Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 July 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 410 1 1 Obtainable everywhere wholesale from c Xfj*. i i jML vx a «Cs>/ '\C3m m 1 z &i^xStL 1 fc f VaSi, V7«Fj o’ s2m le»£ c i y f *l. I I to < i H 1 Ong S«m Leon B 4 Co Penang. 1 llllllllllilllllllllllll !SaSfMijflHS® I I
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    • 17 1 THE BESI CAR Ut lOWii Zj > 1 r Sale *«Mti S.B. F.M.S Ong Sam u«>ong A 00,
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  • 723 2 On and after Ist August, 1921, the following alterations in the train service will come into operation The present 7-20 am. train from Kuala Lumpur to Penang on Sundays will leave Kuala Lumpnr at 7 a no. and will run earlier throughout as under Kuala Lumpur
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  • 757 2 THE STRIKE SITUATION. Mr. Alfred E. Pieres writes: On the result of the struggles that- are at j resent going on in various parts of Japan with regard to the Labotu question, postferity will have to form its ver bet of how Japanese Labour acquitted itself at a
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  • 87 2 Tokio, July 12.—1 t is announced that the following jrersons are to attend the ThiiW International Labile Conference to be held at Geneva, Switzerland, as advisors to the 1 epresentat’ives of the Japanese Government, of emnlbyees, and <f labourers. Drs. Jikei Yokoi. Eizo Y’ahagi and five others, as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1460 2 POSITIONS VACANT. PENANG SALES ROOM |pQH GYMKHANA CLUB RACE DKY, SATURDAY A Dresser wanted for the Kedah BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE ‘2Oth Government Hospitals. Pay $55 per Uulß menß°m, furnished quarters, and temporary allowance of 45 per cent, liable The undersigned is instructed to sell ENTRIES CLOSE to be
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    • 25 2 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (/ti rartoiiK To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED
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    • 387 2 BElliii the “aT" Irffe WHO KNO 8 ‘Sr Your r ’ft a» 1 min Wlll 'ell you ,hat ■ti&CWfrwi W /s' J c eitainty I™ tar, n S «nd »«fe drivi» there n i.l no equip- meat than LIGHTING i Will And All Leading Carages C. A. VANDERVELL CO LTD
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  • 1206 3 THE LOGIC OF FACTS. > r Philip Gibbs, after a -peciai visit I to Fiance, undertaken in order to apI preciate the French point of vie* on the spot, writes in the June issue of the Review of Rev vws” a strong article on the question—“ls
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 Commences Monday, August FOR FOUR WEEKS. Tempting Bargains of the kind which no one can possibly resist will be found in every department while the Sale lasts. Notwithstanding rhe great fall in prices, we have made further huge reductions in all departments. A visit to the store will certainly repay
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    • 511 3 DO YOU STOP SUDDENLY IN THE STREET? Have you ever had t>> stop >iidd- nb. in the stree‘l ami utter a cry of agonv? sh p ktrie-like pain 'ti :ke> y<»<i in tic back. The suffering is terrible ‘<>i M ine mfiiute-. You move on wondering when yi;r attack wiU
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    • 124 3 “Twilfit” Corsets AT Pritchard’s An exceptionally PRICE comfortable Cor- nJ $9.00 set for dancing or J/JJ sports wear. |jt 11 1 Silk elastic tops »1* < 10 per cent and foui hose Wj nW; supporters. Foi* I Model Sport H 4. b t‘‘Twllflt” I Natural a I Fisure <2 Corsets.
