Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 516 1 f'HJ I ROAD. 1 Telephone No. Sf9j < .x\n2J>H!niHUIHI!ltlltlllI!!lliHlJHnililllUll]lll!ilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllliniI!llllllllllllllli!HliiilllltnilllllllllIll!l!lllfll!lilH!ii::il]IIH!nnV illlllllillllllll’lllllll|l!illllllilllllllllllllll!| i. II i I WHft WSwWq i f ■I A i ,f* *«*****0 1 i i■■ i wo i i f siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiiis i ’f;«W LV W s? S EE »t 1 Portloni Cement i J NOW on VIEW AT j
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    • 16 1 THE SES i uArl 1 r**N»e**^* I’* 1 ♦i-****- 1 tai» M»ata S.S. F M S
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  • 794 2 foreign office discoveries. London, September 20.—The Butish 1 .rote to Russia gives a catalogue ot«iuotations from prominent Russian officials, the latest of which is dated 20th June, when Nuorteva, of Propaganda, reported that gigantic work had accomplished in the previous six months bv the Eastern Secretariat. He de
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1507 2 ‘position vacant. tenders invited. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ltd., C* u Domi O (Incorporated in (S. S.) Electrical] and Mechanical THE PENANG HARBOUR PF NANG Engineer wanted with experience in BOARD. working of Babcock Boilers and Turbo Generators. Apply Box No. 255, c/ > The mOst comfortable Hotel in Pioang Gazette. FIREWOOD.
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    • 402 2 r— e fK 9 W Tye: -z REMEDY f < THAT GOES' 6> direct WifeW ia lukgs ii* I W L -A *'V sSwk 3 aV dtalers in ttandard British 4. merficinf», tn BOtllfi If you have any 1/ difAculiyinobtaining.vrite #ogt7t« Pe/>« Co., Leeds. Al Yr AYS Lngland, who will
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  • 1067 3 v -I I.AR'iHX 'S STORY OI*M?KDE4ieT) V*. ll{E «■<•• «T o •ir oirfi sal specially at Boy-street to take the evidence a witness in wiljj, the trials of alleged German war criminals at Leipzig. Mr. Veijuou Gattie, appeared on behalf of the nritish authorities, and Or. Hunger
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  • 388 3 Air. M. J. Napier, a New Zealand public man, at present in England, sent a letter to Air. De Valera, in the course of which he says “As a New Zealand Irishman I suggest the desira bility at this juncture of the Dail, and all other
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  • 199 3 A slightly more hopeful view of the industrial outlook is taken in the latest number of the review of Barclay’s Bank, which considers that, although the slight improvement in trade that has actually taken place is partly attributable to orders held in suspense during the period of the
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  • 1010 3 S DEVELOPING THE DOMINIONS. The .subject of migration within the Empire is One which has frequently been dßcussed at patriotic and Imperial gatherings for many years past. The substantial aid given in the war by the Overseas Dominions and other parts of the Empire emphasised the wisdom
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  • 357 3 British commercial interests in China have a peculiar interest in the question of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, says the Tientsin correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph,” for there can be kittle doubt- in the present state of Chinese feeling, that if the Anglo-Japanese Treaty were renewed
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  • 346 3 "That man’s got a telephone temper. I should say,” was a remark made by one of the onlookers to a dispute involving a liftman and a Tube passenger. “Why the “Daily Chronicle” repre sentative asked. “I thought he had admirable control of Ins temper.” “Just
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 I 1 Jrom Stock: >’• Sleddaway's “@amel” far and *5 i Qamel Ji,air Smelting < Jn sizes 3to 10 inefjes. j j i I J&ineona I r S3elting 4. Jn sizes I' 2 to 10 inches. I; -t? i on Application to: <; J < 3£atz ffirotfiers limited, i ROBEY’S
