Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 October 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 446 1 v w kQl^tham >• s ROAD. •<> No. 573? •< j 1 »2 ROSS’S i L j. jtAUKS HEAD 4>■B E E R > to be obtained from all Retailers, g s I w A?j* SOLE IMPORTERS: g CIGARETTES |‘l The BORNEO Co., Ltd., I < (Incorporated in England.) J|
      446 words
    • 29 1 jSrf > -'k liit Si.. «A8 i J.4ri 1 4 ~/1 .j. > A,» JU4<**- V.'A« A 1 r .Mini» s.s. «FAS < O U W -Y» O T .L» t *> 1
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  • 684 2 OPEN DOOR AND BRITISH VJfA-DE. Mr. B. Lenox Simpson, Advisor Chinese Government, in an art l <> in •Financial News,” deals with <e question of China’s proposed Tariff VlSl Q He writes:- ‘The total revenue for 1920 was $82,000,000. The 1921 figure approach 8109,030,000, because and export
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  • 107 2 BROSPERItI IN THE BA‘HAATA r EXPLAINED. Recently tj?e X'Vv York Herald” sAt represciVitiye to the Hahaift investigate the' seemini» mysterious p. 2J’ity of the liquor traK there. gk The investigator Tigris ’pAo cases of alcoholic liqiWs are into theUnit(-d Smtes wft runners from the Bahamas. show
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1279 2 A POSITION VACANT. CARBIDE (Acetylene) LAMPS Will SOLVE YOUR UCHTIN6 PROBLEM. t Tfl ThOSB Wanted luutn rii^twly—£> F6B 86T f 1 V 1 lIVwV T Conductor. Tamil preferred. Mas* 1 who are so unfortunate as to have a T have good testimonials. Salary $BO per A brilliant white light, no
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    • 674 2 STrJtS, a »z ISSUE* OF S\O,QOO*OOO |JbAN 4 —j— e 4 Bearing invest* REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist FREE OF INCOME TAX ANO OTHER f PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT. Undek the authority of the SHails Settlements Loan finance 1921, the Treasurer of the Straits Settlements is authorised to
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  • 1329 3 1 JUDGMENT RESERVED. Mr, on Reckless Journalism occupying »♦>* attention of the Chief Justice, Sir Waher 8 Shaw, in the Supreme Court, for six oays, the action in the Singapore Cold Storage Company. <jtd, claim damages against the Straits Times Press, Ltd, and Mr A W Still,
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  • 167 3 TO-DAY'S DEPARTURES. Tara for Madras taking mails for Europe etc, via Bombay. Baud for T Semawp, Segli, Sabang, Olebleh etc, Padang. Yatshiog for Singapore and China, Malaya for Bhuket (Tongkab) and Renong. Trane for Kantang (Trang). Glenfalloch for Singapore an! China, Ipoh for Port S*ettenham and Singapore. Koemai
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  • 142 3 Penang, October 1, 1921. (Bt Courtust or tub Chartibkd Bask) London Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 19/32 „3 Documentary 2/4 11/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 157 3 days' sight Private „163 o Bombay Demand Bank 157 c Madras Demand Bank 157 >
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 O JJfctoRTfiERN. ASSURANCE r 1836. J EXCEED £16.000,000. *3 i* Fire. I 2.. Life. h 4 3. Motor Car. g 3 2 01 4 Motor Cycle. P 3 e *5. Personal Accident. H: 6. Plate Glass. Bi *i **i I e ĔL* We cA give you any particulars which you
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    • 134 3 I Pritchard] I Co., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Penang and Ipoh. a ft “Ua Perla Del 1 Orients \i Manila Cigars I i and Chsroots. ;1 I I The Famous Old Brand. I I J I “RsiTja Victories’* perbox K of 100 ...$14.50 do do P er i ,ox
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  • 639 4 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Penang Automobile Club was held in the Municipal Health Office, last night, Major L W Learmouut, president of the club, in the chair. The others present were ’.—Messrs A J L Donaldson, Dudley Wards, J R Danson, A H
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  • 55 4 MR. CHURCHILL’S STATEMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 1. The Free Press London correspondent wires that Mr Churchill, writing to Mr Terrell, M.P„ states that the Straits trade report will be ready shortly. He is unable at present to s« y more, but will give the
