Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 600 1 I I’ 4HL. I' 111 sal is ■cl i li jsaj^^gy w&f os L < l<* Ong Leon a Co p *"»"t- I ff HAVE YOU TRIED S I mi n 1 j I I i Thousands of Dollars i n HR B B J Avc annually in repairing the
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    • 27 1 THE BESI CAH ffl TOWN f J .h .j .Pl b ir MO«W* < F »<eia ad»at« 8.1. A F.M i F Ong darn x.aoa(g A Oa, I
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    • 370 2 London, September 30.—Copies of the document which were issued in Moscow in August have reached a number of European capitals. It consists of an appeal to their comrades, by the Third Interna tional, signed by Zinovieff and eight others, and says that the Russia of the workers is
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    • 180 2 London, September 2f>.—The annual conference of the National Council of M omen an Sheffield has carried a resolution moved by Mrs. Oliver jjtratchy < n behalf of the Executive Committee- expressing great satisfaction at the official adoption of the policy of the equal ly of men
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    • 133 2 London, October 2.—ln the intervals of the discussion on the unemployment problem with experts at-Gairloch, *the Pre'iftier seeks relaxation in golf. He and Sir Edward Grigg have had hard tussles with Commander Sholto Douglas and Lieutenant Gossage, of the- destroyer Wryneck, alternately winning and losing
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    • 54 2 London, October 1. —An, American has offered £5-000 to the London Hospital in gratitude for an operation and the transfusion of blood which saved his wife’s life. The offer i s conditional on two other gifts of £5,000. If the latter are forthcoming before December, the American will
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    • 216 2 London, September 30.—The OTn burgh correspondent of the -Financia Times” says that a sensatonal diselosere was made at the half yearly meeting of the Scottish Wholesale Cooperative So ciety of a gigantic loss incurred by the Society in conjuncton with the English Wholesale Cooperative Society in buying
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    • 77 2 London, October 1- academic year has opened at Cambridge. The Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Giles, in a valedictory address to the Senate, said the uni versify was gradually emerging from the war situation. Most ex-service students wh<> returned in 1919 had graduated and left for assured employment. The
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    • 73 2 London, September 30. —Members of the British Bankers Associttion have passed a resolution ap proving of the Hague yules of 1921. relating to the carriage of goods by sea, arranged by the conference of the International Law Association. They also decided that it was desirable to bring
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    • 60 2 The correspondent of the Daily Express’’ at Rome states that a Communist threw a bomb into a dancing hall at Vavazzo. and twenty^ve persons were injured. mostly childien. Fortunately the bomb 'truck an electric wire and ex nloded in an alcove. If it had fallen in
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    • 24 2 London, September 3-—Messrs Pearsons state that their c ntract for ihe construction of a harbour at Haifa hts not yet been accepted.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1143 2 MISCELLANEOUS. TENDERS INVITED. A Horse and Victoria 8 P e, e T “t" l b Xi° la good condition. B:are Price and where noon on Tuesday, the 18 h October, 1911 to be seen. Apply Box No. 263, c/o for the following .applies for a period of Pinang Gaze tee.
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    • 293 2 A WOMAN’S TROUBLES. INTERESTING CASE IN CEYLON. The case of Mrs. E. M. Fernando, wife of Mr. W. H. Fernando, station master at Nugegoda, on the Ceylon Government Railways, is of especial in terest to women. Here are the as related by this lady: “After the birth of my son
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    • 308 2 In*»Trying I Children need. Cod Liver Oil«o "maintain their vitality I KEPLER I w 0) Cod Liv’er Oil with I Malt Extract is so palatable that they take it: with P leasure even in Tropics. It gives them the strength to resist disease. I < i■ iw In bottles of
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  • 1806 3 A SYNDICATE SUED. AMUSING PASSAGES. Another piquant chapter in the brief &ret?r of the now cefu ct Eastern Troth” was unfolded yesterday, in the District Couit, Penang, before Mr R Scott, when The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd, sued R Greening, T Long and J G Allan, lately
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 731 3 STRAITs*>SEni.tNIE‘NT6rLQAH 1921. ,•n* ISSUE OF $20,000,000 Lu AW. ‘Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per annum payable half-yearly on the Ist May and Ist November REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist MAY, 1926. FREE OF INCOME TAX ANO OTHER DUTIES. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT.
