Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 N 0 7, NORTHAM J road. 1' Teleph° nc No. 579, < j j j ROSS’S j I I AUKS HEAD 1 I r PILSENER I JF BEER I ZWEgPRTSSS I SOLE IMPORTERS*: I XL CIGARETTES jf j The BORNEO Co., Ltd., JT (Incorporated in England.) SS Penang, Singapore Spoh.
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    • 25 1 THE BESI CAR IN TOWN j' 0 1 i «;,<lu w r. Sol. Malta S.B. a F.M.S i 1 Ong S«m A O*. I
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    • 312 2 Aligarh, August 6.—Mr. Gandhi accompanied by Mr. Mohamed Ali who is visiting Aligarh visited the latter’s National University and was shown over its different departments. In the evening he delivered a lecture at the Juma Mosque. Many had come from outside by rail and by road- Immense
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    • 204 2 A drive round the Delhi Piece Goods Market and enquiries among the piece goods dealers show that so far the Imperial capital is not much affected by the boycott movement. Business is as usual, though not very brisk. The apprehended failure of the monsoon
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    • 147 2 Simla, August 11.—The Thakurs of Jhiri, who have held the Fort of Bhampura for some, weeks against the forces of the Dholpur Durbar, surrendered on the 24th July. On the following day they released three Brahmins of Bhonhari, whom they had carried off because they iefused to acknowledge
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    • 145 2 Bombay, August s,—The sterlihg exchange has advanced to Is. 3-5/Bd. Opinion prevails here that under the present situation the rate of exchange will soon rise to Is. 6d. Silver is to-day quoted at ***** for a hundred tolas and mint gold is at
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    • 192 2 Secunderabad, August 9. —Private Luke, of the Bedfordshire Regiment, and Private Ross, of the Queen’s Bays, who were in military custody at Trimulgherry char, ged with a series of burglaries committed in officers’ bungalows at Trimulgherry and whose escape from custody was reported on the 2nd instant
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    • 117 2 Bombay August 10. —The provisionally arraaiged tour for the Prince of Wales’s visit to Bombay includes the presentation of addresses on His Royal High ness’s arrival, the unveiling of a statue to Lord Hardinge on the Apollo Bander and the opening of a replica of the Gateway
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    • 96 2 London, August 9. —Mr. Sastri authorises Reuter to deny the statement published in India that in the course of a speech at the Imperial Conference on the Bth July dealing with the status of Indians, he claimed that they should be allowed to settle in any British
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    • 84 2 Calcutta. August 8. —Three local trams on the Eastern Bengal Railway were at Belghurria station to-day and 117 passengers, including 21 Europeans, one first and one second class passenger, were arrested on. a charge of travelling without tickets or with short journey tickets. The Europeans are released
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    • 57 2 Teheran, August 11.—Demobilisation of the South Persian Rifles has begun. Onethird has already been disbanded and the whole force is to disappear by the end of September. Government has gained an important success over the Persian Bolsheviks in Mazandaram. who appear *no longer to enjoy Russian support.
