Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 368 1 pKIDD’S j letter press |l[:O ROLLER s COMPOSITION i AGENTS.— J i P. G. Press, Ltd. J s J S C. C. Wakefield co., Ltd., I (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) j BRITISH THROUGHOUT. I &MIII 11II' 14 r Ur LIMIT THE CONSUMPTION to eliminate the Carbon and your EE I H
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    • 15 1 e j T. NAGATA, j DENTIST. j NSXT DOOM TO I THE DISPENSARY.” J "■■■■■■■■■■■•«■■■a
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  • 1502 2 BRILLIANT EXPOSITION. Lieut-Colonel Repington says Mr. Churchill held high office during the war and threw into his work the whole of his immense, and often fruitful, activity. He made some mistakes, and like everyone who did anything, he was bitterly attacked. He is therefore entitled to
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  • 154 2 B.T.”' A. R. Veerappa Chetty, 84, Market Street, Singapore, was arrested on a warrant, on the information of Ng Hong Guan, by Det. Inspector Phear and charged before Mr. Gourlay, that between July 1, 1922, and May 25,’1923, at Singapore he fraudulently and dishonestly did use as genuine
    B.T.”'  -  154 words
  • 154 2 The Free Press” regrets that in its report of the police court; proceedings against Capt. M hippey, it was incorrecC ly stated that Clapt. Whippey pleaded guiltythe word not”’ being left out. Capt. Whippey returned a plea of not guilty to both the charges of cheating preferred against
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 874 2 Short Classified W T,CEB The Estate road through fields 6 and Afll7OV*f*lGAniPTli*C 12 on Bakap Estate, Nibong Tebal, P.W. MUVvI UOV111V11I.O» an(l i ea< H n g to Sungei Duri Kampong will be closed to all traffic for one day Wanted, For Sale, lo Let, &c., g n( j June
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    • 1020 2 banks. CHILD CRIED. WITH PAIN (Incorporated in England.) Had Breaking Out On Face Capital uoS andArms.CuticuraHealed. Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1 359 Board of Directors "Mv child was troubled with a breaking out on her face and arms. Sir R. J. Black Bart (Chairman), J v It was of
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    • 438 3 MR BONAR LAWS RESIGNATION. j jea fn'l<l (Oxford), May 22.—A bulletin lt .j this afternoon skates that Mr. gonar Law has had a slight operation on r throat to-day, but that otherwise his ~I Ml ition is unchanged. His resignation nrounced late last night, followed upon n examination of three
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    • 161 3 London. May 10.While the Daily Telegraph" joins other Conservative organs in approving of the Note to Russia, and expresses gratification at the impending break, several Liberal morning papers do not favour more than a strenuous protest, and unanimously join Labour opinion in condemning
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    • 121 3 London, May 10.A sensational murder Ms committed in Brixton last night witihln a stone’s throw- of a crowded tho°tighfare. A couple of men hired a taxi-cab on Brixton Hill and ordered the f hauffeur to drive into a side turning. A n| oment later several shots were
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    • 107 3 I-ondon, May 20.A Nairobi message the phenomenal rainfall (in April?) as tb P highest ever known and May pro,n|scs to equal it. Severe storms have lusml a large number of washaways at noints on the roads and railways, of l, eni a most severe nature, rein the
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    • 152 3 London, May 9.-Dr. Whitehead formerly Bishop of Madras, the Rev. Herbert Anderson, late Secretary of the Missionary Council for India, Mr. Leith, a V esleyan m ssionary, and Rev. John Mackenzie. Principal of Wilson College, Bombay, in a joint letter to The Tinies," argue that the
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    • 235 3 London, May 20.An article in to-day "s Observer" on Kenya and the Empire" says that in accordance with uhe underlying principle of the resolution passed by the Imperial Conference in 1921, Benya as a community of the British Commonwealth should be free io develop on its own
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    • 123 3 London. May 20.The Sunday Express" announces that uhe all red air route scheme for the establishment of an Imperial airship service is on the point of being accepted by the British Government. A conference between the Committee on Imperial Defence and Commander Burney. M.P. (who is the
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    • 125 3 London, May 18.—At the resumed hearing of the Church case, Mr. Hugh Alexander Craig, Locomotive Superintendent of the Burma Railways, now in England on leave, giving evidence, said contracts for three years with option over a further seven years” contract's were discussed by