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  • 68 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 1. The Colonial Office states that the details of the Prince of Wales’s vi«it to Malaya will not be fixed until the Prince leaves England. We bear that the proposal h%s been made to bold a. Malayan Arts and
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  • 569 4 CHARGE AGAINST EURASIAN. A preliminary was conducted by Mr A O Baker, m the PolicJ Court, Penang, yesterday, into a cbargbofrape against one C W Scully alleged to have been committed on a little girl, Mary Lee< by name, aged 9. Mr N P H Whitley conducted <fhe
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  • 299 4 M L.” A rather interesting took place in rhe Kuala Lumpur Police Court before Mr H A Forrer, Fiwt Magistrate, when a well dressed European was produced on a charge of being drunk and disorderly on the 24th night and creating a (ftturbance outride, the Central
    “ M L.”  -  299 words
  • 454 4 -"MM." M-ALAYft WPSINGAPORE’S H’EAM. o o n In the MOlaya Cup football final »t Kuala Ktanpnr, Singapore will bP represented by the following eleven: Larkin (Sraffords), goal; Wheaney (SBC) and Gale (S.C.C.). backs Chee Lim tS.C.F.A Phillips (Staftoords), captain, and Cushway, half backs; Smith (Staffords). Moss (S.C.C.), Jam.cson
    -"MM."  -  454 words
  • 280 4 The following is the position .of the clubs competing in the Ist and 2nd Divisions of the English Football League Ist Divbion. ’s!-. S <n t 5 g -S Huddersfield 6 3 3 1 9 Aston Villa 7 4 1 2 9 Middlesbrough 6 3 3 0
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  • 91 4 EXHIfITION BbU» «fiYVGEI» ».0 Getter p.dr ever exhibmon bouts c|piohr i ou rules will at the I kill Hall Peongj undeMhe of t"e Penan||) Boxing Association the object mMang competitors and Oeconds, in t-> in ney f°r Funds, familiar with rinjj etiquette. are participating in Who
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  • 153 4 THE MALAYAN PI ON SHIPS. O Arrangements for the running of the tournament mganised by Mr. F>C. son t'o decide the Struts F.JI.S. ing .’hampionshipsA ere made at meeting of the coftmittee held i» pore on The Tourna ment has ab<ff. including lexers from Kual.* Malacca and other places
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  • 301 4 SUGGESTED LEAGUE Looking back on the season just finished the Club can congratulate y them selves upon having carried it to a sful conclusion, says the “Ma’iy Mail’ sporting correspondent. The most satisfactory match of-hhe season was that against when Selangor defeated Singapore 9 wickets, a heavy and
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  • 30 4 HUTCHISON DEFEATED. Reuter’s Telegrams. Inwood (Lung Island), Septembe?29. Sarazeji defeated Wook Qlutchison. -holder of the British Open and the United States Professional Golf by 8 up and 7 to
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  • 83 4 Judgmenfftpas delivered “D Wednesday morning ift, Supreiift Court, Kuala J.umpur, “'X e Manby infthe in which Mr. P- 31 tfcon of Hawthoruen A*d the manager and proprietor <♦! to* ftlfgri Age.J\v (since insolvent) and two others for possession of a motor ear which plaintiff sold
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 t NEW ADVcKi ISEMENTS. POSITION VACANT. tT mT—TI PT" -7,' I Electrical and Mechanical Engineer wanted with experience in working of Babcock Boiler* and Turbo Generators. Apply Box No 255, c/ > Gazette. FOR SALE. NEW 5O|h.p. CRUDE OIL ENGINE 4 RUBBER MACHINES?! ROLLERS I2";[DIA l8\WIDt FOR PARTICULARS APPLY.| _J
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    • 481 4 TENDERS INVITED. THE PENANG HARBOUR BOARD. FIREWOOD. Tenders ace invited and will be received at the office of the undersigned up to noon on Saturday, the 8oh October, 1921, for the supply of firewood for six months as from la& November, 1921 as under DOCK DEPARTMENT Estimated quantity required monthly
