Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 February 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 32 1 BSTB. IS7? PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY The Only ffrentable House for J JEWELLERY: ALWAYS BOMKTHING NEW Enquires CarahSv Attended to B. P. de SILVA: No. 1. Nsaop STREET. PENANG. 62-3, KKH ffHHET, SINCAPQRL
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  • 1494 2 MOSUL AND ITS STORY. As day succeeds to-day, rnd the course of the Lausanne Conference unto’ds itself in a series of wonnlike stretches and recoilnients, so more and snore, writes the Daily Telegraph” currespondent, do the eyes of the delegateseven those who are in no wa;/ directly
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  • 218 2 Sir GtH)rge Scoff, K.C-I.E..and Mr. JH. Thurston, as Directors of the Burma Shan Company, Limited, have applied for a grant of land, approxima ely 112 square miles in area, in the Thayetmyo District. Burma, for cot on cultivation. This is the largest piece of land the Burma
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 854 2 Says fiefcJf”* Wanted Married Clerk for healthy estate Kuala Kangsar district. Apply Box No. 20, c/o Pinang Gazette. 201-2-2. A First class Electrical Engineer i wanted. Must be exp°rienced in A. C. work. Apply to, The Sungei Besi Mines. Ja Limited, Sungei Besi, Selangor. O 186— 5-2. Wanted Medical Officer
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    • 26 2 TO PRINTERS We bold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks various colours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press I TMITED
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    • 235 2 n IF WINTER COME? Is not a warning, but a new Foxtrot by the Radio Orchestra in a style that will make you dance. Columbia record No. 3160 OTHER NEW COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONE RECORDS THAT ARE POPULAR Say it while dancing Foxtrot The Sneak Thru the Night Waltz Loves Lament o
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  • 3051 3 I GENERAL meeting. 1 General meeting of the InThe U U i>eietv of Planters was held .lannary 27th. at 27. Java !1 Satn v O’Hara Hickson, the ('hairS 'Trft'heSo ciets preBide< 11 THE ATTENDANCE. f the members present were Anl t H B Phillips, R. Gunton
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  • 467 3 The agenda for the next meeting cf the P- A. Al. at Kuala Lumpur, on the 15th inst. states Postal Matters. The Standing Committee duly took up with the Director of Posts and Telegraphs the questions of (a) Telephone Trunk Line Fee accounts and (b) closing of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 SIRIOHfIS is the Best Bottled Ale It sparkles- it foams, and the flavour is splendid. LWS It will give you an appetite. You will enjoy it as y° u never enjoyed a flbeer before. A BRITISH ALEBrewed Expressly for B j Residents in the East. sure and ask for BWK
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  • 105 4 A Dramatic Arrest. [Reuter’s Telegrams. 1 London, February 1. Walter Tatam aged 12 the son of wealthy Bal ham residents was charged Bow Street with attempting to poison on the 9th November, General Sir William Horwood, Commissioner Metropolitan of Police also Assistant Commissioners Trevor, Bingham ami Elliott
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.1  -  105 words
  • 104 4 EXCELLENT PROGRESS. Paris, February 1. The successful progress in the reconstruction of Austria under the auspices of the League of Nations was emphasised by all the speakers at to-day’s meeting of the Council of the League. Earl Balfour described the League’s work in this connection as
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  • 15 4 Warsaw, February 1. Niewadoniski, who shot the Polish Premier, has been executed.
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  • 41 4 Washington, February 1. The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, in the House of Representatives. introduced a resolution requesting President Harding to urge a world-wide limitation of the production of narcotics and other habit forming drugs.
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  • 36 4 INDIA DEFERS RATIFICATION. Delhi, February 1. The Council of State decided to defer ratification of the Geneva Labour Convention relating to workmens’ compensation, social, insurance and industrial protection of women and children.
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  • 28 4 Delhi, January 31. The Legislative assembly has passed without discussion a bill giving effect in British India to the Washington treaty limiting naval armaments.
