Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 February 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 510 1 ,i;n!— Ml-. WilllllH'ill P r 5» ML n F INS. vx-.w. I modern art j pH OTOGRAPHIC I STUDIO \o 7, Northuni Road. Penang. i Telephone No. 579. g I 1 8 So <? 1 HF f i THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO., (S. S.) LTD., i 5 AM < SJffl
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  • 592 2 CEYLON’S DECISION. It is only to be expected, says the “Ceylon Observer.” that all those who have had any connection with this Colony should express their «.urprise and disappointment with the decision arrived at that Ceylon <houbl take no part in the Imperial Exhibition to be
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  • 158 2 The fact that some forty-four thousand people should have thought it worth while fo make the journey to Stamford Bridge to see the Corinthians affords eloquent proof, observes the “Morning Post.’’ of the popularity enjoyed by the crack amateur club among the mass of the public,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1435 2 Swinehart Tyres HENDERS NE A S NI> B ,Y Wantwl immediately.— A Kapala Stin at the Bame R educe d Price 20 or 25 good tappers to tap 15 aecommodayear old trees. Good wages. Estate ,n oruer 10 mem wcu I,u,t is >, near Serdang, South Kedah. Apply on
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    • 117 2 A High Claw Guaranteed LEVER WATCH The four line»» of letter* in th U» square stand for two p JEsf boys wnd two girls' B I K I [EuJr i’Sjw guarantee to bend you. TK 1 E 1 A gEßgjf' Absolutely Fiee, one of O R B I our tamriis
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    • 871 2 I Stamp BAn ks. I Of Value I nedf -Rlandsche hand f j MAATSCHAPPij guinea has long passed out of NEDERLANDS TRADIXf; S(r P circulation, in common with the I IkTy i gold florin and the angel and I ESTABLISHED the nooic, but unlike these f-ipitdl (Paid-Up) others, itisstill a
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  • 330 3 V4IOR BIAKE’S COMPANIONS MA IN CHARGE. |on »i».n. January 17.-The Legion of rro nti<TsnH*n is arranging a world Hight, in the spring, with Captain v'tfilkm. Geoff re and Malins as pilot. ;)i;i ivl observer respectively. A ''"n,! pilot will also be carried. The «achine for the flight
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  • 397 3 Australian rival of sir KEITH SMITH. Officers and men of the Royal Australian \ir Force are keenly interested in i mnouncement that Captain E. ,1. M’Cloughry, D. S. 0.. D. S. and bar. is to commence his world flight from England about the beginning of April. From
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  • 71 3 'yh’pol Band will play the following music at the Esplanade from M P-m. to-day 2 ‘’S’,. ,hc Quarter Deck Alford ■AValty Jmicredi Rossini 4 Me,; ,k" a ee Ri ver Moon Clarke H'c Duchess of f, x T»- i Dantzic Caryl I *'Fi lt ixi Highway' Donaldson
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  • 832 3 programme for 19-2:5. Comprehensive and attractive is the training policy of the Royal Australian Air lorce tor 1923. which was issued by the secretary of the Defence department (Mr. Trumble). I raining, which is to be conducted as far as practicable on the standard of the Royal
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  • 758 3 HISTORIC MEMORIES. Glamis < a-tlp. which has been the chief of the Earls of Strathmere for many centuries. is con sidered to be one of the fin est examples of tho Scottish baronial style of architecture says a correspondent, of the “Daily Telegraph.” It is situated
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  • 130 3 New York. January 18.- A party f engineers and officials of the Barnsdall < orporation, one of the larger oil-producing companies in the United Spates will sail on 27th in st f° r Baku. This marks the first step in the opening by American operators of
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  • 515 3 SIR J. CRICHTON-BROWNE'S ADVICE. Th»* fourth annual dinner of the Incorporated Vermin Repression Society and College of Pestology was held at the afe Royal- Colonel th»* Hon. Cuthbert James, M- P., was in the (hair and Sir Jam s Crichton-Browne was the guest. Sir James Crichton-Browne said
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  • 380 3 Briti'h preference to the product* of Australia and other parts of the Empire is urged b\- Mr. L. H. Freeman, of Freema-n ami Co.. London- as Government agent* f«>r the Commonwealth Government fruit pool, in a letter published in the “Time"” trad,* supplement of 25th November- In th»*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 479 3 f 11 f Eft c I I xJr a i A Muthn JJW .-"Al in rr month's jjz* my Baby was wasting. I tried I’ StF I Glaxo, and he gradually recovered I UiJt gy and gained weight. Since *ttcn I V/Jp he las never looked back." I Why Baby
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  • 798 4 —“S.T.” STORAGE OF PETROLEUM. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal offices, Penang, last evening, to confirm the amended bylaws for the storage etc., of petroleum passed at the last meeting. There were present:—Messrs S. Codrington (President). C. R. Samuel, .1. D. Kemp.