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 53 4 THEATRE ROYAL TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! Albert Morrow IN A HYPNOTIC SEANCE Members of the Audience Invited to come upon the stage to be Hypnotised Mary McGregor WITH SECOND SIGHT Inherited from Highland Forefathers. Picture Show at 8. Morrow-McGregor at 10 Sharp. Two Shows for One Admission. $2, $1-50, $1, 60, 30,
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  • 1830 5 Mik II >!'U'E BRANCH’S al MENT. is th# text of the B nil n 1 Ron.' Mr. Justice* St. Jolt). Branch, in Suit X* f 1921, heard in the Supreme Court, Ab’. l.iqxaiini ’trading as (J. Wiirady and was the plaintiff nd Mr. tLe defendant. fhe plaint
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  • 407 5 “Charlie Chaplain, stated that he believes he went to school “somewhere in Kennington,” and that when he came to England he would try to find the school if it. still exists. Air. T. A Alurch, Headmaster of St. Agnes s Chu«'«?h School, Kenniilgtpn Park, in conversation with
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  • 636 5 TRADE UNION ANXIETIES. t The number of unemployed registered at the Labour Exchanges continues to decreases the reduction during last week being over 46,000, wrote the “Times” Labow correspondent in mail week. The total number of unemployed at the end of the wee<k was 1 640, 600. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 298 5 WHEN YOUR HEAD IS DULL AND I HEAVY f von,- furi-cd. your bow els costive. and you ri.<# in the morning tired, with no relish Toi breakfast, and dreading v<Mtr work, when you are racked with H^ns —in the head, chest, back, stomach —all over, when you feel “done-up.” and
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    • 214 5 IF YOUR BABY GAINING IN WEIGHT? One of the surest signs that a baby is making good progress is steady in crease in weight. After the first week there should be regular and rapid growth if the baby is being properly nourished. The most common cause of failure to gain
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    • 353 5 No taste need i go unsatisfied i J We have just added I I very charming dress g g materials. The variety of styles here shown, and I I the conspicuous moder- Q ation of the pices, prove g our determination to g D offer our patrons always U 0
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  • 659 6 Mr Arthor Balfour, who is oot in the habit of making extreme statements, has declared, in discussing at Geneva a report by a Committee of the League of Nations on the economic and financial situation of the world, that there is no more pressing problem than that
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  • 619 6 If there is going to be a big demand for soya beans, referred to in yesterday’s cables, it Diay ft wlkth while making further experiments to see if they can ®be grown in Malaya on a paying scale. Mr I H Burkill Director of Gardens 8
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  • 1206 6 Apropoaftl»ht>9Uggf<e(Weorgai<Afcion and g transforation Colonial Office schenjwith wbicl the and the Coloftes. credits the Colonial Office, one finds that very few important changes haqg b been effected witflln the last decade and a Jialf. The system .is still the same, and the affairs of theTrown Colonies aod
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  • 419 6 (From Our Own CorespondeSA’ Singapore, A pretty wedding took place pore Presbyterian Church, when Howard PeoloW, of the fSlalayau CiviZ, 5 Service, connected with the 5 tectorate, son of Mr and Mra*PedlaW, 5 Ireland, married Miss Edith Morris, youngest daughter of Captain and, 1 Mrs Morris
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 PURE IRON ENDURES. -i T ARMCO Ingot Iron Roofing and "Siding has no < 1 superior for rust-resisting service. As a covering for 1 houses, sheds, godowns or factories Corrugated ARMCO 1 Ingot Iron Sheets will stand the most vigorous test of i time and weather. It will endure the
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 THE TIDES. High Water, Low Wat» r To-DAV. 12.00 m.n. 6 15 a,m 12.06 p.m. 6.33 p.m To-mobbow. 12 31 a. m 6 55 a,uu. 12.44 pm. 7.10 p.m. M ONDA Y. 1.07 a,in 7 33 a.m. 1.21 p m 7.44 p.m.