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  • 243 2 In reply to a letter froiri the Association of British Chambers of Commerce with regard to the serious delays in the transmission of cablegrams between Shanghai and London, the Secretary to the Post Office writes The magnetic storms which prevailed throughout the world practically stopped the operation of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1413 2 POSITIONS WANTED. NOTICE OF SALE. CJVEKRIMENT EVENING CLASSES. As Stenographer or Confidential BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF OF Secretary s-raiu Souiemeu b o. PENANG. Classes in Pitman’s Shorthand will be F. M. 8. by Sinhalese yoang man 28 held in Penang Free School on Mondays years of age. Holds excellent
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    • 489 2 TENDERS Tenders are ap to Wednesday 31»t erection ol two Steel dredge, Fall particulars m y be application to tupaitin dredging lid KOTA TIN DREDGING lla 1380-27-8 NOTICE Tenders will be received at the nffi the Harboar Master, P enanB) the 19th September, 1921, (MondJj the supply of tin number
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    • 154 3 London, August 2. —Mr. Ameer AL, in a letter to “The Times,” says that Mr. hurchill laid his finger on the real issue when he t-old the House of Commons that peace in Asia Minor depends on a sat peace for Turkey. Two 1
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    • 288 3 London, August 6. —The decision to dispose of Runnymede (which was briefly referred to in one of our special cables in yesterday's issue) has produced a storm of popular resentment and given vise to a controversy regarding the actual scene of the signing of the Magna Charta. An
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    • 127 3 New York, July 12. —President Harding, addressing the Senate to-day, said that the proposed legislation for the grant ng of a bonus to soldiers as a national obligation would cost £1,000,000,009. This would greatly imperil the financial stability of America. “Our land has its share of financial
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    • 93 3 London, August 5-—Rain surprised a large crowd of people attending a church bazaar in the grounds of Lymere Hall, the seat of the Earl of Pow is at Montgomery. The earl invited the guests into the Hall, which is a seventeenth century timber framed house A
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    • 71 3 London August 4. —Earl Haig, in a letter to the newspapers on the seventh anniversary of the declarat on of wai, makes a powerful appeal to the public to help ex-service men, over 1,090,000 of whom, he says, are without work. Many individuals and bodies have most generously
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    • 34 3 London, August 6. Durham County Council are starting a pack of beagles for elementary school children the idea being that the sport will benefit the children’s health and prevent tuberculosis.
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    • 135 3 London, August 6. —The Duke of Portland. addressing his tenant at Welbeck, said that the war had entirely altered the outlook of large landowners, w hose future was most uncertain owing to the enormous taxation and death duties. A wholesale closing down of large country houses was inevitable.
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    • 89 3 Bombay, August 10. —The Nairobi correspondent of the Times of India” wires under date the 9th August It is announced that the Berlin and Brussels Coast treaties have been abrogated. Consequently the Customs import duties will be increased from to-morrow. The duty on ales, wines, cigars, tobacco, musical
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    • 63 3 London, August 10. —Interesting statistics concerning agricultural England are given in a report of the Ministry of Agriculture. The total acreage under all crops and grass on the 4th June was 26,139,000, showing a decrease of 368,000 but rough grazings were 4,555,000, an increase of 393,000 while the
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    • 61 3 London, August 6- —A blue book shows less crime in 1919 than in any year n the present century. There were 53,541 indictments compared with 63.269 in 1913 but sexual offences increased owing to the remarkable number of bigamies, namely, 917 compared with 133, while
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    • 50 3 London, August 9. —Applications for entry to the chief Public Schools are still ncreasing, and some schools are refusing to accept nominations. Some schools, like Eton. Winchester, and Rugby are full, and w ill have -no vacancies for the Sexennium Octenn um if all the entrants qualify.
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    • 45 3 London, July 19,—Bela Kun (Cohen), the Bolshevik ex-Premier of Hungary, was arrested in Lemberg (Galicia) upon his arrival from Moscow, where he had been attending the Third Internationale. It is alleged that he carried plans for a Communistic rising in Galic a.
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    • 53 3 London, August 9.—Replying to Captain J. T. Tudor Rees, in the House of Commons S r L. Worthington Evans said the -strength of the Territorials on the 29th July was estimated at 6,700 officers and 117,000 other ranks. The establishment according to current estimates, was 10,542 officers and
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    • 41 3 London, August 9—Winson Green Asylum, Birmingham, are apply ng for a license to show cinema pictures to the inmates. A grateful patient” is defraying the cost of the films. "Crook adventures and cowboy stunts will naturally be banned.
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    • 53 3 London, August 7. —The Italian Government has granted to ex-Emperor Charles permiss on to live in ItalyCharles leaves Lucerne at the end of the month and is taking up his residence at the fashionable resort of Viareggio on the Gulf of Genoa, where he has bought a
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    • 106 3 London, August 10. —The net profits of the famous brewers, Messrs. Arthur Guinness, Son and Co., amount to £3,729,803. A dividend at the rate of 25 per cent has been declared, compared with 20 per cent last year. Th question whether London or Liverpool ,is our greatest port
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 810 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF $20,000,000 LOAN. a interest*from the date of. purchase at 7 per cent, per annum pavable Bearce half-yearly on the Ist May and Ist November REPAYABLE AT PAR on THE Ist MAY, 1926 free OF INCOME tax and other duties. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT.
