Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 349 1 J NIKKO i hc, 7, WORTHAM JOAO, Telephone No. 579, i gar i^&i —imw^nn^ai imbi —iaww—i it nro ——i&aii —u I 1 1| “CRAWFORD’S” I .Oftl^wßE cr K I j SPECIAL A RESERVE I X k- SfM I- LIQUEUR tap SCOTCH .sow on j :i WHISKY. i Wiiiteaway, Laidlaw Co.
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    • 18 1 THE BEST CAR IN TRW» > /BWraWWM-ir Ml. S.S. a F K S> I Ong Sam i-aoag A 00,
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  • 739 2 POINTS FROM THE REPORT. I'he following items are taken from the I’ahang Administration Report for the Year 1920. Financial.—The revenue for the year amounted tb -$2,956,200 as compa/red with $2918,942 for the preceding year and a revised estimate of $2-539.483. Ihe principal increases on die receipts for 1919
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  • 76 2 Wit and wisdom from the American Press: As the peace dove flies, it’s a long, long way t.o Tipperary. '‘Sounding other nations on disarmament’' Jias a hollow sound, so far. Peace s now more than two and a half years old, and there is very little
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1093 2 POSITION VACANT. NOTICES. A Dresser ™fJ He K L... ÜBOUR~CODE~wI F.I.S. J WHEREVER YOU ARE 5 Government Ho pi'*l3 Pay $55 per vat home or abroad—never neglect to have 7 r k or»ora a nrl Aat hand a suitable means of preserving A mensem, L> e furnished quarters, and La
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    • 334 2 SLOAN’S LINIMENT Penetrates without Rubbing. Just a few drops of Sloan’s on the painful spot and the pain stops. It is really wonderful ffj how quickly Sloan's acts. No need to rub it in—laid on lightly it penetrate* to the bone and l brings relief at once. I L “Relieved
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    • 198 3 Miudras July, 22.—Presiding at the third annual meeting of the Southern Ind a Skins and Hides Associat on* M. Jamal Mahomed Saib (president), referring to the export duty on. raw hides and skins, expressed gratification that Government should have realised the real interests of the
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    • 155 3 Lahore, July 21. —In his judgment 'n the railway case in which Major M. S Young of the 14th Jat Lancers, Sialkot. was fined Rs. 30 for an offence under sect.on 120, Railway Act. Mr. Ex son. district magistrate, Sialkot, says that if accused struck with his
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    • 145 3 Bombay. July 21.—The Compulsory Education Act was passed by the Bombay Leg slative Council three years ago giving option to municipalities to introduce compulsion in theij- areas. Government undertaking to bear in al! -a'-es half the cost, but only three or four munic palities in the
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    • 90 3 •Simla, July 25.—The Consulate-Gene ral of Japan states that the Japanese commercial mission to India, as announced by Reuter, i- being organised undei the ausp ces of the Osaka commercial museum, and will consist of about ten business men of Osaka. The mission will visit
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    • 45 3 In the- House, of Commons, at question time, Major Wood stated that the Government of India proposed, if suitable personnel were available, to send a deputation to British Guiana in the autumn to consider the question of Ind an immigration thither.
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    • 44 3 Delhi, July 22. —There was fairly heavy rain here this morning. Theweather is still wet and skies are very cloudy. This is the first heavy drought Delhi has had since the break of the monsoon, all the previous ones being ordinary
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    • 32 3 London, July 20. —Underwriting arrangements are progressing in connection with the port of Calcutta seven per cent loan for a m Ilion sterling shortly being issued at par.
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  • 19 3 'Die Commonwealth House of Repre>“ntat,ives has doubled the tariff ra r n moving picture films.
