Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 15 1 Fkidds LETTER PRESS I INK ROLLER i; I COMPOSITION AGENTS t— P. G. Press, Ltd.
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  • 1242 2 MODELS AT LONGCHAMPS. (By a Lady Correspondent). Paris. April 11. Sunshine favoured the Spring meeting at Longchamps on Sunday last, and the beautiful course in the Bois de Boulogne looked its gayest and brightest in consequence. Flowering trees, such as double cherry, thorns and almonds, were in
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  • 225 2 lhere were powerful kings ami more powerful queens who dominated a varied and picturesque life in regions that are now Central America and Northern Mexico, says the Philadelphia Ledger.” Religion and philosophy of sorts and high standards of applied arts were to be found in those regions
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1200 2 Short Classified EASTERN ORIENTAL BAKERY, Trade with Australia 199, Hutton Lane, Penang. Advertisements. jA? lf you want the best bread try us. JiWfcuA Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c., We onJy uge M Crown Brand can be inserted in the Pinang Flour. Gazette at Good bread can only be made
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    • 508 2 Famous Wash Heals Skin Dexma the greatest of skin re Uldivs will remove those skin afflictions th' have made your life a burden T intolerable itching, burning and d'" comfort will disappear under the n,'J' of this remedy. ft has cured cases pronounced incurable and w,]] reach your case. For
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  • 459 3 <) OF CREW LOST. ;(V 3.The Scindia ration Company’s steamer. Steam which arrived in Moulmein Jala'i 111 ',j h lV afternoon was the b"’ t the lives of three of the nPan O t h P «chooner, Aung Zaw Byan wrecked off Kakujauk island vl m storm in
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  • 324 3 Smuggling Chinese into Australia, writes T. Dunbabin in the Sydney Sun. is not the game it used to be in the SO’s. when CaptAin John Boynton. the war-maker," entered into an agreement. according to his own statement, with a leading Chinese merchant in Sydney, under which he landed
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  • 92 3 .tiun furnished by the Customs and f .YT of the vessels repbrhn\ai(|s and Outwards, at the-port v bi’i-kok, during the month of April: Inwards Outwards No Tons. No. Tons. p, r, sh 31 44.3 P.i 30 43,044 l" h 7’ 3 2,843 3 2,813 b'T; 1 4
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  • 147 3 TO-DA T’S DEPA RTURES. Glnrbi for A lor Star. Pangkor for Pulau Langkawi and Kantang (Trang). Janus for Singapore. China and .Ta] tn. Jin Ho for P. Brandan. Kinta for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. T’tiipeng for Teluk Anson. Kedah for Bindings and
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  • 394 3 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Federated Malay States. Malacca, Johore Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Batn Gajah, Tapab Road, By train Teluk Anson,Kuala Kubu, Kuala 7.15 a.m. Lumpur, Klang. Port
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  • 168 3 The following are the minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, held on Tuesday, the 24th April, 1923. Present, Mr. ,j/ S. W. Arthur, Deputy President Mr. 0. 4 R. Samuel, Mr. J. H. Pedlow. Dr. him Guan Cheng. Mr. M. 11.