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    • 117 3 PRITCHARD’S Provisions, Wine and Spirit Dept. This Department is stocked with a choice selection of Provisions, Wine and Spirits. Nothing but the best is ever stocked and for display and quality Pritchard’s Provision Department cannot be surpassed. MUNRO’S "HOUSE OF LORDS WHISKY is a XVfiisky of super quality '.l*»" per
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  • 139 4 SALVAGE OPERATIONS CONTEMPLATED. There is no further information to hand in connection with the wreck, of the Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer “Perlis'’ Yesterday news was received that a Chinese junk had landed two more survivors from the 10-t vessel, a passenger and a fireman thus bringing the
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  • 384 4 The undermentioned new books have been received at the Library. My Cricketing Life, by P* F. WarnerCecil Rhodes, by Basil Williams. Seventy Years Among Savages, by Henry S. Salt. Supers and Supermen, by Philip Guedalla. The Outer Circle, by Thomas Burke. Queen V ctoria, by Lytton Strachey. Truth
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  • 104 4 Ihe Postmaster-General announced on July 25, that the mail for Egypt, India, etc., which was despatched by air from London to Paris on July 22. duly overtook the ordinary mad which left England on July 21, and was forwarded fr*m Marseilles by the Peninsular and Oriental packet
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  • 251 4 MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 27. At the Municipal Commission meeting, Mr. Wong, in moving that the Harbour Board property be re-assessed, pointed out that owing to the development, the value of its properties had greatly increased since the of 1912. It was the duty
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  • 440 4 FATE OF SPANISH COMMANDER AND FOUR STAFF OFFICERS. Paris. July 25.—A Madrid message say< that, following the sudden return of the King to Madrid an'd a hurried Cabinet meeting, the Government has requisitioned numerous steamers at Seville and Barcelona. and is rushing reinforcements and material to Morocco.
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  • 632 4 -Ex. The name of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s sh-p, “The Quest,” is a peculiarly appropriate one, for the new Antarctic expedition has as its object not so much the ice continent of the Southern Pole as the solution of some of th e problems of geography related to the
    -Ex.  -  632 words
  • 100 4 New York. July 22.—A message from Springfield S.) states that Governor Small, of Illinois, who has been indicted on a. charge of conspiring to defraud the State of 2,000,000 dollars and embezzling 707.000 dollar.', has declared, upon the advice of counsel, that he will resist the warrant issued
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  • 839 4 Commodore F Thomsen is leaving Bangkok homeward bound by the Falsbri*. Mr T H B Phillips, formerly of the F M 8 and lately of Snmatra, is revisiting Kuala.Lumpur, A Vale telegram to-day says the departure of Marshal Joffre to Japan has been postponed to th* «nd
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  • 413 4 Serious Fall in Revenue. The following statement regarding the Revised Estimated Revenue snd Expendiinre for the Colony for the year 1921 is published for general information Owing to a great fall in Revenue, principally due to the large decrease under Licences, Excise, etc, Opium Revenue, the total
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  • 236 4 From further particulars to hand in connection with the sensation at the Ipoh S'ation Hotel it would appear that the unfortunate man had been bleeding for eotne hours wli*n he was found by the “boy” at 7 a.m. The hat stand in the bedroom was found to
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  • 172 4 ACCUSED COMMITTED The preliminary inquiry into the charge of murder, preferred against Hew Kong Nyim, Kboo Moi Choo snd Wee Beng, which has been proceeding for manv days before Mr R 0 Cus»en, Magi-tra e, in the Seremban Police Court, came to a conclusion late on Tuesday
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 FRUIT AND THE CHILDREN. A WORD OF WARNING. Sound ripe fruit is good for children, but damaged or over-ripe fruit is exceedingly dangerous, especially at this time of year, causing diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, indigestion and worms. When you have reason to suspect that your child has eaten fruit of a
