Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 617 1 f NIKKO” I 2 I MODERN ART I I PHOTOGRAPHIC I STUDIO i I No. 7, Northam Road. Penang. I Telephone No. 579. 5 I CORDON’S SLOE GIN K K I MAKES THE Hand I BEST GIN SLING. I AN OLD ENGLISH LIQUEUR. B VIRGINIA Obtainable from the I 9
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  • 1794 2 THE EMIGRATION BOOM. (From Oiir Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, April 25. The emigration fever in the Hebrides is intense, and is unsettling the whole community. Some of the older people, particularly those whose sons are emigrating and leaving no able persons behind to work the home holdings, are' strongly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 827 2 Short Classified EASTEfHI OMUL BSKERY, 199, Hutton Lane, Penang. Advertisements. p, c r I O_ If you want the best bread try us. Wanted, For Sale, loLet, &c., We on’y use Crown Brand can be inserted in the I’inang Flour. Gazette at Good bread can only be made with THREE
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    • 253 2 lbodL Safest and Best for Baby. 'MJjy e; nj Mellin’s Food forms a perfect U <*>sL/ diet for the hand-fed baby— S’ fa] prepared as directed, it becomes as safe and beneficial as H mother’s milk. Give your baby Mellin's Food i 4 O proved its value. KATZ BROS., LIMIT'
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    • 360 3 «>??(>?; -:irs jpuy censures CHEMIST. i Calcutta. May IG.-Th e City Corojner ai'd jury this evening concluded an inquest touching the death of Mrs. heobold in the Mercantile Nursing Home. The chemical analyst’s report showed that traces of strychnine and brucine were found in the viscera of
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    • 202 3 Calcutta, May 5.Mr. E. Villiers, M. L. C., Vice-President of the European Association, has sent three letters on behalf of the Council of the Association to Mrs. Starr and Sir John Maffey. in recognition of their efforts in connexion with the rescue of Miss Ellis. The
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    • 230 3 Calcutta, May 14.Sir John Maffey has sent the following letter fre.n Peshawar to the Vice-President of the European Association in reply to the Associaton’s expression of appreciation of his efforts m connection with the rescue of Miss Ellis: I have the honour to acknowledge receipt
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    • 193 3 Calcutta, May 14.A communique gives particulars of the recent spread of lawlessness stirred up by agitators among Sonthals in the M est of the Midnapore District which took the form of indiscriminate looting of fish from private tanks over an area of 200 square, miles.
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    • 350 3 Calcutta, May 12.A statement on Kenya has been issued to the press, explaining the attitude of Christians in this country and challenging the efforts of Kenya Europeans in England to invoke the sympathy of churches and Missionary Societies, on the ground that Christianity is in danger. The
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    • 116 3 Calcutta, May 8.In a letter (o th.* Englishman” Mr. J. E. Ellam, of the British Buddhist Mission, says that he and Dr. McGovern might have gone Io Lhasa from Gyantscĕ w jthout hindrance the Tibetan authorities but for their parole. He continues: It seems that
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    • 90 3 Calcutta, May 8.Thirty-six companies with an authorised capital of 242 lakhs were registered in March 1923, compared with 72 companies with a capita] of 1489 lakhs in March 1922. Between April 1922 and March 1923 484 companies with a capital of 28 crores were registered, compared
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  • 77 3 A humane society had secured a show window" and filled it with attractive pictures of wild animals in theii native hau nts. A placard in the middle of the exhibit read thus M r e are skinned to provide women with fashionable furs.’’ A man paused before the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 The Ideal Saline. Forms a sparkling, effervescing, refreshing invia orating, and plea stint-tasting drink, with i'?o 'hjectionable saltiness, no depresWi sin g* towering effects '|W ~”jj| upon the nerves or spirits, and of 1 guaranteed purity 1 d harmlessness. M «.’sl highly concentrated < compound arlifically ren r °dueiug the
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    • 324 3 ffo./ gj, .1 I y. /v I /1 Mothti says *'Ai three months »yY my Babv was wadin,? 1 tiied JWE Glaxo, and he gtaoa<a».y i covered I u and gained weight Since then U/jF he has never looked back." I J&jL F Why Eaby cries 3 JI i Baby
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  • 874 4 Every effort is being made to encourage the development of Malaya’s most promising new industry, namely, the refining of China-clay and the manufacture of pottery. As will be seen from our advertisement columns, a new company, the Malayan China-Clay and Potteries Ltd., with a nominal
