Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 18 1 > THE BESI CAR IH TOWN f' ]> i MNNHN*** 11 < Mia 5.5. a F-M.S 1 Ong •am Leong O»,
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  • 1074 2 A DRAWN GAME. Good all Round Batting by Both Sides. London, August 16. —In the presence of 50,000 people the fifth Test match, at the Oval, ended to-day in a draw, with England at the wicket for the second This concludes the present series of matches which
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  • 142 2 r r BBHIIF 11 I” At a meeting of the Victorian Cricket Association held last evening the association granted its patronage to a benefit match for Mr. F. Iredale, secretary of the New South Wales Cricket Association. and a former international player, the match to be
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  • 92 2 The Australian Rugby footballers will begin their English tour at Salford on 17th September, and the concluding match will take place at Paris against England on 28th January. The dates of the tests are as follow: First, at Leeds, on Ist October second, at Hull, on sth November;
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  • 163 2 —C. T. BIG BONFIRE. Since the present administration came nto power officials, both military and civil, have been prohibited from using opium and instructed to take preventive measures against the illicit trade in this drug. Recently a large quantity of opium and instructed to take preventive Military
    —C. T.  -  163 words
  • 463 2 FILIPINO CHAMPION’S DEATH. A remarkable series of incidents at the Stadium in Melbourne made the contest between the ex-Victorian champion fea ther-weight “Bert” M Carthy and the Filipino champion Dencio the most sensational in the history Of Victorian boxing. The painful sequel to a startling climax in the
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  • 206 2 Although the unstable weather of the week threatened disappointment to the eager hopes of many hundreds of pupils of the Methodst Boys’ School, Kuala Lumpur, on the occasion of their annual sports, brilliant sunshine and a cool afternoon resulted in a highly successful meeting which reflected the utmost
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 483 2 POSITION WANTED. r Dredge in aster i K, Manager experienced in t u Tin dreduinc gravel pomp, erec-ion, reconstruction, and ru miug of plant, oflere his services in any of the above capacities, Excellent testimonials and every guarantee given. Apply Box No 206, c/j Pinang Gazette. 1291—6-9 l POSITIONS VACANT.
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    • 433 2 ST. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE, HONGKONG. 1 A thorough Wt «tern Education is given s a in English. In the afternoon Chinese is taugbtf Next term begins September 19tb. Apply The Warden, So. Stephen’s College. Hongkong, 1404—31.8 GERMAN DEBTS treaty of peace. British Claimants are notifled that the period within which claims
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    • 146 2 NOT FOR BABIES ONLY. BABY’S OWN TABLETS BENEFIT CHILDREN OF ANY AGEBaby’s Own Tablets are not for babies only. They are a remedy for teething troubles, indigestion, feverishness, constipation, colic, or diarrhoea in children of all ages, and they also allay colds and expel worms. Mrs. Ford, of 391 Colborne
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    • 515 2 TENDERS INVITED Two Quarters for European o. at Sungei Patani, and One On for Europe n Officers at The Government of ’’Kedah i. to receive Tenders for th e Quarters for European Officers Patsni and or eat Alor Star. Bn °s Fall particalarg Bn d Specific be seen and obtained
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 35 2 PENANG CHORAL SOCIETY THE YEOMEN OF TWE QITA DO AT TMF TOWN HALL m>~ <♦ <f x. Gn Sunday, Ist Septembsr At 9 15 Punctually. Seats Reserved $3, Unreserved $2. BOOKING AT THE ROBINSON PIANO CO.
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    • 319 3 A icust 20 —The Chamiars and deof Delhi Province have lilse d themselves into a Sabha Jati Sudbar Sabha for their tf? They held a meeting under )(IJ ship of Babu Kemchand, M.L. d‘»‘ ,'p Mr. Kemchand arrived tL K x on the morning of the 19th.
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    • 166 3 l/'iid< n. August 19.—H. H. the Maha--lio of Cutch and Mr S.‘ Sastri have retuned to London after making a tour of th areas in Belgium devastated by the »a<. They also visited the King and i? en of Belgium and the Minister for 1 egn Affairs.
