Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 328 1 NIKKO hOi 7. NORFHAM ItOAiJ. S Telephone No. 579, i j‘ ROSS’S f E I AUKS HEAD I I PILSENER I jF BEER j > Is to be obtained from all Retailers, j sole CIGARETTES The BORNEO Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England.) f Penang, Singapore Ipoh. g -1 W/niiiiimniiiiiniiiniffliiiMim ■.-<
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    • 24 1 I THE BEST GARIN TW ?m ji/ TL //1. T ,;.eu u I SOU Agoata S.S. F M S Ong 6«m Loong A 00.
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  • 842 2 WORK OF ENQUIRY COMMITTEELondon, July 18,-Interviewted by Router's representative w-th reference to the work of the Committee on Indian Students, Lord Lytton pointed out that the Committee had been at work continuously since 23rd May, and had visited the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Bristol, Birmingham, Sheffield,
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  • 668 2 SCHEME FOR CEYLON. The Report of the Committee appointed to consider the site, scope, staff, etc., of the proposed Borstal Institution for Ceylon was recently issued as a Sessional paper. The recommendations of the Committee were tabulated as follows: That the site of the Institute should be at
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  • 222 2 lhe census taken throughout France in March last, the result/ of which is publis. I hed in the ‘’Journal Ofliciel,’’ shows a po- pulation in the country of 36-084,206-This figure represents a failing off of 2.384.. I 547. as compared with the previous census, which was taken in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1495 2 MISCELLANEOUS. PENANG SALES ROOM ST. GEORGE’S CHURCH -I— —u!= A MEETING will be held on Monday, Buffaloes (three) wanted for Estate, gy ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. Aogust Bth. 1921, at 6 p.m young beasts preferred accustomed to carting work, Reply to Box No, 199, c/o Pinang Gazotte. The nniersigned is
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    • 725 2 WHAT 2 MINUTES A Dfi WILL DO FOR YOUR HAD GREAT HAIR BEAUTY Gif] 1.500.000 HARLENE HAIR D Rili FREE TO READERS woman and girl can doubj. k. j and attract!reness by devotin, minutes a day to Harlene Hair-Drili" J To-day all the leading Actresse.», Society Leaders make it a
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  • 1060 3 OPPORTUNITY FOR DOMINIONS. 1 lie doom of the airship is fixed f"‘ r August 18. On that date failing some form of rescue, the Birti-h airships will be handed over *J> the Disposal Board, the -taff- will be dismissed, ajid mofts than £40.000.000 worth of material and accumulated experience
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  • 463 3 ATTEMPT TO SCALE MOUNT KA MET The main parts of the Survey of India’s General Report for 1919-20 refer to work of Field Parties, etc., summarising the operat ons of th<. field parties, grouped under appropriate headings; and office work, which gives a brief account of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 842 3 STKAIIS SEITUMENTS LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF $20,000.000 LOAN. Boanns interest from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per annum payable b b half-yearly on the Ist May and Ist November REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist MAY, 1926. free of income tax and other duties. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO
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    • 184 3 A PENALTY OF EXISTENCE IN THE TROPICS. From a tourist’s point of view io Lake ike Eastern trip is i*<leed a delightful experience. One skims through, seeing and doing only what is best, staying nowhere long enough to feel the climatic pull on one’s health. But different by far is
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    • 265 3 I NOTICE TO QUIT. I I Every item of our entire stock is under notice I I* to quit. The “Notice” is the greatly reduced g Sale Price now marked on every article. I Whatever you needs, whether Drapery Stuffs, I Blankets, Boots and Shoes, Glass and I Chinaware or
