Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 August 1921

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 789 1 I<IKKO <; No 7. fWRTHAM > ROAD. ’i Telephone No. 579, i POSITIONS VACANT. J£. T*. M. I 1 1 11 I ted for the General Hospital SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE 1 IL.T7 J TO JAVA PORTS. ÜbE J I I il/l A/l 2Sl ni 1 H h Me ,Chi r
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    • 18 1 MMAMWWWWWWMM* THE BEST CAR IN TOWN I Mto "BMU M. a F.M S Ong Sam Leong a Oa.
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  • 833 2 FRANCE DEEMS COUNCIL MEETING IMPOSSIBLE. Reuter’s Telegrams. London, July 27. Despite yesterday'» promise» of an Ajiglo-French compromise on th» Upper Silesia question, Reuter has received A. announcement from trench sources, that the French Ambassador has informed Lord Curzon that the French Government deem the Supreme Councl meeting
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  833 words
  • 68 2 KEMALIST CASUALTIES. Athens, July 28. Newspapers indicate the Kemalist resistance has 7>een completely broken, lhey estimate that 60.000 Kemalists were killed, wounded or taken prisoner. Greek advance guards are rejxartied to have reached Gordion Station. over half-way to Angora, from Eskishehr. The “Patris” learns from Constantinople that
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  • 25 2 AMERICANS TO BE RELEASED. Paris, July 29 A message from Reval states the 80l shevik Government has decided to release 28 imprisoned Americans.
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  • 43 2 V ashington. July 27. Mr. Hughes has formally demanded the Soviet s release of American prisoners. Washington, July 28. I” is not yet indicated what course wll be taken in the event of the Soviet Government ignoring the demand.
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  • 67 2 COMMUNISTS KILLED London. July 28. The Daily Express Riga correspondent reports that a special train from Moscow and Riga with foreign communists returning from the Third International Congress was wrecked near Kursk. Six Delegates, including Hewlett! (Britain) and Frimack (Australia) were killed and many seriously hurt. The
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  • 40 2 Paris. July 27. Upon leaving Havre. M. MJllerand proceeded up the Seine river to Rouen, where he was heartily welcomed by the authorities and population. After visiting Dieppe city and harbour M. Millerand returned to Paris to-night.
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  • 46 2 OPPORTUNITIES FOR. STUDENTS IN ENGLISH VARSITIES. Paris. July 27. Several scholarships named after the British scientist Ramsay have been instituted for the purpose of enabling French students to pursue scientific researches in RritisJi universities and acquaint themselves with British methods of engineering and chemistry.
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  • 91 2 REPLACING THE BURNT UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Louvain, July 28'1 he first stone of Tie new University Library, replacing that burned by the Germans in 1914. was laid by Mr. Murray Butler. President of the Columbia University in the presence of the King and Queen of the Belgians and a distinguished
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  • 295 2 DOMINIONS PREMIERS CONFER. London, July 27. The Domini ona Premiers, yesterday and to-day. discussed the question of the Pacific Conference. Japan’s Conditional Acceptance. Washington, July 28. American officials consider that Japanese opinion regarding the subjects not down for discussion, cabled earlier, not a condition of Japanese acceptance, but
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  • 112 2 MB. MF.IGHEN’S VIEWS <>N THE CONFERENCE. London, July 29. Mr. Meighen. V'ho is going home tomorrow. interviewed by Reuter, declared the Conference had reached decisions on those concerning the Dominion* nio-t. He was returning sati-fied with the trend of events generally and the progress made. Although they
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  • 152 2 London. July 30. A supplement ary estimate of £25,000 is issued on account of the Prince of Wales’ visit to India and the Far East. It is pointed out that certain expenses in connection wih the voyage will be de frayed from navy votes. No
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  • 38 2 SPANISH REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVE. Madi d, July 28.9 The Mar Minister in a communique states the military situation in Morocco is improving. There is now complete transquili’.y in Melilla. Reinforcements have already arrived at the fronu
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  • 29 2 Rangoon. July 28. The Rice Commissioner issued an order permitting the export by licence for puttoo and broken cargo rice to the limit of 500 ‘'Jib monthly.
