Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 riIDD’S I letter press J i ltl K ROLLER| i COMPOSITION I AGENTS:— < p. G. Press, Ltd. !!!!!!l!il.'!!!li||lilili;illllHlllililiiilllillliiiiiilllllillihi|ii nui.uiuiiiiiiliiiill, |C. C. Wakefield Co., Ltd., f i EE (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) HE I j BRITISH THROUGHOUT. I f KW[7]f I LIMIT THE CONSUMPTION to eliminate the Carbon and your H
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  • 1839 2 Signif?eano3 of the Marriage. BRILLIANT CĔREMONY AT THE ABBEY. London, April 25.As carefully planned and rehearsed as any ex cursion over the top,’’ Londoners commenced their activities before daybreak this morning, but with the essential difference that the zero” mo ment so strictly enforced on all sections
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  • 77 2 London, April 26.His Majesty the King toasted the bridal pair at th< wedding breakfast. The bride cul the nine-foot high bridecake with a specially fashioned silver knife, whose handle was formed by the Strathmore Lyon” and withdrew by a satin ribbon a wedge of cake in which
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  • 69 2 I'lje aged Queen Alexandra, grandmother of the bridegroom, whose public appearances are now infrequent, was the object of many demonstra Hons of loyalty on the Duke of York wedding day. There was a crash of cheering ;vs Her Alajesty arrived at the Abbey and all
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  • 41 2 Thousands of pool- children in Lo.i don, Glasgow, Edinburgh, ('ardiff, York and Belfast were entertained ai dinner and presented with gifts at the expense of the Duke of York, who gave £5OO to each city for the purpose.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 771 2 Short Classified Advertisements. 5 .jSsK zr\ Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c., fl j can be inserted in the Pinang J Juh/ Gazette at THREE CENTS A WORD z A/ /Pl counting the address to which xli replies are to be sent, V\ Minimum Charge $1 each 2'' 'l'l insertion.
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    • 155 2 THE FAMILY FRIEND. It matters not where one goes throughout Malaysia, in almost every house there will be found the same old family friend WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE always ready to do its work. THE PREVENTION OF SERIOUS ILLNESS In this tropical climate people are far more liable to sudden
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    • 477 2 B CHARTERED AUSTRALIA AND (Incorporated in England I, p Charter 1853) v l Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors B" 7 '«J Head Office38, BTSHOPSGATE LONDON E Agencies and Branches. Alor Star. Amritsar, Bangkok t> Bombay, Calcutta. Canton Caw, Colombo, Delhi, Haiphong, H a Tk kong, Iloilo, Tpoh.
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  • 806 3 MR. DOUGLAS OSBORNE DEALS WITH RISING MARKET. Mr. Douglas Osborne (chairman of directors) presided at the tenth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders in Gopeng Consolidated, Ltd., held at Redruth on March 15. There was a large attendance of shareholders. The profit on the year was £65,459. Quarterly
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  • 341 3 Singapore, May 2.With rubber and tin both practically unchanged on balance during the week there is very little business to record in either section of the share market, and quotations have remained for the most part unchanged with an easier feeling in some of the more speculative
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  • 181 3 Messrs. earon and Co., Kuala Lumpur, reported on the 2nd inst. Business during the wi‘ek has remained quiet, but with the slight improvement in the price of rubber reported from London there has been more enquiry for local shares; quotations remaining in most eases at about las, week’s
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  • 137 3 Messrs. Baker Morgan and Co., :r: (heir weekly market report, state: Quiet markets have prevailed dm ing the week, with a mild enquiry (ontinuing in rubbers. 'Pins have been erratic and it is still far from deal which way the tide is turning. Th’ Industrial market has
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  • 130 3 Res riction of output as a temporary expedient may be uecessary for the rubber planting industry, but we have always maintained that the only real solution of the over-producf ion problem is to find new uses for rubber, ipys th|e Times’ Trade Supplement. It is, therefore, with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 308 3 n fl J i w I I I f v ja r y I i I r/nZ r 4§r\ I fi YOU NEED THIS MATCHLESS FOOD B Ito st^y p,< Vi,l niU,y food Hn,e,lts h roe diet fail, IB l.’ice is ;m excellent and economical food, I ut its constant
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    • 21 3 MARTINS ASpTEs A Remedy for all !-regularitlee. Superseding Bitter Apple, Pennyroyal, PD Cochia. A* Order of Ael Chemists. ^h^rtetlT— RTIH raumIrfCimiMIKMUBIMW
