Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 October 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 878 2 The engagement is announced of Dr., John Sharp, Penang, and Mbs Lilian Knox Wilson, daughter of Mr J Knox Wilson, of Bexhill-on-Sea, and shter of Mr A Knox Wilson, of Mes<ra Adam«on, Gilfillau and Co., Ltd Penang. Mr R L Na'sh, of Kamuuting, Laves for Europe on
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  • 520 2 MARINE COURT OF INQUIRY OPENS. In H,E. the Governor’s Office, Penang, to day, the inquiry was commenced into the loss of the Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer Perlis,” which foundered off Pulau Pisang, on the afternoon of August 17. Thirty persons were missing, and presumed drowned, as
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  • 210 2 The Members of the above Lodge of Royal Arch Freemasonry Chapter No, 408, of the Scottish constitution held th°ir Annual Installation at the Scotia Masonic Hall, in Logan Road, last night. After the Principals we'e installed in their offices the newly installed Principal M E Comp
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  • 108 2 A new Law wvh respect to Inland Fisheries appears in the Siam Government Gaz tte Th'Sb fisheries were hitherto under the control of the Ministry of Finance but have now been phelu under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture, with a view to the prevention
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  • 1220 2 SINGAPORE COMMENT. The public press acts io the public interest at its peril, eays the Straits Times We bow to the judgment of an able, conscientious and most courteous judge, io full submission and we recognise that in the action just ended we failed to justify the
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  • 514 2 The growing importance of the work of the cool storage expert to Australia and the need for research into refrigeration problems were emphasised at the annual lunch of the Vctorian Institute of Refrigeration. Members of this body, which includes refrigerating engineers and cool s u ore xperts
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  • 68 2 We understand that the Government of Kedah will, a few day? hence, invite tenders for the co atruction of a steel bridge across the Mud a River, near Kuala Ketil The proposed bridge will be one of eight spans of thirty feet, and six pers of
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  • 81 2 Oct 15—-Temerlah Rebber Meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon, Oct 15—Penang Golf Club, Dance, 7 p.n Dec 15 and 17—-Ipoh Races. Oct 16—Penang Swhnming Club. “A” Claw, 100 yds, h’cap; Class, 50 yds, h’cap. Oct 17—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 18—Warwick Comedy Coy Town Hall. Oct 19—Concert, I
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    • 170 2 [To thb Editor of ths Pinang Gazsttb SiR —I have the pleasure to inform you, that a partial Ec’ipse of the Moon occurs during tte early morning hoars of the 17th October. e Tne circunottances of the eclipse are as follows, expressed in Straits Standard Bme (Meridian 7h
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  • 327 2 Most Advanced Settlement in Johore In his report on tbe State of Johore for 1920, Mr H Marriott, the General Advie1 says:— The district of Maar is far the most advanced in the settlement. At tbe end of tbe year there were 2,526 grants under the
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  • 90 2 Messrs Fearon and Co, Kuala Lumpur, reported on Wednesday:— The trend of the market during tbe past week has been u* eventful. Considerable enquiries were received in all sections, bub the ac‘ual business done has been totally disproportionate—and there would appear to be no definite policy either on
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  • 103 2 Churoh Services 1 I I 21st Sunday after Trinity. October 16. Holy Trinity Church, Nibong Tebal. 8 a m. Holy Communion (English). 9 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). Evensong and Sermon, at the .Caledonia Club 6 30 p.m. Collection on behalf of the Singapore and Malacca Medical Missions,
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  • 43 2 race days DECEMBER 15th 1?T 2 Ex-Griffin Pony R aee% 1 Open Pony 3 Horse Races. 2 Ex-Griffin Races. Value of Stakes $14,000 A Non Selling* Sweep O f $50,000 will be heiU on Race 5 Ist Day. TICKETS $5.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 289 2 NEff POSITION VACANT* Shorthand LadvT wanted with knowledge of work. Wri eto p dcific Co., Ltd., stating salary ‘‘xpeebed fiL TOWN HAL?. EDGAR WARWICK WILL- PRESENT THE Warwick Comedy Co., OCTOBER 17th In “THE CIRCLE,” by W. Somerset Maugham, OCTOBER IBth in “A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT; by Clemence Dane. Plan
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  • 496 3 A CHEERFUL OUTLOOK. The- following statement in black type was given prominence in a Ceylon morning paper on October 5. The local Government has received a telegram from the Rice Commissioner in Rangoon stating thab there will be no allotments of rice to Ceylon for the rest
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  • 253 3 Bachelor sends the following snipe recipe Snipe Pate: When you have a lob of snipe, and cannot or do not want to give all away, the following recipe may be useful as a cheap and excellent means of preserving: Clean the birds, and remove the breasts crush the
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  • 194 3 s. F. P.” Sentence of rigorous imprisonment for not more than six months or until the payment of the d“bb, was passed in the Supreme Court, Singapore by Mr Justice Barrebt-Lennard on Syed Mohamed bin Somit, the Arab agent of Messrs Alkaff and Company, of the Arcade.
