Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 August 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 464 1 7, NORTHAM J s road. <! Telephone No> 5791 i I I A FIRST quality milk! I I ABSOLUTELY PURE I 1 I OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. g I i I SOLE AO TS n JlanW i I 1 I SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd., J[ 1/ I NOW ON VIEW AT S
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    • 20 1 > the BEST GAB 1« TOWH j! IKJKitiiiXi; 1 Mia Malta S.S. F M.S i Ong 8«m Ueon* a O«, I
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  • 834 2 Mr T A F<>rd is retiring from Government Service this week. Mrs R J Aylward is leaving for Home by the ss Teiresiee M M.” Mr A M Poaotney. Treasurer SS, arrived at Singapore <m Monday. Mr J A E Bates, of the Chinese Postal Administration, arrived
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  • 1506 2 CHINESE TOWKaY’S MYSTERIOUS DEATH. The following is the conclusion of the evidence at the inquest on Sung Lay, in r»sp»c' of who»e deuh three persons have been charged with murder Hui Moi Cnu— iffirmei—l am the widow of the late t >wkay Sung Lay. I was married
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  • 408 2 8.F.P." Growth Stimulated by use of Electricity Electric*! stimulation of plant growth is being tried on a large scale at the Rotham--B'ead Experimental Station. Resets already attained were described when, on the invitation of Lord Bledisloe, chairman of the Lawes Agricultural Trust Committee, many members of the couoty
    ‘ 8.F.P."  -  408 words
  • 480 2 INSTALLATION MEETING. The widespread interest taken by Free Masons in the prosperity of Lodge Krian No 1190 and tne popularity of the new RW M Bro OWL King, and of other office bearers for the ensuing year, were evidenced last evening by a big assembly of members and
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  • 56 2 L st of subscribers Previously acknowledged $75,304.47 “Coliseum Benefit Show in aid of Unemployment Funds 50 per cent 638.83 H M S Malaya Entertainment Commi tee N S 1,853.06 M J Kennaway 20,03 Mr Castlefield Estate Staff (Monthly contribution 98 00 Total $77,914.36 Singapore Branch Previously acknowledged
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  • 238 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade at 6 p m to-day. 1 March ...Dollar Princess... Fall 2 Selection ...Ruv Blas snd the Blase R*ue...Godfrey 3 Waltz ...Wein, Weib uod Gesang...Strauss 4 Fox Trot ...Hindustan ...Wallace 5 One Step ...I’am Afraid to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 924 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. IN STOCK SELLING CHEAP, s- s. “bromanga^T 9s to arrive in P«n„ ng u /V 13 Crude oil Engine 14 and 29 H P. the 26th August with general Kerosine Engine, 2,4, 6, 10 H P, PATERSON, SIMONS Boatmotor Equipment 8 H P. Outboard B «atmotor, twin
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  • 475 3 WHICH IS THE TRI E GOVERNMENT Tliere was an interesting discussion in a Hongkong Court on the question of the Government of China, Peking v. Canton. A inquest had come before the Court for the extradition of a prisoner to Canton. A (hinese extradition officer declared that
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  • 175 3 While the southern troops are attacking Hupeh with the hope of ousting the unpopular Tuchun Wang Chan yuan of the nrovmce, whom the people are desir ous of getting rid of, the wily politicians and discredited militarists are leaguing to step
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  • 73 3 Manila, July 20.—Two leading cigar and cigarette manufacturers here deny that they contemplate moving their factories to China on account of the favourable labour conditions there. Although business has been dull here and the workers in several factories went on strike a month or