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    • 76 3 London, May 20.—A Constantinople message says an Italian Carabineer on h’s way to the post at Stamboul was baited bv a number of Turkish military students and finally fired his rifle io frighten the students who were hustling him. He wounded a retired Turkish General on the
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    • 76 3 Philadelphia, April 16,-Henry G. Brock, a millionaire society man. is tie first motorist, in America to be convicted on a murder charge arising from a motoring accident. Brock, who pleaded guilty to murder in the second degree, was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment I is car,
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    • 372 3 London, May 14.At question time Boday, in the House of Commons, Mr. Harry, b’nell suggested that the Government should communicate wiith ithe Governor of Bombay with a view to protecting the residents of Islamkot, Thar and Parkar district (Sind) against! dacoits raids. Earl Winterton replied that
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    • 133 3 London, May 14.Replying to Lieu-tenant-Colonel Howard Bury, in the House of Commons to-day, Earl Winterton sard ijhat he supposed that the murderers or Mrs. Ems ana me two uir lvcre at Landi Ko-tal were outside the British administered territory. He emphasised the fact that in the Kohat case
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    • 119 3 London, May 14.The Constantinople correspondent of The Times” states that the Tanin” declares that Sultan Wahid-ud-din, acting on advice, proposes Jo convoke a Moslem Congress at Pamai, for the purpose of regulating all outstanding questions concerning the power, prerogatives end method of election of the Khalifa. 11'
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    • 49 3 London, May 14.The Khalifa attended in State at the mosque of St. Sophia to celebrate the first festival of Kandil. He widely departed from precedent. Declining to enter the Imperial pew, he took his place among the thronged congregation kneeling on the floor of the mosque.
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    • 141 3 London, May 14.In the Beckett-Smith contest at Holland Park, Smith made a fine fight and had the better of .most of the rounds, scoring with a good variety of blows, but Beckett! was always trying at close quarters. He relied chiefly on left hooks and rights to the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 rrrriiinmi-Z zX t iii mm murn rm 1? Three Cats IB CIGARETTES are made in London by an ZZZZ:: English firm with over 140 IZZZZZ X years’experience to help them in their endeavour to produce ZZZZZ: the perfect cigarette. Finest tobaccocare- fully selected bright i: golden Virginia from i famous
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  • 1070 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. —“M.M.” Mr. G. (Jordon Macleod is due to reach Bangkok about the end of the month. Mr. E. A. Dickson, District Officer, Kinta, will be leaving on long leave to England in July. The death is announced otf Mr- James Arthur Carnegy, age, 39 years, at Trengganu. on
    —“M.M.”  -  1,070 words
  • 173 4 BENGAL RECORDS LOWEST FIGURES. SbllJa week ending April 28 show that the epidemic is still raging in all provinces being the highest» in the Punjab and lowest in Bengal. During the week seizures stood at 6,241 all over India, of whom 4,784 died. The Punjab's loss was
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  • 126 4 Calcutta, May 12.A report of a disastrous fire has reached here from Bankura. At noon on Tuesday last a fire broke out in the village of Dubrajpur, four miles from Sonamukhi, in Bankura district. It is one of the largest villages in the district, densely inhabited, consisting
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  • 125 4 May 24.With the Local Share Mairkef disorganized by holidays there is very little business to report for the week under review. Tin continues weak and shares show a further decline in prices Rubber on the other hand has improved a little an there is more enquiry fc-r
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    • 767 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir,In your issue of the 22nd May under the heading Here There on the film entitled Foolish Wives,” we fear that what you wrote is misleading and we take this opportunity of challenging your statements. We come to the conclusion that
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    • 654 4 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette). Sir.The eventual crisis in which China is engulfed relating to the raid on trains by bandits in Shantung and the capturing of foreigners and the holding of them for ransom, has promised to introduce a new play on the old stage
