Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 November 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 701 2 BASIS FOR A PERMANENT CON STITUTION. Writing to the “Times,” Mr. Loue Liang says he should hke to correct, a very prevalent misapprehension A many of the British well-wishers of China, that the remedy for the present condition of China can be found only in the
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  • 109 2 Tokio, October 15.—Naval manoeuvres on an extensive scale will be held next week in the Pacific with Tokio Bay as the base of operations, reports the “Jiji. According to a Yokosuka despatch, twenty four warships belonging to the Yokosuka Naval Port, including several battleships, destroyers and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1400 2 SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICES. NQTIC paid for in advance, Notice is hereby given that I have taken mee ting of the Board of the Licensing kliohorl in th? ever the management of the business of j a3 tices will be held in the District Court, are published in tne Tpadin g
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    • 966 2 I IwA IHk^JmSI i wbofew I i j ill 1 8 I Your Baby’s I Welfare. 1 X Y °H r d e t rest W,si L, is BabytoU 1 well and happy. Then you mLt I •j til TOMI Si parfeuar attention to hi s I ff' mO 1
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  • 767 3 —-‘S.S AN. ACCUSED’S IDENTITY. On Friday, at Singapore, the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, with Justices Barrett-Lennsrd and A V Brown, sat to hea- an appeal by oue Krishnan, of Penang who was found guilty of perjury on August 8 last at the Penang Assizes presided over
    —-‘S.S ’’  -  767 words
  • 100 3 850 Feet Completed The work at the Prai Wharves is being carried out with all possible speed, and 850 feet of it is to be handed over to the F M S Railways next month. The members of the newely consUtu ed Rail«ay Board, which is now
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  • 860 3 SIR R. DENNIS’S WORLD SURVEY. Sir Raymond Dennis, managing director of Messrs Dennis Brothers, Limited, manufacturers of motor-lorrir s and fire engines, has returned to England from a tour of the world that occupied 20 months. Since leaving the United Kingdom he has travelled over 60,000 miles,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 .jlllllllß PRICE REDUCTION j f F o R "y 4k 4k With Standard Singapore <]J I* jf V Equipment. 37 Self-Starter Equipment $250 extra. S <■ > >- s^'“.-; >f '3Ptf,- «.<•»« T- I X» "-LL R*4 %> J* s**' 5 4/%> V 5 i w h f A ->
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    • 244 3 ffiuiefc I R/lOTOR car value lies in ability to serve. To serve you best a motor car must be correctly designed, built with high grade materials carefully machined and assembled by skilful workmen. Thousands of Buick owners in all parts of the world are willing to testify to the unusual
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  • 902 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr H C Sells is appointed to act as Postmaster General. Mrs Cavendish arrived in Koala Lumpur on Saturday—“ M M Mr P L Williams is appointed a member of the Singapore Harbour Board. Mrs A W B ackstote is due back in Penang from home a week
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  • 43 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 7, The wedding took place in Singapore Ca hedral of Mr C Benton Rait, SubAccountant, Chartered Bank, Seremban, and Miss Olive Sullivan, who arrived from home by the Somali.’’ The Ven. Archdescon Swindell officiated.