    « s. F. P.”  -  194 words
  • 375 3 BULLETINS OP LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Peking September. 21st. The International Anti-Opium Association, Peking, has issued the following summary of extracts from bulletins of the League of Nations dealing with the traffic in opium;— “The Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Opiam, ab its first session, held in May
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  • 311 3 Home Government Sanction New Rule. “When you go left you go right; When you go right you go wrong.” After nearly four years’ ceaseless effort on the part of the “Safety First" Council of London, this “rule of the road" for foot passengers is likely
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  • 124 3 With reference to the notification with regard oo the formation of a Committee in Singapore for helping destitute Indian Coolies the Secretary writes to say that that the Committee appreciate the help rendered by Government in dealing with the situation, but feel thab a depot abotild be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 864 3 MISCt’LL’ANEOIfe., MUNICIPAL NOTICE. tt Wanted lce Csest. *c .to Perak Club,. Taipin?, a The Municipal Commissioners of George Particulars to H PeEftDg> hereby Beparafce 1571—11 14-1 Q tenders for the following for one year from 11 the Ist day of January, 1922, with the Horse and ViCtOljia wanted exception of
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    • 464 3 Federated Malay States Railways. On and after 16th October, 1921, the following alterations iu the train service will come into operation The Bam Express Kutta Lumpur to Penang will leave Kuala Lumpur at 7-30 a m and stop at all stations bstween Kuala Lumpur and Tanjong Malim. 6- a m
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  • 15 4 Draper—Oo October 8, at Johore Babru, the wife of W B Draper, a sod.
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  • 1184 4 Among many of those immersed ia the details} of business and engaged in the difficult task of making a living in these hard times there may be a disposition to look upon such a question as the problem of Upper Silesia merely as an international nuisance. To
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  • 1710 4 Some time ago we announced that the Government of Burma Government Help had e decided on a for Planters. scheme of assistance to the rubber industry, the Government guaranteeing advances by bi»ks to estatfc. The details are available, and we daresay the Trade Depression Commission may find
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 180 4 Clyric KI NE Ma"! I TO.NIGHT ARGYLL ROAD. TO-NIGHTI! I I Young; and Old of Penang should see the Greatest I 3 Fistic Clash of the Age I I DEMPSEY vs. CARPENTIER I 1 For the Heavy-Weight Championship of the World. I 1 Four Rounds of Fierce Fighting. A Game
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    • 28 4 THE TIDES. Sigh Water. L° w To-day. 10.55 a.m. 5.17 a,m. 11.20 p.m. 5.26 p.m, To-mobbow, 11.27 a.m 5 49 a m. 11.49 p m. 5.56 p m.
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  • 39 4 DEATHS. Handy.—-On October 12, at No. 3, Sophia Road, Singapore. Olivia, only daughter of the late Dr J M Handy and Mt s Handy. Johannes. —October 12, at 17, Seaview Bungalow, Tacjong Katong, Singapore, E Johannes, Proprietor Seaview Hotel.
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  • 100 5 THE TIU’CE. Reuter’s Telegrams. j London, October 12. is stated that the Peace Conference** appointa Committee consisting of ;i i¥ ee representatives of each side to con_ '’der questions relating to a stricter observance of the truce in Ireland. Si r Iftmai Greenwood and Sir L. M orthin
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  100 words
  • 33 5 IMPORTANT BUSINESS. London,. October 12. The Cabinet to-day discussed the Gove.nineiM plans for dealing with unemployment, trade revival, the Washington Conference, and proposals for altering the form of the German indemnity.
