Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 358 1 fKIDD’S < letter press J hb.<<& J COMPOSITION J J AGENTS:- J P. G. Press, Ltd. < mull»" 111 ""'""""I «ill»* 1 11 1 I llllliilllillu.iiililllllUiillilllHliiililllllllllllillii NEW I RUBBER LATEX. 1 a i, s 1 LARGE quantities of Latex preserved 1| I| 1 1 with AGRISOL are now being shipped
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  • 920 2 DR. SUN’S PLANS. Shanghai, April 17.—A new alliance for offensive and defensive purposes was formed in the south-west-under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yatsen by a declaration made on Saturday. The signatories are General Tang Uhi-yao, Yunnan; Liu Chenghsun, Szechuen Chao Heng-ti, Hunan; Liu Hsien-shih, Kweichow;
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  • 81 2 Peking. April IG.A Japanese, Mr. Main, is at present in Peking attempting to arrange a large loan to the Chinese Government, to be secured on the profit which would accrue from the legalisation of opium. The Japanese authorities state that Mr. Mani’s visit is entirely unofficial
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  • 89 2 Tokio, April 14.The cherry tree> in Tokio are in full bloom, now. Her Majesty the Empress who is now staying at llayama will return to Tokio on or about the 17lh imtant and the Jin perial Garden Party will be held at the Imperial Garden at
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  • 127 2 Tokio, April 14.The assurances that have been received here by way of AA’ashington to the effect that Russia is abandoning propaganda m the Far East are taken with several grains of salt. The Japanese authorities in Korea say there is no doubt that the revolutionary movements
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  • 254 2 At the present time passengers arriving from the Straits or F. M. S. by train are not run imto Bangkok proper, but have to leave the train at the other side of the river and cross the best way they can says the Straits Fames’’ Bangkok correspon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 820 2 1 TENDERS INVITED bhort Classified MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Advertisements. The Municipal Commissioners of Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c. I George Town, Penang, hereby invite tenders for the undermentioned work: can be inserted in the Pinang The Construction of Concrete Drains Gazette at Jones Road.” Full particulars can be obtained and
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    • 563 2 Tra( k witb Australia A New r SMn ia 45 Says Mr- E-T- SHEAF, the A ustralian This sufferer literally covered Government Trade Commissioner j n skin disease—ls years of suffering— the East, will be pleased r then his whole body cleared off and v’-aseu to f Urn j s(i
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  • 775 3 .—S. F. P.”_ ANNUAL MEETING. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the members of the Sandycroft Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore.’ The Hon’ble Mr. A. Gibbons presided, and others present were the Hon’ble Mr. Lowther Kemp. Mr. W. A. Sims, Mr. A. E.
    .—S. F. P.”_  -  775 words
  • 55 3 The Municipal Baud will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m., to-day 1 March Hurrah Boys Lacalle 2 Intermezzo Golden Twilight Robinson 3 Waltz The Girl in the Fox Gilberts 4 Selection Patience Sullivan !> Fox Trot Say it with
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  • 483 3 BENEFIT OF RESTRICTION .THIS YEAR. The tenth annual general meeting of the Taiping Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai, Mr. Brodie A. Clarke presiding. The Chairman said :Gentlemen, the report and accounts were posted to you on the 28th ultimo, and 1 will, with your permission,
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  • 215 3 MALAYA AND CEYLON COMPARED. A writer in the Times of Ceylon.” referring to planters’ salaries, says if one can live in England on 6(>o shillings per month, then one would require 6(M) rupees in Ceylon and 600 dollars in the Straits. Similarly so would
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  • 139 3 S.F.P.” The new rules made in the F.M.S. under the Rubber Restriction Ordinance are a further step to control dealings in rubber, presumably to prevent hoarding and assist in preventing smuggling. After to-day. no rubber dealer may have in his possession any rubber in excess of the.quantity for
    S.F.P.”  -  139 words
  • 512 3 DETAILED STATEMENT ON QUESTION. Washington, D. C., April 18.—As a result of interest created im the possibility of American rubber production to break the British monopoly which now assesses an export tax against the United States, the bureau of insular affairs of the Mar Department
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  • 201 3 M. M.” At the annual general meeting of the Klang District Planters’ Association. Mr 0. A. Buxton, the Chairman of the Association. presiding. Mr. Douglas referred to the discussion on restriction and said that it was very easy to see that all European estates were
    M. M.”  -  201 words
  • 114 3 The first annual general meeting was held on Friday, 27th April at. 5.15 p. m. in the lecture room of the Association. There was a fairly good attendance of members, with Mr. G. H. Kiat, the Presi Jlent, in the chair- The Hon. Treasure] submitted a statement
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 653 3 banks. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) $20,000,000 Paid up < aP ,tu v 1 Reserve I nnds £4,500,0uu Sterling $24,500,000 SZv.. Lability of 1>l 'T rie,o,f 20,000,000 Head Office,HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. |((iX Bangkok. Batavia. Bombay, Calcutta, ton Colombo. Chefoo, Dairen, Foochow, Hankow. Ilongkew Harbin, Haiphong. Iloilo.
