Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 October 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 445 1 1 Obtainable everywhere wholesale from •I sw 1 oo il 1 Ofig Sam Leong Co., Penang. 'H il I THE PRICE 0F I I I BLACK I 1 if |^O I reduced i i BwtlflM Cement BEST QUALITY OBTAINABLE 1 OBTAINABE FROM ALL DEALERS. gj SUPPLIED TO SOLE IMPORTERS: S
      445 words
    • 18 1 THE BEST fiAH IS (OWM i ¥i> <l-9 rtte -gar... s.s. P M S- Oo« «.T» A O®.
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  • 1259 2 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr and Mrs G C Valpy returned from home by the P and O steamer Nyanza. Mr J B Scrivenor, Government Geologist, arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday from Bate Gajab, Mr D Beatty is leturoing to Singapore by the P and U seamer Nellore, which was due
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  • 416 2 Members of Lodge Royal Prince of Wales and oher brethren attended la j t evening at the Freemasons' Ha'l, Northam Road, as a Lodge of Sorrow in memory of Wor Bro J R Macfarlane and Bros Ha r ry Rickard and J W Hodge. The hall
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  • 1129 2 MALAYA-BORNEO EXHIBITION. We are officially informed that a MalayaBorneo Exhibition is to be held in Singapore next year on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales. The dates will probably be from Friday the 31st of March—the day of the Prince’s arrival—to Saturday the
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  • 596 2 A SERIOUS CHARGE. Mr A C Baker, in the Police Court, yesterday afternoon, held the preliminary enquiry into the charge against a Chinese woman named Tan Soh of exposing and leaving her child—a boy of about three years—above the hill at Balik Palau Road, with
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  • 121 2 Penan ff, October 37, 1921. (Bv Covbtmst or thb Chartrbbd Babb) Loudon Demand Bank 2,3 29/32 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 7/32 *> 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 ■> Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 162 3 days’ sight Private 170 Bombay Demand Bank 162 j Madras Demand
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  • 903 2 CONSERVING *THE BRO’PERTY. The tentlAnnual meeting of Selangor Coconuts, Limited, was held in the Registered Office of the Company, 1 Embankment, Lumpur, on 17th October, with Mr J A Russell in the chair. The Chairmaj said.’ I regret that the present financial position of the Company does
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 602 2 NEW —J MISCELLANEOUS, Wanted to pu cha»e a Motor Car, preferably a p O rd v be in good condition. Partied u price to Box No. 271, c/o Gazette. Secondhand Earthen w/ Coagulating Pans wanted. Ma 7 e in good condition. Apply 3tBtipa I and lowest price to Box No.
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  • 677 3 THEFT ON THE JIN HO.” EIGHTEEN MONTHS FOR MALAY SEAMAN. In the District Court, Penang, yesterday, bifore Mr R Scott, Ahmed bin Akil and Hassan bin Ali, lascars on board the 8. S. “Jin Ho”were charged with having, on board that steamer, on the morning of Oct. 8, stolen from
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  • 235 3 The time hss come the prophet criei To try and save some cash. In days of slump and low priced tin. We sure will come a stoHsb, If servants of the Government Con epend and cui a dash. I own. he said, in tames gone by That
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  • 189 3 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Ban Whatt Soon for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Fooksang for Singapore and Hongkong. Kedah for Dindings and Sitiawan. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Eumaeus for Marseilles and Liverpool. Teesta for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Expected Arrivals. Kamo Maru, Singapore, Oct 22. lyo Maru, Singapore, Nov 5. Armand
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  • 247 3 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubn, By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alac 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Kn h
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  • 60 3 TO-MORROW. Rlagoon and Calcutta > Elephanta taking mails for Europe 8 a m. etc, via Bombay I Regt up to 7 p.m. Bhuket (Tongkah) and I Malaya 2 p.m. Renong, J P Brandon and Langkat ,s Jin Ho 3 p.m. MONDAY (24th inst.) Ceylon, India, Aden, Port") Khiva