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  • 74 3 Manila.jAugust 3.—The Philippine National Bank has settled the losses arising out of the exchange contracts of the Shanghai branch, totalling over $5,000,000, according to Mr. E. W. Wilson, the General Manager here, who said that 10 per cent had already been paid, and that the balance
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  • 439 3 The estate of a persevering Chinese who. beginning life as a labourer in the fields, worked his way up the ladder of success until he had won a large fortune in China, «Saigon and Hongkong formed the subject of an interesting will case in the Supreme Court,
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  • 230 3 SERIOUS SITUATION. Tokio, August 3. —The labour controversies centred around the Kawasaki and Mitsubishi Dockyards of Kobe, as previously reported, have occasioned a disastrous bloodshed. Although a condition of tranquility has apparently been restored for the time be ng ow ing to the pressure of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 896 3 WANTED. NOTICE». ÜBOUR CODE- 1912, FILS AoyP r 0 'willing to go anywhere. Good Mtiffloni» 1 A PP Iy Box No< e 2 B Labour Ordinance 1920 S.S.” .°LTls*i7 19 22 248 Employers of Indian labour are hereby master Engineer remi nded that assessment returns for the Dr® fl experienced
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    • 142 3 “SAVED MY BABY’S LIFE” MOTHER’S STRONG TRIBUTE TO BABY’ S OWN TABLETS. “1 believe Baby’s Own Tablets saved my baby's life, and I would not be without them,” writes Airs. James Levere, of Spencerville, Ontario. Alany other grateful mothers have given equally eloqir-nt testimony as to the efficacy of this
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    • 412 3 Malagan Chinai uag and I Pottery co., ltd., Gopeng. f I f jjg STOCKS NOW ON HAND —Fire Bricks, Arch Bricks, •I* Long|Wedge Bricks, Broad Back Bricks, Babcock and J Wilcox Tube Bricks, and Fireclay. t 4* T NOTE :—Bricks of any size or shape can be delivered within three
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  • 1265 4 In regard to many phases of scientific research the man in the street takes merely a perfunctory interest. The means and methods used by experts to prove their theories are not generally understood and the ends sought are not appreciated by the average individual who has not mounted
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  • 1054 4 The United States Shipping Board made a bad bargain. It State-Owaed found it could not do Ships. better than $2,100 (this is according to Reuter) for each of 201 of its ships, which cost $300,000 to $BOO,OOO each The figure is probably wrong, but the vessels were
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  • 706 4 CHINESE SMARTLY FINED, A charge of being in possession of nonGovernment chandu, was preferred Tan Ann Liong 501, Penang Road, Penang in the District Court, before Mr R(j C( t this morning. Accused, for whem Mr I Tambyah appeared, pleaded not guilty. Mr F Stanley, acting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 129 4 ««■uMMMMliMrtfwiMiiiiiii a mi mi iiimwi A I BOOTH'S j RECOGNISED AS “«iS “THE GIN" EST Mo all over India China. IM k x I BOOTHS The OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LOCAL DEALERS. Original T)rg Gin distillery. LONDON. enolano. SOLE IMPORTERS BEHR CO., PENANG. Wm. YOUNGER CO.'S. BITTER BEERS. .dflga*a, !NBIA A
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    • 9 4 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 30 4 DEATH. Maginn. —On the 20th instant at Colombo (by cable), Francis John Maginn, beloved husband of Dorothy Maginn, aged 29 years (late of The Asiatic Petroleum Co, (8.5.), Ltd, Singapore).