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  • 67 4 INSURANCE COMPANY’S POSITION. Albany. January 31. The New York court of appeal has upheld the verdict of the lower courts that the sinking of the Lusitania was an act of war, and therefore the war clause in the insurance policy of Alfred G. Vanderbilt automatically
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  • 51 4 Nelson, January 31. The M, C. C. beat Nelson by an innings and 75 runs. Nelson made 119 Saxon contributing 60, and the M, C. C. 249. Wilkinson making 52, Chapman 71 (unfinished) Nelson made 55. Freeman took 6 wickets for 27 and Brand 3 for
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  • 56 4 GOOD BATTING BY M.C.C. New Castle, January 31. In fine hot weather on a good wicket, the Northern Districts made 137, Gilligan taking 5 wickets for 34. Marylebone scored 284 for 8 wickets, and declared. Woolley and Mann had 58 and 79 respectively. The Northern Districts made f>7 for
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  • 132 4 MR. CHAO HSIN CHU AND SUGGESTED MONOPOLY. Reuter’s Telegrams. J Washington, February 1. Mr. Chao Hsin Chu, the Chinese Charge d’Affaires in London, in a letter to the London Press says, as Sir Francis Aglen’s suggestion of a temporary opium monopoly in China may result in
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams. J  -  132 words
  • 92 4 Washington, January 30. The monthly report of the Federal Reserve Board says the production of basic industries slightly declined in December, although still near the 1920 peak, the output of pig iron and coal continued to increase, and textiles and flour to decrease. Rail traffic was
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  • 48 4 London, January 31. An invention of far-reaching importance on wireless is reported from America in the form of an improved thermionic valve capable of dealing with a thousand kilowatts. Its advocates are optimistically predicting that generating and transmitting stations will ultimately be rendered obsolete thereby.
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  • 40 4 London, February 1. It is officially stated that there will be no change for the quarter beginning the Ist February in the percentage of standard production of rubber exportable on the minimum duty from Ceylon and Malaya.
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  • 41 4 London. February 1. At a meeting of Liberal Peers in the Reform Club it was unanimously resolved f o re-establish a united Liberal Opposition in the House of Lords. The meeting appointed Earl Grey as Leader.
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  • 48 4 SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS. London, January 31. The Manchester Guardian” says further light is desirable regarding the grant of oil concessions in Saghalien to an American corporation and asks whether the Japanese Government will welcome the construction of American ports at a place so contiguous to Japan.
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  • 17 4 London, January 31. The death is announced of James Tyldesley the Lancashire fast bowler.
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  • 202 4 Kuala Lumpur, January, 29.—Considerable interest is being taken in the for.hcomirrg motor cycle reliability trials to be held in Kuala Lumpur on the 25th February 1923. As many as forty application forms have been taken out and it is expec*ed that nearly every one who has
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  • 1200 4 A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. Excellent weather favoured the gymkhana held by the Penang Polo Club at the Racecourse yesterday and in the course of the afternoon a considerable crowd collected to witness the various events. The gharry pony races excepted, the fields were small,but nevertheless some good
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  • 492 4 The most notable event at the meeting of the Straits Racing Association in Penang says the Singapore, Free Press” was unquestionably the decision to allow C. O. Campbell to resume (raining. Save for those particularly interested, the various complexities of the I.C.U. case are probably forgotten, and
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  • 48 4 On Wednesday. Penang met Perak A. and B. teams in matches of 2 chukkurs each. Penang had the better of both matches it being apparent that the visiting teams were not up to their usual form, although the A team games produced some very good fast polo.