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  • 68 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 7. A long-felt want in Singapore will soon be supplied. A firefl >at is at present under construction by the Singapore Harbour Board, at Kappel H< b u-. The firefloat will be self-contained, fully equipped, and up to date, and powerful enough
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  • 120 4 Chief Detective Insp B ctor Costello produced three Japanese, Edomatsu, Kantaku Takaya and Shimomura, a steward on an OSK boat, clerk in Yama’o and Co, and ow erofa motor launch respectively, before Mr Diwson in tie Third Court Singapore, savs ’he Free Pros charged with the p'ms’SMon
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  • 66 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade at 6 p.m. to-day. 1 M-rch ...King Carnival ...Rosey 2 Selection ...Yes Uncle Ayer 3 Waltz ...Red Risen ...Lebar 4 Fux Trot ...Come Hete You ...Jacobe 5 One Step Lancashire Clogs ...Grimshaw New rules under
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  • 776 4 SELANGOR BEATS PERAK(From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, Nove nber 6. A large and appreciative- gathering watched the Rugby match between Perak and Selangor on Saturday at the Ipoh Padang. The weather was beautifully clear and sunny. It was anticipated that tbe visiting, team which was a well-balanced
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  • 243 4 t poh Casuals Beat Tamil Union. (From Our Own Cobrespondet Ipob, November 6. After a long interval a whole day cricket match was played on the P C R C padang to-day. The match was between a team lead by Mr J C O’Hara, styled Tbe Casuals,”
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  • 107 4 An e’even from the PRC, tried conclusions at cricket with a team from the C RC on the latter’s ground on Saturday afternoon, but owing to the want of time tbe game ended in a draw. The visitors batted first and succeeded in
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  • 239 4 The Chief Secretary to Government has received the following letter from Captain Percy M R Royds, C M G. R N, commanding HM 8 Malaya.’ 1 The suggestion that the Unfederated States should be included in the competitions is under consideration for the ensuing year. HMS“ Malaya”
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  • 385 4 Mr George Gray at the Penang Club About 100 persons watched the game between Mr R N Holmes and Mr Geurge Gray, the Australian billiards champion, in tbe Penang Club on Saturday evening. The champion, who was introduced by Mr DAM Brown, tbe newly elected president of the club,
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  • 271 4 The visit of George Gray and the possibility that as time goes on billiard tables may even be found in the MCC of Malaya —otherwise the Singapore Cricket Clubhave given a fillip to billiards in Singapore, 9 ays the Strains Times.” This b’ing so the
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    • 233 4 [To the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette Sir,— Tbe following gentlemen have consented to compile a list of locally capitalized Estates in each of the following classes. They will also act on tbe standing Committee as delegates until the first elections are held. All interested are
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  • 171 4 The business for the meeting of the Municipal Commission, to beheld to-morrow at 4 p,m., is as under 1 Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2 Any special business the President may bring forward 3 Declaration of Mr JH. Pedlow as a Municipal Commissioner to
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  • 55 4 M.M We regret to state than the glass factory establish d by Chinese enterprise at tbe 3rd mile on the Sungei Besi road abi ut a year ago, has had to shut down, It is encouraging, however, to hear of its reopening under new management. We cannot have
    " M.M ”  -  55 words
  • 240 4 I A delegation repretentotj,, I and secondary iudu,tri 6 ct h, on the ,M eminent of that State, a k fn > Straits Settlements for the making complete J the possibilties of trade Ml countries. eeD Ulti|| The Honourable J S C add, D
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  • 99 4 October Imports and Expobts The Ag. Registrar of Imports u$ Exports kindly forwards the followkg returns The total value of Foreign Imports if Merchandise into British Malaya for the month of October, 1921, $39,033 966, (£4,553,963). Tbe to‘al value of Foreign Imports Merchandise into British Malaya lor tia
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  • 191 4 Drivbr Fined $75. (From Our Own Correspondent> A motor accident which occurred in the heart of Ipob o a J 30ch October when a car in were Mr and Mrs Eric W Ba tensby Ser gat Estate, Kampoeg Kepayang, w some Chinese in the other, came