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    • 402 4 [To the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette.”] Sir,Regarding the Empire on which the sun never sets, while so many of the monarchs of Europe have disappeared from the scene during the last decade, the British Throne is established as firm as ever. In these days of socialistic
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  • 78 4 No bowls ties were played yesterday owing t.o rain. On Monday, in the Single Handicap, Ser. A. J. Plumb W. O. from 5 G. B. F. Southam. Thursday, the 31 sit May: Championship Pairs.-A. J. Plumb and E. J. McLernon v. J. Ellis and T. E. Masen
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  • 297 4 THE OLYMPIA CONTESTS. London, May 18. Descriptions of the two boxing contests at Olympia, yesterday, are now available. In the match for the light heavy weight championship of the British Empire, the Irishman Dave Magill was aggressive and was nearly always attacking. Jack Bloomfield, however, countered well and hit
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  • 67 4 London, May 14.The County Cricket match between Leicestershire and Lancashire ended tio-day with a substantial victory for Lancashire as follows: Leicestershire vs. Lancashire. (At Leicester). Leicesterlst innings. 94 (Parkin 8 for 52) 2nd innings, 98 (Parkin 5 for 46, R. Tyldesley 3 for 15.) Lancashire:lst innings, 301 (Hallows
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  • 54 4 May 30.Football, P. C. C. v Central Union, Esplanade 5.15 p.m. 30 Inter-Port Shoot, Rifle Range. 31 Corpus Christi. June 2lnter-State Cricket: Penang vs Perak, Penang. 2 King’s Birthday Parade, 8 a.m. Polo Ground. 3 King's Birthday. 4 Inter-State Cricket: Penang vs Perak, Penang. 20P.A.M. Meeting, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 163 4 GYMKHANA CLUB'S (From Onr Own Corr(. spn(l( t j Ip h Ma X 29 rhe proposed programme o f th,. Gymkhana Club’s Summer Meeting 7 held on July 10, 12 and 14. is out Th will be eight races each day f Or st amounting to $7,450,
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  • 46 4 (From Ont Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. 29. A Chinese was committed f 0 the Assizes on a charge of usimz forged rub ber coupons. The accused declared he bought them on the five-foot wav f rom a clerk, believing them to he genuine.
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  • 148 4 RUBBER restriction. (Fiom Oup Owm Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 9o In the Federal Council, the Fen. Ab. E. ,S. Hose, the Acting Chief Secretary presiding, the only business was the Restriction of Rubber Export Bill which was introduced on a certificate of urgency. Mr Nathan by invitation was.
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  • 117 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. May 29The death occurred suddenly in Singapore General Hospital of Brigadier-Gen-eral Arthur Herbert Hussey, from black wafer fever- The deceased was admit ted in the morning and died at night. H' recently returned with the G. 0. C. from Borneo, where
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 A PENALTY OF EXISTENCE IN THE TRoPICS. From a tourist’s point of view to take the Eastern trip is indeed a ful experience. One skims through, seeing and doing only what is be.-t, nowhere long enough to feel the climatic pull on one’s health. But )e far is the lot
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  • 467 5 AL meeting in ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 17. Th postponed annual general meeting he Ceylonese Association of Perak 01 i\i I it the Ceylon Tamils’ Associa*:l Hall on Saturday, May with Dr. H. E. Hughes, President, m the chair. LLe «ere also pi-esent
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  • 165 5 .—S.T.” A sensational arrest of a group of eigh) "ou!d be gang robbers was effected at Kuala Lumpur, on Friday afternoon at It would appear that Mr. Dally, As'istan' Commissioner, Intelligence hrin.h. got information that a big gang tulj.piy was about to be committed- It ff as
    .—S.T.”  -  165 words
  • 150 5 If murder of three Tamil tappers rjk IDen a w °uian) in a Chinese j. property at the 20th mile, Klangtlic V > e an B or Road, was reported to tnae t' ani P°^ ce on Tuesday lastf. The nip j S ,ate °f Kuala Selangor,
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  • 597 5 SINGAPORE’S PROBLEM. At the ordinary monthly meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission, the President laid on the table the health statement and said that Dr. Hunter would explain to Mr. Baddeley about the rise in the death rate in connection with which he had raised a qnery. Dr.