    —“S.T.”  -  798 words
  • 536 4 Free Press.” SINGAI*ORE INDIANS' WELCOME. For the first time in the history of the Indian and Ceylonese communities of Malaya, a reception was held at Singapore to welcome their representative on the Legislative Council, the Hon. Mr. P. K, Nambyar. The function was held in the large
    —“ Free Press.”  -  536 words
  • 369 4 -“S. F. P.” We have puzzled a good deal over Mr. Farrer’s speech on the water schemes at the Municipal Commissioners meeting on Friday, says the “Straits Times.” From the beginning of the discussion on water supply we have steadily protested against the neglect of the Municipality to
    -“S. F. P.”  -  369 words
  • 502 4 According to the Burma Forest Report there were at that time only five concessions granted in Burma for the manufacture of paper pulp from bamboos. Two of these were in Arakan. Messrs. F. W. Heilgers and Co. held one in the Pegu District, Messrs. Hoekley and Manning
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  • 198 4 How many hotels in Great Britain outside London provide a bathroom attached to every bedroom and a system of steam-heating capable of being regulated by the guest, as is to be found in almost every American hotel? Do our hotel proprietors study the requirements of their patrons sufficiently?
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  • 176 4 The Prai Port commission of enquiry seems to be mainly intended to find how the “concern” can lie made to pay. or to cost as little as possible, and how its affairs should be managed, says the “Free Press.” We are not sure that the Port of Penang and
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  • 217 4 PRESENTATION AT SINGAPORE. There was a very large congregation at the Church of St. Joseph for confirmation administered by the Rev. Doni Jose da Costa. Nunes, Bishop of Macao. The clergy present included Rev. Frs. A. Cardozo, V.G., A. Sapage, Vicar, M. Cardozo, Coroado and Goncalus,
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  • 274 4 Privy Council Decision. Judgment has recently been delivered in the Privy Council in regard to the appeal of Seng Djit Hin. against a decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal in 1920. The appellant was plaintiff in the original action, which came before Mr. Justice Woodward. The
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  • 164 4 s. T.” The following supplements our special cable from Hongkong:—An American unemnloyed seamen named James Clarence Moore, aged 33. was charged at the Hongkong Magistracy, on Saturday with stowing away on the Torilla. The defendant said that he was paid off at Singaoore to go into
    —“ s. T.”  -  164 words
  • 78 4 MEETINGS AT KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent J Kuala Lumpur. February 2X. A meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce passed various alterations of rules which were discussed in October and circulated among the members. At the annual meeting of the Selangor Branch of the
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  • 260 4 The annual general n Singapore Nursing .V SO( t, held at Government Hou SP lemard presiding. Ainmmq jf G ,ik sent were Mrs. Burkill WLMrs. Dashwood rreeman, Mrs. Wolff u, Mrs. Lornie, Dr 1 lr "“I 1 treasurer and medial .dvi s t J. A. R. Glennie
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  • 34 4 THE BLOEMFONTEIN MAD II Reuter’s Telegrams Bloemfontein, February 27. Marylebone made 282 (Street SB> I lie Orange Free State scored 12X. Fender took seven wickets for 55. M.(’.(’. won bv 256 runs.
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams ]  -  34 words
  • 83 4 The SingajK>re Football A*m>< ia tion’s report for the year ended 31<; December, 1922, shows an excess oi receipts over expenditure of $223. after paying a loss of $259.80 on th<* previous year’s working. It will b“ readily seen from the accounts that this result has only
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  • 21 4 A football matidi between (doin' and “Whites” will be played Hits evening at- 5-15 p.m. on the Esplaiim Ground.