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    • 375 3 unavoidable Errors of Diet It-sometimes happens that the food we eat does 'SJsBL not agree with usprobably because we have unintentionally eaten too much or because the quality of the food varied. The unpleasant symptoms which follow errors of eating and drinking are speedily idieved by an occasional dash” of
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  • 1472 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr- E. W. Suttle hi* arrived at Singapore from Penang to attend the* race meeting. Mrs. Dunford Wood is convalescing after her long illness and is staying at Penang for a holiday. In honour of the silver wedding of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Denmark, a
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  • 82 4 The health statement for the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the week ending 28th April, 1923, shows a total of f>7 deaths4o males and 27 femalesthe death-rate being 27.22 per mille. per annum. compared with 28.04 in the preceding week and ,23.18 in the corresponding week of
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  • 1017 4 Where It Fails. P. G.” Special]. In connection with the leading article which appeared in our issue of Tuesday, under the caption Tractors Tn Malaya,” we have been fortunate enough to secure an interview with Mr. F. T. Ebbetts, representing Agricultural and General Engineers Ltd., London,
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  • 150 4 In the Second Court. Penang, yesterday. Inspector E. J. McLernon produced a young Malay ex-Policeman on the charge of cheating by personating a public servant. There are charges against the accused and the sums he is alleged to have received from the complainants are 2d cents. 43
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  • 115 4 In the case of M. Meyer v. Chin Guan before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in the Supreme Court, Singapore, Mr. Eber, for the plaintiff, said this was a claim for possession and arrears of rent. Judgment bad already been entered for possession, defendant having
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  • 967 4 CAUSE OF RECENT RISE IN MOR r ALITY. Simla, April 13. The Public Health Commissioner with the Government of India has issued the following note on the plague position in India: The present recrudescence of plague in India is producing comment and an appreciation of the situation
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  • 63 4 HEAVY LOSSES ox RrHBKR (Reuter’s Telegrams. London, )f ilv 3 Trfthe Bankruptcy Court V, c MI Shrager, merchant in his -lai,.,»™ affairs showed liabilities amountin' £258,000 and assets £134,000 f|,, losses in differences on j-uhber tracts since Jan. 1922 amount £141,000. He attributed his fail llrp to
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  63 words
  • 46 4 London, May 2. Mr. Chao Hsin Chu gave a farewdl luncheon to Phva Sanpkitch, the Sia. mese Charge d’Affaires in London, who is taking- up the post of Sianies? Minister in Rome. The Italian Ambassador and Mr. Fan Yuan Lien wpn> present."
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  • 30 4 Paris, May 2. Prince Kitashirakawa was moved from Bernay this morning- to Professor Harmann’s nursing home in Pari.-, where he undergoes an operation in 1 lew days’ time.