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  • 108 7 y DE VA LEgA. e euter’s telegram# Loneptember A Mr Lloyd George s reply To lie Baler* ss ?s despatched this nftningft I Conference > September 293 M replied tp De reitSftng tie uselessness of further interchange of argumentative com. jnu ifßftoiis, and enjphasising-that. the GovMiment”# position L unalterable,
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  • 45 7 <- a London,'September -29. Office states that- the militake rath»- a .jy’ieiis ’’iew of. the^ftng.resistance G’ mites. which, may entail-a m'-re The recent actions show Huifetln- rebel* haye adopted uevilla tactics, plunder and tenorisa The amied" gangs are getting s*.roHUtfflft.l ene numbers are increasing:
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  • 219 7 has. 20. —The following was issued by the. District ate to-day "Major Weldon’s column engaged the rebels yesterday at Sulbodmala, two miles west of Karuvalakundu. and inflica heavy defeat on them. Their casualties are not known, but ours are believed to be nil. The rebels dispersed north-east
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  • 206 7 ENTENTE DIFFERENCES SETTLED. London. September 29. The rising of the economic sanctions nie*ig the disappearance of the Customs barfft, which for six months has economically divided the occupied disteicts the rest of Germany. The difficulties if removal were explained in the cables of September 16 and
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  • 338 7 ALAI AM ENTS RECOMMENDATION. f Geneva, September 29. The Third £ommittee„ <ui the motior 9>f L >rd Robej-r R-cil, decided to recom mend nations recently admitted to the League not to incre;*e their nMlitary anc naval.expenditure for two years. The Russian fßmine. The Sixth Committee adopted a
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  • 40 7 SHIPS BADLY DAMAGED. Antwerp, September 29. The Holland-America liner Eydum collided, in the Scheldt, with the British steamer Glenogle, bound for China and Yokohama. Both vessels-were badly damaged. Two of the Eydam’s crew are reported killed.
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  • 112 7 CHARGE OF MANSLACGHTER. -San Francisco. September 29. The Judge decided that the evidence against Arbuckle did not warrant a charge of murder. Arbuckle will he tried for manslaughter. Sn-tr Francisco, -September .29 The judge was of opinion that Arbuckle was not guilty of rape. The district attorney
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  • 99 7 CIRCUMVENTING THE LAW. New York, September 29. Great amusement has been caused in anti-prohibition circles by before -a Grand Jury against tIK Chicago Police, accused of circumvenwg prohibition It appears the ted liquor on arrival in ChicagtV afterwards selling the same cheaply iJBa, private capacity. Then uniformed yolice
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  • 17 7 Melbourne, September 2jk I-ord Inearing 01s endl He sails -f<>r the Eadg on-Sa turday^,-,
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  • 21 7 London, September 29. Capablanca has accept» a challenge by Rubinstein, to defe® hiy title of word’s chess championfl
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  • 64 7 PROPOSA L. London, September 29. A (h'putal ion of South Wales coaiow-ner-s "scussed the misunderstanding regarding. the interpretation of the last settlement, with the Mine» Department, after which the latter issued a stat*merit. iflLering to their interpretation of rhe settlement, but intimating the Government’s willingness to
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  • 35 7 ALLIES’ WARNING. London. September 29. In view of a report that Hungary proposed to call up a fresh class, numbering 20.000 men, the Ambassadors Council informed them that this will not’ be permitted.
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  • 97 7 Berlin. September 29. The death is announced of Doctor Jan De Groot. Professor of the Chinese lan guage and history, and Director of the Sinological College and University of Berlin. He was born at Schiedam, and studied Chinese at the University of He spent six years in
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  • 50 7 EIGHT MILES UR. Dayton (Ohio), September 29. Lieutenant Macready flew to tbe world’s record height of 40,800 feet in a Lapero biplane. Ice formed on the Oxygen tank at 30,000 feet, but’ the airman pressed on till the engine cut out. He glided down and landed unscathed,
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  • 23 7 Paris, September 29. The Printemps building was entirely .destroyed by the fire. The damage is estimated at eight million francs.
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  • 18 7 New York. September gy. The Argentine Loan of. $50,000..Kin at 7 per cent is subscribed.
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  • 34 7 Rotterdam, September 29. The Dutch Communist Party has definitely split. The leader. Van Leuven, has severed his connection w ith the pari ty and joined the extremist section of the Communists.