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  • 71 4 I S.T A correspondent writeB J-2 e Visitors to Muar are su. pn r|il0 y that there is an unemployed I there with what seems to he r j D and rolling stock, etc, in wot 11 oQe yk these days of economy aO iver* whether some
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  • 65 4 I.—Ex. Ex-Service womens This will be held at the Singapore, at 8 p.m. on rI w j]|b<) e Nov lltb. Lady Gaille»» J gu»st of the eveningwomen are invited. Governor-General Wood fk j D g bo»* 8 the advisability of makttn, in the Philippine Governme ftb ]j
    I.—Ex.  -  65 words
  • 146 4 OBITUARY. (Contributed.) We have to reco-d with great sorrow the passing away of the twin sister®, Panjong Rbu mUch pomp and splashing of ink and cansed their fond parents many a pr >ud hr art beat. After a short bat peaceful existence daring which time they demora! sed all who
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  • 830 5 —‘‘M.M.” iEMJ criticised by ’."oHCE M < HANAN. Buchanan publishes a criSil Port of Rangoon new deveticis® (l j )eUJe jn the course of which p i s frequently overlooked by that a port is made for the P ll 1 and assistance of trade, and the Mke
    —‘‘M.M.”  -  830 words
  • 721 5 SCOTT]SH CONCOCTIONS. Cocktails, it. is said, are on the increase in London. Numerous and vai ied mixed drinks are becoming more and more the fashion in this country, as they have long been in America. But though cocktails, they are known nowadays, may be properly
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  • 117 5 Nothing to Worry About.— Passenger “Say, does this car always make this noise Driver “No, only when it s running. Unfair Advantage.—Horse Cabman (to driver of 40 horse-power car, who has bumped into his horse “Ah, yer bhn kin’ caward, forty against one. The One Thiffg Needful.—Mrs. Brown “I
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  • 363 5 Ex. Ihe controversy which at the present moment is raging fiercely in the United States in connection with the Panama Bill is no new affair, but it is unfortunate in that if it proceeded further it would form an unpleasant background to the disarmament discussions which are
    Ex.  -  363 words
  • 220 5 (With Apologies to Dan Chaucer.) To thee, and the e atone do 1 complain. My fairest mistress, belle dame sans merci, To faithful heart the only source of pain. Once more renew, renew thy grace o" me, Moon like and silv’ry, la-dye fair, Rupee And
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  • 161 5 Siangtan, October 19.—A band «'f seven looters were recently arrested near our city, and were brought into the city and ordered to be executed. The heads of six were quickly chopped off, but o« the seventh the knife did not seem to strike true, and a
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  • 249 5 A warning to dancing men is given in the pages of “Dancing for Strength and Beauty,” a new and most comprehensive treatise by Mr. Edward Scott, who takes dancing very seriously. Mr. Scott won! like to revive the minuet, so you can imagine what he thinks of the
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  • 225 5 It has been left to the cinema, not only to amplify what the ordinary camera has discovered, but tn succeed in revealing what the other instrument left unrecorded. The latest secret concerns that ra visher of bird homes—the cuckoo Last year one single cuckoo was watched while
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  • 205 5 Will the mystery of the Indian rope trick ever be solved. Some people have declared that the spectators are hypnotised. Lord Frederick Hamilton, in his new book, “Here. There, and Everywhere” (pumlished recently by Hodder and Stoughton), tells how attempts to photograph the boy climbing the
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  • 160 5 Mr. C. W. McCurdy, Joint Chief Coalition Whip, speaking at Northampton, said he had made a comprehensive survey of the question of relief df ex-Ser-vice men and was staggered by the immensity <>f the task the Government had to face. British war casualties num bered
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 ’-I > GROSSMITH’S “Golden Still” Eau de Cologne Wonderful freshness, invigo- wJpH rating quality and delightful odour, distinguish this X really High-class Eau de Cologne, which is undoubtedly the finest production of its kind. 1 It is manufactured from the purest ingredients and blended with the knowledge derived from nearly
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  • 19 6 Cr pley.—James Henry Boynton Cropley, la*e Insprctor of Machinery, Federated} Malay ;S-ates cn 29th October 1921 in Sussex.
