Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 October 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 418 1 T -3 tainable everywhere wholesale from t ?w I m S»m Leong 4 Co.. Penang. mi \r .j/TjiiiiiwiiiOnrgrTrf~ SB WE WANT TO GET 1 f?£-S iW. lIV U IW INTERESTED IN fe KU V >- OL£ MANUFACTURED’ ljt j ■M i/ bi FIRE PROTECTION I Jr CALL AND SEE US
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    • 24 1 THE BESI CAa st i 3Wi j '♦awsaaaw faasec». 1 1 Sela Meet* S.S. 4 F M.S. Ong Sam Leong *Oo 1 W—w «F-
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  • 1406 2 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr E 0 Hicks is joining the staff of the Penang Free School. Mr E E Smith, General Manager, Malacca Rubber Plantations, is leaving this week on a visit to Australia. Mr C P Buckell, late Superintendent, Government Telegraphs, Penang, has bean appointed secretary of the Perak Club,
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  • 121 2 The Jud cial Committee of the Privy Council las advised His Majesty to allow the appeal of Khaw Sim Tek, sod qtbers, from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements (Ebden, and FarrerManby J J) on August
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    • 102 2 [TO THE I DITOR OF THB ‘PlNANG GaZETTB Sib, —I beg to complain through the mediam of your paper ot the nuisance and annoyance the Tamil beggars are daily giving to buyers of foodstuffs in the Chowrasta Market, To elbow one’s way through the crowd round the
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  • 919 2 SEQUEL TO PENANG STREET AFFAIR. An attack, which it is alleged took place in a houst-at No 8, Penang Street. Penang, on the morning of Sept. 20, and in which the complainant, Abdul Kadir alleged that hie throat was cut by one of three men, formed the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 536 2 u j;a —q ShdCs CARDS i I 1 AUTO Christmas I STATIONERY POST CARDS I OF CHOICEST SELECTION ON VIEW AT OUR OFFICE YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED i Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED I 1 Nc mi— r~ t— n— in fill i- 11 ii u i ■'T.'Ti—lirwiM rimwiTH r-*’"*""™ Manly
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    • 628 2 NEW ADVERTtSEME NT 7 I I 40,000 Second HandT**' I Cups (O'»«d Porcelain I F. OR. S f ate to Box n I c/o Pinang Gazette. i 0 i'! I A British Firm of Generall in the City cf London conv er I Eastern business and produce are I take
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  • 493 3 The following Bills will be introduced in the Federal Council The Pilots' Enactment. 1921. Objects and Reasons:—This Bill is intended to provide for the licensing of pilots and the protection of licensed pilots against the competition of unlicensed persons, and is required owing to the» increasing
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  • 335 3 The application under the Fugitive Offenders’ Ordinance to send up Mr. H. E. Thurkle of Kamp ng Ulu Nal Estate, Kelantan, to have him tried in that state on two charges of cheating was disposed of by Mr. Dawson in the Third Court. Singapore. Inspector Williams of
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  • 486 3 M. M.” PLAINTIFF'S CROSS EXAMI NATION. At the resumed hearing of the PereraParson case on October 21st plaintiff under cross-examination by Mr. Has tings said he went to Mesopotamia in April 1918 and served as a marine engi neer up to the end of the war
    —£M. M.”  -  486 words
  • 135 3 The Minister of Labour has appointed a c< mmittee to inquire into the working and effects of the Trade Boards Acts and to report what changes, if any. are required. The committee will consist of: lard Cave(presideut), Lord Weir, formerly Director General of Aircraft Production. Dame Adelaide
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 832 3 mal L ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICE», paid n advance, An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal published in the Oommisaioners will be held at the MunicifZ n 7 a t t p pal O ffice > at 4 p,?n. on Tuesday, the 25th Hpl n a n*g baze it e ioa anb a
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    • 158 3 BACK AGAIN. Once more Influenza in epidemic form is thoroughly upsetting the life and work of the Country. We would warn you to take care, and if that heavy feverish feeling be noticed, do not hesitate and allow it to get a firm hold upon you, just buy a bottle
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    • 202 3 PRITCHARD COMPANY, LIMITED, (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG. FOR Harness AND Saddlery Accessories New Goods Just Unpacked. Kitchener Horse Clippers per pair 7-50 Special 0-50 Stirrup Irons 2 and 3 Bars 3-50 Rubber Mouth Pieces each 2-50 Pony Bridle “Weymouth with bits each 22-50 Pelham 22-50 >, SnafHe 10-50
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  • 22 4 De Souzv—On 23rd October, 1921, at 302 McAlister to Mr and Mrs Lonis de Souza, a daughter. Singapore papers please copy.