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  • 118 4 May 3—Football. A Coy P.V.I. vs P. W. V. 1., Esplanade. sSingapore Races. Entries Close. 9Football. Colours v Whites. Esplanade. 5.15 p.m. 12. 15. 17 and 19 Singapore Races. 16—Football. P.C.C. v Penang Health Culture League. Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. 19 Inter-State Cricket: Selangor vs Perak. Ipoh: Singapore vs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 ACHING FEET, CORNS, ETC -ONE DIP In the medicated and oxygenated foot bath, prepare by adding REUDEL BATH SALTRATES to plain water. THAT’S ALL. Without oxygen, even life itself could not exist, and the science of medicine has perfected many uses for its wonderful refreshing, healing and antiseptic properties. When
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    • 67 4 NEW MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted to purchase a Piano. Ml' 1 Box No. 121, c/o Pinang Gazette. Penang Sales RoomAUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture AND A Fine Collection of P^ arl At 372 Anson The resilience of CAPT. A- L On THURSDAY, 10th MAY, 1 AT H A.M. i I’m USUAL
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    • 174 5 H April I- 3 lusl when fhere to believe that France and drawing closer together Britain of <he German quesfm 1 i i that there was a probability tioii. lll l t Allied conference, political s have been rent into two eamps, 'i lt t ;l( .king
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    • 255 5 London. April 15.The Paris correspondent ot Ihe limes states ih t ions outlook is more encouraging U' a result of the FrancoBelgian conference. M. Poincare's speech, which will politically have an immense effect in strengthening M. Poincare position, re-affirmed the ]-ra mo-Belgian lietermination that the evacuation of
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    • 364 5 heafield. April 18.(’ommeiiting on h on Hosenburg’s speech on the I'ulii the "Daily Telegraph” says: M hereas 30 milliards of gold marks deemed inadequate from a practical 'hindpoint, given lhe temper 'I rrance and Belgium, the sugges--1,1111 that it might be bettered by expmt arbitrary work
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    • 105 5 Dusseldorf, April 17.The French grip on the Ruhr is tightening. Nine additional pitheads with the adjoining railway stations were occupied fo-dav. All coal transport on the roads was held up and the wagon loads were confiscated. The French at Bochum demanded the handing over of 10 per
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    • 123 5 London. April 18.The Paris cor K'spondent of The l imes” says that the decision of the Inter-Allied High Commission tt» suppress Prim e Hatz feldt, the German High Commissioner in the Rhineland, is likely, to be followed by important political consequences. If is stated that the
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    • 87 5 London, April 3.The Berlin coirespondent of the Daily Express says that 13 suicides in Berlin in a single day are an index as to the price which Germany is paying for her policy of passive resistance. The lower and middle working classes are suffering badly, and medical
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    • 137 5 London, April 16.—The Riga correspondent of The 'limes” states that the Soviet Press has renewed the most violent attacks on the Patriarch Tikhon employing renegade clergy and newly-created Bishops for this purpose. The Red Aletropolitah of Siberia, Vidensky, whom the crowd ineffectuallv stoned hist June for
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    • 55 5 London, April 15.—The Riga coirespondent of The Times” states that a trustworthy Aloscow source reports that the Third Internationale is sendin<, eight delegates, who v ill piobabls be headed by Al. Radek, to the conference of all the peoples of the Pacific, which the Australian Communist
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    • 78 5 Riga, April 18.The Communist Congress at Aloscow has opened. M. Zinovieff declared that the basis of the Soviet’s foreign policy was co-ordina-tion of activity with the awakening Orient and the countries under the Entente’s Dominion. He did not regard war as improbable, but Russia intended to
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    • 148 5 London, April 19.Air. S. Baldwin met three days’ criticism of his budget and was unruffled. He met criticism regarding no reduction in the sugar duty by the statement that he decided against a reduction when he discovered that America was. the centre of production and
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    • 95 5 London, April 18.The House of Commons rejected by 244 votes to !<><• the Bill to enable Alinisters who are members of the House of Lords to address the House of Commons and vice versa. The introducer. Captai.i Thorpe pointed out that this practice prevailed in France, Spain,
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    • 153 5 London, April 18.A body oi Irregulars, entrapped in a cave in the wildest part of the Shannon coast near Causeway, in North Kerry, are desperately Tesisting capture. The cave was approached by the Free State troops by a precipitous path with yawning chasm underneath. The Free
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    • 148 5 London, April 21.A Cairo message savs remarkable evidence was given at the trial of fifteen Egyptians charged with conspiring to murder British officers, soldiers and civilians. It is alleged that one of the accused confessed that he invented a catapult which would hurl a steel arrow
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    • 116 5 London, April 19.In a letter to the Times,” Lord Inchcape says he does not believe for a moment that as stated by Lord Sydenham, the outrage at Kohat will damage the prestige of the Government of India. After describing the conditions of the frontier from recent