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  • 168 4 The annual general meeting of the Taipiug and Distric. Football League was held in the Perak. Club, Taiping on the 24th ult. Capt. V. C- Upton was in the chair owing to the absence of -ho League President.Major the Hon. C.W. C. Parr, 0.8-E., who was away
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  • 713 4 The following ties are de Wr f r on Monday, Fbruary 5. Singles Handicap Class p” E. Clayton v—ls W. H. Mair 1 L. R. Tofield v.- 15 J. J. s., n 6) "b.» Singles Handicap Class' B” A. de Buriatte v. 3o E. T.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 PLEASANT, PURE AND SAFE BABY’S OWN TABLETS ARE MOTHER’S HELP AND THE CHILDREN’S FRIENDMothers who once use Baby’s Own Tablets find them so wonderfully helpful for the little ones that they never afterwards» resort to the numerous harsh -purgatives which gripe and torture baby or to the so-called soothing” preparations
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    • 103 4 ORDINANCE NO. M (BANKRUPTS. IK THE SDFUtHE COURT Of THE SUMIS SETVEHfU’S SETTLEMENT OF PEN o'oNo fOefl!®Tn Bankruptcy. tt tT v Notice is hereby given tb na tter Meeting of Creditors in the a will Ik- hel<l at th- Ffb Penang, oq Tuesday, t >' 1 1 o clerk ruarv,
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  • 1606 5 npr ih of i o]<> <leTl- """u 'l"K- ,):ll,1,1 ,lie P il 1 j xiionh ;*1 reasonable ;-‘hi tvpe f Pg1 r in d downs, like other J..' long run polo afford I. ,l!1! 1,1 1 sl)t *Halors such variety 1 Jvcj- :i j s hound
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  • 86 5 Feb 2Moonlight Band, Esplanade. g an d 10Perak Gymkhana Club’s Spring Meeting. 10Concert and Dance. Straits Trading Co.’s Club, Butterworth. 1018 Penang Volunteers Bisley.” 13Court of Appeal, Kedah. 15 P.A.M. Meeting. Kuala Lumpur. 16 and 17—-Chinese New Year. 16, 17 and 18—P.V.R.C. Bisley. 16 and 17Cricket Penang vs
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  • 822 5 The Wpltevreden correspondent of the Straits Times’’ writing on Jan. 18, says the Bureau of Statistics gives comparative figures of production on rubber estates in the Dutch East Indies during the first ten months of 1920, 1921 and 1922. In 1920 the production on 204 estates in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 fMade by Hand One at a time* HAND CRAFT II Hand-Making costs approximately ten imes more than Machine mass producion, but it produces an infinitely superior Cigarettethat is why we incur this huge jxtra cost in MAKING 555 BY HAND j I VIRGINIA CIGARETTES I fiW fW m I I
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  • 957 6 A certain amount of satisfaction will be felt at the news of an agreement having been reached between the Governments of the United States and of Great Britain regarding the terms of repayment of the capital and interest on the immense sums of money which Great
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  • 67 6 SINGAPORE GODOWN ROBBED. (From Our Own Correspondent?) Singapore, February 2A serious theft was said to have been committed at Messrs. Sime Darby and Co’s godown in Anson Road. Goods worth $lO.OOO were removed. Four armed Chinese ar e alleged to have held up the watchman at
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  • 104 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 1. Mr- R-G. Vignola the wellknow n film pro. ducer who is aboard the Laconia is producing a seven part film. Singapore play* an important part. in the story which is taken from Bur ton Austin’s book Blackmagbc” and
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  • 924 6 Expectations that have been raised by statements made in The Hill certain quarters to the Railway. effect that the Hill Railway is to be opened in April are unlikely to be realised. It is quite feasible for the track, the carriages and the winding machinery to be
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  • 250 6 TO-NIGHT’S PFRFORM.yM} I The T. Daniel Frawley coinrm, I redouble its efforts to present I performance to-night of -I Diggers” at the Town Hall, accent I announcement to-day l.v Adele 1 I head of the organization, and M r f I who is making Lis sixth oriental
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  • 119 6 DESPERATE FIGHT WITH TIN STEALERS. (From Oi(r Own Corie^pmuk"!,; Ipoh, Fehr mu’. New-, ha- been received of a -mar i rest after a desjmrate resistance oix stealers round Suugei Blum (law Kerbau- .The hdl tops conf aini tig rich tn have been worked for a long time hy
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  • 110 6 The Thaipttsam festival commenc 1 yesteaday at 6 a.m. large crowds corni froin over a wide area including I’ro'ii Wellesley and parts of the F. M. Rd the occasion. T'he festival will.cont n'i= for an other tw days during which food will be distributed tothepow'J the Chetty community. In
