Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 August 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 152 2 Madia-. -July 20— About two ttiou-aml workmen are in each of th? miil' > to-day- In view of the recent assaults alleged tk> have been committed by Audhithe labour comnvssioner has warned them against committing ain aggressive acts. It is understood that the commissioner <>f police has
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    • 181 2 Bombay. July 21. —Exceptionally heavy and continuous rain for the last ten days has inundated the lowlying villages near Bombay. Both the railway lines have suffered badly. On the G. I. P. line disorganisation of service due to breaches on the Bombay-Poona line cont.nues. Heavy rain
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    • 118 2 Allahabad. July 23. —A deputation of Allahabad citizens headed by Pandit Mail H ’c -art Butler this afternoon and submitted a in morial regarding the con st ruction of the council chamber and the threatened removal of the capital to Lucknow. Hi s Excellency said they were
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    • 109 2 Madras. .July 23.—Though no details f the v!s t t of the Prince of Wales have yet been received, i- is understood that he is likeiy to visit Madras in January next. A large receptj’on cominittee representative of all interests was formed last year t<> make
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  • 97 2 Yfter Ikvember 31. 1921. no person will he permitted to use on any public thoroughfare or place a motor car constmuteil in such a manner that the driving seat is situated on the left-hand .vde of the car. A motor car so cbnstructed which has been registered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1456 2 POSITIONS B.TU UNT.M LTD. J? inanff Qagette A Dresser wanted for the Kedah nr nASUAI Government Hospitals. Pay $55 per Notice is hereby given that, io pursuance rrx rCO mensem, free furnished quarters, and o{ Section 219 (II) of the Companies’ ADVERTISEMENTS. temporary allowance of 45 per cent, liable n
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    • 99 2 DON’T BE DISCOURAGED by f.onst’pation. No matter how stubborn, it can be permanently overcome if treated in the right way. First, cleanse the intestinal canal by taking a small dof<e of Pinkettes, the tiny, gentle-as-nature laxatives. Then watch you diet. &esh fruit, vegetables, a sufficiency oi water consumed daily, and
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    • 404 2 O(Lellins Ibodl I Safest and Beit for Baby. 22 Mellins Food forms a perfect f V S' 'O diet for the hand-fed baby L qi prepared as directed, it be- x |T3 comes as safe and beneficial as < mother’s milk. T A Give your baby Mellin’s Food gj —thousands
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  • 366 3 LAI’DABLE ambition. i altani one great drawback is that during the rainy season it is practically < :it off fron: all communication with the railwax and itie interior of th«* monthon saj s the ‘Bangkok Times” Pattani oorresjiondent. Ihe roads, excellent as they are for nine months of
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  • 535 3 Before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, and a special jury, the case was concluded in the Supreme C ourt. Singa pore, in wh ch a Tamil named Sambasi wan wa S charged with the murder of liis employee. Sundersamy. on Feb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 573 3 M zx O 1 *4-I tlie way you your t I I ill I baby to-day depends his future health. Feed your baby at the rcast if you can (a bowlful daily of Neave’s Health Diet will help you to do this). If baby has to be reared on the
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    • 99 3 WHITEAWAY’S GREAT SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE IBBHB kßhhb jj NOW ROtEEDING All Slocks without Reserve Greatly Reflated in Price. I lllustrsfed sue catalogue Free on Application, Whitaaway, Laidlaw co.. Lta., (Incorporated in England) PENANG AND TALPENG. I lit FOR SENDING Valuable Documents, Estate Accounts, Ac. W THROUGH THE POST Ol M
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  • 1555 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. J. J. Lloyd, of Selama, l«ft for Home on leave by the Blue Funnel steamer Mentor. Mr. IL J. F. Curtis, cadet, Js appointed an assistant district judge for the settlement <>f Malacca. Mr. F. Rickard \has taken over charge of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. Colombo,
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  • 305 4 The following -appointments are notified in the F.M.S- Gazette, dated 29 ult. Mr. J. N. Sheffield to be Superintendent, Topographical Branch. Survey Department A. E. Horn, M.D-, 8.5. C., M. R.C.P.. to be Director of Medical and Sanitary Services in the S. S. and F-M.S. Capba,in
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  • 169 4 WATER POWER PROJECTS NOT ATTRACTIVE. The interim report of Mr. F. Bolton, electrical adviser to’the I‘. M- S. Govern, incut was laid on the table at the last meeting of the Federal Council. The preliminary paragraphs are devoted to the advantages of electric power for mining purposes.