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    • 57 5 London) April 23.Airs. Sneddon, a passenger from Nyasaland and seven of the crew of the liner- Garth Castle died on the voyage from Beira. Hie Union Castle Company state the deaths are due to malaria, which is very much prevalent in East African ports and owing lo
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    • 112 5 London, April B.The experts ar? pressing on with the restoration work, a small oblong alabaster box, which excited curiosity when it was brought out of the tomb, proves to be an exquisite treasure of beautiful design. Inside it, was found a complete wig of coarse black hair, probably
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    • 69 5 London, April 23.—A Lisbon message says the Governor of Portuguese India insists on negotiation in connection with a new loan for the Colony and urges that the dues levied on foreign ships at the port of Alarmagoa should,correspond to those at Bombay He also urges that wide protection
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    • 73 5 Paris, April 17.Another successful flight by a pilotless aeroplane with two passengers is reported from Etampes. The machine, responding to wireless from the ground, rose and descended, turned to right and left it two gyroscopes and maintained its equilibrium perch” enabling it to land smoothly. It worked
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    • 58 5 Rome, Alarch 31.Air. Robert Goldie. British A’ice-Consul at Naples, with his wife was visiting a grott > near Naples, when he was attacked b\ an unknown man. A desperate struggle ensued between the two men lasting for several minutes. Air. Goldie died from his injuries,
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    • 50 5 London, April 14.Better class settlers will be attracted under the agreement signed by lhe Victorian Agent-General in London for the migration of 10,000 immigrants in the next five years under a paternal scheme under Government supervision costing the State £3,000,000. Each settler will require a,capital of £3OO.
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    • 31 5 London, April 21.There was another big exodus of Scotsmen for Canada and "the United Slates this week end. Fully 4,000 sailed in four liners from the Clyde.
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    • 40 5 London, April 20.As the new dredger the Bhavsinghji was leaving Leith for Bombay, she struck the wail of the dock and her stern was bent and five plates buckled. The vessel has been docked for repairs.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 Forewarned is rzzirrrr. Forearmed WHAT DAY AND MARTINS NEGLECTED. MANAGING DIRECTOR’S FRANK STATEMENT. London. January 19. Thirty years ago we had tie world at our fe«t,” said Mr, Burlison, nunaging Director of Messrs. Day and Martin, but when the change frotn blacking to polish came, we neglected to keep our
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  • 44 6 Symons.—On 30th April, at 281, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur, to Mr. and Mrs. G. O. W. Symons, the gift of a daughter. Carmichael.At the Maternity Hospital. Batu Gajah, on May Ist. to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carmichael, of I; oh. a son.
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  • 1114 6 Parliamentary proceedings have an added local interest since a contingent from Malaya found seats at Westminster. Consequently in the long report cabled yesterday by Reuter of the debate on the vote for Naval works we were not disappointed in our expectations of finding that Messrs. Penny
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  • 1252 6 This is the caption given to an editorial in the Bangkok Times Methods of of the 30th ulto. It deals Controversy.” with a correspondent of the Pinang Gazette writing on Pattani affairs, who appears to have caused great annoyance to people in Siam. The personal unpopularity of
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  • 205 6 THE LA SALLE MURDER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. May .‘l. At the inquest on Mr. La Salle, who was murdered recently, the four accused Chinese, who stand charged with canrobbery and murder, were placed in the dock. The accused woman was not present. The story of the
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  • 150 6 The homeward mail, by the I h"'l- at 10 a.m. to-moirow- The R. I. Packet Ellenga. ltb from Europe, is expected to here at 6 a.m. to-morrow. Mails from the United Kingdom ang are expected »o .arrive by the under-mentioned I’ 1 steamers which are stated b\ t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 326 6 "you can buy a piano TO-DAY for ?200 deposit, the balance can be paid in easy monthly payments. May we explain our hire purchase terms to you 11 <Mi l I rnjß gJr, dyi a HI Kiev 7J 40® al r Tfiirn^^nnrS LML-14 4 'TjEJJ i "II IK. r IP
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    • 20 6 E. O.” Friday, 4th May, Guest Night- Dancing. Saturday, sth May, Special Tiffin Orchestra. Mi' Jt. Scott. P. P. C.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 83 6 LYRIC THEATRES, LTD., ;“T From Thursday, 3rd to Sunday, 6th May, 1923. William Fox presents William Farnum as Sidney Carton and Charles Darnay with Jewel Carmen as Lucie Manette in 7 Reels A TALE OF TWO CITIES” Reels 7 Lewis J. Selznick presents Elaine Hammerstein in 6 Reels HANDCUFFS OR
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    • 20 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 1.57 p.m. 8.35 p.m. To-morrow. 2.24 a.m. 8.34 a.m. 2.31 p.m. 9.17 p.m.
