Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 July 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 591 1 NIKKO No 7. NORTHAM ROAD. Telephone No. 579,. <’ S B MBMkB 33 H■*£2 15 Bfa J4S.K »*»£> ■£sBiEl H 6 MSBWH Ste K E <aMfa j,, a x j n a I| <O r I Cl t J In ’’eg’ard to accidents I a C." JL/ Vx •aIV.VJ' E
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    • 32 1 THE BESI CAS IN TOWN 1 r 1 I ULJ t_ 'V. J 'i £,i f 'V. z ,Pi‘’ i 1 < tale Aftiitl S.S. A P.M.S I Ong Sam Laong 00. I
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  • 1151 2 AN IMPRESSION. A fortnight’s stay in Germany would not ordinarily entitle anyone to write of conditions in Germany writts the London correspondent of the ‘‘Englishman But I knew p<e-war Germany so wr-li that perhaps my irnpres-iooa, even after only a fortnight's stay, may be worth recording. To
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  • 548 2 DRAFT TREWY SEIZED IN DUBLIN. Documents outlining a proposed treaty be’we c n the Russian Soviet Republic and “the Republic of Ireland” have been captured in Dublin, and were issued on June 10 ae a White Paoer. The papers bear tbe official stamp of Dail
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  • 88 2 The Spanish public health authorities state that a fish known a-« Gambusia affinis, which devours the larvi ae ofWhe Anopheles mosqsito the propagator of malaria, has been acclimatised in Spain. Attempts to acc'imati-e these fish in France, Britain and Italy are said to have failed. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1003 2 MISCELLANEOUS. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commieaioners will be held **t the Municipal Office at 4 p.m. on Tuesday the Want'd to rent two houses ia the elec 26th instant, trie light are* Reply Bux No. 192, (gy Order) c/o Pioanc G.s-'i« L A COUTIER BIGGS. Secretary to the
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    • 323 2 lin I 111 111 111 11 Q 1 'Il W M *J< IOtAL ttVISA* i fe /Children i l! '’ll/ For children who are outgrow- rl ccncentwtep J[ I:I !.<</ ing their strength or whose O 1/ bodily or mental development is u« 7 jji' retarded, Ovaltine should be :i/
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  • 1747 3 KOTAi: I AN PSYCHOLOGY. l-'ioni Our Own Correspondent.J Edinburgh, June 22. n clit must be given to the Rotarians inbled in (•invention in Ed nburgh ;v strong spirit of seriousness running through their lighter moods. They are, nu inely interested in abstract ques11S o f motive and
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  • 1536 3 “Sunday Times. SLR HENRY WILSON AND SIR WILLIAM ROBERTSON: A CONTRAST. “Lgly Wilson." as he is known *in the Army. Tall and lanky, almost gaunt in appearance, he walks with ?oose limbs and stooping body. But hjs face is attractive in its ugliness, with the
    “Sunday Times.  -  1,536 words
  • 296 3 MR. GANDHI THREATENS BOYCOTT AND HARTALS. Mr. Gandhi writes:—lt is a great pity that the talk of the Prince’s visit has been revived and a provisional date fixed, India will refuse to welcome a representative of a system of which she js unto death. And if Ins
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 2699 4 SUCCESSFUL MEETING ENDS. With a somewhat sensational resale in one of the three even’s, hearing a •‘Mine s' label, ’be Miners* Pia 7 io stir the popular pa’se dari’g lhn afferntO th-* saccessfal ayum ««c- meeting of the Penang Tu f Club concladrd on Saturday. With condi'ious
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  • 21 4 Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, N L from 17th to 231 July, (beug oue week) was 34 t >as.