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  • 1391 4 One can only offer corjectures as to the motives that have prompted Mr Winston Churchill to appoint a Committee, with Sir James Stevenson, as Chairman and including a number of prominent representatives of rubber interests, ‘‘for the purpose of investigating the present rubber situation 'Jn’British Colonies
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  • 1838 4 Mr Church?!', got S ate for the Colonies, has been Mr Churchill pleased to change his Changes His The request for Mind legislation to restrict the output of rabbet in Malays waa refused, with tbe mtlmaMoe that the industry mast work oat its own salvation, The objection
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 c. 6. Armco Ingot Iron <; IS IRON L*3ir ;> —and not the usual mixture of ;l I; Silicon, Sulphur, Phosphorus, I; Manganese, Carbon, Copper, It Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. I; In short, it is guaranteed ;i j; 99.84 per cent. Pure Iron, and |> ;l contains, therefore, less than
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    • 9 4 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1031 5 j. ;s DE MAX I) EX Pl LSIOX. fIGH’TING NEAR BUDAPEST. Reuter’s Telegrams.] —Vale. Vienna, Oc(pbeir 23. Tin representatives of the Little Elite protested to Hungary aga-ust I return, threatening intervention t| lt Karlist adventure is not suppressed. Icilv’s attitude is uncertain. ih frontier is strictly closed, all
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]; —Vale.  -  1,031 words
  • 186 5 STATE TRAIN PASSES TO KING ALEXANDER. Vienna, September 18. —Allotted to Jugo-Slavia by the consent of all the representatives of the Austrian succession States, the Court railway train of the ex-Emperor Karl has arrived at Belgrade for the use of King Alexander. Built for the Emperor Francis
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  • 22 5 Madras, October 22. The Mill strike, mentioned on the 12th July, has ended The strikers surrender, ed unconditionally.
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  • 149 5 HERR WIRTH’S RESIGNATION. Berlin, October 23. In the course of a letter to President Ebert, submitting his resignation, Herr Mirth maintains that he has done his utmost to fulfil the treaty obligations. !t might have been expected that the occupation of the Ruhr would have ceased, and
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  • 153 5 There will be two Presidents in Germany, if the Bavarian people and the Centre Party can have its way. Notice has been given by the party of a resolution in the Bavarian Landtag, according to which Bavaria would have at its head a President who.
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  • 105 5 THE CALYPSO" AT LISBON. Lisbon, October 23. The British warship Calypso has arri vcd. Ihe wh' le country is quiet. Leader of the Movement. Madrid. October -3 A Li'ben message say- the revolutionary movement in Lisbon was direct ed by Colonel Are. commanding the in surgent troops. The
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  • 56 5 WAITRESS ARRESTED. Paris, October 23. Seven arrests have been made in connection with the bomb outrage at a Communist meeting in Paris, including a waitress. Linthault, who is suspected of throwing the bomb, which is similar t-o the one exploded at the house of the American Ambassador, and
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  • 30 5 A QUU9 PRO QUO. Constantinople, October 23. By the Franco-Kemalist agreement, France undertakes to support the» British claims to Thrace and Smyrna in return for preferential commercial treatment.
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  • 42 5 —Vale. Paris, October 24. —Thanks to the measures taken by the authorities to protect order, also to the unconcealed disapproval of the peaceful population, the Communist manifestation yesterday to protest against the American agitators' conviction, was an unqualified failure.-
    —Vale.  -  42 words
  • 21 5 .—Vale. Paris, October 23. —A Sofia message says an unknown person murdered Dimintroff, the Minister of War.—Vale.
    .—Vale.  -  21 words
  • 43 5 Rotterdam. October 24. A lifeboat capsized while endeavouring to save the crew of a lighter which ran aground on rocks. It is fearad the crew of the lifeboat were drowned, except one man, who managed to climb on to the hull.
