Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 November 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 581 1 if* where wholesale from I i f < I 6 AV B t f .-<;' i Iv C 1 i. < sim Leong Co, ,< 1 0a( g Never Say “DYE” Say Thousands of Dollars I SSKL .3sS® *£s g Ws** Are spent annually in repairing the ravages of
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    • 22 1 THE BEST MR IH TOWH j 4 KI I i: f |«i« Ataat! S-S. a F.M.S Ong Sana i-aong A 00. t
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  • 434 2 MR. HOLMAN HUNT’S VERSES. Mr. Holman-Hunt's object in publishing “Indo-Malayan Musings” is plainly set out. ‘1 can only hope, he says, “that this book will help to smooth out the painful creases of worry and to bring back smiles and pleasant thoughts in a sad world." In this
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  • 327 2 The following are the minutes of n meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang- held on Tuesday, the 25th October, 1921 Present: Mr. S. Codrington (President). Dr. P Liston, Hon. Mr. W. H. Thorne, Dr. Lim Guan Cheng. Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok and Mr. P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1373 2 t SMALL DVERTISEMENTS THE LIOYD TRIEBTINO STEAMSHIP TENDERS INVITED. SMALL auve. navigation COMPANY. paid for in advance, Tenders will be received up to noon on Notice is hereby given that we have Wednesday, the 16ah November, 1921 for are published in the been appointed Agents for the above the supply
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    • 195 2 GRANT’S WHISKY I ♦FROM “Land of Brown Heathand Shaggy Wood IK Land of the Mountain and the Flood I I IB A I > I II 1 I I 'I j I i I I I V I ij The above guarantee will be found on every bottle of Grant’s
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  • 1612 3 A PLANTER’S VIEW. Mr A H Mead, a planter of South Indis, writes to “The Duly Telegraph” As a planter of nearly thirty years’ experience and as the largest employer of Moplah labour in Sooth India, I feel qualified to let the public know the truth regarding
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  • 307 3 cruel hoax—British North Borneo Company.” Court Has No Power An interesting point came up in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, during the hearing before the Hon Mr Justice FarrerMauby of a petition for bankruptcy. Mr T H T Rogers, cou isel for the petitioner, Mr Ka‘sim, applied for
    cruel hoax—British North Borneo Company.”  -  307 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 405 3 TBli J- G H T W EIGHT TRACTOR I he Successful Farmer's Tractor It stands to reason that a tractor which ~r cn a m edal a month for twelve Mgr J A"- months, which h aded the efficiency hsts at the great Iractor Trials held in hireat Britain, which
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    • 86 3 Sundour Cretonnes a r Pritchard's I <>/ •> These Beautiful and Artistic i Cretonnes are all in the VERY LATEST DESIGNS, the colours are FADELESS and FAST in WATER. I Width 31 inches. i Price $l.BO and $2.95 per yard. Do Not Fail to See These Goods —Known as the
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  • 914 4 A COUNTRY OF GREAT POSSIBILITIES. P, G Special In these days of «lamp and trade depression io Malay*, it ia refreshing to happen upon a part of the Peninsula exhibiting all the outward signs of prosperity. Disciples of the great god Rubber, will probably view the statement with a
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  • 303 4 ITS DEMISE AND THE CONSEQUENCES, The moat round Fort Cornwallis is no longer a thing of beauty. Denounced as a mosquito infested swamp and regarded as a danger to the health of Penaug it was decided to fill ib io. The filling in process is now nearing
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  • 183 4 Devastated Padi Crops. The abnormal t'fios of the past weeks have proved very des motive to the Kuala Muda district- of Kedah. The bendangs neighbouring the river have been completely inundated and their poor owners are faced with the very dreary prospect of a riceless harvest. Without
