Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 513 1 N0) 7. NCRTHAM ROAD. Telephone No. 579, < nnniMwnnn winnnßaEnnnnaEnaEEnncMMDCD b 5 s__ w l? A > JL >k ia fl£ Sometimes it will be good;sometimes bad fl W d V tl u- f > r W n L -<■ < s lhe object of insurance is to equalise -•Xll
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    • 19 1 > THE BEST CAB IH TOWN tegi&ol l Ml* M»a*« &.S. F.M S t On< fb««Tt uooHk A 00. k
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  • 848 2 SWEEPING PROPOSALS. Mr. Even E. Biss of the Indian Educational Service, who was placed on special duty in August 1920 to draw up a pro. gi-amme for the expansion and* improvement of Primary Education in Bengal, has now submitted his Report which contains recommendations of an entirely revolutionary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1521 2 POSITIONS WANTED. For SaltOne Dredge, specification as NOTICE. follows: Miner, experienced, eeeks employment. p ontoon Length 145 feet, A meeting of the Board of Licensing Any proposition, gravel pomp, elevator or beßm 37 f draught 7 feet 6 inch, Justwes will be held in the is ric r hydraulic. Willing
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    • 945 2 g «nSMBT» 0 gffl.'ll !l :i".TTrrr.-rrm '1 This Watch will I I go and keep IA j good time for I f 'j years Strong 10-Jewelled Lever g I Movement 7.50«. 17/6 02x2 i X TIA I 1 L’ J |U I I Wincarnis’ enVk lUreB a P ro «T
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    • 526 3 The future of the British motor indusij depends very largely upon the development of Empire trade, says a l-rnes’ correspondent. The potential demand of the Empire as a whole is immense, and if British manufacturers could secure the bulk of this market they wou d be
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    • 170 3 The design of the power unit of motorlorries has already been standardized to a considerable extent. Attention is now being given to the application of rigid standardization to wagon bodies, and a new type is about to make its appearance on the market. In this case most of
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  • 127 3 The reversing rudder” which was invented some little time ago in Great Britain continues to meet w th remarkable success. About a year ago the Norwegian Hydrographic Office ordered one for trial on a motor survey launch and the results have been so highly satisfactory that the
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  • 721 3 Dtdane must have turned in his grave this week, for never has the ThunderI er, which he loved so well, cut so sorry a figure. Since the day when: The Duke of York with twenty thousand men Marched up a h 11and then marched down
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  • 147 3 The Chairman submitted at the last meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board a detailed 1 st showing the number of births and deaths of each nationa- > lity during 1920, and drew attention to I the large excess of male births over those of females in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 Austin A Triumph of British Industry Built at the largest automobile works in the Empire and of world-wide fame for the remarkable successes it has attained in trials and tests, the Austin Twenty demands the instant Attention of overseas motorists In the Austin Twenty you have a super-car at a
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    • 274 3 I HORLICK’S I 1 The ORIGINAL. g Composed of pure cream milk modified and enriched by V K 1 "h Malted Barley tfiinnhnfw Wheat Flour. n u I Ready in a moment by I 1 HI fl fl I stirring briskly in hot or 1 I I fl 11 cold
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  • 607 4 Mr. P. A F. David has been granted six months’ leave. The resignation of Second-Lieut. G. U Farrant. S.V.C., has been accepted. Mrs. Reyne Jr. is leaving for Rangoon, cn route to England, says the M.M. H R. H. the Prince of Wales has been elected a
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  • 164 4 The case in which two former coolies of the Botanical Gardens, Mahalingam and Kandasamy, wen- charged with assaulting Mr. J. \V. Horn, assistant Curator, on June 30 last, concluded before Mr. B. Nunn, District Judge. Singapore on Saturday. His orship recalled Mr.