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  • 875 4 —Ex, Mr A E Thomas, Ipoh, is leaving for Australia next month on a brief holiday. Dr P 0. Flu has been appointed Director of the Institute of Tropical Medicine at Leiden. Reuter telegraphs that the Dake o Devonshire who is succeeded by Lord Byng as Governor
    —Ex,  -  875 words
  • 939 4 CHARGE AGAINST A CLERK. At the Assizes yesterday in the trial of Frank Robles* on a charge of criminal breach of trust, the be<t part of the afternoon was devoted to the cross examination of Mr A R Jones, the Manager, who stated I arrived here on October
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  • 55 4 (From Our Own Corrbspondbnt.) Singapore, July 29. At the Assizes, Yew Yong was charged with murder. Medical evidence was to the effect at accused was suffering from paralytic of the brain. The jury decided ■hat accased was incapable of defending. His lo r d*hip committed him to
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  • 877 4 BEST XI v. NEXT BEST XI. Despite the rain and the uncertain footing a fast keen game was witnessed on the Esplanade last night between teams representing the Best XI and the Next Best XI. The teams showed slight alterations from those advertised. E A Davies came in at
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    • 421 4 [To the Editor of thb “Pinang Gazette I g IB The announcement which appeared recently in the Press to the effect that a strong organising committee has been formed to undertake the arrangements for the Penang Baba Bangsawan to give two performances in Ipoh on the 30th and
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    • 370 4 J fo the Editor of the ‘•Pinang Gazette.’’] Sir.—l have received a query from a gentleman recently which I consider worthy of publishing the answer through the medium of esteemed paper viz Q I have often noticed when at the Bio-cope that a moving vehicle acts in
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  • 105 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lampur, July 29. There wa» an extraordinary hailstorm in Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon. The hailstones averaged half an inch in diameter and one was the size of a man’s fist. Investigations to-day show that much damage was done, particularly in the districts
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  • 477 4 A RIGHTEOUS BILL.’’ The Legal Adviser in introducing The Prevention of Corruption Bill" at the meeting of the Federal Council explained that it was brought iu response to representations received by the F M S and Colonial Governments from the Society at Home which dealt with the
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  • 442 4 A meeting of the General Committee of the Penang Chinese Labourers’ Unemployment Fond was held yesterday afternoon at the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce, attended by ov»r 30 members and presided over by Mr Yeoh Paik Tatt. It was decided to appoint the following gentlemen additional members of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 385 4 POSITION VACANT, Wanted for the General H ognh Penang. wul W. For particulars apply to Matron 10 a.m. and 1 p.m, Ween MISCELLANEOUS? s Buffaloes (three) wanted f ur young beasts preferred accunomej < carting work, Reply to Box No iqq c/o Pinang <->»z«t.'e. PENANG SALES ROOM?" IMPORTANT SALE by
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
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  • 574 5 PERSONALIA. (From A Correspondent), It is rumoured that we shall be losing our Resident, tbe Hon Mr O F Stonor, soon. He goes to Selangor to take the place of the Hon Mr Oliver Marks When he retires in September next. Tbe Hon Mr C W C Parr
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  • 51 5 The Band will play »he following programme of music at tbe Esplanade at 6 p m to-day. 1 Selection ...Arietta ...Nevelle, 2 Senerade ...L* Paiema ...Yradier 3 Selec'ion you were ...Darewski 4 Waltz ...Orient Rosen...lvandvice 4 Fox Trot ...Hawaii I’am Lonesome foryou...Gamble 6 One Step Z-mobie
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  • 272 5 July 30—Public H.-bday. July 30—Cricket. Penang v Perak, at Perak. (Two days). Aug 1 Bank Holiday. Aug 16—Court of Appeal. Mr A C*'sou bad an accident while riding Taranax last week, and is now in the Nursing Home Bangkok with injuries to the head as the result of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 < w -s/ik y H 1 lyt/Vl L«6 I From a pkoto o{ a tfC X Ronnie G/oio Beky I I A Doctor says: “I do not think so good a food as Glaxo £g|| can be brought before the public by the SĔ medical profession too strongly.” Glaxo is
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    • 114 5 i w Different Kinds I I OF ENVELOPES m K of I I Various Sizes, Quality and Price MANILLA, CARTRIDGE and CLOTHLINED I For t rivate, Commercial. Legal and Estate Usos. W I From «4-50 to $ll2 per 1,000 I Write for Samples and Quotations for Quantities I P. G.
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  • 35 6 Smith— Dimgeb.— Ou the 27th instant, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, Henry Charles Smith, son of Henry Smith of Ipswich, to Hilda, daughter of the late John Dinger of Batavia. (Dutch papers please copy).