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  • 748 3 A render writes to The Bangkok Trines” The new outward maril to the StraitJS and the bar East has possibilities for Bangkok. Primarily it was started to do iway with he difficulties of goods by fast cargo steamers arriving at their d'esr'inat|\ before the e< a.—nts
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  • 93 3 The Leviathan, of the United States Line, will, it is expected, be refloated at Newport News, United States, on the Ist Mav. Formerly' known as the German Vaterland, she is said to be second in size of all the ships in the world. The Newpoi t News
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  • 68 3 Classes in French, shortbaml and hcok-keep ng have been started m 'Wed dime Gaol at the leanest of tho Pr’son Commissioners. These classes ore nart of a recently disclosed .-'t heme of the Commissioners for the general amelioration of prison life and discipline under which educational
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  • 234 3 Colombo, April 24.The Colomb oAustralian Conference has this Week made an all round reduction in freights from Colombo to Australia of Rs. per ton. The Commonweal’ h Line, which while not in the Coiife rence, has a working agi'eement wild that body and is the only line
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  • 314 3 Peking. April 21.- A telegram from, < inton states that General Shen Hung- ing s troops were still retreating north wards. It was. however, reported tl.e Km inintarijr foiees were unable io piess the retre iting enemy closely owing to a shortage of ammunition. Reports ind'icate that
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  • 305 3 The cane crop in Queensland :s a-» proximately expected to be in th»> v’c,’nity of 2.194.712 tons. This wi»l no! be so heavy a cane yield per acre as 'U the prev’ous season, bu! the b’chi” sugar content in the cane ;s exp cted o produce a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 r 1 I BICYCLES BICYCLES!! I 1 I Made by leading British and Canadian Manufacturers. B. S. A. Monopole, Invicta and Massey Harris. I Catalogues and prices on application: I i J Cycle and. Carnage Co., Ltd., Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Ipoh. I I LATEST MODEL i t CANADIAN
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  • 1341 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. E. P. Colgan will be going on leave in the very near future. H. E. Phya Rajavangsan has joined the staff of the Ministry of Marine in Siam. Mrs. Boddington and Miss Anthony have returned to Kuala Lumpur from Hongkong. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Plant, who
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  • 70 4 SIKH WATCHMAN'S FATAL BLOW. At the Ipoh Police Court, the enquiry was held into the circumstances under which a Sikh, named Telok Singh, a watchman on Cheong Yam mine at Guntong, is alleged to have caused the death of a Chinese named Wong Hing at the
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  • 510 4 THE MELODIANS AT THE E. O. AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT. Not for a very’ long time has a local audience been given an opportunity’ to enjoy such a delightful musical treat as that which the enterprise of the E. and 0. and the artistic talents of a visiting Company, the Melodians,
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  • 289 4 LADIES NIGHT. A very enjoyable dinner and dance was given by the members of Lodge Krian at Parit Bnntar. on Saturday. The dinner, which was served in the Masonic Hall banquet room ami presided over by Wor. Bro. C. W. L. King, was well attended by the local
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  • 1156 4 NOORDIN STREET MURDER CHARGE. The murder case in which Karaim bin Kader was charged with causing the death of Pakiri. briefly mentioned yesterday, was not concluded when the Court rose yesterday afternoon. In continuation of his opening the D. P. P. said that Karuppiah saw Pakiri hold his
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  • 286 4 T HEAVY LIST OF CRIMES OF VIOLENCE. The third Singapore Assizes was commenced at the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Barrett-Leuna,rd and for sometime Mr- P. A. F. David, Distfci Judge, sat by the side of his lordship. There are thirteen cases in the calendar including four on
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  • 293 4 S. T.” The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, heard an appeal in the Supreme Court, Singapore, by Ong Swee Tiang against an order of the District Judge made under section 38 of Ordinance 96 (Minor Offences), which deals with tihe maintenance of wives and children. Mr- Battishill stated