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  • 109 4 The S rai:a Trading Co., Ltd., give the following Lou ion prices, 22 id July Spot £161.15 up £1.15s 3 month* buying £164 15a £1 15s 3 seeing £165,0* £'.lsa Local Parity $Bl.ll Julv 23rd Singapore sold 100 tons at $81.75 Penan.», inters no sellers at $Bl 00
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  • 190 4 Penang, July 25, 1921 BP. Tapioca $6.40 sales. M P. Tapioca $7.00 sales. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $l9 00 se lers. White Pepper $3O nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Cloves $5 n nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers UOs $32.00 buyers f No. 1
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  • 46 4 The Band will play rhe following programme of music at the Esplanade at 6 p m to-day. 1 March ...Old F*i*hful...Abe 2 Selection ...Ohimpering ...Herv ’s 3 Waltz ...Fleur de Lucy Nei’snn 4 Fox Trot ...Gaby ...Darew-ki 5 One Step ...The Mosquito’s Wbithy
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  • 1178 4 A VISITOR’S IMPRESSIONS. Since ye olden times iu Merrie England when Norman knights and ladies cheered lustily their favourites at tho tournament, *nd since the dayi of gladiatorial combats in the Coli-ieum at Bjzmtium, few more cosmopolitan throogs hare foregathered to worship at the feet of
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  • 64 4 \THLETIC SPORTS (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, July 25 Ihe Cricket Club sports were most >l,cessful. There was keen competition, with close finishes. Good times were recorded. Lieut Dieldins created a record |in ths hilt mile, winch he coveted in 2 niinuts» 12 seconds. The Championship cup was
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  • 89 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 25 At tlie Assizes, two Chintese were v.n. tenced to 7 years’ rigorious each for -‘iirobbery. Hoh Mok. a Kheh, was sentenced top-mi servitude, for life for atlempted murder 01 Mr. F. J. Danning, a prison warder. Settled oui of Court. It
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  • 286 4 Pile man who can make us laugh wh<-n things Ihok gloomy is everywhere and always a man worth while and Ixiwell Thomas the world traveller has m-ade many large audiences haugli despi'v the fact that American humour is of its own kind. Phis ingenious American who is
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  • 121 4 The train -ervice generally is t" vised from August Ist when the local* trains will undergo altera* most cases the -ervice is bring ar< eA r but in order t<» adjust one or two M cancellations certain t-iains w*H bt J u slightly later times. The chid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 A Point for Advertisers Any reduction you make just now or during the next few months in the volume of your advertising means that much more prominence to the announcements of your competitors day by day and week by week in the PINA NG GAZETTE” Moral: Extend your ad ver-
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  • 2487 5 NEW FORCE, SERVICE AND TRAINING. COMMITTEE’S REPORT, I’hp following report of the Volunteer ...fence Fo ch Comiuintee has bten [awarded to n» 1 Malacca Committee A» first constituted by His Excellency t h e Governor, the Committee was oivided uto tie Cen tal Committee (Singapore) h e Pet
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  • 95 5 A return football match between the KHan Chinese Union and the IndoCeylonfs? Union was played at Parit p un*ar on the School Padang on Saturday the 23rd ioatant. There was a large gathering to witness the game. During the fi **t half the I C) A
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  • 528 5 THE FRUIT SEASON. (From A Correspondent). Alor Star, Jaly 22, We are having an excellent fruit season just now. The dusuns are yielding good crops of durians, mabgosteens, and rambosteens, and it is no uncommon sight to see tbe village women wending their way townwards of a morning
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  • 367 5 The hot weather experienced at Home has produced a crop of articles on sunstroke One says. Two chief forms axe everywhere recognised—Heat exhaustion and thermic fever, or “unstroke, to which have recently breu added the remarkable beat cramps which occur in persons working under very high ext®rnal temperature. Sunstroke
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 ww lIS—BI I I a «BU anawwa amu a iTOWN HALL, j I Lowell Thomas (in person) I With Allen by in Palestine I and Lawrence in Arabia.” I Return visit by special request I To-Night &nd To-morrow I e July 25th and 26th at Q. 30 p.m. I I
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  • 15 6 Mappin—To Rita, wife of Jcseph Mappin, of Johol Estate, Tampm, F M S, son.
