Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 611 1 Obtainable everywhere wholesale Irom i r t > 51; 1 I 1 CD > Ong Sam Laong ft Co Penang. im T~l BWMlfrym l M i n SMMMMSBiiaMSMSMMMWi—MWM— Jr ll THE I MARCHANT CALCULATOR MANGALORZI ENDS ALL FIGURE WORRY. I TIL.FC I WHAT /T CA/V DO.- I I ft Addition.
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    • 13 1 ITHEBESI CARINTd#». 1 Sala Mtata S.S. ft F.»s i Ong Sam Leong O»,
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  • 349 2 SELECTIONS. The following are our selections for to-day: Race I—The Stewards’ Plate (5 furlongs) Helanel, Gamecock, Hatfield Boy. Race 2—The Selangor Plate (6 furlongs) Windup, Avro, Babz. Race 3—The President's Plate (seven and a half furlongs). My Laddo, Vanfox, Comborah. Race 4—The President’s Cup (One mile) Duverney, Observation.
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  • 210 2 The Bishop of Singapore is expected to arrive in Taiping from Kuala Lumpur today, The following arrangements have been made for his visitation in North Perak. All Saints’ Church, Taiping. Friday, July 22ud.—Holy Communion 7.30 am Devotional Meeting
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  • 906 2 INTERESTING TIES. The first ties in the Polo tournament werĕ played at Sepoy Lines, Penang, yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large crowd. Owing to the heavy rains the ground was rather cus up and inclined to be bumpy, nevertheless there were some good exhibitions of
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  • 3341 2 CLAIM BY EASTERN SHIPPING CO. A srqu 1 to the requisitioning of ships by the Straits Government towards the end of 1918 was heard in the Supreme Court. Singapore, on July 19, before Mr Justice Barrett Leonard. For the following report we are indebted to ths
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  • 351 2 Ladies’ Golf Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent). Edinburgh, June 22, Mrs J B Watson, of E linburgh, who enters from Elie and Earl-ferry, won the Scottish Ladies* Championship for the second year in succession. The final played ab Machrihanisb, was a well contested event it was won by
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  • 934 3 P<»sn IVELY WICKED.’ I he “corner” i* not a legitimate business method, says “Commerce.” When its object is to hold up foodstuffs and to inflate prices iti becomes jiositively wicked. America is the happy hunting ground of the cornerer, and the successful one'* at y>is pernicious
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 POSITION VACANT. Chinese Fitter wanted with xper ieDce ut Oil and Motor Engine?, and Ltjle of doing blacksmith's work. Apply t 0 Box No 188, c PiDaD 8 Gazette. 1161—23-7 miscellaneous. Straits School of Accountancy. Book-keeping >o Six Easy Postal eRSOQS b y tally qualified Lindon Accountant. Satisfaction guaranteed, Coaching
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    • 147 3 v ->»IZ r JY A S P E R O I FREGES’ FAMOUS BRANDS OF EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES S>9 0,, HK«I i HKSmi “FELUCCA” “BOUTON ROUGE” “MASPERO SPECIALS” jjy ;.i -Ch-. .A.— H'h Use Ven-Yusa Daily I And Watch Your Beauty Grow. The regular use of Ven-Yusa, the famous oxygen face
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    • 81 3 PRITCHARD’S Penang’s Premier Store. Tobacco Pipe, I and Cigarette i Department. Dunhill's Pipes IN THE NEW Shell Briar Shape. “Standard” Briars $10.50 nett. “Shell” Briars $11.50 nett. 8.8.8. Own Make Briars. j In The Newest Shapes. 1 Prices $7.50 each. The “Ultima Thule” I I Briar Pipe. With Patent Quill
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 329 3 LJ———SMSNI—JSL .JSH. —■mi——lMlW IWL JM I] OGK&aaMnei e «a»* z s immmw» a wsiwm j TOWN HALL, j I Lowell Thomas (in person) I “With Allenby in Palestine j and Lawrence in Arabia.’* I Return visit by special request I' Two Nights Only July 25th and 26th at 9.30 p.m.