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    • 76 3 I DON’T MISS THIS I OPPORTUNITY. J I I' SURPLUS STOCK w OF GENTLEMEN’S < BOOTS TO BE CLEARED AT 1,1 I Extremely Low Price OF C A Per Pair Nett. L Comprising I K” Brown Boots, Delta,” Walk-Over,” (I W AND lr Goodyear” Boots IN I I■i I Brown
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    • 1223 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.]’’ Sir,As an old resident of Malaya and an observer of the controversy respecting representation of the various communities on the Legislative and Federal Councils which has been carried on in desultory fashion for months, I venture to crave the hospitality of
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    • 439 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir.The bitter pill which yon have administered in your Leader of the 4th inst. under the heading The Futility of Literary Sausages” should have a tonic effect on the local authorities as well as the public. One of the chief reasons
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  • 330 4 Mr. W. E. Fidgate. Manager of Allagar Estate. Taiping, kindly sends us the following: A few evenings ago whilst turning into my bungalow, an excited 1 and of coolies were oliserved just outside the compound, and on making enquiries as to the cause nf the commotion,
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  • 2722 4 THE FOUNDING OF THE SETTLEMENT. < The Revd. Keppel Garnier. the Colonial Chaplain, Penang, in the course of an article in the Journal of the Malayan Bianch of the Royal Asiatic Society, writes On the morning of July 15th, 17bu, Pulo Pinang—Pulo Ka Satu—lay sleeping in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 NEW ADVEiffiSEMENIS. POSITIONS VACANT. Wanted 2 Good Field Conductors, must speak Malay and I'amil and able to keep field Check rpl Is. Apply with testimonials statin tf experience and wages required. C. B. Hall. Manager, KualaNal Kelantan Rubber Co., Ltd., Kelantan. FOR SALE. For Sale Austin 2 seat er fitted
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    • 162 5 London. April 25.—1t is not skirji;n<»- the French demand, but capi "uhtioii" K ,1,s U P I'Tench position the talk that Germany is tresh otter 1 regard to the problem. It would be to realise, proceeds the Paris corp'o.omlent of The Times,” how pe--1(.III(>ton ihe Trench are
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    • 190 5 I A>lld< HI, April 24.The Berlin COi respondent of Ihe I'imes’ states that severe instigation of the German industrialists was administered by Herr Havenstein. President of the Reichsbank. ho accused them of selfishness in refusing to support the German Government loan, which had been a failure,
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    • 192 5 London. April 26.While Signor Mu"id'.ii:'s action towards the Catholic I'opulai Party and his suppression "f Hie May Day celebrations, and the I asi st Parade on the 22nd April show that the Fascist position is still impregnable. the controversy with the Hop’d o Party has served
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    • 77 5 Leabeld, April 25.Australians and Aew Zealanders all over the world are eiebiating ,to-day the eighth anniverof the landing at Gallipoli. In il’e capital cities of Australia and New ealand the day is being observed as public holiday. This morning Sir "'eph Cook, High Commissioner for -'’isiralia
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    • 77 5 I London, April -30.The remains of '"‘d < arnarvon were buried to-day on .'''“"i Hill, a solitary eminence of o' i k'hirt* Downs. Only members 'be family were present. In keeplll7i "ith the late Earl’s archaelogical "'“yenients is the fact that the buna! ,s oil Ihe site
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    • 195 5 London, April 25. The political correspondent of Ihe Tunes’' st-a- es that, replying to complaints that the National Liberals, who were elected with Unionist support are not supporting the Government, the hips issued figures showing that for every voce against the Government there a>re three for the
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    • 123 5 London. April 26.The reformation of the times of Parliamentary sessions, in order to meet modern needs, is seriously being taken in hand in consequence of the recent widespread dissatisfaction at the present methods. Lieutenant-Colonel Leslie Wilson on one side of the House and Mr. J.M. Hogge on the
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    • 217 5 London, April 26.The Postmaster General has made a statement to tlie "Morning Post," m the course of which he denies that the Post Office is responsible for a dilatory policy with regard to Empire wireless communications. and says that orders have now been placed for masts of <B2O
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    • 107 5 London, April 25.1 n the House oi Commons to-day, replying to a qu«slion by Sir Charles Yate, in which hleferred to the marked improvement in Hit' conditions of lepers which oh tained as a result of the treatment ami jesearch in the leper asylums in Ind.a, Mr.
