Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 589 1 a i NIKIKO 7. ROAD. < Telephone No. 579, i c 11 11 r > X fifIimfInMOMIfiIMXMftXRMMMOBUOIIKXaM. X'' i jfijßg,- t sa* ’K v r H s A- O I Haboko Tea. j masoo Ts jig Many of the Mascots which decorat e rp-- *g^^ 1 the cars one sees
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    • 20 1 1; THE BEST CAR TfIWH j I. soi« agoati B.S. A F M S< I Ong Laoag A Co, 9
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  • 427 2 B T.” Pa’tani, September 24i—The ajmost dailv downpours of during the last few* months have undoubtedly proved a boon to Pattani. No cases of cholera have been officially reported so far this year It js to be hoped that the scourge has passed us by. We are still
    . B T.”  -  427 words
  • 192 2 L vers of old time country sounds, who year by year look forward to the return of lh<- rich quiet song of the threshing machine in September, are a little perturbed at the changed order of things says a Home naper. The drowsy thre-shing-music is
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  • 219 2 An important scientific discovery, making it possible for surgeons to obtain a more accurate location of foreign objects in the human body than i s at present attainable, will be disclosed at the annual exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society. The discovery, the outcome of researches carried out
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1444 2 SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS,! TENDERS INVITED. T?in /net CctZette paid for in advance, 9 9 S perate lenders will be received op bo 'are published in the noon on Tnesday, the 18 h October, 1921 RATES OF CASUAL aP;n n n <r Cn7p t f o for tbe following snpplies for a
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    • 305 2 esaaaesesasagsgss -r < 1 .1 .GROSSMITHSg W®3op«£ j CeyCon C] r T'he latent triumph ®of the Per- I kjl fumer's Art, unique in its floral H charm and distinction, Wana-Ranet -j is a pearl among perfumes. Delightfully refreshing and lasting, it is everywhere acclaimed as Dream of Oriental Fragrance. Prepared
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  • 786 3 —“M M’’ KUALA SELANGOR CASE. The Chief Judicial Commissioner, the Hon Mr L M. Woodward, in the SupremeCourt, Kuala Lumpur, heard aid gave judgment in a civil suit of a somewhat remarkable nature, in which the plaintiff, to ><he Siiit, a chetty of Kuala Selangor, alleged
    —“M M’’  -  786 words
  • 235 3 Land tests were made wi h one of a pair of experimental tanks which arrived at Farnborowgh, The tanki are about whippet size, hut there the roo mblanc* ceases The machine resembled a baby submarine, standing high ovrr a pair of caterpillar wheels. To all appearances the
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  • 551 3 SIR FRANK SWKTTFNHAM’S VIEWS. Sir Frank Swetteuham writes to “The rimes” that the new of Crown Colonie? contemplated by Mr Churchill is rather turpiising so far as it affects the Strains Settlements. To place at Port Lou s, in Mauritius, a High Commissioner, whose charge would include
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  • 414 3 James Barnes, a native of Lelant, in Cornwall, although long domiciled in the Ur-red States, established him elf definitely a? 0' e of the world’s greatest golfers by winning the Gni'ed States oyep championship with a score of 289 strokes for four rounds-i-an average of 72} s’rokts
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 152 3 t --3T* I |j i §ll Lv uw i T/fl CHRISTMAS. I v n e e a w r cards I I auto Christmas STATIONERY POST CARDS I■ I OF CHOICEST SELECTION ON VIEW AT OUR OFFICE YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED I I Pinang Gazette Press, j LIMITED I v
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    • 546 3 I ikat cleariing! I h (S 10.05 JI 1.15) j I 23/6 f Z 26/I DOZ Y 2 DOZ. Z/essertf Joe Staiz\fess are wsfusdaAhea,phfe /Aey are quite ready z'or i tKe j\ex/ n\ea/. I You cannot .tain them-not h's f( >u:d ecorerr. lo buy eyen with vinegar or fruit. 1
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  • 321 4 ASIA’S ANCIENT CIVILISATION. Paris, October 15—In response to an invitation from several universities in India, the noted French scholar, Sylvain Levi, Director of the Oriental Section of the Strasbourg University, will sail in the middle of October for India to organize in Bengal a centre of researches into
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  • 199 4 THE ABBEY CEREMONY. London, October 15. G eat preparations are being made for the reception of the American General Pershing, who arrives in London to-morrow evening, to participa’e in the ceremony of laying of the United States Congressional Medal of Honour on the unknown warrior’s grave
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  • 31 4 London, October 15. In the hope of re-establishing the market it is announced that important reductions in steel will take Lffect on October 17, ranging from £2 to £4.
