Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 723 1 "> I' £H.Ks€>< I :0,.r. ROAD. e < Telephone so. 579, H l > a kk uMKiaH■ ehebh sb jrsMM'as»KßMiflUHs' a QHBMBMannjßMMannmMßniinuuMQrttaMQnaMJiHuiauK«an r| s a a K K i ■>■■■ 4? m n T T 1— H 3-S F In regard to accidents you never know g p I| Cl
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    • 21 1 I THE BESI CAS Ik TOWH --< Z TrJdi-? imam -Zr-sTI-» tola aftanti S.S. F M 9. j Ong Sk«rrt ta»O'i< O
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  • 668 2 PEKING’S MEDICAL SCHOOL. One of the most beauljful modern buildings in China has been dedicated to the study and practice of medicine. A new chapter opened in this way ot the Union Medical College, which takes its rank henceforward among the greatest of medical schools.
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  • 81 2 Chita. September 19,—Baron Ungern has been brought to Novoniklolayevsk (Siberia), where judicial 1 authorities ha>ve preferred charges against him for assisting Japanese in their aggressive plams against Russia, attempting to create a Mongoloburiat Asiatic State a>l to overthrow the Far Eastern Republic massacring o f*alT workers
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  • 77 2 Peking, September 21.—A Chinese official made full denial of the rgport that would prohibit the erectiorß.f the wireless yilant of the Federal now being assembled in America for shipment to China. Furthemore he asserts most strongly that tfe United States has brought absolutely no pressure to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1300 2 POSITION VACANT. BREAD I BREAD! p-» .«mm!—. ;~r >.„1.1,. Buy your Bread from the European I I I !o r ?ro"*c“ Welksley.moH Bakerv and Excellence S S be thoroughly col ver-ant with Messrs. Guaranteed. Price 7 cents Per Loaf. f I Barker Co’s form of sccoonts. Free For Butterworth cents.
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    • 296 2 W X.' p FOR SALE?OR. RENT j’ COCONUT ESTATE j Near TJALANG (ACHEEN D,1.E.).> !j >J H ;!< CONSISTING OF j ’’i (a) Concession LHO KROEET 4,45° Acres. j (b) Concession POELO RAJA 370 Acres. j J J 32,000 trees are" Planted 13,000 in 1913, it L' p 000 in
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  • 1430 3 < THE SCENES' IN LONDON. lf£A!r. Charles Chaplin, had been a potentate^all the Asias he could not hav? enjoyed a greater reception than awaited him at the Ritz, says the “Observer.” The crowd began to assemble as ten o’clock. Children were in the majority anfong the first comers
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  • 140 3 Three years ago the little town of Hibbing, Minnesota, became imperilled because of extensive mining by the United States Steel Corporation, whereupon Judge Gary, chairman of America’s b'ggest industrial concern, said to the company’s engineers, “Mov e the town a mile awAy In double-quick time a small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 462 3 d>TW® 1 1 > ,V ■|g W/jat tfe Motor Experts >Ji a orne sa V about the Wolseley” fifteen. Evers ieal expert who tries the Wolseley Fifteen is emphatic in his praise of it» le. K&Mm markable combination of qualities The WaM following half-dozen expressions of opinion tJSgfx are typical
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    • 224 3 FOR RUN DOWN PEOPLE. A HELPFUL SUGGESTION. The expression “run-down” comes from the feeble action of an unwound clock- and the comparison is a good one. Applied to health it means a condition in which all the bodily functions are enfeebled. Appetite fails, the digestion is impaired, the nerves are
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    • 365 3 z Oound Natural Sleep Ol' is assured by taking "Ovaltine" before retiring A good night’s rest is often unobtainable I after a day of worry, excitement or over-—-N. work. The nerves ba ve become worn and J strained and the brain continues active at a J time when it should
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  • 1410 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. —“S.F.P” The Rev. Brother James arrived from Singapore this morning. Inspector C B G Bartels, Butterworth, goes to Singapore on transfer. Mr H C Paxoo, who went on leave recently, is now on a visit to Spain. Mr T Grove’, late of the P W D, and Mrs
    —“S.F.P”  -  1,410 words