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  • 83 5 HIIITISII ACCEPTANCE Reuter's Telegrams, lx>ndon, August 22. British acceptance of the .Jtion to tfte Washington Con. declares that its obthe whole-hearted sympathy of nci't J British Government and nation, and It is tin* earnest and confi concludes, f the Government that it the dent hope oi tne inference
    Reuter's Telegrams, .  -  83 words
  • 176 5 i August 8. —Air. Hara, the Pre,l mussing the Washington C’onlernuei e> cnt and the question oi the Japanese evacuation of Siberia, has made a statement to the effect that, m so far as the obthe Conference» is to ensure a lastL peace. an agreement
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  • 293 5 V miia (British Columbia). August B. LJ Xorthcliffe has left for Honolulu. Pie D hi- departure, speaking at the (> Chib on the subject of disarmament. he referred to British Columbia a> the nearest window through wh>-h ■re "uld look upon the Pacific and
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  • 280 5 U S. MINISTER TO PEKING oru a,n Francisco He»],/ r a,c °b Gould Schurrnan, hn POinted F S Minister to PeJi? tr °rn Sari Francisco on -WinV h’ R new post by the s.s. bshnnr’ 31 a lunchp on party given in wealth ri' k >n al Common, t l
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  • 457 5 In the course of a speech in the Senate Marquis della Torretta, the new Minister tor h ore gn Affairs, reaffirmed the intention of the new Cabinet to carry out loyally the obligations arising out of the 1 reaty of Peace and at the same time
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  • 183 5 The Hylam, Tan Ah Sin, who a week or so ago, pleaded guilty to the theft from the Serembap Rest House, of private effects to the value of §450, the property of the Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs, Selangor, came up in the Seremban Pol ce Court
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  • 122 5 In the Supreme Court, Kuala Linnpur. before the Hon. Mr. Justice L. M. AVoo.lward, C. J- C., a judgment debtor’s summon' came up for hearing, in which Inspector G. C. Colclough of Kuala Kubu was the judgment debtor, the claim being f"’ payment of §934.54. the amount
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  • 73 5 CANADIAN CUSTOMS PRECAUTIONS. Ijondon, August 22. The Canadian Air Board has arranged for seaplanes carrying Customs officials to watch all the big ships on the Orient routes to and from Vancouver for small boats on which consignments of opium are dropped overboard and landed in ’quiet spots on
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  • 39 5 LIVERPOOL POLICE RAID. London, August 22. At Liverpool, the pol ce raided a whist drive club and detained 240 men and women The allegation i s that the club was used as a gaming house.
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  • 51 5 London, August 22. <>wiiig to the settlement of the shipyard joiners strike the holidays in the Teeside ■'h'|.yards ar-' curtailed and al! will be working by August 24. Further evidence of <iie improving industrial outlook is that twelve blast fumacds are now operating ,ii the Cleveland
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  • 35 5 Washington, August 22. The U.S. Shipping Board has accepted $2,100 for each of 201 of its ships which cost $300,000 to $BOO,OOO each. The purchaser is the Ship Construction and Trading Corporation.
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  • 480 5 After stirring adventures in the almost unknown territories of the Belgian Congo known locally as La Regjiou Capt. J. E. T. Philipps, M.C., a young political officer, has arr-ved in London, bringing with him two young African chiefs. Capt. Phil pp s expedition in the interests of
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  • 123 5 —“S. 0.” With only four men with him, Gendarmerie Officer. Lieutenant Kruay tried to capture Ai Sua Thai, the notorous dacoit, who, with his gang of followers, was taking shelter in a house at Bangplasoi on the night- of the 15th inst. The desperadoes showed fight and
    —“S. 0.”  -  123 words
  • 97 5 GLOUCESTER’S POOR DISPLAY AGAINST AUSTRALIANS. London, August 22. At Cheltenham, before 8,000 in fine eatLer. The Australian» scored 438, Parker for Gloucester having five wickets for 148. Gloucester gave a poor display, only making 127 in 170 minutes. Keigwin, who presented a solid front, made 47. Hendry had three
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  • 158 5 Surely not less a feat than the actual feat of winning the Marathon race was the feat of A. R. Mills, first home at Stamford Bridge from Windsor Castle in running on top of a plentiful lunch of roast beef and vegetables! Mills paid the penalty with
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  • 127 5 New light on Dempsey's narrow shave in the second round of the world’s championship is thrown by a mail account of the fight received- The writer, an authoritative expert, says: “Within ten minutes of leaving the ring after it was all over, Dempsey told a friend of mine,
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  • 301 5 Vladivostock, July 28. —The position is a little clearer now tfyan it has been for some tme past. After the Merkulov coup d’etat, a period of stagnation set in which rendered it difficult to say anything interesting or useful. Nothing has been achieved during the period of
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  • 42 5 “S.T.” To dispel any doubt on the matter, we might mention that the South Staffords are being relieved during the ensuing trooping season by the 2nd Bn. M ddlesex Regiment, who are coming here direct from Egypt.-
    “S.T.”  -  42 words
  • 331 5 SELECTION IN PERAK. I The Malaya Cup, writes our Ipoh correspondent, has caused a revival of football enthusiasm. While the other States have selected their teams, after quite a number of trial games and after careful consideration by representative committees, Perak still cherishes the antiquated custom of
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  • 162 5 A DISPUTED GOAL. A d-splay of bad feeling marred the gam e at Ipoh on Monday evening between the Railways and the Oriental Cinema. Both teams are in the running for the Championship of the Kinta League, and in their keenness they allowed their sportsmanship
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  • 73 5 ELECTION OF OFFICIALS. A meeting of the Negi- Sembilan Rugby Football Club was held in the Sungei Ujong Club on Saturday, August 20th. About 30 members were present, and the following officials were elected: —President, I he Hon. Mr. V. Hill Captain, Mr. T. bitching;
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  • 131 5 The final for the men’s doubles in the Perak Club Tenn's Tournament was completed on Saturday last. In the first attempt, on Thursday, 18th inst., heavy rain set in. and the game was stopped with the first set in favour of Messrs. Hall and the Rev. E. A.