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    • 151 3 •L'dras. August 16. —A Press cotnmunii“ued by the Madras Government «ays "innient wish their attitude towards im veinent for boycott of foreign M's and, specially the picquetting of "'izn cloth shops, to be clearly under L win g to the fact that India pio1 le«s cloth than her
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    • 132 3 ~j t 11 August 21—Considerable ex<f T) aS cauKe d the neighbourhood 'mu uai a< .f evening about 5-30 when ilii,." r a le an aerodrome at Dumiink U 6 n the vicinity of the golf t<> o ex r >er en eed engine trouble and
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    • 77 3 ’f Migust 22.—Non-co-operation f Cu tta held a mass meeting '"''•idr/ 1 n at College Square under the ’’•‘gard'f 0 ditindra L d Banerjee with "'ks a rec eption of the Prince of i.iDj, f ’’■'•oh'tion was adopted condembsn v, 4< n Calcutta Corporab| ince a<bbess *’f
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    • 279 3 Delhi, August 23.— A mysterious iMd sensational murder case in which a Chinaman, a dealer In China silk, was murdered near Naugaza about three m,les northeast of Delhi i s under investigation by the Delhi police. It is stated that ibout the end of last
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    • 244 3 i Lahore, August 20.—An jextraordinaiy rise u the prices of food grains especially wheat is causing grave anxiety more particularly among the poor, and middle classes. A Government Commu n ique. j Simla, August 20. —A Government f India communique states; As there i.p. pears to
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    • 204 3 Murree, August 8. —Another bad accident took place on the Murree-Ra»valpind.i Road.- on the 7th instant. A motor-car containing two ladies and a gentleman of the Futurist Comedy Company were on their way to Murree when the car camp to a stop on an incline, owing
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    • 173 3 In a communique issued by the Government of India dated Simla, Ist Juno, an appeal was made to the Muslim Com inun’ty at large for the Jeddah Repatriation Fund, which would lie used by an agency largely non-official and coniposed mainly of Muhamad.ans, in cases of
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    • 210 3 Aladias, August 2. A'Guntur correspondent writes to the “Madras Mail” on July Messrs. L nava Lakshiminarayana, Barrister, and M. Narasimhachari were convicted by the District Magistrate of Guntur and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for one year each for failure to give security under Section 107 Criminal Procedure Code
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    • 148 3 August 20.—An announcement nade by the Colonial Office says that there as been a fresh outbreak in Mesopotamia. Though it is described as not being serious a significant admission is made that ten day’s aerial bombardment of the tribesmen has been ineffective and a column of infantry
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    • 143 3 Bombay, August 19. —The money market is somewhat stirred by the sudden rise in the exchange to one shilling four and three-fourths pence, an advance of inie penny during the week To-day’s bank* selling rate for one rupee is one shilling, four and nine-sixteenths. The tone of
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  • 318 3 Should there not be some restr ction Imposed on the use of the word “star,” which suggests one idea to our budding NFewtons and Einsteins, but quite another to patrons of the stage and film We are told, and have little difficulty n believing, that the following
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  • 519 3 “M.M.” H.E.’S APPRECIATION. The half-yearly meeting of members of the Selangor Club was held in the card-room on Saturday evening, the Hon. -vxr. Oliver Marks presiding over an attendance of about forty. The statement of accounts for the halfyear ende<d June 30th, 1921, was considered. The accounts show
    “M.M.”  -  519 words
  • 349 3 The N.Y.K. steamer Aki Marti had a rough passage from Nagasaki to Hongkong. She reached Hongkong on August 16. A typhoon was encountered in the Fa -t China Sea and for two days and nights the steamer fought the elements at their worst- The captain and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 g MACKAY’S LIQUEUR .Ji. WHISKY. |K| THE ORIGINAL [lifefe? 1 LIQUEUR WHISKY 1 I i i Importers: Adamson, Gilfillan I j -&Co, Ltd., I B > F (Incorporated in England.) I PENANG. S NGAPORE MALACCA. 2 Music that Th* <• •> Following ,S TitkS S 2 Always Stock. <• 3
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  • 847 4 CHIN SENG CO., LTD. ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. C. K. Samuel presided at the twelfth ord nary general meeting of Messrs. Chin Seng and Co., Ltd., which was held at the Company’s offices, No. 41. Farquhar Street, Penang, yesterday, at noon. The others present were: Messrs. Chuah Seng Lean, Chuah Liang