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  • 319 2 DISCUSSION IN HOUSE OF LORDS. London, July 27. In the House of Lords, the question of the Irish conversations wa» raised by the Marquis of Salisbury,who complained th»t the statement in the House of Com mons yesterday indicated that De Valera’s answer was not likely to be
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  • 84 2 REPORTED REPLY T< GOVERNMENT. London, July 28. The Daily Graph, c” says it is understood th'e Premie i List night received the first communication from Mr. De Valera since tihe latter returnßl to Dublin. I'he •omnium cation is not a final reply to tihe Government but i’i
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  • 56 2 PRESIDENT'S REQUEST REFUSED. Mexico City. July 27. The Chamber rejected Pres dent Obregon’s request to grant him extraordi nary powers to adjust an article in th? Constitution, nationalising the oil deposits, which have long been, the stumb. ling block between Mexican and United States relations. The Senate
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  • 30 2 -SAILS FOR EUROPE. Washington. July 29. President Harding, with his family, sailed aboard the presidential yacht Mayflower to attend the pilgr m tercentary celebrations at Plymouth on Monday.
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  • 32 2 Antwerp, July 29. The International Maritime Confer ence discussed the question of limitation of shipowners’ responsibility and other legal questions relating to mortgages and prior claims on shipping ano property.
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  • 48 2 ANOTHER RECORD AMERICA. Louisville. (Kentucky). July 28. Michael Fitzgerald, a boy of thirteen, suffering from sleeping sickne-s--, has been Unconscious since the 22nd March. He has been fed on liquid food and. water at intervals. Doctors say the case may constitute a record for continuous unconsciousness.
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  • 368 2 PROTECTION OF TRADE AND COMMUNICATIONS. London, J uly 28. The Imperial Conference discussions are reaching a state of finality. It is understood' the policy laid down in 1917 under which each Dominion will provide its own Navy to protect its own bases has been re-affirmed. The Conference drew
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  • 180 2 AMERICAN COMBINE BADLY HIT. New York. July 28. It is announced that the personal affairs of Air. Louis Ligett, head of the I mted Drug Company and Ligetts In ternational, have been placed in the hands of trustees owing to the decline in the market price of
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  • 22 2 Paris, July 28. The Bank of France has reduced the rate of discount to 5| per cent.
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  • 40 2 London, July 28. In the House of Commons, as koi whether he was able to announce an approximate date of the official termination of the war, Air. Lloyd George replied September next, except as regards Turkey.
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  • 67 2 IMPERIAL AIRSHIP SERV I CE. A COSTLY PROJECT. Djndon, j uly The “Daily Mai]’’ states tliat apjxvinted by the Air Ministry f, the quesfon of an Imperial airship are of opinion that the cost of the-. is so great that the srhem»' is i m at present. It appears an
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  • 100 2 A STATION AT SINGAPORE London, Jii] y2a The “Daily News” says the Conference has decided to proceed the scheme for an Inq>eiia.: w.'relessch Stations have already been built at Oxi and Egypt and it is now projKised to e«« stations in Canada, Australia, Sin<- A r.? Kenya
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  • 50 2 CONCESSION TO GREAT A’ORTHEI CO: Christiana, Jul v 20. It is reported tfhat the Soviet Gotp.t. meut has granted the Great North Telegraph Company a concession to i the telegraph system between Rutsa Denmark, Japan and China wherebr company must establish stations at Ms cow and Petrograd.
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  • 26 2 AVIATORS BURNED TO DEATH Paris, July 2' Two American aviators. Lieuteii. Gunther and Corporal Rogers were cinerated near Coblentz yesterday ir a aeroplane crash.
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  • 33 2 The Hague. July 29 Now tliat the Cabinet cri-i--settled Queen Wilhelmina accom]--nri the Princess Juliana -ails on Augur': aboard the steamer “Merope on a to the Norwegian Fjords.
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  • 40 2 HESVY LOSS OF LIFE. A Calcutta telegram states 53 have been killed in collision wiith a mail and goods tfrair. the Rangoon-Alandalay railway. The tims include 4 Burmese Jockeys and "t! one Englishman, namely the engine-dr.'
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  • 29 2 Amsterdam, July 28 The New Dutch Indies 7 per cent. of 75,000,000 guilders issued at par been oversubscribed. It is redeemable- 1 40 years by drawing’.
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  • 39 2 SHIPMENT TO AMERICA. New York, July Silver valued at «800.000 arrived from Germany f° r rt>n er into dollar credits to meet the repara. payment before the Ist August reported that, shipments iggrega' 111 > 000.000 are en.route.