  • 531 4 PRESENTATION OF There was a large gat hemp g of the members of the Roman Catholic community tbe Chu ch of St. Francis Xavier on Sa’U’day evening, the occasion being the presentation of addresses to the* Right Reverend L. Perricbon, who is leaving Singapore this
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  • 428 4 A Cheering Monsoon Forecast When the rationing of rice was re-intro-duced in Ceylon some two or three months ago on the re-imposition of export restrictions in Rangoon, tbe Government of India while giving Ceylon provisional supplies, stated that it would be possible to give definite information as
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  • 566 4 I MANAGER’S TRIBUfE TO ENGLAND! PLIYERS. London. September 30.-The Australian cricketers wre given an enthusiastic send-off at Waterloo this morning, when they left for Southampton, where they embarked on tbe Castle for South Africa. In South Africa they are to play six matches before they proceed to
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  • 259 4 C R C v GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPALITY. After an interval of three months, cricket is again beirg revived in Penang. A team from the Government Service and Municipality met the C R C on the latter’s ground on Saturday afternoon and were dereated by 30 runs. The feature of
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  • 437 4 REPORT. 3 Mhe Directors’ report, for eub®i Bs j r tlfj meeting jpp Qtt 18th, is as^H oW| •The Directors submit the duly il statement of the accounts of the for thfryear ended 30 h June, 192 q. allowing for the fees of direct- 1 auditors and
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  • 261 4 It is understood that the C.-ylonGovern-ment purposes carrying on gemming on u extensive scale, when Mr J 8 Coates,tbe Principal Mineral Surveyor, who is nw away on leave returns to the island. On inquiry it wag ascertained that Mr Coates is expeAed to return in December, It
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  • 126 4 Th. Hon Mr V aibb. }s pr«‘* an extraordinary meeting of the »'“5 r Chamber of Commerce held io the Exc Rooms. He meeting had galled in accordance with the rules 0 order to cocfirm a t e9 passed attche half yearly meeting n 21 to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. Will the lady who took a fan from the Cloak Room at the Penang Club dance on Friday by mistake kindly return eame to the Secretary? S. s. “GLEMIFFER” 10/10/21. Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Europe are b< reby notified that she has now
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    • 26 4 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (In various colours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, limited
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  • 5583 5 tUF IN P. CCXu. The following "s the texFoßßie rtpn of the judgment in Su> Wo. of P*lB, by*Mr. Jusw?e M. H. Active "cnior Puisne Judge, S.S., P. (5 steam Navigation Company, Ltd. (plaintiffs), against the Eastern Shipping t Company, Ltd,, Penang (defendants). Judgment was given for
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  • 1246 6 Last week we commented on the benefits to the industry that might be expected to follow on tbe campaign initiated by the recently formed Association of Rubber Company Shareholders to discover and commercially exploit new uses for robber with the idea^of stimulating an increased demand for the commodity,
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  • 1227 6 The Council of the Ceylra Association in <ondwi reqgntljn passea Colonial dnanimo< resoluAppointments.” tion demurring to the Appointment of Sir James Masberton Smith*as Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Colonies on bhe ground that his fffevious service has afforded him no onportunity of becoming conversant with
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  • 278 6 SUSPECTS BEFORE iHE COURT Petty thefts, causing great annoyance and often inconvenience to the victims, have been occurring frequently of late on board the small passenger vessels trading between Penang and coastal ports. In every case search was made, but the majority of the articles