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  • 406 4 The bydro-glisseur purchased by Phya Prasiddhi from the Si Phya Ga.age underwent its final trial on Nov 3 before being handed over, and this wonderful but extraordinarily weird-looking craft behaved admirably says the Bangkok Times.” It is a combination of a barge, motor car and aeroplane, driven
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  • 419 4 RESULT OF SYCE’S JOY RIDE. The sequ a l to a collision between a gharry and a motor car was heard in the Police Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr A C Baker, when Salim, a Malay motor car driver, pleaded guilty to having on
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  • 192 4 In the District Court, bofo e Mr R Scott, this morning, Mr HT. DJwle, Collector tf Income Tax,Fenane,’sutnmcned the proprietor of th? fi-m Armit Chotty, M K. Kader Bm and Ng Smg Lira for failing to furnish a return of their income or total income to the
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  • 298 4 There should be no further shortage o* mutton in Penang or the Straits generally after bhe middle of this month. The Director of Supplies has asked the Strains Live Stock Company of Singapore, which has also a branch in Penang, to assist in the' distribution of sheep imported
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  • 1038 4 —“S.F.P.” JUDGMENT RESERVED. The Alaigoff appeal case was continu in the Court of Appeal, Singapore, before the Chief Justice. Sir Walter S Shaw, Mr Jos ice Barrebt-Lennard, and Mr Justice St J Branch, reports the Free Press.” The greater parb of the morning’s sitting was devoted to
    —“S.F.P.”  -  1,038 words
  • 171 4 The Committee of the Penang Polo Club are desirous of hiding a general meeting, and before doing so, they wish to ascertain, if possible, who /are the non-playing members. The rules of the Club, which were drawn up by the (Jommibree in 1912, when the Club was
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  • 18 4 A “Flag" competition will be held tomorrow, and a “Bogey” competition on Saturday and Sunday.
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  • 76 4 The following are tie latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. SHARES. I M o a a> X co a tn J c. c. o. So. Miaiag. Batang Padang 62ic 65c 60c 62jc Rambutan 17/6 22 6 7.50 8.00 Siamese Tin 35/- 40/- 33/-
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  • 78 4 Messrs. The Borneo Company, Ltd., qdvise that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by private and auction sales held this week Cts Per Pound. Smoked diamond sheet No. 1 26 to 32 diamond No. 2 21 25| Unsmoked sheet No. 1 20 21
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  • 29 4 The following were the rubber quotations in London on November 9 Plantation Ist latex crepe 10 |d Smoked Sheet 10jd [By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 30 4 Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndi cate, Limited, for October, 2,004 pikuls. Lingui Tin, Limited, output for Oct Sluicing piculs 210.40, Tribute piculs 27.20, Total picu’s 237.60.
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  • 208 4 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following London prices, on November 9< h: Spot £157 5s down £l,ss 3 months buying £159,53 £ 3 months selling £159.10s £ Local Parity $78.64 November 10th Singapore sold 175 tons at s7B|; Penang buyers no sellers s7B|. The Eastern Smelting
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  • 261 4 e TWO MINUTE^ A reminder is given of th silence, tc-morrow, f roai u sound and movement should c la Penang, the twj minutes’ 3 9 7] begin on the stoppage of the blnl sirens of ships in the harbour 1 v 11 armistice day dress His Excellency
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  • 164 4 ARMISTICE DAY. I 8 a.m. Holy Communion. I 10 30 a.m Short Memorial Service mill I Silence at the end- Ex-Service Men I an i ail others Invited to attend. I Sunday, Nov 13rb, 25th after Trinity, I 8 a.m. Matin?. 8.30 a.m Holy Communion. 10 a.m.