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  • 822 3 i HIE ADMINISTRATION REPORT. I I'he following is contained in the Pei.ik Administration Report for the year 1920: Financial.—The revenue for 1920 amounted to 837.681.352 as compared with $35,181,719 in 1919, and an estimate of $3l 645.810. Hie expenditure was $50.786,373 on an estimate of $47.495.672
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 STOCKS NOW ON HAND Mo mi Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic Acid, 1 Porcelain Cups, Fairoanks Scales, Mangles, Warehouse Trucks, Etc. Prices on Application McAlister Co., Ltd. BRITISH I “DD” expanded metal D D DIAMOND MESH A/ YYYYY) \Z \r jg H B es yr kv mi n m y\
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    • 148 3 I FORD I TOURING CAR H There is no trouble or delay when you drive H a FORD. If repairs are required you are sure of getting the right part when you want S it, Every part standard z <1 and every 3 S part mechanically perfect. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM
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  • 894 4 fhe Hon. Mr. Justice Farrer Manby has gone to Sereniban to preside over the Assizes which commenced there yesterday. H. R. H. the Crown Prince of Persia and pai'jy left Calcutta on July 25th for Bombay -ays a Calcutta telegram. Passengers by the Kinta from Singapore or
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  • 301 4 Th© following are results in the P.C.Ctennis tournament: Singles Handicap Class “B”.— —15.3. I L. Bostock beat 8. Weihen 6 —3 6 —4. i Singles Handicap Class ‘‘C”. 15 D. Mathie son —l5, K. W. H. Austin 6 —4 6 —2. Mixed Doubles Handicap.— —30.2, Mrs. L.
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  • 53 4 tth August—Polo Tournament (1 match) 5.15 p.m. sth August—Polo Tournament fl match). 10 a.mPolo Tournament Finals 5.15 p.m. The Dan-ant. New Club 6.30 p.m Polo Dinner, Officers’ Mess 8.30 p.m. Burmese Pwe, 10 p.m. 6th August Gymkhana 3 p.m. 6th August Dance 9.30 p.m. 7th August—Swimming Club, Aquatic
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  • 162 4 In the Government Gazette are published amendment- to the rules made by the Governor in Council under the Traction Eng nes and Motor Cars Ordinance, 1911, as follows: The driver of every motor car or traction engine shall conform to the followng signals to intimate
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  • 41 4 “Straits Times.” Hongkong. August 1. —A mass meeting of Chinese dec’ded to form a society for the protection of muitsai. (“Muitsai” ar e the adopted children regarding whom there has been much discussion in the House of Commons.]
    “Straits Times.”  -  41 words
  • 522 4 HANDICAPS FOR FIRST DAY. (From Our Own Cobbisposdent), Kuala Lumpur, August 3. The following are the handicaps for the fi-st day of the Aatamn Meeting of the Selangor Tarf Club Race I.— The “Nowl Walker” Stakes. 2- pm. Value:*—A. Class $350, A divided handicap for all exgriffiu
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  • 152 4 VISIT TO PENANG. To-morrow—Arrives in Peosog. Friday, August s'h Devotional Meeting at St Georgu’s Church 5 p.m. Saturday, August 6th—Holy Communion 8 a.m, Committee Meeting of Province Wellesley Mission spm,, in St George’s Vts ry, Mee ing with Tamil and Chinese Cbm ch people as 6 pm.
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  • 282 4 JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFFS. COLONIAL SECRETARY CRITICISED. (From Our Owm Corrmpohdest). Singapore, Augu<t 3. In the Supreme Court, Singapore, Mr Justice Barrett Leonard gave judgment for ths Eastern Shipping Company in the case against the Attorney-General and also coste. Afrer delivering a hngthy judgment, Mr Barrett Lennard in the
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  • 400 4 Rick QuestionsA meeting of the Burma Legislative Council was held on July 26 in the Jubilee Hall aod continued for over three Hours. The must i uportant master which cam° up for constdera'ion was the question rrla'ing to the rice si uat on. A long list; of
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  • 59 4 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Previously acknowb dged ~e $73,559 55 Concert at Sungei Patani by tbe (Caledonia Pierrots) 710.34 Negri Sembilan Planters* As|gciation 350.00 Mr G E 8 Cubikt KO.OO Mr J G Hummeling 50.00 Melvlle 100.00 Mr H W Rickeard (Further Subscription) 20.00 Total $74 889.89 Singapore
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  • 1603 4 SHIPPING COMPANIES’ DISPUTE. Ihe suit was commenced in the Supreme C urt, Penarg, y«te»i*y, before His Honour Mr Justice Wbitky, in wlioh the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company is claiming compensation from the Eastern Shipring Coy L»d, for damages», caused to the plaintiff wharves at Belawan,
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  • 136 4 With eager exci'ement Upp t r West -o* housewives read on June 20ob tba Cnnarder ••Critic" was due to arrive on o 21st bringing 300 immigrant Irish g ir Women who have had no gervsD months, have been doing their own coc 4 washing and house cleaning,
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  • 118 4 Aug 4,5, 6.—Taiping Gymkhan»* Aug s—Penang Hunt Club Meeting Aug 16—Court of Appeal. eoert Aug 31—Bata Lintang, LW aer c?, Meeting, Chamber (t t 3 p.m. Our national habit of r(l! l «he® down will receive an agrees e eJ i distingui-bed American eogineef the John Fritz medal,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 IS YOUR BABY HEALTHY? HERE IS A TEST. Happines- is a sign of health in babies if they are fretful and restless Jt is a -•ure indication that something is wrong. Lsually the cause of a baby's sleeplessness, crying, irritability, is stomach or bowel troubles, or teething pain-. Baby’s Own
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  • 35 4 Obituary. SUPREME PATRIARCH OF SIAM. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, August 2. The d* a*:h Las oocurred of the Supreme Patriarch, head of the Boddint Order in Si«m and uncle of the King of Siam.
