incorporated in Australia). t (incorporated in Japan.) INTENDED sailings FROM PENANG. Singapore to Javai portsbPortDarwin L NDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE wrrriv Qrpvirr I ANDON AND N CONTINENT. Thursday Island, BRISBANE, SYDNEY and MPE RIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT WEEKLY
      1,473 words
    • 776 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR EASTERN SERVICE.' From London Due Penang. To Marseilles A Ixindon about eav Penang MALWA Sept. 28 DONGOLA KALYAN Oct. 4
      776 words