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  • 216 5 Mr. David G. Stead, late manager of the New Souilh Wales Trawling industry, who was engaged last year by the British Malayan authorities to carry out investigations in connection with the fishing industry there, has submitted a report of his work to the Acting-Premier and Chief Secretary
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  • 1186 5 SOME ATTRACTIONS. (By a Lady Correspondent.) Paris, April 25. 1 here are seasons when Paris rejoices in musicals or in theatricals, or some particularly eccentric dancer at An evening s entertainment; and, again, there are seasons when nothing but the most usual dances and dinners take place.
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  • 116 5 The Municipal Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 8.30 to 10.30 to-night: 1 March The Shop Girl Monckton 2 Melody In F Rubinstein 3 Waltz’ A Night of Romance Nicholls 4 Selection Leslie Stuart s Songs Allen 5 Bolero Tricotrin Hume
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 SOMETHING EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW. Worms rob children of nourishment, give them pains in the stomach and bowels, spoil their sleep and steal their strength. Administered for a'few days, Baby’s Own Tablets drive out worm.», and -then the little sufferer rapidly improves. His appetite increases, he sleeps well, becomes pink
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    • 477 5 I xncxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg |j NEW STOCKS! OF I 1 Travelling Goods. g LEATHER SUIT CASE— g g Strongly built on a stout found- S g ation covered nut brown hide, cor- 3 ners piotected by four leather O X caps. Fitted two nickel locks. X X A strongly sewn case. X
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  • 1276 6 In another column we publish the letter of a correspondent from Singapore, who is obviously interested in the exploitation of films of the type that we condemned in a Here and There” paragraph which appeared in our issue of the 22nd inst. He is evidently annoyed over our
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  • 1566 6 Questions addressed to the Government by the Hon. r. Hospital Con- W.H. Thorne, in the Leditions. gislative Council, jester day, elicited the information that the terms of the agreem® f sisters and nurses recruited for the Hospitals of the Colony are under negotiation with the Colonial Office,
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  • 117 6 Mails from Australia are xpeeb"’ arrive in time for delivery at j to-morrow. fhe A mail for Western lt ;J5 Gascovne (via Singapore) clos' 1 a.m. on Thursday, the 31st instan The B. I. packet EUenga, withl from Europe, is expected to ,l at 6 a.m. on Friday,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 291 6 11.. 1 Aj HALL’S DISTEMPER 1 The modern scientific wall covering—leads beauty refinement, and cleanliness directly into the Home HALL’S DISTEMPERf Never fades with sunlight nor changes colour >J. with age Sub Agents R. T. Reid Co., Ltd., 4 PENANG. IPOH. |j v -.v ife SPECIAL J I REMOVAL SALE
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    • 28 6 E. O.” Tuesday, 29th May, Guest Night Dancing. Wednesday, 30th May, Special TiffinOrchestra. Orchestral Concert, 9-45 p.m. Friday, Ist June, Guest Night Dancing. Saturday, 2nd June, Special TiffinOrchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 398 7 pi imier’s Enthusiastic Reception. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 28. the House of Commons rei the Whitsuntide holidays a large attendance. mere \j, Stanley Baldwin had an euthux!ll reception. Mr. Chamberlain 'rfired Opposition cheers but the jjnisterialists were silent. V’ Rain>a> Macdonald, Mr. As- lu <1 Mr.