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    • 116 5 London, April 30.Only a few oi the closest relative of Lord Carnarvon were present at his funeral to-day at the top of Beacon Hill in Hampshire, a thousand feet above sea level. ILe mave was dug in deep chalk A suu pie service was held at
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    • 173 5 London, April 13.The Ceylon Reform deputation has had a series of conferences with Mr- Ormsby Gore, Colonial Under Secretary, and will shortly submit its case to the Duke of Devonshire. In the course of a detailed criticism of the Governor’s proposals, the deputation raises object ion to
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    • 159 5 London. April 24.The Parliamentary Committee of the National Union of Mineral M ater Manufacturers’ Associations of England and Wales, which is sitting In London to-day, has passed a resolution urging the complete abolition of the duty on sweetened table waters so as to enable the trade to
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    • 104 5 London, April 25,—The Chairman of the Prison Commissioners outlines a scheme of elaborate alteration in prison discipline. The degrading broad aiq-ow’’ costume is being superseded by clothes similar to those worn in ordinary lifeWashstands, mirrors, and bookshelves are to be introduced in the cells and larger opportunities given.
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    • 91 5 London, April 25.—A verdict of murder and suicide whilst of unsound mind was brought in at an inquest held on the bodies of a Wandsworth bookmaker and his wife who were- found shot dead al his residence. A letter written by the bookmaker stated that
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    • 65 5 London, April 26.The Lobby cot respondent of The Times” states that the Government are extremely anxious 'to avoid an Autumn session. Indications exist that all parties will welcome a general cessation of Parliamentary business in the Autumn. Some leaders desire to arrange lecturing and speaking tours in.the
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    • 119 5 Bombay, April 26.An appeal has been filed in the Bombay High Court on behalf of a resident of Surat who xi’as charged under Section 10 Primary Education Act, with having neglected his daughter’s education in a recognised municipal school and was subsequently fined one rupee by
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    • 175 5 Calcutta, April 25.-The latest speech of Mr. Bhupertdranathi Basu, in which he xfis repor.ed to have said lawyers weie only legalised freebooters,” has formed the subject of comment in the Press and on the platform. Mr- N. N. Sircar took up the cudgels on behalf of the
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  • 201 5 A record number of people have visited Hua Hin, Nong Kae and Koh Lak duri’ g this month, says the Siam Observer.” Almost all the houses are still occupied. As one party returns to Bangkok another party from Bangkok goes up to take the vac-ant
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  • 137 5 May 9Football. Colours v Whites. Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. 12Ayer Kuning Rubber, Meeting. 9 Beach Street, noon. 12Sungei Arak Rubber, .33 Beach Street, noon. 12, 15, 17 and 19Singapore Races. It)Football, P.C.C. v Penang Health Culture League, Esplanade. 5.15 p.m. 19 Inter-State Cricket: Selangor vs Perak. Tpob: Singapore vs
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 MOTHERS, THIS IS A SERIOUS TROUBLE NEGLECTED IT MAY BE FATAL. Anywhere, but especially in the Far East, diarrhoea ini infan’s and young children is a dangerous ailment, and one which should not be neglected. If you find that your child has dian-hoea. never give medicine to check the movement
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    • 47 5 J INCREASE YOU§ Im Esa VITAL ENERGY M by taking sanatogen I As Dr. Claude L. Wheeler writes: Tbeuser of Sanatogen is ricn.y lewarded in freedom from languor. I HraM a gain of strength and activity, ESHaI alertness of jnmd and Wgg ""I reaiatiat power to di»e>aa.J
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  • 812 6 Mr. Stanley Baldwin. Chancellor of the 1 Exchequer, is personally in favour of the taxation of betting in England, but the Cabinet decided to pas> over the matter in the late Budget. There is little doubt, however, that the subject will be again raised and there is
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  • 135 6 MURDER VERDICT IN LA SALLE OUTRAGE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, May 8. At the conclusion of the La Salle murder inquest, the Coroner returned a verdict of murder and gang robbery against three of the accused. There was mt sufficient evidence against the fourth. Mrs. Duke, whose
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  • 147 6 ANNUAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. May 8. Mr. A. W. Still, presiding at the BukitTiinah Rubber Co's, annual meeting, said there was a profit of $(»78. which was mqch more satisfactory than the previous year’s loss of $26.226. The trees had benefited by the 15
