Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 April 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 642 1 f -NIKKO” I I MODERN ART I I PHOTOGRAPHIC j STUDIO I No. 7. Noriham Road. Penan* j T«i«o' ,one N 579 1 <jS-sgs 5; I The Empire Typewriter 1 I TO ensure smooth running and I A Really Good and Cheap Typewriter. LOW UPKEEP USE More Empires are in
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  • 1050 2 -“M.G.” SUCCESS.OF SLOW BUT SURE HORSES. The estimates of the attendance at the Grand National varied from 100,000 to 120.000, but to anyone who tried to move about in the throng even the larger total will seem conservative. Every stand was packed from bottom to top long
    -“M.G.”  -  1,050 words
  • 361 2 Lahore, April 12.A Punjab Go< eminent Press communique just issued gives further details about the disturbances at Amritsar and states that the tension between Mohamedans ami Hindus at Amritsar culminated in street fighting which commenced at about 11 a.m. on the lit April, the immediate cause being
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  • 197 2 Rangoon, April 12.The Burma Census Report shows that of a population of 6.735, 516 males and 6.433,583 females. only about two thirds belong to the Burma group. Of the latter 90 per cent are Buddhist. There are in addition Karen®, Shans, Indians, Chins. Palaungs, Rachins, Chinese, Indo-Burmans,
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  • 63 2 Rangoon, April 9.An interesting case of theft has beem reported by Messrs. Coombes and Co., jewellers and gunsmiths.- The firm is located near Pansodan Police Station, and is in the busiest part of the town. On Saturday night th« premises were broken open, and gold a n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 871 2 01 ZNi 1 FOR SALE. hort Classified e Buick, six, electric light and starter. AdVPrtl^Pinputs 111 condition. Price $l,BOO. Apply Box No. 106, c/o Pinang Gazette. Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c., 732-27-4 can be inserted in the Pinang Gazette at One 7-seater second-hand Ford Car, in good condition. Price
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    • 1021 2 notices PENANG TURF Clffi ST. GEORGE’S BALL, of Wlll be on Ot b inst. at th., r April 27tn. o f Commerce, at 4 p.m.. in ()r( accounts for the preceding half' < A launch will leave Victoria Jetty for jof)2o 23 25 27 30-4 Butterworth at 12-30 a.m. and
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    • 247 3 London, April o.The special correspondent of The Times’’ at Paris states that while Luxor and Pompeii are yielding the treasures of antiquity, the lost splendours of ancient Carthage, thrice levelled to the ground, are now being explored by an American, who has unearthed 65 buildings con taming fine
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    • 140 3 London. April 10.The census returns of the Counties which are gradually being completed, show the remarkable fact that whereas, according to the tecent general census of the whole of England ami Wales, women are in a majority of 9.5 per cent., they are in a minority in
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    • 142 3 London, April 9.1 he sequel to a general election slander action is provided by a letter of apology written bv Lieute-iaiit-t'rionel Ward -Tack-on. the unsuccessful contesta’ t at Harrow, to the re-elected member. Mr. Oswald E. Mosley. Lieutenant-Colonel War.i ackson refers to certain charges whic i
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    • 131 3 London, April 9.The newspapers aie giving prominence to the great dissatisfaction which is felt with the restrictions in obtaining broadcasting licenses and a demand is being mad? for fresh legislation to enable persons making their own receiving apparatus to receive the programmes transmitted by the Broadcasting Company without
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    • 44 3 London. April 9.The exceptional v warm weather n March has been > norsed bv biting east winds. Snow o 1 in numerous places in the south of England to-dav and in places the falls are causing anxiety for the fruit crop.
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    • 186 3 London. April 9.The Constantinople correspondent of the Daily Mail” slates that the veil of mystery surrounding the great cities under Bolshevik rule has been lifted in the case o: Gdessa. A prominent official returned from a visit describes the state of the city as terrible. Ihe
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    • 57 3 Teheran, April 12.A Russian aeroplane, on a trial flight from Moscow via Baku and Enzeli to test the pos.sibili'ties of an aerial postal service between Persia and Russia, landed here to-day by permission of the Persian Government. This is the first aeroplane sent to Teheran since
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    • 44 3 Riga. April 9.A Moscow message reports that in consequence of the attacks against the church and the mockery of Easter festivals, disordets took place there. Red Troops quelle.l the d sorders. but in so doing three Reds were shot dead.