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  • 168 4 Oct 17 Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Cct 18—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 19—Concert, T J and R Club, Prai, 8-30 p.m Oct 23—Malacca Planters’ Association Meeting, 10 a.m. In the Supreme Court, S njapore, on Thursday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter 8 Shaw, »n action
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  • 1430 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. The Hon Mr Gibbons, Singapore, fi on visit to Penang. Mr P J Sproule and Mr G G Wilson have had their leave extended two months. Mr C E Branch has been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court as from May 21. Mr G H Hargreaves, Superintendent,
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  • 120 4 Mr Edgar Warwick’s Comedy Coy, which arrived yesterday from Rangoon, will to-night present at the Town Hall Mr W Somerset Maugham’s nlay Ci*cle which has been running at tffe London Haymarket Theatre. It is a clever and unusual play and has met with great success in
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  • 671 4 QUESTIONS OF ECONOMY ANI> PLAGUE. k IS 1 (P. G. Special) On Saturday we published a letter f correspjndent, who wrote under the n l p’ume, ‘‘BE E”, seeking f or i D f regarding the rat question i n p Amongst other tSings he aeked ir?
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  • 180 4 About 9 30 o’clock on Saturday morL ..J a lorry fried with rubber dashed »g» the tram standard at the junction 0 and McCallum streets, the front por w the vehicle being damaged, says, the Times." The driver made bit»^ ll after the accident, with the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 640 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL SHORT CLASSIFIED TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! ADVERTISEMENTS EDGAR WARWICK Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c. PRESENTS THE can be inserted in the Pinang IA I Gazette” at WARWICK THREE CENTS A WORD, ChMFRY C(Y counting the address to which \Zv/ij replies are to be sent. in W. Somerset
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  • 1907 5 PROPOSALS BY tHE ASSOCIATED HIM-SE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. have received from Mr. Koh I Hup, the Hon. Secretary of the V O( jated Chinese Chambers of Com British Malaya, a booklet on ,h Trad? Slump in Malaya,” consist,l fa report of the proceedings of the Conference of
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  • 181 5 Remarkable results have been obt lined by the use of lodine <>n the tongue as a preventive against influenza. The experiment was made in Uganda by Dr. J. A. Taylor after the success of the same treatment in cases of spotted fever. Describing the result in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 447 5 INJUDICIOUS EATING. A COMMON FAILING. Many people have themselves to blame for the, fact that they are victims of indigestion, for rhe trouble is usually brought on either through over-eating, an unsu table or faulty mastication. M hen the ailment becomes chronic victims sometimes fly to pre-digested foods. <>r purgatives.
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    • 491 5 R. YOUNG £O., ITD., PENANG. ««v ‘MOSAIC’ Pressed Concrete Flooring Tiles. ■fi Lj 9 1 Great Variety in Artistic U i s Colours and Patterns. II H IL a J 8 3 M On View at Our Offices. I 2 II 1 II M .J SIZE OF TILES 8’x8» I
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  • 35 6 Cottrell—AL "the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, od October 15, to Mr and Mrs H Cottrell, a daughter. Fislay —At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore 1 on October 15, to Mr end Mrs John Finlay, a son.