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  • 827 4 Mr and Mrs W W Scotland, of Johore, Are making a short stay ia the Federal Capital. Lord Northcliffa is expected to visit Cuina and J »pan on his return from Australia in the au*u un. Mr L Y Swre, the Kuala Lumper merchant, has left for
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  • 185 4 $100,000,000 SCHEME. (From Our Own Correspondbnt Singapore, August 6. At a special meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission, the President and the Ctdef Engineer outliued the needs of the town and the bringing up of «11 the departments to a satisfactory state, involving the spending of $100,000,000 in
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  • 150 4 Thr Kinta View. The following is from the minutes of a meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board 1. Forma 1 ion of Sauita*y Boards into Municipali’ies The Chairman informs he meeting that the Government is prising for the definite views of the Board. The Hon Mr A Kenion proposes
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  • 176 4 Ihe Assiz s were resumed in the Sup Cou t, Singapore, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Snaw. In the case of Goo Seong Ghee, a reve ue officer who was charged with mu der, was found guilty a- d His L-.rdship passe i
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  • 71 4 Th» China Faminr and Flood Rblief Fund. Penang, 6 h August 1921, Amount previously »>cknow lodged $162,359-85 Sungei Patani Eot-rtain-men’s n -tt 32 48 Mr W 8 Speer 50-00 Mr C E Jeokius 50 00 Datoh Osman 30 00 Hiji Sa»vd *2O 00 Mr L'w H d Fatt
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  • 76 4 Aug 6.— Taiping Gymkhana Aug B—Bishop of Singapore, Penacg F re School. Aug 9—Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. 9 Football, Selected Team v Combined T am, Esplanade 5.15 p m. Aug 11 —»P.A M. Special Ge <eral Meeting: 12 Marker Bt, K L. 11 a.m. Aug 16—-Court of Appeal,
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  • 515 4 IMPORTANT LEGAL ARGUMENT. A point of much commetcial interest was arcued on Wednesday afternoon before the Hon. Mr Justice L M Woodward, Chief Judicial Commissioner, F M 8 in tbe Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court. The matter arose out of the liquidation of Messrs Bond’s L d. and
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  • 216 4 C. J C’ 8. Hbmarks A’ wired yesterday, when this case was formally called un in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, the Hou Mr Justice L M Woodward, C J C., asked if the plaint iff was present. His name was called ou*; and he did not
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  • 183 4 The r e are do le-»s than thirty five civil actions down for hearing in Court this firms are invps e 3; i no Q <Hng, Craigielea PlantatioDF^L, vj versus Low Hua and another; Wolekel and Company Ltd versus Chop" Ban Hock Leon«; T*u Kwee Wab
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  • 819 4 NEW SCHEME ANNOUNCED. The F M 8 Government Gazette of July 29. 1921, publishes a circular containing the following. The following scheme for the Clerical Service will come into fo«ce as from the bt August, 1921, and will be regarded as superseding the scheme published
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  • 1102 4 A TROUBLESOME CROWD. Ludop, July 26—It had rained on Sunday night, and Monday dawned dull and unpromising for tbe Fourth lest match at Manchester. When play commenced 20,000 spectators had assembled. The wicket was slow and dead. Mayne, Mailey, Ryder and Oldfield were omitted from the Australian
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  • 291 4 Selrctkd Team v Combined CniN EjE T h The following teams will mfet Esplanade on Tuesday at 5 15 p m CD 5! Selected Team—S A Gray g Os i y Cheng Hoe C U right back/s H Daffii back, G P Noakta tight half, JJ r„_. centre half,
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  • 491 4 Claim in Ip.h Supreme Curt. An interesting civil suit is beiig heard in Tpoh before Hi» Lo r d«hip Mr Justice Watson, Ju”cd Ccmmi-si ner, Perak In this ca e Mr J G Eauuißun of Tapah issuing Mtssrs C Corbett and Frauk U Corbett of Ipoh for the
