Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 August 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 405 1 1 1 ~m l«”» C g- r T: I the PRICE OF I U FIRST QUALITY MILK BLACK WHITE I absolutely pure 1 R OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. WHISKY I j I HAS BEEN I i L I REDUCED I 8 rf g g H PiNANG, SINGAPORE, MALACCA, 4j |fg g t
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    • 22 1 > THE BESI CAR I» TOWH t I 7 X .pnj; J 1 I 1 Seta Mam» &.S. F.M.SOng S«m U&orkg A 00,
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  • 1089 2 CHINESE CREDIT SCHEME. The following received from Mr. Koh Leok Hup, Honorary Secretary of the conference of the Associatied Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Malaya, is a copy of the Petition addressed by the Chairman to His Excellency relating to the trade depression and the Government s acknowledgment
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  • 129 2 THIRTY AND A HALF MILLIONS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 26. Owing to the great fall in revenue. the revenue which in 1921 was estimated at $37,185,000, is now expected to realise not more than $30,582,000. A refund of over-pay-ments for the defence contribution in 1917/18, $3,446,000
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  • 33 2 The Cricket Club report shows a loss of $7,742 for the year ended July 30. The membership is 1331, an increase of 396. Considerable improvements were effected in the building.
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  • 23 2 The Straits Motor Car Service, in the first report shows a loss of $9,983, directly attributable to the trade depression.
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  • 30 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 26. 1 n the Seremban. murder case, the three accused were committed for trial Bail of $lO,OOO each was allowed.
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  • 101 2 RECONSTRUCTION SCHEME. (brom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 26. At an extraordinary meeting o f the Kun. dong Rubber Company, a reconstruction scheme was passed. The capitalised cost of the cultivated area will be reduced, and the proposed capital of the company will consist of 210,000 shares
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  • 68 2 TWO MORE SURVIVORS. A telegram was received this morning at the offices of the Eastern Shipping Coy. from the company’s agents at Trang stat’ng that a Chinese junk had picked up two more survivors of the Perlis disaster, —a fireman and a passenger. One of the rescued
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  • 730 2 Oar Koala Lumpur correspondent wires that Mr A. B. Voules is engaged to Miss West. Mr 0 B Mills and Mrs Mills of Koala Lumpur are leaving for England on September 12. Admiral of the fUe® Str Arthur Wilson, who died a bachelor and intestate, left £26,876.
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  • 53 2 From Lunas, Kedah :—Soon, Lee Hup $5O, Ban Seng Hon? $2O, Eng *Huat $lO. Sim Seng Teong $lO, Ismail $lO, M j Shaary $lO, 10 persons each $5 $5O, 3 persons each $3 $9 22 persons pach $2 44 12 persons each $1
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    • 258 2 Co the Editor of the “Pihawo Gazette.” 8if t _I have read with interest) the details of the wreck of the s s Perlis as narrated by the survivors. The bad weather experienced daring the last voyage was doo exceptional and is to be
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  • 264 2 -‘•8 F P There was a minor correction of the recent judgment in the shipping requisi'ioniog case in the Supreme Court, Singapore on Wednesday. The Hon Mr MJ Upcott, for the Attorney General pointed out that in tbe judgment, in declaration 2, it was stated that compensation
    -‘•8 F P *  -  264 words
  • 285 2 A sensation was caused at the Ipoh Station Hotel on Wednesday morning when one of the room boys,” upon entering the room of a European who had arrived in Ipoh last nighb from Kuala Lumpur, found the gentleman in question with his throat cut and
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  • 229 2 Next Cobfsbbncu to bb Hbld In 8 INGAPORB. The final meeting of the Medical Congress took place in Batavia at 9 o’clock on 'he morning of the 13tb inst. It was pro posed by Dr Horn to hold a Congress in 1922 in Singapore. Tbe proposition was