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  • 142 6 Daniels—Mathison—At tbe Parish Church, Peebles, on 13th September, by the Rev M Taggart, of Lyne and Meggat, assisted by the Rev J Taylor, Arthur Park Daniels, Chartered Bank of India, Aus tralia, and China, youngest son of the late Charles T Daniela, Woodhe, Peebles, to Helen Rutherford (Nellie), only
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  • 1098 6 A pamphlet ba? been published, at the instance of* the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce, of British Malaya reproducing an account of the Kuala Lumpur Conference, the petition to the Governor and newspaper articles on recommendations made by the Conference for relieving the present trade depression, The
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  • 1764 6 There is no doubt th’lt like the planting communiLabour Again. «7. appreciates tbe riou ness of tMte Indian labour problem in this country and that it is generally retognised that prompt) steps must be taken to obviate tbe shortage, I 1 ’whid is bound be experienced in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 36 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Mr, Gan Goih Ee 9. begs to thank all who kindly attended the funeral of bis mother yesterday, sent wreaths, letters and telegrams of condolence, and also those who kindly lent their motorcars and carriages.
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  • 364 7 GERMANY’S ATTITUDE. Reuter’s Telegrams. t Beflin. October 14. pi Intel Allied Commission at Opi has appealed to the people* to ac- t l( Silesian decision peacefully, and c es that it will deal sternly with of provocation aaid will not allow IIV public’ demonstrations whatever. The Imp*Chancellor. Herr
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  364 words
  • 47 7 Paris, October 15. A message from Beylin states that the Committee of Guarantees reached an agreement with the German representatives. regarding the payment of tho instalments of the indemnity. Steps were taken to prevent any action encouraging speculation on the fall of the mark.
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  • 55 7 A PLEBISCITE Venice. October 14. I nder the protocol settling the Burgenland dispute, which was signed today, Hungary engages to secure the handing over of the territory in a tran-q-u‘i sta U. whereupon Austria agrees to a plebiscite being taken as regards the national desire, under the direction of
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  • 190 7 MINISTERS’ MISSION TO PARIS AND LONDON. Athens, October 16. The Greek Chamber, by 227 out of 240 passed a vote of confidence in the '‘fflier. M Gounaris. who, with the r r lcn Minister, M. Baltazzig, accordBri P 1^ar^ 9 On a destroyer to-day at Q
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  • 375 7 the British Delegates. 4 ~V > < London, October 14. I h<< principal British delegates to the Washington onfereqee depart on October 26 Premier Likely to Go. London. October 14. It is understood that though a definite decision has not been rt’hched. Mr. Lloyd George is likely to
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  • 467 7 Ex. M. Briand, the Prime Minister of France, who goes to* the Wash.ngton Conference as the chief French delegate, is by no means the Aristide Briand who retired from office in March, 1917, after having been Prime Minister since October, 1915, the man wljo formed the
    Ex.  -  467 words
  • 53 7 BIG DECLINE TN VALUES. Ottawa, October 14. Canadian trade in September was of a total value of $119,000,000, a decline of $92.000,000, compared with September of last year. The total for the six months ending September was $721,000,000, a decline of $552.000,000, compared with the corresponding six months
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  • 55 7 CONFERENCE AT BRUSSELS. Brussels. Octber 14. The meetings of the Executive Committee of the International Parliamentary Trade Conference were opened by M. Franck, Minister of the Colonies. Twenty countries are represented, including Britain. France, Italy. Greece, Portugal. Japan. China and Persia. A sub-committee was* appointed to draft a
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  • 56 7 2.000 PASSENGERS ABOARD. London. October 14. The t 000 ton British India Company’s steamer Coconada. from Rangoon to Coromandel, with 2.000 passengers, is ashore five miles south of Gopaulpore. The vassengers are being ’landed. The steamer Clan Macßride is standing by. The steamer Warawala is going tn
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  • 40 7 Chicago, October 15. An earthquake of moderate intensity, lasting two and a half hours was registered by the official seismograph. The centre of the disturbafVe is estimated to be 2865 miles distant, probably in the Pacific.
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  • 32 7 London, October 14. Financiers in Amsterdam and the Rotterdam Lloyd have entered into community interests with German-Australian Lines to run a joint ten-day service to the East Indies.