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  • 173 4 Nov 11 .nd 12-Public Holid»?'- Nov 11—Armistice Day, >i!ence, 11 am- Nov 11—E <fc O Hotel, Armi* Dinner and Dance Nov 11—Runnymede «otH Night Dinner and DmceNov 12—-P C C Smoking Concert Dance, 9.30 pm. Nov 13— Penang Swiminmg H’cap, 220 yds; "B Nov 19—Rugby Football P eli
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  • 790 5 FRICOI RTST. PAUL’S. I a Httle hill in Fricourt t S v early days of the Battle of 1916. They were still Somme oi r Fricourt Wood. Weary men. t)1 the blood of wounds and (lt battle, came stumbling Beside him la the r ins of the ehurcb,
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  • 257 5 Earl Haig’s message, “On Armistice Lay you shall ask the people to remember the dead, who never die, in red poppies,’ was doubtless suggested by the already famous lines of the late Colonel M rae, of the Canadians: In Flaiylers' fields the poppies blow
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  • 56 5 London, Oct. 2'2. The committee of Aeronautical Propaganda ,in France is offering a prize of a million francs for a eommkiTcial aeroplane engine \t.hat will give satisfaction -in severe tests as to Durability, swift dismantling, etc. Th* tests are to begin in June 1923 and
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  • 50 5 London. October 18.—It is stated that Lord Allenby on hi-- return from Cairo will be transferred on his <>wn request to another post. It is declared on good authority that either Sir James Rodd, Ambassadoi at Rome, or Sir Ronald Graham. Minister to Holland will uiece*d him.
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  • 38 5 London. October 25. —The authorities of Newnham College have decided to accept the apology tendered by the Cambridge undtigiaduates, also their offer to raise a. fund-to pay for the damage done to the Clough Memoria.l gates.
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  • 132 5 L,ndou. October 2S.—The 15 year old Welsh boy. Harold Jones, who has been awaiting trial since July, on charges ot having murdered two little girls, has con fessed his guilt. Jotles was charged with having decoyed girls cm separate occasions into hts home, where, the "police said,
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  • 128 5 A daughter of Dutch General, who has been governor of the Dutch Indies, Was charged at Cardiff Quar <i Sessions with attempting to shoot .her. selfNvith a revolver, says the y a ’-y Chronicle.” She is Mrs. Aleida Campbell. Her counsel said,., it he went nto the details
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    • 248 5 London, October 25. —Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been affected by the decision in the House of Lords to-day that money paid by cheque in respect of betting transactions is legally recoverable by the loser. The decision was given in the action by Briggs, of Harringay, against
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    • 308 5 London. October 26. —Mr. Boltomley, when further cioss-examined at BowStieet at the resumed hearing of his charge of criminal libel, had a Lrefzy duel with Mr. Biglands counsel. Mr Bottomley denied that he had given instructions to break the sequence of numbers in the draw for the
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    • 145 5 London. October 25,—Inquiries into the housing question show increased overcrowding in all parts of the count'y It *s stated that the Government officials concerned with the inquiries view the- present position with some al aim. Mativ cases are reported in large towns where parents with their grown-up sons
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    • 82 5 London, detober 22.— Lecturing at the Aeronautical Society, Mr. Griffiths Bie wer declared that the Wright brothers undoubtedly invented the first carrying aeroplane capable, of sustained flight. Docflbr Langley, who is acclaimed by the Smithsonian Institution as the pioneer, tested a machine a few days before the
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    • 235 5 London, October 2(1 The Prince of al >s departed from London on a cha raeteristic autumn day in the midst of a thickish fog, which, however, did not damp the enthusiasm of the crowds thronging the approaches to the station. The ceremonies of leave taking were relatively
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    • 518 5 Although the formal announcement, that the Prince of M ales is to visit Japan has been only recently made, it has been understood for some months past, says a correspondent of the “Observer," that the trip to India was to be extended to the 1' ar
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    • 105 5 London, October 28. —M’Jien an Indian petition was presented '•/?> the Privy Cou’ictl to-day. Lord Buckmasfer said the Council desired to reemphasise it> determination not to lend itself to the interminable delays which occurred in Indian appeals. The Privy Council dis missed the Indian petition with leave to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 Better a Rain- coat To-day j than a Chill I To-morrow. W If you are going to buy a coat it will pay you to give this garment some /J ((T t consideration. The berry raincoat is ohe of I the most practical rain- proof garments on the F A
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  • 21 6 Allan.—At Hermosa Nursing Home, Teignmouth, South Devon, on October 6, 1921, to Mr and Mrs W Arthur Allan, a daughter.