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  • 164 5 APPEAL FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION. London, October 12. A troifg appeal in support of the British Empire Exhibition, to be held at* Wembley in 1923, was made by the Prince of Wales- presiding at a meeting at the Mansion House, to-day, in furtherance of the project. The
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  • 117 5 LORD ROBERT CECIL’S SUPPORT. London, October 12. A letter by Lord Robert- Cecil is publshid supporting Viscount Grey of Fallodon’s criticisms of the Government. He says we want an administration which will have a clear, definite programme, and pursue the even tenour of its way undisturbed
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  • 60 5 London, October 12. The Divisional Court has ordered the release of the Poplar Councillors. Councillors Apologise. London, October 12. The ‘'.lease of the Poplar Councillors waB the result of a petition in which they apologised to the Court, and exthe desire to assist the authoritlCs u reaching
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  • 90 5 PRESIDENT HARDING’S MESSAGE. M ashington, October 12. Warding sent, a letter to orld s Press Congress at Honouu, hoping that the world’s press Ou Jdo its part to promote inter na'ona. understandings, particularly to aciitai© the tasks of the Armaments Co I e,enCfl He declared press u
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  • 60 5 A MISSION TO AMERICA. New York, October 12. tti H«ii r "whi H;iebu, u has arrived on* a ceit a ir i 1 lf3 state d to be to adjust fain questions affecting Brith e v-J e n t p d States, including Ping he] 1, l, Jll
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  • 278 5 HARDING'S PART. l* Washington, October 12. President Harding will Shively participate in the preparatory stages of the Armaments Conference, and w’AF probab-ly-participate directly in some of the w v meetings. It is expected the first session will be devoted to a statement OF the national policies, for which
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  • 78 5 BILL DENOUNCED New York, October 12. The fierce Press criticism of the Pana ma Bill cintinues. The “Times” states that Senator Lodge voiced President Harding’s opinion, in urging the rejection of the Bill. He describes its passage by the Senate as thoroughly bad busi ness. Every possible
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  • 56 5 MR. McKENNA IN AMERICA. New Y’ork, October 12. The ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. McKenna, now Chairman of the London, City and Midland Bank, has arrived on a financial mission. He was met by a treasury representative. It is expected that he will confer regarding interest
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  • 139 5 AN INTERESTING POINT OF VIEW. Sydney, October 12. Americans are boldly bidding for further investments in Australia. A prominent American is reported to have said that America is prepared to lend New South Wales an extra £100,000,000 in the event of difficulty in Landon, with regard
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  • 18 5 London, October 13. The death has occurred of the Republican Senator, Mr. Kn x.
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  • 156 5 GERMAN CABINET’S ATTITUDE. Berlin, October 13. An official report states, that al a meeting of the Imperial Cabinet, the Chancellor, Herr Wirth, declared that if the League of Nations’ decision regarding Silesia was really as reported a new situation would be created which would prejudice the conditions under which
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  • 29 5 A SETTLEMENT. Venice, October 13. The Austrian and Hungarian delegations, under the presidency of the Italian Foreign Minister, arrived at a settlement of the dispute regarding West Hungary.
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  • 31 5 BULGARIA AND THE WAR. Sofia, October 13. The trial of the Radoslavoff Cabinet, which was in offic e on Bulgaria's entry into the war, opened in the High Court.
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  • 142 5 NEGOTIATIONS FAIL. London, October 12. Contrary to anticipations, the RussoAsiatic Consolidated Company announces *h.e failure of the protracted negotiations with thei Soviet Government for the return of the Company’s properties. The Company’s ('hairman- Mr. Urquhart, who spent three weeks in Moscow, negotiating a draft contract, has also
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  • 26 5 Loudon, October 12. It D learned that the Spanish capture of Gurugu. fabled on the 10th inst., makes any fuither resistance of the Moors unlikely.
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  • 37 5 ARRESTS IN BELGIUM. .Brussels, October 12. Belgian military police arrested at Crefeld a number of ex-officers of the German army, who were about to hold a secret meeting. Documents were seized and are examined.
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  • 42 5 THE VISIT TO LONDON. Paris, OctoHer 12General Pershing has accepted the British Government’s invitation to attend the laying of the Congressional Medal on the tomb of the British Lnknown Warrior. He suggested October 17 as a date for the ceremony.
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  • 39 5 London, October 12. The Cesare witch resulted as follows: •Yutoi (100 to 8) 1 Charleville (40 to 1) 2 Harrier (6 to 1) 3 Seventeen ran. Won by four lengths. Five lengths between second and third.