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  • 24 7 Charleston (Virinia) October 14. A million and a half dollars of damage was done by fire to wharves, warehouses and material.
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  • 29 7 London, October 15. Messrs Coats announce a further allround reduction in cotton thread prices of approximately Id the 400 yard reel, which will henceforth cost 6d.
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  • 19 7 London. October 14. Ambassador Harvey will deposit the Congressional ‘medal on tho unknown British Warrior’s tomb.
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  • 14 7 »San Francisco. October 14. “Fatty” Arbuckle will be tried on November 7.
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  • 31 7 MIDDLE WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. London, October 14. At the Albert Hall, for the Middleweight Championship of Britain and Europe*, over twenty rounds. Kid Lewis beat Johnny Basham, in the twelfth round.
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  • 47 7 RETURNING TO THE EAST. Marseilles, October 15. 104 indigent Chinese students arrived yesterday from Lyons, where they have been accommodated in a fortress. They were conducted by 40 police aboard the “Paul Lecat,” which is sailing for the Far East on October 14.
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  • 52 7 FRIDAY’S MEETING. London, October 14. The Irish Conference met this morning and adjourned until Monday afternoon. Complaints from Ireland. London, October 16. One oi the concrete results of the Irish Conference i s the appointment of a joint visiting board to investigate the complaints of internees and prisoners
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  • 131 7 RELIEF AND TRADE REVIVAL London, October 15. The British unemployment returns for tfiu week ended October 7, show a total of 1,375,000 wholly unemployed a decrease of 30,000 compared with the previous week. The Proposals. London, October 16. Rai Jy in modern political history has a Government
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  • 83 7 ARBITRATOR’S DECISION, London, October 14. 1 he coal crisis in South Wales has been, settled in favour of the owners, by the award of the arbitrator. Sir William Plender. The Mines Department contended that the liability of the owneis for the September wages was 97.57 on
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  • 274 7 Chicago, OctobeT 15. A railroad strike is foreshadowed as the result of the statement of the Railroad Executives Association, that the railroads could not reduce freights with out sroing into bankruptcy. Therefore they are seeking a further reduction in wages. The operatives have already voted against
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  • 96 7 THE BRITISH FACTOR. London. October 14. The “Times” City correspondent urges that future loan prospectuses of the Dominions and Colonies give an undertaking that the money be spent to the ad vantage of Britain whenever possible. He commends the action of India in giv. ing such an undertaking
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  • 117 7 big OFFENSIVE. Bombay, October 16. A Malabar message says a great offensive against the rebels is expected to begin almost immediately. Martial Law Ordinance. Simla, October 16. A martial law ordinance has been promulgated, providing for the constitution of military courts to try certain offence!; in a
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  • 99 7 Simla. October 10. —A telegram received by the Government of India from the Officer Commanding the Malabar column, states The following punishments have been awarded by Summary Courts up to the third of October: 801 have been committed to sessions. 1,634 sentenced to tw’o years. Nine
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  • 61 7 Washington. October 14. The Department of Labour promulgated an order exempting foreign students from the provisions of the immigration law as'regards the quotas of immigrants. Mr Rockefeller’s Gift. New York. October 16. Mr. Rockefeller, Junior, has given funds for a residential centre for 500 out of 1.400 foreign
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  • 54 7 Chicago. October 14. The Court sustained the demurrer of the “Chicago Tribune” in declaring there was «o cause for the action in the ten million dollar libel suit filed by the Corporation of Chicago on the ground that the newspaper’s criticisms of the Mayor’s financial policy gravely
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  • 42 7 Melbourne, October 14. The Commonwealth naval estimates show that no further building is contemplated. Federal Ministers, replying to questions in Parliament, denied the report in the “Age,” with reference to the transference of the fleet’s chief base to Singapore, etc.
