Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 868 1 .«mmuiinimimifw ras (“NIKKO” I MODERN ART PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO E No 7, Northam Road, Penang. i Telephone No. 579. QDD«MHnn««BnnnMßnnnDU£i£i«a «□□obmuh I The Empire Typewriter I I s A IT 11 i Sometimes it will be good;sometimes bad. A Really Good and Cheap Typewriter. i 3 y The object of insurance
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  • 2080 2 LAST ARTICLE BY THE EARL OF CARNARVON. The following article, surveying th-* situation at the tomb of Tutankhamen at the end of the season and outlining ihe work yet in prospect, was written tor the Times” by Lord Carnarvon on the eve of his departure from Lux
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1089 2 Short Classified FOBSALE e For Sale.Going Cheap New Model AflvAY*flCPniPni*3 Rudge built Motor Cycle in perfect nuvci 11OV111V11I.O. running order. Practically new, and i ci T I—r Xrr looks very smart. Price $5OO/- Solo: Wanted, For bale, o > Q wner buying car. Apply Box No. 126, can be inserted
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    • 263 2 Federated Malay States Railways. HARI RAYA PUASA WHITSUNTIDE—--1923. Frcin 15th to 22nd May, inclusive, cheap tickets at shrub* fare and a half for the return journey, all classes, will be issued from all stations to the principal towns on the Railway, Kelantan excepted. The return journey must be completed by
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    • 274 2 Something Jor Nothin?. FREE ADVICE ON ELECTRIC ENERGY The Municipal E| ectricity SnppU partment is now prepared to applications for the sunnlv nf 1 F Cl .y or elpctri energy for driving workshops and f ac tories at an exceptionally low rate Amongst the various app]j Cations which Electricity is
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  • 764 3 A ERCTTLESS SEARCH. Rangoon, May 7.A wireless mes«age was received in Rangoon this morning by the Principal Port Officer, from the steamer Okara at 19 degrees North. 91 degrees East, that is about the middle of the Bay. She was sending out the S.O.S. The steamer
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  • 137 3 S. F. P.” The Straits Steamship Company, agents for the Siam Steam Navigation Companys received a telegram regarding the loss of the steamer Yugala. The message confirmed the report that the vessel was a total wreck through a tire, which bri be out when the
    S. F. P.”  -  137 words
  • 385 3 ANNUAL REPORT. The report of the Committee of the Penang Swimming Club for the year ended 31st March. 1923, states: Membership.67 New Members were admitted to the Club during the year and the total number of Members on the active list at 31st March, 1923 was 381
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  • 207 3 Tokio. May 8.The Yasuda and ten other banks have decided to combine with a capital of Y. 150,000,000 It will be the largest private bank in Japan. It is anticipated that the Peking Cabi net v, ill be forced to resign, the failure of the foreign loan
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  • 159 3 London, May 2.The P. and Steam Navigation Company recently ordered two 15,200 ton and one 10,000 ton passenger steamers from Messrs. Harland Wolff, Greenock, and also a 15,200 ton steamer from Messrs. Hawthorn Leslie Company, Newcastle, ail for the Indian Mail Service. The British India
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  • 751 3 The recent decision of the Imperial Government to make Singapore one of ti e great naval points in the British Empiie will appeal t-o the community of British. Malaya as an act of sagacious foresight, says the China Express”. Almost as soon as war was
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  • 133 3 The action at Singapore, brought by Messrs. Aldens, Successors (Eastern), Limited, against Chop Lee Hong, 59, Clyde Street, for failure to perfoou i contract alleged to have been made bet ween the parties through Messrs, lewis and Peat for the delivery of ten tons of lubber,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 428 3 That old enemy Y, Rheumatism I Don’t suffer needlessly—Sloan’s gives wonderful relief. Pain th s before the soothing power of Sloan’s Liniment. Just a I little applied to the painful spot gives quick relief. No rubbing requiredSloan’s penetrates. 1',.,- those tormenting pains ot Rheumatism in joints or muscles, for the
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    • 26 3 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Tnf« (7n various colours} To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, limited
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    • 626 3 BANKS; CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) Paid-up Capital £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3.000,000 Head Office 38, BTSHOPSGATE LONDON. E. C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star. Amritsar, Bangkok. Batavia, Bombay, Calcutta, Canton, Cawnpore, Cebu, Colombo, Delhi. Haiphong, Hankow-.