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  • 1184 6 At long last something tangibl- has been given out to the peblic in reference to the question cf the Colony's* Defence Force. The views of the Central Committee, Singapore, the Penang Committee and the Malacca Committee, embedied in the cfficially communicated reports appearing on another page, show
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  • 677 6 [To the Editor of thk Pinang Gazetti Sir, —What do you any to the of a Chess Association in Penang? Taere are many here who are very keen at <N game but are obliged to fall b»w upon books because they canD< get hold of suitable opponents
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  • 90 6 The following are tbe latest quotations t Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list:— Yesterday. To-day, 30 <n cn z SHAKES. 1 co in x J c. S c. S c. 5 c, Rubber (Dollar) A. Hitam 7.25 8.00 8.-H0 8.50 Craigielea P 500 55c 60c 70c Kamasan R
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    • 357 6 [To the Editor of thk Pinang Gazetti Sir, —What do you any to the of a Chess Association in Penang? Taere are many here who are very keen at <N game but are obliged to fall b»w upon books because they canD< get hold of suitable opponents
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 r BOOTH'S I RECOGNIStD AS fer “THE GIN" I L 5T 4O all over Indja China. I M J/ A I BOOTHS I 3 Die OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LOCAL DEALERS I Original Dry Gin a distillery. LONDON, I England. SOLE IMPORTERS BEHR CO., PENANG. Jeyes’ “ESSENCE OF HEALTH” s F’
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    • 9 6 Dinner AND ANCE AT THE “E. O.” Every] Friday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 81 6 DEATHS. Brown—At the General* Hot-pi tai. Penang. 24th July, Henrietta Elizabeth wife of Mr L-urence C Brown, “Ti e Warren” Penang, eged 64. Funeral at Western Road Ctmetry to-day 5-15 p m. Craig—On Jur e 20, at a nursii g home, Tonbridge Welle, John Francis Craig (late of Singapore). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
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  • 329 7 CONJECTURES AS TO RESULT. i Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 22. hile some quarters iu Dublin fear that li.tdi has occurred in the Irish negotiations, well-informed persons generally arc still optimistic, and there is no disposit on to consider that, negotiations ha\e broken off. It is expected Mr.
    i Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  329 words
  • 238 7 twenty armed rebels kidnaped the aged I ill f Bandon and burned down his man- 1 < istle Bernard, near Bandon, a- *e!e--raplh-ii. Hie Earl is 70 .vears of ageHi, facts are as follows; —Entering the grounds at 6.30. th»* raiders forced their waj into the
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  • 83 7 PROP( >SED REDUCTIONS. London, July 22. 'he Agricultural Wages Boa •d pn which Lmiers and workers are represented has decided to issue forthwith a statutory noMce of a proposal to reduce the minimum la tb of wages for adult male workers by 6s "’“’•kly, an d others
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  • 30 7 London, July 22. J her»- were 7.020.000 register 'd uneml[' ".'e<l in th** United Kingdom on the '5 a decrease (l f 100.000 compaied with ,n previous week.
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  • 23 7 Berlin. July 22. k «iuiofkeial statement g ves German I’’"'- for 1920. excluding gold and silvt r. <>9.300.000.0000 marks.
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  • 467 7 JAPAN LIKELY TO JOIN IN. Washington, July 23. Officials are awaiting t'h«* result of discussions by the Japanese Privy Council. It is understood there is «reason to believe an agreement may be reached whervby Japan wili join in a full discussion of both the limitation of annamentls
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  • 171 7 ALLIES’ DECISION MUST BE. RESPECTED. London. July 24. Replying tv the British note urging «lie convening at Boulogne in a few days of th»* Supreme Council Al. Bi'kand will reply, it i* said, expressing himself equally anxious for a speedy settlement <>f the Upper Silesian problem, but again
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  • 49 7 Vale. Paris, July 23The Presi dAt of the inter-Allied Control Commission in Berlin, had an interview with M. Briand, the French Prem er. Germany’s disarming is said to b e proceeding now without opposition from th»* German Government. The scrapping of heavy ordinance is go ng on.