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  • 265 4 The appended figures show ng the total value of imports and exports of merchandise during th e second quarter of this year, compared with the corresponding quarter of 1920, are forwarded by the acting Registrar of Imports and Exports. Owing to a change in the method of compilation,
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  • 269 4 PENANG’S GREAI VICTORY OVER PERAK. Penang made no bones about their fixture with Perak, «at Ipoh, during the holidays. Battjpg fir»® on the opening day, they absolutely mastered the Perak attack •nd were all out for 359. This, it is believed is a record total for this fixture.
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  • 99 4 Perak. O M R W Meade 19 2 62. 2 Vasey 16 5 73 2 Dickson 9 1 47 1 Msrsnr 12 72 f Hall 6 1 47g5*??l Greig 8 1 32 3 Spooner 1 8 0 Penang. 0 M R W Jensen 11 5 19 3 Donaldson
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  • 34 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, August 1. A* Kualv Lumper, Singapore 2nd inninps 239 G iflith Jones 84 Selangor 2nd Innings 3 for one wicket Se'angor won by 9 wicket».
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  • 36 4 (From Oub Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August i. The following is the result of the footb >ll match between Singapore and Selargo« S'tngap re 1. SeUngor 0. (Jamieson scared) It was a gond game.
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  • 80 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, August 2, H. E. ’he Governor. Sir L. N. Gaillemsrd has presented a Cop to the Seb ngor fu f Club, to be called The High Commissioner’s Cup.” I r will be awarded to winner of Cia-s “A
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  • 115 4 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday August 3Double Handicap Class B——ls 2 G Pvkett A J W Pykett 15.1 J W Ad»m« A(6). Dcuble Handicap Cias* C— «cr W B «aterson and C A Corsellisv—ls E A Ross AGE Clayton (8). Mixed Doubles Handicap—2 Miss
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  • 629 4 SPORTSMEN PROvl OUT STATIONS. In addition to rhe State match between Perak and Penang there were several other sporting fixtures ac Ipob during the bank holidays. Sportsmen from Singapore, Kuila Lumpur and Penang had travelle here. On Saturday the Selangor Sikh» played the Anglo-Chinese School
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  • 363 4 Seven marches we-e played Ust week, the iemits o f which could have been surmised easily. Early in the week the O iental Cinema beat the P C R C B team by 2 goals to nil and the Railways beat the MV I by sto
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  • 264 4 THE UMPIRE AND IHE Porn MATCH. l [To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazsttj"! Sir, —In nference to tffip accoonf] the polo match between the Burtnah and Singapore at Penang, yon state 2nd etiukker was shopped by ff Umpire while Singapore were presMn 6 their opponents heavily j n
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  • 154 4 Recently a dinner was at the Guan Aik L’ ng restaurant, Penao!», in honour of Messrs Chooug Tniaiu Poe and G H Goh. delegates who are proceeding to England to present the views of the section of the Chinese community in the 8 8 am F
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  • 117 4 In the Snrredlk Cour', Penang, to-diy before His Honour Mr Justice Whitley, the hearirg was commerced of the ac’ion at ’he instance of the P snd O St» am Navigation Company again?’ 'h“ E-sstern Shipping Comply, 'be plaintiff? claim is for damages caused to the plaintiffs’
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  • 210 4 R. A. F. Fbat in Syria and Ababi*. A Cairo—Baghdad land rou’e has been discovered at last by a Royal Air ce party under Wing-Commander Fel'owe’. The party Mt Amman, forty five east cf Jerusalem, at tie b‘ginning o D with a flight of aeropUm-p, armonred can
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  • 42 4 The Band will play rhe gramme of mudc at ’he D*t° 5 30 p.m. tc-lay. 1 M.rch ...King C.rnb. 2 Selection ...Marco V’Bosoti r 3 Waltz -Ma Bel’e Adort 4 Matnrka ...M ar’ en ***jr hDOt 5 Galop ...Alexandra
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  • 361 5 CELEBRATION OF SIAM’S ENTRY, j Siam’s entry into the war was fittingly i celebrated and not the least interesting event of thediy was the arrival at Don Muwg of Captain Glaize from i Saigon say? the ‘‘Siam Observer,” The i French community was present in force to
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  • 568 5 Con h’ctor s Wife Assaulted Cninese robbers made a haul of j wtllery and clothing to the value of $1.200 at th« house of the conductor of Kunsssr E-ta r e, Kusia Lumpur, on Julv 24. I' appears th«t wh‘>e Mr Stikney, conductor of Buugsar Estate, was
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  • 755 5 MANY CASUALTIES. A message sent by the Agent of the Burma Railways from Nyaunglebio at 9-30 on July 26 says:— ‘‘At 22 35 hours on 25 h instant at mile 99-10 No 3 up mail collided with No. 3811 jwn goods. The f >ur leading
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  • 164 5 —Ex. Father of Dead Child Proves Cause of Death. A verdict of wilful murder was returned at Chipping Norton by a coroner’s jury, against the Japane»e nurse who is under remand in connection with the death of th« chili of Dr and Mrs Hay Bolton.