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  • 904 4 Mr G Gansloaer is at present staying in Rome.— c 8 T.” The friends of Mr and Mrs J K Swaine will be sorry to hear that Mrs Swaine i* down with an attack of para-typhoid.—T O M The Governor has appointed Mr W F Zehnder to
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  • 308 4 We regret to announce the death, which occurred at Teluk Anson this tbe residence of his son, of R Macfarlabe, a very old and very higgy respected resident of Penang, and a Government pensioner, The late Mr Macfarlane arrived in Penang about 48 years ago. Bewdes
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  • 210 4 We regret to hear that Mr H Rickard, bead of the firm of Rickard, Ltd, died on Monday in the Moulmein-rd Hospital, Singapore, after a very short illness, says the ‘‘Free Press." He was not unwell ti” Wednesday last, but the illness rapidly developed intcTthe
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  • 337 4 A Commision Appointed A Gazette t xcraordioary appoftts a c mmission to enquire into tbe and prospective financial position of the Muni cipality of Singapore. Tbe Commission* re nominated are Mr G P Bradney, the Hon’bles Dr D Galloway and J H W Park, Messrs J A
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  • 256 4 MASTER OFBI IINED.” 1 v A fine of s2|p was impcsed on Captain Appel master of the 8 S Rlacox by Mr R Skiott In the Distric^ Court, Penang, this jnoruing for contraventions of the port regulations in regard to the shipment of cattle He pleaded
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  • 84 4 MISSING MALAYAN PLANTER. [From Our Own C< rrxspondent Kuala Lumpur, October 5. The "IWalay Mail’s’’ correspondent at Colombo wires that the body of the European which was found wedged in tbe rocks near that port, is thought to be that of Mr J A Hall, a Malayan
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  • 52 4 (From Our Own Corrbspondent.) Singapore, October 5. Xjie inquest in connection with the deaths of two Chinese mechanics as the result of tbe recent omnibus accident at Keppel Harbour has opened. Mr Stuart Bell appears for the accused driver, who is at present in custody. The hearing
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  • 25 4 (From Our Own Corespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 5. The Malay Mail’»” Colombo correspondent says the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust cirries forward £94,321
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  • 368 4 During the early hours of Sunday morn ing, Robinson Road was the scene of a couple of motor accidents, the first of which terminated fatally, says the "Straits Times,” It would appear that a car, in which were Messrs. Quintal and F Rodrigues ftith two children
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  • 451 4 AUsSraEiAN «BEATENI Bt> n?) Many Australians ig) Malays, and othDhj, will Fbad tie followingjsragic and touching narrative of tlfc deatht>f Joseph Thomas Wanles», Wiotb as Young Tom Morrisey,' who a few months ago went to Durban to prove the value of his antidote against the bites
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  • 323 4 It may be the force of a bad example or a mere that oar local telephone department attempt to raise it* rates at a time when the Post Office a Home is undergoing similar criticisms to those that re* ntly appeared in our columns. Certain
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  • 60 4 Tie following rubber plantation! in Johore was disposed of by publre action by Estate and Trust Agencies, Ltd, at their Singapore, ou Sanmuga Estate at tbe 11th mile, Kota Tinggi Riad, Johore Bahru, area 992 Aordt, I and 20 Poles, comprised in Jouore Government Grants Nos lfs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 999 4 Ncj* ADVERTISEMENTS. TENDERS HVITtD. POSITION VACANT. GOVERRNERT OF KEDAH. I>kV The Government of K-dab is prepared Head Clerk wanted for healthy to ieceive Tenderg for tbe erection of a estate offi ;e tn Well* s’ey mus D fc Ward, a 6 Sungei Patani be thowoghly cot v•rrrant with Me*sra.