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    • 290 5 occurred in Hongkong Road, 11 ltl the morning of July 18, im> h <>f holders of notes of the Indu'trielle de Chine rushed the JSuarU" ~f .the Chinese Bankers' lti(lll where the bills were being Ab i■ 1 l) si,ver bricks and stones "‘J','thrown at the three foreign
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    • 185 5 Peking, duly 18. — regard to a Mai’niciii issued by the British Foreign Office. I-fen ,ng to the posit on of MrLei x >iin)>son. Hr. Tyau. Counsellor of i\ i i. has informed Reuter s I l i t as follows:- ’Mr. S mp--n s present position
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    • 111 5 Peking. July 1*. —With regard to the a ”f ,i port at Tsingingchow (Shana i ‘ported that a company has I'eeji fully organ sed to carry out the ■■h»‘iiH. It i s said that the Shantung I' \incial authorities and the various es concerned in Peking
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    • 57 5 bie >inwanpao” reports: —The reI' l s ntat iv e (> f the German Republic Bek ng has approached the Pek1 eerninent with a request to allow German employees of the pre- lnc to resume their offices in the Government, and to return all ’’irinan
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    • 70 5 Eastern Times” reports: —In rp Ichang mutinies, the Departmen l i!(; gn Affairs, Pek ng, has received '"'in* nt o f the total claims in com'’"’u of loss and damage sustained i > lt °f all the foreigners in p "hich has been sent in
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    • 65 5 ,uly 12 T he Congres m»> rr rs the completion toluie ’L" legislation authorising the •bi-iiOo'oO?, 1 Pllili PP i ne debt from Of o *30,000,000. The members Nous,. ,l! rence °f the Senate and the aij '“Presentatives have reached <hl r ni nt th< Hous€ managers >iU,
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    • 231 5 following the capture of Kwei Yuen and the reported collapse of tfie Kwaugsi defence, comes news published in the ’Canton Times” that the- Cantonese troops have already entered Nanning also ainchow, a city near the border separating Kwangsi and Annam. After the Hight of Lu ung ting, an
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    • 121 5 Strong protect against renewal of the Anglo-Japane-e treaty ha* been voiced b? the Rinan Pi<>\ oia: < Government which Li* i* headquartei in Shanghai. lhe -t which I, t* ecu forwarded h. cable to |i e Bri:i*ii Po iniei- Britidi I', i- gn Minister and to the Parliament
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    • 456 5 there has been much agitation amongst the Chinese of the port f lehang for the establishment an international Settlement .ere. The members of the foreign community are ju*t as vitally interested in tiiis movement, and so a public meeting was held on sth ult.,
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    • 709 5 To understand the Chinese philosophers it is necessary to understand clearly the < h.nese, says a writer in a contemporary. Hosts of western people are persuaded that the Chinese are dreamy and unpractical. Yet, despite their sphinx-like look, they are not at all a speculative people, such a«
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  • 770 5 The Netherlands Trading Society, Amsterdam, is undoubtedly one of the most prominent institutions in Holland, says a Home paper. It* resources are manifold and it* relations are spread all over the world. On account of itt* history, which i* closely bound up with that of our
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 164 5 HOW TO KEEP BABY WELL IN THE HEAT. The h«>t mouths are *he m<>*t dangerous to infants and young children. The complaints of this season, whfch are cholera infantum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentery, come on so quickly liiat often the littie one is bevond aid almost before the parents realize
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    • 45 5 PURE LOTUS HONEY. A tried and infallible remedy for all pye diseases. Cure s Cataract, Claucoma, &c., without knife. To see more dearly, more easily, and more safely, use Lotus Honey. Rs.3/12/- only per dram. Particulars and advice on request- SRI Works, Beadon -Square, Calcutta.