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    • 158 3 Pritrliord 8 l“ (Incorporated in I i/ Straits Settlememts.) II Penang and ipon. SOLE AGENTS FOR IMPFRIAI IYPEWRiTER These Machines ’LU-1A) attained a orld- IjT' w" I'’ 1 '~w pD Wide Reputation for Speed and L Beauty of Work. B A P o w e r f u 1 and
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  • 957 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr Morgan Reas is going from Bangkok to Singapore by the Valaya for a health trip.—• B T.’ It is understood that Insp. W G Porter will succeed Insp Benge as Traffic Inspector, Singapore. Captain W Pithie returned from leave by the Pembrokeshire.” He has taken command of
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  • 531 4 D. M. O. CHARGED WITH MURDER. The Magisterial enquiry into the charge of murder against Dr Walpola, of Badulla, began at the Badulla Police Court before Mr R G Saunders, Police Magistrate. The prosecution was conducted by Inspector Dbambawinne, while the accused, wbc pleaded not guilty, was
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  • 710 4 PROPOSED ARRANGEMENTS hORt SINGAPORE- Invitations were issiftd by the 010 nial the Honourable Mr. K S. James. C- M. G-, to leading repre seutative members of all communities yi the Colony to meet for the purpose >i organising a fitting welcome to His Royal Highnessethe Prince
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  • 140 4 TlieeColomb 11 Commission issued an instruction that vegj drawing over 30 water Colombo Harbour at theii«own risk p in view of this the question natur-|i. been asketW’as to what steps were taken to berth H. M. S. “Renown,’’ which H. R. H. the Prince
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  • 290 4 A case was heard at Singapore, befo,.> the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, m which Mr. Charles Edwin John Barbour claimed from the Borneo Co., Ltd., com mission at the rate of 24 per cent.nm the net profits of the working of the Borneo Company’s garage i,n Orchard
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  • 97 4 “XT-." A case in which three coolies claimed 25 days’ wages from the Alexandra Brickworks was heard in the Second Civil District Court, Singapore. The complainants alleged that they worked for ”5 days in the month of May, and claimed wages for that period. The
    “XT-."  -  97 words
  • 95 4 Mr. W. Van der Woude, Acting Consul Jpr the. Netherlands, writes: Mith reference to the current rumour that Sumatra is infected with cholera, 1 h av6 to. request" you to be good enough to In serf -a contradictory statement in y our issue, «s < I have just received
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  • 161 4 94 coolies arrived per ty S. l aia to day, of whom 27 were sent to I u 111 Jerejak for quarantine, and the hal-i’‘ proceed to Port Swettnnharn for 'l"’ rantine there. At an inquest at Shanghai last m vi it- was stated that from 600 to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 I J hew Dress Goods During the past few weeks we have been getting together a 0 large assortment of Hew Dress ©oods with the result that we I g now have a beautiful arras that I excels ans previous showing I of the Rind. Some and see them g
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  • 2495 5 iriIGMENT fOR COLD STORAGE Tnis ino/ning, in the Supreme Coart, the Chief Justice, falter Sb*», odgment id the nation which was instiy ed J»u«ry Of tM* in which the qinaapore Cold-Storage, Ltd claimed from Straits limes Pn as, Ltd, and Mr A W u ci |j damages for