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  • 1527 5 ~p F. (t'roi?Oi> Own Correspondent.) > Edinburgh, September ip a strange turn of the political Wheel that, brings Hi s Ministels to Inverness; it gives a new.>signi)]ca?ice to the Highland phrase, "a ga-tM-ring of the clans It is surely not v. diout significance*that the Cabinet is cail «1
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  • 163 5 Geneva, August 29. —The "Luzerner Tagblatt” prints a remarkable storv of the doings of some young Germans known as the "Wandervoegel,” a t<>u rist club, which throws a curious bght on the mentality of German yo,uth. These "Wandervoegal” paraded the streets of Lucerne last Saturday evening with
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    • 158 5 O LondoS Ijteptember 20.—Art circles are mogt amused over a reported dis agreement betweeai Lord Leverhulme, whose action in decapitating a portrait of jjgnselT by Augustus John recently atoused a controversy, and Sir William Orpen. According to the "Daily Chronicle’s” Paris correspondent, Sir William Orpen has painted
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    • 120 5 London, September. 20. —As a further step towards the return of pre-war conditions the Great Western Railway announce new express train service bet ween Aberdeen and Penzance starting from the 3rd October covering the distance in 22 The “Cornish Riviera; express is resuming its pre-war schedule, making a
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    • 95 5 London, September 25.—A Cape Town message says: Representatives of White settlers in Kenya have been visiting large centres in the Union and have been everywhere received very sympathetically. They will shortly visit nor them Rhodesia. A go<>d sprinkling f South Africans are materially interested in Kenya, and
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    • 60 5 London September 20. The National Pawnbrokers Association are considering the question of asking Parliament for authority to increase their interest ami other charges. It is declared that the pawnbroking business is at present unremunerative. Both rich and poor are anxious to pledge but few T to
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    • 55 5 London. September 20.—The reassembling of the public Schools has not been marked with the usual preliminary rush .*,7 the outfitter*. Managers of a number report that parents are econoteiising and sending boys to schools with patched up outfits. The shops only managed to do business by specially featuring
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    • 52 5 London, September 18.—A gleam of comfort has appeared for the majority of London ratepayers, w hose rates have steadily risen since the war. Reductions varying from tWo pence to one shilling in the pound are recommended for the forthcoming half yearly Municipal Gon ference by oil.Mtf 29 Metropolitan
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    • 60 5 Lonaon, September 23. —A Paris mes sage says According to a telegram from Riga, it appears that the Bolshevists are levying an "ad valorem” duty on hundred private parcels of food and clothing from abroad. Most of the recipients are unable to Hay, so the Bel
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    • 40 5 London, Septemb®- 27,—Five plate layers and two sriously injured bv a t<iin near Bristol to-day. They renfly*had stepped out of the way bf a passing train when they were run down aflrain in opposite direction.
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    • 45 5 London, September g^o. —A permanent Jewish .theatre w ill be established in the West End of London in October, th<yob« ject being tJo produce plays in English portilryiug the idealism of the Jewish race in contrast to the stage caricatures hitherto presented.
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    • 608 5 An interesting and brilliant military ceremony took place at Tanglin, when H E. the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Sir Laurence N. Guillemard, presented war decorations to members of His Majesty’s Forces, says the "Free Press.” The presentations took place.on the football giound, where the Ist Battalion South Staffordshire
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  • 143 5 Official records of the United States department of commerce show that -ix times as much champagne ami eight times as much whisky w T ere imported in the first seven months of the year as were imported in the first seven months of 1920. Last year during
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  • 104 5 An article in the August number of the “international Labour Review.' giving statistics of the growth of trade unionism since 1913, shows that the total membership of trade unions in 39 of the chief countries increased from 16,152,009 in 1913 to 48.029,000 in 1920. The membership
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  • 104 6 Gbiffut—On 29th September, 1921» at Bayfield Hoose, Bath, to Mr and Mrs Nevill Griffin, a son. Fletcher-—On October 2nd, Beatrice Hillman, the wife of William Fletcher, M D, of a daughter. Neil—On 3rd September, at a Nursing Home, Redhill, Surrey, the wife of W H Ĕ Neil, Survey Department,
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  • 1079 6 As might be expected from a first class journalist like Lord Northcliffe, trained to observe things as they are and accustomed to express himself freely on what he thinks they ought to be, his visit to Australia, in the course of a world tou r could
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  • 1757 6 In a itfter A BDMilne dealt with The Indian the Droblem of Indian Labour Problem, and uttegp a’ timely warning. Many of thet>oints he crises are fully appreciate by those who have been following events closely, but is still very g°°d why the dangers of repatriation should
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 14 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” On Thursday Next. NO DANCING ON FRIDAY.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 33 6 DEATHS. Bickard. —On Monday, October 3, at the Middleton Hospital, Singapore, Henry Rickard, aged 48 White—At the Maternity Hospital, Singapor**, on October 2 Eileen, beloved wife of Capt D P White, (Veterinary Surgeon).