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  • 101 6 We observe says the that some person signing hnnst Defendants’Counsel "J. Pinang Gazette” <m 1 ;f < and has said, that a telegraph’ of the judgment, publishc' m 1 [j,-.. Times.” was incorrect ami t j( That is absolutely not true, followed by Detern an suggesting that we
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  • 29 6 "71,| ie Am bo K' The honie"."’' .’’..lav. ,lt closesat 11'a.1i.."" rP instant. i )V the 11 The homeward mat! tbe closes at 10 a.m. on I«»«‘instant.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 199 6 I RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd. Saturday, 3rd February, SPECIAL TIFFIN-ORCHESTRA DINNER and DANCE. i asBHBjaaBSQSSanQBnHOB PROVIDE NOW FOR YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION. A small annual premium paid to The Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co., makes certain a good education for your child. By no other plan can you make .so sure a provision
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    • 5 6 E. O. Dancing TO-MORROW NIGHT.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 128 6 I TO-NIGHT I TOWN HALL, s The Far East Players Inc. present the g T. Daniel Frawley Co. I WITH ĔĔ ADELE BLOOD IN THE RIPPING FARCE The Gold Diggers” j The Story of a Broadway Butterfly. (With Adele Blood and Mr. Frawley) The term. gold diggers’ is not applied
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    • 21 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water. To-day. 1.14 p.m. 7.24 p.rn. To-morrow. 1.14 a.m. 7.54 a.m. 1.51 p.m. 8. 4 p.m.
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  • 1332 7 a Better Atmosphere at Lausanne. PECTS 0F Reuter’s Telegrams. Lau*anne, January 31. Th Temp>” part of the French 1 n <,oja ha* created a stir here. British delegation discred t l i fatenient since the note is a flaviolation of» mutual unde. Rulin'’ =>"<l i' i,isO ,ssn
    Reuter’s Telegrams. ]  -  1,332 words
  • 493 7 Funding Proposals. AN AGREEMENT REACHED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, Januaiy 31. The British Cabinet has decided to accept America’s offer to fund the British debt for a decade at three per cent, and thereafter 3| per cent with half per cent on the sinking fund, payments to
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  493 words
  • 101 7 AN OPTIMISTIC BANKER. London, February 1. Mr. Walter Leaf speaking at the annual meeting of the London County and Westminster Bank said the action of France in the Ruhr was most disquieting as it served to complete the economic collapse of Germany. Nevertheless there* were definite signs of
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  • 19 7 RUSSIANS RKFVSE TO SIGN. Lausanne, February 1. The Russian Delegation refused 1° sign the Straits Convention.
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  • 609 7 Situation on the Rhine. A RAILWAY STRIKE. Reuter’s Telegrams, i Essen, January 31. The French are putting on the screw and have issued an order tightening up martial-law on account of Imperial officials’ systematic interference with the peaceful work of Allied engineers.” They have established the curfew
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams, i  -  609 words
  • 194 7 Dublin’s Reign of Terror. [Reuter’s Telegrams. I London, January 31. The uniformity of the rebels’ methods reveal the concerted natur' of Monday’s outbreak of terrorism in Dublin which has created widespread alarm. Armed Republicans at night time called at the houses of at least eight prominent men and ordered
    [Reuter’s Telegrams. I  -  194 words
  • 582 7 PROSPERITY ahead Lord Duma v e n writing to the Irish' Times,” ju't nox> the state of affair' in Ireland nr J appear to justify the theory somewhat prevalent in England that the Irish charactei is naturally destructive and lawless; tha the Irish" are instinctively agam<t al government;
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  • 283 7 MR. GEORGE RUSSELL’S LETTER TO REBELS. Dublin, December -9. The Dublin newspapers print to-day an open letJtor to Irish Republicans’’ from Mr. George Russell, the well known poet philosopher, and economist. It is a long and eloquent appeal io the Republicans for a cessation of warfare
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  • 63 7 Berlin, February 1. I here "as a serious coul damp exin a mine at Benthen. Onlv 200 of 800 miners hitherto have been rescued, of which eighty were sent to hospital. 35 corpses have been raised. 300 Still Entombed. Berlin, Febiliary 1. A message from Beuthen states
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  • 18 7 Berlin, F'ebruary 1 lhe Russians and Germans huive exchanged ratifications <,f the Rapallo Treaty.