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  • 305 7 .—“ML.” CHINESE HOUSEHOLDERS TERRORISED. A veiywlaring gang robbery took place on Wednesday night at about 8-15 at No. 504. Damansara, Brickfields, Kuala Lum "pur,, the house of Mr. Lian Woon Sen. chief clerk of the Warden of Mines’ iOffiee. The five masked robbers, of jone
    .—“ML.”  -  305 words
  • 58 7 DENMARK SUSPENDS RELIEF. Copenhagen, September 29. Denmark has suspended Russian famine relief measures, in consequence of the refusal of the Soviet t > afford adequate control in distribution. A Denial. Christiania, September 29. M. Tchicherin has telegraphed to Dr. Nansen, denying the story of the execution of four
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  • 760 7 A GRAVE WARNING. Many months ago “The Daily Telegraph” warned the public that a great faming was inevitably approaching in Soviet Russia. The great- trek, of the starving peasants was also foreshadowed. The warning has come true. The gloomy expectations are more than realised. The present famine has
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  • 733 7 Dr McClusky left Kuala Lumpur on Thursday night for Horne. Mr. and Mrs. W. Eyre-Kenny returned to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Mr A. G. Macdonald, of the Mines Department, F.M.S., has returned from leave. Mr. H. Da vis, of Messrs. Davis and Befckett, and family left Kuala
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  • 832 7 THE NEW SCHEME. On the occasion of the visit of the Engineering Association of Malava to Penang last week, when inspections f the; various public works on the island, and in Province Wellesley, were several very interesting, if highly nical, papers referring to the wotes inspected were
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  • 1595 8 MR MAUDE ON HIS VISIT TO THE ESTATES, The sixteenth annual general meeting of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Limited, was held at the offices, 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, K C-, Dr 8 Rideal (chairman of the company) presiding. We regret, like other companies, to have to report an
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  • 263 8 The following is the directors’ repot# to the shareholders to* be the annual meeting to be "held at Messrs Derrick and Co’s offices, Singapore, on October stb at poon. The Company’s Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for |#e year ended 30th June, 1921, shows a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 X e The Comfort I om d always gharp j Blade. •j? <7r\ W y “VALET" i Safety It is easy to shave as closely and cleanly as a barber if you have a “barber’s edge” on your razor blade. Years of practice have taught him how to strop his
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    • 699 8 c o ■’MON (MV O OMAN) o 0 THHV^ TPAR,S,AN e LPXIROT. |j\ Call in and hear (a <■ II it to-day. 12 ins. double sided Columbia Record yy/f $3 .»0. will Thousands more in stock. g j I //Kr' i PIAfeO co., I XA/ e r” fl b) Yi)
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  • 744 9 VER I>ff T <OR I’LAINT®F C F *>» (ielOeied bv^M: lu.'t ice. Shaw, in Coint, SingapoiC, in the in vhw?h M r F. °f anJ Co., sued H. Godwin and others, perotially ;1 -S m Abers of the Singa re Chamber of Rubber As an injunction legaining
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  • 297 9 P. 0. COY.’S CLAIM. HTDGMENT F(#R PLAINTIFFS. Justice H. Whitley delivered judgment morning; the suit Wrought by the O. Company ►against the Eastern Co., in wlkel) the plaintiffs claimed damaged cWlsed to the plaintiffs’ Wharf at BeiW wan. Sumatia, by a breach of agreement and negligence of the delwndants in
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  • 370 9 Two Chinese women who embarked upon an unsuccessful trading venture to Singapore were litigants in an action heard in the Summary Court before the Puisne Judge. Hongkong, (Mr. J. R. Wood) One woman claimed from the other a sum of 8260 representing half the losses
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  • 414 9 TH® Rangoon correspondent of a Ceylon paper, writing on September 16th save; TO Rice Market, after reaching Ra 650 r has now eased somewhat. rumours of Government intervention have caused an uneasy feeling in 1 he market, and two days ago prices lagged -o Rs 637/8, but the re-entry
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  • 130 9 Why Dice Prices Are High Tekgram* from a Rangoon cirresp -ndent have from time to time drawn attention to growing discontent among the "’■ice-consuming population of Burma owing ■o increased prices, due, it is alleged to the operations of speculators. An increased price in Burma naturally means a rise in
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  • 108 9 Commenting on the rice situation the Commissioner of Police, Shanghai, says The «tail price of rice, according to Health Office statistics taken on the first the month, was $ll,BO. A comparative taken on the corresponding Jay for the past four years is as follows August 1918 $7.40
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  • 199 9 "T 0 M” Division of Districts Enlarged —VHitfeA» for iWI mini str purposes the territo w of the F M S railways was divided into file districts and there were five Assistant Traffic Managers stationed at Bukit Mertaj«m, Ipob. Ku*la Lumpur, Port Swettenham and Singapore, to
    "T 0 M”  -  199 words
  • 380 9 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follows: The Share Market continues dull and the few changes in quotations to report are mostly downwards. Rubber maintains the recently improved price but the interest in shares is negligible. Tin is unchanged on the week having lost the early
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  • 32 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Bagan Serai lbs 24,000 Batak Rabit 30,000 Kurau 19,000 Merchiston 20,000 Penang 161,000 Rubana 62,000 Sabrang 56,000 Straits 186,000 Tali Ayer 75,500
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  • 17 9 Ulu Piah Company Limited, for September, 564 piculs, sluicing 550 piculs and tributors 14 piculs.