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  • 1777 5 sT ANDREWS AND GOLF. J (From Our Own Correspondbnt.) Edinburgh, Joly 6, t The Open Championship at Sb Andrews rab i v called back to most of ui many memories And io oar hearts, with < inTew Lang, we have sung of the little town, 1 The College
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  • 618 5 CANVASSING CAMPAIGN STARTED. A meeting of the General Committee recently appointed to collect subscriptions to tbe Penang Chinese Labourers' Uueraployment Fund was held at tbe Chinese Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, the 30tb July, for the purpose of deciding upon the most effective steps to be taken
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  • 175 5 Terms and Conditions, The F M S G iv.mment Gazette conditions tbe draft; of an Enactment to declare tbe terms and conditions applicable to loans authorized to be raised by the Government of the Federated Malay States, and to provide for the creation of inscribed stock. Tbe “Object
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  • 388 5 Messrs James F Hutton A Co., Ltd,, Manchester reporb on July 6, The action of tbe cotton markets was distinctly weaker in the early part of tbe week owing to a recurrence of nervousness as to the cotton supply position and prices fell away rapidly. That
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  • 178 5 Owing tn the heavy rain at Don Muang rhe French aviators were unable to carry out their p'ogramme, which perforce had to be postponed says Bangkok Times’’. Two of the machines flew over Bangkok morning, the third unfortunately being compelled to return to Don Muang
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  • 310 5 The largest airship constructed in Great Britain is the largest in the world—materid ly larger than the bigrest rigid German airship. While i’s predecessors were modelled more or less on the lines of Zeppelins, this new one is entirely British in design as well as in
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  • 43 5 Tbe Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade at 6 p m today. 1 March ...Vol verice ...Sousa 2 Selection ...Macbeth ...Verdi 3 Waltz ...Ideal Etpanol ...Balarb 4 Polka The Peasants ...Bohm 5 Galop ...Tramway ...Bargmeio
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 J jil a Century's i= W Experience /n ii V Ji TKc L&bcl which is ‘A Certificate of Purity!’ “Bothßrands Are benef icial M Finest London Old Tom Finest London Unsweetened Ell rn SOLE AGENTS FOR S.S. F.M.S. KATZ BROS., LTD., Penang. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). Wi,b Stylish Stationery
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  • 21 6 Newt n—Howes. —At the Ma'ernity Hospital, Sn gaporp, on July 31*t, to Gladys,'be wi'e of K W Newtcr-Howe?, a SOO.
