Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 July 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 421 1 I Obtainable everywhere wholesale from i I i OB® b Lrlfc a 1 1 i!;' Ong Sam Leon t Co *••»••»<. 1 I r-.-^r- _.|-HJ.| T..1-L na rr i r Tic THE ;.J-S. .I MARCHANT CALCULATOR [MA NGALORE! ENDS ALL FIGURE WORRY. TIL WHAT LL QAM DOJZL i Addition. Subtraction,
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    • 19 1 > THE BEST CAR IN TOWN i’ ■-•> < > I •> -ju <hw«. I I Mi« MMU AS. P.M-S Ong Sam a o<*,
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  • 1357 2 GOLF AT ST. ANDREWS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, June 29. The “auld grey toun’’ of St. Andrews saw golf at its zenith in the play for the Open Championship. From beg.nning to end the week was full of great efforts of unequalled brilliance. The element of international
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  • 160 2 Ladies with pet dogs now-a-dayt can weave their jumpers out of the fine combing* of tlheir pets. At the Palace Club show at R*»nelagh. a “Daily Chomicle” representative was show n all sorts of dots’ wool which had been made up into usefu everyday articles,
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  • 154 2 hich is the greatest gr/eva|)re, to be missed a Census officer or Squired to fill in his return In the Brockley district a sfireet, containing about 200 families, v 19 reported to have been overlooked, while here been some few gaps in the distibutdon of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 868 2 _Z ISCELLAWEOUS pinang gazette Straits School of Accountancy, rates of casual Book-keeping taught id Six Easy Postal advfrtISEMENTS Lessons *y rally qualified Lindon Account- a u vtrr //oc rwe/v •O. nut. Satisfaction t»a«ran>e-d. Coaching for London Ex*m(. Apply Strains School of Accountancy. P O. Box 564. Singapore. FOR SALE, TO
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    • 140 2 “Twilfit” II Corsets AT Pritchard’s' '< I An exceptionally PRICE comfortable Cor- LJ gh zs a a $9.00 set for dancing or ho sportswear.' to PT 01 UcSS I Hi. Silk elastic tops 1 W f 10 per cent < and four hose whi i: su] I supporters. pOf k
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  • 603 3 THE EFFECT ON EXCHANGES. i The financial position of Ceylon offers an interesting field to the student of monetary science says the “Ceylon Observer.’’ Infortunately there are conspicuous illustrations of the ills of th‘e body (economic, one of them being an adverse balance of trade. ’The statistics
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  • 456 3 Mr. H. B. Marriott-Watson, writes: A marriage is a private affair between two people which may be advertised in the column* of newspapers for the information of their friend* and acquaintances. It is not, and should not be a public blare. Yetj many modern weddings are. Observe, please- that
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  • 326 3 FREEING THE PRESS. \t the age of 92. S.t Harry B dkm Poland. K. C., is celebrating his 70th year of membership of the Inner temple Bar. To a representative of the “Daily Chionicle.” who called on him. Sir Harry retailed briefly some of the experiences of
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  • 99 3 The Legislature at Kingston (Jama. ea). has appointed a committee to inquire into the nece**ity or otherwise to afford aid to the sugar industry. Ihe niajoiity "t 11 elective member* are op|M>sed to th< vernment’* proposal l’o pledge the °loi>y credit for an advance by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 rwood Standard T ypewrifers I i The Machine you will Eventually Buy. Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England) Agents Penang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. C II EESE Australian Cheddar Cheese I; Gruyere Cheese f j HAMS BACON (“Pineapple” Brand f DRIPPING i Our own make Rom best Australian Beef
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    • 255 3 A PAINFUL ENEMY. Rheumatism is a Blood-Poison. Until not long ago, doctors as well as thought rheumatism was due to damp aLI cold. You need fear neither of these i| you are not carrying rheumatism poison Übout with you in your blood. It is an which only finds its way
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    • 266 3 Everybody who values economy should take advantage of this splendid bargain opportunity. The goods and prices (such keen prices make tempting values that are absolutely irresistible. Come early, while the first choice lasts. a Better a Raincoat to-day than a chill to-morrow. Ask f° r t^ie “Gordo” British Made Raincoat.