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  • 194 2 Items in Australia’s Dbfenck Policy Senator Brigadier-General Emott, lecturing at Melbourne on August lon tbe defence policy of Australia, expressed tbe opinion that tbe only possibility of Australia being involved in war was in defence of the. “White Australia” policy. Tbe first item of the defence policy should
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  • 418 2 It will be remembered that the case came to a conclusion before Mr Nunn District Judgp, last week, in which a Mala bari, named Kasrim, stood charged with receiving and retaining the property of certain Europeans residing in the Ka'ong District of Singapore says the Straits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 NEW TO Palm Grove.” ment Road Unfurnished a No. 224, c/o Pioang Gazerie PP y FOR 1920 Baby Triumnh" new back tyre ano tub?TJ h°> or offer. Apply to Welsh V 6 Krian Road. Y,ni WOTICEI YARN AGEN]; A leading English firm of Cotton Yam exporters, having several large mills
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  • 84 2 OBITUARY. SIAMESE WAR MINISTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, August 25 The death has occurred of the Minister of War, from pleuro pneumonia to-day. He rose from the ranks to be Minister and Field Marshal. DEATH. Poole. —On August 22, 1921, 8. Harcourt Pool*, of Sedenak Estate, Johore. OBITUARY. London,
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  • 1767 3 DEFENDANT IN THE BOX The cpse of alleged breach of contract, in which the parties concerned are Dr P E Crabay, plaintiff, and Dr J Conrad, defendant, was continued before Mr Justice Barrett Leonard in the Supreme Court. Singapore reports the “Free Press.” Mr A de Mello
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  • 146 3 What Britain has Paid in Last 1 hrre Years The total military expenditure incurred io respect of Persia during the three years ended March 31. 1921, was estimated approximately at £39,000,000, but the final incidence of this expendi’ure as between Army Votes and Indian Funds is «’ill
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1011 3 POSITION WANTED.NOTICES. od2 e master Engineer The Commission recently appointed to “X 8 'S “<*• o. th prwrt fin oiel an d ruining of plant, offers Btate of trade depression brought about, in recoD9 'X‘i O nkny of the above capacities, the main, by the continued depression th bo9r b
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    • 572 3 Sleeplessness Debility Wonderful Cures by Dr. Cassell’s Tablets in Various Parts of the Empire. India. South Africa. Mr. Samuel Pedro, Evangelistic Hall, Mrs. William, P. 0.. Haenert»Negapatam, South India, writes:— burg, Northern Transvaal, South “For three years I suffered from Africa, writes —“For eierht years I nervous exhaustion, but
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  • 1300 4 The diaaater to the great airahip R 38 while on a teat trip over England, preparatory to its flight aero »B the Atlantic, ia deplorable for several reasons. In the first place the loss of so many, lives is a matter that will came profound grief on
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  • 1344 4 Several interesting reports were received by the mail, relating to The Outlook conditions at Home, and at Home. the outlook. From them we learn that the reduction in the Bank rate has not resulted in a very appreciable increase in business. All' sections remain dull, especially industrial
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  • 141 4 Who was to Elams? A case arising out of a collision on Jan. 29 last betwfeu twafcow 176auda motor launch, was opened in tbe jsup.eme Court, Singapore, before ths Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw. Chop Wee Wah, the plaintiff» and owners of the twakow, alleged
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  • 306 4 (From Our Own Correspondent)Singapor, Augns 26. Judgment was given for Chop W pp for $3,000 damages and coats io c against the Asiatic Petroleum Co,np y connection wi f h a collis' ,)n e > plaiotiffa’ tw»kow and the defendant Company’s motor laur ct>. Wireless teleg-apby b“ 8 D
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 Jr I I RECOGNIStD AS yin U "'SH “THE GIN" i I I ESn '|B£p over India A China. BOOTHS I The OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LOCAL DEALERS. M Original T>rij Gin OISTILLCRV. LONDON. eN P u SOLE IMPORTERS BEHR CO., PENANG. I W. Briggs Sons, Ltd., .g Dundee and London.