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  • 1021 4 SELANGOR BEATS PENANG. (From A Special Corbebpondent.) Tbe soccer match between Penang and Selangor in the first round of the Malaya Cup competition played on the Kuala Lumpur Padang this evening proved one of the most exciting games seen in the Federal Capital for a good long
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  • 911 4 Another correspondent writes The weather was fioe and a big crowd lined the ropes. Tbe difference in weight between the teams was distinctly noticeable whereas Penang bad recourse to a light and nimb'e team Selangor relied on weight and height, her players were always masters when the ball
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  • 1625 4 A FAVOURITES’ DAY. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, August 20. Affer two successive rainy evenings and a cloudy forenoon, on tbe day of the Races the weather kept beautifully fine and warm. There was a large attendance of b )th Europeans and Asiatics, including many from outstations the
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  • 48 4 The following ties have been fixed ibk August. Single Handicap Cla«e B Final Huxter v Winner 0f—15.1 PG StirliZ 15.5 W P Webb (5). Double Handicap Class A 15.5 M c Whitlock AK A B Terrell v l5 j q Milner 4 FC Gregson (4).
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  • 592 4 CHIN SENG AND GO LTD. The Directors’ report to the shareholder» is as follows Your Directors beg to submit the Twelfth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts duly audited for the year ended 28ch February. 1921. The trading for the year showe a Nett Profit; of $47,798.18 compared with $46.248
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  • 967 5 of a fight.—Long Melford’ in the Eve ning Standard.” WILL WELLS MEET GODDARD? nless anything unforeseen occurs, Joe Beckett is I kely to be a busy man during the next month or two. He is going to meet George Cook, the Australian, after al], and then there is
    of a fight.—Long Melford’ in the Eve ning Standard.”  -  967 words
  • 353 5 THE AUSTRALIANS LX SCOTLAND. (brom Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, July 20. Ihe Australians played tw o games against representative national teams when touring in the North. Both were two-day games, and naturally resulted in draws. At Perth, the Australians amassed 422 runs, and the home team repl, ed
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  • 388 5 THE QUESTION OF LICENCES. The following is from the minwtes of a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board. A letter from the Licensing Cifficei on the subject of the minimum charge for licences of motor cars, etc., is laid on the table. The Chairman in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 r vSesKf J Sa&Qar F p A SER NEAVE, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above label is Messrs. Fraser Neave, Limited, in respect of the natural I water known as Salitaris bottled by them and sold at 1,1 nlaiu black unembossed bottles. present in P ,dlu Proceedings will
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    • 176 5 YOU CAN’T HAVE THE BLUES, f I 3« How could you ever have the Blues Listening to Princes Dance Orchestra or Scores of other Exclusive x* 1 Artists Combined with the last word in Modern Musical Instruments? J* j THE COLOMBIA I GRAFONOLA f SUMI 3» Prices range from $l4B.
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  • 53 6 Mclntyre—At Paloe Samboe, on August 17, 1921, to Mr and Mrs RMe Intyre a daughter. Hutchings—At Ba, Parry Road, Kuala Lumpur, on August 20th to Mr and Mrs L C Hutchings, a son. Powell—On the 18th inst. at Angles, off Holland Road, Singapore to Mr and Mrs T Arthur
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  • 1259 6 The British Government, at last, would seem to have backed a winner in the person of the Emir Feisul. as candidate for the throne o f Irak, or Mesopotamia as it is more familarly known. Second son of the Sbereef of Mecca, King Hussein, the Emir
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  • 1714 6 An advertisement in another column announces that the Evidence for the Trade Depression Commission, Commission will take evidence from those who desire to give it. Names, and a memorandam setting forth the nature of the evidence it is proposed to offer, should be addressed to the Secretary.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 454 7 u |OyI) GEORGE’S STATEMENT Reuter's Telegrams. 1 London, August 19. j th House of Commons, in moving ".djoumment.»»!.'. Lloyd George -.node on A® lrish *■»‘•’011. He 1 Government’s letter to de glared B i u!pr3 contained everything they thought could possibly concede in order to Jrthase the
    Reuter's Telegrams. 1  -  454 words
  • 163 7 EFFECT OX BRITISH SHIPPING. London, August 19. An illustration of the world trade P s effects on sh pping was given I ailllUa l meeting of the Furness, Withy wh,/ lIIV tbe cbarma n SirF.W. Lewis, mJ that two years ago, he estiV pr Ss E
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  • 53 7 OIL FU EL FOR THREAD MILLS. \7/ ATS Novation in Usley works. M ei>Srs London, August 19. notation of' lau gurated an important P a jq 11 burning apparatus in !d boiler ,nills Lar e units of X,;< *bent re-, i. Ue E* 0011 converted with -very SlOn Of the
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  • 117 7 LEAGUE COUNCIL CONVOKED. London, August 19. The '‘Morning Post” Paris correspondent says Viscount Ishii has convoked a meeting of the Council of the League of Nations for the 29th August at Geneva, to consider the Silesian question. Preliminary arrangements will then be made, after which the real discussion
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  • 86 7 Vale. Paris, August IS In any interview, M. Briand stated that the Allies intimate union will appear as necessary as ever after the settlement of the Silesian pi-oblem by the Lieague of Nations. The Council of the League will meet at Geneva, probably on August the 25th.
