Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 343 1 No, 7. NORTHAM i' ROAD. I I i' Telephone No. 579, j ROSS’S V H Ĕ-' I i *■>-.’• e.s«r t PILSENER i BEER Is to be obtained from all Retailers, g 1 SOLE IMPORTERS: CIGARETTES The BORNEO Co.. Ltd., C (Incorporated in England.) s J Penang, Singapore ipoh. s
      343 words
    • 22 1 THE BEST JAR IK TOW 3 I I I; TM««n I Mie Meat* as. F M 8. Ong S«m Ueong Q®, «AMWWWWWWWWWWWWM
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  • 564 2 SOCIAL WELLBEING. A correspondent who has been discoursing in the “Times” on industrial recovery of Hamburg adds the fol lowing note on the effects of the revival in its social aspects. He says:-The is crowded. Houses are difficult to get. and the resumption of building after the
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  • 286 2 Details of the renewed agreement tween the Commonwealth Government and Messrs. Burns. Philip and Co., for the carriage of mails from the mainla Al to the islands of the have been completed. The company is to provide a more frequent service to some of the islands, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1443 2 MISCELLANEOUS. TOWN HALL SHORT GLASSIFIED 1 UW !_L_ ADVERTISEMENTS Straits School of Accountancy. EDGAR WARWICK Wanted, For Sale, To Let, &c. Book-keeping tMWbt in six Easy Postal WILL PRESENT THE can be inserted in the Pinang LtlSOllS by lolly qualified London Account- Gazette at “o^X^ 0 *3 lA/ A RWI
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    • 707 2 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS- LOAN* 1921 <k o rSSUft OF $20,000.000 LOAN. Baaring intereat tram the date of pta-chase at 7 per eent. per annum MW|fc isqpring half-yearly an the Ist May and Ist Nevember REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist MAY, 1926 FREE OF INCOME TAX AND OTHER DUTIES. PRICE OF
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  • 905 3 PAWNS IN POLITICAL GAME. Warning to Strikers. Calcuua, Stptember, 29tb With ft view to remove Lise idtas regarding the Assam Bengal Railway s>ike, a lengthy manifesto has been issued by two ringleaders on behalf of the 300 strikers. After giving a short history of the riot which
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  • 444 3 St GEORGE THE MARTYR. Servic» e for Week ending Oc 22nd 1921. Sunday, 21st after Trinity. 8 a.m. Matin®. 8-30 a.m H'dy Comitunion 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). Dedication cf Processional Criss. 10-30 a.m. Matins hi ie*e). 5 p,m. Sunday School, 6 p.m. Evensong Psalms 128—256. 129—257, 130—258
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  • 100 3 O't 15—Penang Golf C üb. Dance 7 p, n Oct 16—Poiiang Swimming Cloh K A Clabs, 100 yd-, h’cap; B’’ Class. 50 yds, h’cFp. Oct 17 —Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Halk Oct 18—Wa> wick Come y Coy, Town Hall. Oct 19 —C ncert, I J and R Club,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 383 3 ■■p <*„ 1> JZX /TTk a IvsV XL. *> /^z• nSV A/ J»W v\ xn Atl h <\wl s? B <°S vk A?TL S/ rWFmR&L ‘Tc>u/ EJ III I HacWK'- ’"‘s. oVl'£\ ‘h L 4 |S| I J gv Expectant and Nursing p jii Mothers S Vy find in Glaxo
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    • 740 3 TAKE CARE OFYOUR HAIR I ADOPT THE POPULAR AND BENEFICIAL ‘‘HARLENE HAIR-DRILL” 1,000,000 Complete 55AIR-DRILL Outfits Free to Readers. [|B IF you are worried about the condition of new sparkle and freshness revivifying Um IS your hair, if it is weak, impoverished, fall- hair, and all the lost light and
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  • 3588 4 MARINE COURT OF INQUIRY. In H,E. the Governor’s Office, Penang, yesterday, an inquiry was held into the loss of the Eastern Shipping Company's steamer Perlis,” which foandertd off Pulau Pisang, on the afternoon of August 17, Thirty persons were missing, and presumed drowned, as a
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  • 896 4 8.F.P.” THURSDAY’S There a good attendance on the Course on Thursday morning and some interAting work *as seen, The rain of late has made the going a little bit easy bub it is very god and working on the outside of two hurdles the horsas have pub
    —“ 8.F.P.” ’  -  896 words
  • 84 4 Tbere will be a general meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association in Mabc:a Club, on Sunday, ftrd October, 1921, at 10 a m, when tf* business will be :—M’nub’s of previous general meeting, 2 Correspondence; 3 Rubber Asses ment; 4 Quit Rent; 5 Labour Rates; 6 Mouldy
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  • 608 4 —“S.F.P." SUPBEME COURT»PECIBION, V An interesting judgment as»to tbs fn tions of the Rent Assessment Board pronounced by&Mr Justice Barrett-Le n tn the Supreme Court, Singapore. cation was made by Mr Battishill. 0Q u!! of Melanie Lee, 2 Jalan K&bor, that a of prohibition issue be directed
    —“S.F.P."  -  608 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 WORTH NOTING. The smaller your adverts ing appropriation during the present crisis the great* er the prominence of those competitors who continue to advertise persistently, and the bigger their business when the crisis is past Nota Bene-