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    • 103 3 London. April B.The Daih Mail's Constantinople <<u respondent states that Kemal lias launched a urw party known as the People's Party.” In a manifesto to the nation he says that the coming Assembly's tasks ait* to secure peaceful progress and n< war. Points in the programme
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    • 38 3 London, April 10. Ihe R.A.M.t Lave discarded the old regimental march Her Bright Eves Haunt Me Still" and chosen as a substitute the tune of Bonnie Nell”. The Army Council has approved the change.
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    • 129 3 London. April 17.1 n an interv ew with Reuter o i his arrival from India. Mr. Dalal said one of the things which struck him was the apparentlv xaggeiated idea of the unrest and other difticult es in India which he said were not borne out bv
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    • 130 3 London, April 7.Sir Kingsley Wood, in his presidential address ar Caxton Hall to 500 delegates to the Conference of the Faculty of Insurance said :We can no longer be described as a C-3 nation, but we are still a long way oft being an A-l people. The
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    • 315 3 Ixmdon, April 17.A Cape Town message says that in the Hous? of Assembly, to-day, Mr. H. G. MeKeurtan, Ministerialist (Durban Vmbilo) put forward a motion urging legislation providing for segregation of Asiatics in one or more provinces and allocating areas m which they could develop in accordance with
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    • 185 3 London. April 111.The Dusseldorf coriespondent of l he Times” stales that in consequence ot tin* continued resistance tin* French an* adapting lightning methods of compulsion, tin court-martial sentence* aie becoming >tr.i ter, and stringent lot al measures are announced from various places, such as the Belgian
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    • 158 3 London. April 9.Major Henry Barley, late f rontier Agent, Al;\<.*i*:ia in a letter to the Press, declare* that Abyssinia has I e*n depop ilated and devastated by slave traders Over a million people Lave been killeo oi removed to bondage. The Gove' nors are now looking longingly
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  • 644 3 SEETHING FURNACE. One of the biggest fires t’ at has experienced for many yeais took I‘la.ce last night,, or rather early this morning, says the Rangoo' Times’’ of the 14th inst. when a number of timber depots and three saw mills were completely destroyed. At
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  • 158 3 M 'ymyo, April, 18.In connection wjtL the rumour of trouble in the Shan Stater a pi ess ccmmunique issued by the Local Government states: The report of the trouble i-l Kengtung State is founded oi a meeting held bv certain subordinat( headmen of that State itr
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  • 39 3 Panchmari. April 17.A serious acc dent, resulting, it is stated, i* the dea’L of fourteen persons and injuries to othe" occurred on Saturday List at Rawanwa Colliery in the Chindwara district duri’-< pillar cutting. Inquiries are*proceeding.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 663 3 banks. HANDEL maatschappij. NE n|< 111. ANI >S THAHI NG SOCIET Y. ESTABLISHED 1824. Opi' .Hl’axi I fto (M)0 Of)O abt £6,666,687 Statutory K "'J’ 445 21 1 a |>t. £1,620,434 <im- 'd I! n f 22.6G0000 ibt. £1,888,333 1 sin.rmore, Calcutta, Hongkong, Ki'ig l l 'Ted».., Kobe. Kota Radj»
      663 words
    • 55 3 THEY KEEP YOU WELL. Constipation is the root-cause of much ill health. Pinkettes banish constipation, dispel biliousness, liverishness, sick headaches, clear the skirt, purify the breath, relieve Piles. Tiny but thorough, as gentle as h iture. Of medicine vendors, or post free 60 cents the vial, from Dr. Williams’ Medicine
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    • 333 3 SB PARIS GARTERS No metal can touch you Millions of men prefer PARIS Garters because they wear longer and give greater comfort. They hold your hose as securely as they do their friends. Say PARIS when you buy. A STEIN COMPANY CWCAQO, U. S. A. NEW YORK, U. 8. A.