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  • 22 2 IMMIGRATION FI'R’I’‘ ES f London, J’ T For the six months ending 1893 Jewish immigrants entered tine. e
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  • 44 2 OUTPUT RESTRRTION WIIH i,IiA bsndon, J ui The Fede ration of Master ners in Manchester ha' •‘H'*' un wetr icti’ after A’ugust 1, there will b' r tion of output in mil 1 can cotton. Firm* unn weekly instead of 35.
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  • 25 2 J i -K A lockout, of dock worke test ed as from August L as a I yie workmen demands.
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  • 65 2 OBITUARY. London, July 27. The death is announced of Sir Archib;®l Fitzgerald Law. London. July 28. The death has occurred of Mr. Burdett Coutts, M. P. Air. William Lehman Burdett Coutts was M.P. (C onservative) for Westmins, ter from 1885. He was bom in U.S.A, oi British parents. He took
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  • 225 3 BY TO TER RIN. London, July 27. v s.ulhend before 5.000. in tine wea. j hard and fast wicket. tW i Doughs not |)p |Hl (Captan) M-ored 28 notout. A bumping balWfrom Gregory hit Perrin J i< r fl»*' heart and he had to be carried
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  • 60 3 XNGED DATES. New York. July 28. iiw uj the inability of the Indian Udiu't .r: n time the dates for the ht-s between Japan and India in the D;n s Cup M itch at Chicago and the chal.•!;2( ind a'* Newport have been chani' ihe HSh August and
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  • 72 3 M.'lrtND BEATS AMERICA. I t‘i s Island (New York), July 29. In the ni’er varsity kthdetics Oxford iiid Cambridge versus Princeton •nd < uiit j. both teams won five events acu. the Englishmen gaining six '"w! races against the American's four mjudged winners. A Record Hammer
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  • 218 3 \M\ZING CINEMA FRAUD. London, July 28. Ihe fh mp-w Carpjentier fight had in <he Chancery Court, -tih.ii. which to-day granted the «('tern Import Company a perpetual inlunction of the film as a breach of their *’PJ right. It explained Oiat the defendants "'fe the innocent, victims of fra-ud
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  • 28 3 New York, July 28. ''ported that the champion boxer Ul l’ t nugrried Miss Sylvia Jocelyn nu actress and is now honey-moon-lr'k' in California.
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  • 65 3 leveland (Ohio), July 27. .commission of local x ri wrters has named Bryan Dow pion**' Wor ld’s middle-weight chain ''H lie ,lng n iL twelve round con r *i St Ver n S I l4 knocked out th» °u>i<l mi Hiny in the seventh i*' "‘f*'
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  • 46 3 DEDUCTION FOR FAR EASTERN TRADE. London, Jaly 29. A meeting of representatives of British Companies engaged in Far Eastern trade, held in London yesterday •commended freight* from the United’ Kingdom to the Far Hast should be reduced by from 7/6 to 10/- a ton.
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  • 191 3 London, July 29. Io the House of Commons, on the third reading of the Finance Bill, Mr Moseley moved its on the ground of the serious declimJ in revenue. Sir Donald Maclean condemned the Government’s financial policy on the ground hat the country is at present living on
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  • 150 3 CREDI TORS’ OPTION. London, July 29. Details are now available of the preliminary proposals for dealing with the creditors nf the Barque IndustneHe d* Chine. It is propose! payment by priouw -hcu’d he made in cash, of all claims havng a purely banking origin, for examp e,
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  • 34 3 Darjex’iog, Jaly 30. Strikes have broken out at four tea wardens, and 42 strikers were arrested on the charge of rioting. The a’tribute the disorders to the activities of non co-operators.
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  • 51 3 Washington, July 29. A favourable report is made on the Administration Bill, authorising the Treasury to conduct negotiations for the funding of the Allied debt ordered by the Senate finance Committee, The Bill cavies the Committee amendment requiring the funding to be completed in five
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  • 44 3 ••FAIR TREATMENT.” Washington, July 29. In order to ensure fair treatment for American Merchantmen, it is understood obe United States Shipping Board's policy will be insistence upon other nations giving proper opportunity to American ships, if they wish to avoid retaliatory measures,
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  • 39 3 London, July 29. Referring to the proceedings of the International Communications Conference Mr Hughes. (U S Secretary of State) said it was probable the ex-German cable between Guam and Yap would be allocated to the United States.