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    • 154 4 A WORD OF ADVICE. There is perhaps no place in the world where a person voluntarily takes more risks against his health than in the Trical East. One cannoK avoid doing so OP account of the severe climate, dangers bad waxir and a hundred other natural causes. These are the
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  • 1361 5 LECTURE ON HINDUISM.” SWAMI ABHEDANANDAJI’B VISIT. At 5.30 p.m., yesterday, a large number congregated at Messrs Wassiamul) Assomull <fc Co’s premise?, Penang Street, to meet Swami Abhedanandaji. After be bad been garlanded, the Swami, accompanied by Messrs T S Saminatban Cbettiar, Narain Das and V Nadasam Pillay, motored through the
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  • 342 5 S me weeks ago an action was heard in rhe Supreme Court. Singapore, before Mr Justice Barrett-Leonard in which one Lim Chan Siew, a building contractor, sought to recover from one Seah Kok Lin, another building contrac’or, the sum of alleged to be $5,000 and interest of
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  • 83 5 A gang of eeven unemployed coolies went under ground to the 45bh level in the Ribbleedale 8h»f r of the Mysore Mine. Two of them were caught redbanded by the Wa’eh Establishment when c» rryln£ a olobh bundle which was found to contain crushed gold
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 144 5 zz TttERHONi No. 408. Tcumams: GAZETTE.., ZZ 2 <* ZZ w> C n x 5 THE < zz w HE Pinang Gazette Press g Limited Ez z= Holds a Large Stock of British Made EE Manilla, Creamlaid, Cartridge and Clothlined O O J w ENVELOPES| =o F Various* Sizes, Shapes
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    • 166 5 E Pritchard S» Cc., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN SS.) Penang and IpohSpecial Offer of kadies Artificial z 3p° rt s Coats j/It t 1 Wir Lyrfr. attractive price of $19.50 each I I 1° a Variety of Colours I l J'-f M I ,|j usual price MS. nt This is a
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  • 1309 6 We are glad to find that there are planters in Malaya who are nob content to be made the scapegoats for the slump without voicing their feelings and attempting to save themselves and the industry by advocating united action on right lines. Company Directors, the heads of
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  • 1318 6 I„ the eoowe of tim. R.u^.. d -V. bion from the coasting services of the The extent of the development of the sea-carriers is a matter fo«speculation perhaps bub there is every reason to believe that the opportunities for enterprise in coasting traffic will increase very appreciably
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    • 447 6 —“M.L.” [To ths Editor of thb “Finano Gazette,'] Sir, —For some time past thete has been an official notice io the 1 _>cal press, over the signature of the Municipal Secretary, requesting information as to tbe whereabouts of any rat?, and I should be glad if you could enlighten
      —“M.L.”  -  447 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 c 3 i Wree Reasons %V6y ARMCO INGOT IRON ,s supERIOR <! 1. Resists Rust— ’Because of its unequalled purity i ARMCO Ingot Iron resists rust longer than any other iron. This is the reason has been so widely used in railroad equipment, buildings, storage tanks, culverts, etc. 2. Greatest
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ance at the “E. O?’ Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 173 6 i [lyric kinema TO-NIGHT I ARGYLL ROAD. TO-NIGHT I I Young; and Old of Penang should see the Greatest I Fistic Clash of the Age I DEMPSEY vs. CARPENTIER I For the Heavy-Weight Championship of the World. I Four Rounds of Fierce Fighting. A Game Struggle against Odds. Complete Scenes
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    • 35 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low W»ur To-day. 11.27 a.m. 5.49 a.m. 11.49 p.m. 5.56 p.m. To-mobrow. 11.58 a.m. 6 19 a,m. _l2 m.n. 6.24 p.m. Monday. 12.19 a.m. 6 48 a.m 12.29 p.m. 6.51 p.m
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  • 344 7 I i A-THE DfTFSION I' v ■> fceuVr's Telegrams. 9 >ndon, October 13. I e opinion i» London of I the League of Nat ioxis Ljesia is that it is very fair.-j l t( 'j ou t that the Powers’ R, crept the decision does not 1 possibility
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  • 114 7 iOBERT HORNE'S £I£TE MENT. London, October 13. bert Horne, in a speech at GlasI the plan for trading with Rusleen defeated by the Russian md the anxiety of the extreRussia to spend gold on propaather 'han on goods. Russia bing to give in exchange for Th*- sending
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  • 60 7 REMARKABLE OFFER. London, October 13. ,V” of the. United States la a,< to employment for }>?. I trl^er evidenced by the llt board propose? to offer ld to American coal exporbn- i r Pr Kteame r per montH? bar e boat basis ill, 31 charterers will be ■d\hev7'..