    Vale.  -  86 words
  • 55 7 EMIR FEISUL UNANIMOUSLY ELECTED. New York. August 20 The Daily Mail” Cairo correspondent, in an air mail message, from, states that the Mesopotamia referendum resulted in the unanimous election of Emir Feisul as King of Mesopotamia. Three hundred thousand flocked to Bagdad to participate in the
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  • 170 7 Simla. July 27.The Associated Press Special Correspondent wiring from Baghdad on the 26th instant gives details of the Emir Feisul’s arrival and reception at Bahadad and other places in Iraq. A number of deputations from the whole of Iraq have waited on the Emir. The High Commissioner
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  • 134 7 PROBABLE VISIT TO JAPAN. London, August 19. While an o&ciaj announcement has not yet been made, it is understood that the Prince of Wales will proceed to Japan in 1922, on the conclusion of his visit to India. London, August 20. The Tinies,” referring to the
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  • 64 7 GENERAL PERSHING’S REPORT. Washington, August 20 General Peking has n the recent homing tests and de ..nd the retention of battleships. f s opinion that while aeroplanes and submarineshave added to the bat lesa dangers tile latter will remain the chit defence at sea. while safe navigation
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  • 323 7 THE CHILDREN'S FATE. Berlin, August 19. News from Lemberg says 50,000 suffer, ei s from starvation have penetrated Olgapol in the I kraine, and are robbing and plundering the villages, and colliding with th e local peasantry. A Helsingfors wire says M. Lunachalasky, the Commissary of Education, has
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  • 111 7 REPORTED LEASE. London, August 19. Mr. Donald MacLeod, in a weekly report, says it is reported that an English financial group has secured a long lease from the Soviet of the port of Petrograd. If it is carried out, it should prove of great value to
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  • 42 7 New York, August 20. The United States Steel Corporation announces that in view of the low selk'og price of steel another reduction in wages will be made in day labour from 37 to 30 cents an hour.
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  • 226 7 JUDGMENT FOR THE PLAINTIFF. A civil suit of considerable importance has been occupying the attention of the Hon. Mr. Justice Woodward, C. J. C., all Last week. The matter in dispute, is a will, m which it is said that nearly a million dollars are involved. The
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  • 158 7 AMERICAN PRESS ON PREMIER’S STATEMENT. London, August 20. The New York World,” in aji editorial, commenting on Mr. Lloyd George’s speech in the House of Commons on August 18th, is of opinion that the Premier’s straight-forward statement on th e subject of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, should go far
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  • 74 7 A NEW TYPE FOR CHINA. London, August 19. The "Journal of Commerce” announces that satisfactory trials have been completed at Saone in France with a new type of water glider fitted with a sixcylinder motor, ordered by the Chinese Government for conveyance of merchandise and passengers on
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  • 30 7 London. August 20. The trade returns of Holland for July show a decrease in imports of 17,000,000 florins and in exports of 16,000,000 flor.ns, compared with June.
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  • 17 7 Lille, August 19, 50,000 are involved in the textile strike at Roubaix and Tourcoing.
