Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 498 1 KIDD'S J LETTER PRESS ROLLER COMPOSITION ;i 1; acents:- J P. G. Press, Ltd. J mi i mi, miihuh i JODELITE ISOLIGNUM (REGISTERED) f I The wonderful TIMBER PRESERVATIVE is too well-known e S throughout the tropical world to need a lengthy description. It has saved and is saving owners
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  • 1381 2 GANG’S $60,000 HAUL. Hongkong, May 14. Late yesterday afternoon, news got around that yet another daring piracy had been successfully carried out. The victim was the C. M. S. N. Co.’s s. s. Tai Shun,” a vessel of 1,962 tons gross register bound for Shanghai from Canton.
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  • 374 2 Messrs James F. Hutton Co., Ltd., Manchester, reported on Wednesday April 25th as under The cotton markets continue very unsettled and extremely sensitive to what can only be termed minor passing influences. There has consequently been further considerable fluctuation during the past week and at the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 905 2 Short Classified N0 c NOTICE. Advertisements. c i T Notice is hereby given that Bhagat Wanted, ror bale, lo Let, &C., J^. im Ron of Jariam Das Kandhari Arora can be inserted in the Pinang is no longer in the service of or in any p, way representing Rani Singh
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    • 960 2 Trade with Australia CHARTERED j AUSTRALIA AND CHIN?’ 4* (Incorporated in- England b v R Charter 1853) Val 9 Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3'2' 00<) Head Office Mr. E. T. SHEAF, the Australian 38. RTSHOPSGATE London. e c Government Trade Commissioner in Agencies and Branches. A
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  • 1163 3 AI. GENERAL MEETING.. Tlie fourteenth annual general meeting T l 1() Dispensary (Penang). Limited, i, j,] at the Registered OtHce of the :i \o 3. Weld Quay. Penang, op iSth May. I here were present: j.' v Thomson. J. Mcßae C |Xh-s."J.' Morison Chalmers. S. R.
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  • 209 3 Calcutta May B.After a delightfully cool day on Saturday, when the temperature did not rise above 89. Calcutta on Sunday was visited by a heat wave which shows no signs of abatement. The temperature on Sunday rose fifteen degrees to 104 and it was the hottest
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 274 3 111 AR U I V JUST FIVE MINUTES MORE! A TALK TO SUFFERERS FROM INSOMNIA. After a restless night, during the long hours of which you have' tossed and tui ned vainly longing for sleep, you sink just when day is breaking into a sort of torpor, which lulls and
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    • 2631 3 The Subscription List will open on the 21st day of May, 1923, can be worked to advantage a. Ihe torn line ot the F.M.S. Railways runs alongside. The and will close on or before the 4th dav of Tune 192 T concession is also known to contain tiii which is
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  • 763 4 CELEBRATION IN PENANG SCHOOLS. Empire Day was observed in Penang Schools to-day, when from 8.45 to 10.45 this morning the Hon. Mr. A. B. Voules, Resident Councillor, accompanied by Lieut.-Col. W. H. Whyte, 0.C., Penang Volunteers, Mr. H. A. R. Cheeseman. Inspector of Schools and Mr. Franklyn Robinson,
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  • 71 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. In celebration of Empire Day, Victoria Institution Cadets and the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of various schools paraded and marched past H. H. the Sultan of Selangor, who expressed his pleasure with their smartness, and promised
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  • 2073 4 Discussion in the Commons. The House of Commons on May 1 went into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates. On a vote of £3,832,850 for naval works, buildings, maintenance and repairs at home and abroad. Mr. Fyres-Monsell, Financial Secretary of the Admiralty, said that the actual
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  • 306 4 It was announced in Parliament a few days ago that there will soon be three floating docks in this country able to accommodate ships of the Hood type, viz., the dock now under construction for Southampton, and the two ex-German structuresone of which is being lengthened for
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  • 206 4 Benares Opium p. chest $5,000,00 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 1105... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Sundried 11.15 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do do
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  • 114 4 THE WIDOW PROBLEM. (From Our Own Corre pond ent.) Singapore, May 24. In the Supreme Court, with regard to the widow problem, the Chief Justice said he was quite satisfied that the two widows were regarded by everybody as legal wives. His Lordship granted a declaration that each
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  • 103 4 The following cards were returned in the Competitions of the P. G. C. during the Whitsuntide Holidays. Bogey Competition. J. G. Brown 2 down (winner) K. W. H. Austin... 3 E. G. Bird 3 E. T. M. Lias 5 F. A. Pledger 8 One Club Competition. J.