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  • 30 7 '-ondon, October 13. ary j of Borrisokane, avi £s °b each i holi- y K ,,G n in China, and Chin a h f ly host Fa
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  • 194 7 AMERICAN OPINION. G Z m New Ctork‘3Oct<fJbr 1* newspapers endorse President Hard Ag’s warning against undue o;ljimism regarding the Washington Conference, emphasising that the» Presi dent, though*idealistic, is practical. The “Tribune” says it will not and cannot be a conference to abolish armaments. The utmost hoped for is
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  • 137 7 EFFECT OF SILESIAN DECISION. London, October 13. The mark’s new record of 550 to the pound is exciting speculation whether a financial catastrophe is impending in Germany. through the depreciation of the currency, accompanied by a continued bo>>m in industrial stocks, the average price of which is
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  • 103 7 THE ESTIMATES. Melbourne, October 13. The Hon. Mr. Pearce, Minister of Defence, sailed for Vancouver to attend 'he Washington Conference. Mr. Laird Smith, Minister of the Navy, introduced in the House of Representatives, the Commonwealth naval estimates, totalling £3,180,000. The expenditure for 1920-21 was £96,000 below the amount
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  • 48 7 AMERICA’S TRIBUTE. London, October 13. It is officially announced that Ambas sador Davis will deposit the Congressional medal on the unknown British Warrior’s grave in Westminster Abbey on October 17. General Pershing will represent the I nited States Army, and Vice Admiral Niblack the Navy.
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  • 62 7 BANDITS CAPTURED. Winnipeg, October 13. Five robbers chloroformed the manager and two women cderks of the Bank of Hochelega, at Elie, rifled the safe, and escaped in a motor-car, with 950,000 in cash and securities. The motor-car was wrecked, and the bandits, who scattered over the countryside,
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  • 61 7 A SUDDEN END. Washington, October 13. Th? late Senator Knox, who had jeturned from holidaying in England on October 10. was entering the dtningr<»om>uf hi® residence»- when he collapsed and died in a quarter of an hour. It Is believed that the dea’h of Senator Knox
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  • 55 7 SINN ARRIVE LATE. London, October 13. The Irish* Conference re-opened at Downing Street, where there was a smaller and quieter crowd. The Sinn Fein delegates arrived an hour late, and it is explained that it was not because of any hitch, but because Fteh sides desired to confer
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  • 190 7 The five Sinn Fein delegates at the Downing Street Conference are Members of Parliament. Mr. Arthur Griffith is a journalist. He was the Editor <»f “Sinn Fein.” the organ of the party, and he revived the paper under the title of Nationality.” after his release on
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  • 258 7 The following are the chief points of the Government- offer to Sinn Fein prior to the conference Full Dominion status forthwith, and complete autonomy in taxation and finance. Ireland to maintain her own Law Courts and fudges, hetr own military forces for Home Defence, and her own
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  • 166 7 “M.T..” RIMINAD BREACH OF TRUST. Thamotharam. a Malabarese, employed in the Railways as Parcels Clerk, Seremban. was brought up before the Sereniban Magistrate on the 11th and 12th inst. on three counts o" Criminal Breach of Trust under section 408 of the Penal Code. On information received
    – “M.T..”  -  166 words
  • 75 7 The value of the Siamese Government Currency Notes in circulation at the end o? September was Ticals. 79,980,907, an increase of Ticals. 1.493 as compared with the amount at the end of August. The amount held in coin at the head Office was Tcs. 33,254,147, an increase
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  • 136 7 MANY SENTENCES. Lahore, October 13. Exemplary sentences wer e passed on the Nankana Sahib rioters, mentioned on 15th September. Th e Mahaut of the Shrine and seven others were sentenced to death, eight to transportation for life, and. seventeen others to seven years' rigorous imprisonment. Lahore, September
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  • 96 7 INDIA’S FISCAL INQUIRY. London, October 13. The question o-f the desirability of adopting the principle of Imperial Preference will be considered by a Fiscal Commission appointed by the Government of India, to examine its tariff policy with reference to all the interests concerned. The Commission consists of tw’elye
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  • 105 7 THE R-G.A COMPETITION. London. October 13. The Rubber Growers’ Association’s competition for the best- suggestions for new uses for rubber resulted in the first prize £I,(KK), being awarded for the suggestion to use sponge rubber for filling chairs, couches. cushions and other purposes in th e
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  • 46 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, October 13. The adjudicators in the Rubber Growers’ Association’s prize competition, describe the result as extremely disappointing. They would have withheld the principal prizes had it been within their power to do so. One suggesti- n was rubber coffin®.