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  • 21 6 DEATH Waller On April 30, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore, wife of Mr. W. F. Waller of the s. s. Edendale.
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  • 240 7 End of a Long Debate. sixgai-ore' vote carried. Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 2. In the H(»nse of Commons, the Rt. Ge<> Lambert moved an amendment for Hie reduction ~l the vote as a protest against the expenditure on Singapore. When ihe long debate was wound up |j. Col.
    Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  240 words
  • 821 7 MR. AMERY OX NAVAL REDUCTIONS. Tn Duke of Northumberland on March l'l piesided at the annual dinrer of the Institution of Naval Architects at the Connaught Rooms. Mr. Amery. First Lord of the Admiralty and Admiral Earl Beatty, First Sea l-i'iii, spoke cn the cuts n: tonnage and
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  • 219 7 New York. March 20.Washington desnatches intimate that President Harding may be asked to arbitrate on the differences resulting from the British view regarding the. Naval Treaty and the elevaion of guns. The only fact apparent to the public here is the statement that British battleships will out-range the
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  • 382 7 New York, March 22.Mr- Secretary Hughes h.ts given out a statement in which he corrects the assertion he made about the British Navy at New haven o. December 29 last year, and the Secieary of the Navy, Mr- Denby, admits that he was wioi gly informed,
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  • 275 7 London. March 27.—President Harding, f?.ill hotly pursued by the Press boat, has established a temporary base at Saint Augustine, Florida, and incidentally, it is noted, various politicians who wish to interview the President have also arrived at the same resort. The President and Mrs. Harding, however, are
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  • 102 7 A WARNING AND THE WAY OUT. London, May 2. .In the House of Commons, Mr. John Hope-Simpson declared that dried eggs imported from China were liable to contaip zinc oxide, derived from the zinc plates upon which the eggs were dried in large quantities These eggs were excluded
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  • 87 7 London, May 2. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. (rer.shom Stewart, Lt.-Colonel Amery '■mid that after careful consideration by the Admiralty mid the Committee on the amalgamation of services common to the navy, arm; and air force, it had been concluded there would not be a
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  • 67 7 INTENSIVE AMERICAN CAMPAIGN PENDING. Washington, May 2. Every agency at my comman I will be used to enforce the law yitk)ut favour, partiality or distinction. With this film declaration Mr. Domghgrty announces that it is the (rovernment’s in ient’on in thirty days time to begin vigorously to
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  • 57 7 TWO THOUSAND GUINEAS’ WINNER. London, May 2. The race for the Two-Thousand Guineas, at Newmarket, over a mile, resulted as follows: Ellangowan Knockando Dorsay Eighteen ran. Won by a head; half a length bet ween second and third. The betting was 7 io 1 agains Ellangowan; 25 to
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  • 48 7 London, May 2. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha announces reduced passage fares to Ce\ lon, Straits, China and Japan by £1 J 19s. for first class and £6 16s. for second class, beginning with the sailing of ihe Kashima Maru Horn London on the 12th May.
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  • 536 7 New German Proposals. THREE INTERNATIONAL LOANS. Reuter’s Telegrams. J Berlin, May 3. Germany proposes that twenty mil liards of gold marks be raised by a bond issue at normal rates on the international money market before July 1927, five milliards before July 1929, ami five milliards before July 1931.