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    • 9 4 Dinner AND ANCE at th;e “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 691 5 r3B EXPLODES. us i\ FLAMES INTO HUMBER. FALt' Reuter's Telegrams.] London, August 24. ship exploded over Hull and fell in 'fanZ in Ihe river Humber. Terrific Explosions. London., August 24. The airship W, re named 3/2, was .raising in style over the city of Hull al 545 in
    Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  691 words
  • 128 5 COL. HOUSE’S VIEWS. London, August 23. A message from Colonel House from Londen published in Philadelphia as regards the Washington Conference, says that, however much Britain and her Dominions sympathise with the general atti bu e of the United States regarding the Asiatic and Pacific problems, the
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  • 178 5 London. August 4,—A Japanese special correspondent directs attention to the v.tal connection of China with the Pacific Conference. I hat country’s position in the discussions he regards as the kernel of the whole problem of the Pacific. China is at. present in a chaotic condition. There is no
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  • 78 5 THE SPANISH REFUSAL. Paris, August 24. Diplomatic circles state that Viscount Ishii does not regard Senor de Leon’s refusal as final. Senor de Leon’s action is attributed to German insinuations as regards his proposed attitude, and. according to messages from Madrid public distaste at Spanish intervention on the
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  • 65 5 —Vale. DAN ISH REPRESENTATIVES. Copenhagen. August 24. The Danish representatives the forthcoming assembly of the League will be Mr. Zahle, the minister in Stockholm, and Doctor Moltesen and Mr. Munch, members of the Folketing. France’s Representatives. Paris, August 24M.M. Bourgeois, Viviani and Hanotaux are to
    —Vale.  -  65 words
  • 22 5 London, 24. Stormont. Castle-, near Belfast', has been purchased as a home for the North Ireland Parliament.
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  • 84 5 London, August 10.—The improved feeljig in Ireland is indicated by the fact that the Dublin Horse Show, which has hitherto been most exclusive and one that confirmed-the ascendancy of the class of its members, and which has kfsen boy cotted by the Dublin Corporation since the
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  • 39 5 NEW ERA OF PROSPERITY. London, August 24. The Ebbw Vale Steel and Iron Works, which have been closed for seven months, creating unemployment amongst 8,000 are re-starting immediately. Everyt mg points to a period of prosperity.
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  • 22 5 London, August 2>. The French Ambassador conferred the Grand Officership of the Legion of Honour on Mr. Massey.
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  • 177 5 TOWN POPULATIONS INCREASING. Landon, August 23. Ihe population of greater London was 7,476,168, compared with 7,251,358, an increase of 3.1. Birmingham, 919,438, is now the second city in England. The increase in the population of England and Wales was 1,814,750, which is only about half the increase in
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  • 99 5 ESTIMATE OF 121,253 INCREASE. Preliminary figures of the Scottish census are supplied by the Secretary of Scotland. The population of Scotland is given as 4,882,157, as compared with 4 760,904 in 1911, an increase of 121,253. There are 2,348,296 males and 2,533,861 females. Some of the details that
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  • 103 5 AMERICAN REPLY TO PANAMA. Washington, August 23. A note forwarded to Panama yesterday, declared that the United States would not permit hostilities arising from the occupation of the Coto region by Costa Rica. The note was sent in response to a communication from Panama indicating that
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  • 50 5 STRONG SPANISH FORCE ACTIVE. Madrid, August 24. A message from Melilla states that a Spanish force of 10,000 infantry and 13 batteries of artillery, with cavalry, and supported by aeroplanes, tanks and armoured cars, encountered 8,000 tribesmen. Tlie latter suffered severely. Operat ons are being actively continued.
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  • 87 5 APPEAL FOR ABOLITION OF TAXES. The Hague, August 24. The directors of the Batavia Oil Com. pany, in a letter to the Minister for the Colonies, urgently, request him to do his utmost to abolish the export texes on od products and prevent the imposition of
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  • 25 5 THE’ WAGE REVISIONS. London, August 24. The Agricultural Wages Board has decided to make orders enforcing the revisions of wages from September 5.