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  • 275 6 Matbimonial Diffkrences The tragedy which occurred io Beach S’reet on Saturday, when a Chinese woman was alleged to have been stabbed to death by her husband, resulted in tbe before Mr. R. Scott in the District Court, Penang,, of Lim Oh Tong, a Hokien. who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 t Jeyes’ 1 the i ESSENCE OF HEALTH” I SAFE IliaKOlM For Use in tbe I House. Office, |Ĕ I EFFICIENT HEoQ School. |I Cinema. ĔĔ S ECONOMICAL —Everywhere. 1 IN 1,2, 4 5 GALLON DRUMS. J 1 SANDILANDS, BUTTERY GO., I PENANG- g PORT WINE HB GOLD LABEL IB
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O?’ Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 824 7 ,1 WREGATIBN. s Reuter's Telegram London, I jfllghes's e announcSaent ntment. ?f the Hon. Mr. Pearce as b ommonwealth delegate to the >h in’-ton Conference, was made folov.iui an interchange of cables betAustralia and the,United States, a-tonishea London, as it was the first utiniation that Australia had been
    Reuter's Telegram  -  824 words
  • 284 7 COMMENT ON REPARATION SCHEME. London, October 8. hi contrast to the strenuous opposition to which the Franco-German negotiations throughout were subjected by French nationalists and manuficturers, the signing of the Loucheur Rathenau Protocol, is hailed by the French Press to day as the most important step yet
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  • 87 7 SIGNALMAN ARRESTED. Paris, October 7. Twenty eight bodies have been recovered from thte wreckage of the train disaster in Batignolles tunnel. In many cases, fragments of clothing and jewellery were the clue to identity. The signalman has been arrested on a charge of showing the signal, “tunnel
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  • 56 7 London, October 5. The War Office announces that all the military details and the administrative and technical departmental staff employed in France and Flanders under the Directorate of Graves registration ha\e now returned to England, with the exception of a few officers and clerks, whose duties will
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  • 27 7 New Yqjjt, October 8. A flying#boat, with three occupants, covered 188 miles, from Aberdeen (Maryland) to Port Washington '•<*Ne.w York State) in 80 minutes.
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  • 25 7 London, October 8. Charlie Chaplin has departed for New York. There were small demonstrations at th- hotel and the station, in Loncfm.
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  • 164 7 '“W R AND GOVERNMENT. D London, October 7. conference of Labour members of Parliament, the Labour Party Executive and 4he Council of the Trade Union Congress, at Westminster, stormily discussed the Premier’s invitation to Labour to join the Government Unemploy nircf Committee, and sent a letter to the Premier
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  • 131 7 ball6t ORDERED. London, October 7. Industrial peace is threatened by a dispute between engineering employers and workers on the abolition of the Ministry of Munitions' wartime bonus, representing a loss of about 10/- weekly on th*, present earnings, in addition to the 6/- reduction of a few
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  • 119 7 GOVERNMENT'S DELEGATES. London, October 7. The names of the Government representatives to the Irish Conference, as cabled, are officially confirmed. The At-torney-General will join the conference whenever questions are discussed. The delegation comprises the Premier. Lord Birkenhead. Sir Hamar Greenwood, Mr. Chamberlain, Sir L Worthing ton Evans and
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  • 79 7 VPRE TROOPS CALLED TN. -Simla. October 8. A General Staff review states that difficulty is being experienced, owing to the fact that there are at present no civil police capable c> maintaining order in Malabar, after the military have re stored ordey, consequently the troops have been reinforced,
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  • 85 7 Trichinopoly, September 24. —Presiding over the Trichinopoly Non-Brahman Confe«ffhce, Mr. C. R. Reddy, referring to the, Moplah revolt, observed that the conclusion was irresistible that the stimulus and the atmosphere were supplied by the N/fc-dooperation modement though the authors of the movemAt neither antici pated nor intended
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  • 35 7 Wisbane, October 8. With reference to the New York report, the Hon. Mr. Theodore, the Queensland Premier, flatly denies that the Queensland Government is carrying on financial negotiations anywhere else than in London.