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  • 383 7 NEGRO INCREASE LOWEST ON RECORD. Some figures of special interest are included in the latest sectional report of the American Census JJureau, just issued, which gives the composition of the population of the United States according to colour and race. The total population now amounts to
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  • 82 7 VISITORS SCORE FREELY AT CHELTENHAM. London, August 20. At Cheltenham, for the match between the Australians and Gloucestershire, the weather was glorious. There were 10,000 spectators present. The wicket was easy. The Australians made 425 for 8 wickets. The bowling in the lattei* stages was very
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  • 71 7 MIDDLESEX DROP TO SECOND PLACE. London, August 19. Middlesex’s failure against Somerset places Surrey at the head of the table with a lead of one pier cent. Middlesex and Yorkshire following. Lancashire beat*Worcestershire by an innings and 32. Sussex beat Gloucester by 137. Somerset v. Middlesex and
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  • 249 7 JAPAN BTATS INDIA. New York, August 20The Japanese Davis Cup representatives eliminated the Indians. New York, August 19. In the Davis; Cup Kumagae beat Sleem 9 7.61, 6l Shimidzu beat Fyzee 62. 6l, 9—7. Shimidzus Baffling Twist Shots. Fyzee played hard in the first sets but Shimidzu
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  • 25 7 ST LEGER SCRATCHINGS. London. August 19. Alan Breck, Plato and Brulefer were all scratched from the St. Leger handicap at 9 to-day.
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  • 17 7 Athens, August 19. The death is announced of the wx-Pre-mier, M. Rail is.
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  • 168 7 DECLINE IN JAPANESE OUTPUT. Th e war caused a remarkable development in the lead pencil industry of Japan, the yearly value of the output reaching at one time the high figure of 100,0(>0,00u yen. Frequent complaints regarding the quality of th e Jaipanese product have necessitated inspection before
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  • 860 7 DETAILS OF THE DISASTER NINE MORE SAVED. A message was received at the offices of the Eastern Shipping Co.. Penang, yesterday, stating that seven members of the crew, and the captain of the iil-fated steamer Perlis,” which was lost on Wednesday last, had been picked
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  • 381 8 Mr. L. Davidson, the veteran planter and director of Mahawale Pelniadaila, (Ceylon) Mooply Valley Waterfall, Scottish Tea and Rubber Trust and other Companies, writing from the Oriental Club, says in a letter to the Morning Post’’ There are about 3,000,000 acres of cultivated rubber in the
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  • 208 8 Ihe Kingston, correspondent of the limes says, firms engaged in the dry goods trade, which have been hard hit by pi’vsent conditions, are watching the Government s attitude with regard to sugar planters with interest. If estate owners are given financial assistance, other parties intend
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  • 180 8 The widespread alarm caused by recent accounts of the new and unsuspected dangers of X-Rays will be mitigated by the report issued by the X-Ray and Rad um Protection Committee formed by Doctors, and other men of science in Great Britain. These dangers concerned the deep
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  • 65 8 A cable has) been received stating that the dinner of the Malayan Assocuitfon in in London has been fixjed for October 20, when the guests will include ladies. We are asked to makie the intimation and to request our Malayan contemporaries to be good enough to announce
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  • 911 8 The Metal World to hand by the last mail t>ays: *l. There is not much alteration in tne general position of tin. Some relaxation of forward selling in thia market towards the end pf last week, in spire of easier Eastern cable advices, steadied the tone a
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  • 466 8 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follow»: The Share Market throughout the period under review has suffered from lack of interest chiefly by reason of the further decline in the prices of Tin and Rubber. Although business in Mining shares has been far from active there
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  • 138 8 Penang, August 22, 1921. (By Courtbuy op thr Chartkbrd Bakb) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 month»’ Right Bank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit) 2/4 1/2 3 Docnmentarv 2/4 19/32 Oaloubta Demand Bank Rs. 163] 3 days’ sight Private 170 Bombay Demand Bank 163 c Madras Demand Bank 163 B
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  • 838 8 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. NAMES. J j ,a s h s KUBJBEDR (Dollar) I q v G 1? Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd, lr c le. Alor Uajah Rubber Estate -'Oc Amalgamated Malay Estates 1,2 r 20 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate l3c T Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates*. 7® Ayer Molek Rubber
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 571 8 rout »rvtn*J* ®iUa] 11 i i wgwjßh i i z-, !ft «KttNWrU» (H bff( I Z Not only does Oval tine nI *ult extract L| |fl|j j directly stimulate and ensure VI[V an adequate flow of milk, but it is also exceedingly nourishing and i f strengthening, thus helping the
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    • 43 8 Limited Liability Companies THE FORMS PRESCRIBED UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, XXV OF 1915 FOR ANNUAL LIST SUMMARY OF Capital and Shares. OatoiJ» SkMto 20 cto. eack IO Oa» Craplete Set 75 H OBTAINBLE AT the Pinang Gazette Pre»», Limited <1 UNION STREET. PEXANG.
