Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 October 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 561 1 from C 71 a ■o Z tc*?b A wwxK Fw'.j .> rh > <’Cwb> < 2: jt.’TWk S at ySsSj/jiffln s wfl- n waft >£• r S A&pwrAn 5 1 OnK Sam Laoijg c Pananf. I if iQMaMMiwwßmjlpßMfe .»^<^ WIW W«. >; *8 li '’SfeSSHk 1 I WE WANT TO
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    • 27 1 r L > THE BEST CAH IM TOWlf < 1 1 H I smw** aiwa «t* w ««it 1 Saia Aleata S.S. P.B.S. > Ong Sam Laoag a °S.* r
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  • 873 2 Mr T Kitohing bu been transferrtd from Seremben to Ku«la Kangaar. HE. the American Minister left Siam by rail, proceeding to Penang on October 5 Messrs H 0 Wiliau and A T Newbosb have been appointed second Lieutenants in the M V I. Capt E N Graham,
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  • 524 2 (From Our Own Correspond»»!.) Ipob, October 10. To-day is the anniversary of tbe proclamation of the Chinese Republic, and the Chinese of Ipoh celebrated tbe day in right loyal style. Early morning, one found all the shops and houses bedecked with and decorated with greenery and
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  • 164 2 Tbe charge of criminal breach of trust of $15.000 preferred against Tengku Ismail, until iecently the D O. at Kulim, by the Kedah Government, will be heard at. Kslim towards tbe end of this month before a Malay Magistrate. Tengku Ismail is at present on bail. It is
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  • 198 2 Mr H Marriott, in his annual report fo r 1920, on the State of Johore, observes in regard o minerals that the export of tin ore an< anted to 26,640 piculs (1,586 tons 'qoUalen* to 1,142 tons of metal) compared with 31,019 p'ouls in 1919 a decrease
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  • 395 2 DEMPSEY-CARPEN HER pftlNT. Those who attended the Lyric Kipema.i Argyle Ro*d, last night, where the five reft! film of tbe Dempsey-Carpentier figfit, for rhe championship of the world is< being shown this week, will agree with Mr George Barnard Sbaw when he expressed the opinion that the cinema
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  • 144 2 The Chinese Lutern procession, held in P-mang, last nigh», to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Chinese Republic, though it suffered slightly from tbe rain which fell between 7 and lb p.m, was a gorgeous affair and was considerably better than the celebration of last year. No fewer
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  • 304 2 Due to heavy rains at its source, tbe Kinta River overflowed its baAs on'Saturday njght and again last> night, says Monday's T.0.M.” People sleeping near and about the market» were rudely.disturbed abcut 2 a. m. on Sunday mo'rriing, The water subsided during tbe day. but rose again
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  • 215 2 Advance Payment of Freight. J > 9 jf Tbe Central Pahang Assw>i ation forwards a copy of a letter addresty ed to the General Maimger, F M S. Rai# ways, on the subject of advance payment of freight#I have the honour to address you on tbe gystion of
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  • 239 2 n ST” Testing Speed of Bus at a Trial Run. The enquiry into tbe deaths ot two Singapore Chinese mechanics, ag tbe resalt of bus 3837 turning over near the Borneo Wharf, about 6.30 a.m on September 26 last, wag continued in tbe Coroner’s Court, yesterday. Inspector King
    n ST”  -  239 words
  • 199 2 Oct 11—Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Oct 15—Temerloh Rubber Meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon. Oct 16—-Penang Swimming Club. <( A” Claes, 100 yde, h’cap;,“ B” Class, 50 yds, h’cap. Oct 17—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 18—-Warwick Comedy Coy To wo Hall Oct 30—Penang- Sw.immiog Club, Water Polo, Oct'3l—.P.O.C.