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  • 1147 6 The population of Malaya, as may be supposed, ehows a much higher percentage of increase in the decade 1911—1921 than that of Ceylon, and normally, in view of the development of this country, the disparity would have been still more pronounced. In Ceylon the total increase was
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  • 1244 6 Farther official changes in the F. M. S. •re imminent. The The F. M. S. Hon. Mr Oliver Marks, Residents. who, it was stated, would retire in September, has booked his passage and will leave by the Bins Funnel ss. Ascwius, sailing about September 12th. It is
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  • 504 6 Saturday and Monday will be observed as public holidavs The Banis, haaioeu houses and Post Office will he closed. There will be no issue of the Pm&ng Gazette" to-morrow. Au early edition will be published on Monday. The Post Office. The Chief Post Office will be closed at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 I BOOTH’S I RECOGNIStD AS F?,rj “THE GlN’’ I SI 740 a Ver l n a China. I BOOTH’S I I The OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LOCAL DEALERS. J I OnuuMtl Dry Gm OISVILLEMV. I LONDON. I bnolano. SOLE IMPORTERS BEHR CO., PENANG. I W. Briggs Sons, Ltd., I ‘,=f Dundee
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    • 17 6 EX INNER AND Zance AT THE “E. O.” Every Friday. R E. Chamuey Searight r. r. c
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 49 6 THE TIDES. High Water. Low Water To-dav. 5.57 a.m. 12.17 a.m, 6. 3 p.tu. 12 .0 m.n, To-mokbow. 7.38 12.30 a.m. 8. 5 p.m. 2.29 p.m. Svbday. 9. 8 a.m, 2.14 a.m. 9.41 p.m. 4. Ipm. Monday. 10.18 a.m. 3 54 a.m. 10 51 p.m. 5. 2 p.m.
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  • 190 7 rKS TIONS for consideration. Reuter's Telegrams. London, July 26. K. iiin .learns .from an authoritative cource that the inference drawn Japanese source i the absence ot a reply from Ame'r°'" :kS regards the Pacific question, is robably there is hitherto no definite .«r.unnu- in the minds of the
    Reuter's Telegrams.  -  190 words
  • 79 7 pEl.ll’J It VI l< )NS PR< >L< >NGEDLondon, July 27. owing tJi«* po>l<nigution of the deliberation:* of the Imperial Conference, General Smut* ha* I- polled hi' departure to South Vn 1 arranged lor July 29th till August sth. India's Representatives Honoured. London, July 27. \m i h’.'torha
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  • 133 7 IMI i;\ VTIoNAL (INFERENCE. London. July 26. I'lie v.orld 'experts on t überculosis assembled at Wi-'t minister for the second Iniciiiationai < inference. Thirtynine countries were iipiv't'nted in addition <■ the I nited Kingdom and Dominions, the League of Nat- m* Hid the League of Red Cross Societies. S
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  • 159 7 sl| t •JU |-< mu \XD RESUMPTION OF TIVITIES. Ijoijdon, July 26. Ihe Secretary of the world Alliance foi I’i’ii'io-X’iig 'international friendship ■hi'ough the Churches, recently wrot e to the Colonial. Indian and Foreign Offices sug--’csfjiig that Go) nian missionaries be al°*ed t<. resume work in certain British
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  • 85 7 •HE PART THAT SPORT PLAYS. New York, July 26. Warding, in a letter regret’"ability to attend the Anglo-Ameri- tiM,) 111 ars t v athletics pays a tribute I»♦ ,n anly contest which contrir 1, ‘e promotion of those splendid th, p"* Wp en the United States and «erxel'
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  • 214 7 THE IRISH QUESTION London, July 26. Mr. haniberlain, argu ng against an autumn session, emphasised the hard work of Parliament, and especially the strain on the Government and its departments. Referring to possible objections on the subject of the Irish negotiations, Mr. hamberlain. said that so
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  • 114 7 PRESIDENT HARDING S MESSAGE T<) C<INGRESS Washington. July 27 President Harding in a special message $0 Congress asked for an extension of the authority of the War Finance Corporation to purchase 'ecuritif' probably up to $500,000,000 now in, the hands of the Railroad Admin i'tra'jion in