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  • 1368 6 Time has a healing and obliterating hand and with every year that passes the mind loses some of its power to react to the poignant emotions felt at the moment of a great and solemn occasion like the signing of the Armistice, It is p-ovidential that such
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  • 1827 6 According to Rangoon papers, there will be no street decorations Street Decoration on the occasion of the for the Prince’s v t jj e p r j nce o f Visit. Wales bo Rangoon, since this form of "display” is regarded as useless extravagance. We do not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 I); c. 8. Jterg? One Sixth, of One per cent. s —would be unsatisfactory jas a s share dividend or mortgage < interest. 1; But it would be very useful <! as a proportion of liabilities to 1 assets. I; Well, that is just what, it is I; in the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 41 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Wat*r To-day 8.21 a.m, 3.11 a,m 9.38 p.m, 3. 8 p m. To-mobbow. 9.26 a.m. 4. 2 a.m, 10.11 p.m. 3.58 p ro. Friday. 10 12 a.m 4 40 a m. 10.41 pm. 4 34 p.m.
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  • 12 6 DEATH Reutens.—On November a, at Batavia, Mr Alex Joseph Beaten», aged 29,
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  • 168 7 IX COMMEMORATION. jißli 'l Reuters Telegrams.l London. November 9. tieipating in the cereTh tl'"°P t H C enotaph and at est--1 4 Abhev on Armistice Day include --service H iip will plaCe n ,hC Cenotaph c of Flanders poppies, («bion conn From Douglas Haig.” in bay The Unknown
    Reuters Telegrams.l  -  168 words
  • 123 7 fiflcu. Of'h i 16.- The Government :._!!< th it the c I brat ion of Armp L <h.oi he n similar lines to of last ye The princip il ceiev will hr at the Cenotaph in White l where »i'ith- will be laid on bei ~f the
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  • 280 7 Rome, November 3.—On the 2nd instant. the body of the Italian Unknown Warrior was transported to Rome from AjUileia. with solemn honours paid as tribute at every station en route. Their Majesties the King and Queen, the Royal Family, the Premier, Ministers 'nd Senators, Members of Parliament
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  • 347 7 'Titue^’ messa 8 e was sent to the l. oCcas ion of Armistice Dav Earl Haig fide of n ment wlren the great multi- h S th d ow c "untrymen are offer ask each'. t,lb te to our brave d, < ld 1 t<,
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  • 270 7 SIH JOHN BRADBURY'S ST VLTiMENT London. November s Sir John Bradbury, the principal British delegate on the Reparation Commission in Paris, declares that the Wies badetr agreement involves a new burden on Germany, in addition tu the burden imposi'd by the Reparation Commission. Germany's acceptance <>f the
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  • 84 7 Vale FRENCH ANXIETY Paris. November 9. —Some concern ;s felt about the steady decline of German currency, due. apparently, t* large transfers of funds abroad •by (Jer»nan industrial firms, and heavy German buying of foreign securities. Tt seems likely that German paym nts on the score of
    Vale  -  84 words
  • 86 7 Antwerp. November 9. The British steamer “City of Ran goon” from Cochin, arrived on fire. The outbreak took place in No. 2 hold, containing an inward cargo of coir and oil. The fire has not yet been extinguished. The hatches are battened down and steam is
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  • 19 7 Jackson (Kentucky), November 8. Six were killed and five wounded in an election fight with revolvers.
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  • 115 7 B. T.” The Siamese Steam Packet CompanyLtd. have received information that one of their inspectors on the Mekl g_ a buri un, Was shot <>n the launch Rata 11 Vilai” and is not expected to ’’e*”/'-. The affair took place at Amphiu at eight o’clock in the evening.