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  • 46 4 The results of bowls ties played) yesteiday were as under Doubles Handicap.T. E. Mason and W. K. Sharpe, beat J. G. Barrett and B. E. Mitchell 2117. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reimann beat Mrs. Littlefair and J. G. Allan 2117.
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  • 146 4 A very distressing incident occurred on Tuesday morning between 6 and 6-30 o’clock, as a result of which the death of Inspector Cowan, of the F. M. S. Police, occurred in hospital, says the M. M.’’ It is stated that the Inspector’s serva’nt heard a shot fired
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  • 303 4 The hea’th statement for the Municipality of George Town for the week ending 19th May. 1923, shows a total of 57 deaths 36 males and 21 females the death-rate being 23.16 per mille per annum, compared with 26.41 in the preceding week and 22.35 in the corresponding week
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 568 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENtr MISCELLANEOUS. Will buy 2,000 acres nl rubber, must be eheap. No. 142, c/o Pinang Gazette. ,fx FOR SALE. PRIVATE SALE?' 6 Tongkangs Landed at seashore of S. Pitcha’’ Land at Jelutong Road, Penang. For further particulars apply to Room No. 62, E. O. Hotel Annexe. NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO.
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  • 579 5 king ceorce and the pope. I eafiehl, May 9.—King George and Queen Ah»y to da v paid their visit to t)|( Pope. Their Majesties drove from t]|( Quirinal Io the Patrizi Palace, the newly appointed British iteration to the Holy See is temporaj]v a) coniniodated. Here
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  • 110 5 London, May 11. There were some Uotabie sales of old masters at Chrisbc this afternoon. Mr. Rochelle llminas paid 5,000 guineas for woodland scene by J. Crome. Romney’s Portrait of Miss Diana Sturt sold to Levy Galleries, New York, for -bPU guineas. Gainsborough’s porbun of Lady
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  • 45 5 IR ISH SECURITIES IN AMERICA. Cm i^ U-The Supreme So onJ'?/ o, 'dcred the realisation of 1 i '\orth of securities claimV v p ree State and Mr. de 3tai,! Hld eonvers ion into United de r<)Ver nment issues, pending a as to its ownership.
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  • 244 5 London May 10,—How the Lansanne Conference spends its day is des- V cri e Eausanne. correspondent of lhe limes” in detailing the proceedings of the Economic Commission which, he states, barely earned its um h and would have been better employed elsewhere.” Ihe first clause discussed was
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  • 245 5 New York. Catholic circles have been startled by the murder of the euerable Father Henry O'Neill, one of the best known priests in the west, under highly dramatic circumstances, as he sat at supper with two other clergymen. Father O’Neill was rector of the liiirch of
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  • 84 5 London, May 11. A firm of solicitors announce that on the instructions of Mr. S. W. Bradbury they have issued writs against (1) the British Empire Exhibition, claiming £7,500 damages for breach of contract and any promotion expenses and (2) against Lord Edward Patrick Morris, Sir John
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  • 99 5 London, May 14. According .to the Daily Herald,” another crisis has arisen in the Dundee jute trade. The committee of inquiry on the Fourender system of spinnings at Camperdown Mill have been unable to agree so 300 spinners who were suspended pending inquiry have been given the
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  • 38 5 Loudon, May B.—Writing in the Daily Telegraph” to-day Lieut.Colonel Repington condemns the bombing of tribal villages containing women and children without notice and the destruction of tribesmen s cattle as barbarous, stupid and indefensible.