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  • 74 6 Bell—Stewart. —At the Presbyterian Ct.urch, Hr gapore, on July 30tb, bv the RtvGH Dootlas, John Clei k Maxwell B< II to Wym t C<»n«tHi ce Stewait. Pall—Tobeon —A r St Man’a CLu ch, Kuaia Lumpur, co the 26th July, by the Rev D xter Alien, John Allen, elde-t son
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  • 1098 6 Since the Government published a statement on electric light and power in Malaya, in May last year, the problem has been discussed at frequent intervals. The public was’warted in the official ‘‘communiqte that it was one of considerable magnitude, and that the installation of a comprehensive
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  • 1350 6 The Perak administration report for 1920, signed by Lt-00l W The Plight of j p Hume, who recently th w retired from tbe Service, H er emphasises the great need in the State for water supplies, public buildings, health and other important works. Tbe slump has affected
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  • 108 6 The following are ths late? 4 qactu Lg.-x Me?are. Kennedy i Co.’s share list:— Yesterday. To-d»y. s «C ft I SHARES. >,= O O 3 OJ CQ X I c. c.: 5 c. S cRubber (Dollar) Bukit K. B. —70 c COc Craigielea P 60e 70c 50c
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  • 15 6 The following are additional rubbe: 1 for July K.M.S. Rubber lbs 18,41' Lunas
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  • 89 6 Hi am Tin, Lid, t uriig picuh. Rahman Tin Co. Li piculs, Mi l pls. 224,9* 217.30. Kampong Kamunting'l r It. 5 put for July, hours run (two dm-es-, cubic yards treated D’"' v ,J £t c 739.92, nett alue $36.424 28. barn n patch average ground <
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  • 95 6 The Straits Trading 0 n g. following London prices, 2nd < Spot £158.10s dowo^:’ 4 3 months buying £16 (l .los 3 selling r Local Parity August stb I Sirgspore .old ICO Penang selleis n> lui r i Th. Extern Su>eit>. gC, f I London 29 I. J'dy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 801 7 M BKIANI» PRIVATE VIEWS. Reuter’s Telegrams.] Paris, July 30. i Pitting at a Cabinet meeting, the Hr lish N»«e on Silesia, M Briand j J his private views, which met ;1 ’(unanimous approval. 'ui fully concurring with British Expressed by the lea-d’ng ..u dmg the intangibility of the
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  801 words
  • 57 7 “INT IM ATE R E LAT lON S. Constantinople, August 1. Reports from Asia induate the increasing intimacy of Turco Soviet relations. Generals Brusiloff and Neklidoff have arrived at Angora, and Sivas respectively. It is reported that the Soviet is selectng soldiers belonging to the Moslem faith
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  • 44 7 THREAT TO MOSCOW. Helsingfors. August 1. The Soviet authorities are alarmed at the threat of starving troops in Eastern Russia to march to Moscow, thence westward to get food, and are frantically taking measure-' to arrest an invasion of undisciplined hordes.
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  • 36 7 Athens. August 1. King Constantine, and the Premier. Mr Gounar >. ceremoniously entered Eskishehr, recently occupied by the Greeks. A solemn thanksgiving was Conducted by the Greek Metropolitan, after which the King rev ewed the troops.
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  • 58 7 NEW YORK CONVENTION. New York. August I. The second international Convention of negro peoples has opened. There were 50,000 delegates from America. Europe. Asia anil Africa, including “the provisional President of Africa It will sit throughout August and anticipates achieving great thing- in connection with the future
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  • 95 7 The Hague. July 31. The Foreign Ministry announces that the Dutch Legation at Berne has sent the Secretary-General of the League of Nations ratifications of the statute of a permanent International Court of Jus tice, adding the declaration that the Dutch Government recognises the jurisdiction of
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  • 78 7 DEATHS FROM PROSTRATION. New Y r ork. July 31. The thermometer recorded 90 degrees daily for a fortnight. The temperature in the business quarter of the city averaged over 100. There is considerable suffering amongst the poor. A number of deaths occurred from prostration. The beaches
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  • 38 7 Berlin, July 31The Beichsbank announces that a further credit of 40,000,000 gold marks was arranged through the Amsterdam firm of Mendelssohn and Company, bringing the total credits obtained through this firm to 250,000,000 gold marks.
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  • 34 7 NEW SERVICE TO INDIA AND SUEZ. Melbourne, August 1. It -s reported that Commonwealth Steamers will inaugurate a fast four weekly service to India apd Suez about the end of the year.