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  • 186 7 MOSCOW’S REPLY TO BRITAIN. London, October 8. M. Litvinoff has replied to the British Note which protested against Bolshevist intrigues against British interests in Asia. The reply says that grave charges were based merely upon imaginary facts and unchecked, loose information obtained from dubious sources. It is quite
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  • 495 7 DR. NANSEN’S APPEAL. London. October S. Dr. Nansen, in a speech at the Nation al Liberal Club, said 20 to 30 millions m Russia were hungry and at least ten million lives were at stake. The Aineri can Commission in Russia considered that the deaths of two to
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  • 70 7 AN AGREEMENT. Helsingfors, October 7. The Russian Mission states that the Polish and Russian Governments have reached agreement, by which the former undertakes to comply with the Russian demands as regards the activities of revolutionary Russian organisations on the "Polish side of the frontier, while the Russian
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  • 158 7 AMERICAN CHALLENGE TO BRITAIN. Washington, October 8. Shippers of Egyptian cotton at Alex andria have offered a rate to Am erican ports 10/- under the rate fixed by the British Shipping Conference. A Freight War? October 8. The announcement <>f rate cutting for Egyptian cotton seems to foreshadow an
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  • 21 7 Cairo. October 7. The offical estimate of the crop to October 4 gives a total of 3,500,000 canters.
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  • 169 7 U. 8. TREASURY VIEWS. Washington, October 7. The question of funding nearly ten billion dollars worth of Allied war debts to the United States was raised by the secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Mellor before the W r ays and Means Committee bf the House of Representatives.
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  • 58 7 ANOTHER CHARGE. San Francisco, October 8. Arbuckle was charged in the Superior Court -with manslaughter. Counsel succeeded in gaining a further postponement for the purposes of consultation. Arbuckle was later re-arrested, for alleged violation of the prohibition law Release on Bail. San Francisco, October 8. Arbuckle was released
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  • 128 7 An attempt is to be made to put into force the provisions of the American Merchant Marine Act permitting preferential transportation rates on land and sea for goods carried in American ships on the ground that there ex st secret agreements to give the bulk of the
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  • 170 7 MR. HOOVER AND EXCHANGE. New York, October 7. Mr. H. C. Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, addressing the American Export Manufacturers’ Association, said the na tional industry made an early springtime recovery, having entered a period o, easier credits which was marked by a rise in the price of
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  • 43 7 BIG DECREASES London, October 8. The -imports in September were valued £87,118,5(17. a decrease of £65,638,629. Exports were £55,247,578, a decrease of £62.208,335, compared with September 1920. [lmports in August last were £88,581,040, and export* in the same month £51,346,307.]
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  • 558 7 AN EXTENSIVE PROGRAMME. In its last session the Czecho-Slovak Parliament sanctioned an extensive financial programme aiming at the reduction of the State expenses and dealing with the scope oi new taxation With respect t<> the reduction of expenses a Parliamentary Committee of Economy, composed of members of both
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  • 1875 8 —“S,T," THE LADY SCIENTIST. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, September 14. Thos3 nob fam’liar with the British Association are apt to be astonished to find so large a proportion of women, not only in the aadence, bat as speakers, They even tackle subjects which remind one of "that
    —“S,T,"  -  1,875 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 I -*A r |_.iIHIIIIIH!< 111 1.1 l HIIHI 111 II i lIIHH- i| HjA/iQx? w a Centura’s y\G/n Djst///m$ <L I f \dtL Viiiiiiiiitiii!iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih~j Wk 4»^'s^^ r «Ififei TKe Label which is A Certificate of Purity!' “BotfißiwidS' a reßene^tcial" Finest London Old Tom Finest London Unsweetened SOLE AGENTS FOR S.S.