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  • 114 7 A’ A Tin-. CONFERENCE. Reut|f’s Telegrams. London, 3. The financial everts commercial representatives who proceeded to Ga£ loch to discuss the unemployment problem and the industrial situation with Mr Lloyd Guorge spent a busy weekthought he deliberations led to no concrete decisions, the Premier intimating that he would first,
    Reut|f’s Telegrams. •  -  114 words
  • 491 7 e London- August 31.—The London un employed to number about 150,000), having mostly exhausted the period in which they are entitled to receive the national unemployment bene fits, are Hocking ii*thousands in search of relief from the poor law guardians. The point out that the -unis whicn
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  • 38 7 OWNERS ACCEPT "London, October 3. A the South Wale» coal OWH3.-3 at Cardiff, to accept <tK^invitatio® of the Mines Department to refei®the interpretation W the last settlement as ra*rards the subsidy to ;u bitratK.
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  • 23 7 London, September 26. —Twelve thousand ductors employed in London have been notified of wgekly reduction in wages from October. a
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  • 39 7 U I lER N()> 4NV i T E 1). London, October 3® Si r .James the I Ister Premier, states that he has nqt received an itivita tion to the IriWh Peace Conference <n October 11. > th
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  • 373 7 London, September 14. —The Sinn Fein envoys Mcgrath and Boland, did not present a letter to Mr. Lloyd George but were merely deputed to discuss certain difficulties. They returned to Dublin this morning "Dail Eireann" held a too and a half hour’s private session to day and
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  • 237 7 London, September 14. The Dublin correspondent of “The Times w ires that the Parliament of Northern Ireland opens its new Session on the 20th. While steadfastly preserving its own rights Ulstei is anxious to assist as fai as possible in securing a settlement with the South, leading
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  • 88 7 w> w gßndon, Sepfcmber 21.—1 n connection •ith the rumours of the possibility£ a general>election®over the Irjsl® question it is authoritatively statWd that except to strengthen the position of toe ernment during a period fraught w ith the gravest possibilities, there is potetively m* likelihood of ft
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  • 68 7 A DAY OF PRAYER. London, October 3. %’he Archbishop of Canterbury, as President of the World Alliance for promo ting international friendship through the Churches, has sent a letter to the Presidents of the National Council in the United-- States. European countries, Japan and Turkey appealing to all'Christian
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  • 225 7 Plans for great demonstrations in favour of disarmament when the Inter national Disarmament Conference as sembles in Washington on Armistice Day are being prepami by various civic and religious organisation*. Women are taking a very active part in the move ment. For instance, the National
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  • 128 7 London, September 18.—A Peking correspondent wires that' the Washington agenda will be considerably simplified if Japan’s fresh invitation to settle the Shantung problem bears fruit. Japan offers to renounce the -various rights ac quired at Versailles provided that China accept 1 the Arrangement for the joint working of the
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  • 66 7 THE INTERNATIONAL COURT. Geneva. October 3. The Assembly of the League unani mously passed the 1922 Budget, totalling 21,000,000 gold francs, showing a reduction on latt year’s of 392,000 francs. Dr Wellington Koo notified the Assembly of China’s ratification of the protocol on the permanent court of justice,
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  • 44 7 REQUESTED. -J Lisbon, October 3. Sir Ernest Shackleton’s vessel, the “Quest,” is in difficulties off Cape Rosa. Owing to a strong wind, she is unable to hold her own, and has asked for help. A tug has been despatched from Lisbon.