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  • 126 7 PRESIDENT HARDING AGAINST PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE. Guidon. August <• A New York telegram from Washington s»ay>. correspondent* agree that President Harding is determined tv adhere tiO the original plan of a Disarmament Conference between all the Powers simultaneously, and will steadfastly reject all proposals for a preliminary Conference with certain
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  • 267 7 The Empire Development Parliamentary Committee entertained the Dominion Prime Min sters and Indian representatives at dinner at the House oi Commons. One hundred members attended the function. Mr. Churchill, in welcoming the guests said that with unity the Empire would become a power which no
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  • 258 7 Sound judges of Naval strategy w ere stunned on June 21st by an aiuiouncement that the admini'trat‘on had taken a stand, for the time being at any rate, against uniting the Navy, says an American report Congress onal lea lei s who realize the peril of
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  • 145 7 London, July 21.—Messrs. Montagu's ’•eport says that the tone of the market is less robust. Unsettled conditions China, owing to the recent banking dilfi culties. have caused a good deal of loca’ demand for cash, but t is reasonable t< expect now that the encashment of Banque
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  • 243 7 HOW THE MISTAKE OCCURRED New York, July 31. The “New York World,” explaining the Northcl’.ffe controversy, declares the “New York Times” reported that it sought an interview with Lord Northcliffe on the Irish situation. Mr. Wickham Steed, editor of the London “Times,” telephoned a request to Lord
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  • 75 7 GIVING AMERICA THE FA( T> London. July 31. The “Observer says in view of the necessity for counteracting attempts to mislead American opinion on the Irish situation, it will not be surprising if Mr. Lloyd George goes to America with n the next few weeks. The journal hopes
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  • 222 7 Are shipowners likely to adopt the Admiralty s policy and build ships to U'e 0.l fuel Professor Abell, the eminent naval architect of Liverpool I uiversity. asked this question said “There can be no doubt that when supply depots are established along the
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  • 95 7 It is estimated by the Treasur,. Hal the coal strike involved the state in u: additional expenditure of £75.000.Gut Thi l total is accounted for by the defied on the railways, the cost of calling out the reserves, maintenance for three months of the special
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  • 83 7 The last of the bodies of the. 32 Arne rican soldiers, who died in German pr son camps and were buried in Germany, passed through Cologne on 21st June for Antwerp in convoy of an American Ann.' unit. The bodies were traced through the
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  • 183 7 EX PERIMENT AL SCHEM E. London, August 1. The “Daily Mail’’ state* t.hat the Empire Conference to-day will deal with the report of the sub-Com ni it tee »n Air Communications, and it is exjxc rd that an < xperiinent-al scheme w ill be adopted beginmng with
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  • 54 7 BOYCOTTING THE PRINCE’S VISIT. Bombay, July 31. At a meeting of the All-India Congress committee to decide the future plan of campaign, it is understood, a resolution was passed in favour of boycotting the Prince of Wales’s visit, also urging a complete boycott of foreign cloth on the
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  • 50 7 Paris, August I. M. Perrier, ex directeur of the French Museum of National Sciences ‘-s dead. The German murderer of the French Major, Montalegre. was arrested yesterday by an English officer. A new German assault took place against a French Captain in a train Ber--1 n Bremen. —Vale.
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  • 180 7 London. July 22. —Lt. General Sir Philip Chetwode to-day unveiled in the Victoria embankment gardens a memorial to British. Anzac and Indian members of the Imperial Camel Corps, who were killed or died in Egypt and Palestine from 1916 to 1918. The memorial is in the form
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  • 262 7 Ihe Paris correspondent of the "Morn <'2. Post” telegraphs: "M. Loucheur, Minister for the Lib ■l*d R and Repatriation in tli d Cal n-t, stated in an interview ni i £BBo,oO’■ > < jousi i '<’ti work, p!u I 1 90 n repairing roads, railway Over 1500
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  • 73 7 AUSTRALIANS v. SOUTH WALES. London, August 1 At Swansea before 10,000. The weather was cloudy and there was rain over night. The wicket was soft but easy. The Australians scored 461 for 8 wickets, of which Bardsley, by good all roundcricket contributed 122. He had a 6 and thirteen
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  • 97 7 Macartiney’' big innings against No'Hs. while eclipsing a'l other Aii'traiian scores in England, falls a little shoit of achievement.- “down under.” Gregory scored 383 for New South Wales against Queensland a’, Bri'bane in 1906-7 and Clem Hill at \delaide in the 1900-1 season played a not-out innings
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  • 29 7 Boston, July 31. Johnston, the holder, defeated Williams in the challenge round in the Longwood lawn tennis bowl match 6 —4, 6 —2, 3 —6. B—6.