      142 words
    • 196 8 fib ii'toZ Kr t Jilellirasiw i JE_ ftr Pi epared as Food is the 1 I perlef t substitute for breast milk and contains nature’s essential constituents "X f or building sturdy limbs and solid flesh. (S Equally good for nursing or expectant mothers as for babies. Mellin’s Food v
      196 words

  • 648 9 ATOmmBN Jtarachi» l—- committed SMukhat Jii to the jesaions under sections 124 a and 153 a P C for delivering a spdlch in Karachi on J uly The charge against Mahomed AH under section 124 a (PC in connection with a speech delivered in Urdu on Joly
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  • 443 9 Bombay, October 4 —A manifesto over tl‘< signature of about fifty leaders of tbe non co-operation movement, including Gandhi, Lajpat Rd, Abdul Bari, Abdul Kalam, Motilal Nehru, Kelkar, Stoke?, •Chotani, Tayebji, Yakub Hasan, Mis tSarojini Naidu, Mrs Amusuya Sarabhai, and others has been issued. The manifesto says
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  • 303 9 Bombay, October I,—The sailing of the Homeward mail steamer Soudan to day had to be cancelled owing to an accident having occured to her while coming out of Alexandra Docks bo Ballard Pier early this morning. It appears tbe ship collided with tbe dock wall
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  • 100 9 The business for the special meeting of tbe Municipal Commission, to be held tomorrow at 4 p,m. I Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. II To confirm amendments and additions to By-laws re’ registration of Dairymen. Business for Ordinary Meeting. 1 Any special business the
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  • 65 9 [From Our Own Corbebpondent.] Singapore, October 10» The Singapore Y M C A’s annual Swim ming Carnival was most successful, a great advance having been made under the able tuition of Mr Jefferson. Thirty thousand scholars used tbe pool during the year, and 400 taught to swim. It
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  • 114 9 Penang, October 10, 1021 (Bt Ooubtbsy o» thb Char London Demand Bank 2/3 15/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 17U2 3 Documentary 2/4 5/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 159 3 days* sight Private „165 B Bombay Demand Bank 159 g Madras Demand Bank 159 3
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  • 382 9 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Jiy 'Ho for P Brandan and Langkab. Japan for Singapore, China and Japan. Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Trang for Kantang (Trang). Edavana for Singapore. Padang for Palau Langkawi, Setul and Perlis. Kwaisang for Calcutta. Hindu for Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein. Knight Templar for Colombo, Dhauushkodi, Suez
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  • 189 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By train Ku&’a Lumpur, Seremban, >7.15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Ebngkong J Parit Bunter and Began Serai By train also 10.15 a m. 3.45 p.m.
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  • 64 9 Oct 11—Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Scb 15—TemMloh Rubber Meeting, 9 > Beach Street, noon. Oct 16—Penang Swimming Club, a A Class, 100 yd?, h’cap; B” Claes, 50 oft 17—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall Ocb 18—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 30—Penang Swimming Club, Water Polo, Ocb 31—P.0.C. Bowls
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  • 404 9 COMPANY AND VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. The directors’ report to the shareholders in Kerlin Tin Mines, Ltd, for the year ended May 3), 1921, states The working account for the year shows a loss of $53,044.62, The nominal capital of the company was reduced during the year from $600,000,
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  • 169 9 Mr W Peel, Chairman, forwards tbe following report regarding tbe work of the European Unemployment Committee up to date No. of applicants for assistance 525. Employment found 163 Provided with passages to other country 121 men. 35 women and 21 children. Passages declined 13 men, 2 women
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  • 166 9 TRADE RETURNS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. Mr G A Hereford, Acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, reports Tbe total value of Foreign Imports of Merchandise into British Malaya for the month of September, 1921, $38,214,634 £4,458,374. The total value of Foreign Imports of Merchandise into British Malaya
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  • 67 9 The following are tbe latest quotations In Messrs Kennedy Co.’s share list; Yesterday. To-day. SHARES. 1 I I O 0 O 0 SQ OQ QQ to C. O. SG. O. Rubber (Dollar) Allenby 17|c 20c K.-Bidim 1.25 1.30 Mtaiog. Asam K 33/- 35/- 32/6 33/6 Geaeral. United
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  • 32 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Bedford Plantations lbs 7,550 Bernam—Perak 26,549 Bruas—Perak 15,000 Glenealy 15,000 Hill Rise 16,300 Lower Perak 11,500 Reyland 6,787 Ratanui 23,000 Trolak 26,000
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  • 34 9 Lingui Tin, Limited, output for Sept.> Plant 216.00 piculs, Tribute piculs 17.60» Total piculs 233.60. Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, N L, from 2nd to Bth October (being one week) 14 tons.