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  • 51 5 For Thursday, the 25th inst., th e following t es have been fixed: Mixed Doubles Handicap— —.3 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thomas v. —.5 Mr and Mrs- E. J Bennett (5). Ladies Singles Handicap (Final).— —3O Mrs. R. N. Hamilton v. —.2 Mrs. M H. Threlfall
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  • 130 5 DOCTOR’S CLAIM (Brom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 24. An interesting case was commenced in the Supreme Court by Mr. Justice Bar rett Lennard. Dr. Crahay sues Dr. Con. rad for alleged breach of agreement. He claims $25,000 damages, th e repayment of a loan of $1,533, and
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  • 360 5 APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. An appeal to the public recejtved from Air. Koh Leok Hup. Hon. Secretary of the Penang Chinese Labourers’ Fund states that it was decided that as a t-emporary measure ten cents should be distributed daily to each Chinese unemployed labourer by the Executive
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  • 289 5 The need for the general establishment of dental clinics n connection with the State schools is emphasised by a statement issued by the Victoria. Education <b> partrnent regarding the work done at the dental centre at the building formerly used as a military dental hospital in St. Kilda-road,
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  • 924 6 A HUNDRED YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. The 28th of July, is was a landmark in the history of the flourishing Republic of Peru, whose liberation from the Spanish sway was proclaimed at> Lima by General San Martin exactly a century ago. Few countlies are so attractive to travellers as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 JEFFREY’S w a PILSENER B BEER W BREWED IN SCOTLAND M SGKNTSf g ADAMSON, g A CO.. LTD. W (IRCOWRATfR IN EKCLANCi KS SINGAPORE jfc •RARCWtS AT ga MNANG g£f LONDON INFORMATION 1 HRESHER GLENNY, Outfitters, known to the majority of Officials. Residents, and Army Men serving in the East,
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    • 578 6 [WHEREVER YOU ARE uthomeor abroad—never neglect to have f >4 at hand a suitable means of preserving A your health under ordinary conditions X That is to say, when you feel the need of f tK a little corrective medicine, make sure a Zy pv y rK .you are able
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  • 483 7 qmadard Oil Company of New Tbe Jtie more m ney io 1920 than any Jersey q t})B u D jted States, ace jrdother Wftl s creeC Journal.” Its net iDg c to before dividend?, we are told, profit ito gold which was SToWOO» ■»’«>*>•“ tbe United States
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  • 352 7 here it notch gloomy talk at prevent ‘bunt otr exceaaive abandonment! to sport, IBJ ,jDr *‘Ck if mccrss in ir, io tbs, fin, we have as a nation ‘•Ways loved sport; it is part of our nature, *P r,, ouot of our race and the climats
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  • 829 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Teesta for Madras taking mails for Europe etc, via Bombay. Eurymachus for Singapore, China and Japan. Ascot for Singapore and China, Expected Arrivals Teiresias, Singapore, Aug 25. Pyrrhus, Liverpool, Aug 28. Cyclops, Singapore, Aug 28. Teacher, Singapore, Sept 1. Titan, Liverpool, Sept 5. Atreus, Singapore, Sept
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  • 222 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah,- Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By trail Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, -7.16 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alec 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Taiping By
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  • 20 7 The B I Packet Tbongwa, with mails from Europe is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m, to-morrow.