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  • 45 4 The following are the resdts tennis tournament ties played yt‘' ,r (lav: II Singles Handicap lass I 0 C. D. Davies heat E. A. 6—l; E. A. Taylor beat IL E Colhr 6—3, 6—4. Ladies Singles handicap.—-* Name? heat Mrs. I homas >
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  • 57 4 An orchestral concert will -'“A Runnvmede Hotel to-night ,l( j. 9 30. when the following proyranune of «ill be presented:1 Selection Romeo and .1 oh» 1 1,1 2 Clarinette R pn <ler Solo Fifth Fantasia 3 Fantasia Cavalleria Rusti- uni cana 4 Violin Solo Hungarian 5 Hawaiian Down
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  • 63 4 E. O. Orchestral Concert. 11 The following programme at presented at the h. and <>• 9-45 1 Overture Herold Zanipa 2 Two Characteristic Dances from the Scandinavian Suite (by re.|»e«t) 3 Alhumleaf Br'r’a 4 Angel’s Serenade 5 Andante (’antabile n ee thoven from the Ist Symphony butn Piano Solo Lento(No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. For Sale Local Rubber and Cocoa* nut Estates. Good investment: offers invited. For particulars and price, apply to Box No. 45. c/o Pinang Gazette. For Sale Sea-side Bungalow at Butterworth. About 4 minutes’ walk from the S.S. Jetty: offers invited. For particulars and price, apply to
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    • 256 5 vl) I defeat merchants. P B AM’ Brokers and Insurance *k(. liankc < nt in the S. C. ncket first point in ~n they defeated the M e r Sat rda y. by 34 run». Th- "'‘'L hard ami »coi inK was fairly th- “S- T say*
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    • 29 5 T C i if the Captain’s Cup oompet-i-a r'su''<l in a win for 11. J- XX a rd. who «feared I). M. Doig by 1 up.
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    • 92 5 X'w York, January 7. —The I nited v <•. Lawn Tennis Association has an‘<l the ranking of American players. Th- does not include Australians, bpi. lit iH'd t<> residents of the I nited v The. singles players are Til- William Johnston, Richard*. XX illiams John-t<-n.
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    • 296 5 tU)VD WINS AND BURNS FIGHTS A DRAW. lemloii. January 22. —“Bill” Lh»yd. Australian heavy weight, beat Peuwjll ’he eleventh round at the Ring to--ht Penwell sustained a cut over Hie am] the referee stopped the fight. "ho looked very fit, easily had the ''f the first six rounds.
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    • 346 5 The Oxford I niversjty crew have begun their preparations f n r the bat race- XVith the exec ption of I). T. Raikes and S. Earl, wlhi are no longer i n residence, all last year’s men are available. For the first outing the President, G. O.
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    • 132 5 A well-known American weekly is steadily maintaining a campaign against th»» Golf habit, in spite of th.» resentment of a “particularly contentious and hyjH»rs«»nsitive” crowd ot golfers. The campaign started with th»» enumeration and occasional lurid d(»scrij>tion of th»» a<(-ident». which oc cur on links. It
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    • 143 5 11l U<‘ll W t 1 nn v s ‘‘lllustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.” I’h»» extraordinary fascination of big Rugby occasions for the players of ‘other games’ was again mad»» clear in the Welsh international at Twickenham. One could not move a yard in that mighty throng
      11l U<‘ll • W t 1 nn v s , ‘‘lllustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.”  -  143 words
  • 160 5 Melbourne. January 23.— Leaving Syd ncy this morning, the Australian fleet- including H. M. A. »S- Melbourne, Sydney. Adelaide. Platypus, Anzae. Stalwart. Geranium and R A. F. A. Biloela. commen c»&gt;s its Tasmanian cruis»». of about 1.500 miles which finishes in March. Th»» programme is as follows:
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  • 358 5 Some amusing “howlers” by school children are referred to in the report &lt;d the Chief Examiner of the London ounty Council on the examinations held in 1921 and 1922 for the award of Junior County Scholarships. The fol low ing is a selection Ihe Great Fire of London
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  • 218 5 The “Amrita Bazar I’atrika” is vei much con» erned over the figures in the Bengal Government’s resolution on public health and vaccination report-». In th»» course of a. leading article under the lugubrious h»»ading “The Bengalis—a dying rate,” th»» paper writes: —The resolution one»
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  • 133 5 A most curious and interesting novelty was shown by a British firm of instrument makers at a recent scientific exhibition in London. England. In optical appliances there is an objection to th»* use of the ordinary silverback glass mirror on aeciunt of th»* double reflection from th»*
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  • 51 5 London, January 24. —Dr. Arthur Huist, of Guy’s Hospital, describes in the “Lancet” the newest treatment for appendicitis. rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anaemia. dyspepsia, and gastritis, by means of diluted hydrochloj-ic acid. All these diseases, h»» says, originate from an absence &lt; f free hydrochloric acid in th»»
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  • 940 5 SOM E ANTICI PATIONS. Ninety days—eighty-nine days—eighty eight days—so does one keep the count of the time still to go before our steamer sails, says a writer in the Rangoon Gazette.*’ The prospect of leave is ever delightful— olteu more so than the reality. XX’e think and plan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 26 5 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (Tn various colours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, limited
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    • 623 5 r i c 1 i I A I Shaving was at best a bother until Gillette came! MOST men do not know ihe real meaning of a clean, comfortable shave —until they try the New Improved Gillette. The Gillette brings them a joy-in-I knownthe^^^^^worlo oven shaving they dared not hope
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  • 19 6 LOW. —On the February, 25th at the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, the wife of H- A. Low. a daughter.