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  • 116 5 October 13, 1921. (Br Courtesy op the Char Banktered) London Demand Bank 2,4 4 months’ eight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 -Credit 2/4 9/16 3 Documentary 2/4 21/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 157 3 days’ sight Private 165 Bombay Demand Bank 157 c Madras Demand Bank 157 g. 3 days’sight
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  • 154 5 Oct 15—Temerloh Rubber Meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon. Oct 15-rPgnaog Swinaming Club, “A” yds, h’cap; B” Class, 50 yds, h’cap. Oct ]7—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hal). Oct 18—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 19—Concert, T J and R Club, Prai, 8-30 p.m Oct 30—Penang Swimming Club, Water Polo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 S as b R. YOUNG Co., Ltd., and Singapore. I 3 S (Sivil Engineers Contractors. I ffigenfo for_:- Stotbert and I Concrete Mixers or 3310 ck frlae/jines. j 1 r— 1 I Importers Steel joists, singles "(sees, ffiars and other {Building Materials. J felanufaeturers of :-(Sement Roofing tailes, Mosaic 3loor
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  • 1248 6 The principle of co-operation need not be confined to schemes for the betterment of the rural population. It can be adapted to the special requirements of town dwellers, and this is being done in India, Burma and elsewhere in an attempt to solve the twin problem of high
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  • 1505 6 The public 0$ Penang evinced a lively inArest reports |*f > The Singapore the bearing of the action Libel. for libel brought against the Straits Times Press, Ltd. and Mr A W Still by the Singapore*Cold Storage Company, Ltd. The Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw, gdte
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  • 228 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, October 13. In the final of the Singapore Footb»;Association Cup, Singapore Cricket Club beat R E Sports Club by two goals to one, after an exhilarating, cleanly contested game. S C C al-o won tba 1901 and 1903. Mrs J
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 IC. 3. Tafiree Reasons "(V6y ARMCO INGOT IRON ABjnf /S SUPERIOR. < I fc 1. Resists Rust—Because of its unequalled purity ARMCO Ingot Iron resists rust longer than any other iron. This is the reason it has been so widely used in railroad equipment, buildings, storage tanks, culverts, etc. i
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 173 6 C LYRIC KINEMa' I TO-NIGHT! ARGYLL ROAD. TO-NIGHT 11 I Young* and Old of Penang should see the Greatest I Fistic Clash of the Age DEMPSEY vs. CARPENTIER I For the Heavy-Weight Championship of the World. I Four Rounds of Fierce Fighting. A Game Struggle a against Odds. Complete Scenes
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    • 28 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low WaVr To-day. 10 22 a.m 4 44 a.m. 10.56 p.m. 4 55 p.m. To-nobrow. 10.55 a.m. 5 17 a,tn. 11,20 p.m. 5.26 p.m.
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  • 29 6 J R McFap.lanb (Senior) deceased. Mrs J R McFarlane and Mr J,R McFarlane (Jud.) beg to thank all those who kindly sent them letters of condolence on their bereavement.