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  • 98 6 x The homeward mail, by the Paul Lecat closes at 8 a.m. on Friday, the 11th instant. The homeward mail, by the Karmala. closes at 6 p.m. on Friday, the 11th instant. Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9 a.m. tomorrow. At
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  • 1298 6 Whenever a Government prohibits or restricts a thing, there Prohibition. are people who appear to regard it their duty to make a nefarious living out of the defeating of the law. Forged rubber export coupons are only one symptom of wrong-headedness that is much too common for
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  • 321 6 ASSEMBLING TO COMMIT GANG ROBBERY. The third Assizes of the year opened »n the Supreme Court, this tnoriiins'. before the Hon. Mr. Justice I’. J. Spronle Senior Puisne Judge. The calendar is a slmrt one. cou-c'' 11 of only’ four cases, two of which invohe the loss of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 Illi lllllllllllllll'iilli Hllllll! IllllllllllllllllllliiHlllbll ********************11 l 9 t=? Books You May Have Missed. The Guardian by G. Col mo re $3.00 S S The Grey Old Gods A. G. Hales 2.00 s= Secret Cards J. J. Bell 2.00 s Hidden Places Betrand Sinclair 2.00 The Travels of Tiadatha Owen Bother
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    • 21 6 E. O." Wednesday, 9th May, 9-45 p. m. Special Orchestral Concert BY THE M MELODIANS.” JD’s. F. Flippance. P. P. C.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 278 7 King George Honours Mussolini. Reuter’s Telegrams.] Koine, May 7. Then British Majesties, who haversed France, without halting, from Calais, reached the frontier at eight |i«t evening, where their saloons we e attached to the gaily decorated Italian Koval train, which arrived at Rome lt three in the afternoon.
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  278 words
  • 250 7 TI RKs CLOSE BANK OF ATHENS. Constantinople, May 7. financial circle' are disquieted by the action of the Turkish authorities tn (losing the local branch of the Bank of Athens and seizing the funds, twothirds of which belong to the French. Ihe Acting High Commissioners decided to
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  • 32 7 injured. Vienna, May 7. hen*' lll( n eenien were injured in w..,, 1,1 flopping affrays betn an>|ii and anti-Jewish Mo- "i s A large number of rioters dsn injured.
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  • 55 7 As E OF MESSRS. REISS BROTHERS. -I, London, May 7. Pilule '‘l V Court at Manchester wj tll i. "rder for the compulsory Rej ss h i"*’ Messrs, friend] "ii"' Proceedings were Hie I 'l“‘ parties considering to V (,l MII v w 'nding up preferable
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  • 442 7 Comment on the French Reply. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 7. Ihe text of the I'ranco-Belgian Note was published too late for detailed comment by the morning papers, which, however, lay stress regretfully on the fact, that Paris and Brussels by persisting in replying sepa lately, made the
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  442 words
  • 62 7 Berlin, May 7. The Communists were responsible for scenes of wild disorder in the Prussian diet. The police Were called in to eject a Deputy, whereupon the other Communists attacked the police mid two were arrested. The sitting was resumed and the uproar restarted Ihe police
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  • 100 7 U S AND SCOTS CHAMPIONS BEATEN. Loudon, May 7. The feature of the first day of the Amateur Golf Championship at Deal, for-which there were 209 entries, including* 14 Americans, was the decisive defeats of the American hampion, Mr. Sweetser, by Mr. Noel Lavton, by five up
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  • 192 7 Americans and British Captured. BRITISH SUBJECT KILLED. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Peking, May 7. An unprecedented outrage is reported. A thousand bandits derail?»! and sacked an express train from Pukow to Tientsin at I incheng, and cat ried off 300 passengers, amongst whom are a dozen Americans, including
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  192 words
  • 65 7 NEW TREASURY BOND ISSUE. Washington, May 7. Mr. Mellon, Secretary to the Trea surv, announces the offering ol $400,000,000 worth of 4* 1 per cent Treasury Bonds to complete the refunding of the retiring Victory Notes which, when issued, aggregated over $4,000,000,000. Mr. Mellon predicted the gross
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  • 70 7 CHARGES MADE BY COUNTESS OF SUFFOLK. Chicago. May 7. Charge' of misfeasance and mismanagement in the control of the $100,000,000 estate of Levi Z. Leiter, have been lodged in the Superioi Court by the Countess of Suffolk, one of the trustees. The thirteen othei heirs to the