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  • 175 3 Mails for home, by the Elephants, and the Khiva, close to-morrow, at 8 a.m., and Monday, at 2 p.m respectively, The mail by the E’ephanta will connect at Bombay with the mail ched by the Tara, on the 19th inst. The Postmaster-General notifies tha*\ in consequence of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 900 3 \DVERTISEMENI S, ADVERTISEMENTS on tram a d»„oe, CARS. irc published in the The pjnang Gazette Press Ltd having I ••Pi n 2 0 g Gazette acquired froia tip Penbifog 00,, ents a Word n^ exclusive rights of the Municipal Contract for advertising on and with a Minimum Charge of $1
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    • 484 3 Heat Lassitude and Fever Dr. Cassell's Tablets Give Splendid Energy and Safeguard the System from Infection. India. South Africa. Mr. Upendrakrishna. Bromhopadha- Mrs. Ellen Flowers, 8 Coleridgo-road, jaya. Poi-adaha, P.O. 2B Railway, Nadia, Salt River, C.P., South Africa, writes:— Bengal, India, writes: —“I am enjoying I “I suffered terribly with
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  • 34 4 Talma —ln London, on October 15, to Mr and Mrs E L Talma, a daughter. Ebden. —On the 1 Bth ioat at Seremban, to Mr and M a W S Eb:ier, a daughter
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  • 26 4 Mobrell—Hutchison —At Woodeaton, on September 21, Edward William Morrell, Civil Service, Brit. North Borneo to Anne Margaret S oar\ daughter <»f ate Rev R Hutchison.
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  • 1169 4 —‘S F P. A wire from our Kuala Lumpur correspondent states that Advisory Boards have been appointed by the Chief Secretary, of which Mr C N Maxwell will himself be Chairman, to deal with the respective subjec'B of infant welfare acd of venereal diseases upon the lines of
    —‘S F P. ’  -  1,169 words
  • 1547 4 The low of tin has put out of action® a number of Tin Production. mines, unable to work e at a profit, though the majority continue tfieir activities, and hope to see an early definite change for the better. According to an Aneta message it has been
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  • 107 4 THE RAILWAY STRIKE. TH REiL (From Our Own Cop.RKePONDSNT Singapore, October '21. We’tevreden, October 20— Both of tbe Railway Unicn tc-lay CJQe with the Railway Board regaling the grievances. The personal coa has already had good resa t l the leaders are of the opinion that will not
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  • 49 4 (From Our Own Singapore, O ctobe^ 0 i te (i Tire Report of ’he Ea« erQ g t ol Xssurance Company .n ner ce»'“ >41,379, A dividend of o fthe recommenced. The premium ioco Are depar'ment was $240, claims $112,156. and of $143,256 and $120.067 rtap’ctive..
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  • 49 4 (From Our Own Kuala Lumpur Oc ober The Chief Secretary 8 FP l sod Infant Welfare Advisory B° B ep j 8 VSnereal Drstases Adv.smy u o jri the lines of the Malaria A fint n CMr O N Maxwell wF* b L both Boards
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 W. Briggs Sons, Ltd., Dundee and London, g I “Challenge" I I D E I Roofing] 1 AND Bituminous Solutions. 1 SOLE AGENTS g Sandilands, Buttery Co., g Penang, Singapore Medan. -jz- PORT WINE fat GOLD LABEL WHITE PORT NO. 1. f IM? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY THE /KM MEDJCAL PROFESSION.
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    • 17 4 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday. J/rs. F. A r Syer. P. P G.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 547 5 EXPORT credit scheme. |,al.\L DEVELOPMENT ]fc)ANS. Reiser’s Telegrams. London,.October If*. Lloyd George, in the Hwuse of Com. ilr in a speech on unemployment, j w clt on the importance of reviving i( j t He said we had to convert the w ,.ild’s need of goods into demand,
    Reiser’s Telegrams.  -  547 words
  • 23 5 TO MEET TO-DAY. London, October 20. h is announced that the next meeting the Irish Conference is called for October 21.
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  • 34 5 GENERAL FOWLER FOR CHINA. London, October 19. 1,1 following new army appointments notified: Major-General Sir J.S. Fowler to com fi ll rur <,PnPra Malcolm to be GenICP| Commanding, Straits Settle-
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  • 19 5 Budapest, October 19. nar' a’ v h as occurred of the Bavaan ex 'King, Ludwig.