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  398 words
  • 124 7 question of survey. London, May 28. Un,i Ues V onp r in the House of ComP 'i'u* 1 ,Ut tllat a British Ri'tio I*'" r,tl sh-manned ship, re- lit 11 British port, can be kept it i n 1,111 v '".foreign waters, so that imnJ?")
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  • 24 7 MR i v! HU 111 NGTt tN-EVANS. j( p London, May 28. i Sir 1-ami'ig Worthiosll na>i *<■ as been appointed ie, -treneral.
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  • 137 7 Further 'lesistance Use-ess. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 28. A captured copy o f a message from De A alera on the 23rd or 24th May, addressed to the Dublin Irregulars, definitely reaffirms the decision to abandon armed resistance and declares that the Republic can no longer be
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  137 words
  • 68 7 AN OLD SCHEME REVIVED. Dublin, May 28. Introducing a Government bill with the object of completing the Land Purchase Scheme com'menced in 1870. Mr. Hogan said that about 70.000 tenancies remained unpurchased. He hoped that not a single agricultural tenant or landhftd would be
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  • 81 7 CHINESE DENIAL AT GENEVA. Geneva, May 28. At a meeting of the Opium Commission, the Chinese representative in the name of his Government made a definite statement denying rumours that an opium monopoly was to be established in China. Sir John Jordan s Re>cib,cn. Sir John Jordan’s
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  • 101 7 MEETING OF HOLDERS. London, May 28. Mr. C. Birch-Crisp presided over a crowded meeting of holders of Chinese Marconi and Vickers 8 per cent. Treasury Bonds, which discussed means of securing interest payment. The Chairman said the new loan of £20.000,000 was secured by a surplus of customs
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  • 65 7 RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT’S LATEST. MOVE. Christiania, May 28. The Russian authorities have decided to erect a wireless station on the island of Nova Zembla, to communicate with Archangel and other stations in North Russia and Siberia, especially to call attention to the weather in the Kara Sea,
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  • 63 7 EMPLOYEES AGAINST WAGE REDUCTIONS. London, May 28. Difficulties in the railway likely to be increased by the bal railway shopmen, resulting m thirds majority against the of the railway companies proposal to i< 1 wages by 2/- per week m May and 1/- per week in
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  • 446 7 Big Seizure of Marks. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Berlin, May 28. A message from Essen states that 1* lench troops entered the Reichsbank and confiscated about 75 milliard marks the biggest seizure hitherto in Hie Ruhr. Communist Terrorism. The Vossische Zeitung’s” special correspondent in the iihr states
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  446 words
  • 20 7 London May 28. Marks continued to depreciate and closed at 281,000 to 283,000 to the £l.
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  • 120 7 AGREEMENT REACHED AT LAUSANNE. Lausanne, May 28. An agreement has been reached in regard to the reparations to the Allies by the Turks, whereby the Allies claim no further reparations beyond the £0,000,000 (Turkish) seized at the Deutsche bank and the £5,000.000 paid to-England for two warships
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  • 54 7 Satisfactory on Most Points.” [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 28. Reuter learns that the British reply to the Russian Note will be made at the earliest moment. The Cabinet considers the deply satisfactory on most points, except propaganda, in which there is a complete divergence oi opinion
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  54 words
  • 87 7 SIR AUCKLAND GEDDES’ INTENTION. New York. May 28. With reference to the reports from London in regard to the change in the British Ambassadorship, the Associated Press correspondent in Washington states that no intimation in that connection has hitherto been received at the Embassy. Sir
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  • 69 7 Washington, May 28. The Federal Reserve Board’s monthly report states that the "large volume of production and trade continued. There was some slackening in activity in the last part of April and early in May, partly due to seasonal causes but insufficient to threaten prosperity. While
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  • 50 7 DISAPPOINTED TICKET HOLDERS WANT MONEY BACK. London. May 28. The Football Association Council reported that upwards of 5000 applications from ticketholders at the Cup Final for a refund of their money have been received, representing £4.100. It is proposed to make all repayments by cheque.