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  • 866 4 S F P Mr Gordon Brown will not) be returning to the F M 8, say* the Malay Mail.*' His Highness the Saltan of Selangor xpects to leave Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 3rd September, for Kuala Kangsar. The GOO General Fowler is expected at Snngei Besi on
    —“ S F P  -  866 words
  • 956 4 PRELIMINARY INQUIRY. The preliminary inquiry into a charge of gang robbery at Paya Trebong near Ayer Itam on Augusta 3 last, against) six Chinese, was commenced befoe Mr A C Baker in the Police Court, Penang, yesterday afbernoon. Insp ctor Fowler had charge of the case and
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  • 696 4 IMPORTANT POINT RAISED. The hearing of the application for the extradition of WLH M. Regoub. a Dutchman, who is wanted in Java in connection with a charge of embezzlement was commenced before Mr B, Nunn, District Judge* Singapore on Saturday, says the ♦•Free Press.” Court Inspector Nolan conducted
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  • 227 4 A very enjoyable smoking concert under the auspices of the Ex-Services Association was held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Saturday evening. There was a fair attendance. Major PH. Keys suggested that the Association would be far more usefully represented if they could get a representative
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  • 727 4 .—“M.M.” FURTHER VOTE TO UNEMPLOYED A meeting of subscribers to the F M S Relief Fund was held in Kuala Lumpur yesterday to decide what further sumshould be voted to unemployment relief. The Chief Secretary, the Hon Mr. W. G. Maxwell, O. M. G. was in the
    .—“M.M.”  -  727 words
  • 41 4 L st of subscribers Previously acknowledged $77,914,36 Kedah Government 2,000.00 Seremban Amateurs "The Man from Torento Kuala Lum- 4 pur bookings 507.60 Ser emban performances balance 610.25 Total $81,032.21 Singapore Branch Previously acknowledged 20,270.22 Grand Total ...$101,302 43
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  • 222 4 SECOND QUARTRR S Rad p The published returns Of imports for the quarter endpH P contain the following B um mar i/ g M Imports. 2nd Qr. 19|o 2. do Singapore $230,663 240 iam 13j 1 Penang 60,449.593 o-’l 33 Malacca 8 696 154 Totals $299.808,987 12
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  • 155 4 We understand that the Dress Rehearnl for The Yeomen of the Gaard was mou successful last night and the performincM on Thursday and Saturday promise to be first class. We are requested to ask that everyone will be in their seats by 9-15 p m, at
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  • 274 4 Penang, August 31, 1921. BEHF— 01,1 Soup Per e tt 35 Roast do Steaks do < Stew or Curry Meat do curry Rump Steak do Ox Tail do Tongue do do Feet do Heart per catty W Liver do Fillet of Beef do PORK- Lean only u Lean
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    • 316 5 August 15.—Tokio’s interest Conference has not in ,hc question of disarmament abated- -actically undiscussed beside of Japan’s relations with th' bich is the most vital topic to (h Dnanese mind- There ate two cur. tht if «ninon, one. indicating az. an rer s t > turn
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    • 306 5 London, July 30.- The police have arrested a medical student named C harier in a cafe in the Avcnu de Wagram -n Paris on suspicion of having been con cerned n the hold up” of the ParisMarseilles express tran. While they were effecting the arrest in the cafe
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    • 103 5 '"don, \ugust 10. —Heavy weather dense fogs provided thrills for the the ,U!OUs trans-Atlantic voyage of lt 'Hi cutter Neiath” w’hich arrived u "ham, .Essex, from Halifax after H <,ns tr ’P n charge of Commander '-'ton, the British yachtsman, with f Ur f 0„
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    • 50 5 '“■lidori Mo, u >« Au us 13. —The ex-raider "hicb ,e,ian ied the “Green Briar,” ,ril, lii t t W a L verpool fruit carrier c, l! 'sion est Jnd es has bsen in hglitik;, <n> aa d has sunk the Formby Th, P1 »net.” w wore picked
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    • 207 5 London, August 13.—Mr. Holt Thomas interviewed by the “Observer” has expressed surprise that the Imperial Conferenc e had not developed the Imperial air service. He points out that the Lon don—Paris service is working like clockwork and has demonstrated the possibibility of linking up London and Australia n
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    • 207 5 Paris, July 25.—A fracas marred the proceedings of the Congress of Trade I nions in Lille. A leader named Brontehoux was wounded in the neck by a shot from a revolver, while another was beaten in the face with a stick. Other delegates were injured seriously.