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  • 1092 6 It is pointevi out in the Report of the Committee of the Rubber Growers Association. following upon the visit of a Delegation to America for the purpose of conferring with representatives of the United States Rubber Manufacturers’ Association. that any possible menace to the plantation industry in Malaya
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  • 1086 6 His Excellency the Governor and the Hon. Mr. John Mitchell, Council. when speaking on the occasion of the first meeting of the enlarged Legislative Council, on Monday, obviously appreciated the importance of the occasion. Sir Laurence Guillemard, and the spokesman for the Unofficials, are to be congratulated
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  • 186 6 COMMISSION AGENTS si IT (From Our Own Correspondent. l Singapore. February T. In the course of a written judgment from Penang, in the action in which a Singapore Commission Agent. Mr. I’. A. Paris, claimed S95.(Ml(&gt; from Mr. sTiong Wall. Compradore of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, for
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  • 63 6 TWO MEN SHOT DKAI'. (From Onr Own Correspond^- 1 Kuala Lumpur. February A darimr gang ■•oblary k Mengkarak. on the Pahang H»' I vein.' the night of February armed men attacked Chinese Resistance was oflrere.t and two m'" shot dead, and four others wonnded. 'l'he robber* ph l
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  • 60 6 i the The homeward mad. &gt; I1(1 closes at C. P-ni- on Hada.'proximo. Vu- 11 The homeward mad. 1 r closes at I p.m. on 1 1,111 proximo. i the Tli'’"-" The homeward mad. 1 (h( jth closes at K'a.m. on ’•STp. a o. to arrive hero y,..-:"'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd. Wednesday, 28th instant, Orchestral Concert at 9-30 p.m. Thursday, Ist March, Dancing after Dinner, 8 Saturday, 3rd March, Special Tiffin-Orchestra Guest Night Dancing. i cr-nrrir MBHHOSOBCKa 1 I GIANT MIMOSA The only known COVER-CROP that suppresses LALLANG. ff i ORDERS NOW REING ROOKED FOR FEBRUARY ANO MARCH
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    • 21 6 “E. O.” Wednesday, 28th Feb., SPECIAL TIFFIN—ORCHESTRA. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT, 9-45 p.m. Friday, 2nd March, GUEST NIGHT—DANCING. Saturday, 3rd March, SPECIAL TIFFIN—ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 343 6 I THE MEXICAN CIRQUE I I VARIETIE. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, f I Ist MARCH, 1923, j j FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY AT s Prangin Road, junction of Sungei Ujong Road, Penang, g s STRONGEST PROGRAMME g Strongly supported by Expert Riders. Horsemanship a speciality and introducing a host of
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    • 20 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 10.54 p.m. 4.55 p.m. To-morrow. 11.32 a.m. 5.34 a.m. 11.41 p.m. 5.44 p.m.
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  • 49 6 DEATHS Wee. —On February 25. 1923, Wee Keng Hoe. the father of Messrs. Wee Mah Cheow and Mali Yam. at his residence 34. High Street, Singapore Age 65. GIDLEY. —On January .»th. at the Hospital f&lt;&gt;r Tropical Diseases. London. Allen Gidley. P.W.D., F.M.S.. late of Kota Bharu, Kelantan, aged &gt;•».