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  • 137 7 London. September 22.—Messrs. Mon tagu’s report expresses the opinion that the future p*>spects depend principally upon whether the abnormal inquiry which has arise® this year in India will be prolonged indefinitely. In view of too fact that the silver derived from par Itial demonetisation in Britain of silver
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  • 115 7 HINDUS BADLY TREATED. Calicut, October 3. The situation in Eastern Ernad is still serious. The rebel leader, Chembras serie Thangal, is reported to .have declared martial law, and to have ordered the killing of every Hindu refusing to join Islam The rebels complain that Hindus are helping
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  • 80 7 BOLSHEVISTS AND MOSLEMS London, October 3. According to the Azerbaijan Information Bureau in London, thousands of casualties occurred in a fierce battle be tween Bolshevist troops and Moslems at Baku. It appears that Azerbaijan insurgents hoisted the national Hag inscri bed ‘lndependence or death.” “Bolshevist warships on
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  • 60 7 WAGE REDUCTIONS. London. October 3. Under the sliding scale, adopted by the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration in the manufactured iron and steel trade, North of England wages will be reduced 25 per cent immediately, making the total reductions since January 132| per cent. The present
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  • 64 7 LEFT PARTIES GAIN. Copenhagen, October 3. The Swedish general election resulted in the return of 93 Social Democrats, with a gain of 18 seats, the Conservatives 62 seats, a loss of nine, the Liberals 51. a lo*s of seven, the Agrarians 21. a loss of eight, the Left
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  • 29 7 FIVE LIVES LOST. London, October 3. A large Vickers-Vimy machine crashed and burst into flames at Manston Aerodrome, in Kent. An officer and four mechanics were killed.
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  • 36 7 Washington, October 3. The official report on the condition of the cotton crop at September 25, indicates a crop of 6,537,000 bales, compared with the 1920 final yield of 13,439,000. Stocks are unchanged
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  • 38 7 Previously acknowledged $95,268.62 Castlefitdd Estate Staff (Monthly contribution) 49.00 Dunlop Plantations Ltd. (Monthly contribution) 200.00 P. R. Pinhorn (Monthly contribution) 15.00 Total $95,532.62 Singapore Branch: Previously acknowledged $2O,690.47 Messrs. Evatt Co. $20,890.47 Grand Total ...$116,423.09
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  • 131 7 SUBSCRIPTION LIST. Amount previously acknowledged $14,346.60. Collected per Mr. Chuah Cheng Keat Ong Thean Lya $2O, Chuah Cheng Keat $2O, Ban Eng Soon $2O, Cheah Tiang Huat $lO, Low Hong Kee $lO, See Boon Pang $lO, Khoo Leong Hin $lO, Ewe Say Keng| $lO, Teow
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  • 640 7 EXCELLENT EXHIBITIONS IN DRILL HALL. It was unfortunate that the sparring bouts arranged by the Penang Amateur Boxing Association had to compete with a counter attraction in the form of the P. C.C. ternis championship final last night. Nevertheless, there was a good attendance in the Drill
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  • 136 7 London, September 24. —The following is the esult the race fo»- tor Newbury Cup, a Handicap, run at Newbury Meeting to-day: The Newbury Autumn Cup (handicap) of 1750 sovs. and a 50 sovs. Cup second received 175 sovs. and the third 75 sovs. About two miles, one
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  • 249 7 THE CHAMPIONSHIP F1N.?1.. The final of the P. Tennis Cham pionship, was resumed between M. H. Threlfall (holder) and H. G. R. Leonard, on the Esplanade last night. In the first meeting Threlfall ran away with the first get 60. but in the second Leonard rallied, and after
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  • 89 7 Entries will close on the 31st October, for f he PC C. bowls tournament, which opens on the 9th November. The events are: —1. Championship; 2. Single Handicap; 3. Double Handicap; 4. Championship Pairs: 5. Teams of Three- 6. Mixed Double Handicap; 7. Ladies’ Single Handicap. Event
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  • 164 7 —“S.T.” Those who say they find cricket®dull should have seen th** concluding stages of the match between the S.C.C. ami the Ceylon XI on the former’s ground on Saturday which decided who were the winners of the Singapore Cricket Tournament. The Ceylon men were disposed of
    —“S.T.”  -  164 words
  • 71 7 COMPETITION FOR “MALAYA CUP. The following Rugby football matcliss have been arranged: Oct. 8. —Taiping v. ’lp<>h. in Taiping. Oct. 22.—1p0h v. Taiping, in Tpoh. Nov. s.—Perak v. Selangor in Ipoh. Nov. 19. —Penang v. Perak, in Penang. Dec. 17.—Perak v. Penang, in Taiping. Jan. 7. —Selangor v.