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    • 108 5 London, July 28.—Dr. Mary Ddcomb Scharlieb, C.8.E., M.D., AI S., said in the cour.-e of an interview to-day regarding the report that there are about 1-000.000 surplus women in Britain —“There are two courses open. The first is that girls who desire to get married must go
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    • 86 5 London, August 15—“ The” correspondent a, Riga states that the Moscow papers declare that the Soviet is con -idering the summoning of a conference of the Chinese- Mongolian and. Far Eastern Soviet Republics in opposition to the Washington Conference, thus aiming o defend their common interest against
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    • 71 5 London, August 13.—Basing tis remarks on the latest statistical tables the Medical correspondent of the Times draws attention to the formidable increase in cancer in every civilised country markedly in Europe and America, in which it has practically doubled. The rate of mortality throughout the united Kingdom is
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    • 67 5 London, August 15,-Mails horn Bjorneborge show that Krassin has made a statement that the Bolshevik Economic Council and the Moscow Soviet n tended to remove all Bolshevik go I England. Krassin is reported to have said “It is no longer opportune to await the outbreak of a revolution
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    • 1250 5 London, August B.—Mr. F. L Thompson, the. representative of the American Relief Adm nistration in the Brest Litovsk-Pinsk area, has arrived in London. He say s that when he left refugees were pouring into Brest Litovsk at the rate of 2,000 da ly. They have nowhere to
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    • 112 5 London, August IS. —The “Daily ATaii’s” Warsaw correspondent wires that the famine i-' only accentuating the appalling brutality of Bolshevik rule. Women commissars at Aloscow’, doped with cocaine, are killing through sheer lust for blo<«d. The Government is being maintained only as a regime of terror, while more
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    • 142 5 TOTAL OF NEARLY 2,000,000 MEN. Antwerp, July 14. —The “Neptune” today publishes the following details concerning the Russ’an Soviet army, which its Reval correspondent has obtained from authentic documents. The present fighting strength of the Red infantry is 1,000,000 men —all experienced troops. The technical bran ches and
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  • 181 5 Now that the introduction of the new tax to replace the commutation tax has been temporarily abandoned, a “Ceylon Observer” representative learnt from a trustworthy source that the Colombo Municipality has under consideration a proposal to increase the revenue by levying a capital value tax on land. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 484 5 iCASH SALeTi 25% DISCOUNT. OFF USUAL PRICES. j From First to Eleventh September, 1921. jj I The whole collectionof Books embracing Reference, Technical and Standard jj |jl works is offered. I ON WAR BOOKS 50% discount. I This Sale is held to meet the repeated jj suggestions of numerous patrons
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  • 52 6 Dick—On the 30th instant, to the wife of Mr James Dick, a son. Smith—On the 30tb instant, at the Maternity Hospital Penang, the wife of Gerard A Smith of a son. Dawson—At the Maternity Hospital, Penang on 30th August, the wife of R M Dawson of Kota Babroe Estate,
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  • 33 6 Hay—Bittiner—At St Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on August 27, by the Venerable Archdeacon F G Swindell, Charles Cunningham Hay, Singapore, to Mathilde, youngest daughter,of the late Mr M Bittiner, 54 Fonthill Road, Aberdeen.