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  • 182 5 GENERAL SMUTS AND THE DOMINIONS. Pretoria, October 23. General Smuts, in a speech, referring to the composition of the Empire delegation to Washington, said he gathered from the Press that the Dominions were not invited to the conference. He added that if the Pacific Dominions attended without a
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  • 362 5 Sir John Jordan accompanies the British delegation to th© Washington Conference as a specialist on China and the Far East. When he went home, the correspondent of “The Times’’ at Peking wrote that his influence there had been unique, among Chinese a-s well as Europeans.
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  • 111 5 THE TIMES’ VIEWS. London. October 24. Referring to the Japanese reply to China s Shantung Note, the Times” refrains from discussing the Japanese arguments on the ground that China, from the viewpoint of international relations, i s largely fiction in its present divided state, als" because it
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  • 113 5 Tokio, October B.—Commenting on the Chinese note the papers unanimously insist that Japan has gone to the limit in concessions regarding the Shantung question and express regret that China refused this opportunity of solving the question. China’s attitude is attributed to the hope of interference in her
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  • 120 5 MR. CHURCHILL APPOINTS COMMITTEE. London, October 23. Mr. Churchill has appointed a Com mittee, under the Chairmanship of Sir •Tames Stevenson, including a number of prominent representatives of rubber interests, for the purpose of investigating the present rubber situation in British Colonies and Protectorates, and to advise
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  • 125 5 BENEFITS OF AMALGAMATION. From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 25. At the annual meeting of the Brunei United Rubber Company, Mr. W.A. Sims presiding, said a total of $6,000 was outstanding on the call account, in respect of which one of the Directors guaranteed an overdraft from the
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  • 49 5 KENYA’S FLOTATION. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, October 23. The “Observer” learns that Kenya is to lais© a loan, probably £5,000,000 in England- for public works, and that a further 10 to 12 millions will be raised n the next few months by other Crown Colonies for development works.
    | Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  49 words
  • 156 5 The immediate success of the South African Loan has, as anticipated, encou raged other Colonial borrowers to expedite their aria iivmerts. Recent’j underwriting was effected of an issue of £3,000,000 of Ceylon Government Six per Cent. Inscribed Stock, redeemable in 1936-51. The price of issue will be
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  • 139 5 It is understood that underwriting arrangements will p-cLabh b© in’<« f. i- th issue in the future ”1 a loan to the Union Government of South Africa. Th© amount of the loan will be £5.000,000. As is well known, several parcels of South African bills have
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  • 103 5 THE STRIKE. Chicago. October 23. The trainmen of the Great Northern Railroad of Texas have struck. They are numerically insignificant, but it indicates a total disregard of the Labour Board s plan for a settlement. While th© railway telĕgraphists voted in favour of a strike on October 20,
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  • 491 5 REASONS FOR PENANG’S EXCLUSION. The Hon. Mr. John Mitchell sends u 9 a copy of a letter he has received from Mr. R. B. Osborne, Private Secretary to H. E. the Governor, dated the 21st October, 1921. from Government House, Singapore, on the subject of the visit
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  • 124 5 Amount previously acknowledged $lB,220.57. Lam Chan Na arid Swa Thow Kay Section, Chor Ba Say $5O, Khaw Seng Lee $5O, Sin Heap Chin $lO, Poh Aik $lO. Yeoh Seng Lai $lO, Lim Eng Kok $5, Sin Tek Seng $5, Teoh Or Choo $5, Gim Boon
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  • 114 5 The friends of Bolshevism are attributing the present starvation in Russia to the drought. One recently back from Russia states that the Communist rigid system of food control was also responsible. This year 164 million acres were sown instead of 218 million in 1920, and the grain
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  • 44 5 OBITUARY. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, October 24. The death has occurred of BrigadierGeneral Robert Napier Bray, C.M.G-, D. 5.0., aged 48. The deceased served in China and was present at the relief of Peking in 1900. He also did good service in the European war.