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  • 165 5 ENGLISHMAN’S GRAPHIC STORY. London, August 24. An Englishman, many years resident in Astrakhan, arrived in London to-day after several months’ journey from that town. When shown the “Svenska Dagblad’s” message, cabled yesterday, he said the burning of Astrakhan was in no way improbable. The situation in Russia
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  • 395 5 THIRTY MILLION PEOPLE IN FLIGHT. Harrowing tales are current of the pit.abl e condition of Russia’s starving population, and, according to a prominent Russian in England, there is no reason to doubt their authenticity. “It will need at least 80,000 tons of new seeds to succour the famine-stricken
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  • 105 5 MARCONI’S STATEMENT. London, August 24. An optimistic account of wireless possibilities in the near future .was given by Signor Marconi to-day at the annual meeting of the Company, as the result of recent tests wh ch Signor Marconi personally conducted in his yacht Elektra. Marconi expresses the opinion
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  • 69 5 London, July 21.---Prospecting operations in Kent have revealed extensive deposits of coal, which is descr bed as the best in the world for iron smelting purposes. Some French concerns endeavoured to obtain the control, which has now' been secured by Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., Middlesbrough, who
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  • 81 5 AUSTRALIANS’ BIG WIN OVER GLOUCESTER. London, August 23. At Cheltenham, in dull weather. Gloucester scored 175 in the second innings, of which Keigwin, by confident batting, contributed 65. Mailey took 10 wickets for 66. The Australians won by an innings and 136. County Results. Kent beat Northants by 10
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  • 51 5 COLLINS AND RYDER IN FORM London, August 24. At Taunton, in dull weather, on an excellent wicket, before 6,000. The Australians totalled 331, of which Collins had 101, including twelve 4’s. He gave four chances. Ryder scored 124 not out. He had seven 4’s, and gave no
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  • 300 5 GAME ABANDONED THROUGH RAIN. Loudon, August 6. —The match between Australia and Lancashire had to be abandoned to day on account of the heavy rain. Australia was in a very strong position. London, August 5. —Play was resumed on a slowly drying wicket in dull weather before
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  • 388 5 HOME COUNTY LOSE BY INNINGS AND 60 RUNS. London. August 9.—The weather was fine and cloudy and there were 3.000 people present when the match between the Australians and Warwickshire was resumed to-day. Armstrong declared without any addition to the overnight total. Partridge was the most successful
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  • 129 5 London, August 5. —The “Times’’ agrees with F. R. Spofforth that the decline of English cricket is partly due to the fetish of the “googlie” and swerve. The Australians’ superiority was due to something in the Australian atmosphere which makes the swerve negligible so that bowlers
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  • 204 5 That boxing contests of the right character are losing little of their popularity wa., evidenced by the largo z attendance that packed Liberty Hall, Singapore. 'lhe announcement “No sparring, no embracing,” emblazoned on the programme was acted upon by the contestants and the bouts throughout were remarkably free
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  • 850 6 FOURTH JAVA CONGRESS. The following report appears in the “Straits Times”’ of the fourth congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine which opened at Batavia on Aug. 6th. Delegates from the Straits Settlements and the F.M.S- were met at the pier at Tandjong Priok, where they
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  • 204 6 tragedy of kitchener. London, August IL—Lord Esher’s book. “The tragedy of Lord Kitchener published by Murray and Co. does not refer to Lo*rd Kitchener’s death, but purposes to demonstrate Lord Kitchener s failure in his administration of the War Office from 1914 to 1916 and Lord
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  • 186 6 London, August 9. —The select Committee on the Estimates has issued a report on Civil Serv’ce salaries which includes the evidence of the Deputy Controller, Establishments Department of the Treasury, whose department was established in 1919 to assist the regulation of questions affecting the
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  • 192 6 London, August 5. —Messrs. Montagu’s report says that the tendency of the market has been somewhat- easier. The enquiry from the Indian bazar appears to have been sat sfied, but at present there is not much evidence of a demand from other quarters. The tendency of the
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  • 111 6 London, August 7. —The American Jewellers’ Association is offering a reward of £l,00() in the London newspapers for informat on leading to the conviction of diamond smugglers. It appears that the Russian Bolshevists are endeavouring to place in the world’s markets £7.000,000 worth of looted diamonds and other
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  • 33 6 London, August 7—Lloyds Bank has inaugurated world letters of ere mt, which are procurable at any branch enabling travellers to obtain cash in 5,000 towns in all parts of the world.