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams. J  -  536 words
  • 119 7 Washington, March 19.-Mr. Baruch, the economic adviser of Mr- ilson in Paris, is quoted by the Washington Post” as saying tbat the French invasion the Ruhr will expedite, and) not retard, a reasonable settlement of reparations. It is. in his opinion, a clear violation of the Versailles
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  • 62 7 Tokio, April 27.—Big changes in naval personnel in May include th.e follo ving-Vice-Admiral K. Ide, the Vice-Minister of the Navy, to be Commander-in-Chief of the Sasebebe Admiralty Station- V iceAdmiral K. Okada to be Commander of the Second Souadron Vice-Admiral K. Abo to Material of the Navy and
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  • 171 7 Distinctly Unfriendly Relations.” (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, May 2. Franco-Turkish relations are be coming distinctly unfriendly. A Con stantinople message says the French Charge d’Affaires in a communication to Adnan Bey, the Civil Governor, warns him it is possible that grave consequences will attend the concen tration of
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  171 words
  • 74 7 London, May 2. In the Commons at question time, Lt.-Col. Buckley stated that the Gov eminent had just received a voluminous document comprising the whole of the Chester Concessions in Anatolia. Tl)' 1 Acting British High Commissioner n Constantinople was instructed to pietest emphatically against the Turkish Government’s
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  • 152 7 London, April 17.The reason to: French indignation against the Chester Concession is explained by rhe Manchester Guardian,” which sav> there was a clause in the Lausanne Draft Treaty presented to the Turks i;> February which was inserted on Flench prompting, requiring Turkey to recognise and restore all
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  • 50 7 IMPORTANT ARRESTS. Cairo, May 2. A number of attests were effected this morning of persons believed t<: have been concerned in the murd > campaign. Much importance is at tached to the step. It is understood that well-known persons who are as -m inted with the Wafd are
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  • 102 7 THE NEW REGULATIONS. > Washington, May 2. The Government decided to enforce the new prohibition regulations on the 15th June, in order to afford time to work out agreements with foreign Governments. Meantime the coast guards on the Atlantic have been ordered to concentrate on the New Jersey Coast
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  • 46 7 Washington, Mav 2. It is learned that President Harding does not intend to carry on the campaign in favour of American participation in the Court of Internationa’ Justice but is willing to let delibe rate public opinion assert itself on the issue.’’
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  • 218 7 London Deputation Visits Japanese Embassy. Reuter’s Telegrams. London, May 2. A procession of May Day demonstrators visited the Japanese Embassy where a deputation presented a copy of the resolution adopted in Hydepark. Subsequently the mens’ leader announced that the Ambassador was not present hut the Embassy promised a
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  218 words
  • 30 7 IRREGULARS EXECUTED. London, May 2. Two irregulars were executed at Ennis, to. lare. They were convicted of killing a Free State soldier, also with being in possession of revolvers.
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  • 64 7 THE SLAVERY PROBLEM. London, May 2. A White Paper containing conepondence as regards slavery in Abyssinia contains a report by the British Legation at Adisabeba, which denies the statement that the slave trade in Abyssinia is increasing. It points out that the slave producing districts are being gradually depopulated,
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  • 161 7 London, April B.Major Henry Darley, late Frontier Agent in Abyssinia, in a letter to the Times,” declares that Southern Abyssinia has been depopulated and devastated bv slave traders. More than a million people have been killed or removed to bondage. The Governors are now looking longingly towards
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  • 96 7 Santiago-de Chile, May 2. A plenary session of the Pan-Ameri-can Conference approved a compromise in the method of constituting the governing board of the Pan-American Union, whereby every American country represented in the scheme presides that any country not represented diplomatically at Washington may choose one of its
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  • 1276 8 POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS. Before Mr. Pryde, in the Police Court, Kuala Lumpur, the case was taken np in which Ng Hong Guan, who describes himself as a miner, is charged with criminally intimidating J. A. Russell, of Kuala Lumpur, says the Straits Times correspondent. Mr. V.