    • B. T.”  -  115 words
  • 84 7 U.S. SENATE’S PUBLICITY RESOLUTION. W ashington, November 9. lhe Senate passed a resolution in fax our of the pubheation of the record of the proceedings of the Conference, and the admission of journalists to all plenary sittings, arguing that the greatest publicity is most likely to secure the
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  • 225 7 London. October 22. —The “Times New York correspondent, after a visit to M ashington. gives his impressions on the administration in anticipation of the Conference on the limitation of armaments in a spirit of optimism previously noticeably lacking. American delegates are considering Mr. Denby’s report on
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  • 95 7 AN APPEAL TO THE LEAGUE. Geneva. November S. The Secretariat of the League of Nations received a telegram from Air. Lloyd George, requesting that immediate steps be taken to convoke the C ouncil of the League to examine the -itnation created by the continual advance of Jugo-Siax
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  • 57 7 THE AGRICULTURAL WORKERS. Geneva. November 8 The International Labour Conference, instead of the draft Convention as suggested by- the Committee on the subject, adopted the draft recommendation that members of the International Labour Organisation extend to agricultural wage-earners the benefit of their systems of insurance against sickness, invalidity,
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  • 25 7 THE PASSAGE TO MADEIRA. Constantinople. November 8. His Majesty’s ship “Cardiff, with Karl and Zita aboard,, arrived, and left immediately for Gibraltar.
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  • 26 7 A HUGE DEFICIT Vienna, November 9-. The Austrian Budget for 1922, which was introduced in thp National Assembly- shows a deficit of 165.000,000,000 crowns.
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  • 61 7 A SMALL “BAG.” Paxton (Illinois). Novembei 8. The bandits who held up the Illinois Central Express, en route to New Or leans, only* secured a few hundred .dollars. They failed to locate the bag-, containing hundreds of thousands. Government Action. Washington, November The Cabinet discussed means to end
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  • 484 7 —Vale. MR. HARMSWORIHS STATEMENT London. Novembr In the Hou- of ominous, at. question time Mr. Cecil Harmsworth said the. publication of the Franc-Kemalist agreement was dependent upon the permission of the French Government, who were being consulted on the matter. The only territory handed over to Turkish control
    —Vale.  -  484 words
  • 141 7 SIR CHARLES ADDIS’S VIEWS. London, November 8. Sir Charles Addis, Manager’ of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Co operation. London, addressing the Institution of Bankers dwelt on the difficulties of stabilization of exchanges, and emphasised the necessity of returning as soon as possible to the pre-war gold standard-
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  • 58 7 APPEAL FOR AID London, November 8. The Acting President of the Council of the League of Nations has appealed to the responsible Governments to provide £3O, 000 iii order to assist 40.000 destitute Russian refugees at Constantinople, of whom 15.000 are starving, pending the completion of Dr. Nansen’s
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  • 983 7 I I .STER’ S PART ICI PAT 1 ON. London, November 8. The members of the Ulster Cabinet agreed to come to London to confer with Mr. Lloyd George about the possibility of Ulster representatives participating in the Irish Conference MOB RULE IN ULSTER. London, October 19. —The
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  • 115 7 PROPOSED MALAYAN COUNCIL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 16. .At a meeting of the Committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, Mr. G. S. Carver presided. Moving a resolution, that H. E. the Governor be requested to„ nominate a consultative or advisory board, repre senting Malaya,
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  • 78 7 IN COLOMBO HARBOUR (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. November 10. Th e Colombo correspondent of the “Malay Mail” cables on the 9th inst., that two sailors were killed and extensive damage done to the engine room by an explosion which occurred that morning on board
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  • 73 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 10. In the Supreme Court- Singapore. >n an application for the winding up of the Banque -Industrielle de Chine, counsel, representing creditors amounting to over $1,000,000, asked that the matter be reconsidered, in view of the fact that there was
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  • 33 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 10. The report of the Singapore Cold Storage Company, Ltd., shows a profit if $168,192. A dividend of 12| per cent is recommended.