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  • 1241 4 A Malayan Industry. (P. G. Special). Gopeng is not far from Ipoh, Perak. To mention it is to conjure up visions of tin. Crude tin in mother earth. The face of a countryside altered beyond recognition by vast excavations and huge water conduits and at most times rendered horrid
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    • 139 4 (To the Editor of the Pining Gazette.") Sir,Now that His Majesty's visit to Italy and the Vatican has been concluded. the English Protestants should rest satisfied that the visit was quite devoid of any special significance, either religious, or political. The fact is that our
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  • 174 4 HEAVY SENTENCES FOR ARMED ROBBERY. Two Cantonese named Wong Cheoh and Lee Soon were charged at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice BarrettLennard, with committing robbery when armed with deadly weapons. The prosecution, represented by Mr- N. H. P. Whitley, the D. P. P., alleged that with one
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  • 107 4 The unsightly and evil smelling basket tins which now disfigure the streets of Calcutta will be a thing of the past if the experiment that the Calcutta, Corporation are now carrying out proves successful. So far back as October, 1921, the Motor Lorry Sub-Committee during their inspection
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  • 598 4 ASSISTANT SURGEON SENT TO PRISON. Poona. May 3.Tndgment was delivered to-day by Mr. C. H. Bristow, LC. S., Assistant Collector, in Poona, in the two cases in which J. M. Fernandez, head compounder of Poona Drug Stores, was charged under Sections 276 and 284 I.
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  • 665 4 First Day’s Results. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, May 12. The Singapore Spring Race Meeting opened on Saturday. There was a heavy lainstorm in the morning, but the weather cleared up and the afternoon was fine but dull. The going was good. The results were as follows
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  • 259 4 P.C.C. v PUBLIC SERVICES. The match between P.C.C. and Public Services played on the Esplanade, on Saturday, proved to be an interesting one. the former winning by a narrow margin. The star bat of the afternoon was Davies (H.C.D.), who was stumped by Griffin when he required only five
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  • 270 4 This fixture was played yesterday at Sungei Patani. Owing to the soft state of the ground matting was used. P. C. C. had the first knock and compiled 166. Barlow being top scorer with 32. He was compelled to retire owing to a mishap. The others
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  • 98 4 The following P.C.C. bowls ties are fixed for Wednesday, the 16th May: .Singles Handicap 5 E. J. O’Reilley v+s B. E. Mitchell (3); 4 J. M. Chalmers (D) v +3 D. McLeixl Craik (2). Ladies Singles Handicap 4-5 Miss Mitchell v +3 Mrs. Littlefair (4); +1 Mrs.
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  • 100 4 CRICKET AT IP OH A trial match between u and Probables” Wi)s 1 turday and Sunday j tl vi/./', On forthcoming Perak-S e i aI f)f A was noteworthy as a trial < x f h cause it was not confined tnT* bers of the Ipoh Club and f nip|
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  • 95 4 An attractive prograninu> i i tised by The Lyric Thea l hfr the Hi;.st half of this week. cing to-night The Charnu,,., o' reiver featuring Alice Cidh,,,?,,. of the younger stars in the Ki,, firmament, will be -t-reened T| d picture which is a Vitug,aph pi J s
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  • 73 4 Kuala Lumpur. May 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.; In the Jugra rubber smuggling ap peal case, the Hon. Sir Lionel Woe ward dismissed the appeal, but aside the order regarding the confi'idtion of the rubber and the tongkang His lordship thought the Magistrate was right in
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  • 369 4 In the Divorce Court, on April 16, Mr. Justice Horridge heard the petition of Captain Arthur Bunce Charles Francis, a retired Civil servant, of Bramble Rough. Hartfield, Sussex, for the dissolution of his marriage on the ground of the misconduct of his wife Emma with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 JR* Startled By a Shadow THE VICTIM OF YOUR NERVES. Deplorable indeed is your condition when you become so nervous that you start at the shadow of yourself. Lost nerve is not easy to regain. The digestive system becomes inert, you become melancholy and lack driving power. When your blood
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    • 34 4 NEW POSITION WANTED Travelling An al Ayah for voyage home. t'l' GOODWYN, Suffolk Estate. FOR SALE. Oxy-Acetylene Welding Apparatus, new model. I"; bnV er flwrmr will mve denimistrauoi with few lessons. c/o Pinang Gazette.