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  • 48 7 M ashington, January 31. Mr. Mellon announces the Government’s opposition to lhe bill establishing a Geiman credit of a milliard dollars for the purchase of foodstuffs and declare* that it appears such funds should b:* made by th»* investing publi' and not by Government.
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  • 64 7 A STRONG NOTE. Paris, F’ebruary 1. The Conference of Ambassadors decided to send a Note which, it is understood, amounts to an ultimatum requesting Lithuania to restore the normal situation at Meniel, demanding the withdrawal of Lithuaniau troops ami armed bands, dissolution of a provisional Government
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  • 30 7 TEN KILLEIMN MEXICO CITY AFFAIR. Mexico City, February 1. A violent collision between tram strikers and military resulted in al least 10 being killed and 50 'njured.
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  • 44 7 Paris, January 31. The American bid for Atlantic traffic is announced to begin on the Ist July when the United States Shipping Board will start a weekly service from New Ys>rk to Southampton to be inaugurated by the 52,000 toil' Leviathan.”
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  • 21 7 London, February 1. The British super-dreadnought (’onqueror has gone to Hu* breaking-up yards, in accordanct* with the Washington Treaty.
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  • 1265 8 A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON THE PROBLEM. A voluminous report and general survey of town planning and its application to the E.M.S. has been issued recently in the form of a printed Federal Council paper detailing at great length the activities of the Advisory Town Planning Committee
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  • 118 8 Recently Mr- H. C. Smith. Deputy Con servator of Forests, met a figre ss in the Ataran Forest Division which growled at him. He shot the animal and shortly after found five healthy cubs, which have been sent- to the Rangoon Zoological gardens. If we remember rightly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 #ii»f 1 J LATEST MODEL 1 CANADIAN i f iFORDI I CARS ARRIVED H A number of improvements have Ĕ| ĔĔ been incorporated in the new ĔĔ H model FORD j INSPECTION INVITED. 1 H I WEARNE BROS. Wf LIMITED. f PENANG. ADOPT OUR LATEST =j H and greatest drink
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    • 30 8 iiuThere’s health and strength, recuperation and invigoration in a bottle of SIMONDS’ MILK STOUT—and very nice, too. Nutritious and creamyyou'll remember the first to-day if its SIMONDS’ MILK STOUT. STOUT
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    • 249 8 E a It is not the quantity i Digestive of food we eat but what 1 H we digest and assimilate 1 Disorders that nourishes the body. Hence the necessity 1 ra for proper working of the digestive I g organs. Indigestion arises from various causes and demonstrates itself in
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  • 700 9 Colonel and Mr. Cecil Rae are shortly paying a visit to Australia on holiday. Lt.-Col. E. A. Ash, D. 5.0., a private in the M.S.V.R., has been granted the C.A. F. Officers’ Decoration. Mr. T. McMurray, a Director of Messrs. William Simons and Co.. Ltd., Dredge Builders,
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  • 101 9 At the extraordinary General Meeting held on 27th. January, 1923. the following were elected office-bearers for 1923:Patrons Messrs. B. S. Walton and E J. O’Reilly: President (ex officio) Assistant Superintendent Vice President. Chan Chok Chiew; Hon. Secretary. ChewPaik Wan; Hon. Treasurer. Hoe Boon Snan: Hon. Auditor.
