Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 September 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1185 2 SOCIAL PERSONAL. “S T." Mr and Mrs L Kershaw returned io the Sardinia. The death of Mr James Bruce Rennie is announced. Mr T E Dibbs returned from home by the Sardinia. Mr and Mrs Middleton returned from home by the P anb 0 mail. Mr A H Lanmiu, Traffic
    “S T."  -  1,185 words
  • 73 2 A CHANGE NOTIFIED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 20. It is officially announced that Government Offices in Kuala Lumpur, in which the office hours have hitherto been 9 30 till 4, will on and after October 1 open at 9 and closs at
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  • 37 2 I [From Our Own Correspondent.] 1 Singapore, September 20. 1 The General Baquedano, a Chilean man-o-war of an old type, has arrived from Kobe. The warship leaves for Melbourne in a few day».
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  • 29 2 I f*From Our Own. Correspondent.) I Singapore, Saptem ber 20. II ia understood that the Middlesex Regiment will relieve the Staffjrdi at the end pt January.
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  • 55 2 Septßoard of Licensing'(Justices, 1 2-30 pm, Sept |2l-— P C C Tennis Tournament i Championship Final. Sept -I—P C C Tennis Tournament. I Presentation of Priz P(IC. Gymkhana, end of September* The "’P'” Kuala Lumpur correspondent wiree —l4 is reported the local council i reform committee forwarded to
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    • 355 2 [To the Editor of thb ‘Pisano Gazette.”] Sir,-— With ref'-reuce to your quotation from the sermon preached by tne Rev M E Horlev reported in your >« iQe the 17tn insp, I agree with what the well known placer told the preacher an*! it does nor take
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  • 143 2 As a result of yesterday’s heavy rains, the Dato Kramat district of Fenar.g w again inundated. In the vicinity of Csuoter Hall, the flooding was exceptionally heavy, and was farther aggravated by a very high tide about 2 p.m. The water in several parts reached a
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  • 94 2 Thb Dindings Case. The trial was concluded yesterday at Penang Assizes of Hitam bin Haji Mohamed, who was charged with the murder of his wife iu their house on Segari Estate, Dindings, on August 2® last. The defr>ncs; which was conducted by Mr Abdul Kader, was to the
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  • 269 2 The following rates of hire for firstclass I rickshas have been fixed by the Governor lin Council:—By Distance.—For any «half I mile or fraction of half mile 6 cents; By I Time. —For one hour 52 cents, for every I additional quarter of an hour 13 cents;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 278 2 S I Thrift Means Prosperity the result of taking advantage I of such chances as are here. 1 g J =A s 8 > (G ss 0 Best British Made S Waterproof Coats Waterproof Cap s. for Motorists, colour EE double texture, all seams, ~E Fawn, ventilated aim sewn, made
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    • 397 2 NEW TO LET. Dove’s Fuily rep a ired--!L. a t ta p t(l 8 an ?*h. aud addition*] furnuure i„ rmt Ceiii n« frpb f. I9 i, The undersigned is i nstruct to sell by PUBLIC AUcti On One Wooden Lighter No. 13, of 75 tons capacity assh now lies
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  • 1425 3 > SUED BY F(|Rm2r MANAGER AND ARLTBTB, Before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter in the Supreme Court, Singapore, on Saturday, the hearing wu continued in the action* brought against the Fillic Circus by Mr J A Henry, late manager, and Miss Mabel Aubrey, formerly artiste respective, ly
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  • 203 3 The rice market reopened on September 14 somewhat easier in tone than on Monday, as it was reported one of the principal bulls had sold heavily about 20,000 tons September at Rs 645 This followed sales by millers of 500 tons at Rs 650. and Bombay was
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  • 248 3 Toe application by one Dutch authorities for the extradition of one W L H M Regout, a Dutchman, who is wanted in Java on a charge of embezzlement in respect of a motor-car tyre was finally disposed of by Mr. Nunn in rhe District Court Singapore on Saturday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1129 3 POSITION VACANT, TENDERS INVITED, hwnbrokers’ UwMes,' Ss. Wtjri Sembillu Pinsßf G“ iefcbe ML endenwiH be room vedat the office of P q 20-9 r Secretary to Betide*, rfegri Sombßan, Serumban, ep u> 0000 an the 30th Septem.leeei I JINEOUft ber l 93 1» r fchs ri B ht to receive
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    • 177 3 W. D. AN® H. O. WILLS THE THREE EH] CASTLES |BsH Virginia Cigarettes. “ORDINARY” ALSO Cottes" THE THREE CASTLES sIJPER MAGNUMS.” “MAGNUMS” MIMMIMWMMWNMM OfIMHMIM M M M 8 M B M w b’ i b M- 11 JI I rFrXiilllJii m!i I M 1 natural' ig pants *ho B M