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  • 308 5 London, May 9. 10-day’s hearing of the Church' case was devoted to (loss examination of the defendant by his own counsel. Church stated that in 1921 he won Rs. 40,000 by a series of bets. In the summer of 1920, when a coal shortage was feared
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  • 197 5 London, May 7.The report of the Levant ompany covering a period of two years to the 31st December. 1922. shows a net loss of £649,000 on trading against which £lO.BOO dividends were received and as a debit balance of £361.000 was brought forward the Company is now
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  • 299 5 T.ondon, May ll. Replying to a question with regard to the incident between a Guards’ officer and a constable who failed to salute the Colour, Mr. Bridgeman says that all ranks of the Metropolitan Police are required to salute the King’s Colour when displayed by troops marching.
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  • 370 5 CHAIRMAN AT £4,200 A YEAR PLUS ETCETERAS. Ihe following 'advertisement in The Times” of April 18th, may be taken to indicate one thing at least. If we are paying for a super-man, he has got to take Penang Harbour Board thrown in, savs lhe Free
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  • 173 5 MEETING AT KUALA LUMPUR. A meeting of the Engineering Association of Malaya will be held at Kuala Lumpur, on the 26th and 27th Mav. The programme is given Saturday. 26th May Visit to Malayan Collieries. 7- a.m. Leave Kuala Lumpur in Special Train. 8- a.m. Arrive
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  • 52 5 May 26Penang Schoolmasters’ Association, Sports, Free School Ground. 27Penang Swimming Club, Annual Meeting, noon. 30,—Football, P. C. C. v Central Union, Esplanade 5.15 p.m. 31Corpus Christi. Jufie 2lnter-State Cricket: Penang vs Perak, Penang. 3King's Birthday. 4 Inter-State Cricket: Penang vs Perak, Penang. 20P.A.M. Meeting, Kuala Lumpur. July 21Inter-School
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  • 36 5 The following are non-delivered cables for the week ending 23rd inst, at the E. E. A. and C. Telegraph Co: 1 Guanhoe Company, Penang. 2 Degraaf Gezagvoerder Spoelman Agentschap Paketvaart Penang, 3 Friedmann Penang.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 X NEW STOCKS 1 g J Travelling Goods. I LEATHER SUIT CASE— Strongly built on a stout found- hr ation covered nut brown hide, cor- S ners protected by four leather 0 caps. Fitted two nickel locks. X v A. strongly sewn case. X X Sizes 22 ins. 26 ins.
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  • 48 6 Hall.At the Maternity 7 Hospital. Penang, on 23rd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hall, Bn kit Mertajam, a daughter. Malay Mail please copy). VANTOOREN. At No. 7 Hicks Hoad, Kuala Lumpur, on the 20th instant, the wife of Mr. R. C. Vantooren, of a daughter.
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  • 1023 6 To-day. not alone in Penang where there is a brave display of bunting in the harbour and its precincts, but throughout the wide world, wherever the ideals and aims of Empire Day are felt to merit recognition. this movement to commemorate a great annual festival will receive deserved
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  • 78 6 The homeward mail, by the Kashgar, closes at 6 p.m. to-morrow. A mail for Australasia, by the Montoro, (via Singapore) closes at 7.15 a.m. tomorrow. A mail for Australasia, by the Echuca, (via Singapore) closes at 6 p.m. on Saturday, the 26th instant. One bag of correspondence from
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  • 1611 6 Having found his Foreign Minister, War Minister and Making a Ministry. Chief Whip in the three previous occupants of those posts—Lord Curzon, Lord Derby and Colonel Leslie Wilson, the new Prime Minister has beeun well the task of forming a Ministry. The likelihood is that theie will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 HALL’S DISTEMPER 1 The modern scientific wall covering beauty refinement, and cleanliness directly HALL’S DISTEMPER Never fades with sunlight nor changes colour with age Sub Agents t R. T. Reid Co., Ltd., PENANG. IPOH. lij ii .it ii r J SPECIAL REMOVAL SALEj o/ DISCOUNT 1 /o FOR CASH f
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    • 14 6 E. O.” Friday, 25th May, Guest Night Dancing. Saturday, 26th May, Special Tiffin Orchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 114 6 LYRIC THEATRES, LTD., From Thursday, 24th to Sunday, 27th May, 1923. Albert E. Smith presents The Rembrant of the Screen 8 Reels The Prodigal Judge Reels 8 An Edward Jose production. Featuring Jean Paige (The Star of Black Beauty. "William Fox presents the late Lieut. Ormer Locklear (The Star of
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    • 25 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 6. 36 p.m. 12.13 p.m. To-morrow. 8. 31 a.m. 1. 26 a.m. 8. 22 p.m. 2. 24 p.m.
