Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 August 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1070 2 COLONIAL SECRETARY'S EXPLANATION. (From Our Owm Corrbspomdbkt). Singapore, August 9. The Hon Mr F S James, presiding at the meeting of the Legislative Coancil, made a reference to the Eastern Shipping Company’s case, since the trial of which he had received a minute from the AttorneyGeneral The
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  • 567 2 More water now and a m>rgin of safety tor the fu'ure, Eighty-five per cent of the roads to be reconstructed Water-borne sewage for the other 98 per cent of houses. Electric light for streets and houses. Cheap and efficient train service, Re-housing schemes and arterial roads. New abattoirs,
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  • 840 2 Mr P F David, District Judge, Singapore, left for home by the Syria, on eight months leave. A Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday announces the appointment of Mr WN. Gourlay as an assistant judge for Singapore. A special dinner and dance was given at the Adelphi Hotel,
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  • 950 2 THE BREACH OF TRUST CASE In the Supreme Court, yesterday, before Mr Justice Branch K 0, the trial was resumed of Frank Robless, until recently book-keeper and cashier to Messrs Malcolm Beranfcer Co, of Penang, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $1735 and
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  • 1075 2 gymnkhana club races and POLO TOURNAMENT. Quiet dull Taiping was seething with fun, and sport this week end, for in addition to the Gymkhana Club races on Saturday there was a fancy dress dance, while a polo tournament was played on the previous day between
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  • 267 2 The estimated arrivals 0' paddy and rite expressed in cargo rice by rail and boat into Rangoon and Bassein from Ist Janun to 16th July, 1921. a? compared with th corresponding peri< d of the previous year were approximately as below From Ist January, to From hr
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  • 100 2 When the action, brought By 3 r Charles Baumann, the wellknown mi® engineer and expert against the r 0 Maxwell and Frank Corbett W recovery of $3OO paid by hi® extension of an option and tor the ei of 15,000 shares in Dredging was resumed in
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  • 94 2 Aug 9—Municipal Coinmi«‘ on 4 Aug 9—Football, Selected Te»® bined Team, 5 e{ißf: Aug U—P.A M. Special Ge'*" 1 12 Marker St, K.L- H Aug 16—Court of Appeal Aug 20—Ipob Gymkhana- G e pe«* Aug 31 —Bstu Lintang, Meetiog, Chamber 3 p.m. JaJ» c Sept 21—Board of Licen?m
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  • 721 3 SOUTH INDIA MERCHANTS ON PREFERENCE. Madras, July 25.—Toe followiug is a summary of an address delivered by M Jamal Mahomed Saib, President of the fioHthern India Skin aud Hiie Merchants Association, at the third annual general meeting •‘I cannot but express our deep regret that our repealed requests
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  • 222 3 Peak of the Turquoise Goddess." Colonel Howard, Bury, writing of the advance to Everest says:— "Raeburn was unfortunately slid seedy and seemed unable to pick up strength in these altitudes, so we decided the best thing for him was to send him down to Lachen in Sikkim,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 r- a ““I G O O H -J I I C H il I I J exceptional OFFER 25 per cent. Discount on all goods in zz SILK DEPARTMENT g WAS lAMULI assomull co., BeacK Street, PENANG. Phone 626. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiß B 3'7.1. Jj. > 3s! <■ -<■ =>. V -<.