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  • 355 4 Simla, May 8.In view of the growing importance of the Labour problem and the large number of labour strikes which are affecting the industrial progress of this country, the Government of India’s decision to publish, periodically statistics of industrial disputes in India is welcome as it meets
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  • 213 4 CONFIRMATION OF 1919) RESULTS. The news that the stars photographed by the Canadian astronomers during last year’s eclipse show displacements of the order demanded by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is what astronomers in England expected, for the resul; of the Gicenwicb expedition which first
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  • 63 4 May 23Football, P.C.C. v Hongkong Bank Building, Esplanade. 5.15 p.m. 26 Penang Schoolmasters’ Association. Sports, Free School Ground. 27 Penang Swimming Club, Annual Meeting, noon. 30.Football, P. C. C. v Central Union, Esplanade 5.15 p.m. 31Corpus Chris+i, June 2lnter-State Cricket: Penang vs Perak, Penang. 3King’s Birthdav. 4 Inter-State
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  • 395 4 A YEAR OF USEFUL WORK. The annual general meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association is called for Friday next, in the exchange at/ 5.15 when the committee's report for the year to March 31 last will be presented. The report reads as follows: Income tax.Under the auspices
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  • 228 4 ISLANDS DEVASTATED. Further details of the terrific hurricane near Suva, mentioned briefly by Reuter, are confined in a Suva messuage, dated April 27. which says: A thrilling story of a hurricane is told by Mr. G. Frank Burnett, the author, who was at Munia when several islands
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  • 160 4 The total value ef imports of merchandise into British Malaya during April, excluding parcel post, amount to $54 474 857 compared with $33,543,346 during the same month of 1922. Exports during April were valued at $62,826,187, an increase of $29,365,990 on April of last year. Under the
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  • 581 4 SOME INTERESTING FACTS. In view of the approaching discussion on the revival of the Queen’s Scholarships, the following extract from Mr C. Bazell s article on Education, in One Hundred Years of Singapore, gives some facts that should not be lost sight of In order to allow promising
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  • 199 4 M. M.” Before the District Judge. Mr. Acton, at Lumut, on the 15th instant. Mr. Morice. Supervisor of Customs, charged three Chinese named Tan Ah Lana, Kiew Ah Yew and Tan Ah Sian with being concerned in an evasion of duty on rubber at Snngei Bruas on April
    M. M.”  -  199 words
  • 51 4 During a storm at Rango jn, on Sunday, May 13, the English Baptuc Church at the corner of Judah Ezekiel and Bigandet -streets was struck by lightning, but fortunately no one was injured by the flying fragments of masonry dislodged. Slight damage was caused to the
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  • 84 4 THE OPENING CEREMONY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 23. Saint Andrews Mission Hospital was opened by Lady Guillemard yesterday, before a large attendance. Mr. W. A. Sims senior lay member of the building Committee in the inaugural speech said the hospital was the result of
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  • 95 4 FUNERAL OF INSPECTOR COWAN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 23. Inspector Cowan was buried in Venning Road Cemetery, with military honours. The Rev. B. C. Roberts officiated. Deceased was aged 35 and was unmarried. He came to Malaya in 1911 after serving in the
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  • 321 4 On the morning of May 15, while the cable ship Patrol was engaged in cable work off Penang Island, Mr. W. J. Jackson third engineer of the vessel was found to be missing. It appears that he was speaking to other members of the crew only half
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 THE PINANG GAZETTE List of Places where the Gazette can be bought at 15 cents. Local. Railway Book Stalls. Victoria Pier. Logan’s Archway E. 0. Hotel. Runnymede Hotel. Messrs. Look Bros., A Co.. Penang Road. Outstations. Federal Rubber Stamp, Taiping do do Ipoh. do do P. Buntar. do do Alor
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    • 458 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS POSITION Wanted Salesman— Bill CrJi Cash security required fi ve l ec tOr dollars ($500). Salary $2O/. DPr Un( M plus 1 per cent.) on collections preferred. Apply before 4th .Inn» 1 Box No. 140, c/o Pinang Gazette. MISCELLANEOUS. Rubber Estates. Wanted to p Urc h clean, well