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    • 437 5 London, May 2,—The Lobby cones,l((n(]etil of The Times” states that c 'prnnient are understood to 1 i, IOI > (if granting the Labour nmmrequest to devote a day for the jjvcussion of Indian affairs and are vJdiftd hat the House shall be kept iufouned of the position
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    • 143 5 Loudon. May 2.Writing to T he limes.” Archdeacon Law of Nairobi s ays; There is a giowing idea that the Indian question in Kenya is a matter "i race hatred. This is not altogethei title. We may .see much to admire :n Indian civilisation, yet
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    • 154 5 London, May 4.Breaking a six months silence to-day Mr. Winston uni hill made a speech at the Aid- ">' h lub in which he deplored the H’cctacle of the Conservative and Libe- d parties split into groups, which v <'ie labouring to destroy each other, '\hn
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    • 230 5 London, April 30.—The Dublin <« Oi respondent of The Times” states that inland for the moment does not know whether theie is going to be peace or ar. Mr. de Valera’s suspension of the rebel offensive has commenced, hut Tree Spite lorries are still dashing about in
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    • 178 5 London, April 25.1 n the Divorce Court Sir Henry Duke granted a decree of judicial separation io Mrs. Bella Mary Ward of Cowbridge, Gl' morgan. owing to the desertion of hei husband. Colonel Henry Charles Swin burne Ward, whom she married at Simla in
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    • 111 5 London. April 30.Recent reproductions from the Trench newspapeis lauding the advance made with im* Motoraviette” has provoked an indignant rejoinder from the firm man >- iacturing the British V\ ren im dimes denying that Fram e is leading Britain in this connection. The <ltrigner of the W ren”
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    • 115 5 The Daily Mail” states that the Committee of Imperial Defence ai-. presenting 1o the Cabinet a conclusive report on the question of an Empire airship service. Assuming that the Cabinet’s approval will be obtained fur the first and main project—a route to Indiathe work of preparation
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    • 124 5 Loudon, April 29.—The signal cabin at Amiens Street station of the Great Northern Railway, Dublin, was blown up bv a mine at 10 o’clock last night. Two 'youths held up the signalman i tie a third laid the mine. 1 > tarv guard in the
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    • 257 5 London, April 29. The Times” special correspondent in Berlin states that the wretched conditions of child life in Soviet Russia are vividly described ky the Moscow correspondent of a Berlin newspaper who has returned from Russia. Thousands of half clothed children, mostly orphans, are roaming
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    • 145 5 London. May I.The Berlin correspondent of The Times” states that the Bolshevik anti-Church campaign is being furthered in Georgia where the head of the Catholic Church has been imprisoned together with 80 t<> 96 per cent, of the entire priesthood of the province. Armed Cheka agents have
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    • 125 5 London, May 2.Houseowners oi Greater London are indignant at the sudden increase of their income-lax assessment, the first intimation «.f which was the receipt of a-blue for.a. The increase does not apply to the administrative Countv of T.ondon and the question is asked why a house owner
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    • 65 5 London, May 3.With reference to what has been described as the new Domesday agitation the Inland Revenue authorities explain that if an owner is obtaining an inflated «and fictitious income he is liable to pay the tax upon it in the same way as a business
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    • 84 5 London, May 2.Opposing the proposed revision of the Prayer Book in the Lower House of Convocation at Canterbury the Dean of Canterbury described the suggestion of the Eng lish Church Union to provide for alternative forms of worship as a positive monstrosity. He said that if different
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    • 37 5 London, May 3.The Lower House of Convocation at Canterbury afiei much discussion, have passed a reso tition urging the desirability of cttrefui consideration of the proposals for ihe revision of the Prayer Book.
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    • 326 5 London, April 27.Reactiomir? plotting to overthrow the German Republic was disclosed at the trial at Leipzig to decide whether the Populai I reedom Party shall be broken up. The hearing commenced to-day, says the Berlin correspondent of The limes,” but the whole facts will not be published, as
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    • 93 5 London, April 30. The Times” Dusseldorf correspondent states that the atmosphere in the Ruhr is indicative of a gathering storm. There has been a general outburst of sabotage in connection with the telephone and telegraph services and on the railway. Fortunately there were no accidents.