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    • 95 3 THE PRICES TELL THEIR OWN TALE You will be surprised when you see the Bargains Our Sale Prices will drive away all your thoughts about the high cost of living.” Ford Cushion Covers, White or Khaki, Sale $lB per set. Adjustable Spanner, Small $2.50 Large 53.50. Bates’ Tyres Motor Cycle
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  • 67 4 Cockle. —At the Materuity Hospital, Penaux, o° l h e ch uBr< die > wife of Captain A. V. Cockle M. C. a son, Kennsdy.—On Aug as c 6th. at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr and Mrs E A Kennedy, a son. Price.—At the Korop* an Hospital, Kuala
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  • 1247 4 RICE BURMA POINTS OF VIEW. As an illustration of some of the ramifications and complexities of the rice situation, under which comprehensive term, padi and rice production, prices, and transaction o trade speculations, depression and infiation, may he included, the discussion at the meeting of the Burma Legislative Council on
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  • 1015 4 The R. G. A. scheme of a Robber Producers* CorporaThe RG A Scheme, tion, to give it a title which, as we suggested, does not accurately describe it, in view of the large amount of outside subscription's that would be necessary, was not very clear to people
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  • 170 4 M r ,r Pe l comma,„ the following report reg^rdin k th» 4 j the European Unemployment Cornu up to date No. of applicants for asdBta DM Employment founo 144; Recqm mend posts (s ill unHer consiieraHon) 11 Provided with passages to ot h er tries 90 men,
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  • 121 4 “M M” The Malayan Camera Club which hui: its first monthly meeting in the Seiaog 0t Club on Friday evening promises veil, The president, Mr F de la Mare Notrg and the bon. secretary, Mr SA Yell, keenness personified and are mines tl information on all things
    “M M”  -  121 words
  • 365 4 The Band will play the following pro* gramme of mu fie at the Dito Krami. hardens 5 30 p.m. to-lay. 1 March ...The Absent Minded Beggar... Hum? 2 Selection ...The Lily of Killarney... Godfrey 3 Waltz ...Sweet Vows ...Roeder 4 Polka ...Ron Wild 5 Galop ...Feldpost Rebus
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 459 4 <A\iiiiiiiiiiHiniiHiiiiininiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/fe J* e Electricity: in I </ =g the Home. =E The From Rushlight Austin EĔ All British to Autoplant, No. 8. a Autoplant In “Fishtail” burner of EE Will furnish the elec- j g Neilson, appeared, formed by two- trie current for a house ss using the equivalent of
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    • 9 4 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O” Every Friday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 154 5 \IESS AGE TO 1 HE KING. Reuter’s Telegrams. London, July 5. All address from the Imperial Conference, 1,,. King, after n aflirming devotion to t |,e Throne, says: “We were conscious I i-ou’hout our deliberations of the unani- conviction that the most essential of nv>u> links binding our
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  154 words
  • 268 5 I N( ON 1 >TIONAL RELEASE. London. August 6. The Government has decided to release forthwith. unconditionally, all the members of Dail Firearm, who are now interned or impr sonod in accordance with the Premier's promise to facilitate m the utmost peace steps. A Grave Situation. London.
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  • 189 5 b'lidon, July 24.—The chief interest- in 1 Hs h situation at present centres in H bunt. ie "Times” Dublin correspon""nes that while responsible comment "I"'!! the Government terms is withheld n l: "f all parties speak favourably in praise 'he liberal spirit with which In are designed.
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  • 50 5 Sl'IT FOR SEPARATION. New York, August 6. fi'h'al < ei Sa, ,h as been cauBe< l thea sl r i 11 'rp 8 I’ 1 announcement that, r<,| fr gen h t lS filed a su for I'a, r i, roni his wife, GeraSdine B oth me kinema
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  • 413 5 —Vale. UPPER SILESIA. Paris, August 6. The Supreme Council N likely to receive little ass stance from the expert committee, discussing the partition of 1 pper Silesia. Convinced of the impossibility of reaching an unanimous agreement, the experts hav e decided to present a report, setting forth all
    —Vale.  -  413 words
  • 169 5 London, July 25. —A Paris correspond >i:t cables that though the Silesian situation is still acute there are indications to-day <f change for the better. The present situation is definitely ascribed to a challenge to the solidarity of the “Entente” offered by ih“ German reply to the French
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  • 73 5 APPALLING DISASTER. NARROWLY AVERTED. London, August 6. The intervention of Providence averted the most appalling disaster at, Selby (Yorkshire), where the Newcastle-London express dashed into a stationary holiday train. The rear coaches, which were packed with luggage, took the 1 impact. They weie hurled at the signal box,
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  • 38 5 REFUSED PASSPORT TO LONDON Paris, August 6. On the instructions of the British Government, the British Embassy has re fused to vise the passport of the I olish leader Korfanty. who is desirous of gong to London.