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  • 99 7 DRASTR CH \NGES FORESHADOWED. Manila. July 27. General Leonard Wood, and Mr. Cameron Eorbes, ex-Governor of the ippines. who were specially commissioned t<> iiiv 'tiga’jV the cond 1 tions in the Philippine', are making <• preliminary report to President Harding this week. It i' understood lire
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  • 105 7 "FRENCH IMPERIALISM. —Vale. MEANINGLESS EXPRESSION London. July 29. As the guest of the city of flax re and the French Maritime Colonial League M. AL 1lerand attended the International Regatta and reviewed the French Channel Squadron and Allied warships anchored in the roadstead, the British cruiser “Dauntless” arm the American
    —Vale.  -  105 words
  • 85 7 SOLVED BY RECONSTRUCTION. Hague, July 27. The Cabinet crisis lias been solved by the reconstruction of the Alinistiy. AL.y 4 l \lnhenl Degeer- belong?ngW> the historic Chris’ian party succeeds Heer Devries, the anti-Revolutionary Ministei "t Finance’and Heer Van Dxk, Chief of the Topographical Service succeeds General Pop,
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  • 149 7 A COMPARISON. London, July 26. A W hite Paper gives the. following details ot the world’s fleets as at February 1 Great Britain Battleships 29: battle cruisers 8; light cruisers 62; aircraft carriers 6 torpedo craft 259 submarines 97. I nited States:—Battleships 47; battle cruisers 6: light
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  • 137 7 £50.000 DAMAGE. Ixmdon, July 26. Embers on the Cunaider ‘‘Mauretania blazed up at midnight, and the fire was not extinguished till the early hours. The damage is estimated at £50,000, and it will be months before the “Mauretania’’ is fit to put to sea. (Reuter
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  • 59 7 EX \GGEII ATED REPORTS. Washington. July 27 1 »fficial' 1 f eight Srhtes have replied t«> Pre'ident. Harding request, cabled yesterday, that the 'eriou' situation depicted doe' n 4 exist. They admit an increase n peDagra in South Carolina, «and Mi"-;s-'ippi. but there no semi-famine, while rhe epidemic of
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  • 146 7 London, July 26. Ihe gun claim ended in judgment for the Crown, after evidence f’-oin Sir Erie < o <it es and otht r- that, they did not recollect any reference having been made to taxation when tlhe contract for /ie acquis tion of the Lewis gun
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  • 93 7 PALESTIXE ANTIQUITIES. London, July 26. The Colonial Office has received report from Palestine, showing the valuable results of the Antiquities Ordinance. Great cloisters with which Herod adorned h s birthplace were identified and excavaied at Ascaion, while a hexagonal Court, with mosaic pavements and ambulatory were uncovered
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  • 29 7 CONSECRATION AT WESTMINSTER London, July 26 The Archbishop of Canterbury performed at Westminster Abbey the consecration of the Reverend Thomas Arnold Scott as Bishop of Shantung.
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  • 133 7 I SITUATION QUITE HOPEFUL. Paris, July 26. Stockholders in the Banque Industrielle de Chine held a meeting with M. Andrew Berthelot as chairman, supported by Weng Theng Tse. representing the Chinese Government, and Count de Ferol representing the Peking Syndicate. Resolutions were passed approving accounts, also
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  • 877 7 To those behind the scenes the suspension of payment by the Banque Lndustrielle de Ch;ue has come, not as a surprise, but as a tardy fulfilment of long-standing prophecies, says the “Peking and Tientsin Times.” The Banque Industrielle de Chine was founded in 1913, its Statutes being
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  • 65 7 FAVOURABLE POST-WAR BALANCE. Paris, July 27. For the first time since the war a fa- °uj able trade balance has been reveal ed. Statistics for the first six months of 1921 show that the imports totalled 10?, milliard francs (16,000,000 tons), and the exports 10? milliard francs (7,326,000
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  • 64 7 TRAIN ROBBERS AND THE COMMUNIST. Paris. July 26. The robber' in the Pajns-Marseille' train secured booty of £6.000 The Communist deputy. Morrucci, was shaken out i f hi' sleep and starred to explain that he i' a Communist. Ihe bandits replied. “Dirty bourgeois 1 (live up your money."