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    • 391 4 NEW An ordinary m-etin< of Commissimerß will b b held M ‘W pal Office, at 4 p.m. on luscano. tue 30th B y Order,) L. A. COUTIRR B t Q QB Secy, to the Municipal A REMINDER PENANG SALES R oom The Postponed Auction Sale of Tanjong B un a
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  • 1629 5 J U DG >1 EN RK K K.VE D. The local doctors’ in which Dr P E Crahay brings an action against Dr J Conrad for alleged breach of agreement, came to a conclusion after having occupied the attention of Mr Jastice BarrjertLennard in the Supreme Court,
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  • 159 5 Dwarf Coconuts. In answer to several enquiries correspondent had an interview with Mr W P Handover and was informed that the Malayan Dwarf Coconuts from Sungei Nipah Estate have been sent and are now growing in the most distant parts of the Globe including Fiji, San Domingo, West
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  • 103 5 A Diggers Loan £lO 000,000 for Repatriation It has now been decided by the Acting Prime Minister of Australia to fix the amount of the new Federal loan for repatriation purposes at £10,000,000 bearing a nominal rate of 6 per cent interest. The price of issue is £96, and the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 p tI a Visit to Joylapd, AND I oispel all borne worries I AND I follow the example of .> I A Thrifty young wife of JJL® Penang. > I Filled her house with joy j Her home cares had gone MgHtoX| Whilst the Cheap Sale T j was on
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    • 476 5 For Heartburn, Acidity, etc. Messrs. Savory Moore are the makers of a Lozenge, originally prescribed by the celebrated Dr. Jenner, which possesses in a remarkable degree the properly of neutralising Acidity in the stomach. They confidently recommend these Lozenges as a safe and reliable remedv for HEARTBURN FLATULENCE, ACIDITY, and
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  • 834 6 The man who ia probably better qualified than anyone else to explain the cause of the terrible disaster that has befallen R 38 can do no more than conjecture that ‘‘possibly several girders broke owing to some structural weakness.’* Commander Wann added it is impossible to tell”.
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  • 174 6 The Penang Fire Brigade received a call about 1 o'clock this morning to proceed to a fire in a lane ofl Dato Kramat Road. Mr Newington, the Fire Brigade Superintendent and his staff set out with a fireengine from the Central Station an’ another from
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  • 63 6 FURTHER CHANGES. (From Our Own Corrrspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 27. The “Malay Mail" hears that on Mr Oliver Marks’ retirement Mr E S Hose acts temporarily as Resident of Selangor. Subsequently Mr C i¥ C Parr goes to the Perak Residency, Mr O F Stonor to Selangor, Mr
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  • 140 6 PRESIDENT TO BE ARRESTED. (From Our Own Correspondbnt). Singapore, August 27. The Council of Justice, Batavia, has issued an instruction to arrest Jokro Ami no to, President of the Sarikat Islam, owing to his participation in previous secret plots. This case will arouse enormous interest. —Aneta. The German
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  • 1429 6 If the Council of the League of Nations can offer a satisfactory The Preseat solution of the Silesian Ta k o f e ,he problem, it will achieve ague. g rea t er success than any yet credited to it, for unless a settlement is arrived at
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    • 234 6 (To the Editor of the Phung Sir,— Consequent on the closing several E-rtate?, both in the Straits e ments and the F.M.S. owing depression in the Rubber marker, e has now btcnme more rr less a re the Tamil coolies thrown of w have no other
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  • 43 6 A SI NHALESE SYMPATHISER." We are advised by the SeC py I.rd■. Batang Padang Drfd ~gp n^d that tbe Dredge has com «nene. Ab about 6-30 p b Prai Wharf of tbe F M 4 o I(i6 the ferry launches rds the recovered.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 379 6 e Electricity in I the Home. The From Rushlight ĔĔ Austin All British tO AutOplant, NO. 10. Autoplant l Will furnish the elec- In 1841 Frederick de Moleyns pross trie current for a house duced a platinum filament incan. using the equivalent of descent lamp and Starr of Cincin- 60-20
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 38 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Gow Water To-dav 4 56 1129 a.m. 5.18 pm. 11.39 p ro. To-morrow. 611 a.m, 12 0 mn. 7.51 p.m. 2, 1 p.m. Monday. 8.41 a.m. 1 57 a.m. 9.41 p.m. 3.48 p.m.