    —Ex.  -  164 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Semi-Annual Event famous for its remarkable reductions, for the quality of its merchandise, waited for hy tfie tfjrifty because of its genuine “bargains —will, this season, surpass all previous efforts, ft is an honest and determined attempt to bring down prices to a normal level.
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    • 132 5 Pritchard’s Penang’s Premier Stere. Genuine Reductions IN OUR Boot and Shoe Department. Our stock of Boots and Shoes are being* offered at prices which cannot be approached considering the Make and Quality. These are not so called Bargain Lots,” but represent the finest quality Boots and S Shoes obtainable reduced
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  • 1224 6 We confess to a feeling of disappointment on reading the interesting report by Mr D H Grist, Agricultural Instructor. Department of Agriculture, This officer has arrived at certain conclusions as the result of bis visit to Ceylon to enquire into agricultural education there, and he presents. the salient
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  • 1430 6 The fact that the F. M. S. Railways are a Government monopoly Railways; Here naturally influences public and in India. criticism of high freight rates, facilities offered, and policy generally. In common with our contemporaries, and the Chambers of Commerce of the country we have sometimes found
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  • 174 6 A most daring highway robbery 1 place »t Sungei Krok near BakciavvE<* :e about 5 miles r< m Bother*» r<Ti »t® on Friday As a Chinaman, in a small way, was cycling from 1 Ayer Tawar to Butterworth, he waby three armed Malay-, who deuiard 1
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  • 105 6 The following was the decision c Carlos Imperial in the BBBWBID tl f b<i against the 77 constabulary so f were responsible for the Pbihpp e tabulary riot in Intranturos, on f 15th The Court declares each »t<J one of the 77 accus-d «m tv, reasonable
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  • 52 6 We ar? i- f ring'd ro-dav >5 rice is still at R? 590. with l*' h. sactinn?. From 50 000 r change hands daily. L* F" nothing doing, and the p ,»tare unchanger. T; ere is a I ~r y)d Saigon rice in Siugap arrivals on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 414 6 I Electricity in the Home. I The From Rushlight Austin j AH British to AutOplant, INO. 7 Autoplant M Will furnish the elec- Petroleum has been used in China trie current tor a house from lime immemorial in the using the equivalent o localities around the oil sources; I 60-20
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 32 6 DEATH. Sackville West.— On June 29, at Hertford Hospital. Paris, Capt. Kelvin Frederick Sackville West, only son of late Frederick George West, Straits Settlements, and Mrs H R Powell, Folkestone, aged 25.
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  • 532 7 A NORTHCLIFFE “INTERVIEW.” Reuter's Telegrams.] London, July 29. Mr*Lloyd George, in a statement in t l( House of tommons, with reference t hc interview with Lord Northcliffe, ’.ubl.shed ill the York Tinies” and in the “Daily Mail.” in hich Lord Northcliffe is represented as that before
    Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  532 words
  • 145 7 Master of the rolls’ decision. bish Master of the Rolls has di,tf d tin- issue of writs of attachment -mist. Generals Macready, Strickland H other officers who disregarded the p 1 11 of the Court to produce two Sinn "ho were sentenced to death by Gary Courts.