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  • 65 4 Me Conechy— Ab Bata Gajah on 17th instant to Mr and Mrs F M G McConechy, a daughter. Ritchie—At the Maternity Hospital, Penang on 15bh instant to Mr and Mrs Crawford Ritchie of Braas, a daughter. Monk —At Penang Maternity Hospital on the 18th to Mr and Mrs Errol
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  • 1268 4 Yesterday we published cables from London and Berlin with reference to trouble that bad arisen over the Allied demands on Germany, and the French announcement that, Germany having failed to fulfil her obligations, the economic sanctions which the Supreme Council decided should be removed on the 15th September
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  • 1558 4 At the meeting of the Legislative Council of Ceylon, which was The Straits Service jemarkatte for a and Ceylon, on the Budget, or rather new taxes, which ended in the victory of the elected members, the Colonial Secretary, referring to the salaries, allowances, etc, of Government Servants
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  • 198 4 M." At a special meeting of the Chamber nf Commerce. h e,a afternoon, Mr W G G ld,e 10 wa3 chair, Mr W H annnimously appointed as the nominee «or the Leei-l.ti’" ;Co.o“ .nooe..ion to Mr F Goodnob, «ho K business reasons has resigned. The Perak Club
    M."  -  198 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 junry-unrLr > ;i Fighting The Iron Eater -i; <[ Think of the metal the Railroads use—thousands <’ 1 of miles of tracks, engines, cars, bridges, fences, 1 1 tanks, towers —millions of dollars of the Colony s 1 1 > wealth, at the mercy of the great destroyer, rust. 1
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    • 18 4 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday. Capt. Mrs. H. M. S. Haughton. r. p. c.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 195 5 oXE OBJECT AT HEART. Reuter's Telegrams.] Londoifc September 1921. Valero wired a reply Mr. llc w ■>. Ml Lloyd George tonight e have but one at heart, the setting up of a Con. 0b U <aich a basis of truth and ference or SULU itv as would
    Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  195 words
  • 55 5 New York. September 19. The Directors of the Guaranty Trust ompany announce that they have writ ten off all realized losses, and in order to anticipate any other possible losses, have set up extraordinary reserves of approximately 815,250,000, charging "uch reserve, items rgainst the Company’s surplus
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  • 47 5 London. September 19. V Port Said message states that the steamei Baron Elcho, from Port Said for Calcutta, and the Japanese stea mer Muroran Main, from Calcutta, foi New York, collided. The former, which is at Suez, was damaged, and will be surveyed
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  • 33 5 Perim, September 19. The British steamer Prometheus. (5,305 tons. Blue Funnel Line) from Batavia, foi Amsterdam and Ijondon, has arrived here with boilers leaking. The repairs will take three days-
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  • 55 5 London, September 19. Mr. Crane, formerly United States Mi nistei in China, has reached England, via Russia, having travelled from Peking over the Trans-Siberian Railway, in the administration of which, he says, the Soviet has not interfiled much. He reports that the line has held up well.
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  • 19 5 Berlin, September 18. Kre-tinski. Soviet Commissary of Financ?, has been appointed Soviet representative in Berlin.
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  • 16 5 Berlin, September 18. The Reichst at ratified the Germano American peace treaty.
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  • 30 5 Berlin, September 18. The Government has increased the reard for the apprehension of the mur- e rer of Herr Erzberzer from 100,060 to 200,000 marks. w
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  • 19 5 London, September 18. < harlip Chaplin left London for i’aris “s morning quk«tly, escaping the crowds.
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  • 1231 5 A SERIOUS SITUATION. London, September 19. OffioiaJ investigations show that the situation in Malabar is more serious than was at first anticipated to be the case. The military authorities are experiencing difficulty in dealing with the rebels, owing to the latter’s mobility, and the nature of the country,
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  • 41 5 BILL TO BE INTRODUCED Simla, September 18. The Le gislative Assembly agreed to the introduction of a bill, levying a small export duty on lac, the proceeds to be devoted to research and improvement in the lac industry.