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  • 72 7 A PRECEDENT CREATED. Washington, May 7. A precedent in the enforcement ot the Prohibition and anti-Drug Laws has been established by the Supreme Court deciding that Government com pel vessels arriving at American ports to submit complete manifests. The decision was given in the case of the
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  • 46 7 Catania, May 7. Mount Etna (Sicily) has become ac five. Lava is issuing from the cratei formed by the 1911 eruption, and is flowing down in a slow stream, which is already three kilometres long, but hitherto it has only touched uncultivated land.
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  • 71 7 GOODS TRAINS COLLIDE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 7. Goods trains collided at two in the morning at Batang Malaka. The engines interlocked, but did not leave the line. Eight open trucks were derailed, and the contents spilled, lheie were no casualties. The mail train
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  • 725 7 SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT Calcutta, April 27.The following notification Ihias been issued by the Alliance Bank of Simla: Notice is hereby given that the Alliance Bank of Simla Ltd. have closed their doors as from the close of business to-day, the 27th April, 1923. The Dia*ectors regret
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  • 131 7 Allahabad, April 29.The Pioneer" wriitep: The failure of the .Alliance Bank of Simla has created a most painful impression in the station where the Bank was founded and for so long had its headquarters. There is little doubt that a large number of local firms in
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  • 790 7 WEEK-END MATCHES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ihe cricket season is in full swing just now. The Sungei Siput Planters arrived on the Catholic Club ground short o several men, and had to fill up tne gaps with substitutes. Batting first, they put up the total of 137 towards
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  • 460 7 THE DRAW. The following i 8 the R.C.C. Bowls Fournament draw; Championship. E. J. Bennett Bve D. McLeod Craik Bye J. G. Allan v. J. M. Chalmers (C.S.) J. M. Chalmers (D) v. E. Reimann. E. J. McLernon v. Dr. C. Heniv Hertz. A. J. Plumb v.
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  • 225 7 The landing plac? for aepopkiines in the chargvadi of Cpiengmai. is nearly completed, but meantime the people of that province have not been slow to show that they appreciate the national vaJue and importance of the air service. On three occasions now tf*le governing Chao has
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  • 1378 8 HOW HER RELEASE WAS OBTAINED. Peshawar, April 25.Sir John Maffey, Chief Commissioner accompanied by Major and Miss Ellis, Mrs. Starr and RisaD dar Moghal Baz Khan, arrived at Government, House, Peshawar, by motor from Shiran ari at 1.30 p. m. yesterday. The arrangements for the restoration
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 397 8 giiiii»i»w. ißiiiiimiiiiamiiiingiiiiiiiimiw Your car will run at Its best 1 i > 1 i '9% if the en S* ne is fitted with g iO WDOK I SPARKING PLUGS Give maximum power and consistent service in all makes of engines. Easily detachable (two parts only) for cleaning. The illustrations show
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    • 308 8 Newspaper Advertising Pays Best. Cumulative Testimony. At the annual meeting of the Colwyn Bay Advertising Association, on November 23, the annual report showed, by tabulated figures, that advertising in the daily and weekly Press formed the best-paying investment. The annual report of the Ulverston Chamber of Trade states that success
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    • 205 8 .R?odi l J?®?' B- r. cb :J:in s Fool is the 1' 1 vl su iit< ivr breast milk and Jit. I'ljl. j con :tin nature s e.-sential constduents A j fur building sturdy limbs and solid flesh. jjl/ I iMI j 'l J; Equally good for nursing or expectant
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    • 154 9 <1 K \|XED RELATIONS WITH GREEKS. Position of Uncertainty. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Athens, May 8. 'flic latest doings of the Turks, like u dosing lhe Constantinople lnjmli of the Bank of Athens, the threatened confiscation of property deposited in Constantinople banks by depart nig Greeks, and the violation of
      (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  154 words
    • 106 9 TKAIX PASSENGERS’ ORDEAL. Tientsin, May 8. A nuniliei of foreigners who escaped from the attacked train at Liucheng have arrived. Ladies, interviewed, declared that the bandits started firing on the train before its derailment, all the windows being smashed. lhe bandit» robbed the passengers of all their
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    • 44 9 I HEXING ('(INVERSES WITH SIGNDR MUSSOLINI. Rome. May 8. King George had a half-hour s eoiivmnation with Signor Mussolini. It is announced that 1 heir Italian Majesties and the Crown Prince will pax a return visit to London in September.