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    • 53 5 The Dusseldorf correspodnent of th? Daily Mail” state' that German agitators are intensifying their efforts in connection with sabotage. Four have been arrested including ex-Rear-Ad miral Vrumbaeh. The French captured fourteen -members of an antiFrench secret society at a meeting i) Essen. There have been numerous bomb attacks
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    • 144 5 Leafield, April 30.Lord Robert Cecil, who has been paying a visit to the United States to propound the work of the League of Nation and to ascertain American feeling towards the League is returning Home on the Olympic. In a farewell address to the Economic Club
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 I Dhoby Account Book FOR 52 WEEKS II EACH 80 CTS. Stocked by: j Tke Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. I i H--
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    • 295 5 Children jump for Joy oj Nothing whets young appetites like the sight of those delicious Ijß I dainties so easily made with VQ J&z^P rown anc l Polson’s Cornflour. I Creamy custards and blanc. manges served with stewed W /7* jr huit, and jelly moulds made I J /I with
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  • 44 6 Leach.At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on the 11th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Leach, of Bant ing, a son. Eklund.At the European Hospital. Kuala Lumpur. on the 11th in stunt, to Mr. and Mrs. Al»el Eklund, of Klang, a son.
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  • 1128 6 There is little room for doubt that educational policy such as is found in this country is largely influenced by the currents of opinion having their origin in Europe. Looking back J upon the nineteenth century the future j historian who tries to trace the development of the British
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  • 1155 6 The Straits Times” has the following Once again one The Circulating has to protest against Prayer.” the pure wickedness of the circulating prayer, specimens of which have been current in Singapore lately. An endorsement says This prayer to go through the world and see what will happen.
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  • 476 6 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 8.30 a.m. to-morrow. The homeward mail, by the Ellenga, closes at 10 a.m. on Friday, the 18th instant. One bag of correspondence from the United Kingdom for Penang is expected to arrive at Singapore on 17tb
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 81 6 I WHEN BUYING SAUSAGES I ALWAYS ASK FOR ZZZZZZZ I (WALLS. I 66 The acme of Succulence I Made in Several Varieties Including: Walls Pork Sausages, Walls Oxford Sausages, Walls Sausages in Tomato, TRY ALSO Walls Famous Pork Pies. Obtainable from all Dealers. Wholesale only from Huttenbach, Lazarus Sons, Ltd.
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    • 27 6 E. O.” Tuesday, 15th May, Guest NightDancing. Wednesday, 16th May, Special TiffinOrchestra. Orchestral Concert, «9-45 p.m. Friday, 18th May, Guest NightDancing. Saturday, 19th May, Special Tiffin Orchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 23 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Bow Water. To-day. 11.54 p.m. G. 17 p.m. To-morrow. 12. 7 p.m. 6. 1 a- ul Midnight. 6.45 p.m.
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  • 272 7 Anglo-Italian Unity. KIM. GEORGES SPEECH. Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 12. H > visit of Their British Majesties to Koine, which ends to-night, when they depart l nr a tour of the British cemeteries in Italy, en route to England, is receiving much attention in the Press, both of
    Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  272 words
  • 347 7 THE ITALIAN REPLY. Paris, May 13. The Italian reply to the German offers describes them as unreasonable and impractical. and calculated to retard the solution of the reparations problem. It points out that they strengthen the opinion that Germany is endeavouring to evade her engagements by proposing an international
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  • 38 7 FRENCH ENTERPRISE. London. May 13. (JI le^ss expert, writing to the the p*' I regard to the delay in erniir. Jn,ure wireless scheme, says that Frenpi* 1 S ordered for the i wueless station at Pondicherry.