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  • 613 9 h Tamp”’ Tune* f, '7 in the hfe of the rubb-r ('..try has it been as neo-s--rb ,1t1,,g ,k.w to purge the industry of .< as it 16 1 »11 ~bU^ S sy-teiu of firms of visiting supervision ol the Iu jl of abuse. old days when
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  • 282 9 Ex. '■TLIi’ATiON FOR COMMITTAL order dismissed. hi tliu v i n u P r cme Court Singapore, Mr. Br '"n. assistant, official Asbrnq Al Dudlev applied h l,av K. Hadjee Kader Tamq. tbd ~J prison for such term mJ? ft on ths as the Court vf 1,1 la
    Ex.  -  282 words
  • 1283 9 CRITICISM OF MR CHURCHILL. The fifth annual general meeting of Sendai, Limited, was held io bhe registered offiees of the Company, 64 66 Market Street Singapore, Mr J M Sime, the Chairman, presiding says the "Free Press”: Moving the adoption of the report and accounts for the year
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  • 61 9 The following are bhe latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday.. To-day. on «6 SHARES. 3 OJ 0 4) 9Q 0Q 0Q 0Q Rubber (Dollar) c. S c. S c. Sc. Ulu P (S’pore) 85c 95c 950 1.05 cum Geaeral. Straits T. 16 25 16.50
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  • 46 9 Tongkab Harbour Tin Dredging Co, N L from 14tb to 20th August, (being one week) 24 tons. Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co, Ltd, first half of Augus\ output 180 picuh, 251 Lours worked, 29,000 cubic yards treated. Stopped 3 da>s boiler cleaning and repair,
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  • 59 9 The Straits Trading Co, Ltd, August 22: Singapore sold 200 tons at $76 5/8 Penang buyers no sellers at $76 5/8. Messrs Boustead and Co To-day’s quotation for Singapore refined tin is $76 62 j per picul, business done 200 tons; raw tin $74.50 per picul, business done;
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  • 339 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade at 6 p m to-day. 1 March ...Old Faithful ...Abe 2 Selection ...Ernani ...Verdi 3 Waltz ...The Maid of the Mill ...Liddell 4 Fox Trot ...Theae’s A Little Bit of Bad in every Good little
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  • 243 9 Pbnano, August 22, 1921 SP. Tapioca 58.00 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $8.25 sellers. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $18.50 sellers. White Pepper $32 nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $3B nominal Cloves no stock. Nutmegs 80s $49.00 sellers m 110 s $34.00 sellers fNo. 1 M $13.50
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 330 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. The Commission recently appointed to enquire into and report on (a) the present stare of trade depression brought about, in the main, by the continued depression in the Rubber Industry, and (b) the extension of credit facilities will be pleased to bear, in addition to the evidence
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    • 567 9 T!‘ *'l-W.. J ."JI AL'J-A. 1 I ft--• J THE FENCE STANDS THE CLh TE IEMPIRE Fence is cattleproof, vermin-, and climate-proof. Made of 'I finest hard steel wire galvanized against rust and secured at every intersection by our patent Empire” Knot. Mo form of fencing is so handy, adaptable,
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  • 548 10 Shipbuilding conditions throughout the United are clearly reflected in the Returns for the Quarter ended June 30 now issued by Lloyd's Register. The health of the industry may be measured by three main tests. First, there is the amount) of tonnage under consti action. This is
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  • 158 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES Helenus for Colombo, Suez and New York. Gbirbi for Adahan and Bata Bahra, Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Lian Choo for Palau Langkawi, Setul and Perlis. Expmotwd Abbivac* Eurymt’chus, Liverpool, Aug 24, Teiresia», Singapore, Aug 25. Pyrrhus, Liverpool. Aug 28. Cyclops, Singapoie. Aug 28. Teuche r Singapore,