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  • 1288 6 The news cf the a«a-sication of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr T Hara in 'ary evert, would have leen received in the countries which Japan was allied with io the great war *irh feelings of the deepest regret; and those feelings, as Pres?dent Harding remarks in his
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  • 1723 6 From the publishers, Messrs W. H Rickinson and Sons, we Light on Rub- have received a copy of a ber Stocks, pamphlet containing an analysis of the statistical position of rubber by Major J. C. G. Kunbardt of the Indian Medical Service, including a timelf examination of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 I Jeyes* f THE I "ESSENCE OF HEALTH” ee I s in the eb SAFE "jg House. Office, =Ĕ 1 EFFICIENT. School, 1 :<J Cinema. HE ECONOMICAL |L 1 ?r wfc j —Everywhere. Ĕ= ĔE ĔĔ IN 1,2, 5 GALLON DRUMS. g SANDILANDS, BUTTERY GO., 1 PENANG- I rfcciwi> l
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 525 7 debate in the commons Reuter’s Telegrams.] London- November 4. House of Commons, the debate lB Washington Conference opened ca the V 1 (Ivnes moved the Labour uft motion welcoming the Confer5 .Donald Maflean seconded, as fir. S|f unavoidably absent. H> loon the world’s need of diswhich "S only
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  525 words
  • 413 7 »tmL F r ranC i SCO Oct ober 19.—Before Lda/v° r the ashin gton Coufe renee del ls(Ount JLita, head of the Japabelaid 1 t statements de d i&gs in to Correct misundersta.'j.H“X n N ,apan s naval »la“sii.g i tg that Japan was not rush
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  • 247 7 New York, September 16.—As a demonstration in favour of permitting South hina a place at the coming Washington conference on limitation of armaments and the Pacific question, several thousand Chinese topped off a mass meeting in City Paik w ith a parade down lower Broadway
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  • 83 7 THREATENED STRIKE. Pittsburg, November 4. The mine owners, having decided to discontinue the practice of deducting from the miners’ wages on behalf of the Miners’ Union weekly subscription' due from members of the union, the officials of the Union ordered a strike beginning at midnight on the 7th
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  • 54 7 London, November 5. The National Wages Board accountant, writing in the Journal Compendium, expresses the opinion that the minimum wages under the coal settlement will apply to most districts in December. It is estimated that many collieries will then be able to sell at 20s.
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  • 38 7 Washington. November 4. Congress will be asked t<> v 000.000 for the enforcement of prohibitn n during the coming fiscal year. I his amount is §2,500,000 above the appio priation for the current year.
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  • 28 7 London, Novembci 4 The British East Africa 1 ■■an oi 000 at 6 per cent at a price of .-5 is Lemg underwritten.
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  • 174 7 ASSASSINATED AT TOKIO. Wa'hington. Novemlx r 4 lhe American Embassy at Tokio reports that the Japanese Premier, Mr. Hara, was attacked by an assassin at the railway 'tation. it is reported that the Premier is dead. Tragic News Confirmed. London, November 4. Official confirmation has reached the State
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  • 134 7 PRESS CRITICISM. New York. November 5. Col. Harvey’s speech, in which he declared that an Anglo French-American Alliance is impossible, is generally commented on. The “New York Times.” call' on the State Department to give him a sharp reminder that at the present juncture his role is
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  • 46 7 AN AGE QUESTION. Geneva. November 5. The International Labour Conference’s Committee on maritime questions rejected the British proposal to reduce the age from 18 to 16 for compulsory medical inspection for employees on vessels, except where only members of the same family are employed.
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  • 60 7 NORWAY’S OBJECTION. Christiania. November 4. In connection with the Danish Foreign Office’s announcement in May, that henceforth the whole of Greenland would be subject to Danish sovereignty, the Norwegian Government refused to recognise the extension of sovereignty, on the ground that it involves an extension of the Danish monopoly,
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  • 41 7 IMMIGRATION INQUIRY. Washington, November 4. The State Department is conducting an inquiry into the hardships suffered by British subjects on Ellis Island, with the object of reducing the difficulties of the administration of the Immigration Law to the minimum.
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  • 79 7 New York, November 4. Damage estimated at over a million dollars has been done by a fire at the Erie Railroad yards, Weehawken. Several piers, barges and freight cars loaded with goods, and a flour warehouse were destroyed. A pier belonging to the Stan dard Oil
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  • 35 7 Wa'hington, November 4. lhe Ameiican Association of Univer sity Women petitioned President Hatding in favour of the formation of an Association <>f Nation', with American participation in the International Court cf Justice.