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  • 500 6 CAUSES AND REMEDIES. Sir Verney Lovett, K.C.5.1., the distingdjsh(.<d Indian Civil servant, writing in the “Asiatic Review” for October, deals with the causes of the Moplah. rebellion. Largely he traces the rebellion back to the Gandhi propaganda, which has been opposed by the Government by a policy of
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  • 130 6 On the cartouche on the lion* at Cleopatra s Needle there is a figure like a comb with a very thick back and short teeth. It is the word “Men,” part of the r< yal name of Thothmes 111-—Men Kheper Ba. This name, so written, appears in
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  • 110 6 The following from the “Chronicle.” should be an effective advertisement: There i* a book in which to look dispels all shade of sorrow its jesting gay, tho’ out to day is really due to Morrow. To Morrow (George), whose skill to forge a joke is vastly
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  • 157 6 TO-DAY'S DEPARTURE* Pc ng Fook for Langsa. Perak E S Co] for Deli. Padang for Asahan and Ba‘u Bahra, Rocha;seu for Siugap >re. Kedah for Bindings and Sriawan. Sappho for Teluk Anson, Khng for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Expected Arrivals I}o Maru, Singapore, Nov 5. Armand Behic, Singapore,
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  • 148 6 DAILY (except Sunday}. BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, f Teluk Anson, Kuala Kuhn, |By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 7.15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore j&6 p m and Hongkong j J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alsc 10.15 a.m.
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  • 41 6 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9am tomorrow. The Mail despatched frem Penang to London on the 28 h ultimo, by P O Packet Khyber, was delivered in London on the 22nd instant.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 V--."------.*-".-. V.“.-J* JJ". I St. PAULI y II GIRL I I BRAND II II BEER. I a -H. light lager fßeer of d exceptional quality. h h (San be obtained from all si tfje principal dealers. h 1 I SOLE AGENTS: g R. T. REID Co., Ltd., I) PENANG. KUALA
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    • 95 6 YOU'LL FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING if when troubled with constipation, liverishness, bile or sick headache, you take a small dose of Pinkettes at night on retiring to rest. Pinkettes are- laxative perfection, for they are not habit forming and neither gripe nor purge. Their occasional use ensures daily regularity,
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    • 197 6 I AVERY I I TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. i id J. i I I•’*il —n 1 '1 < V -7 t z r il BRIEF SPECIFICATION —Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Conuolling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full
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    • 171 7 large entry. ,z.f twenty four entries t>as been A (***** VP(I for the boxing contests to be ffCv* ru 4in the Empire Theatre, Penang Road, on Monday, the 31st October, and j esday- the Ist November, under the u s of ’he Penang Amateur Boxing Association,
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    • 601 7 FIX XL RF.>ri.T> AT SINGAPORE. Tin Boxing Championships of the Straits Settlements and the F M.S. were brought to a conclusion at the A ictoria Theatre on Saturday night, after what may well be regarded as a successful week's proceedings. The attendance on Saturday was a large one.
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    • 46 7 > ''From Our,-Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 25. In a Race week polo match, for the Macdougall Cup, llurmah Rifles beat Singapore “B” 3 —2. Perak beat Singapore “A” 2—l. Jho final will be on Friday, Burmah Rifles vs. Perak. Lady Guillemard was present yesterday.
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    • 175 7 Commenting on the Rugby Match, at Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, the “Malay Mail says Penang lacked combination. Individually their threes were good but all of them proved too selfish. Roger at half was good. Sanderson and Liston were conspicuous in the forward line, though as a
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    • 288 7 London- October 15. —The following are the results of to-day’s association football matches in the League: Division I. Arsenal 1 Sunderland 2; Villa 0 West Bromwich 1 Blackburn R. 2 Everton Bolton W. 1 Cardiff C 2 Huddersfield 1 Birmingham Liverpool 4 Preston N. E. Manchester I’ 2
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    • 98 7 Heavy rain again fell on Saturday morning ju*t before the usual starting time but it fortunately cleared, off. and work was possible on the outer track, though the going was very wet. There was quite a large attendance considering the- unpleasant weather and some good galloping was
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  • 78 7 Russia appears to- have abolished about everything except hell and hungei. No coward is small enough to hide behind a woman's skirt to-day. There are so many unemployed because, for one reason, employers cannot afford to pay the price that idlers can afford to accept for
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  • 40 7 A daring occurrence is reported from Butterworth, where three armed men entered a kedai, about 7-30 on Saturday evening, and robbed a Chinese woman of jewellery which she was wearing. The robbers made good their escape.