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  • 1301 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr A Hood-Begg, of Messrs Guthrie and Co, and Mrs Hood-Begg are visiting Kuala Lumpur, Mr F H Grumitt of Messrs McAuliffe Davis and H>pe leaves for Home shortly. Mr Tde Haan, of Weltreveden, Java, arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Singapore —“ML." Toe Rev Father V M Renard,
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  • 99 4 The following ties have ’been fixed for Tuesday August 2 Single Handicap Class B—ls J K Huxter v —l5 3 0 A Baker (6). dingle Handicap Class C—ls D Methieaon v —l5 KWH Austin (8); —15 Mair v —l5 G B Clayton (7). Mix»d Doubles Handicap—3o.2 Mrs
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  • 219 4 The Band will play the following programme of mudc at the Dato Kramat Gardens 5 30 p.m. to-day. J 1 March ...The Devils...HarLmaun 2 Galop ...Mail Coach Lecueq 3 Waltz ...Over the Wave... Rows 4 Polka ...How I Love my Lu...Boptger 5 One Step ...Laughing Water... Hkger
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  • 1547 4 FEDERAL COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND EXPLANATION. At the meeting of the Federal Council, the Acting Tre»su er introduced the Final Supply Bill dealing with the additions to expenditure in rrspect of 1920 amounting to $23.384,803 39 Mr Kenion «aid that he felt he could not take an optimistic view
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  • 193 4 The Twelfth Annual General Meeting of the Indian Club, Penang, was hehl at the Club premises yesterday evening Prior to the meeting light refreshments were served to the fair gathering present. Subsequently, Mr Veerapp» Pillay was vo ed to ths chair. The minutes of the last
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  • 199 4 Speaking the meeting of the Fe Council, the Hon Mr W Duncan s a'd: Kindersley had already explain™ position of the rubber industry. W Q very glad that at, last some action h» 1 taken, but he still felt very strongly no action was likely to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 862 4 sMunw. J———, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. POSITIONS VACANT. PEHfING HUNT CLUB. .nd reliable Typist w.nt«i for G“»«' of Urge Estate Office. Ou. -bo c.n writa •>'>’ Ch.mb.. <| Commerce. Thor.d.y. o h shorthand preferred. Apply Box No. 197, Bfc P m IRWIN c/o Pinang Gazette, Hon. Secy., and Treasurer. A Dresser
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  • 1817 5 yKOM AUSTRALIA TO CALCUTTA. j{ e turiuD£ to India after an absence of ip[i spa 9 in the genial climate of Amtralas*» one 00 not not ce &t r9fc n y i nnß j t ]»rable change unless it be the in- j lated prices 1,,09t commoditiea,
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  • 98 5 A Bill, which passed its third reading in the Hou*e of Commons makes legal a marriage between a man and his brother’s widow. This me»sur> is a corollary to tfc* Bill of 1907 which Ugali-ed marriage with a deceased wife’s sister. Lord Hugh Cecil sought
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  • 932 5 A CASE FOR ENQUIRY. x I A Reuter message from London, dated I June 27th, announced that a cable, from Batavia told of the Royal Opera Company being stranded in Java, and that the manager had handed them over to the Dutch Government while the British consul
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 WWW— PU' f—lsnHl nuacvrgrnHlS l i WHITEAWAY’S «REAT ANNUAL AUGUST CLEARANCg iwww > I COMMENCES: MONDAY NEXT, AUGUST Ist. I When Every Article in our Store, without Reserve will be Offered at Greony Reduced Prices IMPORTANT NOTICE.—To enable us to complete the necessary price—reducing preparations, our establishments will be 2
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  • 1366 6 S F P. Malaya, the principal producer of plantation rabber in the Mid East and in the world, the Netherlands Indies and Ceylon, are responsible, according to an estimate recently presented by the Hon Mr W Duncan, for about 95 per cent of that commodity, and something
    " S F P.  -  1,366 words
  • 1283 6 Some of the unofficial members of the Federal Council appear to A Council have bad quite field Field Day.” day’’ at the Kuala Lumpur meeting. We have not the space to reproduce their interesting efforts, which, reserved till the motion for adjournment is made, in accordance with
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  • 193 6 TWO MURDER CHARGES FAIL. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 28, At the Singapore Assizes the marchcharge against fan Leng thee was with drawn on account of in-ufficien r evidence. Mok Seng was found not guilty of ths murder of Neo Cbok in February »1 acquitted. A Copra
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  • 215 6 ENTRIES FOR AUTUMN »1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Luu pu Joly-'. The following are the entries D' Antomn Mee l ing of the Sel-t'g" r Club: First Day R?c J 1 and 7 —W-ndv, Jdl, Gay Lad, Orth< z. Nightgown. Avro. Race 2. Waukover, Gen ie
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 e Electricity in I the Home. T he Frohn Rushlight Austin f All British to Autoplant, No. 6. g Il was not until about the middle S Will furnish the elec- o f the lBth century that trie current for a house substantial improvements on the using the equivalent ot
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    • 8 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE O.” Every Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 THE TIDES. Mifh Water. Low W»tar To-»a» 4 43 a.»n 10 54 4.39 pm. 11 12 p in. To-m<»hrow. 5 57 I 2 17, 6. 3 p m. 1 2 .0 m.n.