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  • 163 7 MINISTER OF MARINE ON DISARMAMENT. Par, July 20 in a speech at Havre in connection w/th the French Nav I Week, M. Millerand said that in view of the Anglo-French Naval collaboration in tile war it was impossible that the inevitable clouds through which they were passing
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  • 75 7 London, July 25. A conference of master printeNewspaper Society, printing and k ndred trade' Federation, agreed t> recommend 'a reduction of 5/- weekly k in the wages of adult, male members of the Union affiliated to the Trades Federation beginning in the week ending A.igust 13, and a
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  • 59 7 MR. GANDHI’S ACTIVITIES. Bombay, July 26. Messrs. Gandhi and the Ali brothers are in Bombay Presidency for a complete boycott of foreign cloth by September 1, and are urging numerous meetings daily to destroy foreign made clothes or send them outside India for the relief of the
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  • 228 7 ENGLAND’S GREATEST EFFORT. Australians All Out 175. London, July 26. At Old Trafford. Manchester, i n fine weather, before 12,000. The wicket was serft from overnight rain. England made 362 for 4 wickets and declared. The wicket was not difficult, yet scoring was always extremely slow and pure
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  • 37 7 AUSTRALIA TO MEET BRITAIN. Toronto. July 27. Australia beat Canada in the doubles of the Davis Cup competition by 6 —2, 6—3, thus w inning the- r ght to meet the British team at Pittsburg.
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  • 84 7 GOODWOOD CUP RESULT. London, July 26. The follow ing is the result of the Goodwood Stewards Cup Service Kit 1 Stargrass 2 Tetrameter 3 Twenty ran. Won by a length. A head separated 2nd and 3rd. Betting. Service Kit 20 to 1 against. Stargrass 25 to 1 against.
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  • 113 7 PRINCE UNVEILS MEMORIAL MONOLITH. London, July 27. An impressive ceremony took place at Leathercote’s Point, Dover, overlooking the seas so splendidly guarded by the Dover patrol. The Prince of Wales, who was manifestly moved, unveiled a granite* monolith to the memory of the men of the Dover
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  • 84 7 According to an official report on the results of a severe test to which electri city as motor power has been subjected in America, a cargo vessel of 12,000 tons, fitted with an electric drive, lias just completed an ocean voyage <»f 26,500 miles without the
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  • 564 8 REDI UTIGN <>F CAPITAL SANCTIONED. \n extraordinary general meeting of the Man.lai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, was held all noon on Tuesday at 64. Market->t. when resolutions were before the meeting to either raise fresh capital, or to wind up the Company. Mr. lan Cheng Kee presided and
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  • 505 8 BRITISH MANUFACTURERS’ GREAT DISADVANTAGES. memorandum which has been issued by the British Rubber lyre Manufacturers’ Association w, th a view' to showing the facts regarding the present serious position of the British t'yre industry states that the rubber tyre manufacturing industry in Great Britain is assailed
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  • 239 8 The. following report of th'e Directors wasubmitted at the eleventh ordinary general meeting of Shareholders held in London ‘-n 7th inst. Tlie result of the year's trading shows t> net profit of £2.932 Ils 3d.. after allowing 10 per cent, depreciation on buildings, plant, machinery, etc. The amount
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  • 191 8 The new scheme of rubber restriction of the Rubber Growers' Association continues to be the one- topic of conversation in mercantile circles in Colombo, where there i' considerable scepticism as to the success of the scb.erne. In connection with the statement tint the adherence to the
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  • 200 8 Ihe year 1920 in Germany, especially the first half, was characterised by i coiisider-i--ble business done jn used motor cars, for fihe most part rebuilt Army trucks. Howard ’A A-’ams, representative of the Department of Commerce in Berlin, has written a report of this industry for
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  • 497 8 A good deab of interest, together with adverse comment, has naturally been aroused by the suggestion put forward by Sir Ernest Birch that shareholders should be asked to subscribe to a fund for purchasing some of the surplus rubber in. order to desjrop it, says Mr. Birch
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  • 350 8 LOWER PROFITS, BUT GREATER SAFETY. A correspondent writes to the Straits Times" as follows: —The present slump in the A.ilues of both tin and rubber only accentuate the values of coconut cult vation. Perhaps at no time more than now have coconuts more justified their status as
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  • 419 8 regent returns. The latest official returns dealing with the exports of crude rubber from the Straits Settlement are of rather exceptional for the light they throw upon present consumptive requirements, if no? upon actual production, says the “Finanicer.” The figures merely represent exports from certain of the
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  • 447 8 The eleventh ordinary general meeting f the British Rubber Estates of Java, Limited, was hGd at Winchester E C, Mr Staolake Lee (the chairman) p'esidiog. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of rhe report and accounts, said that the cos’ of harvesting the produce and the genera
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  • 21 8 The following uudrlivered wire» are tying at the Eastern Extension Telegraph Rp Sanean Ritbapanjan Kamb«mlima, Kimainatye Shanghai, Bandman Moubrie.