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  • 125 7 While the world is talking boxing in anticipation of the fight on Saturday for the world championship, we have allowed to pass what might have been another popular bicentenary, for the record' have it that boxing was brought into prominence by one James Figg, in London in the
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  • 119 7 The American six-metre challenging yachts, which will complete for the new British American Cup at the Royal Cowes Regatta in August, were hauled out of the water on June 21st prepara tory to being shipped abroad in cradles on the steamer Francesca. The Francesca will put into Cowes roadstead,
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  • 105 7 Despite a statement issued on June 20th by Samuel D. Riddle that Man Oi War. the “horse of the century,” will not enter pubi c competition again. Louis Feustel, who trains the Gen Riddle farm thoroughbreds, intimated on June 21st that he is still hopeful of persuading
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  • 117 7 London. June 17. —It is sBnoane «I th r an Australian offer of £10,06() 1 been made Ur the purchase of Millais s “Christ jn the Carpenter’s Shop,” which ha' b-en hanging on loan in the: Tate Gallery for ten years. The board of the Tate Gallery, however,
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  • 87 7 Accord ng to reports from Berlin, a German scientist has discovered a remedy for sleeping sickness or beriberi and for diseases caused in cattle by the tse t'e fly. When first aske I for details the German replied that having lost their colonies they saw no
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  • 867 8 programme curtailed owing to CRISIS. The annual general meeting of the United Patani (Malaya) Rubber EsT.l4", Limited, was held at the registered offices of tlhe company. 149. Leadenhall St reef. E C-. Mr. E- L. Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman sa d This
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  • 325 8 We have been reminded lately, and very properly, of the extended uses to wlvch rubber can be. and should be, appliedThe scope for developments is undoubtedly enormous, but it is generally the cost which prevents business resulting. I’he undoubted merits of rubber floor covering have been constantly pointted
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  • 390 8 Me>si". Will, am Jacks and Co., report on July 7th: —The settlement of the Coal Strike has led to a sentimental recovery in <ill the market", but this recovery is Vkely to be of short duration. a« no fresh i> j>'""ible until further reduction" [have been brought about-
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  • 76 8 New York June 18.—Condition" in the rubber market are reported inactive and juice" closed unchanged and nominal for all jxisi’Jions. Smoked ribbed "beets on spot and for June delivery were, offered at 124 C per pound, with no takers. JulyiAeptember closed at 13c September-De-cember, 14c January-March, 15«‘
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  • 89 8 While Lieutenant-General >Si- A. Hun terAVeston, who canniianded the famous 29th Division at Gal! was in Constantinople recently, he met th e Turkish I hief of Staff of the Gallipoli army. To gether they went over the campaign with maps and reports, confirming the im
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  • 894 8 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES. Ĕ »5 Li_ 3 H HUEBER (Dollar.) Se j Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. r Her Gajah Rubber Estate -O'. Amalgamated Malay Estates ’.*3o Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate -7,. |«3O Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates ?00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. js. "A-, Ayer Panas Rubber Estates J-10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 618 8 111 r pinang Gazette RATES OF CASUAL Pritchard s B J FOR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS VACANT, Etc. Penang’s Premier I Minimum Charge $2.00 I For I insertion 1.75 per inch insertions 1.50 Store. 130 -12 a j „10 115 Gendins Reductions S Advertisements are charged by M E space.
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  • 1859 9 HEAVY CASUALTIES. GALLANT RESCUERS. Mr S Levy, who wag one of the firat-claas passengers on the Rangoon-Mandalay mail train on the occasion of the terrible disaster, on the night of July 25, was seen by one of the “Rangoon Times’* representatives and was able to throw some
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  • 258 9 The presence of profitable oil fields in Burmab, Sumatra and Borneo has frequently prompted the query whether oil might nob be found also in British Malaya, which occupies a central position in these oil-bearing regions, says the “Financier” Hopes were aroused that this query might
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  • 200 9 Penang, August 3, 1921. SP. Tapioca 57.25 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $7.50 sellers. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $19.00 se lets. White Pepper $3O nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Cloves 55'' nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers 110 s $32.00 buyers f No. 1 $13.50
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  • 118 9 P«nang, August 3, 1921. (Bv Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Oalcubt a Demand Bank Rs. 178 3 days’ sight Private 185 Bombay Demand Bank 178 c Madras Demand Bank 178
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 479 9 heW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. ■'7'Li tboriaghbred Siamese Cat, >l>o Terrier Dor. Apply B 1»! 202, c/0 G.zette, TO LET. No 225 d, Burmati Woodford, No. Burm.h Ro»d. notice*. LOST. I in F M.S. Railway Buildings, F h", Gold Signet King. Owner hOO M ~pX to Mercantile Bent, Peneng. notice. ..(Oi-ite
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    • 26 9 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (Zn various coZours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED
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    • 161 9 i ROBEY’S SEMI-DIESEL I CRUDE OIL ENGINE. I I 1 g Chief points of advantage are— I I Simplicity of Construction. 1 Ease of Handling. I 1 Complete Construction. f a i Low Fuel Consumption. i I Efficiency and Reliability. I No inlet and Exhaust Valves. I 1 Perfect Lubrication.