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  • 684 2 f 8 NOTES JK’ Tlffil\i\ 7 weather trainers are not JU ing tHir charge ttJiward too hsfrnJJ and id though the first da/ o f the meet, I is only seventeen days off there wa B paratively little fast work done o n turday *br during last
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  • 46 2 (From Our Own Correspondent*' Singapore, October 1' In the second replay of the senii-f* for the S. F. A. Cup/ the R- E. Club defeated the Recreation f' uo one goal fo nil. The winners niepr Cricket Club, in the final, to-morro ff
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  • 110 2 Amount previously iu-kno* «15,420.90, Law Chee $5- Oheang $2, Ong Boon Hor of U‘ 3394, 50, Total ««>»0 Collected per Mr. Lim Gim bin. x*hoo s-iOteßenong.” Messrs, him Lin $lOO, s>ee Kim of Renong Eng of Renong $1(M), RouofM 1 1 $lO, Yew CheokWhew H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 406 2 f<EW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted Large Ice Chest. Particulars to Club, iaipiov. FOR SALE. ~—Lzzmr- <. ,jt Motor-Bicycle 2| h p. flat twin 19*40 ui'i iel $6OO tin .f'S off r. Owner going H>m Apply B>xN >. 262 c/o Pirang Gtz j t>ie. F^JPo r Sale cheap. Onelßridges Creping hand; or
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    • 20 2 TOPRINTERS’ TVe hold a large stock of Kiir’s Printing Inks To be pricĕs. r rE Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED A
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  • 3583 3 »1 r—♦ JF THE JVDGMjI'S.IN P. fO. fitf4 pact# hwt.,». -'a v**vr <uv. e The ml the eluding portion or the judgment in Suit No. 311 of 1918, by Mi-. Justice M. H. Whitley, Acting Senior® Puisne Judge, S.S., P. O. Steam Nrjigation C<Rnpany, Ltd.^i plaintiffs), against
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1095 3 1 "j. POSITION VACANT. GARGOYLE MOB LOILS. Head Clerk wanted for healthy On and after October Is*-, estate office in Province Wellesley, must price of Gargoyle Mobiloils in sealed be thoroughly conversant with Measra. lithographed tins will be as follows: Barker Co’s form of accounts, Free Gargoyle Mobiloil E $3-70
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  • 1258 4 While things in Malaya may fall short, in some respects, of all that msy be desired in regard to the incorruptibility of those employed in the service of the various Government departments, we certainly would seem to have avoided occasion for the charges of gross general corruption levelled against
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  • 1665 4 The Ooaooil of Colonial Office, and from the reports of the proceedings we find thab the discussion ended* in favour of the Indian members who protested against it. There Apeared to b(Fa curious impression that, in the absence of any definite reasons for the transfer there must
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 213 4 TLyrio ki’nema" I TO-NIGHT ARGYLL ROAD. TO-NIGHT I I Young and Old of Penang Should See The Greatest I Fistic Clash of the Age DEMPSEY vs. CARPE TIER I For the Heavy-Weight Championship. of the World, g Four Rounds of Fierce Fighting. A Game Struggle against Odds. Complete Scenes of
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    • 29 4 THE TIDES. High Water. L° w Water To-day. 8 35 a.m 3 2 a.m. 10.21 p m. 3 30 p.m. To-mobbow. 9.43 a.m. 4.5 a,m. 10.38 p.m. 4.48 p.m.
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  • 231 5 •euter’s London, October 9. Laird.Sway. Rowan, from (Msgow Dublin, with a craw of 37, and 561>as- sank off the #est of Scotland, driible collision. Twenty-four of via cr ew anti 53 passengers were saved. of the latter subsequently died. Phe disaster occurred in a dense
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  • 113 5 d>'»RESS AT ROYAL EXCHANGE. London. October 9. W \e thousand people enthusiastically < t ied their Majesties in the Assembly all of Manchester Royal Exchange, P <• rir Arthur Haworth read a loyal klr< ss. in which he mentioned that the oval Exchange now covered
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  • 100 5 [STATE OF AVAR IN PETROGRAD. ParisJ*October 9A Riga message states that Trotzky Reaped in a frerfi attempt on his life, •ynamite cartridges were placed on the kiluay with the object of wrecking his rain, but a goods train came first, and Ms blown up, forty wagons
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  • 65 5 A RUSH TO BUY. Vienna, October 10. Ibe financial panic, caused by the unJiecedented number of Kronen issjied cently, resulted in a mad rush of purchasers to buy foodstuffs and goods, in ■he belief that the Kronen will soon beme worthless. The police formed Pudong to prevent
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  • 40 5 COTTON DEBASES. London, t>. «5 t| r tla(^e 'cturns for SfepteMber show raw co l ton decreased by ailp ex Poßs manufactures u a,R by £58,206,000, inciting a asc f ,f 0 cot t on manu'■ictures. W