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  • 423 7 VIEWS OF DE VALERA ON IRELAND’S DEMANDS. Eanionn de Valera, who is now 38 years old, sprang into prominence in the rebellion. of Easter week. 1916. He is said to have displayed great; military leadership on that occasion. He escaped the death penalty, but was sentenced to
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  • 271 7 FI LL INVESTIGATION ORDERED. j Federal Judge Lynch has signed an order forfeiting to the American Government the 600 machine-guns and munitions destined for an Irish port, which were seized on board the steamer Eastside. Officials are endeavouring to find out'how the guns were got on
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  • 20 7 Chamonix, July 30. The airman Durafour landed in ar aeroplane on the summit of Mont Blanc.
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  • 193 7 FRANCO-BRITISH MISUNDERSTANDINGS DISPERSED. London, July 30. Reuter learns that the British-French situation is very much better. Various misunderstandings have been dispersed aaid the Supreme Council will probably meet on August 4, after all. Lord Harding© saw M. Briand after the French Cabinet Council and»the position is now regarded
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  • 198 7 PREMIER AND FRANCO BRITISH RELATIONS. Loudon. July 30. Mr. Lloyd George, unveiling the war memorial at Thame, said it was incon ceivable that France and Britain should quarrel over the interpretation of the peace they had achieved‘at such a tremendous cost. There had been differentes recently
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  • 120 7 U. S. GOVERNMENT PROJECT. Wash ngton. July 30. It is announced that Mr. Hughes has recommended and the Pres dent has approved of Government laying a transpacific cable if private enterprise is not willing to undertake the taskJapanese Sanction. Washington, July 30. On the subject of the
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  • 40 7 ITALIAN TRIALS. Milan, July 39. The Court of Assiz© acquitted the wellknown anarchist, Malatesta, and some of his companions on the charge of fomenting an anarchist conspiracy in connection with the risings in Milan and elsewhere last year.
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  • 75 7 A passage in the Pope’s allocation during the Scret consistory of cardinals is attracting attention. The Pop© says. “The situation of Christians »n Palestine not only has not improved, but has become worse by* the new civil arrangements, which are ousting Christianity from its previous position, and
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  • 92 7 DATE OF MEETING DISCUSSED. Washington, July 30. The date of the disarmament confe rence was discussed by Mr. Hughes with Sir Auckland Geddes, Mr. Shidehara, and the Italian Charge d’Affaires. Britain favours a later date than November 11. Japan is agreeable to the earliest time on which the
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  • 267 7 The L’. S. State Department is making representations to the Allied Reparations Commission to prevent Germany from paying large sums by drafts on New YorK banks, it was learned from authoritative sources at Washington on June 20th Germany recent payments are said to have affected exchange
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  • 83 7 ECHO OF BILLIE CARLTON CASE. London. July 30 Seven Chinamen were charged at the Thames Pol’ce Court with possessing utensils for opium smoking. Six of them were fined £5 or one month’s imprisonment. The remaining Chinaman, Low Ping You. who was said to be one principals
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  • 64 7 EXPERIMENTAL SERVICES. London, July 30. The “Morning Post” says the Empire Conference Committee on Imperial Air communications, yesterday discussed the expert committee’s report. No definite decision was reached but probably the committee w'ill recommend the Empire Conference to utilise the ex sting airships for an experimental service
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  • 23 7 Brussels, July 30. The French and Belgian Governments have decided to abolish passports between the two countries.
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  • 150 7 In the United States House of Representatives Mr. Britten moved a resolution demanding an investigation into the charge of “the exploitation of China by Japan. He alleged that £60,000,000 lent by Great Britain to Russia had found its way to Japan, and thence to China, to
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  • 59 7 SOUTH WALES STAND AGAINST AUSTRALIANS. London. July 30. At Swansea in dull weather, before 7,000, on a slightly soft wicket, South Wales made 213. Riches and Bates had 75 and 79 respectively. The second wicket partnership of 151 is the highest against the Australians in the tour. Armstrong had
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  • 245 7 There has been phenomenal scoring in first-class cricket on fast and hard wicket-. Eighteen centuries were recorded on ujwo days recently including three by t|he Australians, also the scores by Douglas. Russell and Woolley already cabled. Hearne made 170 against Essex. Hardinge scored 163 (not out) and Seymour
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  • 43 7 RESULT NOW DECLARED A TIE. Travers Island, July 30. In the inter-varsity athletics, which were announced as having been w-on by England, the athletic committee later reversed the decision regarding secqnd places on a count, and declared the result a tie.