    S. T.”  -  293 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 565 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS. Wireless Wanted Mallard or Marconi also one 3’i’* l phones 4,000 ohms. Piecpa e,d sheet 1 inch and brass terminals i ite Box No. 125, c/o Pinang G FOR SALE. For Sale.—Going Rudge built Motor Cycle in running order. Practically looks very smart. Price r>(W V 1
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  • 376 5 pIRECTOKS’ REPORT. i ..pnort of the directors of the C>.. Ltd., for'be tweJanuary 31. 1923. 10' in i (he net profit for the period te i-mo due provision for deprecia.,(•(,thwl' <4 954,99. Deducting balance of $13,617.03 at Profit and loss account brought ~eblt from last account, there
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  • 200 5 'bn ires Opium p. olmst $.5,000,00 nom. Cloves no stock Gri.l leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 1105..’.’ Ooconuts per 1.000 46.00 sellers Copra Snndriod 11.60 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shell* 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00perbag do do do
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  • 131 5 -“M. m.” 4 ''’Tronic Court Kuala Lumpur, Ang k'!l Tn. S m!U^p the case in which ation o aS ks ,<he cou,,t for a declarC aior W S Huxley Ilonin?. 1 1 S 1,1 !^e D’ofits from the Ld tn < 'V ae^s an 3 that he
    -“M. m.”  -  131 words
  • 679 5 Our Peking message to-day will not stir pij’se anybody who read our recent articles on Chinese finance, or indeed, anybody acquainted with the Chinese mind, says limes.” Mr. AA ellington Koo. the studied AVesternism” of whose oratory’ will be remembered among the joys of the A' ashjugton
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  • 186 5 MR. H. F. SCARBOROUGH SUED. A Melbourne paper received by the mail states:Anoiiher Supreme Court writ which recalls Jhe Ba dak bubble,” has been issued by the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor on behalf of the Commissioner of Taxation. In this instance the defendant is Henry Falkiner Scarborough, of
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  • 302 5 New York, April 11.Sweeping irquir i( s are about to be made into the connection of the New York City police with i-he illicit liquor traffic. This step is the outcome of an attack on Commissioner Enright, the head of the City police, by Mr-
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  • 242 5 New York, April s.—The Ku Klux Alan, with its two million adherents, is rapidly going f pieces through in lernal dissension. A sheriff’ sits in the Emperor's Palace at Atlanta. Georgia, and warrants are out for the chief cashier, and the chief investigator, on charges of embezzlement.
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    • 266 5 Dear Sir, During the whole of the war I was chief e’ngineei on a coasting steamer, and the ever-present danger of floating mines made it a nerve-racking job. I lost two broijhers in the war, and when, three years ago, I had another severe shock
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  • 183 5 Last summer, in a little Styrian village a young miner of the Christian name of Peter stood before the inn in which Iris beloved one had her room on the first floor. He made sound.' to rouse her atteution, but she was fast asleep. Having drunk too
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  • 140 5 Twenty countries with interests in the Pacific have been invited to send delegates to the Pan-Pacific Science Congress, to meet in Alelbourne froiii August 23rd to September 3rd. invitations have been issued by the Government of the Commonwealth ol Australia to Great Britain, New Zealand,
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  • 210 5 In thi> home of Mr. Thomas Lamoni, partner of Mr. Pierpont Morgan. in New York, where he was the guest for a few days. Lord Robert Cecil spent over an hour aii'Wering rep oilers’ questions, ami gently rebuked one who suggested that he had coni 1
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  • 149 5 May 12Ayer Kuning Rubber. Meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon. 12Sungei Arak Rubber, 33 Beach Street, noon. 12, 15, 17 and 19Singapore Races. HIFootball. P.C.C. v Penang Health Culture League, Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. 19Inter-State Cricket: Selangor vs Perak. Ipoh; Singapore vs Negri Sembilan, Seremban. 19 New Club. Taiping. Dinner
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  • 20 6 Ji ANNE. At Dr Dexter Alien’s Clinic, Singapore, on May 6, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Jiannee, a daughter.