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  • 26 5 Paris, .October 9.* Xm.i. f r American, nnd Princ«> Th.• Queen n ece I1!Ive J* een JpameJF hsu vau:e of Wreece as pre-
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  • 96 5 >II E CHURCHES’ PART. > urtainington. October 9. Federal the Churches of Chrtst in America serßM message to its 150.000 congregations here, including most <>f the Protestant denominations, urging* all religious bodies the priceless opportunity afforded by the Washington Conference tcA cultivate Christian public opinion in favour of
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  • 174 5 “THE TIMES” AND JAPAN. London, October 10. “The Times,” commenting on the Chinese reply, says the implication is that whereas Japan desired the question to be settled before the Washington Con ference, the Peking Government is determined to keep it open and bring it before the Washington Conference
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  • 85 5 Peking, September 20.—1 t is announced, that the Waichiaopu will request that certain features of the programme for the Pacific Conference, as submitted by the American Government, be altered. on the ground that they do not meet with the approval of the people of China. The Government
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  • 57 5 Manila, September 22. —Speaker Osmena has issued a statement that no Filipinos will have seats at the Far Eas tern Conference, Senor Manuel Quezon, President of the Senate, having cabled that President Harding did not favour the proposal. It is expected that the of internationalising the
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  • 53 5 SINGAPORE’S FUTURE STATUS. Melbourne, October 10. Naval officers declared that under the naval reorganisation scheme, the Pacific’' Fleet wilt be based at Singapore, Sydney becoming merely a jepaiijing port for fleet units, and further that all subsisting naval stations in Australia. including Jervis Bay, with the Naval College,
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  • 62 5 Geneva, October 9. How the expenses of the League of Nations are distributed among the members is exemplified ae follows. The figures show the units payable by each State. The British Empire and France, each 90, Daly. India, China and Japan, each Canada 35, Australia, South and the
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  • 46 5 Lisbon, October" 0. The Pdrtugtiese newspapers fssert that the controversy with China over jurisdiction of” Macao waters is becoming grave. *The Portuguese Government is sending trpops g.nd two cruisers. The Minister <sf Commerce, however, declared that the matter will be setged diplomatically I
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  • 71 5 MINISTER’S STATEMENT. Paris, October 9. —Speaking at an unceremony, the State Secretary, M. Vidal, said any German aggression in the near future was unlikely. The military occupation of the afforded France the best guarantee of her own safety, but Germany’s disarming was still incomplete, and efforts remained to
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  • 154 5 .—Vale. Paris, October 9. —At Saint Nazaire, M. Briand, speaking at a banquet, stated that France made the maximum of sacrifices during the war, and she would get all reparations in peace, and a chief place in the world. The French Government was bound to
    .—Vale.  -  154 words
  • 119 5 Loudon September 26. The Times” Paris correspondent referring to the warning in the “Times’’ regarding the menace of the German army says that it is most reassuring to those in France who had been fearing the consequence of the proposed reduction of the Disarmament Commission, if carried
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  • 105 5 M BRIAND’S ’STATEMENT. St/Nazaire, October 9. M. Briand, who was accompanied by six members of the Cabinet, in a speech, stated that the French Government had confidence in the present German Government. Referring to the problem of du iu ting exchanges, •he L dwelt on 4he paradoxical situation
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  • 54 5 Lofidon, September 29. —Messrs. Montagu’s report attributes the week’s spurt in silver to the suddon entry of ohina into the lt is reported 'that Indian bazaars have both ways and some sales have been: made from the Continent. On the 6ther hand a certain amount of bear
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  • 143 5 SEIZURE OF CORK’S HAJRBOUR OFFICES. The secretary and of the Transport Workers’ are stri king against Cork’s Hhrbbtfr Board for wages, seized the offi-" cesf ejected the and be gan collecting the harboiir dues, ring their intention of using the money, to jky the men. The