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  • 28 6 London, August 7. —The “Times’’ understands that the authorities are reducing the Indian Army all round, dismissing and send ng home at least 4co probation officers.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 Underwood I Standard I Type writers The Machine you will Eventually Buy. Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England) AgentsPenang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. a.-zatcjiiNii I—l i»i Mini i—mr" S VINCENT Co., Ltd., PENANG. 0 g 0 READY STOCKS. Q HI Acetic Acid H 0 Momi Cases English Latex Pans
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    • 370 6 Malayan Chino Clay uno 1 Pollery Co., Ltd., Gopeny t I J STOCKS NOW ON HAND-Fire Bricks, Arch Bricks, J Long Wedge Bricks, Broad Back Bricks, Babcock and Wilcox Tube Bricks, and Fireclay. t I •I* NOTE Bricks of any size or shape can be delivered within three weeks 1
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  • 1034 7 4SU SPECIAL MEETINGS. Up»' ll CanmHg P^ ded 7 er h V’'' Mr. !>• i” (f oi the above DU a! eetl, ‘VhanKhai and was supported (rt n P w *J a \oel,*director, Mr. A. E. b. v renting the secretaries and hareholders in attendance or
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  • 306 7 Ex. (Scene: A railway carriage. Occupants: Two Qity Men and a Flippant Youth Ist C.M. Someone suggests that we should chuck our rubber into the sea. The idea is, 1 suppose, that as we are on the rocks the rubber may as well join us. 2nd C.M. (gloomily).
    Ex.  -  306 words
  • 120 7 SELANI ;< >B REPRESENTATION. A stall was made on the Kuala Lumpur ’ada ng on Wednesday with the selection >f a State representative in the coming jompetition in Singapore for the Gaunt Jup. Two matches, completing the first lies, were played off and resulted as expected. In
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  • 42 7 The following are the results of yesterday’s ties: Mixed Doubles Handicap—Mr and Mr E. J, Bennett beat Mr and Mrs L. Thomas 7 —5, 6—2. Laities Singles Handicap, Final.-Mrs R. N. Hamilton beat Mrs. W. H. retail 6-0. 6—l.
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  • 411 7 lhe Royal Society of Arts has recently offered a money pr.ze and silver medal for a paper' on the “Mineral Resources of hina, conditions relating to which have just reached Peking. The fact that so influential a body is so far interested in this country is,
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  • 465 7 There has just been completed in Copenhagen for the East Asiatic Company the second of a series of four 13,000 ton. motor ships, representing the larges* and finest type of Scandinavian vessel, states “Lloyd’s List.” The “Malaya” is 445 ft. in length, beam 60 ft., and depth 42
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  • 284 7 Annual Rbpobt. The following is the report for the year ended March 31, presented by the Directors at the ninth annual meeting of the Merchiaton Rubber Estates Ltd,, held at Austin Friars, E C. 2, on August 2. Capital —ln accordance with the scheme submitted to and approved
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  • 379 7 Messrs James F Hutton Co, Ltd, Manchester in their weekly report dated July 27 state:— The much increased sales of spot; cotton at Liverpool, which have been an important factor in sustaining the recent advance in valees, have not been fully maintained daring the past week.