    Vale.  -  49 words
  • 146 7 TWO POINTS OF VIEW. Athens, July 22. Military circles are of Opinion that the capture <>f Eskishehr practically ends the war against the Kemalists. It is reported that the Greeks captured immensj booty, including 180 guns and 1000 prisoners. The Kemalists a>ne fleeing in disorder and are being
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  • 27 7 PARTIAL MOBILISATION STARTED. Helsingfors, July 22. It is m?iui-officially declared that a mobilisation is proceeding in Soviet Russia, principally against the Far Eastern republic.
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  • 107 7 ANXIETY IN MADRID. Madrid, July 23. King Alfonso has hastily left San Sebastian for Madrid to preside at a Cabinet meeting convoked to discuss the serious revers»* of the Spaniards in Morocco. Kabyle tribesmen, in attacking ad vanced positions at Melilla, are reported to
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  • 82 7 HUGE MOORLAND FIRE IN SCOTLAND. London. July 23. There has been a rainfall in Ireland and the north, east and west of England, but th»* drought is unbroken in London, despite th»* black lowering clouds making th»* heal more oppressive than ever. A vast track of moor on
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  • 57 7 SIR IL WICKHAM’S INVENTION. London. July 22. In the presence of many experts, a demonstration was given in London of the capabilities of a machine invented by Sii Henry Wickham, which claims to transform latex into hard cured rubber in a few minutes, and at a
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  • 46 7 Modesto (California), July 22. Mr. Shea, president of the local fru t and vegetable, workers’ union, has been arrested and charged with kidnapping, in connection with the deportation of Japanese workers- Yesterday, virtually all the Japanese returned to the places whence they were removed.
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  • 42 7 Washington, July 22. The House of Representatives passed the Fordney Tariff Bill mentioned on the 18th inst., which goes to the Senate with a multitude of amendments. It is expected to return to the House of Representatives much changed.
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  • 28 7 BANKING SYNDICATE’S AID. New Y*>:k. July 22.• A Bankers’ syndicate has arranged t<> extend a cred’t of $9,000,000 to finance grain shi »»n;eir Germany.
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  • 40 7 THE NEW FLAGSHIP. London, July 23. The light cruiser Southampton, the new flagship for the East Indies Station, will leave Cape of Good Hop»*, on August Ist. She -s due at Colombo at the end of August.
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  • 102 7 AUSTRALIANS AND YORKSHIRE. London, July 22. When stumps were drawn, there were 5,000 spectators. The weather was sunny and the wicket good. The Australians made 163. Rhodes took 3 wickets for 12, and Wilson 3 for 35. Yorkshire scored 113. Holmes made 43 runs. Gregory took 4 wickets for
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  • 42 7 RAIN PREVENTS PLAY. London, July 25. At Manchester, rain fell during the night, and there was an intermittent drizzle in the morning and afternoon. There was no play to day. Parkin was sent for, and arrived at Old Trafford.
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  • 38 7 I'he following players have Wen selected t<> repre'vnt Tenang versus Perak at Ipoh on Saturday July 30 and Monday Aiigii--I.—Bird. Clayton. Dean. Gilmour, Hamilton. Jensen, Martin. Morton, Scully Wjhitley, Wright Motion. IVrkin* umip»e. Weihen *corer.
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  • 136 7 CANADA’S REPRESENTATIVES. Toronto. July 22. Bennett «and Holm»*s of Winnipeg. La krambois of Montreal, and Milne of Vancouver, will represent Canada against Australia in the first roun»l of the Davis Cup on the 23rd inst. Japanese Player Defeated. London, July 22. A telegram from New York says
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  • 148 7 The following ties ait* fix»*'! for Wedn day the 27th July. 1921. S’ngl»' Handicap Ulas*. "B. —.4 P. Liston v —15.3 E. A. de. Buriat (3): —l5 3L. B< 't»<ck v 15.3 S- Weihen (8). Single flandicap Class “<’ 15 IL :L B. Fleming v —l5 K.