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  • 209 7 Si I’BEME COUNCIL TO MEET. Reuter’s Telegrams. London, July 26. i s officially announced that Lord urzon and Mr* Balfour will attend the meeting of the Supreme Council in Paris k August 4. It is improbable that Mr. I.iovd George will attend, owing to pressure of business in London.
    Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  209 words
  • 604 7 lhe following repot wa- sent to a London paper by a special correspondent at Gi"-s Strelitz n i tail week. Gent"al Henniker, commanding the Brii -I, tio'i has taken up h’s headquart» rs hei'e. in about the centre of the province, and much n< tier the
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  • 96 7 ENEMY LOSSES. Athens, July 26. Official reports state that various units delayed owing to the rapidity of the Greek advance are now co-ordinated. They show that the enemy lost over three-quarters of his guns and forces m casualties, prisoners and desertions. After consolidating the Afiun Kara H
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  • 292 7 lhe latest monthly c rcular received by the Banca Commercial© Italiana from its Roumanian subsidiary states that the general situation in Roumania is improving. The fear of a Bolshevik mva sion is gradually fading away, and very great progress has been achieved in the internal position
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  • 140 7 There is quite a boom in things English in Germany just now. English plays have been filling up a lamentable gap in German drama English subjects, from the story (or a bit of it) of Henry VIII. to tales of Sherlock Holmes, are highly popular on
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  • 172 7 Rlussia’s lack of credit is plainly shown by proposals which we learn have just been submitted to the London tea trad" and by their reception. These propo-als are. briefly that l/»ndon firms should send to Russia 20.000.0001 b. of tea, receiving in exchange 25
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  • 75 7 SPANISH FORCES’ CRITICAL POSITION. Madrid, Julj 26. The War Minister -taies that the Spanish force- at Sididdris, Morocco, are in a very’ critical position- lhe enemy attacks are increasingly violent. An attempt to evacuate the position by sea, under the protection of a cruiser had to be stopped, as
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  • 58 7 INJUNCTION U’PI.IED FOR. New York, July 26 Pending a judicial ruling on an injunction applied fol by the United States Mail Steamship Company to restrain the Shipping Board from interfering with the opera tion of the Company’s -hips, orders have been is-ued to withdraw the Unified
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  • 627 7 RAPID PROGRESS. In recent figures from. France can oe seen the degree of restoration that hias already taken place in the aieas devastated during tihe war. In 1914 the population ot the-e devastated district- was 4.700.000. \t the time of the Armistice ifl had fallen to 1.900.000. while
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  • 139 7 COTTON BELT EPIDEMIC. Washington. July 26. President Harding requested the public health and Red Cross officials immediately to investigate and ascertain how the Government can relieve the situation in the Southern cotton belt arising from the epidemic of pellagra. President Harding considers the epidemic and the consequent threat of
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  • 72 7 CON CILIATION CO UNCI LS. London. July 26. Thu House of Commons passed the third reading by 193 voes to 66 of the Bill repealing the Agriculture Act, abolishing guaranteed prices after this year's harvest, regarding which a suppleu ary estimate of £19,000.000 was presented, and substituting for
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  • 48 7 FRE.Yt H PASSENGERS HELD I P AND ROBBED. Par's. July 23 A gang of ma-ked and aimed bandits held up and robbed |»a>-engers in the -aloon of tjie Paris-Marseilles express neai Baune. Iwo young French officers resisted i’i’l were -hot < ’nr wa- killed. lhe bandit- escaped.