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  • 48 6 DEATHS. Yap.On May 19. 1923, at 7. StanleyStreet, Singapore. Yap Tai Phow, aged 62 years. Douglas.On May 15, 1923. at Tebong Estate. Malacca. Phyllis Barnard, beloved wife of Harold Graham Douglas. SCHEERDER. At his residence, 596 East Coast Road. Singapore, on May 19th, James Leonard, aged 75 years.
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  • 582 7 gritish and Foreign Press Opinions. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 33. The newspapers. are more greatly n ,eiiie<l about the future of party Mentation than the actual personaL of the Premier. The press is divided into two camps, the first advocattlip reconciliation of the Conserlive Party, which would
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  582 words
  • 40 7 Paris, May 23. i 1"‘ handier pa-sed a vote of coiifiho Government by 401 votes i. ;i he conclusion of the first dehate on the Ruhr, which is "T l(s nined on the 24th inst.
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  • 136 7 Signs of 1 rouble. 1 Reuter’s Telegrams. London, May 23. A serious situation has developed in the Near East. It is reported that five Greek divisions are west of the River Maritza. The Turks talk of attacking the French in Syria if the Greeks advance on the
    1 Reuter’s Telegrams. ]  -  136 words
  • 72 7 PRAISE FOR THE ARMY. London, May 23. Lord avan has concluded his visit to Poland, where he witnessed manoeuvre- of the Polish Army at Budrusk. Speaking at a luncheon. Lord ('avan said he was deeply moved by the reception he had got. and paid a tribute
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  • 45 7 SOVIET DISPLEASURE. London, May 23. The fact that the Earl of Ypres is at present in Bessarabia, was disclosed in an article in the Soviet newspaper Isvestia,” which describes the visit as an hostile act violating the Russo-British trading agreement.”
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  • 64 7 London. May 24. The explorer, Stefansson, has arrived in London with the intention of submitting to the Government his views of Imperial policy in the Polar regions. In an interview with Reuter, he expressed the opinion that a new era in the Polar regions is opening, because
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  • 85 7 MANY CHINESE MISSING. Los Angeles, May 23. News from Mexicali, Lower alifornia, says that 150 Chinese are missing after a disastrous fire, in which the damage is estimated at five million dollars. Fourteen Bodies Recovered. Los Angeles, May 23. A Mexicali message says the fire started
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  • 29 7 Rome, May 23. The Pope, at a secret consistory, created two new Cardinals— Monsignor Luigi Sincero, Assessor the Consistorial Congregation, and Monsignor Nasalli Rocca, Archbishop of Bologna.
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  • 13 7 Paris, May 23. The Summer Time Bill passed both Chambers.
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  • 94 7 Christiania, May 23. The death has occurred of the Norwegian Premier, M. Halvorsen. Some rich Arabs of Mecca have formed a syndicate for the construction of a Railway route that will connect the hols cities of Mecca and Medina, lheJin ks had already formed such a project
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  • 213 7 A Conciliatory Note. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 23. A further Russian Note is most conciliatory. It concedes most of the British demands, and suggests a Conference between M. Chicherin and British representatives. A Comprehensive Document. London, May 23. l he Russian Note, after attributing its fresh concessions
    | Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  213 words
  • 191 7 London, May B.ln a leading article on the British Note to Russia the Times'’ says that the Bolsheviks have deliberately and consistently violated the conditions of the trade agreement and met all remonstrance- with falsehoods and studied insults. The Note puts an end in one way
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  • 42 7 Riga, May 23. All the commissars were present at the interment of M. Vorowsky. Chicherin and other Commissars carried Vorowsky’s coffin. The burial was the occasion for bitter attacks on non-Communist civilisation, lhe Bag of the British mission was half-masted.