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  • 19 7 SHIMIDZU DEFEATED. Boston, July 30. R. M. Williams beat Shimidzu in the final of the Longwood Challenge Bowl.
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  • 29 7 Simla. July 23. —The Indian Davi- Cup Team -ails for America on the 30th July and will play against Japan at Chicago on 11th August.
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  • 54 7 AN APPEAL FOR HELI’. Berne. July 30 As a result of Maxim Gorki’s appeal for help for the disease and famine-striken Russians, the interna ional union for the relief <>f children, which has headquarters in Geneva, has begun the distribution of food and clothing in Moscow. The L
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  • 239 7 STATEMENT BY LORD MILNER. In an interview published in the “Da. ly Telegraph” Lord Milner, u<itil recently Secretary of State for the Colonies say- “As f<Mr as I can judge, some of the representatives of the Dominions have an idea that an attempt will be made at the
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  • 121 7 BUSY HOMEWARD TRADE. According to information gleaned in Penang to-day freight charges, which dropped substantially some little tame ago, have remained stationary with the exception of charges on rubber to New York, which fell from $l5 gold to $l2 gold per ton last week. Shippers are experiencinfl
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  • 223 7 A New York message says to stimulate cargo movement from Pacific coast post' to Australia the General Steamship Corporation, the Oceanic S eamship Company, the Ci’ia. dian Government Mai, nc, and the Cana-dian-Australian line hav»* agreed to sweep ing fre. ght rate reductions, to become effective immediately.
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  • 295 7 Subjoined are notes on the other two judges, mentioned by Reuter recently as being candidates for the Judgeships and supplementary’ judgeships in the International Court of Justice. Dr. Eldon R. James, who represents Siam in the Per manent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, submitted the names
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  • 72 7 Amount previously acknowledged $162,228-83 Bank Interest half year per 30-6-21 47 02 Ewe Kung Lim and Party’ 9-06 Pulau Tikus Sections per Mr. Lim Aw Taw. Lean Liang Khuan 10, persons at at $5/. each. 35, 9 persons at $2/- each $lB, 11 persons
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  • 42 7 Paris, July 30. A man named Chenier was arrested in connection with the recent robbery on the Paris-Marseilles express, after a struggle with th© police in which two accompl ccs were killed and a Police inspector seriously injured.
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  • 650 8 FUTURE OF ANTI-MALARIAL WORK. A meeting of the Advisory Board was h u !d at C&’cos*. Koala Lomptr, the Hon Mr W George Max «veil., C MG. presiding. Ce°"ation of ami mala ial nwsuw on certain estatear dm to rhe Slump.—Th* Briti-h Resident, Selangor, read a
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  • 307 8 ’oo Big for a-skin Bassein, July 24 The S S Aldebarar, bound for Ba-aein for a cargo of rice, is hel up an Ngapu-a* about thirty nudes frum the t 'wo. The vessel is 450 feet Ion*• the lon est that haever vidted Bnsseio, and Cap am
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  • 982 8 ASSOCIATION MEETING. A general mee’ing of the Central Pahang lantets’ Association was held at Kuala Lipi# p-e’ided over Vicomte R de Bondy. The chairman read letters addressed in May to the P W D, the Sani'ary Board, nod the Railway coos’ruc r ion works, asking them to fall
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  • 750 8 A DEPRESSED TONE. Messrs Baker, Morgan and Co, Kuala Lumpur report; Bu-iness at the commencement of the week was quite active but continued dropping in tbe price of Hq, aud there being no alteration in tbe rubber position ar»* both factors that have served to depress the
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  • 107 8 The Singapore Chamber of Comru-ice Rubber A-sociatiun’s usual weekly auction was held u 27th Ju'y, 1921, when th**’e was cs’al- gu d 1.63\674 lbs. tons 730.21 Offurtd 1,394,028 lb- tons 622.33 Sold 1,069,997 1» s ’o s 477.67. Pricks Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet C?»ts per lb. S p-re
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  • 84 8 Ihe directors ot o<*t> Gtnggi Pl»u(aiicnL’mi ed f have given instructions that tapping opera io'B be entirely suspended on two divisions of the c mpany’s estates, and hav# und«r consideration the closing of further div si mis st an early dat°. Two divisions uf tbe Malacca Rebber