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    • 124 5 "v ii f I 1 limiUl’!' I'" 1 11 i.i hi 11 n iii iiiiiic-j ft MePepfecfion 1 I \V -«aiswE--? I > i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiini'i~ I lke Laki which is I I A Ceriihcate of Purity!’ I SofhSrands J Finest London Old Tom Finest lo'vidon llnsweetened at"' 3 rrr SOLE
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  • 1203 6 Business men of Japan are obviously to be included amongst the advocates of armaments restriction. We are not surprised. Any benefits that accrued to Japanese trade and commerce during the war as an Ally in the rather unique position of being able to reap as
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  • 1415 6 Hoping for a favourable outcome from the Disarmament ConferThe Navy and ence, commented on elscSecurity. where, the British Naval position must nevertheless not be allowed to fall below that of any other Power. The outlook will probably be cleared before the end of the year, but meanwhile
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  • 324 6 uiv M t The rice market in Penang ifl 4 aiet today, but prices, iu some cases, 1-ave increased. Siam rice has gone up from cen’s to 70 cents Pulote shows aa increase of 10 cents a gantanc Moalmeiu remains at $l4 per bag, while Ririgoin -o 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 430 6 e Electricity in the Home. The From Rushlight Austin j All British to Autoplant, IMO. 7 Autoplant y II II Will furnish the elec- Petroleum has been used in China trie current for a house from lime immemorial in the using the equivalent o localities around the oil sources; att
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    • 11 6 Dinner AND ANCE at the (t E. O.” J Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 THE TIDES. High Water, Low Water To-dat. 2. 0 a.DD. 8.11 a.m, 2. 3 p.m. 8.41 To-mobbow. 2 40 a. tn 8 52 a.m. 2.40 p.m. 9.17 p.m. M OXDA Y. 3.17 a.m, 9 32 a m. 3.14 p.m. 9,51 p.m,
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  • 17 6 DEATH. Lloyd—At Brighton, England, on Joly 27, 1921, Mr. J. T, Lloyd, formerly of Singapore, aged 71.
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  • 1205 7 B RITAIN'S SEA POWER. u ITAL sHirS AND SUBMARINES. the minimum standard. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London. August 3. t ht H ce-e of Commons, speaking on x v estimates. Col. Amery stated that, st .11 f the desirability of building 1 he i or concentrating on submafapital smi 3 Ul ..i
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  1,205 words
  • 98 7 A CONFERENCE RESOLUTION London, August 1. The “Daily Telegraph" learns that the Prenrer.'’ Conference passed a revjlution in favour ol an Imperial Wireless Com init'ees Scheme, with modification I Vii'tralia has withdrawn from the scheme. ji promises co-operation. It is pointed out fliat under the present scheme. Australia
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  • 52 7 London. August 4. An indication of the high commercial standing of Sir Eir.c Geddes Advisory Committee is shown by the names of men hitherJ». it is understood, invited, including Lord Inchcape. Lord Colwyn, and Lord Faringtvn, Sir W. JTender. Sir Vassar Smitli and Sir David
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  • 69 7 London, August 4. A coal glut in BriTiin in the near future i' the prediction of the London Coal Exporters’ Assocration in a- letter to '.ho Premier, protesting against the present high prices, which are militating against export and agaiii't industry. It points out tha the coal output
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  • 35 7 Geneva. August 4. Britain has officially notified the League that the British Empire as a whole, has ratified the statute providing for the creation of a permanent Court of International Justice.
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  • 127 7 JAPANESE AND U. S. REPRESENTATIVES. Paris, August 4. M'-. Bimud has issued invitations from the Supreme Council to Britain, Italy, Japan and tl4e Uiyted Stales* Baron Ishii wiU represent Japan and Col. Harvey, the I. S, Ambassador in London, will be asked to represent the United States An
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  • 530 7 The following notes on military events for the seven days ending June 29th have been issued to the Press. Germany. During the period under review the situation has remained quiet in all areas. After protracted negotiations, during which the Poles and Germans stood their ground, an agreement was
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  • 28 7 Melbourne, August 4 Work being resumed at th- loit Pirie Smol'ing V.orks. The employees ncecnt the L wer pay in preference to lon/er hours.