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  • 395 7 9I i HOUR'CONFERS with govern MINT. 4 Reuter’s Telegrqrtfe. 9 London, October 11. Tin six representatives had a two hours’ meeting with*the Cabinet* Unemployment Committee at Downing .street in the evening, after the Irish Conference adjourned, and they explain. j he Labour proposal for dealing with unemployment. including the
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  • 74 7 London, September 30. —It is stated on good authority that the. Cabinet Committee dealing with unemployment has recognised that subsidies continuing the artificial increase of wages would be a mistake. Instead, it is hoped to extend credit facilities to businesses preparing opafetions of public utility. Mr. Churchill
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  • 229 7 London, September 30. —The half dozen business experts, who accompanied lieutenant Commander Hilton oung, Financial Secretary to the TreaUl y from Euston to-night to Gairloch °r a conference with the Premier on Employment, include some surprise names. Th?*? selected are: —Sir James °Pt Rimpson, .Director of the
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  • 174 7 Loudon, October 2. —Sir Alfred Mond, interviewed, declared it was insufficiently realised that the Government’s proposals to assist the local authorities to carry <>utt productive worws were farreach’ng and novel. This is the first time the Government has come into the field in order to forward
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  • 190 7 CHEERS FOR SINN FEIN DELEGATES. London. 11. The Irish Conference opened at Downing Street The crowd, composed chiefly of Irish sympathisers, cheered the Sinn Fein delegates and sang hymns, after the proceed ngs opened. Mr Chamberlain, who is ill with lumbago. was absent. Sinn Fein Demonstration. London,
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  • 79 7 MEETING OF GEDDES’ COMMITTEE. London, October 11. The Economy Committee, headed by Sir Eric Geddes, which s considering the expenditure of Government Departments, held its first meeting to-day at Gienapp Castle, the Scottish residence of Lord Inchcape. It is expected the meetings will last for some weeks. It s
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  • 88 7 A ROYAL COMMISSION. London, October 12. Considerable interest is being manifested in the application which, it is undei stood, will be mt’de in the Courts, to-day for the relea-se of a. Poplar Coun cillor. The whole question of local Government of Greater London will be overhauled by
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  • 39 7 BRIGHTER PROSPECTS. London, IL Sir Edwin Stockton, Pres lent of the Manchester Chamber of in a speech, said the prospects in the cotton trade were brighter, thanks to more or ders. More machinery would be started shortly.
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  • 257 7 r PROCEDURE. Washington, October 11. Conference official quarters fully realise that the Conference must assemble in ’he most friendly spirit on the part of all parties, if anything s to be accomplished. It is. therefore, considered necessary that the Conference itself ar range the method of procedure, which
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  • 132 7 Tok io. September 27. —As a result of to-day’s Cabinet council. Admiral Kato, Minister of the Navy, Baron Shidehara. Japanese Ambassador to the United States, and Prince Tokugawa. the President of the House of Peers, have been officially announced to be Japan’s plenipotentiaries at the Washington Confe rence.
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  • 122 7 Sie|kember 27. —-In connection with the despatch of the Chinese de legation "Co tire Pacific Conference, it seems almost certain that Dr. Yen. Dr. Wellington Koo, Dr. Alfred Sze, Mr. Wang Cheng hui, and Dr. Wu Chao su of the South have been appointed. Dr. 'Yen, Minister
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  • 156 7 PRESS COMMENTS. New York, October IL The Press is actively discussing the Panama Tolls Bill. The “New York World’’ emphasises the embarrassment President Harding must feeF in inviting Britain to a disarmament conference, while Republican CchVgress is turning a solemn treaty with Britain into scrap paper. The
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  • 333 7 GERMANY EXCITED. London, October 11. The Silesian recommendations of the Committee of the League have now been communicated to the Supreme Council in. Paris. Till the Council publishes them, it wiji not be possible to confirm the reports from Paris and Geneva that, the recommendations favour Poland, to
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  • 37 7 CONFERENCE IN ITALY. Venice, October J 2. The Austrian and Hungarian delegations, which have arrived at the invitation of the Italian Foreign Minister, opened the Conference with a view to settling the dispute over West Hungary.
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  • 29 7 WELCOME TO ITALIAN KING. Trento, October 12. The King and Queen of Italy were re ceived with remarkable scenes of enthusiasm when visiting the new Italian Province.
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  • 69 7 REPORTED SETTLEMENT. London, October 12. Diplomatic correspondents assert that as the result < f pressure by the. League of Nations, the long contested dispute regarding the Albanian frontiers is nearing a settlement, on the btsis of full re cognition of the independence of Alba nia. The settlement follows roughly
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  • 118 7 MINISTRY DISSGLt LD London, October 12. A Milan message says the so-called Montenegrin Government, which since the overwhelming of Montenegro in the war, had been located in Italy, has now ceased to exist, as the result of Queen Milena signing a decree dissolving the Ministry. [On November 29, 1918,
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  • 24 7 M. BRANTING RETURNS. Stockholm. October 12. A new cabinet has been formed, with M. Branting as Premier and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
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  • 138 7 AN UNFORTUNATE DELAY. London, October 11. An incident, which, according to American despatches, threatened to develop unfavourably for Anglo-American relations, is now apparently settled. General Pershing, who has been in France, had been waiting for the British Government to fix a date for the ceremony of laying
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  • 33 7 New York, October 11. A message from Leesburg, Texas, says a mob seized and burned at thei stake anegro youth charged with assault on a girl eight years of age.