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    • 383 5 London, May 9.—The Appeal Comt (as was announced in-yesterday's cables) has made the rule absolute in connection with the application for a writ of habeas corpus” on behalf of Art Q’Brien against the Home Secretary. O'Brien, the leader of the Irish Self-Determination League, was arrested in the Scotland
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    • 234 5 London, May 11.The founipst deie< fives of Scotland Yard are searching foi a desperate burglar believed to c guiltv of the cold-blooded murder of Jacob Dickie, a taxi driver, at Bri G hi. The detectives’ reconstruction of the crime suggests that the burglar hired Dickie’s
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    • 131 5 London, April 12,— Meditatively lunching at an adjoining table to mine the other day was a lean tall young man, well browned by the sun of warmer climes than these It was Stephen McKenna, the novelist, who some months ago left these shores on a tramp
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    • 185 5 London, May 4.1 hardly know myself why I struck him,” said a young Berlin bank clerk to the judge when charged with assaulting a rich jeweller in a cafe, except,” he added, that 1 did not like his face. 1 was sitting beside him when
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    • 132 5 London, May 7.The Berlin correspondent of The Times” states that, while most of the influential newspapers reserve their judgment on the French reply, a violent attack on M. Poincare’s is published by the Stinnes organ, the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung,” which says:ln Paris the peace-breaker, the criminal of
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    • 185 5 London. May 4.Steven Ronehi, a dealer in precious stones, was charged with stealing pearls valued at £14,395 from Messrs. Warwick and Co., Ltd., in Lombard Street. The prosecution said that the charges would involve a total of probably £170,000. Ronehi was entrusted with a box of
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    • 122 5 London, May 11. lhe Prince of Wales was the principal guest at the Diamond Jubilee Dinner of the Newspaper Press Fund. In a speech he said modern science was working hand in hand with modern journalism, which had in truth put a girdle round the earth.
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    • 120 5 London, May 6.The Baghdad correspondent of lhe Times states that the announcement of the signing of the protocol, terminating the Treaty between Britain and Iraq upon liaq s entry into the League of Nations or. at any rate, not later than four years after the ratification
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    • 321 5 London, May 11.Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, in a letter to The Times’’ in reply to Lord Inchcape, inquires what the Government’s intentions are in connection with the road from Sibi through the eastern mid of the Bohm Pass to (juetta. He says that it was officially stated
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    • 183 5 ('awnpore, May 12.The circumstances leading to the arrest of Shan kat Usmani, who is alleged to be a Bolshevik agent in India, throw considerable light as to how Soviet emissaries are active in disseminating Bolshevik propaganda in different parts of India. Usmani is said to have been
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    • 166 5 London, May 19.A further attack on the British Broadcasting Company has been made by the decision of representatives of fourteen different associations, representing the whole entertainment world, to have nothing to do with the Company, and that none of their members will bp allowed to perform for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 589 5 I jV stamp f Of Value J i AS coin of the realm, the guinea has long passed out of circulation, in common with the I gold florin and the angel and I I t he noble, but unlike these J others, it is still a familiar term, and probably
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    • 65 5 NO MATTER WHAT A WOMAN’S AGE she’ll find help in Pinkettes, the dainty little pilules which ensure daily regularity. Taken occasionally "When needed. IV■„ 7 keep the system clean, the skin cleai the breath sweet, dispel sick headaches and bilious attacks. Of dealers, or post free 60 cents the vial,
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    • 200 5 New Deliveries j OF FOLDING CARRIAGES fMost Useful Types of Baby Carriages Combining Comfort, H ai *d Wear and Portability. Folding arrangement I Simplicity itself. THE SPECIAL” FOLDING CAR Exact to illustration, folds into small compass as small illustration. Very simple to manipulate, nothing to get out yl of order.