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  • 248 7 Speech on Foreign Affairs. Reuter’s Telegrams.] Ixmdon. February 27. J Curzon, in a speech at the Club, said he believed the |lt part) in Angora would prevail the wai party, lie did not con(|V( i 1 11 1 it iM»"ibl&lt;* that anv nation, in th? (.(&gt;]'&lt; &gt;»i oll(
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  248 words
  • 169 7 A HR ESTS AT ESSEN. Paris. February 26. A l)iie"tddoil message states that dewing st'arehes at Essen, a seizure nf arms and pamphlets was made. A building* adjacent to the Green Police Barrack* was raided, and 150 men ar rested. Thev will probablv be expelled. Coloured Troops. Cologne,
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  • 76 7 A GERMAN INVENTION. London, February 27. A 'ubniarine-seaplane, designed to II as the eye of the ocean-going sub'•‘aiine commerce destroyer was satistested in Germany, accordj’. 1 French correspondents in Ber111 "bo refer to the machine as “one die most disquieting post-war Ger--111,111 inventions.*’ It is claimed that '"'•"ns enclosed
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  • 43 7 *IIF QUESTION BELIEVED SETTLED. O, istantinople. February 27. inj 1 1 ;,n&lt; l Italy informed the KetiJ 1 i' ’l l l adherence to the Bri'liii ,"L SI&lt;HI b) station only one war- uvrni The question is now puh| “’l as dosed.
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  • 71 7 AMERICAN IMPRESSIONS. I London, February 27. nite'l' c 0,1 r &lt;‘turn from the ’h's. hi I Sir Eric Geddes said m, IM of Britain’s debt had a T| 101 (1 x, ’'lb‘nt effect on America. pr&lt;‘s s f l( a t trade boom there at '•'iifiib./ "'’l'
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  • 102 7 General Smuts’ Statement. I Reuter’s Telegrams.] I ape Town, February 27. In the House of Assembly, moving approval of the continuance of the first part of the Mozambique Convention, subject to six months’ notice. General Smuts said Portugal and South Africa were agreed that the convention
    I Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  102 words
  • 198 7 Lisbon. February. 13.—Portugal is threatened with tin* possible los* of her important African cob nial pc&gt;se&gt;sions, according t&lt;&gt; Admiral Leote do Rego, who has caused something of a sensation by giving an interview to the Diario de Lisbon in which he declare that Mozambique, on the east coast,
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  • 42 7 A SEALING ARRANGEMENT. Christiania, February 27. The Soviet Government granted t concession to a Norwegian firm, authorising 55 Norwegian ships to seal within the 12 mile limit »u North Russian waters between the 20th Feb. and the 15th -Tune.
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  • 34 7 BIG (’DEQUE FROM AMERICA. Washington, February 27. The United States has paid Norwa. $12,000.000, the award decided lithe Hague Arbitration Tribunal as compensation for the seizure of Norwegian ships in war time.
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  • 121 7 New York. January 2- President Harding has let it. be known that the United States w ill pay £2,4tM 000 which The Hague arbitration court awarded Norway for the use of her -hips dm ng th'* war. The announcement &lt; t the court’s decision on 13th October
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  • 68 7 A LECTURE TN LONDON. London, February 27. Tn a lecture on Sarawak at the Royal Colonial Institute, Mr. Charles Hose declared that the continuance in the future of a strong line of Rajahs imbued with the Brooke tradition, supported by public opinion at home, was the main thing required
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  • 39 7 London, February 27. Orders have been issued for a relief crew for the cruiser Hawkins on the China Station to leave England by transport at the end of March. The change of crews will occur at Singapore.
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  • 28 7 New York, February 27. Mr. J. D. Rockefeller, Junior, lias bought in London six Rochefoucauld tapestries. It is stated the price was a million dollars.