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  • 110 9 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, on Sept 30tb Spot £156.105.0d up ss.od 3 months buying £l5B 75.6 d down 25.6 d 3 selling £158,105.0d ss.Od Local Parity $77.89 October Ist: Singapore, buyers no sellers at s77|; Penang, buyers no sellers at s77|. The
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  • 73 9 Further Developments. Sung Tai Chan and Sung Kim Chan, brother and adopted sob respectively of Sung Lay, the Seremban towkay whose murder is still wrapped in mystery, were arrested on a charge of signing a false affidavit alleging that Dr A S Mutbu, the Senior Assistant Surgeon of
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  • 21 9 The BI Packet Thongwa, with mails from Europe )s expected to arrive here on Friday morning the 7th instant.
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  • 323 9 Singapore, September 28.—The Local Share Market has been a little more active during the week, but very few of the favourite Industrials shew any appreciable to improvement this being solely due to the prevailing tightness of the money market!. Rubber.—The Commodity has be°n much firmer, closing a
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  • 163 9 Fearon and Co.’s weekly share review from Kuala Lumpur say? —Reports of big buying orders from America, and an improvement in the price of rubber in the Singapore market as well as in London and New York, has led to a revival of interest in rubber
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  • 114 9 Official Report. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its usual auction on Wednesday, when there was catalogued —1,543,644 ins. Tons 689.13 Offered:— 1,477,428 lbs. Tons 659.75 Sold 1*241.148 lbs Tone 554 08. Prices Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet; Singapore Standard Quality 30 to 30| Good Average Quality
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  • 218 9 No less than three -men have recently been taken out of dug outs in Sungei Pontian Besar. Johore (West Coast). The first, a Banjer then a Chinese, neither of whose bodies was recovered. A week or so ago a second Chinese was similarly killed hia body minius a
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  • 993 9 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. NAMES. I J jj i RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc* So. Sex Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd, in 15« Alor Gajah Rubber Estate I lo 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate i W 750 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate» i.eo Ayer Molek Rubber 00. 80c Ayer Panas
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 663 10 .—Ex. INVESTIGATION RESULTS IN CEYLON. While Ceylon has been discussing and experimenting on the possibility of growing sugar-cane for export, India has managed to secure (through the means of a Sugar Committee appointed in 1909) exact data for the establisbmen of such a trade. The Committee, which has
    .—Ex.  -  663 words
  • 98 10 —“S.T.” Tan Ab Soon, tbe Chinese driver of traffic motor bus 3837, which toppled over on Monday morning near the Borneo Wharf, Singapore while carrying a large number of passengers, as a result of which two were killed and several hurt, fled, it will be
    —“S.T.”  -  98 words
  • 101 10 Tbere are now tt>ree Companies of Girl guides in Penang and the numbe»ship, we are informed, i« still increasing. No Girl Guide is allowed to for money.whac she needs she must ratd. Ah anon as the movement here is in working order it will be Bclf-Bupporting8 c