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  • 281 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. van Riebeeck for Singapore. Expbotbd Arrivals. Lycaon, Singapore, Aug 6. Khyber, London, Aug 7. Gl&ncus, Liverpool, Aug 7. Eurypylus, Singapore, Aug 10. Kalyan. Singapore, Aug 13. Elpenor, Liverpool, Aug 14. Teiresia?, Singapore, Aug 25. Cyclops, Singapore, Aug 28. Teucer, Singapore, Sept 1, Atreus, Singapore, Sept
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  • 323 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, By trait Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, B D Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 p.n and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train alsc 10.15 a.m. A 3.45 p.n.
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  • 23 10 ■hp following undnliv-rod srf lying at rh 9 E stern Exte* e«on Tf legrapL Co PtDjilau c/o Joogjui 11 Mauuias Street.
    23 words
  • 380 10 Pknasg, AUQUeT 3, 1921. I BEEF— Ota Soup per catty 35 Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Curry Meal do curry 36 Rump Steak du 48 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet
    380 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 1 PIANO TUNING. I •> 2 I AS OUR 3 Mr. LEO DYE, E <• •0 CERTIFICATED TUNER M. T. A., DIPLOMA, LONDON M 2 2 g Will shortly be leaving* for an extended trip in the c. M. S. We •ft suggest that you give us your g 5
      279 words
      252 words

  • 380 11 THE POSITION IN CHINA. As is well-known,, China has not paid coupons on German bond issues, except to neutrals or Allies, since she the war. Now that China and Germany have concluded peace, the question of the future of these German issues, which have low valuations as
    380 words
  • 292 11 'tl I—* Chnnweroj"Commerce was continued in! London. j In the Finance Groun the chairman (Dr. Walter Leaf) said a? an earlier sit I ting it was decided to postpone the eon- sideration of the plan of action with re- j gard to the solution of the problems
    292 words
  • 145 11 flow great is the craze for decorative Chiiu-<e and Japanese art to-day is reflcc•»'d n the windows of the Mest-end stores. Some of the Eastein countries -<-pin to have been ransacked for old furnishings., and a “Daily Chronicle” representaiivc was informed by a
    145 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 388 11 X/ RW® i ISIS 11 h C ioss»k fl? y^^ Y fff v g I'j g Expectant and Nursing 1 Mothers fl 1' fl find m Glaxo a most valuable aid. for. taken regularly two fjr.f or three time# a day by the mother herself (both before and j after
      388 words
    • 672 11 I AVERY 1 H L TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. I Lssl 1 In BRIEF SPECIFICATION Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Citcular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection for V Driver. Direct Drive Forward and Reverse. Avery
      672 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1283 12 7 w v LTTpwm I- AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP Bl RR Y LINE Ellerman Line. ,NE I I JU U Ellerman and Bucknall (Incorporated m Australia. nr fait TWIN SCREW MAIL PASSENGER STEAMERS BETWEEN Steamship Co. v Ltd., [lncorporated in England.] Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, RANGOON. COLOMBO, LONDON
      1,283 words
    • 740 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED BANK Of INDIA LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England ‘charter’ 1 R Authorised Capital £3,000,c-00 paid up Capital £'3 Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund 3g% Paid-up 1,050,000 R ese ive Liability of l‘roprietoi 8 Reserve Fund and Undivided Head Office: Protfig 1,227,000
      740 words