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  • 249 7 PALESIINE AND MESOPOTAMIA. It is announced by the Air Ministry that a new aii route fia- been opened up across lie desert between Palestine and Mesopotamia, and notification has been leceived ot the arrival at Baghdad of thije*- aeroplanes of the Royal Air Force, which
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  • 229 7 Is there a syndicale for smuggling men to Singapore a- -towawi’v-? itispec Spear, of Hongkong Wat,ei Police exjne-s. ed the belief that there is when Mr G. N. Tinson appeared before Magi strate Orme on July 12th to prosecute three Chinese, on behalf of the BrTi-h India Steam
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  • 161 7 THE YEAR’S WORKING. London, July 26. At the annual meeting of the council of the Save the Children Fund in London Lord Weardale, presiding, said that £552,735 had been received during the past year. There were 170.000 direct subscribers in addition to 1.000 anonymous helj>ers. The
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  • 87 7 C’OMPRt )MLSE SETTLEMENT. Panis, July 26. An extraordinary general meeting of the Banque Industrielle de Chine was held, presided over by Senator Berthelot. Pre-i--detit of the Administrative Council, to decide upon the reorganisation of the Company. The meeting approved the demand for a compromise settlement 1
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  • 42 7 MANY’ DEATHS. Basra, July 26. record heat wave has resulted in many deUth- among Bri’ish. Indians and Arabs. The maximum temprature in the shade averaged 124 for over a fortnight. the highest being 129 on July 160.
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  • 74 7 lhe re-played final tie tor the “Finnstone'' Golf Cup was played last week end. Mr. C. R. Samuel was the winner with 33 nett (Eclectic over 4 rounds of nine holes). The final date for play in the first round of the Sydney Golf Cup has been
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  • 54 7 W e are informed by the Hon. Secretary. Tai pi ng Gymkhana Club, that there will be a Polo Tournament in Taiping on the 4th and sth of August. The Hon'ble Bricsh Resident of Perak has verykindly offered to present cups to the winning team. There at
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  • 93 7 lhe world’s running record for the distance of 75 yards was bea <en at the London Athletic Club's summer meeting at Stamford Biidge. London, by 11. M. Abraham-. of Cambridge University Athletic Cl üb. He ran the distance in 7 2-5 seconds, beating the previous best by
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  • 173 7 A feature of the visit of the Wood-Forbes mission to the islands south of Manila wa- mee*<ng between Colonel Gordon Johnston, a member of the pairty, and a Spanish family whose, lives he saved twenty years ago during t'he Philippine insurrection. Colonel Johnston, then a Lieutenant in
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  • 97 7 SERIOUS OUTBREAK AT SOUTH AMPTON. London. July 26. Very prompt measures, including staging slung over the ship s -ide from which firemen played .through the jmutholes saved the Cunarder Mauretania from probable destruction at Southampton. The vessel' was ilue to sail for New York on Saturday- Fire
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  • 23 7 Brooklyn, July 26. Pete Herman beat J. Lynch on points in IE rounds, thus regaining the Bantam weight championship.
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  • 529 7 Mr. A. E. Crawley, the wellknown authority on Lawn Tennis, says lhe “new” Wimbledon, with its grand stand to accommodate 12.000 enthusiasts, is not yet. but there is always somejiing new' at the “old” Wimbledon. Some year- ago a writer on figure-ska-ting suggested that all possible development- in
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  • 103 7 _“S.T.” Mr. W. Durunan writes: —“In your sporting notes of Saturday you mention Leakey’s long jump of 20 ft. ins. as the record for Malaya. This is not the case, as W. E. Vowler some years ago covered over 21 feet. A list of records would be
    _“S.T.”  -  103 words

  • 484 8 AN IMPORTANT INDUSTRY. The Bombay agricultural department has issued an interesting bulletin, containing a preliminary survey of rice cultivation in the Latkana district of Sind, which will be found useful not only by land-owners interested in the cultivation of rice but by students of agricultural conditions
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  • 229 8 Shanghai, July 10. Practically all lire in Shanghai were open on July 9. the “China Press,” and jice boats in the river and in Somehow Creek were busy unloading the cargo which has been held aboard during the recent eight days' strike. There were a number
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  • 111 8 —Ex. D ~p:te *he voluntary restriction of rubin r production the exports of rubber from t’eylbn fortlie first four month-» of the current ye; r it e, like those from tire Federated Malay States, also in excess of last year being 14.093 tons against 12.883 runs f<»r the
    —Ex.  -  111 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 284 8 HOTEL BRASTAGI, SUMATRA EAST COAST. j 4.600 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. EE Climate FRESH, INVIGORATING, equivalent to an ENGLISH summer. General Temperature 55 to 5° EE by night, 70 to 75 by day- Splendid scenery MOUNTAIN and LAKES. zzz Hotel management makes arrangements for TRIPS, at EE the convenience of