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  • 847 9 KILLING OF TAII’ING GAOLER. (From Oui- Own; Correspondent.) Ipoh, January 31The trial of th<> Tamil cook, Anthony John, fop the murder of the late AVardor Fish at Taiping, on September 28 last was bpgun and concluded to-day before His Lordship Mr. Justice E. (A Watson. Messrs E. A-
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  • 622 9 CLAIAI FOR ILLUMINATING INDOCEYLON ARCHES. Befor the acting Chief Justice, Air. Justice P. J. Sprouel on Monday, an action was commenced in which Messrs. Sime Darby and Co. claim form Mr. S. Muthuknmaru the sum of $2,355 in respect of electric illuminations for the two Indo-Ceylonese
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  • 118 9 PENANG, FEBRUARY 2, 1923. (By Courtesy oe the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 5/32 4 months’sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 M 3 Documentary 2/4 9/16 Calcutta Demand Bank 169 3 days’sight Private 17.3 s Bombay Demand Bank 1691 g Afadras Demand Bank 1691 >g3 days’sight
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  • 75 9 The Afunicipal Band will play the following prograninie of music at the Esplanade from 8.30 to 10.30 to-night. 1 March The Vedette Alford 2 Overture Soir D’Hutonime Bouillon 3 AValtz Parma Handy 4 Selection The New Barmaid Crook 5 Serenade La Paloina Hartmann 6 Fox Trot I Never Knew
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  • 170 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list: Wednesday To-day. 2 2 Shares. S o S 'aS £0 02 M QQ c. c. sc. sc. Rubber (Dollar). Allenby 1.25 1.30 1.15 1.30 A. Hitam 15.00 16.00 13.00 15.00 A Kuning 75 85 60
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  • 62 9 2nd February, 1923. Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 61 Fine Pale Crepe 61 Unsmoked Sheet 52 SINGA- (Smoked Sheet 62 PORE (Crepe 62 London and New York. (Smoked Sheet ls.s|d London lssjd New York G 34 The following were the rubber quotations in London on Feb. 1 Smoked Sheet
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  • 32 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for January lbs. Bagan Serai 25,500 Batak Rabit 24,500 Kuran 22,500 Merchiston 29,500 Penang 203.000 Rubana 57,000 Sabrang 73,000 Straits 204,000 Tali Ayer 87,500
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  • 111 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on Feb. 1 Spot £183.175.6d down 25.6 d 3 mos. buying 185.125.6 d 25.6 d 3 selling,. 185.15 s 25.6 d Local parity $91.54 The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd: London, Feb. 1, £lB4 spot, and £185.125.6d three
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  • 212 9 Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., for January, hours run (two dredges) 1,250. cubic yards treated 205.000, total piculs 2,002.77, nett value $105,308.08. Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd., for January, hours run 598, cubic yards treated 122.000, total piculs 673.02. nett value $34,464.00. Ulu Yam Tin Dredging Ltd., for
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  • 1120 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. i E ia NAMES J, 2.2 ifi .7 h 3 RUBBER [Dollar.] e 9 o g Allenby Rubber Co 1 15 1 30 Albr Gajah Rubber Estate 1 75 200 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 50 2 75 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 13 0C 15 CO Ayer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 544 9 nA advertisememts. received by the lPP Hcitl to 3 Pm. on Friday the the I»’' fSamtary (rh in <tan U.ln«P ector brv fXO per month increment, of $lO per n2 by nn nn o f *l3O per month t.iio™»--'’ of* l2 l, JU" h,o ied<,e ~f KngHsh is ntiaL chonld
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  • 161 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. van Goens for Deli. Langsa, Edi, T. Seniawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Kashmir for Port Swettenham, taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore. China and Japan. Namsang for Singapore. China and Japan. Kopah for Deli. Pulau Jerejak. Kampar for Teluk Anson. The s.s. Kashmir, has been
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  • 389 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an-hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Federated Malay States, Malacca. Johore. Singapore and Hongkong Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, > )By train Teluk Anson.Kuala Kubn. Kuala 7.15 a.m. Lumpur, Klang, Port Swetten-
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  • 50 10 Sexagesima Sunday. 4th Feb.Alor Star liurch. Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion S a.m. Freemason’s Hall. Sungei Patani. Sunday. 4th Feb.Evening Prayer and Sermon G p.m. Monday, sth Feb.Holy Communion 8 a.m. S. Paul’s Mission Chapel, Bukit Tengah. Thursday, sth Feb.Holy Communion 7.30
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  • 36 10 4th Feb.. Sexagesima Sunday.Litany 7.45 a.m., Holy Communion (Choral) 8 a.m., Matins and Sermon (Tamil) 9.15 a.m.. Holy Communion (Tamil) 10 a.m.. Children’s Ser vice 5 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon 9.30 p.m.