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  • 228 7 -’r.o.M” FIRST DAY’S RESULTS. The Taiping Branch the M.S.V.R.B. R. began a Bisley meet on Sunday at the Taiping range. There were four events and they resulted as follows: Event No. 1. 200 yards. Seveneehota and one compulsory sighter. Conditions S. R. A. (One open prize and one
    -’r.o.M”  -  228 words

  • 991 8 BRITON DISGUISED A 3 MOPLAH The following is graphic account of the escape of planters during the first days of the Moplab rebellion in Malabar, South West India. Mr Norman, manager of the Kinalur estate, says We only missed death by inches. Mr Tippetts had a
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  • 291 8 There’s Some Trickery On.’’ Madras, September 19—The District Msgi-trare of Vizagapatam relaesed Mahomed Ali from the Central Jail aboui sam on Saturday, and he wai immediately rearrested by a police officer believed to be from Bombay, taken by motor to Waitair and pu k into a special train
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  • 364 8 Plans to Profit by the Prince’s Tour Many of London’s cleverest criminals are in India preparing a gigantic campaign of swindling by which they hope to rob wealthy men and woinen drawn thither by the visit of the Prince of Wales. All these criminals are well
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  • 143 8 Psnany, October 5, 1921. (By Courtesy op thu Chartered Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 31/32 4 months* vght. Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 9/16 3 Documentary 2/4 21/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rg, 157 3 days’ sight Private 165 Bombay Demand Bank w 157 g Madras Demand Bank 9
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  • 261 8 —“R. T.’” For the information of fthose of the public who been informed chat German manufacturers have received an order «ft rift mill from ftesara Steel Brothers and Co., Ltd., we may state that this information is not ccftect. An order for a large rice
    —“R. T.’”  -  261 words
  • 85 8 Rangoon, September 24.—Messrs Morrison and Co.'s Weekly Market report states: Paddy. Supplies continue to dribble in on a small scale, while rates remain much the same, nominally Rs 260 to Rs 265. White Rice. The market is easier owing to less demand for the Indian Markets. Small
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  • 179 8 Rangoon, Sep ember 26.—The estimated arrivals of paddy and rice expressed in cargo rice by rail and boat into Rangoon and Bassein from Ist January to 10th September, 1921, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, were approximately as below— Fr -m l-»t Jan.,
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  • 158 8 Rangoon, September 26,—When the Rice market closed on Saturda.y the prices were lls 644 September and Rs 649 October, Small Mills, Rs 645. New Crops Rs 477 8-0 January and Rs 457 8-0 to R 458 February to April. This morning the market opened at specials Rs 645
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  • 85 8 —Free Press,!? October I.—Mr Winfton ChurcKßl, wrUing to R Tdlrell, M P, says thab H k the Governor says that the of the Trade Commhsion in the l Straits will be® ready shortly. Mr ’Churchill says that he will certainly give the re common Ations of
    —Free Press,!?  -  85 words
  • 136 8 DWPABTUBBS.” Teasta Madras taking-mails foi?[)Earbpe etc, via Bombay, ty Benlfmonf for Port Swettenham City of Cantog) for Colombo, Port Said, K Marselles ana New York. Wang for Krfttang (Trang). Jacox for Singapore and Hongkong. Expected Arrivals. Inaba Maru, Singapore, Octf>B Elpenor, Singapore, Oct 13. Kamo Maru, Singapore, Oct
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  • 41 8 TO-MORROW. Colombo, Glaucus 9 a.m. Suez and London J Parcels 8a m. Rangoon and Calcutta (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) Nagan® Maru p.m. t ßhuket (Tongkah,) Re-") nong, Victoria S Tavoy and Moulmein J 2 p.m. Calcutta 3 p.m.