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  • 74 7 DE VALERA AND ULSTER PREMIER London, August 4. With reference to the report that the Ulster Cabinet refused to have anything to do with the Government’s offer to De Valera, it is authoritatively announced that Sir James Craig, the Ulster Premier, hitherto has not received an invitation from De
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  • 139 7 MARKED REVIVAL IN GROWING AND SMUGGLING. London, August 3. In the House of Commons, replying to questions, Mr. Cecil Harmworth said that papers were being prepared for submission to Parliament as regards opium cultivation in China hina undertook to put down cultivation as a condition on which
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  • 195 7 FAMOUS TENOR’S WILL. Naple', August 4. Signor Caru>o’s body, embalmed, is lying in th© Chapelle Ardente, ind b»eing vi'ited by large crowd Hundreds "f wreaths and telegrams of condolence have been received from all parts of the world. The K, ng has authorised a funeral service in the Church
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  • 115 7 FRENCH SI I’PLIES FOR FAMINE AREA. Par, Angus'! 4. The French Government has decided to despatch relief supplies to famine striken Russia, farough the Red Cross and similar organisations. lhe decision does not affect, th© refti'al to recognise the SovietWarsaw. August 4. A relief comm. tt|ee ha'
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  • 80 7 Paris. July 19. —According to newspaper reports published here, famine re in Russia, and cholera is on the increase. There is a general exodus of peasants, as many as two millions being said to have fled from their homes. The country side is depicted as a wilderness,
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  • 98 7 LANCS, v. AUSTRALIANS. London, August 4. At Liverpool in the match between Lancashire and the Australians rain delayed the start until 2-30 p.m. Then the sun came out. The wicket was soft and easy. There were 5,000 present- Armstrong won the toss and put Lancashire in. They scored 100,
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  • 33 7 BRITAIN v. AUSTRALASIA. Pittsburg, August 3. The Davis Cup contest between the British Isles singles representatives, Max M oosnam and Gordon Lowe and Australasia, Anderson and Hawkes, be gms to-morrow.
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  • 104 7 ,>\VEPT <>FF YACHT BY HEAVY SEA. London, Augu.«t < Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson was i.- arly drowned, while participating in a yacht! race at Cowes. He was swept overboard by heavy seas, while wearing high legged rubbers and oilskins but being a good swimmer
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  • 107 7 PRESIDENT HARDING OPPOSED IO FREE TOLL Washington. August 4. It is understood that President Harding has informed tHie Senate Republican leaders. that he is opposed to early action on Senator Borah’» Bill restoring fre» tolls to American coasters u'ing *.he Panama Canal. President Harding’s decision
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  • 17 7 London, August 4. General Byng, the new Governor-Gene-ral. has departed for Canada.
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  • 253 7 Peking, July 17.—With reference to the proposed Piuoific Conference, it is reported among Chinese official circles that China will probably be represented by Dr. Wellington Koo and Dr. Alfred Sze and perhaps either Premier General Chin or Dr. W. \V. Yen from Peking. According to
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  • 485 7 THE “DAILY GRAPHIC” JUSTIFIED. London, July 14. —On the resumption of Mrs. Besant’s action at Edinburgh today Mrs. Bcsant denied the allegation that she had advocated sedition. Mr. Sastri, giving evidence on her behalf, declared that Mrs. Besant’s internment had caused a sensation throughout India and
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  • 134 7 \M AZING CASE AT OLD BAILEY. London. July 15 —At Old Bailey* an amazing case of cardsharping and betting has ended in five Australians being sentenced t<> five year»’ penal servitude each. One victim lost altogether £25,000 by an “infallible betting system” and An/.i< Poker. An ex-officer
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  • 90 7 Paris, July 12. —President Millerand presided to-day at the ceremony of un veiling the monument "to th© Latin genius” wh ch has been erected in the garden of the Palais Royal as n gift to France from the other Latin nations, made under the auspices of the