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  • 108 9 TO-D\Y’S DEPAR TURES. Meniznala for Deli ami P. Brandan. van Riebeeck for Singapore. Kopah for Deli. Rasa for Pang Nga ami Setul. Klang tor Port Swettenham. taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur ami Singapore. Kampar for Teluk Anson. Slavic Prince for Suez and New York. I'he s.s. Paul
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  • 89 9 '‘cruiting has been resumed generally Hdius Presidency, except in the to Lduqs, which are still closed "<niiting. owing to the prevalence of disease: L'imbatore DistrictCoimbatore, i in'' >;, b 6am, Pollachy, Udumalpet Sil.."" 1 Attnr. Rasipuram and Assist* tbe jurisdiction of the v s,ll| t Emigration Commissioner, Ae
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  • 75 9 i Mian bn ,ni 2!, -~l’eople interested in lis, n *J7 S se,v 'ces, etc.., in, London f Al?" at e b sing of the doors xi, >u s bank of Simla and many b" B;ok’ Sl i S further news S bavj y '‘""don offices yesterday.
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  • 66 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. E 90 Shares. 5 >» t>> 5 o co sc M 02 c sc. tc. tc. Mining. Asam K. 34/- 35/- 35/- 36/Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 1.35 1.40 K. Kamunting 43/6 44/6 44/-
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  • 43 9 19,345,517 lbs of rubber passed through the F.M.S. Customs in April. The figures for each of the last 6 months are as follows: lbs. November, 1922 11.119,472 December 15,657,8.37 January, 1923 21,324,318 February 18,228,688 March 20,379.303 April 19.345,517
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  • 68 9 Bth May, 1923. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 49| Pexangs Fine Pale Crepe 49 I Unsmoked Sheet 45 Sing a- (Smoked Sheet 49 pore (Crepe 49 London and New York. Inxnnv /Smoked Sheet ls.2|d Lomxjs Cr( pp lj2id New York G3l| The following were the rubber quotations in London
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  • 24 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for April lbs. Henrietta 26.000 Laras (Sumatra) 32.653 Sungei Mataug 11.44 S Rampah (Coconut) 203.000 nuts
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  • 104 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on May 7 Spot £210.5s down £3 3 mos. buying 210 3.5 s 3 selling 210.5 s 3.5 s The Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd: London, May 7. £210.5s spot, and £2lO three months buying. £2lO 5s selling.
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  • 10 9 Padang Plandok Tin Limited, for April, 99 piculs.