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  • 78 5 J APAN AND L. S. PROPOSALS. London, August 6 \n authoritative Japanese source claim ing to interpret the opinion of Japan as regards the Washington Conference, declares that at the present moment, alhough American earnestness and disinterestedness are generally taken for granted, there is i certain current of
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  • 245 5 London, July 14. A Washington message states that the adm. lustration is certain to ins st upon holding the Pacific Conference at Washington. This indication of the official attitude is thought des ruble in view of the suggestions in the newspapers that the Dominions Premiers might request the
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  • 96 5 RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS BENEFIT. London, August 6. The will of the Pittsburg Pickle King, Mr. Henry Heinz, leaves English estate nominally of £l, and American estate of $4,000,000. The will opens with an earnest confession of faith in Christ and bequeaths £50,000 to the University of Pittsburg, £25,000
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  • 61 5 IMPROVEMENT IN UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES. London. August 5. The trade slump S strikingly evidenced in the annual report of the Manchester firm of Ryland's, showing that the loss for the pas; six months was £1.263-000. The improvement in the unemployment figures since the cessation of the coal strike* continues
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  • 74 5 APPEAL FOR RETENTION OF CHEMICAL Washington, August 7. Mr. W’eeks and Mr. Denby have written to the Senate Finance Committee favouring the retention of the impending Fordney Tariff Bill embargo on dyes and chemicals, which the House has struck out. The argument of the Secretaries was
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  • 29 5 London, August 0. The Sumatra Maru has arrived at Aden. [Reuter telegraphed yesterday that the Sumatra Maru passed Perim with a fire n the cargo.]
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  • 40 5 REQUEST FOR CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. Paris, August 7.—The French High Commissioner at Berlin has requested the German Government to institute cnrn nal proceedings against the French Captain Langevin’s assaulters and dismiss the police ch ef as the abettor.
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  • 244 5 RELIEF MEASURES. London, August 6. Representatives of the Russian delegation in London interviewed Mr. Lloyd George on the subject of the Russian famine. Among the measures for relief being considered by the British Government is an extension of the export credit schme to Russia. Ten Provinces. London, August
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  • 44 5 London. July 15.—The Teheran correspondent of the Times says the Bolsheviks have captured Zangezur, the last stronghold of non Bolshevik Armenia. Communication with Persia through Batoum is now possible and trains are reported to be runru ng over the w hole route Tabriz-Batum-Tiflis-Julfa.
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  • 204 5 LATEST REPORTS. London, August 6. That Spain is determined not to follow the advice to clear out of Africa, freely tendered in the British and French Press, after the recent reverse at Melilla appears from an official Madrid despatch. After admitting the possibility of the fall of
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  • 40 5 San Francisco. August 7. The passenger steamer Alaska was sunk off Eureka, California. Two boatloads of survivors were picked upf A steamer is standing by. The loss of ves is unknown. There were over 200 passengers aboard.
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  • 89 5 INCREASE OF DUTIES. Kuala Lumpur, August 9. New Customs duties come into force m the F.M.S. today. The duty on tobacco is increased by 100 per cent, and that on intoxicating liquors by 50 per cent. Following are the duties on tobacco and liquor:—Cigars and snuff $1.20 per
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  • 18 5 EVACUATION OF ANGORA. Paris, August 7. A Constantinople telegram says Kemalists have decided to evacuate Angora-
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  • 633 5 A WARNING TO THE TURKS. The following appeared in the “Times” recently: News from Turkey is of a somewhat grave character. Allied action for the preservation of the freedom of the Straits may become necessary, and in that case it is expected that British naval forces may be
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  • 72 5 PROPOSALS FOR LEGISLATION. Mexico City, August 7. A Committee representing the majority party in the House of Representatives, submitted to the President, Obregon, proposals for legislation for the immediate settlement of Mexico’s oil problems. The President is sending to the Chamber a list of modifications to the proposals.
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  • 20 5 --Vale. Paris, Aiigiust 8. The Government is consider ng the sternest measures to curb profiteering. especially in meat.-
    --Vale.  -  20 words
  • 299 5 LOWE BEATEN. Pittsburg, August 6. In the Davis Cup singles, Anderson (Australia) beat Lowe 6-2, 6-3, 6-3. Pittsburg, August 7. Australia beat Britain in the Davis Cup. Anderson beat Lowe 6-2, 6-3, 3-6, 6-2. Woosnam beat Hawkes 6-3, 0-6, 7-9, 6-3, 6-3. Lowe Finds Service Too Good.