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  • 66 7 “DRIFTING TOWXRDS \N\RCHY Mr. A. D. van Buren ha* resigned hi* position as chief coun»el to the I .S. Federal Prohibition Commission. When interviewed he said the country was driftins’ towards prohibition anarchy. Unless dm and sane judgment» displaced the |M>pulax excitement and hysterii all rc'p« t
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  • 722 8 EXPERIENCES IN BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. Sugar-cane ia one of «lie important industrial crops of the Bombay Presidency and is rec iviog particular attention from the Agricultural Department, whose work in this conecbicn may be described as advisory, experimental and demonstrative. The discovery of the variety most suitable to
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  • 261 8 With the exis’iog depression in th freipht marker it is es-en ial for shipnwnerto ex.urne their working cos's Viry ’a’efully. It is now gener-«lly ig-iel that the oil-er g’ned vrs-el shows to co :Siderable advantage in this counec im as compared vi-th tie «-termer a d th»-
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  • 403 8 An Economic Necessity This sm vty of the resources of tip orovince with regird to the supply of cower from its W’terf.’ls, uservoirs and iverj was commenced in Oc obcr 1919 »ays the Admini’tr >ti >n Report of the Public W rks Dpa tmeur, Burma, uuildinvs and
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  • 364 8 A confe-poce has been held at the Roy-1 Colonial Inetiture to cjnsid-r the possib.lities i f develop'ng a cht me promoted bx Colonel HF, M<urliug, DSC., MC, making provision for the settlement in British Columbia of tx-Service officers nod men and their families. Sir Harry Britain presided,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 167 8 The Negative FLAG of the Naval Code. 1 —Say “NO when II offered IMITATIONS ill JiJL/ Ca err ns Sauce. 111 JJ To distinguish the original and genuine Worcestershire Sauce from the many h/ 1 imitations, see that the signature of L LEA PERRINS appears in Wh i*e across ’Atc-'i
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    • 229 8 I Mlf HFI IM TVOT f I HiKIILLIIiI 11 8X.3 f ?l Further Reduction in Price on and from 4th August. a Cable Cord, Straight Side Cord, and I Universal t read Covers are obtain= I able from all Michelin Stockists. s CAPSTAN. I U 1 11 I ao.„ NAVV
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  • 1094 9 MONTHLY VISITS. In dealing with the above at a recent nueting of Malacca Planters’ Association the Chairman (Hon. Ah. J. Campbell) sai,id H Gentlemen, 1 he first reason why definite appointments cannot) be made is the abnormal number of special calls which fhe doctors receive
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  • 252 9 Iwo more rubber companies that have benefited by seiVng their produce forw-ird have just issued their reports for the past year, and in Kne«e day- of crises the po-i--tion disclosed is distinctly satisfactory. Ihe Bahru Selangor Rubber Company expects this year to get a restricted crop of
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  • 157 9 The Commi'/t-ees who have had the for mutation of rules, etc., for th club, have had a very difficult task to accomplish, especially in view of the «diverse circumstances that have prevailed in the countey since the commencement of the year says "The Planter. Of the necessity
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  • 45 9 A CEYLON AMALGAMATION. (From Our Own Corrbspondknt). Kuala Lumpur, August 6, The Mail's Colombo correspondent says a Ceylon Eitstes Prop ietory Associntion was formed to-day, amalgamating all the agents of private proprietors, who do not favour the R. G. A. scheme.
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  • 157 9 The following are the latest qu itatLus in Messrs. Kennedy <k Oo.'a share list:— Yesterday. To-day. S S SHAKES. 1 >. 3 1- 3 X V 2 X 71 f c. 5 c. 5 c. X c. Rubber (Dollar) Ayer Molek 90e 1.10 90c 95c Hajtor R
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  • 41 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for July Ayer Molek lbs 24,302 Bernani 20,795 Bruas 13,500 Glenealv 16,130 Hill Rise 14,100 Henrietta 5,266 Lower Perak 11,908 Laras (Sumatra) 20 457 Rantanui >, 22,500 Reyland 6,051 Sungei Matang 27,180 Trolak 21,500
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  • 137 9 The S rai*s Tradm? Co., Ltd., give the following Lon ion prices, Aagust s:h Spot £159.5s up £1 5s 3 months £161.5s £1,03 3 selling £161.10s £1.53 I.ccal Parity $79.70 6th: Singapore sold 100 tons at $81.25; Pe »ang, buyers no sellers at sBo| The Eastern Smelting
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  • 216 9 Pumakg August 6, 1921. BP. Tapioca $7.40 sales. M P. Tapioca $7.75 sellers Cold leaf $72 sellers Blaok Pepper $19.00 se lers. White Pepper $3O nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Cloves ss° nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers H 110 e $32.00 buyers /•No. 1 $l3