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  • 362 7 Prices and Supplies. 1 Reuter’s Telegrams.; London. February 27. The Report of the Committee of the Rubber Growers’ Association on the discussions in the United States states there is a general appreciation in the United States of the need for the measures taken by the Eastern Governments. There is
    1 Reuter’s Telegrams.;  -  362 words
  • 60 7 AMERICAN APPEAL TO CHURCHMEN. New York. February 27. Fearing that the world is driftinginto a. war calculated to eclipse civilisation. the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ have sent a message to 150,000 Protestant Churchmen urging them to press their Government to take a larger
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  • 45 7 Washington, February 27. The Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate virtually de&lt; ided to postpone till the next session of oiigress, action as regal ds Preside!.’ Harding’s request that the I niteo States associate itself with the Intelnational Court of Justice.,
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  • 34 7 London, February 27. It is officially announced that the King and Queen leave London on the sth May for Rome on a brief visit to their Italian Majesties.
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  • 184 7 London, January 27. 1 1 has been said that the date of the Duke of York’s wedding depends upon an important engagement which the King may have to fulfil ih the spring. I am informed on good authority that this engagement i* a State visit
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  • 445 7 GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES. The Government has now definitely embarked on the development of Penang Hills, and arrangements for extensive works in that connection are practically completed. The projected schemes are provided for in the estimates for the current year. Work on the new motor road, between the Hill
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  • 382 7 —“S- F. P-” AN APPEAL FOR HELP. H E- Sir Neill Malcolm. G. O. &lt; pre&gt;idcd over a meeting held in the ictori i Memorial Hall. Singapore, in cenuecU »it with the new St. Andrew Hospital t&lt; women and children. Among'*’ others P--‘, sent wi re the
    —“S- F. P-”  -  382 words
  • 1470 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gore have arrived in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. A. R. Morgan, of Alor Pongsu Estate, is leaving for home soon. The Rev. Brother James arrived from Port Swettenham this morning. The Hon. Mr. W. H. Thorne was in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday on his
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    • 277 8 No subject ha- been -o gent rally misunderstood anti pven deliberately misrepresented as that of the rubber export restriction scheme writes Mr. E. L. Killick in the “Financier”. In this country, in particular, dcspit-d the fact that its interests are -&lt;» prominently identified with the producing industry,
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    • 533 8 Shanghai. January 23. —Unconfirmed reports yesterday stated that the price of '.aw rubber on the London market had gone up to Is- 6d- pt r pound for spot and Is. 7d. for forward. A local firm of merchants is stated to have received this
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    • 346 8 The thirteenth annual ordinary general meeting of the Ayer Molek Rubber Company was held at the company’s office Malacca, on Tuesday 20th Februaiy at noon, Mr. Tan Jiak Hoe (Chairman) presiding. The Chairman first dealt with rhe profit of 811.000 odd made during the year- He said:
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  • 421 8 Co-operative Abattoirs for Brisbane. Brisbane, January LS.—A representative meeting of cattle owners on Wednesday affirmed th»* principle of establishing co-operative abattoirs in Brisbane, which would be controlled by the cattle owners themselves. The proposal is to float a £250.000 company and acquire the works already established, so that
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  • 96 8 A page of R- L- Stevenson —from “Travels with a Donkey”—which contains 138 nouns and pronouns, 70 verbs, and 41 adjectives and adjectival participles, does not break d- wn quite so badly under analysis. It shows “great. richness of modalities, steady and lively activity, without
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  • 663 8 WHAT THE ARCHITECT DOES FOR YOU. The Exhibition of Contemporary British Architecture was opened in the Galleries of the Royal Institute, in the presence of a distinguished com pany of members and visitors, on I December 4, by the President (Mr. Pa«i Waterhouse, M.A.), who, in
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  • 117 8 PENANG, FEBRUARY 28, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’ sight Rank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 3 Documentary, 2/4 9/1G Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 173 3 days’sight Private „177 s Bombay Demand Bank 173 2 Madras Demand Bank 173 &gt;
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  • 270 8 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Lake Fielding for Singapore and China. Sampit for Deli and Asa han. Ningchow for Colombo, Dhanushkodi, Suez and New York United States of America. Troihis for Suez and London. The s.s. Nankin, from London an&lt;l Colomlto, is expected to arrive here at G a.m. on Sunday,
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  • 422 8 CLOSE DAILY (ex»?ept Sunday) BI TRAiN. Rf*&lt;_rixtration and Parcel Po&lt;t. except where otherwise stated, close half an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Federated Malay States. Malacca. Johore. Singapore and Hongkong Batn Gajah, Ta pah Road. 'I By train Teluk Anson.Kuala Knhn. Koala I 7.15 a.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 SOME PREFER SATURDAY but any other night does just as well for Pinkettes, they are so gentle in action whilst so effective in results. toy® the dainty little laxatives, dispel con&lt;tiP’ti&lt;’n. sick headaches, liverishness, clear the skin and purify the breath. Of medicine vendors, or post free, 60 cents the
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    • 143 8 THE LATEST?" J Have you Tried the New Cigarette Garrick Virginia No. 2 j (SPECIAL SIZE). I i RETAIL PRICE 90 cents per tin of 50. 45 cents per tin of 25. GALVANISED BUCKETS (SEAMED) 8 9 ins., 10 ins., 12 ins., and 14 ins. ENAMELLED LATEX PAILS 11 ins.