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  • 20 8 The B I Packet Tbongwa, from Europe is expected to arrive here on Friday morning the 7th instant.
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  • 466 8 Penang, October 5, 1921. BEBF— cts Soup per catty 35 Roast do Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 Rump Steak do Ox Tail etch 50 do Tongue do do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do Fillet of Beef do 80 BUFFALO
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 1724 9 (j f STR#! lON OF tftHOOL S. •JL :.<<»• THF -o -V t the meeting of the Legislative uieil* on Monday, Hi s Mxceltefty the ',>[i ol (Sii- Laurenoe GuiLitvJhrd, x B.) presided, ahu there were also esent His Excellency the General Offif#e Troops (Major- n Sir John
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  • 1714 9 THE GOVERNORS STATEMENT. Q At the Council meeting, in eply to a question by Dr Galloway, His Excellency the Governor made the tollowog statement: I have only recently received the permission oi* the Secretary of State to make oublic, not the text of the communications «hich have passed
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  • 59 9 Oot 7 Penang C’ub. “Guest Night Dance" 9 30 p.v for P.W, Church Fund. Oct 16—Penang Swimming Club. “A Class, 100 yds, h’cap; B” Class, 50 yds, h’cap. Oct 17—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 18—Warwick Comedy Coy, Town Hall. Oct 30—Penang Swimming Club, Water Polo, Oot 31—P.C.C,
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  • 677 9 THE PRESENT POSITION. The Secretaries of Papan Tin, Limited, have issued the following co shareholders of the Company. In view of the fact that letters have been received recently from several shareholders drawing attention to various and persistent rumours with regard to the Mine, the Directors have
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  • 257 9 B,T. We had some references the other day in our leader columns to rubber paying and to the production by a loc«l inventor cf a paving block in which a surface of rubber about tbree-eighths of an (inch |thick is vulcanised on to a b*se of very cheap,
    —' B,T. .  -  257 words
  • 52 9 The following are the lateat quotations fa Messrs. Kennedy A Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day- «0 co SHARES. I a £3 5 c. c. J c. J o. Miaiag. Hitam Tin 1.40 1.45 Rahman H 14.00 14 50 13.50 14.00 Geaeral. M Collieries 13 00 13.50 12.75
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  • 136 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Ayer Kuning FM 8 lbs 65,150 Ayer Hitam 38,594 Brad wall 35,954 Bahru Selangor 13,000 Blackwater 9,230 Bukit Cloh 22,000 Bukit Selangor 28,187 Batu Matang 17,241 Bakap Plantations 15,650 Chersonese 41,099 Caledonia (Selangor) 33,000 Consolidated 48,232 Dennistown 35,083 Dusun Durian
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  • 29 9 Malayan Tin Dredging, Ltd., for September, output 1,300 piculs, yardage 333,600 cubic yards Kalumpang Tin, No Liability, for September, hours run 601.15, output piculs 354.46, yardage 74,716.