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  • 949 4 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. The revenue amounted to 12,946.23, states tfie annual report of the State of Kedah, signed by the British Adviser, the Hon Mr W Peel. The expenditure was $217,415.89. The cost of erecting or maintaining school buil dings is not included. At the Government English
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  • 283 4 We have to acknowledge the receipt of a poem of twelve verses, from Mr. C. R. Teat, a whole-hearted supporter of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and his policy, in which be seeks to establish beyond all doubt that Dr. Sun was the founder of the New Chinese
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  • 77 4 The Gazette contains the statement of Assets and Liabilities on Decemlter 31 1922. LIABILITIES. Deposits (court, bankruptcy 810,387.499 Drafts and remittances 64.704 Suspense 4.115*316 Loan (7 per cent 1921-26) 20.216.300 Reserve for special purposes .‘IO, 780.000 Unreserved 27.517 245 893,081.066 Assets. Indian Agency Account 8304,606 Investments
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  • 167 4 On the night of the 17th instant, a tiger came to the lines of Norseman Estate aqd took away an adult coolie who was at the time talking with his wife underneath the lines, with the lamp lit by his side. The labour force were wide awake
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  • 411 4 SIR FRANCIS AGLEN’S VIEWS. Shanghai, April 10Reiterating his previously expressed determination to be faithful to the trust placed in him by the Chinese people, Sir Francis Aglen. Inspector-General of Customs and custodian of the sinking fund for the Internal Loan Service, gave an important address at the
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  • 163 4 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal Chamber yesterday afternoon. when there were present Mr. J. S. W. Arthur (President). Mr. C. R. Samuel. Mr. J. H. Ped low. Dr. Lim Guan Cheng. Dr. J. E. Smith and Mr. M. H. M.
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  • 279 4 START IN ITCHY SPOTS AHO RASHES. ZAM-BUK A POWERFUL REMEDY. You may lose no time in removing troubles like pimples or blotches on the face with Zam-Buk simply because the disfigurement is noticeable, but let a rash or other itchy spot appear on the back or chest,
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  • 874 4 A DISCUSSION OF THE INDIAN SYSTEM. The following appears in the course of an article on the commercial and economic situation in India, which is published in the current number of the Round Table No account of Indian industry would be complete without a reference to one of
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  • 382 4 -“S. T.” THE BARNES CUPS. A large gathering, including Lady Guilirmard, Mi s Walker and Sir Frederick S. James, was present at Singapore Polo Gound on Saturday to witness what proved to be a fast and good game for the Barnes Cups. st. Chukka.Opened stickily, until Ferguson got away,
    -“S. T.”  -  382 words
  • 110 4 S. F. P.” The final race for the President’s Cup under the auspices of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, was sailed off on Sunday morning. The finishing times were Polly (Blake) *****5, Helen (Mayger) *****8. Margaret 11 (Livesay) 1224 O2, Kathleen (Lundon) *****9, Betty (Dodwell) *****9, Eve
    S. F. P.”  -  110 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 461 4 COST OF LIVING N CEY L f) N Colombo, April 1?.-The cost of for Europeans in Ceylon j s liV| cent, above the pre-war level 2 M with 75 per cent, in October of The increase is dlue to the increase] f tion imposed in the 1922-1923 highest figure reached
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  • 1680 5 M.T.” Building Sites on Penang Hill. DUKE OF YORK'S WEDDING. u-tinuof the Legislative Council held on Monday. H. E. the fiovsir Laurence Guillemard, K.C.8.) ein ii‘ There were also present H.E. T rd Officer Commanding the (Major-General Sir Neill Malri’i: D. 5.0.). The Hon. the p "'’i d
    M.T.”  -  1,680 words
  • 1813 5 S.F.P.” QUEEN MARY RELICS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh. March 28. Last week a number of relics of Mary Queen of Scots were exposed for sale by auction, and wealthy Americans were known to be anxious for their possession; but. unfortunately, they have been saved for the Scottish
    S.F.P.”  -  1,813 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 351 5 in 111 J J u 1 I f '7 I Zb X* Glaxo ia packed in a parchment !Kr U bag inside a tealed. double-lidded I (|iU -yrC tin. Untouched by hand, never ty-b U exposed to the air. it is kept I JcA antirely free from contamination, i VJ
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  • 33 6 ALCANTRA.On April 22. at Malacca, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A leant ra. a son. O’Keefe. On April 22. at the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Keefe, a daughter.
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  • 1141 6 There was nothing very sensational for Mr. W. Peel. British Adviser to the Kedah Government or for Mr. T. W. Clayton. Acting British Adviser to the Perlis Government to record and comment upon in their respective annual reports for the year 1340 A. H. (4th September.