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  • 370 7 S.T.” Among the more recent sensational cases which have taken place in Rangoon I this year is that which has come to be fa- i miliarly known as the Royal Lakes murder. in which a Burman Diamond Broker i met with his death under most tragicci rcuhistances. The
    S.T.”  -  370 words
  • 1430 7 Penang Maternity Hospital Accommodation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 29. In the Legislative Council, the Hon. Mr. Tessensohn moved that General Order No. 80 (2) 'dealing with the admission to the Maternity Hospital of wives of Government servants be rescinded and that they be made open hospitals
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  • 1782 8 THE OPPORTUNITIES. An aiticle in The Times’’ Trade Supplement, a portion of which appeared in our issue of yesterday, says: The fedei'ation of States known as Negri Sembilan has a total area, of about 2,550 square miles, and the population, mainly composed of Malays, Chinese,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 263 8 'ii \n- ii ~~fr THE NEW POPULAR 1923 MODEL, PRICE $3,250. WILLYS-KNIGHT. II H V \**V vrillys Knight Touring V Seven Advantages of Knight Motor. A',< r’li. t 1. Improves with use. 5. It is silent in Operation and <-■• 2. Requires no Adjustment. Remains So. J 6. It is
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    • 321 8 /HA VI j A \/EN-YUSA IS something quite novel 5 Y in toilet creams and possesses a 0 wonderfully beautifying effect. g Ladies who use the preparation I; S describe It as giving their skin an oxygen bath rejuven- i aunsl the tissues, clearing the complexion, and imparting Nature’s own
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  • 916 9 ALLEGED FORGERY. A preliminary enquiry was held by Mr. A. A Aston, Acting Second Magistrate, yesterday, into the charges of forging a promissory note for $l5O and using the same as genuine, preferred against a Chinese shop-keeper of Batn Gantong, named Yeap Cheon. t onrt Inspector D.
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  • 107 9 ■j i..‘lowing are the important changes -1 report of the Malaya Co., Ltd., for to-day. Shares. Buyers. Sellers, g Ltd S 1.00 s 1.021 Tel k A: Rubber Est. Limited 6.25 6.75 T ne’l a Coconut Rub. Est. Ltd -55 .65 B 1 .I’eli r Dredging .47
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  • 279 9 MORE ABOUT THE OKARA.” Colombo, May 12.With reference to the allegations regarding the Okara’s unsea worthiness, a Colombo resident is said to have received a letter from an officer on board that vessel written shortly before she left Calcutta stating that the vessel’s lifeboats were useless and filled
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  • 99 9 Calcutta. May 21.The commemoration service organised by the committee of the Diocesan Seamen Institute for those serving in the S. S. Okara and all other seamen who died at sea on duty during the storm in which the ship foundered was held yesterday at St. Stephen’s Church,
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  • 471 9 A thrilling story of the adventures of the British India steamer Chinkoa during the cyclone in the Bay of Bengal was told to an Englishman” representative by the chief officer and members of the crew of the vessel on her arrival in Cal cutta on Friday.
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  • 76 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. so tn Shares. t>> zg -S »2 «2 CQ GC C SC. SC. SC. Rubber (Dollar). Jimah 1.15 1.20 1.174 1.224 Punggor 474 55 50 60 T Anson 6.00 6.50 6.25 6.75 Mining.