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  • 169 5 COMMITTEE’S PROVOCATIVE RESOLUTION. Bombay, October 9. The working Committee of the National Congress and Khilafat workers passed a resolution advocating a general strike throughout India on the day of the arrival of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales at Bombay, and urging provincial committees to arrange
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  • 54 5 FURTHER RIOTING. Simla. October 9. An official communique states that rioting started in the mill area in Madras on the afternoon ortOctober sth. Bombs were thrown at the pblice, who fired on the mob. One was killed and eight were wounded. Troops subsequently patrolled the area at
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  • 235 5 Madras, October 5. —There disturbances on Perambore barrack toad this morning. About 2,000 caste Hindus and Mahomedans on one side and an equal number of Audhidravidas on the other had a free fight lasting for one hour. The caste Hindus and Mahomedans soon managed to gain the
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  • 222 5 The Blue Funnel “Troilus” arrived in Penang Harbour from Liverpool this morning, after a itoyage lasting 24 days. Fast as the tripes, it does not beat the record of the ,<T> yrrhus,” another of the company’s ships which prior to the wa£, accojnplished the
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  • 82 5 JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFFS. Judgment was given by the Chief Justice. Sir Walter S. Shaw, in for libel heard in the Supremo jfeiuty. Singapore, in. which the Storage Company, Limited, sued the “Straits Times” and Mr. A. W. Still for damavps for Hbel, in the issue of defendants’
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  • 151 5 MORE ‘AMAZING ALLEGATIONS.” London, October 9. Amazing allegations against the British North Borneo Company are made in the current issue of the “Century Ma gazine,” by Major E- Alexander Powell. He asserts that opium-smoking and gambling are officially encouraged in order to swell the revenues. Imported labour
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  • 80 5 London, October 10. An Ypres League is being formed, under the patronage of the Prince of Wales and Lord French, for the purpose of recording upon an Ypres Scroll, the names and records of all soldiers who fought and died in the salient. Contributions will also be asked
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  • 42 5 Paris, October 9. Louis Deetriou, the champion cyclist, at Dijon, broke the world’s unpaced hour record of 24 miles 1152 yards, established by F. H. Grubb at Herne Hill on July 10, 1910, the Frenchman covering over 27 miles-
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  • 72 5 London. September 24. —The following are the results of the matches played to-day j. League I. Bolton 3 Huddersfield 1 Burnley 4 Bradford City 0; Cardiff 3 Middlesbrough 1 Chelsea 0 Liverpool 1 Everton 1 Woolwich A. 1 Manchester, City 1 Blackburn 1 Preston 3 Manchester U.
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  • 206 5 Barnsley 3 Bury 0 Bradford 4 Rotherham 2 Coventry City 3- Wolverhampton 1 Crystal Palace 2 Sheffield Wed 2 Derby County I Notts Forest 2 Hull City 2 Blackpool 0; Leeds L nited 2 Clapton Orient 0; Leicester 4 Bristol City 1 Notts County 3 Fulham 0 Stoke
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  • 120 5 SPAIN TAKES THE INITIATIVE. London, September 26. —The Madrid correspondent of “The Times” says that assisted by engineers from the German Zeppelin Company, Spain seems likely to lead the world in regular airship services. A scheme Was originated with a Trans-Atlantic ship company in order to supplement J.he
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  • 709 5 PREVARICATORS SMARTLY PUNISHED. A mean theft from a Chinese woman, led to the appearance of Ng Boon Jin and Teo Neo Soh before Mr. Bak<>r in the Police Court, Penang, to-day, on a charge of having stolen from a house in Acheen Street, on October 9, a
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  • 183 5 London, September 26.—“ The Times” features a striking article by its Special Correspondent in Japan who depicts Tokio as typical of the new Japan, seething with the activities therein, and reflecting the qualities, of the character, industry and persistence of th^ people. There is every evidence of
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  • 825 6 __«s t I EXAMINATION OF MR. W. F. DROOGLEVER. Before the Chi-f Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, the public examination was continued of Mr W F D.ooglever of Beach House, Tanjong Katong. Replying to questions by the Assistant Official Assignee, Mr G B Kellagher, the bankrupt said, in reference
    __«s t ”  -  825 words
  • 172 6 ML.” Under distressing circumstances, the death occurred near the General Hospital, by drouniog, of a Malay child aged about 7 years, tbe son of a police c mstaGle, 0» Tbu-sday evening. It was a rainy day *nd the drains were all full, water rushing at