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  • 1199 6 Last evening we published in our correspondence columns a letter signed Judex calling upon the leading men of the Indian community for humanity’s sake" to come forward and take the had in relief measures for the many Indian coolies who are unemployed in the Settlement of
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  • 1101 6 The official statements issued in the Straits and the F M 8 on Revenue and the financial position are Expenditure. welcome, though the infer mation they contain may 1 be the reverse of satisfactory, for they show a disposition to treat the public with rather 1 more
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  • 654 6 Occupants’ Marvbllous Escapb. b Mr R J Raine, and his »yce hid a s marvellous escape from injury in an alirj ming motor car smash in Farquhar Street, a Penang, yesterday. Mr Raiue, who is di/ t triot manager of the Valvobne Oil Company, was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 37 6 SUPPCr AT THE a Dante E. 0. On Saturday. 3rd September, after the Penang Choral Society’s Performance of. YEOMEN OF THE GUARD” at the Town Hall. Extension of Licence. Dancing till 2-30 a.m. No Dancing on Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 158 7 .whists causing trouble. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Berlin, August 30. The Government’s proclamation, which failed by a* o f abuse from «actionary press, is welcomed by the and democratic newspapers, and to the latter, due to the Go. nossesvon of information that fpniniei' 1 ,i .ituation is mmh worse than appearsurface-
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  158 words
  • 117 7 VIOLENT STRUGGLE ON SAKARIA RIVER. Athens, August 30. The seriousness of the fighting in AsiaMinor is indicated by a laconic communique dated August 28: The battle of the Sakana river continues extremely violent.’’ A naval communique states that the Greek of the towns on the
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  • 182 7 Reval, August 30. A message from Moscow says the members of the Pan Russian Rel ef Comntttee, whose request to send a delegates abroad was refused have now been arrested, and their correspondence and di'cuments seized, on the ground of dis'btdieiice to the Central Executive. A recent decree at
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  • 143 7 OPENED BY PRINCE HENRY. p The Hague, August 30. bet! r enr y f"rmally opened the thirA ~1 Ol^eienc e of the International Law n the C<,u,,ts Hall. lhe U P Y'T’ 1 comprised addresses oy Mr. B'Wert’?| l,ni u erOf Justice the B U1 tn eiri
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  • 56 7 DIGESTING THE SILESIAN REPORTS. Geneva, August 29. At- an extraordinary session, the C ouncil of the League heard a report prepared by Viscount Ishii aa regards Upper Silesia, and discussed it for 90 minutes. The Councril adjourned till September Ist to enable the members to study
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  • 147 7 POSSESSION OF A WEST HUNGARIAN DISTRICT. London, August 29. While the League of Nations is about to try and settle the Upper Silesian question, the Entente is faced with another Central dispute, namely, between Hungary and Austria, for possession of the West Hungarian district of Burgenland, which will
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  • 304 7 Tokio, August 11.—-The League of Na tions Association of Japan, defining its att tude towards President Harding’s armament conference, publishes the following resolution adopted by the Executive Committee: “While armament reduction is one of the most important objects obtainable through the League of
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  • 79 7 London, August 30Mr. Churchill has appointed. Sir C. H. Bedford, as lus honorary- adviser on questions relating to power and industrial alcohol in the Colonies and Protectorate». [Lt-Col. Sir Charles Henry Bedford was the first General Director and Secretary Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. He
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  • 13 7 Lisbon, August 30. Senator Antonio Granjo is forming a new Cabinet.
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  • 15 7 London, August 30. The death has occurred of Canon Edgar Sheppard.
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  • 157 7 A CAREFULLY PLANNED REVOLT. London, August 30. There is as yet no news of the British garrison of 50 men besieged by Moplaha at Malappuram. It is increasingly evident that the revolt has been carefully planned in the attempt to paralyse the Government of Southern India. It
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  • 100 7 SEQUEL TO ALLEGED INSULT Landon, August 29. Owing to an alleged insult to tfie men’s status at the arbitration, proceedings last week, the locomotive workers at Dublin of the South-Western Railway struck. After an address by two members of the Executive of the Union of Railwaymen, the
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  • 110 7 New York. July 23. —Senator William M. Calder of New York, has requested Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes to endeavour to persuade the British Embassy to visa the passport it refused Frank P. Walsh, attorney to de Valera of the “Irish Republic” during his American
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  • 60 7 THE NEW GLASS. Montreal, August 29. Sir William Pope opened the convention of the Society for Chemical Research, which was attended by noted chemists of Britain, Canada and the United States. The scientific papers to be presented include one dealing w th a new glass, which the-
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  • 51 7 rp HE PREPONDERANCE OF MALES. London, August 29. The preponderance of males over females is also a- feature of the Scottish census returns. The population is 4,882,288, an increase of 121,384, the smallest hitherto recorded. Males number 2,348,403, an increase of 39,564, and females 2,533,885, an increase of
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  • 35 7 A PRIZE CRITICISM. London, August 29. The Ranee of Sarawak won the £lOO prize for the best criticism of the film, “The Bigamist” now being shown at- the Alhambra Theatre, London.