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  • 137 7 JUDGMENT FOR THE PLAINTIFFS. Judgment, wa-s given for plaintiffs by Mr. R. Scott, District Judge, in the District Court, Penang, this morning in the suit “Piuang Gazette” Press, Ltd., vs R. Greening, T. Long and J. G. Allan lately partners in the “Eastern Truth” Syndicate. Plaintiff claimed
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  • 130 7 ADVICE OF PAYMENT. The attached copy of circular letter addressed to the President of every Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the Fede rated Malay States has been sent out by the Director of Ports and Telegraplis F.M.S. e Sir. —Adverting to mj* letter of 12th August,
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  • 1070 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. B. J. Eaton, the Acting Director of Agriculture, F.M.S., in visiting Ipoh. Mr. H. J. Gillespie is returning to the Straits from Home leave in December. Mr Justice E. C. Watson, will preside at the Perak Assizes, which open on Monday. The Rev. M. Dodsworth, who has
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  • 212 7 Has the status of the Dominions in the British Empire changed materially since the war An interesting commentary on the position was made by Mr. J. T, Collins, K.C., at the National Gallery, Melbourne, in a lecture on the Peace Treaty. The situation, the lecturer maintained,
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  • 203 7 Reports received recently by the Australian Department for Home and Territories show that the party which is searching for oil in Papua under the terms of the agreement between the Commonwealth Government and the Anglo Persian Oil Company has commenced drilling operations on a site where
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  • 1175 8 THE LIMIT IN TRAFFIC CONTROL. 1 was turning left into New .StreeX, writes a contributor in. The Motoi, when for no apparent reason (the road was totally devoid of traffic), the semaphore like arm of a policeman barred my gentle progress and his other welcomed me to proceed
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  • 212 8 —Ex. The curious feature of this year’s monsoon i§ that on its way to India, where it has been normal and has provided a fairly abundant rainfall, it contrived to miss Ceylon altogether. Those parts of the Island where rain was expected have suffered from drought throughout the
    —Ex.  -  212 words
  • 153 8 The claim of Mrs. Arthur Hamilton that she was in the sea 20 hours during her recent attempt to swim the Channel and that she reached a point within four miles of the Kent coast has been disputed. Strange allegations have also been made regarding Mrs. Hamilton's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 282 8 ■l■ i I PRICE REDUCTION I 2= F. O. R. zt> JW XX With Standard EE Singapore I jl Zr V Equipment. H Self-Starter Equipment $250 extra. I l -J I ics -js&Aa VKiwrcy 1 s SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR s S MALAYA, BANKA, BILITON, BRITISH S NORTH BORNEO AND BURMAH.
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    • 215 8 IF YOUR BABY GAINING IN WEIGHT? t Onp of the surest signs that a baby is making good progress is steady i'i crease in weight. After the fust week there should be regular and rapid grow th if the baby is being properly nourished. The. most common cause of failure
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    • 526 8 X Beauty simply *by •sing daily, a li ttle “‘HAZELINE SNQI 'Trade Marr < I Beautifies the complexion and keeps t le J delightfully soft and smooth. Protects from the ill effects of extremes of climate. /'if Exquisitely perfumed; A neither greasy nor sticky. I J T /1 Supplied in
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  • 476 9 rb Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., were dg Jintao an action before Mr. Justice 31 i ennard i* the- Supreme Court, reports the “Free Press.” werc sued by Dr. Jules <unuels, 'Claimed for $5,160. money had and by the defendants in June, L for the use of plaintiff.