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  • 1492 7 ONLY FIVE SAVED. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, August 25. The wreck lies half a mile south of on Pie ia two portions. It is ttOC visible at high tide. One of the sur. T padinir Aircraftsman Davies, vivors, t-eauiub dl «rib;»g dent d w moment. The petrol tanks
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  1,492 words
  • 802 7 Hope revives that airships will be saved for the Empire said the “Times” of July 14. Recognition of their potential value in diminishing greatly the time taken by passengers and mails to travel from one part of the Empire to other parts grows daily. Though the
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  • 83 7 REPORT THAT U.S. MAY UTILISE GERMAN YARDS. It has been announced at the general meeting of the Deutsche Luftschiffahrt Gesellschft, according to a Dusseldorf tele, gram of July 27 (quoted by the Exchange), that a prospect exists that the prohibition order by the Allies regarding the building of
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  • 181 7 London. July 19. —Sir Ross Smith, the aviator, has been appo-nted Australian expert on the special board which will prepare a concrete scheme for Empire airship communications. Britain and Australia being taken as a typical case the experts propose to examine every phase, includ-ng
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  • 56 7 LABOUR RETAINS ITS LEAD. London, August 25. The Caerphilly (Glamorganshire) byelection resulted Mr. Morgan. Jones (Labour) 13,699 Mr. Rees Edmunds (Liberal) 8,958 Mr. Stewart (Communist) 2,592 The vacancy was due to the death of Mr. Alfred Onions (Labour). The result at the last election was Alfred Onions (Labour)
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  • 80 7 NO CONNECTION WITH THE COALITION. Landon, August 25. After a most active campaign, polling took place to-day in the by-election fop the Abbey division of Westminster, in which all three candidates, Brigadier J. S. Nicholson, Colonel Applin, and Mr. Arnold Lupton are advocating a policy
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  • 70 7 “LEVIATHAN” SCORCHED. Hoboken, August 25. Fire destroyed two army store piers, but the damage was slight as the stores had been previously removed. The liner “Leviathan” was scorched. The bodies of 500 American soldiers from France, which were ly ng at the pier, were also hastily
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  • 38 7 Washington, August 25. Congress is in recess until September 21- The House passed the Bill continuing the dye embargo for three months. The Senate adopted the Agricultural Credits Bill. Both were sent to the President.
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  • 32 7 OIL AGAIN SUPERSEDES COAL. London, August 25. The Cunarder, “Mauretania,” will shortly be docking in the Tyne for the purpose of being converted into an oil burning vessel.
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  • 36 7 London. August 25. Reuter learns that a meeting of the Russian Relief Commission takes place in Paris on August 29. notwithstanding that the United States and Japan have not yet nominated their representatives.
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  • 65 7 JAPAN’S ACCEPTANCE. Washington, August 25. Mr. Shidehara, conveying |o the State Department Japan’s hearty amd appreciative acceptance of the invitation to the Disarmament Conference, hoped the agenda of the Far Eastern Conference would be arranged prior to the meeting in accordance with Japan’s suggestions, that matters concerning only
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  • 79 7 PEACE TREATY SIGNED. Berlin, August 25. The Peace Treaty between the United States and Germany has been signed. The Conditions. London, August 25. The Treaty consists of three articles and reproduces the United States Congressional resolution of July 2. Germany undertakes to grant all rights and reparations
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  • 22 7 Vienna, August 25. The Austro-American Peace Treaty has been signed. The negotiations were confidential and the provisions are unknown.