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  • 201 9 Renares Opium r*. chest $5,000,00 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 seller Mace Pickings no stocks NnDn* 80s 1105... Coconuts n»*r 1.000 46.00 sellers G’npra Sundried 11.60 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail She’ls 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do do
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  • 1105 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. g< G NAMES I 1 S-i X V> H S RUBBER [Dollar.] S c c 5 c Allenby Rubber Co 1 20 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 20 2 25 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 '3 50
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  • 139 9 In place of the usual Wednesday evening’s orchestral concert, a special attraction to all music lovers has been arranged at the E. and 0. to-morrow night when the Melodians. a family quartette of Rhodesians (two ladies and two gentlemen) will sustain a programme
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  • 89 9 Mr. B. Preedy. Hon. Treasurer of the Perak Boxing Association, writes to us as follows: I am in receipt of your letter of the 3rd. inst., and must thank you for the trouble to which you went in trying to fix up an opponent for Yeoh Chai
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  • 83 9 An elderly Chinese was observed floating in the Penang Harbour, off the northern end of Swettenham Pier, by Mr. T. Dearling about 1.30 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Dearling immediately got into a samnan and brought the man ashore opposite Godown No 2. Mr. Shipwright, of the Penang
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  • 116 9 PENANG. MAY 8. 1923. (By Courtesy of the Phartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 .>I.V2 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 1731] 3 days’sight Private 176 I 3 Bombay Demand Bank 1731 I 2 Madras Demand Bank 173’1
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  • 210 9 The following figures, which are in centals of 100 11«. represent total exports from all the ports of British Malaya. Statement of quantity and value of rubber exported during April, 1923. Exported Export during Valneot KnbExported during Total export similar period her exported Value for Destination during
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 31 9 LYRIC THEATRES, LTD., Royal, Penang Road. I From Monday 7th and TuesdaylUth May, 1923. A TALE OF TWO CITIES,” Handcuffs or Kisses,” One of the Finest,” FOX NEWS His Smashing Career.”
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    • 132 9 YOU CAN BUY A PIANO TO-DAY for $2OO deposit, the balance can be paid in easy monthly payments. May we explain our hire purchase terms to you '<SkSDmU4 1 «I MILL- isrev I Watt Robinson Pianos are specially made for the tropics by British workmen. ROBINSON PIANO Co., PENANG. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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  • 846 10 A SOVIET TRIUMVIRATE The special correspondent of the Chicago Tribune wired"from Riga, on April 6. Despite the report of the group of famous specialists who are in daily attendance on Lenin that his condition is improving, it is time, according to the Soviet diplomats who travel hurriedly through
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 242 10 1 Cars A Lorries 5 VW/ f Before You Buy a Motor-VehicleThink g In these day* vhen every dollar invested must return its dividend, S either in cash or service, wise choice in the matter of transport be- comes greater responsibility. The model illustrated above Jias been r~ specially designed
      242 words
    • 417 10 O V JA A BBS (/Three Cats I CIGARETTES S; are made in London by an x, u/ English firm with over 140 years’experience to help them in their endeavour to produce 5' the perfect cigarette. Finest tobaccocare- -fe fully selected bright zrcffi golden Virginia from the famous Gid Belt
      417 words

  • 508 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET Penang, Mry 8, 1923. cts Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb 55 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 50 Mutton Head,
    508 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 157 11 ABDULLAI PURE I No/\ bright (75J SMOOTH VIRGINIA ABDULLA CO., LTD., New Bond Street, LONDON. (Incorporated in United Kingdom.) k I The Vibrationless Twin-Cylinder Douglas Models Available. 2’ h. p. TWO SPEED. fc > SM, A j? 2: h. p. THREE SPEED. .£i 3’ h. p. SPORTS. Quotations and Particulars
      157 words
    • 77 11 When a man asserts his dk-bei.c. in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine eases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed his taste for years it proves not so much that he is
      77 words
    • 328 11 MASSA iE Ilf TA|| MAKER. VIOLET RAY H Re,,». b a Specially Rheumatism and B f r> every Nervous Disease by JapaDCSC LXp6rt» Miss SATO and Miss HATSUYO 35. Leith Street, Penang. HAIRI ITQII 21 BISHOP STR EET Tel. No. 493. LZ>XID V 1 PENANG. tu th sat u c
      328 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1444 12 n,.n;T.,v MU > ll\l.~ ELLERMAN” LINE. Nippon Tmen Kaisha. THE BLUE sTINNEL LINE F '■»■■> INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. (Incorporated in England’) UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE HOMEWARD. -ELLFIRMAnF LINE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT ELLEHMAN LINE. (Subject to alteration without Notice TEUCER May 16 Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool and Glasgow. The following
      1,444 words
    • 676 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON—FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London c aC,""‘ DELTA May 11 KARMALA M DEVANHA 25 KASHGAR 5
      676 words