    « ML.”  -  172 words
  • 255 6 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Peng Fook for Langsa. for Adahan and BYu Bahra. Puogab for Pang Nga. Perak IE S Deli, van Riebeqck tor Singapo'e. Namsang.for Simjapore, China and Japan Sappho for Kedah for Dindings and Sitiawan; Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Expected Arrivals Tara, Madras, Oct 13. Elpenor,
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  • 96 6 Messrs Boustead and Co. Ltd, the local Agents, advise that the dlsn Line, Ltd, have now reduced all their fares.* The old fares we-e: Ta London £93 15s, Genoa £37.105, £B7 new fares are: To Lnndoi>£Bs, Genoa Jbo, Marseille» £BO. 1 Tbe fare charged on tbe newest type
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 360 6 aE=>aac=MC=mc=mt=mc=»Biz3aii=>MC3Bßt=w=>Mi=n n o j H Value Offer- J i ing that comes but i I rarely j I There i* ‘nothing I novel or freakish about D these Towels. In the ■CZMCZMBCJBQaaBCOaBCZa I l main thes are just such I I bai)d*on)e, substantial 0 I I articles as substantial 0
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    • 607 6 i 1 1 ly. l Pa^KT TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS., uB F B li fi vn II 1 a Ij L J* 'll Iva ,4Wjl ill ii I pl BRIEF SPECIFICATION Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular f Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed
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  • 352 7 f Directors’ Report. The directors of Selangor Coconuts, Ltd report for the year ended 30th June 1921, as unier After allowing for depreciation the net profit for the year amounts to $22,972 bo which has to be added the amount brought fmrard from last year viz $20.872
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  • 243 7 Messrs Macphall and Co, (Ipoh) Ltd, report on the 10th October. Tin has shown very little fluctuation over the week and is to-day (Monday) $1 higher than on last Monday. There has been a weakening tendency in most shares Pengkalens have been done np to $B/15 and
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  • 247 7 Sureties Withdraw. A Chan Kam Sing who was brought op fom° time back in connection with ’he attt-mptpd bank frerdl and was released on bail in $B,OOO appeared again before Mr C F McCaijgland, First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur. f Mr Eu Tong Sen’s attorney was present in
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  • 99 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy Co.’s share list; Yesterday. To-day. 2 B 8 SHARES. 1 =2 S u 9 sj tn x tn 5 c. S c. So. So. Rubber (Dollar) Broga R. 20c 30c 25c 30c Lunas 5.50 5.75 5,25 5.50 Tapah
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  • 197 7 The report of the directors of Jimab Rubber Estates for the year ended Jane 30 last, shews that the sam brought forward from the previous year amounted to $43 775, from which is deducted loss for the’year 1920-21, $15,689 leaving a balance to be carried forward amounting
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  • 21 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Juru lbs 13,000 Kong Lee (Perak) 250 Perak River Valley 18,421
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  • 90 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London pricee, on Oct 10th: Spat £155.15s up 15s 3 months buying £157 15s 5s 3 selling £158,0s 5s Local Parity $77.62 October 11th Singapore sold 140 tons at s7B.•£> j Penang buyers, no sellers at $7B, Messrs Bonstead and
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  • 226 7 i Penang, October 11, 1921 BP. Tapioca 57.00 sellers M. P. Tapioca $7.25 sellers Cold leaf 572 seller. Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper 528 sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings 535 .oilers Clove. 110 Btock Nutmeg. 80. $42.00 sellers 110. $32.00 sellers fHo. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 470 7 Weitjow Halen &atesWTwoys. $1 *ft> I Iterations io the. train service w ill come <* The 8 s-m E}cf)F6SS EMd* Ltnipurto,.,Pe «an? will leave Koala Lu tn par t 730 a ua and stop at-All ata ions between Ku4|* Lumour and Taujong <Jlalitn. 6- a m from Ku%laG,umpur t»<> Tanjang
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    • 151 7 rilclKinl t i“ (Incorporated in tfje Straits Settlememts.J Penong and ipoh. I OH AGeMS FOR IMPLRIM TYPEWRITERS These Machines attained a vv'orld- IE? tfmi Wide Reputation^— > rrinsß for Speed and Beauty of Work. A 1* ower f u 1 and Durable Tvpewriter. Strong. J Efficient and Reliable. u fhiscq
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 106 8 I a Kl* rSHwi e «D D” EXrwjSED.rME.TA I. DD diamond mesh •1 SO; A SOLE AGENTS: Wm. JACKS 4 Co., Singapore SUB-AGENTS: R.’ T REID Co., Ltd Penang ■■■—■■!>■!■■ II Illi HIIMI 111 I HOFTr——- —I lII—j “SnutT’ i CELEBRATED I OLD TOM GIN DISTILLED BY j SIR ROBERT
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