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  • 509 9 nlU&gt;I vulcanize, ii stoib that V"l '),..vp now discovered a» way I ,^’rr’ 1 1)U away with all the io&gt;"- 1 If ihp “Vultex” prob hi' 1 i,i(ilotim &lt;1 laboratory y I” V si'hl' 11 |&gt;t;Pe. Malacca, can real- rk claimed for it- l i’HluMry i fair wav
    509 words
  • 158 9 -“8.T.” ‘'■padilv crop report for the second *"‘\iii -January leaves the planted die seven Circles under report “'"7'd at 9.044,770 rai. Of that 1- 1411 I;i j hail been harvested l I I'h -lanuarv. as comwared with rai at the same date last X, area was
    -“8.T.”  -  158 words
  • 153 9 r, 'nr w ill be added to the life of j 1 ,n ’*thods of criticism adumTli&lt; H 11 I-*** l i' l her new book,on '*ur T M’ords” are adopted by F Or y v sufficiently highbrow critics. f""ni e reduced the thing to huiHli^'l'' ’‘‘hes.
    153 words
  • 205 9 M. v Between seven and eight o’clock on Sunday morning then* was an unusual bustle and activity on the main K. L. Klang Hoad. Besides the sixty-eight competitors who had entered for the Selangor .Automobile Association Motorcycle Keliability Run. a large number of sightseers had gathered,
    “ M. v ”  -  205 words
  • 100 9 Tokio, February 23.—The death is announced of Mr. Kuniomi Yokota, exPresident of the Supreme Court. ’l’he Osaka Electric Light Co. is going to be operated by the Municipality. It is announced that the Government has no intention of allowing the amalgamation of the stock and rice exchanges.
    100 words
  • 509 9 During Chinese New Near Captain R. M. Robertson and Mr. F. Adelborg sailed across tin* Straits of Malacca to Sumatra and back again in an open 17 foot canoe in company with three Alalavs. The journey, which wa&lt; undertaken from Siginting near Port DickM&gt;n to the nearest point
    509 words
  • 109 9 The following are the latest;quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. jo Shares. 2* E* CO OD GO O? c. c. c. c. Mining. Batang P. 47i 521 471 50 NawngPet 1.60 1.65 1.45 1.55 Rahman H. 16.00 17.00 16.50 17.00 Renong 26/- 27/6 27/-
    109 words
  • 39 9 28th February. 1923. Local. cts. Smoked Sheet fil Penang- Fine Pale Crepe t&gt;oi ,Unsmoked Sheet 52 Singa- (Smoked Sheet fill pore (Crepe 61} London and New York. Loxdox lS“ ok Shwt Js-s|d (Crepe New York G 35?,
    39 words
  • 90 9 London. The Straits Trailing Co.. Ltd., gives the following London prices, on Feb. 27 Spot .£2&lt;&gt;l up £l.los 3 mos. buying 202.15 s ..1. 5s 3 selling.. 203 „1. 5s Local. Feb. 28th: Singapore buyers no sellers at Sl&lt;’l&lt;. Penang sold 100 tons at $104.50. Messrs. Boustead and
    90 words
  • 167 9 Benares Opium p. chest $5.00(9.00 nom. Cloves no stock Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 80s 110 s Coconuts per I,(MM) 30.00 sellers Copra Sundried 11.00 sales Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No. 1 15.00 per bag do
    167 words
  • 88 9 Mar. I—f'.W.A. Meeting, Parsonage. 1«&gt; I—Moonlight Band, Esplanade, 8.30 p.m. I—Mexican Cirque Varietie, Prangin Road, 9.15 p.m. 2 and s—Moonlight Band. Esplanade, 8.30 p.m. 3—Penang Clerical Union. Annual Dinner, 7 p.m. 10—Bassett Rublier Co.. Ltd., Meeting, 1 AA’eld Quay. 12 noon. 13—Penang Assizes. 17 and 19—Warwick Comedy
    88 words
  • 1132 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. 8 S gS NAMES Ji S-2 a St OQ on H &lt; RUBBER [Dollar.] 3 c c{3 c Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 25 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 40 1 Amalgarnated Malay Estates 2 25 2 50 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 13 00 14
    1,132 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 265 9 I J II i J /~x \O') J m 6 NOTICE. N OI ICE is hereby given that the above Six Trade Marks are the joint property of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Limited and The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Federated Malay States) Limited both incorporated in England and are