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  • 18 7 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9 a m tomorrow.
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  • 16 7 Tbe following is tbe non-deliveries for week-ending 24th August:— Linyee Taikutsbunlee House New Street.
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  • 391 7 Prnasg, Augu-t 24, 1921. HERE— ot« Soup per eatty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Men» do curry 36 Rump Steak do 48 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 59 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet of
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  • 612 7 We are indebted to Messrs Wilsoo, Holgate and Co for a copy of tbe monthly statistics issued by tbe Rubber Trade Association of London, says the Straits Times.” It contains many interesting figures. Thanks to the very great improvement which is now being made in Malayan statistics, we
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  • 188 7 We have received the following, from the office of the Director of Agriculture With reference to the statement contained in bhe annual report for 1920 of the Commissioner of Trade and Customs I giving a list of crops which are being cultivated on the Large
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  • 61 7 Aug 27—Wagon Pachaung, Meeting British India House, 11 a.m 28 Penang Swimming Club, Special General Meeting—noon, A O g 30—Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Aug 31—Batu Lintang, Ltd, General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. Sept 1 and 3—Yeomen of the Guard, Town Hall. Sept 21 —Board of
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  • 69 7 The following are the latest quotations n> Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. «D 09 00 00 SHARES. 1 5 a, O a 00 OQ 3U Rubber <Dellar) C. C. O. 0. Allenby R 15c 2Uc 10c 15c Miaiag. Klong Ohang 90c 1.00 Ratrut B. 16/6
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  • 103 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, August 23rd:— Spot £152.25.6d down 75,6 d 3 months buying £153.15s lOs.Od 3 selling £154.0s 7s 6d Local Parity $75.73 August 24th: Singapore sold 125 tons at $75.87|; Penang, buyers no sellers at $75. The Eastern Smelting Co.,
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  • 243 7 Pbnano, August 24, 1921 SP. Tapioca $7.75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $B.OO sellers. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $18.50 se'lers. White Pepper $32 nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $3B nominal Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $49.00 sellers 110 s $34.00 sellers f No. 1 $13.50 per
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  • 134 7 Penang, August 24, 1921 (Bi Coortusi op thh Chartbrrd Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit 2/4 1/2 ti 3 Documentary 2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 162 3 days’sight Private 167 Bombay Demand Bank 162 Madras Demand Bank 162 3 days’sight
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  • 510 7 ANNUAL REPORT. The Directors’ report states:—The loan for the year ended 30th April, 1921, as shown by the profit and loss account amounted to $10,669.37«. From this sum must be deducted the profit of $6,***** brought forward from last year resulting in a deficit of $4,523.77 on profit
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  • 118 7 (hrom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 24. At the annual meeting of th© Ulu Pandan Rubber Co., Mr. Koh San Hin, presiding. said the result of rubber production was a loss of nearly $20,000. but the directors are able to recommend a final dividend of 15 per
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  • 158 7 (>NE CAIt To EVEKY ELEVEN \MEKI('\NS. The I nit cd States motor vhiclv census for 1920 *h<>w-» th«»t then* were at the eml of the your 9,211.295 such vehicles, passenger and freight, private and commercial in the country, or one for every eleven inhabitants. The latest
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1354 8 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Ellerman and Bucknall (Incorporated W Australia. COMPANY. Singapore to Java Porta, Port Darwin, /T in TJ S AA Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, DCO The following fast steamors of above lim via Torres Straits, also with tranship-’■RANS-PACI FIC SERVICE. will be despatched ment
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    • 694 8 j“ RUSTIKOL’I The Artistic Wood J preservative Made in Four Standard Shades, Proof Against White Ants, 1 Dry Rot etc., in Timber. f' i Used by Hundreds of Es i k fates throughout Malaya. jii t Manufactured by the well-known makers ol II HALL’S DISTEMPER Sole Agents: Sub-Agents: I William
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