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  • 1204 6 It would be the negation of truth to say that the number Volunteering, of Europeans who are identified with the Volunteering movement in the Colony, or that attendances at drills in Penang, are satisfactory. In both matteis, indeed, the position is far from what it should be.
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  • 146 6 FRENCH TRADE EXHIBITIOXs. (From Our Own Correspondent. Singapore. April 25. The French cruisers. Jules Mechelet and Victor Hugo, which are descriM as floating Exhibitions of French commerce. are due to arrive at Singapore in the middle of May. A Commiitee will probably be formed to arrange for a
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  • 117 6 DEL \Y CREATES ANXIETY. (From Dur Own (’orresponibnt. 1 Ipoh. April At the* monthly meeting of Sanitary Board to-day. whilst the (|tie>tn>n of electric lighting was le-ing disdbsT tlm Chairman said that the delay probably due to certain tests proununsatisfactory. That was the intoi'miiii" 1 he had
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  • 84 6 SELANGOR ((From our own C<»rrespon<l*‘'>i Kuala Lumpur. April Sho Seng ami Chia convicted bv Mr. Jarrett. Ma- 1 Teluk Datoh, of being attempt at fraudulent eveimi "t duty, relating to 99 piculs 11 J?/- p»., rubber at Moril». and weie in or six months’ riuorotn and a tongkang
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  • 50 6 i p The homewartl mail. 1 closes at 6 p.m. to-nior: A mail 10l- Anstral is (via Singapore) «h 1 morrow. \himC The homeward mail. a Rehic. closes at 7 the 27th instant. I’he homewanl mail- 1 A ,j ie P closes at 10 on proximo.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 192 6 j GREAT REDUCTION g IN PRICE OF I ROYAL TYPEWRITERS. I i V R R I I H I. i bWa>l i i I icai I FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO:— J Huttenbach, Lazarus Sons, Limited. j lllfllllllllll|!MII!IHIII!lll-fl!!ll!“Hf!!:'!!!:!li! l COOKIE !iFj M Apa macham cookie Ayah bilang g? Sabon tiada,
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    • 22 6 E. O.” Thursday, 26th—Orchestral Concert 9-30 p.m. Saturday, 28thGuest NightDancing. Mrs, If. (Bathurst. P C Mrs. X ,1. J/m/.svt/. j B. C
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 189 7 Extraordinary Expenditure. Reuter’s Telegrams.; Beilin, April 24. t ies uh of Ho* great depreciation )h(l nlul k. the 1923 Budget for the ~x tMu tion of the Peace Treaty must be (>||int redrafted, and the amounts to I p.jd in foreign currency to he ca1...1at.-.l of
    Reuter’s Telegrams.;  -  189 words
  • 157 7 I VI imperial chancellors PR( H’< (SALS. Bei lin, April 24. The loimei Imperial Chancellor, Dr. Vmi Mueller, one of the Socialist leader-. in a speech al a Socialist meeting, emphasised-the necessity of offering a definite -urn Hi connection with the new German proposal to the Entente He -uggested
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  • 11 7 London. April 24. Maik- relapsed from 140,1)00 to 112.1)110.
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  • 153 7 AGHEEMEXT CONCLUDED with BKITISII GOVERNMENT. Berlin, April 24. An agreement ha- been concluded '’"ven the British and (Terman Gov'‘Hniient-. which provide- that certain I' l v-war dtdit- of German nationals to hitish national- recognised by a com I'vtent court, -hall he covered from the |'i"ceed- in
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  • 108 7 AM EI{|(aX AI p I {E CIA TIO N. London, April 24. W A m '*yag v from President Harding "I t/ sn 'i a "acting of Governors o«< l! us pvare Memorial on the l"‘aiu "i "i' i V librations of Shakes'll. '"’"'lay at Stratford on Avon.
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  • 16 7 A Lisbon, April 24. 'l'' l! ,l|! lo the sale of ,v,, any is denied.