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  • 175 9 Be' mi's received at the Australian Fe_ leral Treasury showed that there were leave subscriptions to th e Diggers’ Loan In the closing day for applications. The ketin- Prime Minister announced that lie fu]] fi0.000,000 was now in sight, and ke success of the loan was assured.
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  • 150 9 No I 1 oma n who smokes f “T smoke.”-“Syd ,u y r °f Hie Assembly of the Lea_U( Nations was the reading of a at unent by the first Persian delegate, n< o Area ed Dowleh, a former Amsm < t o Turkey. He is known as
    No I , 1 "oman who smokes ?” f“T smoke.”-“Syd  -  150 words
  • 209 9 o ft* -y- PROPOSE J LIQUIDATION. (brom Our Own Correspondent Singapore, October 15. At the annual meeting of Kerfing Tin Mines. Ltd., Mr. Sime, who presided, said in view of the present**price of tinand the spasmodic occurrence of tinshoots. it was advisable discontinue operations, and taking into
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  • 53 9 The eleventh ordinary general meeting of the Temerloh Coconut and Rubber Estate Ltd., which was called for noon to-day, at the registered offices of the Company, No. 9. Beach Street, Penang, was postponed for lack of a quorum till Saturday the 22nd inst. at the same
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  • 221 9 In order to relieve the congestion obtaining in the Government Offices it was decided in 1919 to build an extension on the land near the esplanade entrance of Vavenagh Bridge, says the ‘‘Free Press.” The iiew building was commenced about eighteen months age and is
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  • 377 9 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follows: There is little change to report over the week and except for the marked declines in Straits Traders and United jEngseers quotations are featureless. The latter have Veen done down to $l2 on the publication of the Report and
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  • 112 9 The Singapore Chamb'rof Commerce Rubber AssociHion held its usual auction on Wednesday, when there was cataloged —1,405,842 lbs. Tons 627.61 Offered 1,251,078 lbs. Tons 558.51 Sold 1J61,562 lbs Tons 518 55. Prices Realized. Smoked Sheet; Singapore Standard Q iality 31|to Good Average Quality 30 to 31 Off
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  • 22 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Hevea (Johore) lbs 15,025 Kuala Pergau 31,300 Trafalgar 3,100 Trafalgar (coconuts) 13,500
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  • 66 9 The S-txaits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, on Oct 14tb:— Spot £155.53 down 5j 3 months buying £157.12- 6d 5a 3 selling £157.158 5a Local Parity $77.39 October 15th: Singapore buyers no sellers at $7B; Penang buyers no sellers at $7B. The Eastern Smelting Co,,
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  • 229 9 Pbnang, October 15, 1921. BP. Tapioca 56.75 sellers M. P. Tapioca 57.00 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs Bo s $42.00 se’lers m UOs $32.00 sellers [No. 1 $lO 00
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  • 454 9 Penang, October 15, 1921. BEEF— otsSoup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 Rump Steak do 48 Ox Tail ewb 50 do Tongue do do Feet do 50 Heart per e»tty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet of Beel do 80
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  • 941 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. a NAMES. 1 J if IJi RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc. Sc. fc. Allenby Rubber Co, Ltd, ICc 17jc Aior Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1. 20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.2) Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.00 750 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 80c Ayer Panas
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 298 9 TOO OLD AT FORTY, SOME HOPEFUL WORDS FOR MIDDLE AGED M’ORKERS L From the beginning of the 20th century, up to 1914, we heard a great deal of being “too old at forty.” "When we reached that age, irreverent youth called us “uncle” or “the old buffer” but for five
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    • 374 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS, paid for in advance, are published in the “Pinang Gazette” at 3 cents a Word with a Minimum Charge of $1 for each insertion. MISCELLANEOUS. Second-hand Bicycle (English muk» wauled. Must be lu good ordet—give details and price to Lox No, 265, c/o Pinang Gazette. ——"J-
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  • 819 10 30 millions faced by starvation. Dr. Nansen, who is in London, after visiting Russia for the purpose of investigating the famine, and the necessary relief measures, accorded an interview to a representative of the Daily Chronicle. Dr. Nansen expressed his astonishment that some, criticism had been
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  • 212 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES* Thocgwa’for Madras taking mails for Europe etc via Bombay. van den Boaoh for T Semawe, Segb, Sabang, Olehleh etc, Padang. Edavana for Rangoon and (Mergni and Monlmein Yla Rangoon). Malaya for Bhnkeb (Tongkab) and Renong. Trang for Kantang (Trang). Ipoh for Port Srfettenbam and Singapore. Perak
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  • 284 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Barit Buutar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, t Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kuba, jßy train Kuala Lumpur, Serembau, 7 15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train aisr 10.15 a.m 3.45 p.m.