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  • 218 5 RATIFICATION BY AMERICA. W October 19. The Senate ratified the treaty of peace with Germany. Immediately after the ratification of the German peace treaty, the Senate ratified the treaty witk Austria. The Hungarian Treaty. Washing>pn October 19. The Senate ratified the peace treaty with Hungary. The Senate Debate.
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  • 131 5 POLAND’S POSITION. London, October 19. It i s learned that the Polish Government has given an assurance that it will do its utmost to ensure the carrying out of the League of Nations’ decision with regard to Upper Silesia. It is believed thi- will have a calming effect
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  • 111 5 Geneva, October 20. The International Congress of Working Women has opened. Ten countries are represented, including China. Japan and South Africa. Chinese Delegate's Speech. Geneva. October 20. Tn the course of an interesting discussion on the application of the Washington resolutions, Miss Zung, of the National Y.
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  • 43 5 NOT SINGAPORE. Melbourne, October 19. Mr. Hughes, speaking in the House of Representatives, said the question of a naval base in the Pacific was discussed by the Imperial Conference. A decision was reached, but the base would not be Singapore.
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  • 60 5 London, October 19. Circulars are being sent out to the shareholders <if Tankers, Limited, and the Scottish American and Transport Oil Company, containing a proposal to amalgamate. The latter is unable to make the substantial payments provided in the agreement with Tankers, Ltd., owing to the seri'ous
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  • 47 5 l9. The Prince of Wales and Prince Henry were involved in a motoring accident, near Cambridge, a motor-cycle colliding with the Princes’ car. the back wheel o which was smashed. The Princes were unhurt, but the side car passenger was picked up unconscious.
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  • 152 5 M. BRIAN!) AND WASHINGTON CONFERENCE. Paris, October 19. I he French Chamber of Deputies and the Senate have re-assembled. M. Briand, in a statement of foreign policy, declared that his aim was the jaaintenanoie of peace. He denied the assertion that France’s military position was in any way
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  • 67 5 Paris, October 19. The imports of France for the first nine months of 1921 totalled 15.833,000,000 francs and 24,806,060 tons, compared with 36.155.000 tons in the corresponding period of last year. The reduction is largely due to a decrease of 9,000,<*00 tons of raw material*. Tha exports
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  • 51 5 Wellington. October 20. The debate in the House of Representatives on Imperial affairs closed in an atmosphere of general approval of Mr. Massey’s attitude. A small group of labour members criticised the AngloJapanese Alliance adversely objecting to to any alliance involving the possibility of war
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  • 463 5 Mr. C. R. Crane, now in London after his journey of 5,060 miles across Siberia and European Ru-sia, i s by way of being a latter day seer as well as a nearmillionaire. a dipb mat, a philanthropist and a brilliant, unorthodox thinker. Already in 1914
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  • 83 5 PANIC IN HOLLAND. Rotterdam, October 19. The heavy fall in the German mark caused a feeling <>f recklessness on the Dutch Exchange, neatly approaching a panic. Not only the share and stock exchange, but also quotations on the produce market have recently fallen so much that
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  • 65 5 EFFECT IN BRITAIN. London, October 19. A naive assertion was made in a speech at Essen, by the Prussian Premier, who expressed the opinion that the present economic situation was Germajiys best ally, as it was compelling Englajid to pay more in unemployment doles than she obtained
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  • 42 5 Berlin. October .19. As the result of a demand for increase of wages, the newspaper proprietors have declared a lockout of the technical staffs of all non-Socialist newspapers in Berlin, consequently only two minor non-Socialist papers are appearing.
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  • 61 5 A SERIOUS HITCH. Paris, October 19. The consortium of banks which had been formed with the object of coming to the rescue of the Banque Industrielle de Chine, informed the Minister of Finance that it is obliged to abandon rhe idea, owing to the fact that the Chinese
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  • 42 5 AMERICA'S ATTITUDE. Washington. October 19. President Harding declined the invita tion of British Bankers to send representatives to a non-official financial conference on December 12. but expressed the opinion that private banking exports would probably gladly participate in the conference.