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  • 1198 6 From a speech .which the Prime Minister of Australia. Mr. Bruce, delivered to a gathering of delegates of the New South Wales Chamber of Commerce, a month ago. it is clear that the problem of Imperial Preference will be given a prominent place in the list of
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  • 1200 6 It is greatly to the credit of the different football clubs in The Value Malaya that the number of Sport. of incidents of rough play are comparatively few. Now and again, unfortunate occurrences mar gamesthe latest is reported in a match between Singapore Recreation Club and the
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  • 426 6 The P. A O. Packet Delta with outward European mails is expected to arrive here at 6 p.m. to-morrow. The homeward mail, by the Karmala, closes at 6 p.m. to-morrow. The homeward mail, by the Paul Lecat, closes at 5 p.m. on Saturday, the 12th instant. The M.M.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 Burford’s PRIZE NO. 11 I SOAP, j Quality and Purity Unequalled. Sole Agents Straits and F. M. S. McAlister co., LTD.. PENANG. 1 I I HARRISONS CROSFIELD, LIMITED (Incorporated in England) GREAT TOWER STREET, LONDON, E.C. 3. EASTERN MERCHANTS SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS. With Brtnches anil Associated Companies in Far
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    • 4 6 E. 0. Hotel, PENANG.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 135 6 LYRIC THEATRES, LTD., L From Thursday, 10th to Sunday, 13th May, 1923. Thomas H. Ince presents House Peters and Florence Vidor in 7 Reels LYING LIPS Reels 7 The story of a woman who. thinking her husband dead, married another. Then the husband came back Come and see what happened
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    • 21 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 9.33 p.m. 4.16 p.m. To-morrow. 10.34 a.m. 4. 2 a.m. 10.16 p.m. 4.53 p.m.
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  • 20 6 DEATH. Bryson.On May 2nd at Genera] Hospital Colombo, from Cerebral Malaria George. Ernest Bryson, of Sungei Tawar Estate. Kedah (Gula-Kalmnpong).
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  • 235 7 Audience with the Pope. pICII RKSUUE SCENES. Reuter’s Telegrams.] Rome, May 9. (heir BiitMt Majesties received an lV ;itii»ii on visiting the atican. They I i quartei of an hour audience with the Pope, with whom they pvhang*''! portraits. Crowds in lhe peets at the windows
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  235 words
  • 21 7 Genoa. May J. Hie Premier. Mr. Bonar Law, has arrived, and proceeded to Aix-les Ba ills.
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  • 204 7 .—Vale. HERMAN I’IBLIC HORRIFIED. Berlin. May 9. Tlie whole ot the press and the public are indignant and bonified at the sentences passed on Krupp von Boehlen and his colleagues. which, even the Communist organ. Rotetahne," describes as monstrous. All the newspapers agree that German
    .—Vale.  -  204 words
  • 34 7 London, May 10. lhe leafure of the exchanges in (he past days has been tin* weakness of rhe sterling on New ork.. To-day it clos(myd 84.61. Marks are 172,000 to I tn,ooo.
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  • 81 7 Amsterdam, May 9. hill has been introduced, autho "''"g the issue o f a npw J£ as f Indian "f 400,00(1,(10(1 guilders, either u and or abroad, in such instalments ls 111 instances dictate, for the put nl consolidating the deficit oi guilders on lhe whole bn
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  • 18 7 London, May 9. me, 1 (owi e, an East India ni ti<hant, left £131,715.