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    • 93 8 I The recognized Typewriter I of the day is I “Tie "ci sington” <ll W w '3 b < H M H A shipment of the I I very latest models I has just arrived. 'irt N hr U x*< n j MCALISTER i Co., IM., 1 AGENTS. 4 B
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    • 240 8 wr tr Tr n j FORD I I TOURING CAR I Agwgg 1 I A 1 1 VA VPe 7 I There is no trouble or delav when vou drive' I 3E a FORD. If repairs are required you are sure of getting the right part when you want I
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  • 1160 9 \si: OF A FOIIGED CHEQI E. Penang Assizes yesterday, th e Hon. Mr. Justice k/hu li. E.( and jury, a Euro- McKeun by name, pleadi n ,,t cu’lt) to a charge of having, on (lii Mav -1, fraudulently used as a forged document, namely a the Chartered Bank
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  • 990 9 The trial was commenced before the Hon. Mr. Just c-e Branch. K.C., to-day, of brank Robless. clerk with Messrs. Malcolm Berange*’ Co., Ltd. The charges against him were that (1) on or about February 2\ 1921, he did commit criminal breach of trust in respect of 1,735: (2)
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  • 471 9 —“MM” The Legal Adviser introduced at the Federal Council meeting yesterday, a Bill to amend the Penal Code and Evi deuce Enactments, and also a Bill entitled the hildren Enactment,' these being taken together a* deal ng with the same subject. The former struck a blow at
    —“MM”  -  471 words
  • 53 9 PENANG v. PERAK The following is tho Perak team chosen to meet Penang at Perak on Saturday and Monday:—P. S. Williams (Capt.), A. F. Spooner, W. N. Edwards, T. Dickson, P. J. Vasey, R. D. Hoblyn, M. A. Alansur, I. B. Greig, J. Hall, R. G. B. Farrct and
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  • 956 9 MEETING AT THE CHINESE TOWN HALL. A pablic meeting of the Chinese commanity in connection with the anemployment among tbeir countrymen watt held in I the local Chinese Town Hall on Tuesday, the attendance including Messrs Yeob Paik Tatt (president), Chee Wor Lok, 1 Leong Tek Khean,
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  • 938 9 THE HIGH COMMISSIONER’S SPEECH. At the meeting of the Federal Council, presided over by the High Commissioner Sir L. N. Guillemard, His Excellency (reports the Malay Mail n said he would like first of all to refer very briefly to those members of the Council who had left
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  • 161 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 28, The Hon. Mr. W Duncan has cabled the R.G.A., London, as follows; "In the Federal Council on July 26, the High Commissioner referred bo the rubber position and hinted there was some confusion as the result of
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  • 66 9 The following a»-e th* latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. UU UD SHARES. J: J? s o I» 'JO X CQ Robber (Dollar) Jc. 5 c. J c. S o. Malakoff 2.5(1 2.75 2.70 3.00 Mining. Nawng Pet Tin 1.60 1.65 T'kah Hr
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  • 110 9 The Strains Trading Co., Ltd., give the following London prices, 27th July Spot 3 months buying unchanged 3 selling I Local Parity $78.84 July 28th Singapore sold 75 tons at $801; Penang sold 25 tons at Th“ Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd London 27’h J-ily at £isB Ith spot,
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  • 186 9 Punang, July 28, 1921 SP. Tapioca 57.12| safas. M. P. Tapioca 57.40 sales. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $19.00 seders. White Pepper $3O nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Cloves ss° nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers 11Oe $32.00 buyers JNo. 1 $ll.OO per picul No.
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  • 62 9 Ou Saturday, aiui viooday, the Chief Post Office will be closed at no ,n, Saving» Bana and Money •Oder Br*nch closed, Governmen’ Telegraph Ofli :e < a.m. to 8 p.m Postal Eipres- morumg u»Jy, SubOffices 8 to noon and 4 to 5 p.m Deliveriea to Town 9a m
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  • 143 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Trang for Deli. Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Lian Choo for Palau Langkawi, Setui and Pari is. Selangor for Port Swettenharo, Port Dickson, Malacca and Singapore. ExpaoTßD Ahbivals. Mentor, Singapore, Joly 29. Syria, Singapore, Joly 30. Yokohama Mara, Singapore, Joly 30. Ascaniu?, Liverpool. Joly 30. Ningchow, Liverpool,
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  • 291 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Farit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, I Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By trait Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, S-7.15 a.rr Malacca, Johore, Singapore j& 6 p.rr and Hongkong J Pant Buntar and Bagan Serai By train ai« 10.15 3.45
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  • 37 10 The homeward mail, hv the Elephanta closes at 2 p.m, to-morrow. The B I Packer Teeat*. web maibi from Europe is exp p c’ed to arrive here at 5 p.m, on SatQfday the 30th instant.