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  • 119 7 .—Vale. BARRED FROM THE THRONE. Budapest, November 4. The Assembly passed the Bill exclud ing Karl from the throne of Hungary. Entente Demand. Paris, November 5. lhe Ambassador.' 1 Conference is making representations to Hungary on the inadequacy of excluding Karl from the throne and demanding that the terms
    .—Vale.  -  119 words
  • 100 7 London. November 4. German marks in London jumped to 965. went to 885 and finally 920. The “Kangaroo” Bourse. Berlin, November 4. The Bourse is overwhelmed by orders to buy and sell a$ a result of the prodigious jumps up and down. It is facetiously named the
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  • 97 7 London, November 4. President Harding, to-morrow evening, will send a wireless 'message to the world from Washington, inaugurating the new radio central station on Long Island, which when complete, will b? capable <>f conducting simultaneous independent commercial services in five directions, embracing European, South American, and
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  • 123 7 INDIES’ DEFENCE. Hague, November 4. lhe Government introduced, in the Second Chamber, a new naval programme, aiming at the defence of the Motherland and Colonies by means of small craft and material like submarines, torpedo boats, mines and aircraft, which will be supplementary to the existing ln
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  • 83 7 A FAMOUS MEDICAL SCHOOL. Paris, November 5. —President Millerand is going to Montpellier, to preside at the celebration of the foundation, 700 years ago, of the Medicine School, the oldest m the world, the fame of which is still attracting a number of foreign students, notably Chinese.
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  • 48 7 BRITISH REJOINDER. London, November 4. In the House of Commons at question time Mr. Lloyd George declared that a reply was being prepared to the Soviet note, cabled on the Bth, October, reaffirming the authenticity of the evidence on which the British protests were based.
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  • 74 7 REBEL LEADER’S DEATH SENTENCE. Calicut- November 4. The special tribunal has pronounced judgment in the case in which the Moplah rebel leader, Ali and 37 others were charged with warring against the King Emperor, and murdering a British soldier. Thirteen, including Ali Musaliyar, were sentenced to death,
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  • 55 7 RESULTS OF TRIAL. Nasik. November 4. Of the prisoners tried in connection with the Malagoon riots in April, in which a sub-inspector of police and three constables, were killed, 5 have been sentenced to death, 9 to transportation for life- and 49 to varying forms and periods
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  • 27 7 SIR J. CRAIG SEES PREMIER. London, November 5. The Ulster Premier, Sir James Craig, has arrived in London and interviewed Mr. Lloyd George at Downing Street.
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  • 98 7 London, November 4Ihere have been further developments in tho campaign, which lately appeared, and met with a friendly reception from an influential section of the press. A meeting of the British Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution, moved by Mr. Walter Leaf.
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  • 224 7 A Government of technical and special ly fitted administrative men selected from outside the political parties and carrying a programme of economic consolidation for the country, i s the plan followed in selection of the new Portuguese cabinet, according to word received from the Legation at Peking.