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  • 1263 6 It was reported in yesterday’s issue that the Chinese bandits, who wrecked an express train, robbed, assaulted and made prisoner over a score of foreigners as well as many Chinese some weeks ago, had released one of their captives who was allowed to proceed to Peking with a
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  • 1487 6 On the Ist instant we described the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin The New as a man with a future.” Premier. We were under the impression that he would have to wait more than three weeks for the Premiership, to which he suc jeeds by reason of the
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  • 185 6 A mail for Australia by the Echnca closes at 6 p.m. to-day. The P. &O. Packet Devanha is du* to arrive here at 8 a.m. to-morrow. 11 steamer is expected to have out wan European mails on board. The homeward mail, by the has closes at 6 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 x Smart Selection of H DAY AND EVENING GOWNS s jli Just Arrived. i S e Dress Making Undertaken at jJ f Room No. 67. x Big Annexe E. O. Hotel. I z= WHEN BUYING I SAUSAGES ALWAYS ASK FOR _Z AV A. L/ .L ,S I The acme of
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    • 21 6 E. O.” Wednesday, 23rd May, Orchestral Concert, 9-45 p.m. Friday, 25th May, Guest Night Dancing. Saturday, 26th May, Special Tiffin Orchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 640 7 itf r Stanley Baldwin Appainted. Reuter’s Telegrams.; London, May 22. The King discussed the political situation with his Secretar y> Lor <l Stamfordham, at Buckingham Palace H 1 the forenoon, hut did not receive ditical visitors till after luncheon, i Mr Stanley Baldwin was called when u 1
    Reuter’s Telegrams.;  -  640 words
  • 351 7 tt A Back Bencher,” writing in the Sunday Times,” stated that Mr. Stanley Baldwin may not have added his name to the list of the great Chancellors, but he emerged from his Budget ordeal an assured Parliamentary force. The impression he conveyed was that he had
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  • 58 7 LETTER TO GLASGOW UNIONIST ASSOCIATION. London, May 22. Mr. Bonar Law, writing to the Glasgow Unionist Association, says he presumes there is no objection to his continuing to act as member for Central Glasgow at least in the present Parliament, though it is very unlikely that
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  • 69 7 MURDER AND ROBBERY. Mexico City, Alay 22. Thirty-two bodies have been recovered from the Rib Grande near Laredo. They are believed to be those of Italians and others, who were murdered and robbed on Alay 5 while attempting to enter the United States clandestinely.
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  • 59 7 Washington, Alay 22 Air. Edwin Parker, the American member of the Mixed Claims Commission, has been selected as the Commission’s umpire, in succession to Air. W. R. Day, resigned. Mr. Parker, who is a lawyer, assisted at the organisation of the War Industries Board. Later
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  • 57 7 Washington, May 22. The actual signing of the debt funding agreement with Britain appears to be near according to the spokesman of the United States Treasury, who declared to-day after meeting’ file Debt Funding Commission that nothing objectionable to the American Government had been fou id in
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  • 30 7 Washington, Alay 22. The draft of the new Hispano-Ame-rican Treaty for amity of commerce hns been forwarded to the .American Ambassador at Madrid, where it will be negotiated.
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  • 51 7 Official Reply to Soviet. (Reuter's Telegrams.) Berne, Alay 22. A stiff tone characterises the Federal Council’s reply to the Soviet as regards the murder of Vorowsky, for which it disclaims responsibility and asserts that it acted correctly in all respects, but ignored Ahrens on account of his
    (Reuter's Telegrams.)  -  51 words
  • 70 7 CONSTERNATION IN ATHENS Athens, Alay 22. There is consternation at the report that the Turks have blown up the bridge over the Maritza, connecting Adrianople with Karagatch. Lightning Explodes Mine. Athens, Alay 22. It is officially learned that the bridge across the Maritza was blown up
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  • 115 7 London, Alay 22. Lhe telegram of Alay 19, which stated that Britain had paid the third instalment amounting to $30,500,000 iii respect of silver shipments under the Pittman Act, refers to silver purchased from the United States mint in 1918, valued at $120,000,000, under the
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  • 77 7 PASSENGERS SAFE. St. John’s, Alay 22. The Canadian Pacific liner Marvale struck Cape Freel Rock in a fog, 20 miles west of Cape Race, and sank in seven fathoms. She is now lying with her boat deck awash a mile from Cape Pine. All the passengers, numbering
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  • 133 7 SURREY’S HEAVY FALL. London. Alay 22. Middlesex beat Sussex by three w-ickets. Hearne, in the first innings, scored 140, and in the second 57 not out. Hearne also took twelve wickets for 128. Derby beat Warwick by four wickets. The Yorkshire-Lancs match was drawn, Yorkshire taking
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  • 113 7 A FRESH LOW RECORD. London, May 22. The German mark exchange registered a fresh record, slumping to 258,000 to 262,000 to the sovereign. The Executive Engineer, Kuala Kangsar, has issued a notice that the bridge on the 59th mile, Grik Road, will be under repairs and the road
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  • 121 7 A Huge Discrepancy. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Paris, Alay 22. A huge discrepancy between French and German calculations as regards the latter’s payments, was showp by Al. Dubois, ex-President of the Reparations Commission in the Chamber. He said that Germany claimed to have paid forty-five milliards of gobi marks since the
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  121 words
  • 151 7 THE TIMES’ WARNING. London, Alay 22. The Times,” discussing the present intolerable situation in China, says an International Commission on foreign interests might evolve some remedies for the anarchy which menaces a land naturally wealthy, peaceful and law-abiding, with political and economic ruin, but time will be
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  • 443 7 Leafield, May 10.Official information received here regarding the outrage on the Tientsin railway states that the mail train was derailed on the 6th May by brigands who carried off the majority of the passengers. Mr- Joseph Rothman, who is believed to bp a British subject of Roumanian
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  • 451 7 IPOH FLYWEIGHT CHAMPION DEFEATS SELANGOR CHAMPION (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 21. The boxing contests on Saturday night at the Oriental Cinema proved a great attraction in addition to the inter-state cricket match. In fact, the boxing too was looked upon as inter-state, in view of
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  • 47 7 The'results of the P.C.C. bowls ties played yesterday were as under Single HandicapJ; G. Allan beat E. J. McLernon 21—19: B. E. Mitchell beat E. J, O’Reilly 21—9. Afixed Doubles HandicapAirs AfcLernon and J. C. Barrett beat Dr. and Mrs. C. Henry Hertz 2120.