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  • 60 5 Washington- October 12. Instead of Mr. Mellon being entrusted with plenary powers as regards the fund ing of the foreign debt due to the United Slates, it is now expected that the Bill which the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives tentatively aporoved
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  • 838 5 BEST TO LEAVE WELL ALONE.’ General Smuts referring to the Pacific problem and the relations of Japan, and America, expressed the belief that the work done at the’ Conference was one of the most, important contributions to the future peace of the world. After reference to the
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  • 121 5 R.G.A COMPETITION AWARDS (Special Wire.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, October 12. The awards in the Rubber Growers’ Association’s New Uses for Rubber Competition are as under: £1,900 —Spong e Rubber. £5O0 —Liquid Rubber incorporated with paint for anti-fouling. £5O0 —Liquid Rubber incorporated with paint as
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  • 385 5 .—“Englishman.” Below is the first of a series of articles by Sir Ernest Shackleton concerning his expedition to the Antarctic. The ‘‘Quest-,” September 25. —The lines have been now cast off. Over the horizon lies the goal of out endeavour. As the bow points south we send
    .—“Englishman.”  -  385 words
  • 237 5 The F.M.S. Government Gazett e notifies that the Chief Secretary has been pleased to accept the complete specifications for th o following, under the Inventions Enactment: Application No. 48 of 1921, by John Valentine Carden, Engineer, of Kemnel Ride, Ascot, in the County of Berks, England, for a
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  • 395 5 “S.F P.” B.C.C. SCORE THEIR THIRD WIN. it was a, thoroughly exhilarating and cleanly contested game produced by the meeting of tfie S. C. C. and the R. E Sports Club On th e Padang Singapore, to decide the winner of the S. F. A. Cup competition.
    “S.F P.”  -  395 words
  • 511 5 —Ex. An examination of the batting and bowling averages for the cricket season, discloses the fact that of the five leading batsmen and the two leering bowlers not one has been chosen regularly for the Test matches, and the names of two batsmen and one bowler have
    —Ex.  -  511 words

  • 982 6 PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION. I Messrs. Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd..,' Secretaries of the Allenby Com- pany, Ltd., have sent the shareholders j notice, that an extraordinary general i meeting of the Company will be held in i the registered office, 9*ll, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, 17th October,
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  • 612 6 —“Christian Register.” THE FACTOR OF QUANTITY. It. i s unfortunate in some respects that the Board of Trade returns of over seas trade give so much prominence to rises and falls in values and so little to the weights or quantities represented. The return for August, shows a
    —“Christian Register.”  -  612 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 STOCKS NOW ON HAND Mom! Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic Acid, Porcelain Cups, Fairbanks Scales, Mangles, Warehouse Trucks, Etc. Prices on Application McAlister Co., Ltd. —i BRITISH D” EXPANDED METAL D DIAMOND MESH AAAAAAA I/wvv V Y V i AIII I J V \/\AAAA/\/ X >IM¥ I f vVVYY Www
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    • 78 6 A PERSONAL MATTER. 11l smelling breath is a disadvantage to either man or woman, making them unwelcome companions even to their dearest friends. Its most usual cause is constipation. To remedy constipation. sweeten the breath, regulate the liver, and cure billiousness and sick headaches. Pinkettes are perfection. They act as
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    • 153 6 iGOLD FLAKEi a VIRCINU "EsSl cK«Mnis a I £J°arettE&, i| 1 A n I? gold flakEm z ioni 75 cts. h“he j Q p®r tin Of I World-Famous I -so tjfefeggl I ■iimiii mm MlM|j|H lIMIIIWWiI>Id 111 I 111 I 1 T" illTil Underwood Standard T ypewrsters I I The
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  • 635 7 interesting WCAL cojlplr--I£ON. \>.mparison ofclocai market price» on «anie dat<*in the years 1921, 1920 and 19 ]H th- last year of the affords an interesting study- aud shows that the resent pricey are in man T cases much lower than rulini»at this time last year, while
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  • 59 7 It ts stated that stocks of Rangoon rice 111 Penang are comparatively small, Pnceg being *l4-25 to *l4-40 per bag, n 'l with rupe e exchange about 158, con Wed With 178 two months ago, the n lency i 8 to increase the cost price. figure from the
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  • 85 7 liom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 14. hlc ,he n Supreme 4' ourt >’ Singapore, Mr. in' ar,te tt Lennard gave judgment claim doctor Jules Samuels, who deb r as money received by the use f n tS the ®ank of Taiwan, for the Mwl S
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  • 49 7 flub Medal of the PenangpGolf <\ B l L Or,Se P ten,ber wa s w on by Mr. A. l ru r h also tied with Mr. H.G.R. 4 01 ’he ball sweep.*’ f lub dance will be held in the on Saturday next, at 7 jam.