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  • 120 10 7’swany, July 28, 1921. (Bt Courtbst or thk Chartbrbd Bans) London Demand Bank 2/3 1.3/16 4 months’ sight Baek 2/4 5/16 3 Credit. 2/4 1/2 3 Documentary 2/4 19/39 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 178] 3 days’sight Private 185 I Bombay Demand Bank f> 178 c Madras Demand Bank It
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  • 2109 10 o n ■h Capital. i rwo,. «HM, I I ’ll a »2 Wl7/H ins/» l"-"'/-l 1920/21 BUBBSR (Dollar.) «-I »<~ 192 C 2.000,000 2SO 'S!J! I HU Si ii 41or"ua)lp'lii"i>l>«''°* s I.»| J-j® 190» 130.000 120,000 1 1 Nil. 25 1 -5 r lor < L 2..» Malay Estates
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 367 10 PIANO TUNING 1 »i AS OUR s Mr. LEO DYE, 1 S 'I Z CERTIFICATED TUNER NI. T. A., DIPLOMA, LONDON 6 -1 1| g Will shortly be leaving for an i| j extended trip in the F. M. S. We •d suggest that you give us your S orders
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    • 186 11 Tokio, July 5. —A London despatch recently received here states that since his arrival in. England, Mr. Simpson has made contributions to the newspapers here such as the ‘'Telegraph,” the "Morning Post,” the “Spectator,” etc., and also delivered speeches to a portion of members of British Parliament
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    • 108 11 Recent improvements introduced in the naval wireless telegraph station at Cavite now enable the transmission of radio messages from the Philippines to San. Francisco without relay. A la.rge increase in electrical power and the construction of telegraph lines between Cavite and Los Banos are
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    • 125 11 A okohama. July 7. —The foreign community in okohama is deeply stirred over th»' murder of Mr. Ronald Hill, who was stabbeul by a burglar yesterday. Strong representations are. being contemplated by the foreign Board of Trade and ex-service men to the authorities for I
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    • 101 11 Peking, Julj' 5. —The Mukden Court has passed sentences of death on Hou Tsen-hua and Chen Lien-yi on charges of being participators in the murder of the Rev. Mr. Gillespie, a missionary at Changchun, last year. Mr. Gillespie’s servant, Lo Ah chi. as an accessory
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    • 73 11 Peking. July o.—The Government, has received a further petition from the ('h nese* emigrant associations in Siam, requesting the resumption of the negotiations for the conclusion of a commerce 1 treaty between China- and Siam. Negotiations were being carried on at Tokio last spring. when Mr. Chang
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    • 60 11 Hankow, July 1. —Since the 26th ult., 13 officers varying in rank between the Major an J Sergeant-Major with ‘Special Commission, have been shot to death, being held responsible for the recent riot. Some more executions will follow. The dead bodies are placed in beautifully decorated coffins, and
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    • 43 11 Peking, July B.—The Chinese League of Nations Association is now sitting at Geneva. At ’‘lie opening sitting Mr. Lin Chang-niing was decked Chairman, 'I Lian Shih-kung, Consul General ;n Paris. wa< present at, the meeting in a private capacity.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 303 11 zy 1 Protects from the Sun You need no longer stiffer from the discomforts and unsightliness of sunburn. ‘“HAZELINE’ (Trade Mark) SNOW” protects the skin from the fiercest heat. Keeps it always soft and smooth and improves its delicate texture. f < <K)^S so<)t^es hot an d perspiring skins; n
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    • 696 11 W B FOUL BREATH. WOMEN’S GREATEST MISFORTUNE. The old saying that “distance lends enchantment was never more aptly to the point than when applied J to those people whose breath is laden with evil smelling odours. Many persons anne.u,- very attractive J at a distance, but produce a feeling of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1211 12 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP HENDERSON LINE. Of fast twin screw Mail Passenger steamers between RANGOON AND ENGLAND. Th® following fast steamers of above line via Torres Straits, also with tranship will be despatched: n<ent to other Victorian, South Austra With through connections from Penang. FOR LONDON ROTTERDAM -*an n d
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    • 737 12 I BANKS. ITHE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED BANK LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA A (Incorporated in England lncoip->iated in England by p v Charter 1853 Authorised Capital £3,000,000 paid up Capital Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund Paid-up 1,050,000 Resei ve Liability of PrSprietora £•> r* Reserve Fund and Undivided Head
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