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  • 56 7 Washington, October 11. Under the Bill which was favourably reported on to-day by the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives, the emergency tariff at present- in force, instead of expiring on November 27, will remain in force until February Ist The life of the
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  • 19 7 Paris, October 11Th? ex-Com ma nd er in-Chief, General Nivelle, has been placed on the reserved list.
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  • 42 7 London, September 29. —Sir Eric Geddes’ example of grouping railways is being followed by America, where the inter-State Commerce Commission announces that tentative plans are shortly to be put forward for the consolidation of all major railroads into 19 systems.
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  • 46 7 London. September 29. —Another diary of Mrs. Margot Asquith will shortly be published, entitled “A Little Journey’.” It deals with a visit, to Italy and Egypt 30 years ago. It is characterised by racy comments on public men similar to her recent reminiscences.
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  • 36 7 London, September —The Maharaja Holkar of Indore has given £5OO to the Mental Aftercare Association, to assist in dealing with sufferers from nervous or mental trouble, which is directly due to war service.
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  • 27 7 Washington, October 12. The American Consul at Tampico noli fied the State Department that an un identified Mexican stabbed to death an American sailor.
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  • 356 7 The following missive was received by the forest ranger of the Pasadena district and read recently at the annual dinner of the Sierra Club in Los Angeles: “Kind and Respected Cir: “I see in the paper that a man named J —S —was atacted
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  • 64 7 U.S. BANKS ANXIOUS TO OBLIGE. Sydney, October 11. The State Treasurer, Mr. Lang, referring to the £3,000,000 loan which New South Wales is raising in London, said since the Government was formed in 1920, several offers of loans were receiv ed from America. None was favourably
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  • 61 7 Wellington, October 12. The Hon. Mr. Massey informed a deputation that the Government is placing an additional loan of £500,000 on the London market. He added that they were not going to America for a loan, and were not going to break off re la tlions with
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  • 276 7 A Reuter message of September 28 announced that the underwriting of thb Ceylon of £3,000,000 at 6 per cent., issued at 97, was progressing A Ceylon paper states this refers to the Raising of the second instalment of the Ceylon £6,000,000 loan. It will be recalled
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  • 24 7 THE DEATHROLL. London, October 12. It is officially commenced that the deathroll in the Rowan disaster is now 36.
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  • 37 7 Port Said, October 12. The American steamer Eastern Admiral from Shanghai for London and Rot terdam, has broken down 16 miles from Alexandria, and needs assistance. The steamer Eastern Importer is proceeding to assist.