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  • 95 7 PROGRAMME FOR RESTORATION. Vienna, October 14. Herr Guertler, the new Finance Minister, in a statement in the National Assembly, outlined a far-reaching programme in an effort to restorei the financial situation of Austria. He proposes gradually to reduce and abolish food subsidies, reorganise the administration, reducing the number
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  • 62 7 LONG TREK FOR FOOD Reval, October 16. Thousands of starving Tartars from the Volga region arrived at the town of Gdow, on the north-eastern shore of Lake Peipus. Half of the party died from starvation during their two months’ wanderings. The refugees were directed to the Esthonian frontier
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  • 16 7 London, October 14. The “Manchester Guardian” has opened a Russian famine relief fund.
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  • 18 7 Lisbon, October 16. Official quarters deny the report to the effect that troops were despatched to Macao.
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  • 43 7 ALLAGAR AND SELETAR (Special Wire.) London, October 14. Allaaar Rubber Company requires £30,000 additional capital, and proposes reconstruction, with an assessment of 9d. per share. There was much opposition to >cletav Rubber Company’s reconstruction, but it was carried, on a poll.
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  • 64 7 PROFIT £164,466. London, October 14. Messrs H urisons and rosiield's net, profit for the year ended the 30th J#fie was £164,466, from which have been paid lull dividends of 6 per cent on the. cumulative preference shares, 10 per cent on ‘he preferred ordinary and 7J per
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  • 46 7 NO PREFERENCE DIVIDEND. London, October 14. In view of the serious depreciation of stocks of rubber and cotton held by the Company at ihe end of the financial year, the Dunlop Rubber Company intimate that dividends on the preference shares will not be paid.
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  • 357 7 IMPROVEMENT TN TRADE. Trade conditions generally have shown material improvement during the last quarter, but the state of .affairs is still far below normal in peace time, says a recent report. Ihe volume of trade is relatively small, and the value of British exports, despite the enhanced prices,
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  • 195 7 —“Daily Telegraph.” “It remains certain that the Civil Service Estimates are to-day on a scale that i s quite beyond the country’s means and that unless some reduction more than anything proposed by Sir Robert Horne is enforced, there will be trouble.”—“Morning Post.” “When all is said
    ”—“Daily Telegraph.”  -  195 words

  • 1235 8 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The fourteenth annual report of the Directors r>f Rahmaan Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., to be submitted to the shareholders at the ordinary genera] meeting, to be held at the registered office’ of the Company, British India Hbuse, Penang, n Saturday, 22nd October, at 11-30
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  • 265 8 The high cost of killing is a big factor in the high cost 'of living. Ireland seems to have as many strings to her harp as England h;> to her bow. Eventually ovMrything*will get back to the prewar level except Europe’s upper class. The only oil the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 304 8 Opinions H ZCfiat t6e Motor Experts K at flome say about i the Wolseley fifteen. J Every real expert who tries the Wolseley Fifteen is emphatic in his praise of its remarkable combination of qualities. Th© kjLZ following half-dozen expressions of opinion SHtapE are typical Brin g B hitherto unattained
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    • 328 8 t X' M- The Ideal Food Beverage for Invalids and Convalescents z? Ovaltine is the ideal food beverage I for convalescents because it most abundantly supplies the vitalizing and restorative elements required to build up the sjstenft 1 r All the rich nerve and body building el® ments contained in
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    • 326 9 io the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette.’ g IR Ic appears that the planters down q a r are more alive to the situation than their confreres in Perak antf the northern Q j of the peninsala. time ago ft letter appeared in your correspondence -mos advocating united
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    • 221 9 To the Ed/tor of the Pinang Gazette Sir, —Taking into consideration that the amonnt of accumulated stocks of ruboer at the end of 1920 was known, and the outlook being what it was, it was a pity that compulsory stopping of all rapping during
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  • 321 9 u g t Allege dFal e Affidavits. The case which has been postponed several times was finally disposed of in the Serembau Police Court, when Mr R 0 Cu’sen, the Magistrate, had before him Sung Tai Cheong and Sang Lim Chan, the b jther and alleged adopted
    u g t ” *  -  321 words
  • 407 9 A STRUGGLE IN THE DARK. r A daring and impudent attempt at theft was heard before Mr R. Scotb, District Judge, in the District Court. Penang, this morning, f when Mydit bin Mohamet Kassim, described as a tamby in Messrs Pritobard and Co., Ltd’s furniture department,
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  • 122 9 THE ENTRIES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 17. The following are the entries for the first day of the Singapore Sporting Club’s Autumn Meeting: Race 1. Jill, Gay Lad, Orthez, Wester Watten, Nankin, Wendy, Avro, Biby, Layaug Payang. Race 2 and 7. Backfire, Broomhills, Kennerley, Kananga, Cheeky
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  • 48 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 17. At the annual meeting of Jimah Rubber Company, the Chairm%n stated that owing to the reduction of costs, the position was sound, and the Company would get through the difficult period safely. The all-in •ost was-now 20 cents.