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  • 41 9 29th May, 1923 Local. cts. fSmoked Sheet 49|) Pen ang j Fine Pale Crepe 49i>nom VUnsmoked Sheet 45 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 50? pore (Crepe 50A London and New York. i (Smoked Sheet ls.2]d DoN ICrepe h.2]d New York G2B]
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  • 118 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on May 28: Spot £196.15s down £2.5s 3 mos. buying 196.1 Os 2.1 Os 3 selling 196.15 s 2.10 s The Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd: London, May 26, £199 spot, and £199 three months buying. £199 5s
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  • 154 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5,000,00 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s HOs... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Sundried 10.10 buyers Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do do
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  • 112 9 PENANG. MAY 29, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 1/8 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 15’32 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Hs 1741' 3 days’sight Private 177 B Bombay Demand Bank 174] 2 Madras Demand Bank 174} g3 days’sight
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  • 1120 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. S NAMES J 3.2 ll* I W I 2 o? M RUBBER [Dollar.] S c S c 8 o Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 05 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 13 00 13 Ayer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 345 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. miscellaneous. to s>,O<ni advanced on Mortgage ',’dur Security. Moderate interest. Box No 1 is. c/o Pinang Gazette. W\NTED a second-hand Car, state r}cea nd terms, 'l yres and mechanical parts must be in good condition. \pply Box No. 147, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. Child’s Cot, iron. 5
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    • 226 9 Import of Rubber into Singapore and Penang. The attention of Rubber dealers and others is called to the rules regarding import of rubber into Singapore which appear in the current issue of the Government Gazette. The rules apply only to import of rubber in sailing vessels, boats or steamers of
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  • 804 10 CONGRESS AND THE DECISION. Washington, May 3.While the Attorney-General. Mr. Daugherty is announcing that the United States Supreme Court decision will be enforced rigidly without discrimination on American and foreign ships alike after the legal lapse of thirty days, speculation has shifted to the question as to
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  • 521 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Menggala for Deli and P. Brandan. Sitiawanfor Asahan. Padang for Alor Star. Ghirbi for Bulau Langkawi, Pang Nga and Kantang (Trang). Sampit for Asahan and Deli, m/s Siberg for Deli. Kopah for Deli. Jin Ho for P. Brandan. Klang for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang,
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  • 202 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday) BY TRAIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-hour earlie» than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson,Kuala Kubu. Kuala 715 a.m Lumpur, Klang, Port Swetten-also
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 OF INTEREST TO I 8 MINE ESTATE MANAGERS 1H JO I J We carry stocks of all Engineering Requirements, M both Mechanical and Electrical and we shall be 0 j pleased to quote for future requirements. We IK give below a few items of our stock. Bolt and Nuts (all
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    • 214 10 I Cochran’s Orange Squash I J Absolule| y Necessary ///xX tO th Se who like Good Cocktails. Al /T Always used in th e g I World Famous B uMW. g g coc l *1 Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Shanghai). > "fr Z. H. B. BEER. HAGUE Llght
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  • 511 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, Mry 29, 1923. cts Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do i.QO Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Kidney pa i r 30 Feet the four 50
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 288 11 if{* <* XU) ITTZ?/ I I I IglMlgX I You know how to boil water E I Then you can cook this food. t First, -alt the water to taste then to two parts freshly boiling fl Wlt .-i stir m slowly one part Quaker Oats. Boil twenty minutes jt
      288 words
    • 79 11 When a man asserts his dis-belife. in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine cases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed Lis taste for years it proves not so much that he is
      79 words
    • 220 11 n BLACK. GALVANIZED n FINANG I STEAM I GAZETTE I II 4St aces where the Gazette H nBT" "TBn I can bought at 15 cents, nPI MI I\JI n ,ocai H H H H 1 m Railway Book Stalls. M -K_ M -W- Victoria Pier. pi Logan’s Archway I I
      220 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1495 12 j— TivTiT Australia by Sunis Philp Lino JA pan.calcutta line. nTPII? RT ITR T?T INN iLL .LJLlNlljl (Incorporated in Australia). A Freight service maintained between 1 >- V> 1 I nn<l Calcutta calling at Hongkong INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. Singa p Ore to Java ports. Port Darwin, sjnt’apore Penang,’ Rangoon
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    • 741 12 p. 0.- BRITISH INDIA I ano apcar lines. I (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. I (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) p. O. SAILINGS. I LONDON-FAR-EASTERN service. I From London Due Penang. To Marseille, London about ren »Qt MALWA June
      741 words