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  • 343 7 Ismet Pasha and the Event. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Lausanne, May 11. opowsky’s assassination passed unnoticed at to-day's meeting of the Conference. I urkish circles are surprised at this attitude. Ismet Pasha issued a statement expressing sincere regret at the death of a representative of a great friendly power, with
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  343 words
  • 63 7 A FATEFUL WEEK. May 13. This week will probably be decisive as regards the Conference. A battle royal is to be expected with regard to the capital points in dispute, notably the judicial regime for foreigners in Turkey and I'urco-Greek indemnities, with regard to which the Greeks emphasise
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  • 118 7 THE CHINKOA” SAFE. Calcutta, May 12. The Cliinkoa has arrived, and reports that she found no trace of the t Ikara. Allegations Refuted. Calcutta, May 12. Mr. Bell, a partner of the firm ui Messrs. Mackin non, Mackenzie Co., Agents of the British India Line, in an
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  • 24 7 Paris, May 12. The Eiffel Tower was struck by lightning, the wireless installation being damaged and the service interrupted for 24 hours.
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  • 26 7 Washington, May 12. The wages of seamen under the United States Shipping Board have been increasd from fifteen to twenty per cent.
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  • 106 7 Soviet Willing To Meet Britain. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 12. The Russian Note suggests a Conference of the Powers concerned, to discuss the whole question of territorial waters with a view to reaching an international agreement, and expresses willingness to enter into a general discussion on all the
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  106 words
  • 77 7 FREE STATE MINISTERS VIEWS. London, May 12. The Free State Minister Mr. O’Higgins, interviewed in Dublin, said that if the British Government wanted Art O Brien or any other deportees back they could get them without difficulty. Art O'Brien For London. London, May I L Art O’Brien
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  • 514 7 London, March 24.Before a King's Bench Divisional Court yesterday, consisting of Mr. Justice Avory and Mr. Justice Salter. Mr. Patrick Hastings. K. C., M P., with Mr. St. John Field, applied on behalf of Mr. Ait O’Brien, who. counsel said, bad been interned in Ireland under
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  • 39 7 Sydney, May 13. Mr. Bowden, the Minister for Defence, in a speech at Paramatta, declared it was not proposed to abolish the Australian navy, but the Imperial Conference must decide on the best type of vessel.
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  • 261 7 Times’ Editorial Comment. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 12. In an editorial on the Liencheng outrase, The Times points out that a number of other foreigners have been kidnapped in China since the Central Government became paralysed, and says that for none of these offences has
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  261 words
  • 102 7 SIR JOHN JORDAN’S VIEWS. London, May 13. Sir John Jordan, interviewed by the Observer.” expressed the opinion that the general lawlessness in China was the result of the comparative absence of the Government payment of ransom for the kidnapped foreigners and simply put a premium upon further
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  • 123 7 MR. WETHERED CHAMPION. London, May 12. At Deal, in the golf final over 3( holes, Mr. Wethered was four up > Mr. Harris at the end of the first round. A Sweeping Victory. Loudon, May 12. At Deal, in the final of the Amateur Golf Championship, Mr. Roger
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  • 26 7 London, May 12. At Prince’s Club for the Werld’.*» Tennis Championship, Covey (England), the holder, beat Kinsella (America) by 7 io 3 sets.
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  • 26 7 London, May 12. In the Holborn Hall, in the final c‘ the professional billiards championship, the final scores were Smith 16,000, Newman (holder) 15,180.
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  • 52 7 A DEAD HEAT. London, May 12. The Great Jubilee Handicap, ac Kempton, over 1| miles, resulted in a deadheat between Simon Pure (100 t.) 30) and Diligence (7 to 1). Condover (9 to 2) was third. Eleven ran. Won by a dead heat. A neck between second
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  • 1511 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. S.T.” Mrs. Eaton, of Kuala Lumpur, is goiim Home shortly. Mr. A. Veerappapillay is appointed an Extra Assistant Controller of Labour. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davies and family, of Batn A rang, have left for Home. Messrs C. Grumitt and R. Corke arrived by the Kopah from
    S.T.”  -  1,511 words

  • 573 8 ANNUAL MEETING. I he fourth ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Arak Rubber Co., Ltd., was held in the Registered Office of the Company, 33, Beach Street, Penang, on Saturday, at noon. There were piesent Messrs. E. Reimann (in flu 1 Chair), G. AV. Baldwin, M. C.