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  • 320 8 A recent feature of the Rubber share group has been the weakness of Rubber Trusts, usually regarded aa the market barometer says a home paper of June 26 Io these days of acu e depression in the industry the position of a plantation trust company is scarcely a
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  • 215 8 The troubles of the Equatorial Rubber Treat are those of a company born out of due time. Toe company b a gao life io March, 1920, right on the very eve of the f-*ll in valu s and in the demand for rubber that became
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  • 214 8 Singapore, Julv 27 —The past week has be j n actually without feature, with business generally of a retail nature. The fluctuations in our two iii»in commodities have been small, and for most of th? week on the deciine. Loans shew an easier tendency and sellers prevai
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  • 120 8 Petianff, July 29, 1921. (By Court as y of the Chartered Bank) London Demand Bauk 2/3 13/16 4 months’ eight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 17/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 178 3 days' sight Private 185 Bombay Demand Bank „178 o Madras Demand Bank
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  • 333 8 St. GEORGE THE MARTYR, Services for Week ending ?»i 1921. A Sunday 10th after Trinity. Bam Matins. 8.30 a m. Holy Communion. 9 30 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil). 10.30 a.m. Matins (Chinese). 5 p,m. Sunday School and Confirmati )a Class. 6 p.m. Evensong. Psalms 51 and 54. Hymns
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  • 192 8 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. P?ug Fook for Laogsa. Indus Maru for Colombo, Dhann? W and Bombay, Ban Whatt Soon for Port Swettenb» and Singapore. Elephant» for Rangoon and Calcu t® mails for Europe etc, via Bomba}Arrateon Apcar for Singapore, C Japan. Sappho for Telnk Anson. Gbirbi for Bindings and Si
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  • 36 8 The N»' ls F!ep b»f» The homeward mail, by the closes at 2 p.m, to-day. y s fro* i The BI Packeo Tresta. wH» 1 Europa is expected to rr 5 p.m, to-morrow. I
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  • 376 9 Which *s the biggest university in the Eev-’ people co-Jd Ye the corwithout pondering for a Jong reCt rr r V fht uu»*e.’ i>, l«ondon. It given i write* a “Daily Chronicle” reto ntative) by Professor Graham aJmember of the Senate and cha r d
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  • 362 9 INTERESTING SITUATION. I*' u Mi. E. Mont Kiely, of Kansas d t cently appointed Governor V 1 T'rtu hi< i by President Harding, ar‘s take up hig official dates, toy ii, July, he will find an intere>tpolitical situation, brought by the a< 1 !al the legislature
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  • 308 9 be able to write their language- S.F P.” COMPARISON WITH STRAITS. The writer has now completed h 20th J ear in the Department and a very brief comparison of the general development in that period may perhaps be aJlowed Twenty years ago, our effort in English
    be able to write their language- S.F P.” •  -  308 words
  • 169 9 PADDY \ND TOBACCO SERIOI SLY AFFECTED. correspondent writes t<> the “Ceylon < ibserver’’ In most parts of the Central Province his year “Yala crop of paddy i- an absolute failure and it i> feared that .f the monsoon delayed i uiger the “Maha' cr “p too
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  • 154 9 —Ex. heap clocks and watches, that have long been the despair of their owners, show an extraordinary liveliness during weather such as we are enjoying just now. It is ho exaggeration to say that, in cases where they have not gone for years, and have
    —Ex.  -  154 words
  • 135 9 It is stated that the servant registration sytem under Ordinance No. 11 of 1865 and Ordinance No. 28 of 1878, as worked n Ceylon is by far the best system in the East. It is understood that Calcutta proposes adopt ing the Ceylon system. Last year the superintendent
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  • 489 9 CHINESE JOURNALISM. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, the bearing of the appeal in a libel suit tooir place on July 26 *h. Oo February Irt. the Yik Kbusn Press Co., Ltd, Low Hak Fee and So Ha, editor and tub-editor, respectively, of a Chinese daily newspaper, published
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  • 89 9 Discovery of Defalcations. The Ceylon Obs°rver learns that certain defalcations had taken place at the Cevlon Savings Bank. Interviewed by a representative of the Ceylon Observer,” Mr B V Caspersz, the Secretary of the Ceylon Savings Bank, jonfirmed the rnroou I He said that certain irregularit'es h*d
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  • 98 9 •'8 T". About 2 pm. on Tuesday, Detective Insp. Farmer and detec ivea raided a house in Ceylon Road, Singapore, where tbty came noon two Hylatns ren-hatid-*d m-king 5 and 20 cent pieces, the former being both of the large and small sizes. Not
    •'8 T".  -  98 words
  • 511 9 In the course of his reply to unofficials' remarks at the Federal Council meeting at Kuala Lumpur the Chief Secretary, the Hon Mr W G Maxwell said the simplification of the Budget would have most careful consideration, and if Mr Robson could give to the
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  • 351 9 There is on board the B I Manor* which arrived in Colombo from Calcutta bound for London, a babv cheetah which i« on its way to the Ziological Society of Scotland. It is a female and i« christened Lucifer' It h the pet of the passengers
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  • 83 9 DUTCHJAND RESTRICTION. (Prom Our Own Correspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, July 29. The Malay Mail Colombo correspondent says a London cable on July 24 states’ Sir Stanley Bois and other delegates of the R G A conferred with Dutch Growers at tne Hague. The decision was postponed for a fortnight.