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  • 183 8 The Japanese correspondent of tb S. C. M. I?.” writes While trying to perform stunts, for the edification of the British tars aboard the Hawkins and the Diomede, now visitinj; Japan, a Hight lieutenant <>f the JapMi.e Navy had a severe fall and was rescued by some of
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  • 342 8 S. T.” Til e Singapore Swimming Club had matters largely thejr own way against the team from 11. M. S. Ambrose, which listed the Club, and they helped themsehei to a victory to the tune of seven dear goals, says the Free Press.” The had a
    _ S. T.”  -  342 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 491 8 1 Sgt IrSfes l&irsi 1 i Inll 8 iHiita? iOICGAWIILIjf is I 1 VIRGINIA CIGARETTES I THAT INDEFINABLE QUALITY which every true THl nt lover of Virginia Cigarettes learns to appreciate will be air tight s found in Piccadilly Cigarettes, no matter where they may be sent. perfect H Extreme
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  • 329 9 (BOSS-EXAMINATION. (Fl o ,nOnr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 3. i. ..11 was cross-examined by Mr. why he continued to Kutoxlo; saving he did not care rece e Lb.nre Hong Guan gave, witness Wh r that he did not welcome blackrep. I "*i since he was
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  • 69 9 (Krom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. May 3. Part of the F.M.S. Sterling Loan will be spent on the erection of houses for Government employees. A town planning scheme on garden city lines has been evolved, to provide 1 fit) quarters for members of the Government
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  • 1707 9 nounoement on the subject. Malay Mail.” Exhaustive Review. The annual general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce was held in Kuala Lumpur at the offices of Messrs. Evatt and Co., the Secretaries. Mr. D. H. Hampshire presided. Chairman’s Speech. The chairman said The value of the imports
    nounoement on the subject. Malay Mail.”  -  1,707 words
  • 505 9 S.F.P.” Decreased Tapping Costs. The fourteenth ordinary general meeting of The Batu Village Rubber Estates, Ltd., held at the office of the Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, at Singapore, was presided over by Mr. H. D. Mundell. Other present were the hon’ble r. Lowther Kemp, Mr. H. B.
    S.F.P.”  -  505 words
  • 72 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. 2 Shares. j >» >» S D S D 20 CO co c sc. sc. sc. Mining. South T 1.12 A 1.15 General. S. S. 54 p.c. War Loan 1928 104.00 104.50 104.25
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  • 58 9 3rd May. 192.3. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 520 Fine Pale Crepe 52 Unsmoked Sheet 48 SiNGA- (Smoked Sheet 53 pore (Crepe 53 London and New York. Shwl Juid New York G3l| The following were the rubber quotations in London on May 2 Smoked Sheet ls.3jd Plantation Ist latex
    58 words
  • 112 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on May 2 Spot £215 up £2 3 mos. buying 215 2 3 selling 215.5 s 2 The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd: London, May 2, £215 spot, and £215 three months buying, £215 5s selling. Local. May
    112 words
  • 125 9 Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., for April. 1,100 piculs. Larut Tin Dredging, Limited, for April, dredge worked hours 625, yardage treated 86,000, piculs 736.82. Tupai Tin Dredging, Limited. foP April, dredge worked hours 617, yardage treated 85,(MM), piculs 620.14. Kota Tin Dredging. Ltd., for April, dredge worked hours 565,
    125 words
  • 198 9 Renares Opium p. chest $5.000,00 noin. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 1105... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellerCopra Sundried 11.50 sales Rattans 11.20 sellerRattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. I 15.00 per bau do do do 2
    198 words
  • 1107 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. £E 3 NAMES .3 s 4 X T sS RUBBER [Dollar.] 8 c 8 c 8 Allenby Rubber Co 1 20 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 25 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 (X Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 3 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates
    1,107 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 325 9 H£VE YOU RHEUMATISM IN ANY OF ITS FORMS? n so, DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS AKE WHAT YOU NEED. Ail hums of rheumatic trouble are due the same cause, a debilitated poisoned slate of the blood. This explains why I'l. Williams’ Pink Pills, the renowned l' d and Nei ve Tonic,
      325 words
    • 42 9 SANFORD’S 1 I Violet j Rubber Stamp i Ink j 1 OZ. BOTTLE 50 CTS. I SANFORD’S Ink Eraser (in LIQUID form) $1 EACH. UTOPIAN” Office and Photo Paste IN 8 OZ. BOTTLES. WITH BRUSH $1 EACH. The Pinang Gazette press, ltd.