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  • 244 7 The Admiralty gave notice to the officers, seamen, and marines not now serving that the distribution of the award of prize bounty granted to the crews of His Majes y’s ships named below for the destruction of certain German ships of war in the Battle of Ju-land
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  • 87 7 The following are the latest quotations Id Messrs. Kennedy dz Co.'s share list Yesterday. To-day. SHARES. I 1 s v g n <n CO an S c. S o. So. Sc. Rubber (Dollar) Broga R. 30c 35c 20c 30c Miaiai. Cherok Petai 70c 75c 70c Nawng Pet
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  • 76 7 Messrs. The Borneo Company, Ltd., advise that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by private and auction sales held this week Cts Per Pound. Smoked diamond sheet No. 1 20 to 23| diamond No. 2 15 19| Unsmoked sheet No. 1 11 Ipi
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  • 124 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, Augusb 25tb:— Spot 149.0 s down £l.os 3 months buying £l5O 15s 15s 3 selling £151.0s 15s Local Parity $74.21 August 13th; Singapore sold 75 tons at $74,50; Penang sold 25 tons at $74.50. Messrs Boustead and Co
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  • 307 7 Pbnang, August 26, 1921. BP. Tapioca jr-*>**f $7.75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $B.OO sellers. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $19.00 nominal White Pepper $3l sales. Trang Pepper r/.T’* ($25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $35 nominal Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $45.00 nominal 110« $32.00 nominal No. 1 $13.50 per
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  • 141 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Saigon Maru for Colombo, Dhanusbkodi and Bombay, Gbirbi for Dindings and SitiawanSappho for Teluk Anson, Ban Whatt Soon for Port Swattenham and Singapore. Ohaksang for Calcutta. Expbctbd Arrivals. Pyrrhus, Liverpool. Aug 28. Cyclops, Singapore, Aug 28. Teacher, Singapore, Sept 1, Titan, Liverpool, Sept 5. Atreus, Singapore,
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  • 250 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Pant Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, )-7.15 a.m. Malacca, Johore, Singapore |A 6 p.m* and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. A 3.45
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  • 139 7 Pananff, Attffwi St>, 19S1. (By Courtbsy of thb Chabtbbbd Bark) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 163 3 days’ sight Private „170 p Bombay Demand Bank 163 o Madras Demand Bank 163
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  • 65 7 Aog 27—Wagon P»ci*u-'g, Meeting British India House, 11 m Aug 27—" C'nder*-Va Dance Penang Club, 9-15 p.m Aug 28—Penang Swimming Club, Special General Meeting—noon, Aug 30—Municipal Commisaiou, 4 p.m. Aug 31—Ba'u Ltntang, Ltd, General Meeting, Chamber <f Commerce, 3 p.m. Sept 1 and 3—Yeomen of the Guard, Town
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 76 7 WOMAN’S GREATEST ENEMY is Constipation, and it is equally cur men. Constipation makes men and uom thin, sallow and iH-tempered, is the causa I? Uated tongue, foul breath bdious attacks, pimples and sick headconation and th.- ills therel.™ rinkett™ are J art so gently yet so efficiently. Try the to-night
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1324 8 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LID Head Office —No. 63, Beach Street, Penang. TRANS.PACI FIC SERVICE. “EMPIRE STATE” from Hongkong about 31st Alight, J »2l. as “GOLDEN STATE” from Hongkong about 14th September, 1921. STEAMER. DATE. Houkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Manila, Honolulu, San Francisco. R August 31 Wed 3pm Tongkah, Kopah, Renong,
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    • 713 8 -My- RUSTIKOL"I The Artistic Wood j J preservative Made ii Four Standard Shades. 1 |l Proof against White Ants, 1 Dry Rot etc, in Timber. 16 Used by Hundreds of Es :j| fates throughout Malaya. i II» a -w—i .1 I “1 2 Manufactured by the well-known makers of HALL’S
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