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  • 82 9 The Straits Trading Co, Ltd, Oct lObh Singapore, buyers no sellers at $7B; Penang, buyers no sellers at $7B. The Eastern Smelting Co,, Ltd London, October 7th, at £155 spot, and £157 10s three months buying, £157 15s selling. Messrs Boustead and Co To-day’s quotation for Singapore refined
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  • 224 9 Psnang, October 10, 1921, SP. Tapioca $7.00 sellers M. P. Tapioca $7.25 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 sellers 110 s $32.00 sellers {No. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • 921 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST NAMES. 1 i 21 g RUBBER (Dollar.) o. se. fa. Allenby Rubber Co, Ltd. 17jc 20c Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.2) Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.00 760 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. AOc Ayer Panas Rubber Estates
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 39 9 BRITISH MADE FOUNTAIN PENS A guaranteed quality British made Fountain Pen with Solid Gold j Nib, Medium and Broad Point n $5 J om •alm nr I—I The Pinang Gazette Frets, Ltd., ft (/MfOM nmnar. fmmamoi. 1 l ——w,
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  • 409 10 UNITED STATES DIGS OUT AN ANCIENT STATUTE. Prohibition blockade running is* assuming astonishing proportions on the Atlantic and Great Lake shores of the United States, and the Federal authorities are practically powerless to cope with the situation. The case of the Henry L. Marshall, a
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  • 401 10 The evil of cargo pillaging has greatly increased. So heavy are now the annual losses of Australian importers through the depredations of what appear to doe organised gangs of thieves, both afloat and on shore, that some months ago the Federal Government appointed a distinguished barrister,
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  • 616 10 NEW SCHEME FOR AUSTRALIA.* What it -is hoped will be a new era the organisation of scientific workers and thinkers in Australia was inaugurated at the Melbourne Town Hall, when the first full meeting of the Australian National Research Council was held. It was attended by leading workers
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  • 151 10 —Ex. Recently the “Ceylon Observer” men tioned that the question of amending the Municipal Councils Bill was engaging consideration o< Colombo Municipality. One of Mr. Reid’s first duties will be to take the necessaiw steps regarding amendment of the Bill. It is understood that Mr. Reid will
    —Ex.  -  151 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 445 10 Q Fashionable Shirtj wfflUkO soO Colars to inrwJteK tor yjCy O rbkg &»&> >- x x f/v® §fc .gJs &Sg SPECIAL OFFER to mZZ new friends and to please old friends No. 1. OFFER —Special. Amongst the best dressed men in OUR NO. 1. SPECIAL OFFER. London the striped shirt
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    • 457 10 X a .X i' "11 a M jl V IYKIi is the packl}ge that SSS should be supplied when you order HORLICK’S MALTED MILK THE ORIGINAL. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. Of all Chemists and Stores. Packed in 3 sizes in Sterilized Glass Bottles; keeps indefinitely. Manufactured by Horlick's Malted Milk
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  • 864 11 SLOGGING V. BOXING. Joe Beckett beat Boy McCormick for the Championship- of Great Britain at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, on September 12. McCormick’s seconds threw’ the towel into the ring after the 12th round had been conbluded. Beckett is thus still heavy-weight champion of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 364 11 V <SaT ff J£ la Jl JI F whs S jaFfr ft/ wB H -riirTiiii ■Q 1 ’AND IRON K KI H WHEN YOU feci limp and' washed-out, weary and J fatigued, with no inclination for exertion —you need |K something to pul fresh “go” into you —try a Fortnight's
      364 words
    • 446 11 rAVERY TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. i r njc~~ «.J 1 JL 1 sn.lT— I Wk- fi ill I il r 11 I BRIEF SPECIFICATION :—Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump. Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 441 12 The Artistic Wood I preservative Made In Four Standard Shades. f proof «gainst White Ants, I Dry Rot etc., In Timber. |L m' Used by Hundreds of Es I a fates throughout Malaya. I sc Manufactured by the well-known makers ot HALL’S DISTEMPER 2* W I <M"i 1 UNil y>
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    • 310 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Paid-up Capital $15,0u0,00C Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2,500,000 Silver Reserve |21, 500.001 Head Office:-HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Bombay, Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foochow, Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Iloilo, Ipoh. Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, London; Lyons, -Malacca, Manila, New York, Peking, Rangoon, Saigon,
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