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  • 56 7 VISCOUNT ISHII S HOPE. Paris, August 24. Senor Quinones de Leon has declined Viscount Ishii’s invitation to draw up a leport on the Silesian question for examination by the Council of the League of Nations. Diplomatic circles believe that Viscount Ishii is still hoping that Senor do Leon
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  • 69 7 AUSTRALIAN BOWLING TOO MUCH FOR SOMERSET. London, August 25. At Taunton, in fine weather, on a good wicket, before 6,000. Somerset scored 123, of which Considine had 47 not out. McDonald took 7 wickets for 31. Somerset followed on and made 150, Lowry contributing 56, including two 6’s and
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  • 119 7 SHIM IDZU VICTORIOUS. Newport, (Rhode Island) August 25. In final of the Davis Cup. Shimidzu, Japan, defeated Anderson- Australasia, 6—4. 7—5, 6—4. Japanese Forces the Pace. Newport, August 25. Before several hundreds of spectators, in perfect weather and on a fast court, the diminutive Japanese profited in
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  • 114 7 BRITISH AMATEURS’ ATTITUDE. London, July 23. —The committee f the Amateur Rowing Association, in conference with representatives of toe Universities, Henley Regatta and the provincial rowers,* adopted a resolution stating that to organise international athlet: compel:-; tions like Olympiads, which entiilei vast expenditure of money, was entirely' contrary
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  • 20 7 Geneva. August 25. Siam and Uruguay have ratified the protocol of the International Conn of Justice.
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  • 198 7 CRITICAL SITUATION IN THE SOUTH. London, August 25. Grave news is reported from Southern India, where a fanatical M&hommedan clan, the Moplahs. are in open rebellion. The following is the official message: A mob of 10,000, at Tirur, captured the sub-magistrate, the police inspector and two
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  • 76 7 BRITISH MISSION’S PROLONGED STAY. Simla, August 25. The‘continued stay of the British Mission in Kabul is occasioning conflicting reports and the opinion is commonly expressed in India that hopes of the conclusion of a treaty are now extremely slender, but the tribesmen on both sides of
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  • 27 7 DE VALERA’S REPLY To PlfoPosAl.S. London, August 25. Mr. De Valera's reply to the British proposals were delivered at Downing Street at one o’clock this afternoon.
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  • 35 7 Athens, August 25. Two doctors have been dispatched to Eskishehr to attend King Constantine, who is suffering from gastric trouble. He had, yesterday, vomiting attacks, following a fainting fit lasting 20 minutes.
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  • 366 7 London, August 7- —The famine in Russia presents a catastrophe recalling the darkest ages. A special correspondent, says that though there is probably corn enough in Russia, if properly distributed, to keep alive the starving millions the hopeless disorganisation, lack of transport and revolts in the Ukra'ne
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  • 899 8 KR AMAT PULAI. “THE WORST NOW OVER The thirteenth annual general meeting <if Kramat Pulai, Limited, was held on Jub .21 at tlie registered offices of the company London Mr. S. H. B. Bland} (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts,
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  • 610 8 THE ONLY REAL REMEDY’ FOR THE POSITION. The twelfth ordinary general meeting of the Bukit Mertajanr Rubber’ Company, Limited, was held on July 27 at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C-, Mr. A. G. Angier (the chairman) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. R. Lawrence Spicer F.C.1.5.,) having read
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  • 257 8 FRASER’S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, August 24,—The market remains. dull and lifeless since our last issue owing to lack of support and where changes occurred they were usually towards lower levels. The only noteworthy feature during the week was* the sensational drop in Oils. Shell Transports touching 82s.
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  • 259 8 The Robber Share market i able to hold the advance it ot ago, and mo B t of the leading a i slipped back a little, B av B a h b|T 24. A. time, the advance in quotation &t the resolb of a better sentiment
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  • 362 8 Messrs William Jacks and Co, London, report for the week ending July 26 as fo'. j lows I The reduction of the Bank Rate a wee» ago to 5| per cent gave a fillip to Stock Exchange Securities and a temporary fillip jto Metals, but the improvement in
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  • 228 8 "L&C.E." The return of the British m' ners cdlieries has not been h concession of interest in C ma B .j jf A day or two ago the wrl^’ r o |yinr. here was a posssibility of Ch'D* -FT j he w h o l. of th.