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  • 69 9 MINES TO RESTRICT OUTPUT. [From Our Own Correspondent Weltevreden, October 16.—Aneta learns it is no longer intended to increase the tin production of the Byka Mines, and the desirability of closing up is being considered, the exploitation of the mines being insufficiently profitable owing to the present
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  • 622 9 CARNIVAL, CABARET AND CONCERT. In aid of the Perak Nursing Association a party of Ipoh amateurs styling themselves the Peerah Peeraux gave a very successful entertainment at the Town Hall on Saturday night, the function being a mixture of carnival, cabaret and concert, highly entertaining and decidedly
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  • 288 9 Chase After Bundle of Currency I Notes. A very daring attempt to snatch a big bundle of currency notes amounting to about $1,300 was made by a Chinese in broad daylight in Rcßger Street, Kuala Lumpur, at 1.30 pm on Friday. There was a busy the
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  • 70 9 The following are the latest quotations in MessrS Kennedy Co.’s share list; Yesterday. To-day. SHARES.: 3 3 U o "5 09 «2 35 0Q C. C. sc. Sc. Mining. Asam K 32/- 33/- 31/- 32/Kampong K... 34/6* 35/6 34/- 35/South Taiping 62jc 65c 60c 62 Ac T’kah
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  • 30 9 The following were the rubber quotations in London on October 15 implantation Ist latex crepe 9|d Smoked Sheet 9|d Market steady. [By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co
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  • 14 9 The following is an additional rubber for September Bukit Katil lbs 7,275
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  • 118 9 Tronoh Mines, Ltd, for September, piculs 1,800. Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd, half month of October, Hours run [two dredges] 500, cubic yards treated 63,500, Total piculs 494.29, nett value $21,700. Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Limited, half month of October, hours run [one dredge] 277, cubic yards treated
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  • 121 9 The Straits Trading Co, Ltd, Oct 17th Singapore, buyers no sellers at $78.50 Penang, buyers no sellers at $78,50. The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd London, October 14th, £155 5s spot, and £157 12s 6d three months buying, £157 15s selling. Messrs Boustead and Co Saturday’s quotation for Singapore
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  • 231 9 Penang, October 17, 1921. SP. Tapioca $6.75 sellers M. P. Tapioca $7.00 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 se’lers 110 s $32.00 sellers {No. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 207 9 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX i Wunderlich Art Metal ceilings ARE ARTISTIC, PERMANENT, ECONOMICAL X Strong and durable with excellent fire-resisting qualities, C they will not crack, warp, or fall in pieces. Pleasing ia I g X effect, they afford the architect the mean* of obtaining the best results for interior decorations. 5 Designs
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  • 428 10 GOVERNMENT’S POLICY, Simla, September 29. 1 trees communique says: In pursuance of their expressed policy of makisjg India as far as possible independent of outside sources in the supply of materials for railways the Government) of India have had under consideration the question of the construction of
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  • 405 10 Pknasg, Cctober 17, 1921. BEEF ct’. Soup prr oat»y 35 Rvast io 48 Steaks do 48 So-w or Curry Meat do curry oo Hurry.’ Stea*> do 48 Ot Tail each •'k' do Tongue do 80 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet ot Heet
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  • 153 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Pangkor for Tela* ADBOU. Fading for Palau Lwgkawi, Satul aua Perlis. Koemai for Deli and Laugsa. Expected Arrivals. Kamo Maru, Singapore, Oct 22, lyo Maru, Singapoie. Nov 5. Armand Behic, Singapore, Nov 6. Atsuba Maru, Singapore. Nov 19. Andre Lebon, Singapore, Nov 27. Shidzuoka Maru, Singapore,
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  • 52 10 Recruiting has been resumed generally in Madras Presidency except in the follow ing Taluqs which are still closed to recruiting owing to prevalence of disease: Ganjatn District all Taluqs Godaveri all Taluqs Kistna ail Taluqs, Guntur all Taluqs, Kurnool Cumbam, Markapurauo, Nellore Darsi, Foci i, Kauigiri, Kaudaku-, Gudur.ijletnnad
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  • 293 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, JBy train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 7 15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore |&6 pm and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train ala» 10.15 a.m 3.46 p.rr. Kroh
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  • 31 10 The homeward mail, by the Tara, closes at 10 R.m, on TheTetsia with mails from Europa is expected to arrive here on Fr d*y after noon, the 21st instant.