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  • 107 5 The following ties are fixed for Wednesday 10 August Championship.—G Milner v G. i\. Burnham (4). Single Handicap Glass “C”. —l5 J. W. Clark v Winnr of —l5 W 11. Mair v 15 H. Appleby (2). Double Handicap Class “B.”— —15.4 S. Weihen and E
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  • 54 5 EN( 1 LAND’S PROBABLES. London, August 6. For the fifth test match, the following have been asked to be present at the Oval on August 13. The Hon. L. Tennyson (captain), Fender. Douglas, Woolley, Mead, Brown, Russell, Ernest Tyldesley. Parkin, Hallows, Hearne, and Barker. Another player will
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  • 47 5 RAIN INTERRUPTS PLAY At Birmingham, before 8,000, on a wet w cket, in dull weather. Racn interfered with the play, and stumps were drawn at 5-20 p.m. Warwickshire scored 96 for 6 wickets, of which Charlesworth had 59, including a 6 and five 4’s.
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  • 28 5 GIBBONS WINS AGAIN. Boston, August 6Mike Gibbons easily outpointed the Britisher, Gus Platts, in a ten rounds box ng contest. Gibbons had matters all his own way.
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  • 39 5 UNEMPLOYMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 9. At the Legislative Council meet tig, a further vote ior unemployment relief was agreed to. Penang Free School bill was read a third time. The Council adjourned sine die.
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  • 1221 6 BISHOP OK SINGAPORE’S ADDRESS. There was a good attendance in the hall of Penang Free School, last night to bear the Rt Rev the Bishop of Singapore, deliver an address on The Lambeth Conference and the Re-union of Christendom Mr Hastings Rhodes occnpied the chair and in introducing
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  • 389 6 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES Sitiawan for Adahan and Batu Babra. City of Norwich for Smz and New York. Tanda for Singapore, Coina and Japan. Padang for Teluk Anson. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Gbirbi for Bindings and Sitiawan. Expbotbd Arrivals. Enrvpylus, Singapore, Aug 10. Kalyan,
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  • 84 6 The following are the numbers of arr vals from and departures to the Madras Presidency for the month of Julv, 1921. Adolts Minors Arrivals 1,999 107 Departures 4,666 317 The arrivals relate to aided passengers only. Recruiting has been resumed generally in Madras Presidency except in the following
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  • 13 6 The homeward mail, by the Thongwa, cloB-8 at 10 a.m, to-morrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 PRITCHARD’S Provision Dept. A LARGE AND VARIED SELECTION OF caieiTs Chocolates AT REASONABLE PRICES. Caley’s Coronet Assortment Per 1 lb. Tin $’2.25 Per lb. Tin $1.20 Caley’s Westminster Assortment l-« 0 .■> ,10 Caley’s Decorated Valencia Almonds 2-25 >• Caley’s Chocolate Pepperment Creams 180. 1-10 Caley’s Monsoon Assortment 1.80 LIO
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    • 1041 6 POSITION VACANT. PENANG SALES roq* Wanted lor the General Hospital. BY ORDER oe the Penang Wril educate’ probationers For pur'viculars apply to Mati on between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m, The undersigned i 8 i n8 t rn t 1236—29 1 8-8 By Public Aucfb* MISCELLANEOUS. tanjong bunoah ESIA j
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  • 735 7 nMM.XXDER AND SURGEON FINED. ~:T l. r of the I’ A' O. steamer •ph,, mooring <” 4 1 |t the wharf on the evening of 1- with a case of smallpox on Juae |i( ard after she had given a decla.n the Port Health Officer that
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  • 526 7 FURTHER proceedings. The hearing of the suit io which the P& O Company are claiming damages from the Eastern Shipping Company in connection with the sinking of the plaintiff's wharf at Belawan on the night of the iOth—llth Jaly, 1918, was continued yesterday in the Supreme Court
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  • 229 7 —“ML.” Propaganda Committbe Mbets. At the last Rubber meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, a resolution was passed constituting the Standing Committee of the P A M as a sub-Committee to circularise all producers of rubber, of all nationalities, to collect their views on the R G A, Corporation
    —“ML.”  -  229 words