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  • 211 7 Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti,- Italian labour organisers, were convicted at Dedham, Mass, on July 14, of killing Frederick Parmenter and Alexander Berardelli, paymaster and payroll guard for the Slater and Morrill Shoe Company at South Braintree on April 15, 1920. Identification was the vital issue in
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  • 98 7 FRENCH OFFER TO AUSTRALIA. Melbourne, November 4. The fact has been revealed by Mr. Hughes, speaking in the Houfe of Representatives, that a French company owning 600,000 hectares of land in the New Hebrides had offered to sell the property and trading concessions to the Commonwealth Government for
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  • 333 7 Chanute, Kas., September 10. -The Rev. Carl A. Blackmans’' annual resign ation again has been rejected by the congregation of the Christian Church of Chanute. Once a year, regularly, since the war. the Rev. Mr. Blackman has given his parishoners the choice of accepting his advocacy of boxing,
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  • 418 7 Mr. James J. Corbett has received the following from Tom Gibbons: “Why is it that most folks think I’m too light to have a chance with Jack Dempsey I’m hitting around 182 now—and probably will bulk close to 188 through the winter. “You only weighed
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  • 793 8 R.G.A. SCHEME ABANDONED. A circular has been is>ued by the Ribber Growers’ Association abating that the scheme they placed bafore producers for the formation of a Rubber Producers’ Corporation has been abandoned for lack of support. After reciting the steps taken by the RG A to deal
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  • 622 8 A pamphlet of a very interesting nature neing “An Analysis if the S a’htical Position of Rubber, by Majcr J C G lndian M.dc*l Service, has j'i t been issued by W H R ckinson <fc Son. The author states tru'y enough that reliable -tatistics are tbe very
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  • 234 8 China's impor'B of indiarubber manufac tures amount in value anuua'ly to nearly £500,000. Although sines the Armistic Great Bri ain has bsen improving her position in this m <rk -t, she is cu clas ed not merely by Japan, wh ch holds nearly one h>lf the
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  • 235 8 The past week has witnessed tbe renounced-nt of the proposed Rubber Prrducers’ Corporatioi and the comi tg i.ito active being of tbe Rubber Sbarebol. ders’ Association siys the Sunday Times” The latter promises to be viiile body, and may be able to put into execution some of tbe
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  • 649 8 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The following report will be submitted at the Ordinary General Meeting to be held at th e Registered Offices of the Company, 33, Beach Street, Penang, on the 19th inst., at 12-30 p.mYour Directors beg to submit the Second Annual Report with audited
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  • 154 8 T le et ,e tarie 8 o f Bukit Panjong. Limited, in a circular to the shareholders state that, in view of the widespread anxiety <>f shareholders in rubber companies regarding the position of the in dustiy, they have issued a short statement of the company’s position.
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  • 539 8 I Ii" sutuh.iy meeting o r u I g ha, October 2]> annual meeting, a’ vhi,.i 1 Al 11 the pL man said the new comfrtnv businefe on the Ist August the accounts for the first ai which ends <>n the 3i st '"'‘M■ will cover the working
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  • 82 8 The Singapore Chamber of f" m Rubber Association, held its u-ua. tion on Wednesday "ben theie Catalogued :—1,896,005 lbs. 43: Offered :-1,781.553 47: Sold 1,534.027 lbs. Tons. 6 Prices Realised. Ribbed Smoked Sheet: S’po’-e Standard Quality 31 i to si! Good Average Quality Off Quality Crepe: Singapore
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  • 152 8 Gt TTiKin :(-Since Singapore, N<>vem r baS btf reporting, the Rubio u nde owing to a scare, sa i e a 846 tons were forwai incr e Weekly Auctions yesten 5 l quanlity being 'luc from the Dutch East 1 int t' was fairly g»mL Sheet’ 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 310 8 JU THE FIRST STEP ii W? IN CHOOSING, ii ’i* b l S v i To buy to advantage is easiest where a wide display IJ of Pianos is to be had. The names of some makers are j I assurance enough, but then the personal choice always I i
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  • 950 9 s PRIZE SCHEME. K- (1 the publication of an un,ud apparently, inaccurate juth"" sC h result of the prize competivets' 110 i bv the Rubber Growers’ non P ronl( rC spect of new uses for A^ iatloU association issued a prehrubi:J' t statement of the results in
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  • 239 9 Part of the treasures of art saved from one of the four- chief Ling or monastic palaces of Lhasa after it- was wrecked by the Chinese invaders of Tibet were to be brought into London auction rooms for disposal. They include votive plaques, temple brasses,
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  • 206 9 "What are the wild waves saying 1 This time-honoured seaside question is being taken up seriously by’ our scientists All n und the coast skilled watchers are observing the character of waves and the manner in which they break, sending the results of their
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  • 176 9 New York, September 7,—President Harding accepted the honorary presiden cy of the Press Congress of the World w Honolulu. This announcement was made bv Dr. Virgilio Rodriguez Beteta, vicepresident of the Executive Committee of the congress. He added that a re P^ e sentative of the “Marion
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  • 1170 9 AMALGAMATION IN A MONTH. The ordinary general meeting of ’he I nited Services Great War Association of Malaya was held at the Selangor Club, on October 23rd. Amongst the delegates and guests present were the following:—Col. H. L. Pearson, D. 5.0., Capt. H. R.