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  • 397 7 Interesting Point at Issue. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 9. Among- the questions raised in the Biien case is that of the constitutional relationship of the Irish Free State to the Imperial Government and the capacity of the Home Secretary to produce O’Brien in the event
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  397 words
  • 68 7 NEG(STATIONS WITH FREE STATE FALL THROUGH. London, May 9. President Cosgrave, in the Da.l, announced that the Government is contact with De Valera through in 1 ermediaries and has offered terms, to which De Valera refused to agre< submitting a long-worded documeiu which it was incapable to
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  • 135 7 GOVERNMENT’S POLICY. London, May 9. In the House of Commons, the Government’s policy regarding the recommendations of the International Labour Conference at Geneva were enunciated by the Rt. Hon. Sir C. Barlow, who stated that the Government intended to ratify a number of the con ventions, including
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  • 96 7 Government Favours Increase. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 9. A considerable increase in tin* Bri--I<sh Air Force was promised by Lord Salisbury in the House of Lords, in replying to a motion by Lord Birkenhead demanding a one-power standard. Lord Salisbury stated that the increase in the squadrons
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  96 words
  • 112 7 MANCHESTER GUARDIAN’’ ON SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE. London, May 8. A further attack on the proposed Naval Base at Singapore is made oy the Manchester Guardian,” which declares that we ought to wait till the last moment before undertaking a vast obligation, if only because the, conditions of
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  • 51 7 No DEFINITE MADE. London, May 9. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Darhishire, Mr. McNeill said I was intended to obtain the opinion >f one or more eminent civil engineers on the proposed new Naval Base at Singapore, but definite arrangements had not vet l>een
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  • 186 7 NEW MINISTRY’S PLANS. Melbourne. April s.Mr. Bowdei he Minister for Defence, intend- to urge the Cabinet immediately to improve the Commonwealth Air Force, and proposes a programme foi the next financial year to include tin* establishment in Victoria of a training school, a flying boat squadron, an
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  • 190 7 The report on the health of tin* Ail Force for 1921 has recently been issued. During the year a slight increase in the death rate is shown for which the R. 38 disaster was responsible, the figures being 4.7 per thousand compared with 4.4 for the
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  • 12 7 London, May 10. Rubber slumped yesterday to 1/U per lb.
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  • 95 7 An Allied Protest. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 9. A message from Lausanne states that the Allies have decided to officially protest against the action of the Turks in sealing the Constantinople branch of the Bank of Athens, and request a full explanation. Bank of Athens to be Liquidated. Constantinople,
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  95 words
  • 76 7 LATEST TURKISH DECREE. Constantinople, May 8. A serious blow has been delivered at the British export coal trade by the latest Government decree, prohibiting operations for lhe supply of foreign coal from bonded depot- to ships bun kering here, and permitting no transit trade.
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  • 131 7 CAPTURED BY RUSSIAN GUNBOAT. London, May 9. New- wa- received in Hull that a Russian gunboat had arrested the British trawler T.ord Astor’’ in tin* M hite Sea. for fishing within the twelve-mile limit. Three vessels were chased, but escaped and reached Norway, whence they cabled the
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  • 123 7 PASSED BY HOUSE OF COMMONS. London. May 8. T he Special Constables Bill was read a third time in the House of Commons, and carried by 247 votes to 107, aftei renewed opposition on the part of the Labour Partv and the Radicals. Mr. W. M. Prin
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  • 93 7 SIX LIVES LOST. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 10. It is reported that the Siam Steam Navigation Company’s steamer Yugala” has become a total loss through fire, near Singora. No loss of life is reported. There is no definite news at present. Burned and Beached. It
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  • 57 7 ARREST LEADS TO RAILWAY STRIKE. Weltevreden, May 9.Yesterday, the authorities at Samarang, arrested the native Communist, Semaden, m connection with a seditious speech, with the result that the Union of Native Railwaymen proclaimed a general strike -to-dav- The railway- men al Samarang, Kertosono and Pekalongan are
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  • 164 7 Counterblast in Parliament. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 9. An amusing counter-blast to the recent American liquor ruling was pro vided by the House of Commons, by 184 votes to 128, allowing the introduction of a bill, promoted by Colonel Courthope, providing that all passenger ships in British
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  164 words
  • 29 7 A RECORD MAJORITY. Ottawa, May 9. A record majority of 117 was obtained in the House of Commons, ai the second reading of the Anti-Com bine- Bill.
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  • 102 7 AMERICAN CONVENTION. New York, May 9. Mr. Hoover, at the opening of the Convention of the Chambers of Commerce of the United States, was of opinion that the prosperity of the conn try could be made permanent, if the husiness men of the nation exercised confidence and
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  • 57 7 LORD CURZON ENTERS SUIT. Chicago, May 9. Lord Curzon, as the guardian of his three daughters, allied himself to the -nit filed by (he Countess of Suffolk, asking for an account of the manage meut of the estate of Mr. Levi Leiter, and the removal of Messrs.