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  • 50 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’» share list Yesterday. To-day. S SHARES. 9-3 £Q M X Mining. Limai. Nipies 35c 40c T kah Hr T 15.75 16 00 15.50 15.75 General. M Collieries 14.00 14.50 14.00 14.25 Transactions recorded in—George Town Dispensary $l.lO.
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  • 72 9 Messrs The Borneo Company, Ltd., advise that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by private and auction sales held this week Cts Per Pound. Smoked diamond sheet No. 1 20| to 26 diamond No. 2 11 18 Unsmoked sheet No. 1 12 14
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  • 105 9 The Strai‘B Trad’.ng Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, 28th July Spot £159.5« up £l.os 3 months buying £161.5s £l.os 3 selling £161,103 £l.o* Local Parity $79.70 July 29th Singapore gild 75 tons at $80.50 Penang, 50 tons at $BO 25. The Eastern-Smelting Co.. Ltd London 28
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  • 189 9 Pukarg, July 29, 1921. BP. Tapioca $7.12| sales. M P. Tapioca $7.40 sales. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper 519.00 sellers. White Pepper $3O nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Clove» ss° nominal Nutmegs 80» $42.00 buyers 110» $32.00 buyer» (No. 1 $ll.OO per picul Su(Rf
    189 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 REMEMBER.—OnIy persistent ADVERTISING can maintain your business as a going concern during trade depression. The advertisement columns of The Pinang Gazette are your surest aid now and at all times.
      30 words
    • 397 9 pinang gazette RATES OF CASUAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. Eta. Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch insertions ].50 n 3 1.46 4 1.35 1.30 m 8 1.25 h 10 1.15 12 1.00 18 3.75 25 0.60 Advertißtaiiwuts are charged by space. A line of
      397 words

    • 172 10 Peking, July 8. According to a report received by the Government from General Chang Tso-lin, the Mongolian expedition is being mobilised at five centres, namely —Kalgan. Chahar, Jehoi. Hulungbaer and Liaoyuan. In the earlier stages columns will march independently from each of these centres. The whole expedition will consist
      172 words
    • 195 10 Peking, July 7.—Owing to the large amount of noxious drugs reaching China through the posts, the International An-ti-Opium Association last year made a request for the Chinese delegates to the Universal Postal Congress in Madrid to secure provision for restrictions of transportation of drugs by mail except
      195 words
    • 183 10 -Ex. Preferring to have their business places closed than to bow down to the demands of their employees, all the Canton rice mill owners refuse to concede the demands of the workers for higher wages and shorter hours. Although the strike of the ricemill workers was declared
      -Ex.  -  183 words
    • 167 10 Io be Shanghaied seem.' m -.v •> be the ambition instead of the *.f mmy sailors. M ristrate G. »V. King of the British Police Court. (Shangnii) commented when two more firemen from the Celtic Prime appeared before him. «harged wteh being absent without
      167 words
    • 82 10 Kobe. .July 10. —The largest labour di. inoiistrat, on ever held in Western Japan passed off to-day without incident and v/thou' interference from the jxilice. Unity-five thousand strikers, including several hundred from Osaka, marched to the Kawasaki dockyards, theme to Guise <»f the Mitsubishi Company and
      82 words
    • 185 10 We are s’hggered, says the anton Tinies,” (as well it might be!) by a report in the vernacular Press that certain Chinese capitalists from abroad are proposing *to organise a huge company wjth a capital of $150.000 000 tb establish, u tea factory in Fukien, a
      185 words
    • 123 10 Peking. July. 5- —Japan which has her* Ktofore named no commercial coiunv.ssioners to foreign countries to keep the nation constantly informed as to tirade conditions is soon to name five, such men, it was said to-day at tin* Japanese legat’on. These men will be sent