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  • 430 9 Prnako, November 7, 1921. BEEF eta Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Me a do curry 36 Rump Steak do 48 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet
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  • 84 9 Ihe following are the latest qu -ta' ions in Messrs Kennedy Oo.’a share list Yesterday. To-day. «O 0D 00 «O SHARES. .2 22 a n X Z 2 X z> f c. 5 c. Sc. Sc. Rubber (Dollar) Jirnah <J5c 1.00 1.00 1.10 Mining, Asam K 28/6
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  • 101 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for October Asahau lbs 37,200 Anglo Sumatra 56,511 Bah Lias 74,061 Bandar Sumatra 42,300 Bila Sumatra 24,000 Batu Lintang 10,825 Batu Matang t 19,672 Bakap Plantations 18,250 Central Sumatra 20,925 Eastern Sumatra 31,000 Glen Bervie 17,536 Jong Landor 60,800 Kedah 50,006 Langkat
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  • 39 9 London, October 18.—The impott cf plantation robber for September amounted to 5,579 tons and deliveries to 6,017 tens The total stock of Para and Plantation robber amoonts to 72,553 tons agsingb 35,550 tons last year.
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  • 65 9 Renong Tin Dredging Company, Limited’s, Tin Ore for the second half month ending 31st October, Dredge No. 1 piculs 162, Dredge No 2 piculs 239, Dredge No. 3 piculs 317, making a total of 718 piculs. Total output for month of October, 1921 approximately 1,416 piculs, Tongkah Harbour
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  • 87 9 The Straits Trading Co, Ltd, Nov 7th Singapore sold 150 tons at $7B 5/8 Penang buyers no sellers at $7B 5/8. The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd London, November 4th, £156 15s spot, and £l5B 10s three months buying, £l5B 15s selling. Messrs Boastead and Co To-day's quotation for
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  • 224 9 Penang, November 7, 1921. SP. Tapioca 56.25 sellers M. P. Tapioca 56.50 sellers Cold leaf 572 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $24 sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 se’lers 110 s $32.00 se’lers fNd. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 496 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHORT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c. can be inserted in the Pinang Gazette at THREE CENTS A WORD, counting the address to which replies are to be sent. Minimum Charge $1 each Insertion. 6 Consecutive Insertions $5. Cash must accompany order, otherwise the advertisement will
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  • 388 10 Snipe S >up. —Remove the breasts, and put the rest through the mincing machine, bones and all. Then boil the bones down with an onion to a good strong soup, with a little water. Strain, and add a tin of Ideal Milk, put in the breasts, cut
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  • 142 10 Ladies, beware of cheap silk stock ings The warning has been issued by French music-hall manager'. Some days ago a young dancing girl appeared on the appeared on the stage wearing a pair of silk stockings which aroused the jealousy of her colleagues owing to their beautiful
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  • 140 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Trang for Kantang (Trang). Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Elephants for Singapore, van Cloon for Singapore and China, Hindu for Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein. M S Bengkalis for Deli. Expeotbd ABBIVALB. Atsuta Maru, Singapore, Nov 19. Andre Lebon, Singapore, Nov 27. Shic’zuoka Maru, Singapore, Dec 3. Kaga
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  • 253 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kuba, By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, -7.15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore C pm, and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alec 10.15 3.45 p.m. Kr. h
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  • 57 10 The Christmas and New Year mails for Home close as follows Letters, Nov 16th, 17th, 22nd and 26‘h; Parcels, Nov 16th (via India) and 24 k h. New Year Letters, Nov 30th and Dec 3rd; Parcels, Nov 30th (via India) and Dec 2nd. These dat