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  • 55 7 (From Our Own Corresporident.) Singapore, November 10The report of Kluang Rubber Company shows a loss of $45,904, which, dedeucted from the previous year’s balance, leaves a credit of $53,638. The crop harvested was 268,500 lbs. at an f.o.b. cost of 44.09 cents per lb. It was decided to
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  • 31 7 EXPULSION OF RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS. Weltevreden. November 10. —The Government is expelling two Russian Communists from the Dutch Indies, owing to the existence of Communistic propaganda there and elsewhere.—Aneta.
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  • 69 7 —“B.T." A formal announcement appears in our Siamese columns that H g Majesty the King has been pleased to direct that the drawing of the Lottery for the Scouts’ rifle fund shall take place in the big dancing saloOn at Suan Charlada on the occasion of the
    —“B.T."  -  69 words

  • 818 8 MATEUR OR PROFESSIONAL? The question of the formation of the British Malaya Boxing Association for the purposes of fostering and promoting boxing in Singapore and the F.M.S. was considered at a general meeting held at Singapore on Monday evening, and was adjourned for a fortnight. Mr. M.
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  • 69 8 NEGRI SEM BILAN V. SELANGORThe return Rugby football match between Negri Sembilan and Selangor wdl be plaved at Seremban on Saturday next November 12th. The teams will be as follows: Negri Sembilan: McHardy; fisher, Jonklass, Fennefiither, Lee StokesHughes, Wcollard Beckett, Foster, Graham. Kerr, Heriot, Dunsford. Ebden, King. Selangor:
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  • 52 8 INDIAN TEAM’S SUCCESS. London, October 25. —In the North London Hard Courts Lawn Tennis Tour nament the Indian Davis Cup team beat Scotland. The following were the results:— Jacob beat Davin 7*5, G-3, 7-9, 6-0. Sleem beat Elliott 6-1. 6-4, 6-3. A. H. Fyzee beat Craig 6-2,
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  • 127 8 London, October 26. —In the Noith London Hard Courts Champio i«hip Jacob beat Elliott 6-4, 6-2- 6-1 Sleem beat Davin 6-2, 6-1, 6-0 Dr. Fyzee peat McDonald 6-3. 6-3, 6-2; A. A. Fyzee beat Craig 6-2, 6-1, 6-4. The AH India team thus lead
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  • 124 8 TRANSVAAL DEFEATED BY AUSTRALIANS. Johannesburg, October 24. —When the match between the Australians and the Transvaal was resumed to-day. the visitors carried their overnight total of n* for 2 wickets to 2?3 (Ryder 53. Hendry 57). A feature of the play was the bowling of Nupen
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  • 62 8 ESSEX CRICKET GROUND PURCHASED. London, October 26. —In view of the increasing recreational facilities being provided for the Army. Essex County Cricket Ground at Leyton has been purchased by the Army Sports Control Board. It will be known in future as the Army Sports Ground, but th< County
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  • 287 8 A new dredger purchased by the Port Commissi, tiers of Calcutta for the Hughli. the./' Gunga, wa> launched from the yards of William Simons and Co. She is the largest dredger yet built on the < lyde and is the third dredger built by M'essi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 II S'St»-'* *1 'Mgga il-aa h E£ F’lMlßa I i*BW> -O <=s/S?^z^S?'.n<isSf.-1 ’-*>'■-'>£9 iBSS g.f BEST IN THE LONG R U N p Eg P <T^HE mere miles you A ride on a Goodrich I Safety Tread Tyre, the H greater your wonder grows that so many S i more
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    • 269 8 Messrs. G. W. Wilson Co., Ltd SUNGEI PATANI AND Messrs. Robinson Piano Co., L M PENANG arb now selling From the Stocks of Stationery of The pinan£ Gazette Press, Lid. pens, pencils, Pen Books, Manifold Books Racks, Ink Pols, Pocket files, Psiper Weights, Books, Scribbling and Office Pins, Paper Clips,