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  • 38 10 The Nfanza, with u*ila from Eu">pe t j s expec ed to arrive here at 5 pm. tomorrow. TbeTet-»‘a. wvh mails from Europe is expeo'ed tn arrive here on Fr day after noon, the 21st instant.
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  • 121 10 Ptnang, October 15, 1991. (Bt Coubtbst o» the Ohartirkd Bask) London Demand Bank 2,3 15/16 4 month»’ sight Bank 2/4 1/4 >i 3 Credit a/* i/2 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 157 Y 3 days’ sight Private 165 Bombay Demand Bank M 157 c Madras Demand
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 215 10 The Negative FLAG of the Naval Code. rU I —Say “NO" when I offered IMITATIONS II I I ea P err i n s’ Sauce. f£ R f Jl To distinguish the origineil and genuine Worcestershire jSauce from the many i i imitations, see that the signature oi LEA PERRINS
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    • 427 10 yM'/ 7 Rum 'srvSigifeffL. WSwk 1 f iv. After suffering agonies for 5 rears this lady, Mrs Di’?- 7. h positively cured by De Witt’s Pills. It you get De Wit; s 1 ;r v backache, rheumatism or any other kidney or bladder be assured that you will obtain relief
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  • 464 11 IS DE ROUGEMONT VINDICATED t Twice daily, Mr. Robert Courtneidge is presenting at the Philharmonic Hall a remarkable film, “Australia’s Wild Nor’-West,” which was secured by members of the North-West Expedition, «jrhiclt succeeded in obtaining photographs of districts which had never before been visited by white men —unless
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  • 168 11 M hen R.M.S. Orsova. on her outward voyage from England to Australia, was about to sail from Port Melbourne to Sydney on Ist September, it was found thi L the assistant purser was not on board. The vessel sailed without him, but before she had proceeded
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  • 212 11 In his capacity as representative <>f the Bulgarian Treasury, of Finance will hold a watching brief in the suit against the former Radoslavoff Cabinet for the sum of 10 milliard leva (over £395,800,000 nominal). This claim is for damage caused to the State by the entry of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 ■•V g J v v jj I NORTHERN-ASSURANCE I I cp, LTD. >1 I ASSETS EXCEED £16,000,000.* I i. Fire. g I »2. Life. g I 3. Motor Car. g I 4. Motor Cycle. g I 5. Personal Accident. g I 6. Plate Glass. > H K We can give
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    • 254 11 f riiis coNiaitxs youi I 5 OF INTEREST 111 I I PfH THE MOST < T f USEFUL J S ESTATE BEDSTEAD J S MANAGERS, w in the Etc. EAST. < t Recent Large Shipments have enabled us to bring S S before the Public Notice A SPECIAL BARGAIN J
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1357 12 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP TOYO KISEN KAISHA. COMPANY. hohokohb to sah fhangisco. via japan oonneotins to all points m the (Incorporated in U. S. A.) UNITED STATES. CANADA. MEXICO ANi> EUROPE TRANS.PACIFIC SERVICE. October 19S1 PASSENGER ANO CARGO SERVICE. t. "HOESIER STATE" from Hongkong 31st. October, IBS [lncorporated in Japan.) Roagkong,
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    • 863 12 EASTERN-SHIPMNGCO, Lth (INCORPORATED IN THE BTRTIT3 TEL. ADDIIKSS; C E SHIPPING, PENANG.” N<». 4"j Office: —No. «63, Beaclt Street, Penang. STEAMER* DATE.j 1 UM 22 Sat 2pm Tongkah. Kopah, Ren>n?, Vi-toria BID M Renong Tavoy and Moulmetn M-. RiHawan 16 Sun 2pm Sabak Bernam OI J? Mon 3pm Bagan Datoh
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