      42 words

  • 285 10 TERRITORIAL QUESTIONS. Leafield (Oxford), April 25.According to press reports from the Lausanne Conference, the question of the Thracian frontier again came up this morning. In view of the fact that the Turks and M. Venizelos respectively maintained the same conflicting demands as before the interruption of the Conference,
    285 words
  • 62 10 London. April 16.The Cojistanti nople correspondent of the Daily Mail” states that in the face of strong opposition the Kemalist group in the Assembly passed the Bill making it treasonable to agitate for the restoration of the Sultanate. This prevents the opposition from developing the main
    62 words
  • 124 10 London, April 17.The ex-Sultan has issued a proclamation to the Moslem world declaring that he was opposed to Turkey’s entry into the war and accusing Kemal of responsibility for the atrocities in Anatolia which partlv accounted for the subsequent unfriendly attitude of the Allies to Turkey over the
    124 words
  • 72 10 Paris, March 3Q.M. Risler, foimerly head of the University Laboratory at Stiasburg, claims to have invented a new kind of heatless artificial light.which will revolutionise the present method. M. Risler uses tubes ami bulbs filled with special gas. and by passing a current through them he obtains
    72 words
  • 116 10 PENANG, MAY 3, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) F.ondon Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3. Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 173 3 days’sight Private A 175 3 Bombay Demand Bank 173 2 Madras Demand Bank 173 >
    116 words
  • 323 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Mishima Maru for Colombo, Dhanushkodi, Suez, Marseilles and London. Pangkor for Pulau Langkawi and Kantang (Trang). Kinta for Port Swettenham. taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Taipeng for Teluk Anson. Kedah for Dindings and Sitiawan. Kwaisang for Singapore and China. The captain of the
    323 words
  • 404 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BI TMIN. Federated Malay States. Malacca, Johore. Singapore and Hongkong Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail FOR AT Batn Gajah, Tapah Road, 1 By train Teluk Anson,KualaKnhu, Kuala I 7.1’5 a.m Lumpur, Klang,
    404 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 332 10 WITH N Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. Every woman knows that clean bread cannot be made with dirty hands, neither can a house be kept tidy without constant attention. So it is with the human system. Pure blood cannot be made from a foul stomach and deranged digestion. The body
      332 words
    • 237 10 cl I DUNLOP CORD TYRES.) f Dunlop Cord Tyres Ijk ak I have a very large air Mfl space which gives i I 1 Si them the wonderful I S B cushioning capacity rl W■ I Wfl or w hich they are Ut I H noted. Mt i I ANNOUNCEMENT.
      237 words

  • 504 11 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, Mry 3, 1923. cts Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 58 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb 58 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 50 Mutton Head,
    504 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 137 11 v|||||| ||||||||||||||lllllllllllllll!lllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll New Zealand I STILTON I CHEESE New Season’s make now available. f I Singapore Cold Storage S Company, Limited, S PENANG. I DOUGLAS I MOTOR CYCLES I ARE NOW AVAILABLE B 2% H. P. 2 SPEED GEAR g 1922 MODEL f STOCKS OF .SPARE PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND.
      137 words
    • 78 11 When a man asserts his dii>be!.fc in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine eases out of ten they will >be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed bis taste for years it proves not so much that he is
      78 words
    • 205 11 s^— 7 A— TO ENSURE SMOOTH RUNNING AND LOW UPKEEP USE The Oil in the Yellow Tin. i! 5 T i fM.C. C. I— for Fords. "t M. C. C. 2for Dodge, Chevrolet, M. C. C. 3— for Austin, Cadillac, Maxwell Buick Overland, Daimler, Essex. udson Super- Xj MOTOR Earner,
      205 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1534 12 T tvl ELLERMAN” LINE. Nippon YusenKaisha. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. (Incorporated in England.) UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE HOMEWARD IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT T o a a ELLERMAN” LINE. (Subject to alteration without Notice.) DEMODOCUS May 4 London Rotterdam and Antwerp. OUDJ EUROPEAN LINE AGAPENOR 7 Genoa
      1,534 words
    • 702 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. 1 (Companies Incoreorated in England) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) P. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London about eave bniq DELTA May 11 KARMALA DEVANHA 25 KASHGAR
      702 words