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  • 816 9 Air. Lewis, late of Seremban. is revisiting the F. M. S. i Marquis Okuma, formerly Premier of •Japan, was dangerously ill recently. Major Hitchins, the secretary of the [Sports Club, Bangkok is in St. Louis Hospital. H. H. the Sultan of Selangor* K.C.M. will attend the Armistice
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  • 233 9 Pbnang, Novembbr 10, 1921. BP. Tapioca 55.50 buyers M. P. Tapioca J 6.00 buyers Co, d leaf 72 tellers Black Pepper J 15.00 sellers White Pepper $24 sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 Be i] e rs ®l° veB no stock. Nutmegs 8q B $42.00 se’lers 110
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  • 413 9 Penang, November 10, 1921. BKIF cts Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 Kurnp Steak do 48 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue' do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet nf
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 567 9 *7 eW advertisements. Wanted, For Sak, To Let. &c. he inserted in the Pinang can DC Gazette at tH r£E CENTS a word, coun tinß the address to which .epliesaretobesent. Minimum Charge $1 each Insertion. g Consecutive Insertions $5. ml st accompany order. advertisement will be charged at ordinary tariff
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    • 391 9 pinang Q axe tie RATES OF CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE, TOILET, SITUATIONS VACANT. Etc. Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch i, insertions 1.50 h 1.40 4 1.35 •I >. 1.30 1» 8 1.25 10 1.15 12 1.00 18 0.75 »1 25 0.60 Advertisements are charged by space.
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    • 117 9 I I F O R ft /1 With Standard H Singapore left Jr VF Equipment. Self-Starter Equipment $250 extra. S j I SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR: MALAYA, BANKA, BILITON, BRITISH 1 NORTH BORNEO ANO BURMaH. I WEARNE BROS., LTD., I 1 PENANG. WllllllllllllllHlillHllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllHinilllllllllllllll ajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiifi S T.LtFHOK. No. 4». GAZETTE Ĕ THE
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 217 9 ("universal house! I AT THE EMPIRE THEATRE. PENANG ROAD. I I TO-NIGHT (FROM THURSDAY, 10TH TO SATURDAY, 13TH NOV.) TO-NIGHT I CARL L/EMMLE presents FRANK MAYO In the swift and thrilling drama of life in the big woods. THE MAGNIFICENT BRUTE 5 Parts DIRECTED BY ROBERT THORNBY.It’s A Universal Special
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  • 154 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURE?. Ptingkor for Teluk Arison. Kinta for Port Swetteuham, Port Dickson, Malacca and Singapore. Expectsd Arrivals. Atsuta Warn, Singapore, N >v 19. Andre Lebon, Singapore, Nov 27. Shio’zuoka Maru, Singapore, D«o 3. Kaga Maru, Singapore, Dec 17. Yokohama Maru, Singapore, Dec 31. Messrs Francis Peek <fc Co,
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  • 297 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajab, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kaba, jßy train Kuala Lumpur. Seremban, am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alsc 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Kr< h
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  • 35 10 The homeward mail, by the Tara, elo8“8 at 10 a.m, on Saturday. The Nellore, is due to arrive here at 10 »m. on Saturday, and is expected to have European mails on board.
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  • 18 10 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9 a m tomorrow.