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  • 26 3 The Hague, July 28. The Dutch South African Shipping Subsidy Rill was passed by the first Cham, ber by 19 votes to 13.
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  • 49 3 London, July 28. At the annual meeting of Armstrong, Whitworth Co, Sir Glynn West, chairman, said thoss best qualified to judge were of opinion that internal combustion engines, would gradually replace reciprocating engines, ultimately leading to the construction of a new type of ship.
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  • 1188 3 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Lt C F H Riche*, TARO, is now acting as Adj a tan t, M 8 V R, Mr C J Perkins left Kuala Lumpur on F rid ay for Australia. He will be away ten month*. Justice A H. Cuming has been confirmed as judge, Calcutta High
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  • 239 3 MUNICIPAL GAS SUPPLY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 30. At the Singapore Municipal Commission meeting, replying to Mr Sime, the presidenstated that the gas supply of Singapore compared favourably with any successful undert taking in England, with the exception of the anglin district, where the mains were
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  • 133 3 —Aneta. JAVA BANK’S STRONG POSITION. The annual report of the President of the Java Bank says the general economical situation in the Dutch Indies is not bril liant, but there is no question of economical collapse. The normal demand for Indian products will return as soon
    —Aneta.  -  133 words
  • 56 3 SELANGOR v SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Cobrrspondbnt Kuala Lumpur, July 30, Singapore won cho ro?s and pub Selangor in to bat. The S -langor tdde scored 321, of which Cromie bsd 49, Hun-ey 77, Wyatc and Smith 55 each and Huggins 40 Singapore replied with 83. H times
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  • 1906 3 PERAK VS. PENANG. Hamilton Scork 132. The first day's play in the Perak—Penang cricket seems to justify the criticism of those who believed that Perak was decid edly week in bowling and the last four places in the filling of which there was some delay, ought to
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  • 942 4 HAVOC AT KUALA LUMPUR. There are local residents who narrate collecting, holding, feeling and seeing hailstones in Ii dia that only comfortably fitter the hand and it is quite possible that stoneequally large or largor fell in Kuala Lumpur, says Friday’s Malay Mail. The most severe havoc was perhaps
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  • 501 4 RECENT PRICES. The rice market opened at Rangoon or July 21st. after two day»’ holidays ouller than ever, Rs 580 bring quoted. No business was done and prices dropped to Rs 576 and later to Rs 575. Evtn a' figures little or nothing was don». Small mills
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  • 127 4 The rumour in the market to-day i* the efi-ct that the Java rice crop is x pected to be a failure This in addition the fact» that Rangoon export of rice ,t> been stopped and the signs are that the Indian crop is also not
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  • 151 4 M. T,” Committee's- Labours Completed. Ws understand that meeting of th* committee of the Federal Council »ppoin r 9 to consider the advisabilitv or otherwi-e o* introducing reforms into the Council v»» held on Wednesday, when the question >a again discussed. It is believed that th
    —“ M. T,”  -  151 words
  • 389 4 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follows: Dull markets with declining prices have been experienced throughout the week and with the price ot Tin showing a further loss of £3-10-0 £l6l-5-0 and Rubber having reacted to and B|d. after the recent spurt, immediate prospects are not
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  • 247 4 —Ex, REPORT FOR THE YEAR. Sungei Besi in Company report, states that the output of un ore for the year is 485 <>n- (including 121 tons from Kepong Mine), as compared with tons for last year. The mount realised from the sale of ore for the year
    —Ex,  -  247 words
  • 1702 4 r o m COMMITTEE MEETING. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held in I cnang on Br.iday July 22nd when there were present the Acting Controller of Labour, S.S. and I M.S-. (Mr. W. Peel) Chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S., (Dr. R. Dow. den)
    —“ r o m »  -  1,702 words
  • 412 4 MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHARGED -M,-. D Don William (1 8 of f gamu, hied a plaint at the P o Ji ce G lin Colombo, through his proctor Mr. W. Pereira, charging Mr. O. B. kera, managing director u? the Bank < iombt*. w.ith criminal muappropu sum <»f
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  • 362 4 The Appeal Court Singapore, gave judgment in the cAse of the Naayo Boyeki Kaisha vs. Hup Kiat and Co. The claim was based on a contract dale! May 1919 by which the. appellants sold to the respondents “about 475 tons 11 copra. The appellants actually delivered 438.28
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (7n various colours) To lie disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, limited»
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