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  • 70 7 WONDERFUL PLAY BY BARNES. New York, July 23. In the American Golf Championship, Barnes, America, won by 289 in the final round. He did the first nine holes in 34. playing super-golf. Hagen and McLeod tied for second place with 298 each. Geo. Duncan was 305. At
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  • 77 7 OIL. NATURAL GAS AND COAL. Montreal, July 23. Reports from Victoria. British (olumb a, state that Mr. Howard olley, geological expert, has returned. H»* declared the whole territory from Fort Normal to the Arctic and Mackenzi basin is underlaid oil, natural gas and coal There
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  • 1383 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Lady Guillemard is giving a ball at Government House, Kuala Lumpur, on August 2nd. Mrs. and the Misses Gleeson are back in Kuala Lumpur after an absence of two years at Home. Mr. H. R. Gordon, Major W. M. Sime and the Societe Anonyme Francaise S'iam et Malaisie
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  • 131 7 ed ow ng to lack of actual cash. "T.OM.” FIVE MAIL STEAMERS SEIZED Reuter’s Telegrams. New York, July 23. Five of the largest vessels chartered by the United States Mail Steamship Com pany were seized by representatives of the Shipping Board for alleged violation of contract, and
    ed ow ng to lack of actual cash. "T.O- M.”  -  131 words

  • 1009 8 KENNEDY CO'S SHARE LIST. 4 S names. S 2 3 =3 ,£3 ffi 30 H ttUBBSK (£>oll*P.) 9c. ft c. Sc. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 15c 20«. out oajan Rubber Estate 1.10 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.20 1.30 «yer Hitam Planting Byndioatc 7- 800 Vyer Kuning Rubber Estate» 1.00 Ayer
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  • 410 8 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follows: Contrary to expectations m many quarters tho past week has been a quiet one for Share Markets. This has been due to a certain extent to the Races, but chiefly to the further decline in the price of Titf
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  • 393 8 Pknaog, July 25 1921. beef— oi* Boup P«r catty 35 Roa*t do 55 Steaks do 55 Stew or Cnrry Me»l do curry 36 Kutup S'oak do 55 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80 Fillet of
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  • 824 8 TAPPING SYSTEM MODIFIED. The first annual general meeting of the Bagan Serai Company, Ltd, was held on Jane 21 at Winchester Hoase, Old Bonn, street, E C, Mr E L Hamilton (the Chair man) pre-iding. The Chairman said, this coinpam took over from the old company as from
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  • 62 8 New York, June 15 —Slight improve meot in prices were noted in the near hr and forwards for *mo ribbed sheets. 4 pot and Jane «as quoted at 12|c, July September 13|i: July D cember, 13|c; October- Decemoer. 1 j January-March 15|c. January-June 16fc Latex averageo about
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  • 632 8 GIVING A LEAD. Sir Stanley Bois (Serembun R u k ber Estates')lt may be t h« a scheme of controlling and r;iid n to a reasonable figure the price of rubber based, as it must be, upon strict agree’ ment for restriction of output on the part of
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  • 128 8 An all-rubber shoe that > > < l |i l v r> -embles the ordinary leather artiele m r peananee that even the inventor <’<iaw»t teh the difference is being put "n the bii'J 1 market by 41 Dutch firm- V lien th-’ get worn out you take
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  • 117 8 fad Calcutta, July 9.- —The first ot figures of the preliminary jute l Bengal for the year 1921-22 was inH j” of on Friday at 330 p.m. at the 1 1 the Writers’ Buildings before a r y crowd of merchants in the jute tra 1 The table
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 453 8 HllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllillilllDlllIXili»» *****1111 Telephone No. 488. TCLEUNAMS GAZETTE. THE I Pinang Gazette Press EE Limited EE Holds a Large Stock of British Made S Manilla, Creamlaid, Cartridge and zz EĔ Clothlined O EE I a ENVELOPES I i Various Sizes, Shapes and Qualities Suitable for private and business |Ĕ requirements, to
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  • 1818 9 the PRELIMINARY REPORT: Tne Aoring Uu'ler Secretary to Gov .rnmeut send*» to rhe Press an ad races copv of ths P<eliminary report (signj i,n Mr J E N*tbau) of the census of the ftderatei Malay. State», 1921, which itaten. 1 The figares la this report may vary diehtly
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  • 233 9 lhe trial of the Chinese, Lau Kwan and Lau Lam. who are charged with the mnr<ier of the lahe Mr. H. W. D. Evans of Changkat Kinding Estate, Tanjong Rambn tan, was continued. Mr. Justice Watson presided and with •h.j.m were Messrs. H. Douglas Kiddle and Chan Heang