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  • 277 7 London, May 11. The Riga correspondent of The Times” states that Russians there, consider that certain Bolsheviks will utilise M. Vorowsky’s assassination as a pretext for terrorism similar to the wholesale massacres which followed the assassination of M. A olodarsky in 1918. M. Vorowsky played an important
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  • 154 7 London, May 6.A message from Riga states that under Bishop Antonin’s direction the Red Church Convocation has declared Patriarch Tikhon unfrocked, deprived of monachol dignity, excluded from all monasteries, and returned to the condition of a layman. The Convocation hypocritically called on all clergy to renounce attempts
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  • 78 7 London, May G.The political correspondent of The Times” states that an important decision is likely to be made during the week affecting lhe position of the Soviet Trade Delegation. Many members of Parliament are profoundly dissatisfied and many questions will be asked. There is good ground for
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  • 66 7 THE INSURANCE QUESTION. London, May 23. According to the Daily Telegraph,” the recent incidents of the steamer Taishun have aroused considerable questioning in shipping and insurance circles whether additional insurance rates might be required in view of the spasmodic piracy in China seas. The Telegraph” learns that additional
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  • 48 7 London, May 24. The British Bank for Foreign Trade announces that a meeting of noteholders of Chinese Government 8 per cent Sterling Treasury Bills and Notes now in default, will be held in London on the 28th May to consider steps to protect their interests.
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  • 44 7 London, May 23. The Daily Telegraph’’ calls attention to reports of marked French diplomatic activities at Tokio and more generally in Japanese circles, and wonders whether they are connected with the Chinese crisis or problems arising out of the Washington Treaties.
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  • 26 7 London, May 23. Rear-Admiral Herbert Richmond has been appointed to the chief command of the East Indies, in succession to Vice-Admiral Sir Clinton Baker.
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  • 37 7 London, May 23. Contracts have been completed for laying a direct London-New York cable with a capacity double any existing cable. It is estimated a speed of GOO letters a minute will be secured.
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  • 24 7 London, May 23. Art O’Brien, Sean McGrath, Sean o’ Mahoney and Michael Galvin were charged at Bow Street with seditious conspiracy.
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  • 24 7 Paris, May 23. Herr Hoellein, and also the French Communist, M. Albert ini, after hun-ger-striking in prison, have been sen* to hospital.
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  • 34 7 Washington, May 23. The Federal Reserve Bank announces that it is at present maintaining rediscount rates at a uniform 4A per cent, owing io satisfactory business conditions throughout the countrywide.