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  • 33 7 Paris, August 29. A message from Warsaw says 13 were killed and 20 injured owing to a tram filled with Poles repatriated from Russia running *ff the rads near Baranowitch.
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  • 39 7 Stockholm, August 29. A new type of railway engine is being tested on the Swedish State RailwaysA steam turbine replaces the reciprocating machinery. There are special au rangements for economising steam and saving fuel.
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  • 86 7 AUSTRALIANS v. ENGLAND XI. At Eastbourne there were 4,000 spectators present. The weather was glorious. The wicket was in excellent condition. The Englishmen made 326, of which Hubert Ashton had 75, including seven 4’s. He partnered the South African Faulkner for 150 minutes, producing 154 for the fifth wicket.
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  • 131 7 SEMI FINAL AT KLANG. Although rain prevented Bagot and Richards playing off their semi-final in Kuala Lumpur, Oliver and Foenander were able to decide theirs in Klang. No rain fell in Klang during the day and in consequence, the Klang Club court was hard and dry. As anticipated,
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  • 21 7 London, August 29. Baldwins, Limited, have secured an order for 17,000 tons of steel rails for China.
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  • 21 7 Copenhagen, August 29. The Icelandic Government has negotiated a loan of £500,000 at -7 per cent through British banks.
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  • 33 7 London, August 29. Indications of a trade revival in South Wales are afforded by several more tinplates works resuming after six months’ idleness, but most are on short time.
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  • 247 7 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter S- Shaw, in the Supreme Court, Singapore, heard an appeal by Ng. Heng Jin. the respondents being Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd. Mr. M. C. Johannes appeared for the appellant and Mr. C. Dickenson for the Crown. Mr. Johannes, in the course
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  • 102 7 The heavy demand for passages home which is always experienced in the eaiiy months of the year is now over, and generally speaking there is a liberal amount of accommodation available in all steamers, says the monthly publication of a well-known agency firm. Early application is
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  • 95 7 Tire Chairman of the Kuala Lumuur Sanitary Board at the last meeting submitted a list, received from the Acting < '»ntroller of Labour, showing the rate- <>f wages obtaining on estates .in the I-M.S., and asked the views of the Board as to the advisability of making a
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  • 166 7 A CONTRACT FOR MOTOR TRUCKS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 31. In an action in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Barrett Lennard the Cycle and Carriage Company vs. A.M.S. Angulha, plaintiffs allege defendant agreed to purchase five Panhard motor trucks foi $6,200 each. He paid $6,000
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  • 429 7 -“S.FP.” The circumstances attending the death of gunner Winters of the R- G. A. at Elakang Mati in the early hours of the 20th inst., were enquired into by Mr. G. F. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, the end of which he returned a verdict of suicide whilst
    -“S.FP.”  -  429 words
  • 82 7 Two women asleep in a burning mansion were awakened just in time by the shrieking of a parrot. The fire occurred at Braisfield House, near Romsey, Hampshire. The owner was aroused by the bird, and called the only other occupant, the housekeeper. The latter and
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  • 87 7 Mr. R. F. Lazaroo, who claimed to be a Siamese subject, appeared before Mr. Nunn, District Judge. Singapore, on Friday afternoon in response to a summons issued at the instance of his wife for re fusing to maintain her and her children. Mr. Batishill appeared for the
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  • 579 7 ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal Chamber yesterday afternoon when there were present Mr. S. Codrington (President), Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok, Mr. W. H. Thorne, Dr. P. Liston, Mr. J. L. McFall, Mr. P. K. Nambyar and Dr. Lim
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  • 145 7 RATE FOR NEXT QUARTER. The F.M.S. “Government Gazette” of August 26th contains the following The Labour Code 1912- It is hereby notified that, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 156 of “The Labom Code, 1912,” as amended by Envtment No. 31 of 1919, the Indian Immigration
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  • 963 8 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. 0 CQ UQ H RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc. |c.i go Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. —10 c ilor Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 12) 1.30 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.00 750 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 80c 90c Ayer Panas
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  • 753 8 ,—Commerce. We have notic d daring the last few lays a steady appreciation fn the price of nhe shares of the Indo Burma fin Co-po ration, which went higher than Rs. 20 soon after» the company was established in 1919 and has since fallen to Rs.