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  • 242 9 KI \LA KIEL INCIDENT \N briefly stated jn our Thur-<ia\ issue lie Hon. Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward, J. C. in the Supreme Cgjurt- K. L. on Wednesday, delivered his judgment in the action Haji Karim and three Malay women of Tanjong Malim as plaintiffs, and
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  • 180 9 London, July 6.—Th e Government has apparently not yet finished with disputes in the coalfietfs for the miners at Pres ton Grange, Scotland, have protested against the owner introducing a single shift instead of two shifts. The men have, however, resumed work on the advice of their leaders
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  • 149 9 LOSS ESTIMATED AT TWENTY LAKHS OF RUPEES. Rangoon, July 20.—Fire was discovered yesterday morning shortly after midnight in one of the godowns attached to mill No. 10 on Kanoungto Greek, owned by Messrs. Ahmed Moola Dawood Sons and Company but. leased to Messrs. Jamal Brothers
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  • 383 9 VERY LITTLE BUSINESS. Rangoon, July 18.—The rice ma>ke opened yesterday morning at Rs. 590 and went to Rs. 591-8 and at one time was ahigh as Rs. 592 but later jt dropped to Rs. 588 and at 3 p.m. had gone -till lower to Rs. 585. During
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  • 91 9 BUSINESS FOR MEETING lhe following is the agenda for rhe meet ing of the Municipal Commission to rn- rrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any speqial busine-s the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. The following motion by Mr leoh Guan
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  • 101 9 The man who boasts of having an open mind” often mistakes a vacancy of an opening. It will help to clear the situation when the job of making the world perfect begins where charity does. W o know that a dollar goes farther than it used to because
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  • 58 9 *S. T.” I Hongkong. July 23.4 The wreck of t<n Hong Moh ha- been -ahi by auction b>r to a Jocal Chinese. The capture < f Kweiyuem i- hailed by the. Kwang*‘nngites as an end of the hea\y fighting and a pielude to the easy capture ef Nanning.
    *S. T.”  -  58 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1180 9 Federated Malay States the Railways, Hippodrome Circus Oo and after Ist August, 1921, the following alterations in the train service will come into operation PflflPI B IP The present 7- 20 am. train from Kuala IVs Lumpur to Penang on Sundays will leave LOCSTION-DATO KMMAT GARDENS .*X th“g“ o«V nn
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  • 392 10 Messrs James F Hatton Jr Co, Ltd. Manchester report for week ending Jane 22 as follows. The disturbed labour position here continues to rule the situation; the expectations of settlements in both the coal coal and cotton industries having been again disappointed. The cotton markets have
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  • 140 10 Messrs Morreau de Spiegelberg. report on June 22 as follows.— Cloth.—An encouraging feature is to be founu in reports of a settlement of tbe Cotton dispute, which baa given rise to favorable opinions regarding p r cbable increased orders being placed. The ballot taken by the
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  • 129 10 —“S T?’ We have been drawing at/ention lately to the great importance of the figurts r<vested in tbe Currency Note Circulation Returns, and we are very gi d indeed to obseive that the matter is receiving official attention, and that prompt issue of the returns has been
    —“S T?’  -  129 words
  • 118 10 fttusny, July 25, 1921. (By Courtxst or thu Ohabtbbkd Babb) London Demand Bank 3/3 13/16 r 4 months' eight Bank 2/4 5/16 3 Credit 2/4 9/16 3 Documentary 2/4 21/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 178 3 days' sight Private 185 Bombay Demand Bank 17£L c Madras Demand Bank 17a
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  • 147 10 10-Da¥’S DEe’aBCURBS. pangkor for Teluk Anson. Koemai for Deli, Asahan and Batu Bahra Le Maire for Singapore. Naftsang for Calcutta. Expbotbd Abbivals. Mentor, Singapore, July 29. Syria, Singapore, July 30. Yokohama Maru, Singapore, July 30. Ascaniue, Liverpool, July 30. Ningchow, Liverpool, July 31. Agamemnon, Singapore, Aug 1. Lycaon,
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  • 288 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buutar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah. Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By trail Kuala Lumpur, Serembau, V 7.15 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore 6 p.r and Hongkong Parit Buutar and Bagan Serai By train aisi JO.lo a.m. 3.46 p.m. Taiping
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  • 35 10 The homeward mail, by tbe Tara closes ab 10 a.m. on Wednesday. The B I Packet Teesta, with mails from Europe is exp*c'ed to arrive here on or about tl e 30th instant.