  • 121 7 —'‘M L” Two Dredgbrs at Port Swettbnham. A Port Swettenbam correspondent writes The two mammoth dredgers which arrived here by the Wolverine State che other day will take some shifting. The Customs ’»y thMt fche y re the largest dredgers that have ever arrived in Malaya. Indeed
    —'‘M L”  -  121 words
  • 579 7 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS. A public meeting of the subcribers to the China Famine and Floods Relief Fund, Penang, was held at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday afternoon and presided over by Mr Yeoh Paik Tatt, the others present being Messrs Lim Eu Toh, Goh
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  • 117 7 Ptnang, August 9, 1921. (Bv CoVRTBSY OF THE OhARTBRBU BANK) London Demand Bank 2/3 3/4 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days’ sight Private 183 B Bombay Demand Bank 176 e Madras Demand Bank 176
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  • 60 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Oo.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. 2 2 SHARES. s 9 0 "S 09 CO QQ 03 c. O. C. 0. Miaiag. South Taiping 70c 75c 70c 72|c Ulu Piah 1.15 1.20 General. E Shipping 6.00 6.25 62.5 6.50
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  • 124 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for July Alm lbs 25,500 Ayer Tawah 25,457 Asahau 39,333 Anglo Sumatra 41,703 Bukit Toh Alang 24,658 Bah Lias 74,075 Bila Sumatra 24,480 Banda.r Sumatra 46,623 Chemor United 23,529 Cluny 21,215 Central Sumatra 14,728 Eastern Sumatra 27,000 Capis 41,046 Glen Bervie 34,876
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  • 34 7 Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd, output for May 480 piculs, June 380 piculs, July 440 piculs. Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Ltd, output for three months: May 542 piculs, June 456 piculs, July 622 piculs.
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  • 112 7 The Strains Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, August Bth Spot £161.101 up £2,5s 3 months buying £163.10s £2.5a 3 selling £164,03 £2,10a Local Parity $80.84 August 9 th Singapore sold 100 tons at $Bl.OO Penang sold 50 tons at $Bl. Messrs Boustead and Co Yesterday’s
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  • 41 7 sellers of Aug—Oct at £39.—" Malay Mail.” Steady London Rise Colombo, August 6—A London cable of Aug 3rd to the f Times of Ceylon states that copra prices are rising, there being sellers of Aug—Oct at £39.—" Malay Mail.”
    sellers of Aug—Oct at £39.—" Malay Mail.”  -  41 words
  • 200 7 Pbnang, august 9, 1921 BP. Tapioca $8.35 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $8.25 sales. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $13.00 se lets. White Pepper $32 nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $37 sales Cloves $9 nominal Nutmegs 80s $45.00 sales 110 s $3’.00 sales fNo. 1 $l3 50
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 NE or WOMAN’S WORST TROUBLES '■“'•'hal d ilsily ,Vlne d ed by an octiiiy ll)( I ’’‘'ikettes. bi-cause though Hic ir t, "G they are thorough, ind V,,l ve action is as gentle us nature. I,l M‘ttes r s'ck headaches and le s k‘ n °f pimples ami '•‘il’hem ,l
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    • 26 7 ID PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (In various colours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, limited
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    • 606 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE POSITION WANTED. The auction sale of the Kan Mob Estate fixed fur 31st August, 1921, has been postponed. Dredgem aster Engineer Bv 3Herot Cl)Dr( Manager experieucmi in the t >nowing, Tin dredging, gravel pomp, erection, SHERIFF, High Court, Kedah, reconstruction, acd running of plant, offers his services
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1358 8 K. P. M. EASTERN SHIPPING CO., LTD., 1 r (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS 8«T1 DEMENT a ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CoJ telephone SHIPPING. PENANG.’ No. 474. Head Office :—No. 63, Beach Street, Penang. XStlepijone ‘fto. 582. Tf)t’le<jrams:— INTENDED TO EOK SALE STEAMER. DATE. FOR Bsag»», Sabang Olehieh, Sinabang /for passengers only)
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    • 740 8 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHl',T A (Incorporated in England Incorporated m Charter 1553 Jd Authorised Capital £3,000,000 paid up Capital Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund Paid-up 1,050,000 Reset ve Liability of Woprie n Reserve Fund and Undivided Head Office J,s Protfi. 1,227,600 38< BISHOPSGATE,
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