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 441 9 '^wADV ERTISEMENTS for ualb. o f compile Bft Engineers B X f sab. Owner proceeding Home. Tools r t No 203. c/ > Pinang Gazette. App’y b 1 ~7Li New Motor Launch, 12 H. P Fa’ine. Price $4,600. Addrea* PENANG SALES ROOM. TO BK SOLD By Public a notion cases
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    • 294 9 FULNESS AFTER MEALS, FLATULENCE—ACIDITY. AVas your last- good meal entirely spoilt by the sense of fulness which followed it This trouble is a sure sign of slow or incomplete digestion, and thi-, in turn, is proof that the -tomach is no so strong or so active as it ought! to
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    • 250 9 PRITCHARD’S Provision Dept. A LARGE AND VARIED SELECTION OF caleq's Chocolates AT REASONABLE PRICES. Caley’s Coronet Assortment Per 1 lb. Tin $2.25 Per lb. Tin $1.20 Caley’s Westini n s t e r Assortment 1.90 v PlO Caley’s Decorated Valencia Almonds 1.20 Caley’s Chocolate Pepperment Creams 1.80 1.10 Caley’s Monsoon
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  • 579 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Teesta for Madras taking mails for Europe etc, via Bombay. van den Boscb for T Serna we, Segli, Sabang. Olthlehetc, Padang. Poh Ann for Singapore. Peng Fook for Langsa. Malaya for Bbcket (Tongkah) and Renong. Perlis for Kantang (Trang). Ipob for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Koemai
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  • 119 10 Penanp, August 6, 1921. [Bt Coubtbsy of thk Chabtbbed Bank) London Demar d Bank 2/3 3/4 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 1/4 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 C-Icac a Demand Bank Rs. 177' 3 'avs* sight Private 183 Bombay Demand Bank 177 Madias Demand B-»uk 177
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  • 412 10 St. GEORGE THE MARTYR. Services for Weekending August 13tb, Bishop's Visitation. Sunday, 8 a.m. Morning Service. 8.30 a m. Holy Communion. 9,15 am. Holy Communion (Tamil) Address by Bishop. 10 30 a.m. Matins (Chinese) Address by Bishop. 5 p,m. Children’s Service and Confirmation Cla'S. 6 p.m. Evt neong
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  • 33 10 I’b? B ,t O Pflcarr Kh her. wif-h mails from Eu p HirptC ed ro arrive here at noon Th* Homewvd mill by sa Svii* will cl at neon vu Moudiy.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 287 10 f Underwood I I Standard I T ypewrifers I I I The Machine you will 1 Eventually Buy. f j j Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Enghnd) AgentsPenang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. n MMwrwm a pm ■--< —dill THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.— H. T. DOULATRAM CO., I The leading
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    • 465 10 I Northern I CO., LTD. H ESTABLISHED 1836. 9 ASSETS EXCEED £16,000,000. 8 I i. Fire. b 2. Life. l 5 B 3. Motor Car. R 4. Motor Cydle. J g 5. Personal Accident. B 6. Plate Glass. i H We can give you any particulars which you R H
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  • 644 11 —Ex. ACUTE FOREIGN COMPETITION. The acceptance by the Victorian Electricity Commission of an American tender for electrical apparatus for the Morwell (Australia) scheme ab a price £300,000 less than any of the British tenders is only one illasbration of the manner in which British manu facturers are
    —Ex.  -  644 words
  • 259 11 —Ex We learn with a feeling of regret that a rral'y amusing joke is to be eliminated from the regulations of the lod’.an Auxiliary Force and, incidentally, the men of that Force wll be deprived of an on let for their financial enterprise Under the regulations, as they stood
    —Ex  -  259 words
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    • 522 11 ''Ocilktte > x t*."?' ■-j‘\ i f V? e" A Bl' •Vk -KrjL. r A t After suffering agonies for 5 rears this lady, Mrs. Dunning, has been el-.- cured by_De Witt’s Pills. If you get De Witt’s Pills for your rche, rheumatism or any other kidney or bladder disorder
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    • 1227 12 MeiU-ma- i AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP ii/i Ellerman Line. line. a IVI* Ellerman and Bucknall (Incorporated in Australia. IlPStlk ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co p n J£gk. VU Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, *3» I* 8 t|l«:o«POB»ni> IB NUUwI Th< following last .teamen oi above lit.. Thursday Island, Brisbane and
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      722 words