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  • 41 5 GOVERNMENT OVERTHROWN. Lisbon. October 20. The Government has been overthrown, as the result of a bloodless, but success ful, military movement. It is probable that a new Ministry will be formed with the ex-revolution-ary, Maria Coelho, as Premier.
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  • 28 5 Helsingfors. October 19. Maxim Gorky has arrived. It is understood he proposes to enter into negotiations with American capitalists, m behalf of the Soviet Government.
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  • 22 5 London, October 19. Cambridge University is conferring the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity upon Bishop Scott of Shantung.
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  • 261 5 This afternoon, the Penang Free School is holding its annual athletic sports, the day being the 105th anniversary of the school. The Free S ebool was started on October 21st 1816. the 22nd. anniversary of the death of Captain Francis Light, the Founder of Penang, in a
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  • 224 5 PRESIDENT HARDING AND BRITAIN New York, October 19. President Harding, speaking at a ceremony in commemoration of the British surrender at Yorktown in 1781, surrounded by high officials of the Administration and standing within sight of the spot where Cornwallis laid down his sword, said he hoped to
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  • 56 5 NATIONALISATION THE ISSUE. Washington October 19. It is asserted here that the real pur pose of the threatened railway strike is to force the Government to adopt st ite ownership of the railways. Ir is believed the men desire a return to the con ditions existing during the
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  • 81 5 HONOURED BY NEW YORK New York, October 19. The Freedom of the City of New York will be conferred on Earl Beatty, Marshal Foch and Generals Diaz and Jacques. who. during their stay in the United States, will attend the Convention of the American Legion. General Diaz Welcomed.
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  • 29 5 Washington, October 19. The House of Representatives, by 197 votes to 74, passed a bill extending the emergency tariff law until the Ist February. 1922.
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  • 51 5 New York. October 19The newspaper “Nbw York World” publishes facsimile reproductions of messages in the handwriting of M. Briand and General Pershing, transmitted from Paris to America by wireless. It is predicted that before long pictures wirelessed across the» Atlantic will as easily as now be transmitted by
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  • 54 5 AMERICAN DECISION. New York, October 19. The continental conference of the Ship ping Board and representatives of Shipping Companies announced a reduction of freights to continental Europe of 15 to 26 per cent a ton for metals, and 3 to 5 per cent for oils, grains,
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  • 45 5 EXPLOSION AT AMERICAN EMBASSY. Paris, October 19. A parcel addressed to the American Ambassador’s house, apparently containing a bottle of perfume, exploded when opened by a valet, seriously injuring the latter and wrecking a room. The parcel contained a high explosive bomb.
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  • 35 5 LORD INVERNAIRN’S WARNING. London. October 19. In a speech at Dalmuir. Lord Invernairn declared that unless the price of steel was reduced to something like the pre-war figures, steelworks must close down.
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  • 84 5 INAUGURAL MEETING IN LONDON. London, October 19. The Institution of the Rubber Industry held its inaugural meeting at the Society of Arts. The President, Mr. B rooking, explain ed that the new Institution would enable all interested in the rubber indus try to meet and discuss
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  • 61 5 London. October 19. It is announced that the Crosses and Winkworth Consolidated Mil's have practically complected negotiations for the purchase of Heaton Mills, near Bolton. Heaton is one of the last of Bolton concerns remaining in the family’s hands. The purchase increases the Crosses and Winkworth spindles
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  • 353 5 BELGIAN PRINCE As “MIDDY.” The Prince of Wales has ordered an extensive library of reference books <<n India to take with him in the Renown for his Indian tour. Before reaching Bombay he intends to spend much time in a serious study of India and