    "L&C.E."  -  228 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 Last Week of Penang’s Greatest Shopping Event Final Reductions in oil Departments WHITEAWAY'S I SUMMER SALE J Days and Bargains are Both Slipping F X away and “Too Late!” will be the 4 Regret of all who fail to seize their Z opportunity this week. 4 F Keen shoppers: Those
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  • 746 9 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. N*» ES J I bU bb« b 10c 15c 1 S IS ";S? c?* £*SiSE£«- 6 js .’Ss 1 ■K'u.<««, B bbet0 a* tes 2OC 30c Rubber Est*“* E.tat... 40c 50c S Rukit v' til Rubber Estates 50c bOc a "i* E.U<e 250 85&S&. w» Glenesly
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  • 303 9 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, report» as follows: There is no favourable feature to report in the Share Market which continues dull with declining quotations in all sections. Rubbers remain stagnant and Mines are again lower all round on the further and all of £3.5/- in the
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  • 98 9 The S rait.t» Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, Angus- 26th:— Spot <£152.0s np £3.oi 3 months bating £1 54.0 s £3,5s 3 8“llug £154.5a £3.5« Local Parity $75,85 Augu-t 27'h Singapore s H 125 tr>ng at. $75.75 Penang gel’er-< no boyer?, at $75.75. The Eastern
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  • 182 9 Pbnan» Augobt 27; 1921. BP. Tapioca 57.75 seller». M P. Tapioca $B.OO sellers. Cold leaf 572 sellers Black Pepper $l9 00 nominal White Pepper $3l sales. Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $35 nominal Cloves no ®tock. Nutmegs 80s $45.00 Domina' J 10s $32.00 nominal fyq o j $l3
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  • 1174 9 THE SIAM MARU." HOW SHE WAS LOST OFF CAPE GUARDAFUI. The story of the wreck of the Siam Maru,” off the coast of Italian Somaliland not far south of Cape Guardafui at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden, of the subsequent exciting rescue of the officers and crew by
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  • 467 9 Largb Increase in Last Dbcadb. A further analysis of the preliminary census figures discloses that despite the war and the partial stoppage of immigration, the increase in population daring the last decade was greater than in any other like period in the last 40 years. Proportionately bo
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  • 107 9 The Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Federated Malay State*, notifies that on and from September Isb the rates for telegram» between any two places in the Malayan telegraph system (Federated Malay States: Straits Settlements, Johore) will be, Ordinary Telegram—s cents a word with a minimum charges of 35
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  • 1567 9 LAWN TENNIS IN SCOTLAND. AS PLAYED IN THE SEVENTIES. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Edinburgh, July 27. The Scottish National Championships tournaments have been running in Edinburgh, the first home of Scottish tennis. Lawn tennis, as it is now known, made its appearance in the early 70's—about 1872 or
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  • 283 9 Blows in the Italian Chamber. According to a Renter’s Rome message of July 23, at> the close of Friday’s sitting of the Chamber a Deputy belonging to the Fa°cisti Party eocounterpd a Communist Deputy in the Lobby of rhe House, and in the ensuing discusdon struck him with
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  • 436 10 St. GEORGE THE MARTYR. Services for Week ending Sept. 3rd, 1921. Sunday 14th, after Trinity. 8 a.m. Matins. 8.30 a m. Holy Communion. 10-30 a.m. Matins (Chinese). 6 p.m. Evensong. Hymns 184, 536. 370. 20. Psalms 73—170, 77—164. Magnificat 47, Nunc Dimittis 65. Friday, Sept 2nd—6 p.m. Evensong.