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  • 109 9 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, on October 4 h Spot £156.10« down 15s 3 months buying £158.10s £1 3 selling £158.153 £1 Local Parity $77.92 October sth; Singapore sold 75 tons a»> $7B; Penang buyers m sellers at $77 7/8. Th) Extern Smelting
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  • 233 9 Penang, October 5, 1921. SP. Tapioca $7.00 sellers M P. Tapioca $7.25 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 sellers White Pepper $2B sellers. Trang Pepper no stock Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $42.00 se lers M 110 s $32.00 se'lers f” No. 1
    233 words

  • 863 10 increased activity. Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Kuala Lumpur, reported at 5 p.m. on Friday: The cable w e were able last week to give to the Press fortunately put at least a brighter complexion on the general outlook than was presented bj the last mail to
    863 words
  • 186 10 Ex. It is obvious we have yet ftu<_h t > learn respecting the length of life and the death of th e rubber tree. the ’ast week Mr. Maurice Maude stated a rubber tree will not .fe urn en tirely Bom lack of estivation He n stanced
    Ex.  -  186 words
  • 284 10 A further rise was recorded to-day in the price of tin? says a London paper of September 6, and the renewed strength has in consequence reawakened interest in the market- which like othei metals has suffered from the slump and the depression in trade* Ae most
    284 words
  • 349 10 Twenty-seven distinct rubber accesev ries are used in the construction of t modern airplane. Much of the remarkable airplane progress has been due to rubber’s special adaptability to assimilate punishment, to reduce the oscillation of the machine and to lessen the landing shock, points out the
    349 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 160 10 I FORD TOURING CAR g n i There is no trouble or delay when you drive =Ĕ 5 a FORD. If repairs are required you are sure of getting the right part when you want it, Every part standardized and every |r H part mechanically perfect. 1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM
      160 words
    • 184 10 a <& V V IVfQN IiOMME *MY e MAtM* J Hit tATEST PARISON FOX i ROT. Call in and hear *'i it to-day. 12 ins. ,j double sided j- Columbia Record I /fjl A 3 -00. j Fgj Thousands more in stock, g Wr I ROBINSON PIANO CO., (Incorporated in
      184 words

  • 508 11 The booked per P. and O. s. 8. “Karmala,” from on September 2, to Straits, Chinft and Japan.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Abbott and child, Mr. E. H. Adams. Rev. T. C. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mr. R. B. Bannon, Rev. and Mrs. G. G. Barnes,
    508 words
  • 402 11 Messrs. James F. Hutton and C< Ltd.. Manchester reported on Wednesday. September 7 as follows: The Bureau report on the growing crop published last week confirmed all the pessimistic private reports which had been troubling the market for the past few weeks. The average condi tion
    402 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 313 11 F« w v jrWgfo ’rf •W* \n- /o VA^—A A W Zr Shi wIM si 1 ISi V /V I 'A O' F Your Breakfast Coffee fl i: 1 will be a real joy—if <l you prepare half-and-half with hot,rich Glaxo J*L| —the milk vgth the real English flavour. lUiu
      313 words
    • 152 11 I Estate Mine Managers, I s FOR t PRICE, QUALITY and 1 (PROMPT DELIVERY, I Cannot do better than send f ALL THEIR ORDERS FOR PRINTING and I STATIONERY f TO THE J Pinang Gazette Press, i Limited. I Catalogues, Samples and f 1 Quotations on application. S <■ w
      152 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
      1,227 words
    • 394 12 e Standard )J) Typewriters The Machine you will Eventually Paterson, Simons &e Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England) e AgentsPenang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur., IIII I N ~X.r HI NIM—III.J BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Paid'up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and
      394 words
    • 266 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKIN CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong Paid-up Capital 1 15,000,(1 Reserve Funds: Sterling Reserve £2.500.01 Silver Reserve f 21,500,8 Head Office:-HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia. Bomba Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, Foochi Hankow, Hongkew, lloilo, Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur, Londi Lyons, Malacca, Manila, Nagasaki Xf York, Peking, Rangoon, Saigon,
      266 words