      265 words

  • 657 10 A PRECEDENT FOR TO-DAY’S CONFUSION. I An interesting comparison between the present position of the world and that of the world fifteen hundred years ago was made by Professor Graham Wallas to the Association of University Women Teachers at Bedford College, Regent’s Park. London. Fifteen hundred years
    657 words
  • 111 10 “1.P.M.” It is interesting to hear from Publi librarians in England that the war has opened men’s minds, and widened their range of reading. At least, the demand for fiction has decreased Ly some twenty to thirty per ('ent., while that for economics, history, travel, an.l
    “1.P.M.”  -  111 words
  • 587 10 A YEAR’S WORK IN THE UNITED PROVINCES. The United Provinces Government in their resolution on the annual report on the working of co-operative societies in the province for the year ending the 30th -lune says Agricultural condition'' were favourable in most parts of the provinces during the year
    587 words
  • 195 10 The transport system in London is not only the largest in the world but is undoubtedly the most progressive. Constant effort is made to improve every detail of the service so as to provide the public with faster and more convenient transport at lower fares. Recently
    195 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 206 10 YOU CAN BUY A PIANO O;UT OF INCOME Do not Ibe tempted to buy a second rate Piano, because you feel you cannot afford a better. Select one instead from the unrivalled range of instruments» whose makers we represent, and pay for it while you use it. You will thus
      206 words
    • 22 10 MARTIN’S A Remedy for ad ■-regularities. Baperaeding Bitter Apple. Pennyroyal. PU Cochia, Order or -».l Chemists. MASTIN Chemiet SC UTHAMFTON JSSfaAf 5»
      22 words
    • 304 10 ESTD. 1847. M ?"7 1 7 r 7' f tJ- Surg,Cal India Goods Syringes. Water Bottles *,„l P t y Cushions, Enemas. B c&lt; Sh TeaU., Tabings. etc. ESTABLISHED 1847 J. G. INGRAM SON LTD TRADE MARK. S MODES I ROBES ET COSTUMES. g PARIS, MAISON. PERSONAL I LONDON, CpnfffoHn
      304 words

  • 394 11 5,942 MOTOR VEHICLES IN CEYLON. I he increase in the nunilier of motor vehicles in Ceylon is most noticeable. The year 1922 was a record one as will be seen from the figures mentioned below. So far as the present condition of things exists, and the craze
    394 words
  • 440 11 i ncreased consvmption. A Reuter message from Adelaide states that Government statistics just published strikingly illustrate the suitability of the climate of South Australia for vine-grow-ing. The area planted amounts to 41.424 acres, a quarter of which has not yet reached the bearing stage. The last vintage amounted
    440 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 343 11 C $4,250.00 The Standard Motor Co., I Ltd., Coventry. England. jn all weather conditions i 1 Agent» Wearne Bro»., Ltd., Penang. J I Slauuard UGHT CAR Book one of CENTRAL MOTOR GARAGE Ltd., STYLISH CARS FOR CHAP GOH MEH ’PHONE 376, or call personally at No. 5, Farquhar Street. =7l
      343 words
    • 508 11 rr i Free i Enough for 20 uses j _for a lo day test That will show the delightful results. Send the coupon. Not Beauty Only These whiter teeth mean safer teeth as well No doubt the great reason why millions use Pep- proved them. Now leading dentists everywhere sodent
      508 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      1,460 words
    • 632 12 P. 0.-BRITISH IX. AND APCAR LINES. 4 I (Companies Incorporated in Engi and) MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. c 0 I (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) I P. O. SAILINGS. I LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles I on j about
      632 words