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  • 56 7 The Municipal Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m.. to-day 1 March The Old Ship O’Keefe 2 Bolero Fricotrin Hume 3 Waltz When the Birds Go North Again Witt 4 Selection Crown Diamonds Auber’s 5 Fox Trot The
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  • 105 7 S.T.” An orchestral concert will be given at th e Runnymede Hotel to-night at 9-30 p.m.. when the following programme of music will be presented 1 Selection Ernani G. A erdi 2 Piano Solo La Aloison P. Tschaikowsky 3 Fantasy The Barber of Seville Rossini 4 Violin
    S.T.”  -  105 words
  • 686 7 Dr. W. B. Toy has returned to Bangkok. Mr. A. H. Lanman, Traffic Inspector, F. M. S. R., Ipoh, is going on leave shortly. Mr. H. Oxenham has returned from Singapore. He has deferred his departure for Australia fcr a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
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  • 997 8 NATURAL Sl'R UfEGICJ HUB OF THE PACIFIC. An article by Sir Herbert Russell appears in the Naval and Military Record.” in which he writes that the decision of th Admiralty to spend eleven millions sterling upon the development of Singapore has called forth a great deal of
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  • 766 8 The inhabitants of India are proverbially uninterested in questions of sea power, and nine out of ten. or perhaps an even higher proportion, have no doubt never heard of Singapore, which has ot late come into such unusual prominence in the cables. Ail the historic and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 251 8 ANIMAL FAT C‘ «0« MI w f 1)1/ |w J wMu: JS UXtQUAILtD f°» CP K^..v S /S sponrsMtN (>fNt aAiiy. /£y ZAM-BUK possesses -curative, soothing, and antiseptic powers of an unique order. There is real benefit in every touch of Zam B.ik bee mse each individual one of its
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    • 752 8 No Cos? 7 hKmI F° r a oDa y Tube Ik Simply Mail Coupon Unity of the saliva. That is there Slla to neutra^ze mo n h acids, the H gf cause of tooth decay. B n I* the starch digesR tant in the saliva. That is there SHHHHSgMHI J
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  • 71 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. E E Ĕ Shares. S CO a? GO Sc Ic. c sc. Mining. KramatP. 12.00 13.00 10.50 11.50 Malayan 35/- 37/6 33/6 35/6 Nawng Pet 1.22| 1.25 1.20 1.25 Ulu Piah 1.621 1.67
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  • 38 9 23rd May, 1923. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 50 Fine Pale Crepe 49|mom Unsmoked Sheet 45 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 50| PORE (Crepe 50| London and New York. Invnnx- /Smoked Sheet h.l£d London Crepe New York G 27
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  • 47 9 The General Produce Agency, Ltd., Church Street, Penang, reports that the following prices were realised at their auction rooms to-day Gd. F. A.Q. Smoked diamond sheet 66.00 F.A.Q. do 65.00 Off quality do 60.00 Fine Pale Crepe 62.50 Fine Brown Crepe 57.00 Bark Crepe 53.00
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  • 64 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on May 22 Spot £196.10$ down £6 3 mos. buying 196 6.75.6 d 3 selling 196.5$ 6.75.6 d The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd: London, May 22, £196.10s spot, and £196 three months buying, £196 5s selling. Local.