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  • 768 7 SCHEME FOR ADEQUATE LABOUR FORCE. The quarterly general meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association was held at the Malacca Club, Malacca, on Sunday, under the presidency of the Hon Mr J W Cimpbell, chairman of the Association. Wi ll regard to the scheme to assure au adequate labour
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  • 90 7 The mail from Penang of the Ist October was delivered in London yesterday—23 days; that of the 28oh September on the 22nd’ inst—24 day?. The latest mail from home, which arrived here on the 21st, came out in 22 days. In the Police Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr
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  • 748 7 SELF-SUPPORTING ESTATES. The fifth annual general meeting oAmalgamated Mahy Estates, Limited, was held at the Registered Office of the Comf pany, Kuda Lumpur, on Oct 21st, with Mr J A Russell in the Chair. The Chairman addressed the meeting as follows: Ido not suppose that any shareholder is
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  • 170 7 Singapore, October 20.—During the past week all markets have been active and advancing. Locally, trade buyers have not been much in evidence, but there has been a continued strong demand by dealers for all grades of spot rubber. Top prices have not moved up to any extent,
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  • 97 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy Co.’s share list; Yesterday. To-day. S 2 SHARES. 5 >» s QQ 0Q c. J c. So. So. Rukker (Dollar) Alor Gajah 1.10 1.20 1.00 1.10 Bassett R 60c 60c 70c 8.-Lintang 1.10 1.00 Jimah 75c 85c 85c
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  • 109 7 The Straits Trading Co,, Ltd., give the following London prices, on Oct 24th:— Spot £158.03 down 5s 3 months buying £160.10s unchanged 3 selling £160,15s unchanged Local Parity $79.19 October 25:h Singapore sold 100 tons at $79 3/8 Penang buyers no sellers at $79 20. The Eastern Smelting
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  • 222 7 Penang, October 25, 1921. BP. Tapioca $6.75 sellers M. P. Tapioca $7.00 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 sellers 110 s $32.00 sellers fNo. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • 139 7 Ptnang, October 25, 1921. (Be Courtesy 0» the Chabtebed Barb) London Demand Bank 2/3 29/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 165 3 days’ sight Private 173 o Bombay Demand Bank 16.5 g Madras Demand Bank 165
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  • 240 7 —“S F P” From the Municipal estimates for 1922, published in the Gazette, we cull the following details which will nos W 9 hope, detract from the interest of the President’s speech when ha introduces the Budget. The estimated revenue is $9,710,000 an increase of about $700,000
    —“S F P”  -  240 words
  • 173 7 Siam has done more than make a careful study of the prospects of paper making in Siam—a study which it has published for the encouragement of those interested. A paper-making plant is being imported from America, apparently by the Army, which already makes its own paper.
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  • 112 7 Oct 25, 27, 29—Singapore Races. Oct 26—Athenaeum Meeting, Chinese Merchants Club, Mr H G Sarwar, Some Remarks on the Mother Tongue of the Indo-European Race?.” Oct 26—Concert, T J and R Club, Prai, 8-30 p.m Oct 27—Chu ch Workers’ Assoc. Meeting, Parsonage 11 a.m. Oct 28—E O Dinner
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  • 203 7 —S F P.” The Band will p’ay the following programme of mu-ic at the Date Kramat Gardens at 5 30 p.m. to-day. 1 March ...Bona Fide ...Goring 2 Sekc'ion ...Carminetta ...Brcwn 3 Wal t ...Heine Do Danube... Godfrey 4 Fox Trot ...Nightingale ...Rose 5 One Step ...Fidgety
    —S F P.”  -  203 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1455 8 K. P. M. rOYO KISEN KAISHA. ROYAL, PACKET NAVIGATION Co.) HONGKONG TO SAN FHAHCISGO. VIA japan connecting to all points in the Y riMWBPOHATED IN HOLLAND.) UNITED STATES. CANADA. MEXICO AND EUROPE 1 laelepfane tfo. 582. telegramsPafietvaarf,’’ PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. p OK INTEr jjAIL l STEAMER [lncorporated in Japan.]
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    • 419 8 I -BRI “D Q” EXPANDED metal D D DIAMOND MESH /VVYYYY\ W M B W/ th te ii f W W M 1« W SOLE AGENTS: Wm. JACKS Co., Singap re. SUB-ACENTS: R. T REID Co., Ltd, Penang BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England Author «sed
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    • 283 8 HONGKONG 4 SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Paid-up Capital I 15.000,u0C Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2,0U0,l l Silver Reserve |21,5W6 Head Office: —HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foochoi, Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipob. Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, London, Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki, Nei
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