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  • 283 7 t A WIG IfcEClflNE. *UL The Copra market which has been very consistent at a .jjood price while rubber and tin have been suffering from the slump, ig now sjmwing serious signs of weakness, aiyj it is to be hoped, for the general good of Malays that
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  • 138 7 Sir Conan Doyle s book “The Wander ings <>f a Spiritualist,'’ deals chiefly with his visit to Australia. He stated: “The Australians in some ways are more English than the English. They have kept to the old type. We have been imperceptibly Americanised. The Australians are
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  • 366 7 The case was mentioned at the Colombo Police Court, in which Mr. B. ijeyesekere, the Alanaging Director of the Bank of Colombo, is charged with breach of trust in respect of a sum of Rs. 19,500 representing a half value of a fir«t prize in the
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  • 71 7 The following are the latest quotations 4n Messrs Kennedy <fc Co.’s share list Testerday. To-day. SHAKES. I I a ta to oo S c, S c.i c.i c. Rubier (Dollar) Allenby 17jc 20c 15c 17|c Ulu Bsnut 17ic 25c 20c 2oc Miaiag. Rawang Tin 60c 65c 55c
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  • 163 7 Fraser’s Wbbkly Report. Singapore, October 11.—The local share market still remains in a somewhat depressed condition. The report of United Engineers was a jreat disappointment, for it wai generally mticipated that the Directors would mnouooe at least a 5 per cent final dividend, making in all 15
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  • 197 7 “MS S” writes to the Malay Mail dr Dancao says Something might be lone to reduc) agency fees (quite so) but >o ppp'eciabD economies can be effected n respect of directorships Directors revived a rise in fees in 1923, result of 1919 Mis'actory dividends. Mr Duncan is a
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  • 73 7 Messrs. r The Borneo Company, Ltd., advise that the tfddermentioned prices were realised for rubber ar>ld by them by private and auction sales held this week Cts Per Pound. Smoked diamond sheet No. 1 24 to 28 diamond No. 2 20 23J Hnsmoked sheet No. 1 15
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  • 32 7 The following are%dditional rubber outputs for September Consolidated Malay lbs 62,850 Chulsa (Selangor) 25,000 F.M.S. 56,000 Kong s£hg 25,515 Mambau (F.M.S.) 40,000 Sungei Salak 30,500 Tangga Batu 10,380 Thirdmile 20,500
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  • 112 7 The Siraits Trading Co,, Ltd., give the ollowing London prices, on Oct 13tb;— Spot £155.10a.Qd down 5s 0d 3 months buying £157.17i.6d 75,6 d I 3 selling £lsjB.os.od lOa.Od Local Parity $77.52 October 1 4th: Singapore sold 175 tons at $7B; Pmang buyers no sellers at $77 3/4
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  • 228 7 Pbnang, October 14, 1921. BP. Tapioca $6.75 sellers M P. Tapioca $7.00 sellers Gold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 se’lers h 110 s $32.00 se’lers [No. 1 $lO 00
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  • 474 7 Penang, October 14, 1921. BEEF— cts, Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 Rump Steak do 48 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do Fillet of Beef
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  • 146 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. M S Boelongan for Deli. Ban Whatb Soon for Port Swattenham and Singapore. Kedah for Dindinga and Sitiawan. Sappho for Telnk Anaon. Takada for Rangoon and Calcutta (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon). Expected Arrivals. Kamo Maru, Singapore, Oct 22. lyo Maru, Singapore, Nov 5. Armand Behic,
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  • 320 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, >7.15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Kroh
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  • 51 7 The homeward mail, by the Thongwa, cl os s at 10 s,m, to morrow. The Nyanz%, with mails from Eu ope. is expee'ed to arrive here at 5 pm. on Sunday. The Teesta, with mails from Europe is expeo'ed to arrive here on Friday sfrer noon, the 21st
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  • 114 7 Ptnang, October 24, 2922 Bt Courtesy Of the Chartebbd Bane) Gonddn Derqand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 9'16 3 Documentary 2/4 21/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 157 3 days’ sight Private 165 B Bombay Demand Bank 157 e Madras Demand Bank 157 >
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 400 7 1 pinang gazette RATES OF CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. x for sale, to let, situations VACANT. Etc. Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch insertions 1.50 3 1.40 w 4 1.35 h 1.30 8 1.25 I» h 1.15 M *»> 12 1.-00 18 075 m 25 0.60 Advertisements are charged
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 487 8 (p) I' w < Lant‘of Browa Heath and Slk. jl Land of the Mou .tain and *1 'N THE Wft LL-K N O W and POPULAR BRANDS OF GRANT’S WHISK) BEST PROCURABLE “I.IQI eR “.STAND FAST.” Can be obtained from al! Dealers I and at the Hotels. Qi SOLE IMPORTERS:
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    • 291 8 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong Paid-up Capital 115,000,100 z Reserve Funds: I Sterling Reserve £2,500,000 Silver Reserve $21,500,Mt Head Office: —HONGKONG. Branches and Agenciei. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay, i Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foocho», i Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipoh, Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, London, Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki,
      291 words