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  • 116 5 THE KING’S ESCAPE Christiania, September 19. The ceremonies on the occasion of the opening of th? Dovre Railway, the second mountainous line, connecting the north and south of Norway, were marred by a disaster to a train conveying guests from Trondhjem back to Christiania. It collided
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  • 67 5 London, September 4—The Rome correspondent of the “Times «'ires that an important discovery has been made at Cyrenaica. Amid the oxcavttions of baths there has been unei tbeJ a magnificent statue of Venus exactly smilar to the Capitahne Venus. It is in a perfect state of and
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  • 40 5 RACIAL AND IMMIGRATION QUESTIONS EXCLUDED. Washington, September 18. It is understood that the question of immigration and racial equality will not be included in the subjects which United States has proposed for discussion at the Disarmament Conference-
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  • 590 5 New York, August 25.—Although the action of the Senate, resulting in the withdrawal of Senator Harrison’s amendment providing for open sessions of the Disarmament Conference, has closed the question officially, the issue of publ city for the conference has stiired up a discussion which focuses
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  • 399 5 YAP AND SHANTUNG QUESTIONS. Tokio, August 31.—At yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, in connection witn the Pacific ConferondU. various ques tions, principally, the Yap and Shantung questions, were deliberated upon. The substance of thq meeting is kept strictly secret, but it is reported in reliable quarters that the Imperial.
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  • 402 5 A LABOUR SETTLEMENT. Pari®, September 17. Thanks to the mediation, the labour dispute in the North of France textile trade in a fair way to settlement. Perfect order prevails Germany’s FaMure. The economic sanctions imposed on Germany in March last should have been lifted to-day. In view
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  • 20 5 A Berlin m* s>age says the Council of the Empire ratified the German-Ameri can Treaty of Peace.
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  • 24 5 --‘Havas. A Madrid ®elcgram says the Spanish troops have begun an offensive against the rebels in and have taken Nador.-
    --‘Havas.  -  24 words
  • 103 5 IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES WN AMERICA. New York, September 18. In a drizzling rain thousands of people gather ed in the Navy Yard, round the coffins of the American victims of R-38. There ceremonies were ushered in by the tolling of the bells of warships. Mr. Denby, Navy Secretary,
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  • 75 5 A SEYRCH FOR ARMS. Marseilles. September.lB. The steamer Burgmeister Melle, repa triating to Odessa several hundreds of Russian refugees, whom Brazil declined as immigrants was held up in Ajaccio harbour, the crew refusing to sail until the steamer had been thoroughly searched for arms. A military
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  • 103 5 Vladivostok, September 3. —Owing to the acute financial crisis. Ataman Se menoff has decided to evacuate this region, handing over the rema nder of hi s forces to the Vladivostok Govern ment. Refugees from Soviet Russia c rifirm the reports <>f increased anti Bolshevik risings in
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  • 41 5 Cleveland, September 18. The twelve rounds American featherweight championship was decided. Johnny Kilb.ine the holder, knocked out Danny Frush in the seventh round. Kilbane deceived $60,006 (gold) win. lose or draw. Frush getting $2,500 and training expenses.
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  • 182 5 London. September 12.—1 n the ight this evening at Covent Garden Opera House, for the heavy we ght Championship of Great Britain, Joe Beckett beat Boy McCormick. The latter retired in the twelth round. The fight wa" very fast from the out set. Beckett’s laft
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  • 66 5 Geneva, September 18. Commission 5 of the League resumed the discussion on the restriction of the opium traffic and adopted the conclusions of Mr. Wellington Koo’s report, relating to the ratification of the opium convention, by States which have not yet adhered to it or ratified it,
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  • 58 5 Thermopolis, Wyoming, September 18. A party of cowboys and Others invaded a picture theatre, whtre an Arbuckle film W/ s being shown, riddled the screen with bullets and carried the film into the street and bin ned it. The proprietor had ignored a warning that
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  • 17 5 London, September 18. Mr E. R- Hooper, bullion broker, formerly of Shanghai left £114,600.
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  • 30 5 OBITUARY. PRINCE EULENBURG. September 19. Ihe death has occurred of the- septuaRenarian Prince Philip Eulenburg, who Wa s the cental figure in the pre-war Beai dal, involving the ex-Kaiser’s Court'amarilla.