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  • 57 7 Rabat, October 12. In the course of an official reception to Their Belgian Majesties who are paying a visit to Morocco, the Sultan conferred the Sheriffian Military Medal upon the Queen for her distinguished war services. It is significant that this, is the first occasion the
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  • 159 7 London, September 30. —At the London County Lawn Tennis Club Tourna ment at Hendon in the semi-finals of the Men’s Singles Jac-ob beat Lerfendi 6-2, -1. In the fourth round of the Doubles S. M. Hadi and U. Kramet beat Laertides and Major Ashton
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  • 1347 8 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL ADVISER. The annual report on the State of Johore for the year 1920, issued by the General Adviser, Mr. H. Marr ott, contains the following information: The total revenue for 1920 amounted to $11,838,975 and the total expenditure to $13,070,283, giving a deficit
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  • 323 8 The foil wing are the minutes of a special meeting of the Municipal (cm missioners of George Town, Penang, held <n Tuesday, the 27th -September, 1921. Present. Mr. S. Codrington (Presid- nt). Dr. I’. Liston. Hon. Mr. AV. iT Thorne, Mr. J. L. McFall. Dr. LJm Cheng. Absent.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 114 8 _^„~u-wjnj~wjnjnj7j~uxru«»»Lru'irxnjnjnj~Yrunj^j^-^-^/ ,rt i 3rom Stock: f S s < Jleddaway’s “(Samel ffirand J Samel J~iair Getting <• < I Jn sizes 3 to 16 inefyes. 1 I J&ineona 3 t 1 balata belting f i i Jn sizes to 16 inefies. i 4’ J I J 5 on fßpplieation to:
      114 words
    • 277 8 1 NoRfH&fN ’assurance CO,, LTD. i ESTABLISHED 183«. g ASSETS EXCEEb £16.000,00p. 3 8 i. Fire. «I IS 2. Life. 3. Motor Car. 4 Motor Cycle. 5, Personal Accident. 6. Plate Glass. h We can give you any particulars which you H may require re the above H I SANDILANDS,
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  • 362 9 M.M” CONVICTION SET ASIDE. ——<> The Chief «Bdicial Ccmmiisioner, the Hon Mr L M Woodward, gave judgment in a criminal appeal widen was heard on Sept 30 ib. The appellant in the %ase was a Chinese nonia named Chong A Nga. who some tim-* ago was convicted by
    ‘ M.M”  -  362 words
  • 106 9 The following are the latest quHa ipns in Messrs Kennedy Jc Co *s share list; Yesterday. To-day. m X X ff) aj fij 4) SHARES. g- 3 oq 00 ao 5 o. c. Sc. Sc Mining. Liman Nipies 30c 35c 25c 30c UluPiah 1.22 J 1.25 1.20
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  • 15 9 The following is an additional rubber output for September Ayer Kuning lbs 6,260
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  • 27 9 Ip, h Tin Di edging Ltd, during Septem h r, 300 piculs, Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndi cate, Limited, for September, 1,719 pikuls.
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  • 181 9 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, on Oct 12tb:— Spot £155.15s up 2*61 3 months buying £158.5s 2s 6d 3 selling £158 10« ‘Jf»,6d Local Parity $77.70 •October 13th; Singapore sold 150 tons at $7B 50; Penang buyers no sellers s7B| Messrs Bonstead and
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  • 226 9 Pinang, October 13, 1921. BP. Tapioca $6.75 sellers M. V P. Tapioca $7.00 sellers Gold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers doves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 sellers 110 s $32.00 sellers 5 No. 1 $lO.OO
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  • 453 9 Phnasg, October 13, 1921. BEEF— ct« Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do Stew or Curry Meat do carry 36 Rump Steak do I' Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per eatty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet of Beef
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  • 929 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. 5 RUBBMR (Dollar.) e. sc. O Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 17jc 20c Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.00 750 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 80c Ayer Panas Rubber Estates b.qo Balgownie Rubber
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 365 9 ‘TOWN HA.LL. _J—EDGAR* WILL PRESENT THE Warwick ConrttDY Co., OCTOBER 17th In •THE CIRCLE,” by W. Somerset Maugham, lBth In “A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT,” by Clemence Dane. Plan at ROBNISON PIANO CO. The Company will also perform these at IPOH on 19th and 20th and KUALA LUMPUR on 21st and