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  • 198 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5,000,00 noin. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs- 80s 1105... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Sundried 11.15 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green,Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do do do
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  • 113 9 PENANG, MAY 23, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank R»l74i'i 3 days’sight Private 177 3 Bombay Demand Bank 1741 2 Madras Demand Bank 174| > 3
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  • 1109 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES g 4 do H S RUBBER [Dollar.] S c 8 of* Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 20 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate I 26 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 10 2 20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 13 50 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1465 9 CONDENSED PROSPECTUS. The Subscription List will open on the 21st day of May, 1923, fl nd will close on or before the 4th day of June, 1923. Malayan China-Clay Potteries, Ltd. (Incorporated under the Companies Enactment, 1917.) NOMINAL capital $2,000,000. DIVIDED into 2,000,000 SHARES OF $l/. EACH. PRESENT ISSUE 1,000,000
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    • 802 9 can be worked to advantage as the main line of the F.M.S. Railways runs alongside. This concession is also known to contain tin which is believed to be present in payable quantities, ror the purpose of this prospectus however, the Directors place no reliance on the tin possibilities but should
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 204 9 «fo Ste -p, I-*) rig? LAST NIGHT! LAST NIGHT!! j Wednesday, May 23. Positively the last night. The Greatest SUCCESS Penang has ever seen. Hundreds Turned Away for 2 Nights Successively. For the first time in Penang. All Tickets Sold Out at 7-15 p. m. 15 Reels FOOLISH WIVES Reels
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  • 996 10 S. S. CHINKOA'S” EXPERIENCE. Calcutta, May 11.The British India Steam Navigation Company’s steamer Chinkoa, which left Akyab on Monday toksearchllfor the Okara, arrived in Cal-u_MjL~m-~—Xom ini »n~r rn—'i ruin mmw» cutta to-day. Shefreports that no trace of the missing steamer was seen during her search.
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  • 108 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Kalmoa for Asahan. Benavon for Port Swettenham. taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, China and Japan. Perseus for Colombo. Dhanushkodi.Suez and London. Torilla for Calcutta. Andre Lebon for Ceylon, India, Suez. Port Said. Marseilles and Europe. Echuca for Singapore and Western Australia. The following ships
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  • 495 10 CLOSE DATL.Y (except Sunday). BT TRAIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an-hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Telak Anson,Kuala Kubu, Kuala 7.15 a.m. Lumpur. Klang, Port Swetten-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 334 10 f $4,250.00 T The Standard Motor Co., K Ltd., Coventry, England. .Hi ;h aD weather conditions MTWK> ft J9UATM* i iBiIiiBIIHM Agents Wearne Bros., Ltd., Penang. a 3 LIGHT CAR JX-T,- Jtl K'GTIT 1R47 Manufacturers of Every Description of J A Surgical India Rubber Goods. /T Syringes, Water Bottlesand Beds,
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    • 265 10 I I few B w DANCE MUSIC I ON zzrz: I COLUMBIA RECORDS. NEW TITLES THAT ARE POPULAR. 3 You Gave Me Your Heart Fox Trot TO ins. $2.00 Burning Sands I Time Will Tell I Found A Four Leaf Clover To-Morrow Morning ij Dunibell > 0 Ivy Fate I
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  • 507 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, Mry 23, 1923. cts GOVERNMENT MUTTON Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 50 Mutton Head,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 N. J. CLUB WHISKY I I We have pleasure in advising the Public that we are NOW able to SUPPLY the ABOVE WHISKY. J Orders BOOKED will be despatch- ed in ROTATION as soon as possible. > SOLE AGENTS: Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Shanghai.) p PENANG. T -"r
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    • 77 11 When a man asserts his disbekfcx in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine eases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed his taste for years it proves not so much that he is
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    • 122 11 I DUNLOP CORD TYRES I j All Dunlop Cord Tyres I I IrVf are Oversize. I I rLJWi I jhW In comparing prices or when J g iJrikj I y 0 buying a Cord Tyre the I I 1 S h Motorist should satisfy himself g he is obtaining an
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1374 12 lloyd triestinolisTHMlAN LINE. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE (Incorporated in Italy.) DIRECT SERVICE TO BOSTON, INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA HOMEWARD. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. BALTIMORE PERSEUS in port 23 London. Rotterdam and Hamburg. From Penang. VIA SUEZ TEUCER May 25 Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool and Glasgow. Steainer due GLAUCUS 30 London
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    • 640 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) p. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London I esv e P en about about DEVANHA May 25 KASHGAR
      640 words