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  • 51 7 A Provisional Agreement (Reuter’s Telegrams.) Copenhagen, April 24. 1 he Provisional Agreement, signed in Moscow between Denmark and the Soviet, has established defacto relations. Ihe Danes are entitled to engage in industrial under takings in Russia, and are guaranteed against the seizure of property without full
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  51 words
  • 91 7 CASH BASIS NECESSARY. London, April 24. In the House of Commons, at ([notion time. Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame stated that goods to the value of £4,986,000 had lieen imported from Russia, and goods amounting to 1,338,000 exported to Russia for the quarter ended Decemlx'r 31. 1922. Asked whether the
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  • 16 7 Helsingfors. April 24. The trial of the Patriarch Tikhon has been post {Mined.
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  • 90 7 MISS ELLIS’S RELEASE. Peshawar, April 24. The release of Miss Ellis has not yet been effected. T hough she has bee*, rescued from her captors' (dutches, -he is still in the heart of the Tirah country, and there is a possibility of theii offering further opposition. Miss
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  • 25 7 Amritsar. April 24. Thel Congress eaders’ effort to reconcile Hindu-Moslem difference- wer° abortive here, as at Lahore. The communal boycott tension continues.
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  • 151 7 AMERICA’S POSITION. New York, April 24. President Harding, in a speech at the annual luncheon of the Associated Press of America, defended the derision of the United States to participate in the Court of International Justice, as in harmony with platform pledge-, candatorial promises and American
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  • 35 7 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS PENDING. Paris, April 24. It is reported that it has been definitely decided to commence legal proceedings against ten persons formerly concerned in the management of the Banque Industrielle de Chine.
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  • 24 7 Geneva, April 24. The Dutch physicist, Dr. Lorenz, succeeds Professor Einstein on th? League of Nation’s intellectual cooperation commission.
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  • 22 7 Colombo. April 24. The rati of freight from Colombo o Au-traba has been reduced by te i rupees a ton.
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  • 109 7 Legislature’s Complaint. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, April 24. In the House of Commons, Captain I» Berkeley asked with regard to the Imperial Government’s promise to refund £58,000 of the sugar duties to the Imperial Sugar Refining Company without consulting- the Fiji Legislative- authorities, an assurance that future unconstitutional acts of
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  109 words
  • 64 7 BIG DEAL BY ROYAL DUTCH GROUP. London, April 24. I’he Agence Economique et Financiere report- that the Royal Dutch Shell group has purchased 200,(X)0 tons of oil from the Russian Soviet-, and has offered to allow its colleagues into an international consortium to participate in the deal which
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  • 53 7 London. April 24. In the House of Commons, Wk reply to questions, Mr. G. R. Lane' Fox. Secretary for Mines, said that only in two of the eleven State boring- in the United Kingdom was oil found in any appreciable quantities. Both of these wells were now
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  • 73 7 London, April 24. Doctor Hart, Principal of the Anglo-Chinese College at Tientsin, addressing the China Society, said th? allocation of the British portion of the Boxer Indemnity afforded an unique opportunity of giving assistance, which would bind Britain and China in real friendship and benefit the whole world.
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  • 296 7 ANOTHER ARREST. A young Chinese was brought up before Mr. Ahearne in the Second Police Court. Singapore, on Saturday morning, at the instance of Inspector Meredith, ami charged with having taken part in the recent gang robliery during the course of which .John La Salle was so
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  • 64 7 Au orchestra) concert will Im* given at the Runnymede Hotel to-night (Wednesday) at 9-30. when the following programme of muskwill l>e presented 1 Fantasia Carmen G. Bizet 2 Stringed Instrument Grand Theme of the Concert M. Ortega 3 Fantasia Slavonian Fantasia Ad. Schreiner 4 Violin Solo Le
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  • 838 7 PENANG UNIT FORMED. A well attended meeting of ladies and gentlemen interested in the formation of a I nit of the Christian Federation of Malaya was held in the Penang Free School Hall, last evening. Amongst those present were Lt.-Col. Hasting Rhodes (in the chair), the
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  • 866 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. S. T.” Dr. R. D. Fitzgerald is to act as Principal M(*dical Officer. Johore. Mr. B. H. Buxton is in Kuala Lumpur hospital, and is reported to be seriously ill. Mr. H. W. Oxenham, who is.convalescing in his house, is arranging to leave for Australia on the 28th
    – S. T.”  -  866 words
  • 594 7 ECHO OF 1911 MURDER. In the Second Court, this morning, before Mr. A. V. Aston, Mr. Franklyn Robinson, Deputy Public Prosecutor, iniimated that he ptoposed to offer no evidence in the case in which one Lim Hok Choon was under arrest for murder alleged to have been committed