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  • 286 7 The re-united Liberal Pai that rare and refreshing vegetable, is n<>( to stand, after all, foursquaie between lhe Tory primrose and the ml cabbage of Communism. Tne fact m that has refused to re-fuse" the Independent Liberals. They dec’ine to assist in forming a Consultative Parliamentary Committee
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  • 139 7 American Contingent Reduced to Four. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 9. At Deal, at the conclusion of the third round of the Amateur Goli Championship, the field was reduced to 32, including the Americans, Ouimet, Rotan, Neville and Willing. The Americans, Marston and Wright, were beaten
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  139 words
  • 140 7 lhe P.C.C. team to meet Sungei I’atani on Sunday, 13th May. is as follows C. W. Barlow, E. J. Basson, 1). M L. Batwell, G. E. C. Baugham, G. E Clayton (Capt), 11. Devereux, J. B. G. Lamb, C. 11. Mackay, A. N. Other, L. A. Thomas and C.
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  • 82 7 The following ties have been fixed for Monday, May 14 Doubles Handicap.l 7 G. Stothard and H. Oxenham v. t 5 J. G. Barrett and B.E. Mitchell (3); tl A. J. Plumb and E. J. McLernon v. tl R. N. Goodwin and A. Lindley (2). Mixed Doubles
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  • 190 7 ACTION AGAINST O.S.K. (From Our Ow r n Correspondent.) Singapore, May 10. The case, in which Tan Phey claims damages from the Osaka Shusen Kaisha in respect id' the loss of a twako.v as the result of a collision with lhe Shunku Mam, in the Empire Dock, last
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  • 41 7 INJUNCTION AGAINST EXCHANGE REFUSED. Reuter’s Telegrams. N*ew York, May 9. The Federal Court refused the Go ernment’s application for an injunction against the New York coffee and sugar exchange. The Government.attorneys are appealing against (he de vision.
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams. ]  -  41 words

  • 1236 8 FOB SINGAPORE. PENANG AND THE COLONY. As stated yesterday, Ciipt. Richards. Deputy Chairman of the Improvement Trust, has furnished ns with a quantity of literature prepared for the Town Improvement and Development Ordinance. 1923. Extracts are given below. 'Phe Ordinance has in the past two years been four
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  • 128 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May <S. In view of the Inter-State match with Selangor on the 19th and 21st a trial match has been arranged for Saturday and Sunday, in Ipoh, the players selected being as follows PossibleDr. P. H. Hennessey (Capt.). AV. B. O'Sullivan, E.
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  • 116 8 Jack Dempsey has caused a big sea sation in the boxing world by pur chasing the control of a coal mines conipanv with a capital of three mil lion dollars. He lias been elected president, and there is some talk-that he will now give up boxing. Owing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 293 8 1J V T)OVRIL is a food of I -D such vital importance J that no household lOffiiwr* should ever be without it. Whenever a meal in a 5 hurry is wanted, when I a someone feels tired or chilled, whenever a hot I drink is requiredgive I Bovril. Always have
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    • 124 8 FOR SORE, TIRED TENDER FEET. WHEN THEY ACHE, BURN, SMART, SWELL, ITCH, BLISTER, PERSPIRE, AND CALLOUSE. All you need is a highly medicated and oxygenated footbath prepared by adding Reudel Bath Saltrates to plain hot water. Refreshing, soothing healing, and antiseptic. its wonderful effects upon sore, tired muscles, aching bones,
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    • 269 8 This weakening condition arises from some failure of the body to dispose effectively of t le waste products of digestion. The natural way Q&ra) to tone up, stimulate and regulate the system thus inducing a healthy appetiteis to take plenty of fresh air, and drink ENO’s Fruit Salt” first thing
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  • 927 9 ISQCEST VERDICT. f rounter »"<» ro»*e«yA against the first, three arwAS M| <;. Bourne, the Coroner, T (Iraner s Court. Singapore, when I <.]|. murder inquest was concludthe -Free Press.’ It was <•<l. reports tn* ,1 that there was not sufficient evib iH' to return the