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    • 188 9 |W. Briggs Sons, Ltd., I g Dundee and London, g “Challenge” I s i I I I Roofing) 1 AND B Bituminous Solutions. I 1 SOLE AGENTS Sandilands, Buttery Co,, S g Penang. Singapore Medan. S iii(i ll I MEDUSA I x j* 8 White Portland Cement X IS X
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  • 230 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. I Aing Thye for Aior Star. Lake Fielding for Singapore and Hongkong Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Tara for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kinta for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, Malacca and Singapore. City of Auckland for Colombo and London. Lake Gitano for Rangoon and Calcutta (Mergui and
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  • 342 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. I I Barit Buntar, Began Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 7.15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong J i Barit Buutar and Bagan Serai By train ahc 10.15 a.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 165 10 pAQUAPERIA" i APERIENT MINERAL WATER I j (Bottled at Harrogate Springs, England. g .A Gentle Tonic Aperient for I CONSTIPATION AND LIVER DISORDERS. The Dispensary (Penang) Ltd., 2 and 6, Bishop Street, Penang. •BBBBWKBSa MnMUMSMB MBSW <3E3 525 J fjn.’tJSDBtXSMS tSSSMMSMMB I ALFRED DUNHILL’S I ■I “BRUYERE” r 4 “SHELL
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    • 769 10 Pinang gazette !li l!I,1Ilin ii ,ll!! J lllll RATES OF CASUAL* advertisements. g »1» FOR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS g I PRICE REDUCTION Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch p Q #|> IW /X With Standard insertions 1.50 EE JIB 5 3 3 Singapore dj lal -7V
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    • 208 11 FIRST TEST MATCH. London, October 1. —There were thirty thousand people present to watch the J play of the first Northern Union Rugby I Test match at Leeds tot-day between I Australia and England. The home team made a splendid start and thrice, in quick succession, bore
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    • 118 11 London. September 29. —The race for the Jockey Club Stakes was run to-day. The stakes are value £5.000 second €4OO nominator of winner £3OO and nominator of second and winner of third j £lOO each. One and three-quarter miles over the Course. Result: Mr. J. A.
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    • 269 11 Londonft October 1. —The following are the Jesuits oU to day’s Assoc ation football matches First Division. Arsenal 1 Everton 0: Aston Villa 2 Tottenham 1 Birmingham 1 Sunderland j 0: Blackburn 3 Manchester City 1 Bradford City 0 Burnley 4 Huddersfield 3 Bolton 0: Liverpool 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 158 11 <; ii b o <;• < *<* !h! ,;s v fS2=SjS«QnsfifißfinSssfiMKm&B <!' f < make blithe ’3‘ difference. /jwJSKS£] ft SAFETY >:• kjJrrfa/Ai mileage 8 >O and :•> 8 economy. 8 JCTC !i p Ji si ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A CO., LTD. g 8 no .v.v. .v.".v.w.‘.-.v.v. .w.v.s t 3 HI
      158 words
    • 142 11 I 40 Different Kinds 0F r ENVELOPES I OF j I Various Sizes, Quality and Price I MANILLA, CARTRIDGE and CLOTHLINED g For Private, Commercial, Legal and Estate Uses. 8 M W 1 From $4"50 to $ll2 1,000 I 3 Write for Samples and Quotations for Quantities P. G. PRESS,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1387 12 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP HENDERSON LINE. COMPANY. Fast Passenger and Carg'o steamers between (Inoorpor.i.din V. 8. a.) RANGOON AND ENGLAND. TRANS. pacific SERVICE. With through connections from Penang. r HOESIER STATE” from Hongkong 3Ut October,lMl. APPROXIMATE HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Wnagkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Manila, Honolulu, A San Francisco. manila EAST india service.
      1,387 words
    • 451 12 F• e O 0 Ji pRUSTIKOL" The Artistic Wood J preservative 1 1 Made In Four Standard Shades. Proof against White Ants, l Dry Rot etc, in Timber. I Used by Hundreds of Es tales throughout Malaya. s’ Manufactured by the well-known makers of HALL’S DISTEMPER 6 Sole Agents: Sub-Agents:
      451 words
    • 271 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Paid-up Capital $15,000,000 Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2.500,000 Silver Reserve $21,500,000> Head OfficeHONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay! Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foochow, Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipoh, Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, London, Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki, New York, Peking, Rangoon, Saigon,
      271 words