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  • 260 5 —“S.T.” Amoun previously acknowledged $17,635.81 Chop Joo Hoe $2O Buttiwortn Section Collected per Mr. Lim Ah Chum: Boon Leong Hin $10; Neoh Aik Choe $10; Teh Ah Choy $10; Ong Ah Seng $10; Tan Ah Lam $10: Teng Leh Kee $10; Guan Sang Leong $lo; Tan
    —“S.T.”  -  260 words

  • 1649 6 IF GREAT BRITAIN WERE “DRY,” Viscount Northcliffe writes to the ‘Daily Mail”;— I should like to bring home to our public exactly what so called Prohibition looks like when vou are close to it; and for that purpose I will assume that the “Pussyfoot” agitation has
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  • 117 6 Oct 22—Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd, Meeting, British India House, 11,30 a.n. Ocb 22—Temerlob, Meeting, 9 Beach Street, 12 noon. Oct 22—Peoang Golf Club Dance, 6.45 p m. Ocb 23—Malacca Ranters’ Association Meeting, 10 a.m. Oct 25, 27, 29—Singapore Races. Oct 26—Athenaeum Meeting, Chinese Merchants Club, H G Sarwar,
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  • 45 6 The Band will play the following programme of music ab the Esplanade at 6 p.m. to-day. 1 March ...Bona Fide ...Goring 2 Selection ...Carminetta ...Brown 3 Waltz ...Reiue Du Danube... Godfrey 4 Fox Trot ...Nightingale ...Rose 5 One Step ...Fidgety Phil ...Kapa
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 95 6 Sets' CHRISTMAS I CARDS n h auto II Christmas STATIONERY POST CARDS OF CHOICEST SELECTION 1 ON VIEW AT OUR OFFICE YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED Pinang Gazette Press. LIMITED i STOCKS NOW ON HAND Momi Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic Acid, Porcelain Cups, I Fairbanks Scales, Mangles, Warehouse Trucks, Etc.
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    • 166 6 ".■BOOTH'S I recognised as “THE GIN” esT: MO over buw booth’s I IThe OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LOCAL DEALERS. Oriyinttl Dry DISTILLERY, SOLE IMPORTERS BEHR CO., PENANG ■fill» MASTICON— mends leaks of every description. “BUCKEYE" TYRE RELIN E RS— give S longer lives to inner Tubes and Outer Covers. i “ZEUS”
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  • 637 7 “M.L.” >Ei oMMITTEI) FOR TjJIAL. ni.igisterial enquiry into the at d.-fraud the Chartered Rank. temp’ > Lumpur, by Chan Kam Sing, a yed in the bank in Kuala j ~u was taken up in Seremban. Th' <as' for the prosecution has al },..n given at some length
    “M.L.”  -  637 words
  • 54 7 SELANGOR TEAM. SJ' d gby football match between Seand Penang will be played on f f-umpur Padang on Saturday r October 22nd, as stated: r >e an^?. r: Pars (capt.), Hugi ens Churchill; Murchison, Codner, Findlay, Rooke, n Philp. Wilson. Riches. McGann. i 1 Mr. A. S. Bailev.
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  • 66 7 u haams, representing the Trad polhege, and the Malay next w ill visit Penang Gum P'ay b he Perskutuan Guru •hr* Mnl formal Association of all f Penang PW •Ut p a Wll be B ,a y ed aV'Dato KraM FriL. CTIB Tl WedneBd a-y’ the 26th, ly 28t,
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  • 51 7 the* *‘p u thm i ov<!,njn ent Gazette ’“Um is rak.i’r Irnport duty on p**Bo--10 c<nt loni cents per gallon *lsi and S ga^ On a s from October ~ort dutv T ,,n> l,ne ‘late a» 1 n) of I,llposed matches at the Per c agH of 7(200
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  • 377 7 Ihe Bombay >l Department have issued interesting bulletin, says Indian Business,” containing a preliminary survey of’ rice cultivation in the Larkana District <t>f Sind, which will be found useful not only by landowners interested in the cultivation of rice, but by students of agricultural conditions throughout
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  • 153 7 “M.M.” On Monday, at the Kuala Selangor Police Court, two Chinese* were charged with attempting to evade payment of duty on a large, quantity of samsu. It appears that on the 17th September, two lorries were proceeding towards Kuala Lumpur, when the drivers were stopped at the
    “M.M.”  -  153 words
  • 204 7 It has been left to a Scotsman to destroy a cherished legend of the Scots Sir Arthur Keith has explored the origin of the people who now inhabit these isles, as far back as 11,000 B. C., and he finds nothing to justify the vanity of the
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  • 803 7 The following are the “Financier's” views: Tliere. is apparently reason to doubt the accuracy of the figures published weekly as to the imports and deliveries of crude rubber. If these figures are not correct, then doubt arises as to the authenticity of the alleged stocks in the United