      123 words
    • 125 10 Tlie. follow,ing Order wa> -made under section 16 of the Gunpowder ami Fire works Ordinance, 1901, by the Governorin Council in Hongkong on June 30th’ “No person shall make sell- or have ir his possession any firework' which explode by detonation, or which contain any explosive ingredient
      125 words
  • 108 10 I'he Peace Society, after delay' occasion ed by the war. has elebrated it' centenary in Birmingham, in connection with th meetings of the Peace Congress. The society wa> originally founded in London just after the Napoleonic wars chiefly through the efforts of members of the Society of F
    108 words
  • 174 10 “Arni' and the Man” came into contli' t at the Vienne'» Schlo>s Theatre, attached to th lata* Imjx'ria] Palace, Sch<x*nbiunn, during the production of Bernard Shaw’s comedy of that nameYa ioii' Bulgarians living in Vienna had assembled in force to protest, against what they considered
    174 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 921 10 STRAITS (SETTLEMENTS LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF $20,000,000 LOAN. -•earing interest from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per annum payable half-yearly on the Ist May and Ist November REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist MAY, 1926. FREE OF INCOME TAX AND OTHER DUTIES. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT.
      921 words
    • 81 10 COMMON-SENSE TREATMENT FOR CONSTIPATION. Drink sufficient water. Eat plenty of fresh iQut ami Take a dose of Pinkettes, ’he little gent le-as-nat urv laxatives. when necessary. Practice the habit of regularity. Then constipation w H cease T o trouble you, and you also will be free from bilious attacks, sick
      81 words
    • 484 10 x; s Northern assurance] i co LTD a i ESTABLISHED 1836. I ASSETS EXCEED £16,000,000. I i. Fire. Ii 2. Life. I 3. Motor Car. I R 4. Motor Cycle. j 15. Personal Accident. 6. Plate Glass. I g I E We can give you any particulars which you
      484 words

  • 312 11 GREATLY INCREASED VALUE OF PETROLEUM. 1 he. official not© on the Mineral production of Burma during the year 1920 sfys The abnormal annual ncrease in the total value of mineral extracted during the year under review i s in the main attributable to the largely increased value
    312 words
  • 547 11 Pill- over 250 years old were shown at the 22nd Chemists’ Exhibition at the Central Hall. Wes’hninster. They were fearsome looking things as big as marbles, made for the kiddies of that period, and were calculated to raise a juvenile yell at. mere -ight. Actually they were
    547 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 373 11 I I I’ll I I JUIU* I «flh J f z i < >WSH I < /W' Xwr I s —and it sso splendid to see you I r getting strong again so quickly;’ fi What could be more gratifying to a woman bur- I dened by ill-health, than to
      373 words
    • 265 11 lOilleiiel i i a The Shaving Service- S £oery Man -Everywhere 1 JjßljH The Tender Skin of i Your Neck I g L W I Stropping—No Honing s z > W; man needs a sharp razor i t he r e Otherwise he is apt to start in ĕ rowin
      265 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1189 12 1 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP HENDERSON LINE. Steamship Co., Ltd., p p D Of fast twin screw Mail Passenger steamers between m Thu 'Xy°'l»lMd. Brisbane' and Sydney; HAN GOON AND J-NGLAND. The following fast steamers of above line via Torres Straits, also with tranship will be despatched men? to other
      1,189 words
    • 759 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED BANK OF IND’a LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA i j Kn<,lan,i incorporated in England i. i (Incorporated Authorised Capital £3,000,000 p ai d up Capital j? Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Heserve Fund £3'2? Paid-up 1,050,000 R e sef ve Liability of Proprietors Reserve Fund and
      759 words