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  • 998 6 LADY’S THRILLING EXPERIENCB. I The thrilling experiences of a respectable lady with gang-robbers were related to the First Magistrate, Keele Lemper, on Thursday, when Ohio Hoi Nam, one of the alleged robbers wbo entered a house at Bangrar on July 24, was charged with committing robbery, says the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 107 6 PRITCHARD’S Wine and Spirit Department. ROBERTSON'S PRIVATE STOCK” WHISKY This is Whisky of Pre-War distillation —hence the distinction in the name— Compare it with any other Whisky for quality, mellowness and price. It is a really special Whisky. SIMONDS “MILK STOUT.” I A Revolution in Brewing. 1 An Ideal Invigorating
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    • 243 6 I I EC A Years of discriminating taste in t I JA, matters of dress have given Paris I A recognition as the seat of world I J I style and authority. t) I Not only quality but beauty as a whole must be em- bodied to Parisian approval. A
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  • 2497 7 hihTIONS TO GROWERS’ SCHEME. t, the heavy fall in the nric« Owing 1 -4 e ll ,bh-4 the huge(jjnajonty of rubber 11 a re unable to produce the |it*v at a |>r<pit, and S ('iious crisis has developed. '!i 'll restricting output have r ted to, but
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  • 173 7 /There is tq be an exciting finish to the Singapore Cricket which is now in its closing stages. Contrary to expectations, the JS.QC. on Saturday fail ed to defeat the Public Services and Law, whose division of the honours was mainly due to a fine innings By
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  • 39 7 (From Our Oormspondent). Kaal* Lumpar, September 20 The “Malay Mail” Colombo carrespondent wires of Ceylon” cable states that the Rabber Producers’ Corporation dies next week, and there is nothing ready to be pnbstituted for it.
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  • 33 7 Ngow Property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Limited, for the month of August, 2,038 pikuls. Kalumpang Tin, No Liability first half month Sept., hours run 297.00, output pls. 171.54, yardage 36,763.
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  • 97 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give th e following London prices, Sept 19tb Spot £154 7e.6d up 25.6 i 3 months buying £156 125.6 d 2«. 6d 3 selling £156 155.0 d Unchanged Local Parity $77.27 Sept 20th Singapore buyers no selle r s at $77 1/8; Penang
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  • 240 7 Penang, September 20, 1921. SP. Tapioca 56.00 buyers M. P. Tapioca 56.25 buyers Cold leaf 572 sellers Black Pepper $16.00 nominal White Pepper $3O sellers. Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $35 sellers Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $46.00 sellers M 110 s $33.00 sellers {No. 1 $l3 50
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  • 143 7 Pgnanff, September 20, 1921. Bi Courtesy or the Chabterbd Bane) London Demand Bank 2/3 27/32 4 months’ sight) Hank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 t 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand. Bank Rs, 154 3 days' sight Private „160 c Bombay Demand Bank 154 j g Madras Demand
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  • 322 7 P. O. steamers never race each other—officially. Now and again they have the opportunity of showing what they can do, in friendly competition. The SardiniaSoudan contest is a case in point. I provided the respective passengers, and doubtless, also, the shipV complements, with an interlude, in
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  • 472 7 T.0.M.” We had an article recently on matters municipal in which we intimated pretty clearly that there was something wrong between the Government and the Municipality, says the Straits Times.” We think His Excellency the Governor has acted most wisely in receiving a deputation of the Municipal Commissioners,
    “ T.0.M.”  -  472 words
  • 200 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES.» Peng Fook for Langsa. Sibiawan for Adahan and Bata Babra. Antilocus for Port 8. -v.eoham, Singapore, China and Japan. Namaang for Calcutta Gbirbi for Bindings and Sitiawao. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for (Port Swetteoham and Singapore. Arratoou Apcar for Rangoon and Calcutta (Mergui and Moulmein
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  • 223 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, J Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 57.15 am. Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 pm. and Hongkong J Pant Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3,45 p.m.
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  • 23 7 TO-MORROW. Madras, taking mails > “Thongwa 10 a.m. for Europe, etc., I Regtn up to 9 a.m. Bombay C Parcels 8 a.m.
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  • 36 7 The homeward mail, by the Thougwa, closes at 10 a.m. to-morrow. Mails despatched from Penang to London on the 15th ultimo, by P O Packet Kalyan, were delivered in London on the 16oh instant.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 A BOON TO BUSINESS MEN. Many bus ness men are so busy t hat they give too little attention to outdoor exercise, and thus suffer from constipation, torpid liver, bil ous attacks, headaches, flatulence and other troubles. To such men Pinkettes are a blessing, for these, gentle little >xativeg dispel
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    • 152 7 The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankruptcy. No. 61 of 1921. Re P. A. AGERBECK. Notice is hereby elven that on his own petition dated ’he 16th day of September a Receiving Order and an Order of Adjudication against Peter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1348 8 99 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Ellerihan and Bucknail j incorporated A* IWI 13 A V Steamship COay Ltd a Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, w O IN T [incorporated tn England.] Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, (Incorporated in U. S. A.) The following fast steamers of
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    • 698 8 ,Z~._ r i for SAFETY Best» j and I ill Ins. 1 ECONOMY, s l«n£ I b yun. ■j n ii. > Hi It I THE GOODRICH »'YRE AGENCY ADAMSON, GILFILLAN GO., LTD., V J 'IIFB M ii i 1 f|i|M 11. 1 ~~li. 1 BANKS. —■■■—■——Mb—M——— THE MERCANTILE BANK
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