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  • 128 8 l5, 17 and 19Singapore Races. lliFootball. P.C.C. v Penang Health Culture League, Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. 19Inter-State Cricket: Selangor vs Perak, Ipoh; Singapore vs Negri Semhilan, Seremban. 19 New Club, Taiping, Dinner and Concert, for Earl Haig’s Fund for Blinded Soldiers and Malacca Medical Mission. 20— Whit Sunday. 20
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  • 447 8 A CEYLON VIEW. Colombo, May I.—While the Rubber Reetricticu Scheme provided that the I eiccntage of rubber to be exported on minimum, duty was to be increased by 5 per cent, when the price of rubber for a quarter averaged Is. 3d., the news received to-day was not
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  • 456 8 A matter of the first importance to tip Producers generally, and which should go a long way to revive that measure of conS fidence in the position which has b t ><u signally lacking since the metal enjove 1 its substantial recovery to well over
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  • 658 8 THE PREVALENT UNEASINESS. There is, undoubtedly, a feeling of uneasiness in regard to the rubber position and it is warranted, says the btraits Times.” We gave a few figures which shewed that in the four months ending April this year, with restriction in full force, we «xpoyted 17,733
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  • 174 8 Benares Opium p. chest $5.000,00 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutnru gs 80s 1105... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Sundried 11.35 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 598 8 Itching Rashes I Suffered Three Years, but Germolene Relieved Immediately and Soon Completely Cured- Mr W J Rodhause, 3d, Orchard street. Estate, Westminster. S.W.I, Eng., says I had suffered'? eczema on my leg for about three when I first tried Germolene. p r < E f the first application I
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  • 126 9 I \p\NESE PROFESSOR’S PREDICTION. Reuter’s Telegrams.! London, May 12. Lecturing at a meeting of the Japan Society in London, the Japanese Professor ilishiinna paid the cramped population naturally caused anxiety to Japan, who cast eyes on the thinly populated areas 'l North and Smith America. Canada and
    Reuter’s Telegrams.!  -  126 words
  • 38 9 London, May 13. The Observer” understands that Messrs. Courtaulds have perfected a process for the manufacture of artificial cotton, but at present the cost is too high to enable it to compete with the real article.
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  • 145 9 A SATISFACTORY YEAR. From (>ui Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 14. At the annual meeting of the Chang kat Serdang Rubber Co., Ltd., Mr. Everitt, presiding, said that in view of the conditions prevailing last year, he was of opinion that the results were fairlv satisfactory. There was
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  • 118 9 Total values of Merchandise imported into ami exported from the three Settlements of the Colony for the Ist Quarter, 1923. in comparison with the -same period of 1922. Total value of imports of merchandise during Ist Quarter. 1923. Singapore $13(1.(10(1.919, Penang $43,753,305. Malacca 5(’.;590,024. Total $18(1,950,248 =£21,810,8(12.
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  • 214 9 Right Method in Photog/aphy is the latest booklet issued gratis to photographers by Burroughs. Wellcome and f’o., London. The title is an apt description of its contents, which embody a delightfully simple and scientifically accurate review of the essentials of successful photography. The publication is of
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  • 104 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Saturday To-day. 2 Shares. 3 s "5 ss M cn 03 do c sc. sc. Ic. Mining. Batang P. 50 55 50 52j K. Kamunting 45/- 46/- 45/- 45/6 Kamunting 34/6 35/3 35/- 35/6 Nawng
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  • 46 9 14th May. 1923 Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 48») Pen a n<; 4 Fine Pale Crepe 48 >nom Unsmoked Sheet 43 Sing a- (Smoked Sheet 49» pore (Crepe 49» London and New York. T (Smoked Sheet Is.ljd London (Crepe ls.l 4 d New York G26}
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  • 16 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for April lbs. Kuala Pergan 1f*.500 Trafalgar 3.200
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  • 61 9 Local. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd, May 14 Singapore sold 75 tons at $101.50. Penang buyers no sellers at $100.25. Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd: To-day’s quotation for Singapore refined tin $101.50 per picul, business done 75 tons Penang refined tin $100.25 per picul, buyers no sellers: unrefined
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  • 23 9 Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co.. N. L. from 6th to 13th May, (being one week) 6 tons. Dredge No. 6 overhauling.