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  • 1591 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. W. R. Armstrong has returned to Kuala Lumpur from Brastagi. Mr. W. G. W. Hastings left for Home last week. Mr. Harte Lovelace has come to Kuala Lumpur from Seremban. M. M.” The following passengers left Bangkok by the s. s. Katong” for Singapore: Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 654 8 MUSLIM EQUIVALENT TO LENT. The Fast of Ramzan began this year on April 17 and will end on May 18, says the Calcutta. Englishman.” During this period Mahomedans, whether Shias or Sunnis, rich or poor, wil] fast every day 1 from sunrise to sunset, and the
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  • 394 8 BETTER BRITISH FIGURES. The shipbuilding returps of Lloyd’s Register for the past quarter show, for the first time since March, 1921, an increase, as compared with the previou B quarter, in the tonnage under construction in Great Britain anil Ireland. The tonnage being built at the end
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  • 401 8 COMMERCIAL OBJECTS OF WORLD CRUISE. One of the French "trade cruisers, the Jules Michelet, arrived a-t Singapore yesterday morning, says Mondays Straits Times, and lhe Victor Hugo is expected to arrive to-day. The cruisers are on a round-the-world cruise, the objects of which are partly commercial. The Vic
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 I RHEUMATISM Have you ever had Rheumatism? Have you ever experienced the excruciating pains or help- 0 less feeling that occur every time you try to H j|j move? If so, you have no doubt also felt that 0 relief was impossible. Yet when you do get relief HI JU
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    • 105 8 There’s a Sure Way to Lasting Relief 9 IN CASE OF Eczema, Blotches, H Pimples, Boils, Eruptions, Bad d Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Piles, Glandular Swellings, Rhea- r mat ism, Goat, you should realise I that lotions, ointments, etc., caa I only give temporary benefitto be I sure of complete and
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    • 287 8 C ggga HORLICKS J 3 2® MALTED MILK 8 3 HORLICK S part R MALTED MiLK—the FoOD DRINK—for Q M the strength it gave them to cary-oa.’ It is G M unrivalled for o'd and yo ng alike. HORLICK S IkJ M is made in a moment by the add.tion
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  • 792 9 L IFE IN BRITISH MALAYA. I>ASGKOIt following letter from Mr. Ron. I!i |„,'w,.|l. of Hatu Annin Estate ap'1 iii the Brighton and Hove ioui Brightoniansand one '.j only European inhabitants p in island in the Malay Archipelago, It( j] .< long by a mile wide, jxipulai In a polyglot mixture
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  • 329 9 BRITISH MALAYA. Management of the British Malayan section is in the hands of a local representative committee with headquarters in Malaya. Mr. Caldecott, an officer of the Malayan ivi] Service on furlough, is their representative in London. A s British Malaya produces about 70 per cent,
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  • 312 9 S. T,” A report from the headquarters of the Myaungniya district states that five men, carrying guns, dahs and daggers, entered Aukwe village on the night of May 6 and attacked the house of Mating Kyaw Khin, who was at work on his kaing. plantation.
    S. T,”  -  312 words
  • 343 9 INCREASE OF CAPITAL APPROVED. An extraordinary general meeting of Southern Perak Dredging, Limited, was held at the offices of the company, 73, Basinghall Street, E.C., for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the following resolution That the capital of the company be increased to
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  • 139 9 London, April 19.—-Ever since it was intimated tha.t the Far East tin pool, hich was formed three years ago in a vain attempt to stem the slump in tin by the F. M. S. Government and other interests. would liquidate its holdings tin has been steadily falling. At
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  • 132 9 The recent rise in the! price of tin l as says The Record,’’ caused a general revival of mining and a reopernng of mines closed during the slump. The amount of metallic tin won in .Siam and on which duty has been paid in January was
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  • 249 9 The Record” for April gives the following regarding mining in March. During the month, 18 t!in mining leases were sanctioned, covering 3130 rai in area, 4 more than in January. The number of lease.s surrendered or expired (fill ing fhe month was 30, covering 1884 rai. being
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  • 116 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. S E 2 Shares. s s s s SQ X n X Sc sc. sc. sc. Rubber (Dollar). A. Hitam 12.50 13.50 13.00 13.50 Kempas Ltd. 4.50 4.75 4.00 4.50 Parit Perak 2.00
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  • 79 9 24th May. 1923. Loca l. cts. (Smoked Sheet 50 PENANGj Fine Pale Crepe 49i pom \Unsmoked Sheet 45 Sing a- (Smoked Sheet 50/> PORE (Crepe 50[> London and New York. r (Smoked Sheet Is.ljhl London Crepe ls Ud New York G 27 The following were the rubber quotations
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  • 136 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on May 23: Spot £196.10$ Unchanged 3 mos. buying ~196.10$ up 10$ 3 selling 196.15s los The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd: London, May 23, £196.10s spot, and £196.10$ three months buying, £196 15s selling. Local. May 24th:
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  • 194 9 PENANG. MAY 24, 1923. (Bv Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rsl74lt 3 days’sight Private 177 s Bombay Demand Bank 1741> g Madras Demand Bank l74i g3 days’sight Private
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  • 1099 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES .2 all a DO on S RUBBER [Dollar.] S c 8 c 8 Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 20 Alor Gajab Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 10 2 20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 13 (X) 13 50 Ayer Kuning
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  • 418 9 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Ghirbi for Alor Star. Pangkor for Kantang (Trang). Rasa for Asahan. Jin Ho for P. Brandan. Devanha for Singapore. China and Japan. Taipeng for Teluk Anson. Kedah for Dindings and Sitiawan. Kinta for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Nam sang for
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  • 257 9 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). HI HUM. Federated Malay States, Malacca. Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-honr earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Bain Gajah. Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson.Knala Kubu, Kuala I 7.15 a.m. Lumpur, Klang. Port
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 TERR BLE TCHY rashonback Irritation So Great Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. My trouble started with a terrible itching on my back. I rubbed and scratched it and made it worse, and a red rash and small pimples broke out. The irritation was so great that I lost rest at night.