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  • 572 7 Although the financial position is still bad, it is certain that it is gradually improving. Indeed, it can be said that the situation in this country is actually better than in any other—including America, says the “Sunday Express” of September 18. The principal reason for
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  • 286 7 “I have been putting up some dust. I have ripping time.” When Mr. Sz-to Wai, a smiling little professor from China, treated the Ecumenical Methodist Conference at the Central Hall, Westminster, to these and other “new slangs” he had picked up he was providing the conference with
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  • 68 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy <fc Co.’s share list; Yesterday. To-day, on n on o SHARES. I 1 a s> a a ao 9Q tn J c. J o. So. So. Miniag. Asam K 31/6- 28/6 30/6 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40 1.30 1.35
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  • 229 7 Fraser’s Weekly Report of October 18 states :—Oar" local share market remains in a very dull an uninteresting condition with so few deals passing that comment is unnecessary. Rubbers. The commodity is again firmer closing at 34j cents, after touching 36 cents. There are a great many
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  • 249 7 Messrs Fearon and Co, Kuala Lumpur reported on Wednesday. There has been considerably more irteret taken in the share market during the past week, perhaps due to a more optimistic feeling induced by the steadiness in the rubber market. While it would be unwise to attach too much
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  • 30 7 60 coolies arrived per ss Tres’a, today, of whom 9 were sent to quarantine, Pulau Jerejsk, and th* balance prrceed direct to Port Swettenham to-day, for quarantine there.
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  • 100 7 Messrs. The Borneo Company, Ltd., advise that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by private and auction sales held this week Cts Per Pound, Smoked diamond sheet No. 1 25 to 30 diamond No. 220 24 J Unsmoked sheet No. 1 16 Crepe
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  • 107 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, on Oct 20tb;— Spot £157.5d.0d up HkOd 3 months buying £159.125.6i 125.6 d 3 selling £159.155.0d lOs.Od Local Parity $78.75 October 21st; Singapore sold 225 tons at $79 1/8; Penang buyers no sellers at s7&| The Eastern Smelting
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  • 222 7 Penang, October 21, 1921. SP. Tapioca J 6.75 sellers M. P. Tapioca 57.00 sellers Cold leaf $72 seller» Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 sellers 110 s $32.00 sellers SNo. 1 $lO 00
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  • 52 7 Church Services 22nd Sunday after Trinity. October 23. S. Anne’s Mission Chapel, Prai. 8 Holy Communion. The Chaplain will be officiating at Evensong at S, Ge irge’s Church, Penan?. Friday, October 28 h, SS. Simon and Jude. S. Paul’s Mission Chapel, Bukit Teagah, 7.30 a.m.
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  • 28 7 23 d Oc», 22nd Suod-ty after Trinity. 9 15 a.m Matins and Serra n (Tamil). 5 p.m Children’s Servicp. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Stir mon.
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  • 17 7 7 30 a.m. Holy Communion 10 a in. Matins and Sermon.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 86 7 PRETTY WOMEN who wish to retain their charm find Pinketts of especial vaule for the preservation of the complexion and of the general health. The when needed, of these dainty little laxatives keeps the skin free from fiimples and blemishes, ensures daily regularity, dispels bilious attacks and sick headaches. Pinkettes
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    • 54 7 A POINT for ADVERTISERS Any reduction you make just now or during the next few months in the volume of your advertising means that much more prominence to the announcements of your competitors day by day and week by week in the PINANG GAZETTE” Moral: Extend your advertising and do
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 710 8 RUSTIkOL”, ■file Artistic Wood < preservative Made in four Standard Shades, I i proof «gainst White Ants, I Dry Rot etc., in Timber. Used by Hundreds of Es fates throughout Malaya. I wm— mw iMti tiim'TiT ---MwainafriHF" ——r rrnn L?— r Manufactured b>; the well-known makers ol HALL’S DISTEMPER Sole
      710 words