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  • 1535 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE SEMI FINALS. The final lound in, the competition for the English Football Association Cup, will be played at the new stadium at Wembley on Satuiday. West Ham made a spectacular entry into the final in a game in which seven goals were registered. Bolton
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  • 153 8 MOTHERS’ LONDON-TO-BRIGHTON WALK. London, April B.Early risers were surprised at 5 o'clock yesterday morning to see five mothers, each pushing a perambulator containing a protesting baby over Westminster Bridge. This was the start of the Mothers Lon-don-to-Brighton Perambulator Walking Race. One mother did not start owing to the protest of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 PQTTI 1*147 Manufacturers of Every Description of Surgical India Rubber Goods. Syringes, Water Bottlesand Beds, Air (4 Cushions, Enemas. Bed Sheetings, _/l Si? Teats,, Tubings, etc. Vr'fK ESTABLISHED 1847. J. G. INGRAM SON LTD., The London India Rubber Works, *RA.U<£ M A HR. Hackney Wick, London. E. 9. England. s
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    • 18 8 MARTIN S x A Remedy for a?» '«regularities. Saperseding Bitter Apple. PennyroyiC, Pil Coc.hie. Order or «i-»- Chemists
      18 words
    • 307 8 $4.250.93 X A The Standard Motor Co., K aS Ltd., Coventry, England. In all weather conditions f i Agents Wearne Bros., Ltd., Penang. I Standard 1 LIGHT CAR ii ii i~ 'JMl— mill» iiT rniiMirTTirr’"TTnii'riMiMii 1 PAIGE The Most Beautiful Car in America.'* The Paige Glenbrook modela roomy, comfortable five
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  • 272 9 disbursement of khilafat D FUNDS.. allegations refuted. k i](ta Ap nl 17.—At a public meet*1,1,1 last evening under the auspices pronncial Khilafat Committee at p.jL Dr. Syed Mahmood, Cretan of tl"' Central Khilafat Com refuted the allegations made in n l( to tie keeping and disbursement t
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  • 251 9 oimbitore, March 29.—For some years pist a gang of thieves have been system at calix stealing from running trains Pcrundurai and Ingur, on the Erodt I’odmur bianch. They used to come a a body of l(i or 12 a: tl waylay trains t a certain place
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  • 144 9 /'alcutta. April 10.-The Marwari Assi- uitioii have addressed the Government of ugal in connection with increased ic--1"s, nt ition for Indian trade and Com-'ii-rce (in the Calcutta Port Tiust. The refers to the report that the iiiient of Be-gal had recommended u s-ats tor Indian trade a'
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  • 157 9 PoitfoH The redistribution ij I x i the(w 1 l ,il l><‘is. a< bcise criticism in Bombay ,10 1 anne-i'"? S a sa vs logic does fiiis i(. J rri aV< had much to do with Sl,s l M (t tlrt m >ght reasonably pts j
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  • 245 9 Bombay. April 11.—The annual leport of the Agricultural Department. Bombay, for the year 1921-22 states that the improvement of the main crops by selection has been recognised as a potent factor in agriculture. The money value < f such imp»ov»nientr is immense, and they can be easily
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  • 123 9 Bombay. April 16.A saal boating accident occurred on Sunday evening when Colonel Walker Henry Norman. C. 8.. D. S. 0.. General Staff, Southern Command. and hs wife were drowned. It appears Colonel and Mrs. Norman with Miss Munro went for a sail on the Kadakwasla- Lake
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  • 112 9 Delhi. April 9.—A fracas resulting in loss of life took place during the recent fair -at Kalka, near Raisina. Some Pathan workmen engaged on the Impel ial Delhi construction) railway molested a goojar woman of the village, and were in turn attacked by a large crowd
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  • 107 9 Calcutta-. April 16.A fatal motor car accident- occurred yesterday near the Calcutta race course. A car in which three European gentlemen, a lady, two children and a bearer were travelline, proceed i v g ai’ong Lower Circular-road. As it was taking a corner near the
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  • 122 9 Secunderabad» April 16.A sensation was caused in Hyderabad city in the early hours of Fiiday morning when Sikenderjan. a dancing girl, aged about eighteen., was found lying dead in ber house, her throat having been cut with a knife. The residents of the locality saw a man
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  • 69 9 Rangoon, April 18.In connection with the statement of the secretary of the Labour Union, at Yenangyaung, about the alleged victimisation of certain employees, the Associated Pi ess enquiries show that it was due to a misunderstanding. The companies, it is stated, are willing to take back those
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  • 496 9 The Free Press” London Correspondent writes on the 22nd March I noticed with much interest the article on the activities of Mr. C. W. Darbishire, M. P., in the House of Commons, and I think you will hear a good deal more of him. The
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  • 119 9 PENANG. APRIL 25, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 173] 1 3 days’sight Private 175 i 3 Bombay Demand Bank 1731 2 Madras Demand Bank
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    • 40 9 (Reuter’s Telegrams.) New York, April 25. President Harding’s speech, reviewing the position of the United States towards the other Republics of the Western Hemisphere, said the last remaining difference, namely, with Mexico, was happily approaching a solution.