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  • 117 10 Penang, November 10, 1921. (By Courtbsy op thu Ohabtbbbd Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 29/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/16 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documents ry 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs, 168 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bombay Demand Bank 168 c Madras Demand Bank 168
    117 words
  • 998 10 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. OD 30 I S fl .5. kames. cc tfi RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc- So. Sc. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. —I 15c 17|c Alor Gajab Rubber Estate ICO I.K Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.00 1.As er Hitam Planting 7 7 825 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates LOO A.yer Molek Rubber
    998 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 353 10 jnrw KiMffl 11 mmSw i rhsn iVMOvJ S L-l'jil S oW J ft 1 1, n <Wa Hji Frf t,. .../^NTm^\. Q A /The [Slalltlarcß LIGHT CAR I 1 THE GAR FOR THE OWNER-DRIVER. lij I The High Clearance and Long Wheelbase J I are just two features that help
      353 words
    • 247 10 northern assurance! a CO., LTD. H ESTABLISHED 1836. h ASSETS EXCEED £16,000,000 I 1 I 1. Fire. I 3. Life. 3. Motor Car. I 4. Motor Cycle. q 5. Personal Accident. !g 6. Plate Glass. K We can give you any particulars which you g may require re the above
      247 words

    • 338 11 Calcutta, October 26.—Calcutta Corporation to-night adopted the recommendations of the Special Committee regarding the arrangements to be made in the city for welcoming the Prince of Wales. The recommendations involve an expenditure of Rs. 36.075, of which Rs. 15,000 will be spent on illuminations, and Rs.
      338 words
    • 143 11 Calcutta. October 24. —According to Chief Officer Westbrook of the Calcutta Fire Brigade, in his annual report, the total damage caused by fire and water ip Calcutta during the- year was Rs. 23-57,085. being an increase of Rs. 11,31,761 over the average of the previous ten years. Heavy
      143 words
    • 139 11 Bombay. October 27. —Rao Bahadur C. H. Setalvad, acting Chief Presidency Magistrate, heard the case in which one Mr. S. R. Khopyer, Director of the Indian Co-operative Navigation and Trading Company, took out a summons against four persons f°r assault. Ihe case f°r the prosecution was that
      139 words
    • 159 11 Calcutta, October 27.—A syndicate has been formed in London for the purpose of the investigation of the commercial possibilities of the cold storage system m India with depots at Bombay, Karachi and the principal centres of population in the Punjab, United Provinces. Central Provinces, North
      159 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 202 11 IB KEPLER l Cod Liver Oil with E Malt Extract Z Makes children’s cheeks round and rosy and their limbs ]■=> 5; M shapely and well-developed. 1 ncreases strength and weight; Jg very palatable and easily 4 digested. (I V\ Remember to name ‘Kepler’ -id 4 when ordering. xs* In
      202 words
    • 307 11 I Harley Street I knows all that there is to be known about food values and stimulant values. There I j is the centre (probably the world centre) j of cultured scientific study of how to keep I lite alive and how to keep life healthy. i An agent for
      307 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1286 12 K. P. M. 818 BY LJNE X «CY AX. PACKET NAVIGATION Co.'- w fast'twin screw mail mssesgb» steamers between (|«OB».0«*SBI> IB BOIUHB.) RANGOON. COLOMBO. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL S aar t WITH THBOUCB COHBECnOBS EBOM approximate home warp sailings FnR INTENDED TO grEAMBR SAlL Steamer. Leave Rangoon. L.O8». Olehieh, S»
      1,286 words
    • 613 12 I j FIREBRICKS d I FIRECLAY d H MANUFACTURED BY I g Malayan China Clay Pottery C o I g GOPENG. g STOCKS NOW ON HAND.— Fire Bricks. Arch Brick, I Long Wedge Bricks, Broad Back Bricks, Babcock and Wilcox Tube Bricks and Fireclay. S NOTE.—Bricks of any size or
      613 words
    • 286 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKINS I CORPORATION. I (Incorporated in Hongkong.) I Paid-up Capital 115,000,Ml Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2,500,1 Silvei Reserve s2l,sft® Head Office: —HONGKONG. Branches and Agencie». Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bomoi|. Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foocho», Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipi Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, LoadA Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki, Nfl
      286 words