    ,—Commerce.  -  753 words
  • 186 8 S F P." Aug 31—Batu Lintang, Ltd, General Meeting, Chamber of Com nerce, 3 p.m. Sept 1 and 3—Yeomen of the Guard, Town Hdll. Sept 21—B >ard of L'censi ;g Justice*, 2 30 p ro, P.C.C Gymkhana, end of September O 1 Sunday, September 11, the Rssiden* of
    —“ S F P."  -  186 words
  • 1056 8 a Rangoon view. j The rubber industry is still in the depths of the depression into which it fell a year ago or a little mor?, all eff irts to effect an improvement having so far proved unavailing The latest mov? is reported by Reader in th?
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  • 264 8 Mr Grieve on R.G a.’S n fw Mr Norman W Grieve nr 4 at the meeting o f the t (Selsnsor) Robber Cotnpsey, Li™,'™ that the ac.ut prtpoa.l by the R j Growers' Association ior the .he Robber Promoter.' L.mtted wo. no, to hand, and. regard to
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  • 110 8 T.;e report of th« Malayan Rubbe'! Low and Agency Co-poration, L'mited, statei that, af er allowing for a fall year's Debenure stock interes’, the r e is a cedit ba'ance on profi-j and loss accouut 0’£1,413, to which has to be added 2,034 brought forward,
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  • 306 8 Th- 3 ninth ordinary general meeting c tb Q Naragata Ex“ended (Nigeria) Tin Mj- es Limited, was held at Fritrs Hcu’f, New Broad Street E C-, Sir George L Denton KG MG. (he chairman of the company), presiding. T<ie Chairman, in rawing the adopwoo the
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  • 42 8 The Band Program me. The gramme of muaic at p m to-day. Qelib* 1 Fantasia ...F-eur de k' 8 2 Fox Trot ...Never R®f° 3e 3 Selection ...The Boy j C*’! 11 4 Waltz ...The H,nk ...MtH* 5 One Step ..Caajp“* eeUog
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 ĔĔ Telephone No 49«. T«leor*m»: GAZETTE. THE Pinang Gazette Press Limited EE |1 Holds a Large Stock of British Made g Manilla, Creamlaid, Cartridge and S Clothlined ©3o© IS I h ENVELOPES I g F EH EE ;EH i Various Sizes, Shapes and Qualities EE EĔ Suitable for private and
      202 words

  • 1107 9 c rMA GOVERNMENT’S OPINION, from Mr W Booth-Gravely, A le Xn* s creUry t 0 the G°™ Dmenb ICS tn the Secretary to the Govern of B ,nl ?’india, legislative Department, eDt j a iy 1921, says i» tel Lo/ed to acknowledge the receipt letter Hated the
    1,107 words
  • 61 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.'s share list Yesterday. To-day. 2 SHARES. 1 g, m to co to c. o. So. So. Mining. N Taiping 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.30 Renong Tin 25/- 26/. 26/- 27/T’kah Hr T 13.75 14.80 14.00 14.25 General. E
    61 words
  • 9 9 Papan Tin Limited, for August, 400 piculs.