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  • 347 9 ,'Pioneer.” Weltevreden, May 11.Rubber for MayJune has been done at 75. Tin is without business, but is improving. The Banka limit is 149].- Aneta.' Asa.m Kumbang- Tin Dredging Ltd., are paying a fifth dividend of Is. pei share. There will be a gramophone The Dansant” at the
    ,'Pioneer.”  -  347 words
  • 216 9 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Gamaria for Singapore and Australasia, van Hogend or p for Deli and Langsa. Keemun for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Sicilia for Colombo, Dhanushkodi and Bombay. Hong Hwa for China. Taipeng for Teluk Anson. Kedah for Bindings and Sitiawan. Lake Gitano
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  • 307 9 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). 8T TRAIN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore. Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Ratu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson,Kuala Kubu, Kuala 7.15 a.m. Lumpur, KJarig, Port
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  • 118 9 PENANG, MAY 14, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Ils 174 3 days’sight Private 176 s Bombay Demand Bank 174 g Madras Demand Bank 174 g3
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  • 1116 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES J g.f s X CO on E- RUBBER [Dollar.] 8 c 8 c 8 Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 20 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 10 2 20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 13 M Ayer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 I H IS" w iLHB V 1" 7 W„ >4 A A will Ik vl hi s a ra I GUIS AULD j I SGOTGN I BRINK A I 4 HHF p. W r SOLE AGENTS: H Il P KATZ Bros. Ltd., < PENANG. j ill H I I "I
      178 words

  • 537 10 R. T.” EVOLUTION OF THE MOTOR CYCI.F. The Easter week-end (says Motor Cycling) has served to prove again', if proof were needed that 1923 is to be a motorcycling year. Machines of all types, from the latest miniature fitted with a t’ny ITO e. c. engine to the
    R. T.”  -  537 words
  • 343 10 Calcutta. May B.A meeting of the j creditors of the Alliance Bank of Simla' was held to-day in the Indian Association Hall. Mr. W. C. Banerjee. M. L. C.. pre- j siding. The attendance, which was fairly, large, consisted mostly of Indians with a I few Europeans.
    343 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 237 10 I JOHN EXSHAW’S |l > BRANDIES Tsd/X w /v*wH ALWAYS k Wj> II Mk egregious II Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Shanghai.) II villi V AvLLI CHIN KOOI ft CO'S GARAGE. k CARS nr HE 1923 Model Chevrolet 1 is fitted with self-starter, Electric lighting. Magneto ignition. Vacuum feed,
      237 words
    • 320 10 I DUNLOP CORD TYRES g An oversize tyre, with I I great cushioning depth, f I B 1 the Dunlop iCord offers j I fi f maximum in riding I g comfort. iHiiniiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiHiir iiiiinii’iißiiu 5 < ~7>- z -.HEE--" -~-2-£E -'■>= TO ENSURE SMOOTH RUNNING AND LOW UPKEEP USE. 4
      320 words

  • 506 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, Mry 14, 1923. cts Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 50 Mutton Head,
    506 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 167 11 -y WBMIWII JU HUTH 'WUI HULHI. .IMLJI4JI. w NOT A TOY!! A' GRAMOPHONE ano 12 RECORDS for $32.50 CALL AND HEAR IT TO-DAY. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., PENANG. 1 W? 2S3KX? III» IWBR l"IH Jifflira 1 Elephant Dynamicut t aj, (Registered Mark.) <0 i I■ A' AYI7Q B SOLD
      167 words
    • 76 11 When a man asserts his dis-belifei in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine cases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed Ids taste for years it proves not so much that he is
      76 words
    • 232 11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiKiiiiiiiiiiif/to, I BASS AMn GUINNESS I LIGHT ALE STOUT SPECIALLY ill I IT Mil mSli.l I BREWED Mi I I 11' m B I I > t'B for THE I TDADirQ I (Si tropics i I 'friil Mnl I 1 -VWv; BL,s 1 -J Sole Agents lK I a mson,
      232 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1357 12 ELLERMAN” LINE. CANADIAN PACIFIC THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE E, STEA\lsillp N CO LTD. ...TENDED sailings from PENANG. (Ineorpo, ated,nEn g lan<L) Io Europe. HOMEWARD ELLERMAN” LINE. FIRST CLASS. TEUCER May 21 Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool and Glasgow. The following fast steamers of the £l2O Connecting with Canadian Pacific MENTOR 17 London,
      1,357 words
    • 725 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) p. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London about en, »i about DEVANHA May 25 KASHGAR MALWA June 8
      725 words