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  • 119 10 P«nang, October 17, 1321 (Bi Coubtbst of the. Chartered Bawb) London Demand Bank 2,3 15/16 4 months’sight) Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 l/2< •t 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Oalcubia Demand Bank Rs, 1581 3 days' sight Private 165 Bombay Demand Bank M 158 c Madras Demand Bank 158
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 313 10 ■‘as* s i^WW^w^ '-> IJrom Stock: I < “Camel ffirand Qamel Ji.air belting Jn sizes 3 to 1C inches. I < J&incona I balata welting I I 5 7n sizes I’ 2 to 10 inches. f w r < < > J I on to: < < I Xatz brothers
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    • 271 10 w— WRIT! ADS White Abbey Linen Box. e Contains one writing pad of 50 leaves and 48 envelopes to match. Azure or Cream $1 per box. “Autocrat” Writing Pads. These retire no envelopes, as the papers are cut to shape and fold like envelopes, flaps being ready gummed and tissued.
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  • 447 11 News has been received Jrom Constantinople that the ex Khedive has'obtained a divorce from his wife in the Turkish Mehkemeh Sharila. Abbas Hihny II had two wives and considerable- curiosity is evinced locally as to which is the lady concerned. As a young man the exKhedive married
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  • 204 11 The interesting statement on the gold qu«‘Sti<»n which Professor Cassel made to a Swedish journal conflicts in one particular with the facts»that have been presented to us by a statistical expert, says “The Times. Professor Cassel contends that the attempt on the part of Continental
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  • 210 11 Something approaching the old time ship-repairing prosperity on the Thames may be hoped for. Negotations have been proceeding for several months between the great Belfast shipbuilding firm of Harland and Wolff, and the Port of London Authority, under which the fi lin are to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 SI v I corn Doming fit Home. I II I I' ,'7.11' .I'MMe? I 111 With a Grafonala and < kJ a few Columbia Records ji you will find it quite easy to Master the |hB Onestep, Foxtrot, etc. M MODEL AS ILLUSTRATED H $3OO. |l|| TABLE MODELS V* |H
      192 words
    • 393 11 X J AVERY I TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. I F;;- lx A i z 7 i t IS It BRIEF SPECIFICATION Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular m Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Si Ccnuolling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 623 12 ■^■SMM—MMB— HM—MM I FIREBRICKS j j FIRECLAY g* MANUFACTURED BY Malayan China Clay.& Pottery Co., S GOPENG. STOCKS NOW ON HAND.—Fire Bricks. Arch Bricks, Long Wedge Bricks, Broad Back Bricks, Babcock S and Wilcox Tube Brick* and Fireclay. NOTE.—Bricks of any size or shape can be delivered within i-E three
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    • 289 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong Paid-up Capital f 16,000,000 Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2,&00,00C Silver Reserve $21,500,000 Head Office:-HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay, Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foochow, Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipoh, Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, London, Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki, New York, Peking, Rangoon,
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