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  • 519 8 mischievous report contradicted. A Pfr|B Note issued by the Government of India, department of commerce Simla, dated the 15th July 1921, states: Tbe following telegrams have been exchanged between the Government of India and the Government of the Federated Malay States:— (1) Telegram from
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  • 337 8 PUNAEG, AUGU-T 2, 1921. REEF— eu Soup per catty 3-t Roast do 48 Steaks do 48 Stew or Gurry Mea' do curry 36 Rump SteaK do 48 Oi Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 8 > Fillet
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  • 383 8 tion scheme is no longer binding.—T. of C. CEYLON ESTATE AGENTS’ ASSOCIATION’S DECISION. The f act was announced at the meeting of the General Committee of the P. A- of Ceylon that at a meeting of the Rubber Control Committee held m Colombo on July 5, it had
    tion scheme is no longer binding.—T. of C.  -  383 words
  • 440 8 Shipping and rubber provide the most striking examples to-day of ultimate gain that may arise from a per od of difficul ty but. in varying degrees, the same thing applies to every form of industrial enterprise says a Home paper. Moreover, a period of embarrassment safely passed through may
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  • 953 8 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST NAMES. »j I J rtUBBKK (Dollar.) c e Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. r Alor Gajah Rubber Estate Amalgamated Malay Estates io» Ayer Hitam Planting -tL Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates Ayer Molek Robber 00. "q p Ayer Panas Robber Estate# Balgownie Rubber Estate Bassett Robber Co. Bate
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  • 93 9 Tbe following are 'he lateet quotation* in ur(t Kennedy Co.’, «hare list:— Yesterday. To-day. 5 J 3 5 shakes. 3 3 3 03 QO CO CQ c.* c. o. u. Bebber (Doll.r) 4.0<) 4.50 3.75 4.00 Killing Midi*! K 41/- 41/6 Tin 4.70 4.90 4.50 4.70 jjngui
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  • 158 9 Tougk&b JLrbour Tin Dredging Co, 5 L from 24th to 30d> July, (being one week) 23 tons. T L»ru Tin Dredging Limited, output for j o v hours run 651, yardage creattd «8000 pica’s of ore r<?cov<iied 719 02. i Ronpibon Extended No Liability, for the iy ,nth
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  • 101 9 Th* Strnrs Trading Co,, Ltd., give tbe following Lon on prices, 30th Joly Spot £159.15s up £.los 3 mouth* having £161.15s f 10s 3 selling £162.0s 10s Local Parity $79.95 Singapore No cab'es no market. Peo&ng Auiiast 2nd: Siugapo r e 8i i 50 tons at $BO 25
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  • 317 9 I Pbnang August 2, 1921. '»pioc* $7.25 sellers. P- iapioca $7.50 sellers. $72 sellers Black Pepper $19.00 se lets. I nte Pepper $3O nominal rang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal $5O nominal Wutl W 80s $42.00 buyers 11 tie $32.00 buyers P°-l $ll.OO per picul Suhr j
    I ' ;  -  317 words
  • 965 9 COMPANY’S INTERESTS DESCRIBED, The fourteenth ordinary general meeting of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Limited, was held at Winchester House, EC, Mr Wil ham H P Stevens (the chairman) preaiding. The Chairman, in the course of moving the adoption of tbe report and accounts, said Out of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 447 9 WEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALS. Six Cylinder Buick. Good running order. $2,700. Box 201, c/o Pinaog Gazette. Coverplant Oentrosema Plumierii Seeds for s*ie at 25 cents per lb. f. o. r. apply to Bata Kawan Estate, Province Wellesley. South Kedah, 2,000 Relongs for sale, virgin jungle, first class land easv access,
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    • 171 9 NOTICE*. ESTATE OF CECIL JONESIDECD. Al) persons to whom money is due from the late Mr. Cecil Jones are asked to send io particulars to me before the 15tb of L August, 1921, I T. ISAAC TAM BY AH, Executor of the Estate of Cecil Jone*. Penang, 2nd August, 1921.
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    • 335 9 reeble' t=31 I I ”<T exnwcr II /xT( iltine is the ideal food V| 4 80 V ge in all cases of feeble n. It is a highly con- 1 I extract of the vitalis- 3uilding-up properties of Tonic Foods—Malt, Milk 1 d in an easily assimilable form and abundantly
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 49 9 THE < HIPPODROME CIRCUS and MENAGERIE i I LOCATION-OATO KRAMAT GARDENS J AT 9-15 P. M. < I Matinee Every Saturday at i 4-30 p. m. j TO-NIGHT 2nd Grand Change* of Programme. PRICES AS USUAL. J BOOKING AND FLAN AT I ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., 1 K. BYSACK. Manager.