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  • 550 10 We have from time to time made references to the discovery of large deposits of China clay in Perak, and to the formation of a company for the working of these, says the Straits Times.” Also we have given descriptions of the works, and have on several occasions
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  • 337 10 MR. ST GEORGE SECURES JUDGMENT. In the Seremban Supreme Court the Hon. Mr. Justice McCabe Reay delivered judgment in the civil suit G. A. St George and Denise Violet St. George, against the State of Negri Sembilan. in which plaintiffs claimed $145,000 and costs, as damages following
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  • 449 10 A GRAPHIC ACCOUNT. Peking, May 9.Mr Jacobfee», of the British-American Tobacco Company, who escaped on Monday, states that the bandits were not so much concerned about the ransom as the withdrawal of the soldiers from fiheir neighbourhood. They released Mr. Jacobsen in order that he should proceed
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  • 321 10 In April the supply of paddy received at the mills m Bangkok dropped steadily week by week but still it amounted to the respectable total of 102,218 kwien. says the Bangkok Times’’ of the 17th inst. That brought the supply for the first four months of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 545 10 gllllllllllHlllllM umnin.i i Illll|||| l ii tSS\ fisil Pl s? I p|CCAD!IJ> I I I VIRGINIA CIGARETTES 1 *T*HAT INDEFINABLE QUALITY which every true this patent 1 1 1 lover of Virginia Cigarettes learns to appreciate will be tight 5 found in Piccadilly Cigarettes, no matter where they may be
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  • 1167 11 Letters such as lhat f r om G. 8.,” which we published a few days ago, says fbe Straits Times, must ra s- a doubt in the mind of every just man whether the British administration in Malaya is dealing fairly by the Chinese population. e
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 A? CIRCLE OF FRIENDS *3 TO BE PROCD OF <2?A Wbs/y GRANT’S «B WHISKY. OLE AGENTS f%UL T REID Co., ifikii" PENANG and IPOK. x&h .<y* XmssSi® Wi Ma* I i ==a Maharadjas box of 25’s HAVE I s Z iiriv L. I|| 7 A 7' Wm 11 Secundus No.
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    • 204 11 I Eczema Wash A touch of Dexnia to any eczema sore or Itching eruption and you’ll oe able to rest and sleep once more. Think just a touch Is it worth trying Get a trial bottle to-day. For sale at all chemists’ shops, druggists etc DEXMA for Eczema f 9
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    • 1442 12 TIxiT iUStPa,ia B,MW Ph lP T'TflT' 111 T T|< pIJ[X (N Bjl _j MINIS (Incorporated in Australia). A Freight service maintained between 1 11 C. DJLUIj IV^ ng Kobe an Calcntte> lljng at Hongkong uz->»«cuZA3?n Singapore to Java ports. Port Darwin, Singapore, Penang, Rangoon and vice HOMEWARD. Thursday Island, BRISBANE,
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    • 715 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London i en D about ea e about DEVANHA May 25 KASHGAR
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