      (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  40 words
    • 35 9 New York, April 25. A strike call, operating at noon, was made by the Marine Transport Workers’ Union, numbering 126,000.. A demand is being made for increased wages and an eight hour day.
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    • 49 9 Paris, April 25. Among ten Banque Industrielle ofli rials to lie prosecuted are Senator Andre Berthelot, on charges of wrong fully issuing shares and distributing fictitious dividends. M. Pernotte is similarly charged, also with negotiating the said shares. It is expected the trial will begin in June.
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    • 90 9 London, April 25. The President of the Rei< hsbank, Herr Sa ven st ein, explaining the G per cent rise in the discount rate, severely referred to the German industrialists who were nullifying the Reichsbank’s efforts to stabilize the mark. He.complained that their daily speculations in foreign
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  • 37 9 ENGLAND v. THE REST. A golf match, England v. The Rest, will be played, on Sunday, the 29th inst., in the morning. The April medal will be .postponed till the first Sunday in May.
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  • 230 9 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURE. Kalmoa for Asahan. The China Homeward Freight Conference has lowered the transhipment charge in Shanghai on goods destined to Europe from four shillings to 2s. 6d. This is appreciated by the trade generally. The s.s. Nankin, from China and Singapore, is expected to arrive here at
    230 words
  • 78 9 M. M.” A fatal accident occurred on Sunday night at the railway marshalling yard. Brickfields. Kuala Lumpur. A signalman named A. K. Dhass was on his way home after duty and in crossing a fence he trod on a live wire and was very severely burnt. He was
    M. M.”  -  78 words
  • 47 9 The Municipal Baud will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m.. to-day 1 March The Top Noreh Arthur 2 Bolero Toi-eador Tbiere 3 Waltz Santigo (orbin 4 Selection Rigoletto Verdi’s Two Step My Little Black Sweetheart Frederiksen
    47 words
  • 114 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. Ĕ 2' E 2 Shares. j >» >» 20 X 20 X Sc. c. c. c. Rubber (Dollar). Bassett 1.07] 1.10 1.05 1.07] K. Sidim 2.20 2.30 2.25 2.30 Malakoff 3.25 3.75 2.75
    114 words
  • 39 9 25th April. 1923. Loca l. cts. f Smoked Sheet 52i Pena NGj Fine Pale Crepe 52[> I Unsmoked Sheet 48 SINGA- (Smoked Sheet 531 pore 1 Crepe 531 London and New York. d Shee New York G3ll
    39 words
  • 57 9 The General Produce Agency, Ltd.. Church Street, Penang, reports the prices of rubber realised at their auction rooms to-day Gd. F.A.Q. Smoked Ribbed Sheet 71.00 F.A.Q. do 70.00 Off quality do 67.50 Plain Unsmoked Sheet Fine Pale Latex Crepe 66.50 Fine Brown Crepe 57.00 Scrap Crepe 54.00 Bark
    57 words
  • 88 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on April 24 f Spot £215.15$ up £2 3 mos. buying 215.15 s 3 3 selling 216 3 Local. April 25th: Singapore sold 100 tons at $106.75. Penang sold 25 tons at $106.75. Messrs. Boustead and Co.,
    88 words
  • 199 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5.000,90 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nntirn g> XOs 1105... Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Snndried 12.15 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail She'ls 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do
    199 words
  • 1131 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. 2* 3 NAMES >. s S 5 O CC cn Hi RUBBER [Dollar 8 c 8 c 8 Allenby Rubber Co 1 20 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate I 25 1 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 25 2 35 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50 13 50