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    • 287 9 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette*.”] With regard to the poor state of health among the student population of Bengal, which you referred to in your Leader of the 4th inst., in some cases thsi might have been inherited from their parents: but in the majority
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    • 233 9 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir.The condition of roads in the Province has from time to time been commented on in your columns and many months ago, it looked as if some of the danger zones were actually _to have attention. A much
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    • 83 9 HOLLAND’S INTEREST. [Reuter’s Telegrams.) The Hague, Mav 10. In view of the insistent opposition of the party leaders, the Foreign Minister, in the Second Chamber, agreed to re-coiisider the Government Bill, endorsing Holland’s adherence to international protocols concerning Ihe reconstruction of Austria, involving Holland’s guaranteeing the maximum 6,500,000
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  83 words
    • 101 9 REPLY TO ANGORA. Constantinople, May 10. A further French communication to Angora takes note of Adnan Bev’s denia? of any concentration of Turkish troops on the Syrian frontier, and explains the movement of hrench troops in Syria by the necessity to relieve repatriated contingents. It says an
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  • 710 9 HEAVY FINES IMPOSED ON SEAMEN. The Straits Times” reports that on Friday last, Mr. T. P. Allen, Magistrate at Parit Buntar, had before him three Chinese and a Malay, who were charged with being knowingly concerned in a fraudulent attempt at evasion of customs duty on April 12,
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  • 119 9 MANY ARRESTS. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Amritsar, May 10. The police arrested 61 Moslems and six Hindus. A case of incendiarism was discovered in a small Mosque. I he fire was extinguished, no damage being done. No further rioting has occurred. The police are patrolling the affected areas. Germans Sentenced.
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  119 words
  • 174 9 Rubber to-day stands unchanged at 45 cents, though there is a slight feeling of unsteadiness in the market. Yesterday’s news is regarded in some quarters as an attempt at bluffing on the part of American speculators and therefore on that account, is not to be regarded too
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  • 90 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. Shares. Ji "3 s a X X M 72 c sc. sc. sc. K. Kauiuntiiig 45/- 46/Nawng Pet 1.25 1.27] 1.22 j 1.25 Padang P 40 45 Pengkalen Ord. 7.00 725 6.75 7.00
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  • 42 9 10th May. 1923. *l Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 45 j Fine Pale Crepe 45 mom Unsmoked Sheet 40 1 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 46 pore (Crepe 46 London and New York. r zx (Smoke<l Sheet Is.Kd I.OSDOS Crepe New York G3l»
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  • 39 9 The following are additional rubl>er outputs for April lbs. Bedford 6.200 Bernam-Perak 19.463 Bruas-Perak 11,000 Glenealy 17.556 Turn 6.751 Hill Rise 14.300 Kong Lee nil Perak River Valley nil Reyland 7.433 Ratanui 20.619 Trolak 16.000 Semanggol 14.922
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  • 97 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following Loudon prices, on May 9 Spot £206.10$ Unchanged 3 mos. buying 206.10$ 3 selling,. 206.151 The Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd: London, May 8, £206.10s spot, and £206.10$ three months buying. £206 15$ selling. Local. May 10th: Singapore buyers no
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  • 119 9 Ngow 7 Property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Limited, for April, 1,323 piculs. An area of approximately 49,790 acres in Temerloh district, Pahang, has been declared by the British Resident of Pahang to be a Malay reservation, to be known as 3’he Bera Malay Reservation.” The French commercial
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  • 392 9 ESTIMATE OF PRODUCTION FOR 1923. The following figures with regard to rubber output estimates and rubber exports are self-explanatory. Estimated production for 1923. Tons. Federated Malay States 160,000 Unfederated Malay States 78.000 Straits Settlements 37.000 275.000 60 pei- cent 165.000 Tons. British North Borneo, Sarawak. Burmah, Indo-China. etc.