    9 words
  • 88 9 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, August 30tb:—Spot £156.10s up £3.5s 3 months buying £158.15s £3 10s 3 selling £159,0? £3.10s Local Parity $78.43 August 31s': Singapore buyers no sellers at s77s > Penang buyers no sellers at s77| Messrs Boustead and Co To-day’s
    88 words
  • 389 9 Pining. August 31, 1921. BP. Tapioca $7.25 buyers M. P. Tapioca $7.50 buyers Gold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $19.00 nomina' White Pepper $3l sties. Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $35 nominal Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $45.00 nominal 110 s $32.00 nominal J No. 1 $13.50 per
    389 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1050 9 new \Jf ina ff gazette pi ——m FOR SALE RATES OF CASUAL J Z"''\ »S Camp Beds. »11 damaged. c»n ADVERTISEMENTS. V”"”'A be seen at Drill H-»ll, Fort Q irnwallis. One 1920 Ford Car,, T 0 T »'i»«io»» M f new with sell starter attached complete VACANT, Etc, with
      1,050 words

  • 833 10 The authorised draught of vessels entering and leaving Colombo Harbour mu'-, remain, as at present, at 30 feet for about a year when it is expected that accommodation will be available for vessels drawing 33 feet. There is a strong south-west monsoon blowing at Kohsichang, causing lighters to
    833 words
  • 135 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Renong for Bhuket (Torgkab), Kapab, Renong, Victoria Poin*', Mergo’, Tavoy and Moulmein. Glenfalloch for Singapore and China, Fxpbotbd Arrivals. «Teacher, Singapore, Sept 1, Titan, Liverpool, 5. Atreus, Singapore, Sept 9. Agapenor, Liverpool, Sept 11. Calchus, Singapore, Sept 13. Keemun, Singapore, Sept 16. Antilocbu», Liverpool, St pt
    135 words
  • 282 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Bata Gajah, Tapab Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, J 7 15 am Malacca, Johore, Singapore [&6 pm and Hongkong J Parit Bun tar and Bagan Serai By train als< 10.15 a.m. 3.45
    282 words
  • 74 10 The B I Packet, Tar*, wi’h mails from Europa is txpec ed to arrive here a> 6 am, to. morrow. The homet-a d mail, by the Th ngwa closes at 10 *,m. en Saturday the 3rd pr< x AUSTRALIAN MAIL. Mai 3 fro Austral a are t xpected
    74 words
  • 141 10 Penang, August 31, 19Z1. (Br Coubtbsy o» ths Charterrd Bank; London Demand Bank 2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Rank 2/4 1/16 •> 3 Credit) 2/4 7/16 5 Documentary 2/4 17/32 o»lcHtla Demand Bank Rs, 166 3 days’ siyht Private 175 j Bombay Demand Bank M 166 c Madras Demand
    141 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 340 10 Awarded (jold <SKCedal (|jip 'tyj/ International Medical Congress Exhibition, London, 1913. SF Bf P m far 1 L w f WfoW f r ‘f)y "W Appointment aI to the S?Wi? S te e JĔ I~,~J o’jrl of Spain. '•££»«)!!< '*<"'',7 "'Jr 1 Court of Italy. sa TJI 1 jftc. *■>
      340 words
    • 418 10 W There are many causes of this ccmni.but they all spring from a does not properly fulfil its functions, espe Cia v warm climate, when it becomes siugpish' action. The bile is turned from its proper channel" 1 'j enters the blood, and the person so a: facted is throughout
      418 words

  • 602 11 LETTER of BURMESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The following is a copy of a letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Burmese Chamber of Commerce, to The Secretary, Department of Industry and Commerce. Government of India, Delhi, dated Ran goon, the 20th of August, 1921, through the Revenue
    602 words
  • 292 11 The new paddy crop report takes ns up to the end of July. Comparative figures are given for 24 changvads or amphurs in the nix inner provinces, only six changvads m these provinces having now failed to make any report this» year. Ihecn p is doing well
    292 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 368 11 Malayan China Clay and I poltery Co., ltd., Gopeng. i 4* *r i 4. STOCKS NOW ON HAND—Fire Bricks, Arch Bricks, t Long Wedge Bricks, Broad Back Bricks, Babcock and J Wilcox Tube Bricks, and Fireclay. t note Bricks of any size or shape can be delivered within three weeks
      368 words
    • 446 11 I AVERY TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. fe tysL *1 fIPTI R si ‘‘w t u fi BRIEF SPEC IFICATION :—Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular H Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor u Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection for X Driver.
      446 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1366 12 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP EASTERN SHIPPING CO., LTD., (INCORPORATED IN THE BTBAITS SETTLEMENTS COMPANY. TEL. ADDRESS; TELEPHONE (Incorporated in U. 8. A.) SHIPPING. PENANG.” N 47 trans-pacific service. Head Office :—Ko. 63, Beach Street, Penang. s.B “EMPIRE STATE” from Hongkong about 3rd September, 1921. as GOLDEN STATE” from Hongkong about 9th
      1,366 words
    • 719 12 The Artistic Wood J preservative Made in Four Standard Shades. Proof against White Ants, j Dry Rot etc., in Timber. lUsed by Hundreds of Es fates throughout Malaya. I Manufactured by the well-known makers o! J HALL’S DISTEMPER Sole Agents: sub-Agenfs: William Jacks Co., R. T. Reid Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE.
      719 words