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  • 66 10 Aug 23Tnetalla’ ion Meeting, Lodge Krun, Paiin Buntar, 6 30 p.m. Aug 27Wagon K chauog, Meeting British India House, 11 a,m. Aug 28Penang Swimming Club, Special General Meetingnoon, Aug 31Batu Lintang, Ltd, General Meeting, Chamber cf Commerce 3 p.m. Sept 1 and 3Yeomen of the Guard, Town Hhl),
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  • 228 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping,) Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By train Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, S-7.15 a.m. Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 p.m and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alec 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Taiping
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  • 37 10 The homeward mail, by the Teesta, closes at 10 B,m, on Wednesday. Mails despatched from Penang to London on the 23rd ultimo, by B I Packet Thongwa, was delivered in London on the 17th instant.
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  • 438 10 Pbnang, Augu*t 22, 1921. BEEF— Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 Rump Steak do Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 59 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet of Beet do
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 GROSSMITH’S WonQzßgpss y Ttie Perfume f' CeyCon j] T'he latent triumph of the Per- LJ, turner's Art, unique in its flora! (uffSy charm and distinction, Wana-Ranec is a pear! among perfumes. Delightfully refreshing and lasting, it is everywhere acclaimed as A Dream of ft Oriental Fragrance. yjSppi- Prepared in every
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    • 321 10 THE NEW AGE ENCYCLOPAEDIA B©lF In io Volumes. Wffi t». This is the most recent, accurate, reliable and up-to-date a post war work" and unique compendium of the new knowledge and presents the essent- A| glance. of the New Age at a u L j VE fVHMHmakes a speciality The
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  • 612 11 LAST COMMITTEE MEETING. rhe following are extracts from the minutes of a meeting of the General Committee held at Messrs Evatt and Co’s Offices, Ipoh. The. Hon Mr. J. H. M. ILobson is unuiimously elected President on the proposal of Mr. F. S. Physick seconded by
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  • 178 11 FROM AMERICAN PAPERS. Civilisation will never attain its full flower until the band plays thrilling patriotic airs as citizens walk up to pay their taxes. The slack in buying is not due. to a consumers’ strike but to the growing number of people who have stopt paying
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 314 11 V -X My Skin is Beautiful //Uj k in Spite of the Sun /A—// can keep your skin always lightfully soft and smooth, simply by using daily a llttle "‘HAZELINE' fiMR SNOW” 1 S- j r I Exquisitely perfumed; neither greasy M n r stc ky> leaves no trace other
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    • 243 11 \\\s i x I W W) |i l p— j re .i°icing people |Z everywhere look forward with V f fresh hope to a year of success 7 iQUrS an d happiness7 1 Special attention given to the /3 V n ce details of personal appear- ance on New Year’s
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1311 12 Lx I AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP HENDERSON LINE. E J,'“ ne Of fast twin screw Mail Passenger steamers between Steamship Co., Ltd., Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, RAMrnn AND ENGLAND Thurs g 4 Island Brisbane and Sydney, RANGOON AND ENGLAND. Th. loUowing Im. ol .bove U o vis Torres
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    • 734 12 BANKS, I THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND (Incorporated in England Heorp -rated m Eijg. <Ul ,j I Charter 1853 7a I Authorised Capital £3,000,000 p a id U p Capital I Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund I Paid-up 1,050,000 Resei ve Liability of ProuriA. I Reserve
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