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 215 9 HOW I CURED MY RHEUMATISM. SOME GOOD ADVICE BY C. S. TURNER. FORMERLY OF THE R.A.M.C. Like stomach, liver or kidney disorders, and in fact most other bodily ills, rheumatism results simply from accumulations of impurities in the system. Call these germs, microbes. bacilli. toxins, uric acid, or anything you
      215 words

  • 288 10 New York. March 26Miss Dorothy Keenan, a beautiful artist’s model, was discovered 10 days ago in a sumptuous New York Hat dead in bed. with a bandage soaked iu chloroform tied to her face. Investigation pointed to blackmail as the motive. She was visited on the evening
    288 words
  • 290 10 Rangoon. April 13.The rice market. after the long rest occasioned bv the Burmese holidays, opened yesterday morning in a very anaemic condition. During the whole of the holidays, the market" have "hown a downward trend, and not a single buyer of rite displayed any activity. The result
    290 words
  • 111 10 1 lie Italian Government ha- decided to cede to private enterprise the < ountry’s telephonic system, which i- at present run on bureaucratic lines, instead of ordinary business methods, ami shows an annual loss of about forty million lire. The State wishes to be relieved of this loss
    111 words
  • 50 10 Apr.2sSoccer. P.C.C. v. Chinese Recreation Club. 5.15 p.m. 26Semanggol Rubber Co., Meeting, 9 Union Street, 12 noon. 26 Football, C.Q. vs D. Coy P.V.1., Esplanade. 27 St. George’s Ball. Town Hall. 28 Malan Tin, Ltd., 11 a.m. May J!Football, A Coy P.V.I. vs P. W. V. 1., Esplanade.
    50 words
  • 511 10 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, April 25. 1923- cts Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 58 Sweet Bread pair Leg of Mutton lb 58 Kidney P a i r 40 Feet the four 50
    511 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 207 10 HHiilh I LARGE STOCKS 1 OF s Galvanized Wire, Galvanized Wire Netting, g S (VARIOUS GAUGES AND SIZES) g Barbed Wire, Changkols, Tin Plates, Pick g Axes, Shovels, Garden Shears, Cross Cut g S Saws, Parangs, Axes, Dietz Hurricane g j Lanterns and Globes, European Acetic Acid and Hubbucks White
      207 words
    • 76 10 When a man asserts his in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine eases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed his taste for years it proves not so much that he is not
      76 words
    • 122 10 r, |OPELCARs| Model-Bm/21 H. P.-4 Seater. ft IN THESE LATEST MODELS are embodied EVERY IMPROVEMENT for COMFORT and RELIABILITY. w Fitted with BOSCH MAGNETO 11 LIGHTING and STARTING SETS i! lip -V- --r— /X i Model10 30 H. P.6 Seater. v Illi CAN BE INSPECTED AT KATZ BROS., LTD,, ftj
      122 words

  • 787 11 MUSSOLINI'S ALTERNATIVE TC CLASS WARFARE. The Rome, correspondent of the Observer” says when Mussolini started upon his great adventure in March. 1919, he had a goal in view, but. he was uncertain by which road he meant to reach it. One wonders whether his reactionary supporters have
    787 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      170 words
    • 882 11 HlO Days Free Simply Mail Coupon Watch the Man See the changes one week brings Millions of women know this search, has found two ways to new way of teeth cleaning. And fight that film. One acts to curdle the pretty teeth seen everywhere it, one to remove it, and
      882 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1345 12 "j iI.OYD triestino n. y. k. THF RT UF FTTNNET LINE company. JAP an.calcuttaline. 111 IL D VJ IL r Ull 11 1 (Tncornorated in Italy A Freight service maintained between INTENDED sailings FROM PENANG. I J_ Kobe and Calcutta, calling at Hongkong HOMEWARD. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Singapore, Penang, Rangoon and
      1,345 words
    • 651 12 P. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Maj’esty’s Government) p. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London i ~a vu about Zr cn n about SARDINIA Apr. 27
      651 words