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  • 680 10 REASON EOR CEYLON S CUR TAILED SUPPLY. The Rangoon correspondent of a Ceylon paper writes a> follows on July io.-- Ihe rice corner seemed to be definitely a being until Government with a suddenness so unlike Government departments took a hand in the game. Without wishing to
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  • 215 10 At a meeting of the Legislative Council on August 8. the Treasurer will move. That this Council approves a further vote of $25 000 for the purposes of relief of unemployed Europeans in Malaya. Mr. Wolferstan will move: That this Council approves of a further extension of $l4O.
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  • 182 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Pangah for Pang Nga. Perak j E S Co] for Deli. Sitiawan for Asaban and Batu Babra. Lfcn Chco for Pulao Langkawi, Setul and Perlis. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Trang for Bindings and Sitiawan-. Aing Thye for Alor Star. Exprothd
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  • 240 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, JBy trail Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, J>-7.15 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 p.rr and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train she 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.rr. Taiping
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  • 41 10 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9 a m tomorrow. Mails despatched from Perang to London on th« 30th June, by B T Packed Thongwa, wrB delivered in London on the 28'h ultimo.
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  • 11 10 Aug s—Penang Hunt Club Meeting. Aug 16—Court of Appeal.
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  • 118 10 P«nang, August S, 1921. (By Courtesy of ths Chartrbbd Bahs) London Demand Bank 2/3 13/16 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit. 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1781 3 days* sight Private 185 Bombay Demand Bank 178 c Madras Demand Bank 178 3
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    • 267 10 HORLICK’SI j MALTED MILK The Original j IS MADE IN ENGLAND AT SLOUGH, IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. THERE IS NOTHING j “JUST AS GOOD.” ASK FOR AND SEE THAT YOU GET p HORLICK’S at your Chemist or Stores. Manufactured by Hl Horlick's Malted Milk Go., Slough, Bucks, England. (President Sir James Horlick.
      267 words
    • 624 10 Malarial Fever Dysentery Dr. Cassell’s Tablets are the Sure, Means to Splendid Health and Fitness. India. South Africa. Mr. Georee Cobble. Janj?ir P. 0.. C.P. Mr. C. E Diederik« an Ofb.-rr in th« India, wriU:-“ I feel I must write ami Cape Point Prison <P. nth Af r w ti.ll
      624 words

  • 577 11 The following appears in the “Straits Times” In view of the fact that British interests in Singapore have recently purchased control of Coal Concessions which, by a strange coincidence, lie Li such important strategical positions as the Pamoekan. Bay of south-easj Borneo, the
    577 words
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    • 297 11 1 ’V 1 lll """""""Tl 'I I ’B i BEST IN THE LONG RUN.” GOODRICH safety TREAD if TYRES GIVE jg SAFETY jg MILEAGE £T‘~ |i y ECONOMY. SOLE IMPORTERS hi Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Englan s PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA |lc9] THE NEW AGE —2« K ENCYCLOPEDIA il€>
      297 words
    • 173 11 THE TROUBLES OF BABY. It is not to l»e expected that he should talk as well as you or 1. but when in pain there is a solid .attempt on his part to make it understood that all is not well with him and everyone within range of his voice
      173 words
    • 610 11 I AV ERY I TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. M H -r-rt I si 7 I > iHL F &jI i li I. BRIEF SPECIFICATION: —Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection
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    • 1052 12 1 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP HENDERSON LINE. 1 Of fast twin screw Mail Passenger steamers between a Th S “X‘y Sydney RANGOON AND ENGLAND. Th. following f..t ot .bora lin. via Torres Straits, also with trawhip will be despatched: went to other Victorian South Austra With through connections from Penang.
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    • 727 12 BAN KS, THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED BANK OF INDia LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA (Incorporated in England Incorporated m England by Charter 1863. Authorised Capital £3,000,000 p a id up Capital 0 Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund Paid-up 1,050,000 R eS ei ve Liability of Proprietors Reserve Fund and
      727 words