    392 words
  • 81 9 At the Federal Council of the Institute of Mine Surveyors of Great Britain, held in Chester, on the 16th March, the tnen<bers unanimously agreed to allow Asiatics to become members. There are three Examinations of the Institute, all of which can now be taken in Singapore.
    81 words
  • 1100 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES 5.2 j [Ji ISB RUBBER [Dollar.] 8 6 o S e Allenby Rubber Co 1 20 1 ---i Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 20 2 25 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 *3 50 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates
    1,100 words

  • 679 10 THE TWO KINDS. There are at present two entirely distinct kinds of wireless transmission writes Mr. French Strother, in The World’s Work.” One is called universal wireless and follows the method originated by Marconi the other is popularly known as wired wireless and is based upon the scientific
    679 words
  • 142 10 Washington, April 25.—1 t was learned to-day that Secretary of State Hughes has recently had a long conference with Mr. Hanihara, the Japanese Ambassador to Washington, about the wireless dispute between the Federal Telegrapb, Company, and the Mitsui’s concerning the erection of wireless stations in China. Tt
    142 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 A bitiHi' WITH PIMPLES Nearly Two Years. Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals. For i'.*-.- wo years I Had been troubled v.- i r ;rr l that were scattered ail over my face and the back of my neck. They came to a head and formed sore eruptions which steadily kept
      622 words
    • 468 10 HHi liWMlllW VIRGINIA CIGARETTES U Piccadilly Cigarettes have a character essentially individual. The f act at eac h ci arette s mac^e by hand ensures a quality that ,s uniform year in and year out. Every tin you buy, every s’. g condition Piccadilly cigarette you smoke, every draw you
      468 words

  • 385 11 Messrs. Janies F. Hutton and Co., Lt-d., Manchester, reported on Wednesday, April 11, as under: Ihe recent slump in cotton prices has given, way Io a fresh upward movement which has lifted American spot and near months more than Id per lb. Various influences have contributed
    385 words
  • 294 11 S. and E.” The loss of life at Hilo Bay in Hawaii on February 4 was not remarkable because of the number of persons who died (ten or twelve), but because of the nature of the disaster. These peojile, chiefly fishermen, were ovei whelmed and drowned by
    ,(S. and E.”  -  294 words
  • 140 11 land Robert Cecil, who has been paying a visit to the United States to propound the work of the League of Nations and to ascertain American feeling towards the League, is returning home on the Olympic. In a farewell address to the Economic Club, Lord
    140 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 411 11 0 It is not the quantity® Digestive of food we eat but what n j we digest and assimilate Disorders that nourishes the body. Hence the necessity 0 for proper working of the digestive organs. Indigestion arises from various 1 causes and demonstrates itself in different ways. As a remedy
      411 words
    • 161 11 MASSAGE 0F W A UT v._ VIOIFT RAY B H T DOULATRAM Co., V 1 THE LEADING SILK AND CURIO STORE. Specially for Rheumatism and every Nervous Disease by Just unpacked, New shipment of Chinese, Burmese, Miss SATO and Miss HATSUYO Fre ch washabl Roweted striped and plain silks, 15
      161 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1462 12 dollar line ISTHMIAN LINE. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE Fo kls Ywki Notfnlk DIRECT SERV ice to boston. INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. via Suez DIRECT SERVICE 1U mwiui HOMEWARD DIANA DOLLAR NEW TbALTIMORE TEUCER May 16 Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool and Glasgow. due .51st May. qttf7' Mentor 16 London, Rotterdam and Dunkirk.
      1,462 words
    • 683 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London about eep e»«n l about DELTA May 11 KARMALA M DEVANHA
      683 words