    436 words
  • 108 10 The attention of the Acting Prime Minister was drawn in the House of Rep>eentatives a v Melb urnp by Mr M’Williams (T) bo a published statement th-ab Australia h d accepted German Government bonds as paym nts for wool and wheat, and was fining a rear's
    108 words
  • 149 10 TO-DAY’S mKPARTURES Peng Fook for Langsa. Malaya for Bheket (Tongkah) and Renong. Takada for Singapore, China and Japan. Merton Hall for Singapore and London. Liafl Choo for Pulau Langkawi, Setul and Perlis. Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Koemai for Deli and Langsa. Kwaisang for Singapore and China,
    149 words
  • 245 10 DAILY (except Sunday}. BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping,) Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By trail Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, -7.15 a.m. Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 p.n> aud Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alsc 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Taiping
    245 words
  • 25 10 The B I Packet Tara, wi*h mails from Europa is expec ed to arrive here at 6 a.m, on Thursday the Ist proximo.
    25 words
  • 136 10 Penang, August 37, 1921. (Bt Courtbsy or m Chartered Bank) London Denwd Rank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ «ight Rank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 163 3 days’ sight Private 170 Bombay Demand Bank 163 c Madras Demand Bank 163 H
    136 words
  • 70 10 Aug 27—“ Cinderella Da> ce Penang Club, 9 15 p.m Aug 28—Penang Swimming Olub, Special General Meeting—noon, Aog 30—Mnnicipal Commis-ion, 4 p.m. Aug 30—Ching Seng, General Meeting, F«‘quhar S met, unoip Aug 31—Ba’a Lintang, Ltd, Gene r al Meeting, Chamber < f Commerce 3 p.m. Sept 1 and
    70 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 253 10 THE NEW ACE ENCYCLOPAEDIA IN IO VOLUMES. IB f. I This is the most recent, accur- I ate, reliable and up-to-date post war work and unique compendium of the new know- ledge and presents the essent- ial facts of the New Age at a “LIVE BOOKS." ■■Hniakes a speciality The
      253 words
    • 246 10 Hi 1 Northern Assurance? I CO., LTD. H ESTABLISHED 1836. ASSETS EXCEED £16,000.000. i i. Fire. 2. Life. i| 3. Motor Car. 4. Motor Cycle. tj 5. Personal Accident. 6. Plate Glass. We can give you any particulars’which you may require re the above I I SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. AGENTS:
      246 words

  • 418 11 Towards the end of the war the difficulty in securing cotton in sufficient quantity at a reasonable price and the shortage of shipping led the British Govern, ment to arrajige the Egyptian authorities fo r the institution of a control over the Egyptian
    418 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 465 11 •cnnaiuiuiiiiiii'iiiiii'TiiTirTrnTrnm 1 II i I J wWjPb I I J K -X. G ‘-We’re so glad you, are J getting well again, Daddy.” J What a feeling of satisfaction it is to a man who has been nervy H g and run-down to find he is getting back his normal
      465 words
    • 413 11 SPORTS AND KIDNEY TROUBLE. Hundreds of columns are written daily about some kind of sport. Magazines are published to its exclusive interests. Affiateur as well as professional sport is universally popular. How many of us realise that all these sportsmen who participate in the so many varied games are apt
      413 words
    • 565 11 I avery'H I 'I TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. F I 1 jp S I Wil m I W Xr~ II BRIEF SPECIFICATION Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Hji Foiced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection for
      565 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1443 12 4 B>—II,— AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Ellerman Line. l in a J-MVHriW MMIL. QlUMmUrill eilerman «nd Bucknail (Incorporated on Austria. COMPANY. Steamship Co., Ltd., i Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, (Incorporated in U. 8. A.) Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, TRANS.PACI FIC SERVICE The following fast
      1,443 words
    • 704 12 i VINCENT Co., Ltd. 1 Q PENANG. I J n READY STOCKS.' I Metrolaos Aoetlo Sold 99X 11 Q Momi Cases English Latex P tBS “I Changkois Enamelled Polls |l Q Veneer Cases Tapioca Saws I Glazed Cups Safes (Key and Combing Q Porcelain Cups tion Locks) pl Hoop Iron
      704 words