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  • 506 10 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, February 2, 1923. cts GOVERN MENT MUTTON Head, sheep or goat each 8o Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe do 100 Goat or Sheep per lb 52 Sweet Bread pair 30 Leg of Mutton lb 52 Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 40 Mutton
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 304 10 J A LADY’S DUTY I I is to Always Look Her Best. i A h J. IT is not vanity to desire to look your best, but your duty. ?L Ven-Yusa, the new Oxygen Face Cream, makes the H task easy and delightful. Ven-Yusa produces beauty so naturally and so
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    • 77 10 When a man asserts his diobeLt. in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverages he drinks In nine cases out of ten they will be advertised articles, .and though he states that be has not changed his tas-te for years it proves not so much that he is
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    • 924 10 PATHE-UNIVERSAL Releases in Hand and Coming. PATHE SERIALS. Go Get 'Em Hutch Ch irks u The Timber Queen R uth R o fe chis °n speed5 peed Charles HmokPlunder Pearl Wh’/ C^’ SOn The Riddle of the Range R ut h R o d PATHE SPECIALS. Carpentier-Siki Fight. Nanook of
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  • 502 11 From Messrs. Morrison and Co.’s weekly market, report, dated Rangoon, January 19. Our last circular was dated th»» 12th instant. Paddy-Supplies have increased slightly but are still below normal and the market is firm at: Rs. 17-3 to Rs. 175 for rail paddy. R". 178 to Rs.
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  • 155 11 These clever verses are capable of two readings. The- hidden one, which is the exact opposite in meaning to the direct one may be arrived at by reading each verse in the order of lines 1,3, 2, 4. That mj.n must lead a happy life Who is directed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 343 11 I '111?' x H [II '"Ojiy la|l J J 1 z BJ 1 /vna Km\ v *'dna4l g/u lIPmMu/ )A fflf/| I <J J RuddKa. |BfcaS T HE WILL-TO-BE-WELL 11 Almost anything can be accomplished by a resolute act of the will.” Professor James. I must— l willget back my
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    • 19 11 MAKTINU A Rumody for l «*reguiaritl«s. KopnrtediiiK Biller Apnie, Pennyroyal, PIJ Cochia, Ah. 'HDEM or CHEMISTS jnator.N ARTIN.CMmM SCUTHAMPTQN.BRm.AMI>
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    • 465 11 Vito, wrwx- --a*, asamsaaßK: r I I MW I I HMBI I I 1 jLm’ I j j e j Shave yourself with perfect comfort i AS you shave with the New Improved 2JL Gillette, notice how softly it glides j a over your facewithout the slightest s I a,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1331 12 ELLERMAN” LINE. Nippon Yiuen Kaisha. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. (Incorporated m England.) mpeVi AL. A JAPANESE GOVERNMENT HOMEWARD. ELLERMAN” LINE (Subject to alteration without Notice.) The following fast steamers of the EUROPEAN LINE. DIOMED February 12 London, Rotterdam and Antwerp. above hue will be despatched:- Fortn»c
      1,331 words
    • 694 12 P. 0.-BRITISH !Nb|,l AND APCAR LINES. I (Companies Incorporated in Fa’glam I MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N I (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government P. O. SAILINGS. I LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London about KASHMIR Feb. 2 NEU,ORE DONGOLA 16
      694 words