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  • 29 10 July 25 and 26—Mr Lowell Thomae, Town Hall. Children's Matinee' 5-30 p.m. July 26—Football. Posftbles v Probables, Esplanade. July 28—Foo*hall S«lected XI v Next best XI, Esplanade.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 310 10 j PIANO TUNING. I 3 2 > AS OUR 2 Mr. LEO DYE, CERTIFICATED TUNER M. T. A., DIPLOMA, LONDON Will shortly be leaving for an <r g extended trip in the F, M. S. We g suggest that you give us your S orders for Tuning NOW- S S
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    • 21 10 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL. (SEASIDE) PENANG- PROPRIETORS: Runnymede Hotel, Ltd, (Incorporated in S. S) MRS- E. R HENDERSON, Manageress. H- PARKER, Asst. Manager-
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    • 341 10 AND IRON JELLOIDS 1 WHEN YOU fed. limp and washed-out, weary and fatigued, with no inclination for exertion— t, ou need some- f thing to put fresh go into you—try a Fortnight’s Iron Jelloids treatment. Iron Jelloids help to make the blood rich and vigorous—from which the whole body benefits
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  • 302 11 Mr. W. M. Hughes, the Prime Minister of Australia, is filled with concern for the future of inter-imperial trade. “The Empire,” he said 4< is at the parting of the ways. We must now "get together with effect ve schemes for c<>operation or drift apart. The trade of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 224 11 i I MHA laiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiimicn i L'~|\ 1 1 rT\/Q of over I ASS/\r .iw= a Centura’s j v V= £*per/ence/h M M- I! W F v \~N 1 n 1 \WU JiniHiiiriiiiiiTiiiiiitiiiiiniiihrl I I W' 's a I <|f fc/gs* i -K/ W TKe Labels A I A Certificate of
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    • 540 11 WEEDY YOUTHS AND SICKLY GIRLS. i MADESTKOXG \ND VlG<H{orS. It is a mLtake to think that Anaemia 's only a girls" complaint. Girls -h«>w the effe’t <>f it more plainly than boys. Delayed development, pale lip', breathlessnesssick headach<' and frequent -harp pains call attention to them. But many boy- in
      540 words
    • 499 11 IF’ 1 1 S lii BRITISH U D D» EXPANDED METAL ii- D D DIAMOND MESH 7?f J AAA AAA A (W w F iYiYiiYj iW i WvyyWA p A /V z\ zv T z \/\X \X —and ‘Wincarnis’ p I I I T 1 gives iw yittrhy I I
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    • 1144 12 I AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP BJB B Y LINE mwlirJS AJ f. AJ V a-J A* Steamship Co., Ltd., Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwin, OF F*ST TWIN SCREW «Alt PASSEHOER STEAMERS BETWEER [lncorporated r. ng »n Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, RANGOON. COLOMBO. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL W.TH THRobGH coRBEcnoBS
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    • 765 12 .BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, CHARTERED BANK OF |N[)| A LIMITED. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA t? i lucorpoiaied in England }>v •>, (Incorporated m England.) harter r Authorised Capital > £3,000,000 p a id up Capital 30% Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fuud £3,6ou’ir' Paid-up 1,050,000 Reset ve Liability of Proprietors
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