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  • 145 10 Psnany, November 7, 19S1 (By Coobtsuy oy thb Chabtsbbd Bank) 1 1 1 London Demand Bank 2/3 7/8 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3/16 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 «i 3 Docamentary 2/4 17/32 Oalcatta Demand Bank Rs. 1631 3 days' sight Private 175 Bombay Demand Bank M 168 c
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    • 244 10 (tail; Tr Xw AJ X rtrt 7 ’MOR; A-e your* children brimming oye** W ’M® robust health Let “Ovaltine be their rias •v-'-u.j.- an J your children will berobu< air.i hep: ■<• k_ with restless, stir-ly limbs and cheeks aglow with health. J Ovaltine fills every food need of their
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    • 348 10 WHEN DRIVEN ALMOST CRAZY WITH SCIATICA. THIS MAX FOUND PERMASEXT (T’RE IX DR. WILLIAMS’ PIXK PILLS. A statement in a newspaper was of great service not long ago to Mr. Walter Mullis, a gentleman residing at 3 Beach Street. Petone, near Wellington, Xew Zealand. He had suffered with Sciatica badly
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    • 107 10 ■lw n OrtS': CHRISTMAS I CARDS i i I 11 auto Christmas I I STATIONERY POST CARDS I I I ĕ OF CHOICEST SELECTION ON VIEW AT OUR OFFICE YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED j Pinang Gazette Press. I LIMITED il I Underwood] I Standard II Typewriters i a I i
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  • 201 11 LORD INCHCAPE URGES REMOVAL OF ALL OBSTACLES. Lord Inchcape, the shipping magnate speaking in Glasgow, said the control of British labour organisations was passing increasingly into the hands of men who were experts in terrorism. Our true interests lay in removing every obstacle that prevented us from trading
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  • 255 11 It is a far cry from Trades Unionism in England to economic affairs in India, but one book that has been published recently has brought the question rather in the forefront of Indian politics. The book is “What we want and where we are,’’ and it is
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  • 206 11 The Labour office estimates that in September, 1921. the average level of retail prices of all commodities taken intoi account in the statistics of the cost of living for the working classes in Bombay, was five points or 3 per cent, higher than in the
    206 words
  • 146 11 The Meteorological Office, which js seeking reliable details from anyone in the British Isles who heard the sound of the great explosion at Oppaji, has < f recent years done much to elucidate the phenomena of sound propagation ox ei great distances. Much was learned from
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    • 525 11 j y j 1 A Most of the ailments that may \/< f n 11T X7l attack y° ur bab y arise from imV I LCX 1 P ro Per Ceding, and it is important that mothers should understand ni.v will thrive best if fed in the na«ral way—at the
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    • 138 11 I Estate Mine Managers, J FOR S I PRICE, QUALITY and PROMPT DELIVERY, I Cannot do better than send e J ALL THEIR ORDERS FOR J f PRINTING and I STATIONERY I I To the i Pinang Gazette Press, Limited. J t Catalogues, Samples and J Quotations on application. X
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    • 451 12 I ROBEY’S SEMI-DIESEi| I CRUDE OIL ENGINE I 8 I I Chief points of advantage are— I Simplicity of Construction. Ease of Handling. 1 Complete Construction. as Low Fuel Consumption. Efficiency and Reliability. 1 No inlet and Exhaust Valves. 1 Perfect Lubrication. j Regularity of Running. Adaptability for Crude or
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    • 289 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKM CORPORATION. I (Incorporated in Hongkong) Paid up Capital |ls.j« Reserve Funds Sterling Reserve Silver Reserve Head Office HONGKONG. I Branches and Agencies. I Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, bomMM Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foottil Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, W 1 Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, Loaal Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki. Sij
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