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  • 362 10 St. GEORGE* THE Services for Week-ending October*Btb, 192!. Sunday, October 2nd, 19th aftgr Trinity. 8 a.m. Matins. 8.30 a m. Holy Communion. 10-30 a.m. Matins (Chinese). gb 4 5 p.m. Children’s Service. 6 Evensong and Sermon. Subject, Angels and Spirits. Hymns 423, 424. 335, 401, Psalms 120—133;
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  • 49 10 Oct 1 —PCC. GymlUiHjiH Oct 2—Penang •Cup. 550 yds Ik < i Oct 7—Pr-oang C»ub, *Cy«t Night Dan*” 9,30 for IwV, Oct 16— g SwimuAg Club. "A Clf-s, lOflJyd-, B” Class, s(Fydt», Oct 30—Penang Swimming C üb, Water Polo, A Nov 11 and 12—Pubi c HoliOy». Q
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 679 10 />X/ Z"7% /''sfiw'\£\ /7 4* z C" u J** lJa W'- TcTwyfl \/< ZyA-/ Fn/dl la LkiWcX <r /F c <v\ .Q\ w 52/ vA \Oa\ |x <M? dm O U JgW &l AV [~°J\ \VV</ĔT if J I 111 Wf Will B j' I Hi I I 5 Your
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    • 570 10 111. II awi.. v < i '.Variety 11 The uses to wlfich<L6A 8 StUCE can be put are «hnunftrable. j At Luncheotff DinffeF or Suppy, it is the ideal sauce for Roast Meats, Fish, Game, Cheese, Salad, etc. i I In the Kitchen, it is i cook for flavouring Soups,
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  • 414 11 A AYSIAN COLLECTION. Wilfred Frost, a collector sent by the Zoolepical Society t<o the islands of the Malay Archipelago last December, arrived in London, on August 27, with the "fruits of his expedition. *He riportJs that the conditions are still War normal, prices and local transput beiWg
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  • 200 11 "Mr. and Mrs. Parker,' a pair of Ma ayan tapirs, are daily receiving congratulations at 1 their Regent’s Park residence —the “Zoo,” says a Home paper. These representatives of primeval mammals, whose "nosey” appearance explains their nickname, are always “at home' ftheir keeper sees to
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  • 164 11 FINED AT HOME. A mail paper reports: For using insulting words ajad behaviour to a girl in the st Wet, Ernest John Wrkins, 50, a rubber flanter in the Y»Jay States, Stayindr at Ewell-road. Sfhbiton, was at Kington fined £2 and n 3fithWin.sE Detective «rgeant Woodger stated
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    • 144 11 !M»-fcb.usjv I a X x-White Portland Cemdnt 3 ~S/ ,s S STAINLESS g X ANO g I PERFECTLY WHITE X S■• IUMEDUSA xWATER proofing compound 1 ORDINARY CEMENT g PERFECTLY' WATERPROOF X X j CHEAPEST BEST. SOLE AGENTS, SUB AGENTS, X 5 wfeSAM* JAgtS Co., R. T. REID Co., Ltd.,
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    • 313 11 J A New Shipment just arrived of- the celebrated I WILLSON GOGGLES I f In,e tandard Eye-Protectors for Sunlight, Dust, Wind and Glare, 1 ft WILLSON GOGGLES are carefully designed for correct appearance and ft comfortable wear. They are strongly made, light in weight, and beautiful- "ft J ly finished.
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    • 425 12 »rr> a O O 9 ?UtidfctW6osH ••o J Standard J 0 I Typewriter t Mu o The Machine you will lt J Eventually Bu/ ■■'ll Paterson, (Incorporated in Engh nd) Agents —Penang, 6 -4 and Kuala Lunipur._.j<** .r> /J J, 1 eMiiriirraii BANKS. ff. I e THE MERCANTILE BANK OF
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    • 270 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING* CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong Paid Up Capital Reserve Funds Sterling Reserve £2,500j00C Silver Reserve s2i£W.oot Head Office;—HONGKONG. Branches and Agencies. Amoy, Bangkok, Batavia, Calcutta, Canton, Colombo, «Eoochow, Hankow, Hongkew, Harbin, Johore, Kobe, Kuala Lumpur," Tondoi Lyons, Malacca, Manila, York, Peking, Rangoon, Saigon, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, Soura
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