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  • 1262 4 A sensible and interesting speech, the salient points of which we reproduce in another column, was made by Mr Charles Emerson. Chairman of the Malacca Rubber Plantations Coy, at the beginning of June He expressed agreement with tne principle of restricting output and mentioned that
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  • 996 4 The attitude of the Asiatic rubber producers on restricThe Rubber tion of oatpot t 0 fche Meeting. extent of 50 per cent, and the attempts to secure legislation, has never been defined. According to Mr Choo Kia Peng, the Chinese, who are an important factor, are not
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  • 189 4 Three Chinese, Low B on Peng, him Yang Kng and Tan Heng Kwee’were severally charged at Singapore Ass'za.with having unlawfully returned from banishment, and sentenced to penal serv. tude for life. In extenuation of their offence Boon Peng said that be 1M uo means cf sub-isten e io China
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  • 223 4 SOME MISAPPREHENSIONS CORRECTED. We learn that our Singgora correspondent, whose communicarion was published in the Pinang Gazette on the 9th inst, was incorrectly informed on certain im portant particulars in regard to the recent visit of Mr W G Maxwell, Chief Secretary, F M S to
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  • 273 4 Mr A S Patterson of Messrs Wiili»® Jacks and Co was driving his oar. wi r three of his friends as occupants alcDg Serangoon Road, Singapore, on to Paya Lebar. At the 4 4 milestoie he espied a Chinese walking a,)lU 300 yards ahead going in the direction
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 T- ii e Electricity in I the Home. The From Rushlight Austin All British to Autoplant, No. 5 'I 1 Autoplant ]i Will furnish the elec- From a simple portable lamp to one trie current for a house which could be hung from wall or using the equivalent of ceiling,
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    • 31 4 Race Week Events at the E. 0.” Thursday Dinner and Dance. Friday Tea Dansant 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday Dinner and Dance. E. 0. Orchestra accompanied by Mr. Murphy Jazz Drummer.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 9 4 DEATH. Kabiah Pillay—On July 10 at Butterworth, Katiah Pillay
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  • 130 5 >1 THAT lON UNCHANGED. Reuter's Telegrams. London, July 19. Contrasting with the early option sin the pa|>< rs t 0 ,la v a?< somewhat gloomy re ,-arding the prospects of an Irish sett lenient, but the fact is the situation is quite unchanged. The most remarkable feature t j
    Reuter's Telegrams.  -  130 words
  • 26 5 London, July 19. 11k Iclegraaf Washington conespondent declare'' it is cert.mi Holland will be invif.d to attend the Pacific Conference at) Washington.
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  • 43 5 Loudon, July 19. The Lithuanian Foreign Minister on July 15, announced that an alliance had been concluded between Lithuania, Lata v.a «tn*l Esthonra. Periodical meetings ol their Ministers to discuss questions ot defence, trade and foreign policy have been arranged.
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  • 87 5 GREEKS CAPTURE K UTAH lA. < Athens. July 19. An official announcement say» the Greeks captured Kutahia. This caused scenes of fraJtUc enthusiasm The street» were betlagged and paraded by crowds acclaiming the King of Greece and the army. The Te Deuni was celebrated in the Cathedral. The
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  • 113 5 ONTINUED AGGRESSION. London. July. 21. According to the>atest reports German aggressions, especially against French officers in I pper S lesia continue. Korfanty's Opinion. Paris, July 19. Korfauty, the leader of the Pobsh insurgents, arrived. Interviewed, he declared the Germans would submit without resistance if the
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  • 39 5 -Vale. London. July, 21. I' oreign students are arriving in large numbers to register for the summer Schools in French Universities. Paris University’s courses in French ai 'ts and civil sat'on are being especially patronized.—Vale.
    -Vale.  -  39 words
  • 29 5 Washington, July 19. Ihe House of Repreftentat ves deleted Rie proposed duty on crude and fuel oil f rom the Fordney Tariff Bill.
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  • 31 5 New York, July 19. H'<> Gibbons-Carpentier bout will take in tho arena at Jersey Ci’ti or Maddi. 11 Gardens. The weights will be ‘Miiiuin of 12 stone 7 lbs.
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  • 28 5 IN l»l VS SUCCESS I’aifs, July 19. Won the rubber in the Davis Cup ""mating matahes against France. Slecm “■h'a'6ng Samazeuilh 6—l. 6 3. 6—>
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  • 1303 5 MIL SASTRI’S ADDRESS TO C( INFERENCE. London, June 22. Addressing the Im perial Conference, Mr. Sastri said: In h.M memorable speech on June 20th. the Premier str kingly alluded to the general enthusiasms and noble ideals for humanity which the war had kindled everywhere. Mr. Sastri assured them
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  • 270 5 An aviation tragedy occurred at Gloucester. New South Wales, when Captain Henry Ryder Hawkins (M.C., Legion of Honor and Croix de Guerre), who was piloting an aeroplane, and Thomas A. Laurie,, of Rawdon Vale Station, a passenger. wt re killed, and W L. Sheddon, of Gloucester, also
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  • 211 5 New York. —In different States here there is some uncertainty about the marriage laws, and it is qxi-te possible for a man to be married in one State, a bigamist in another, and 'in a third to have his martial status still undefined and problematical- Shubert Silver,
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  • 564 5 —“S.F.P.” TWO PETITIONS FOR WINDING UP. On behalf of th© Overseas Chinese Bank, Mr. Laycock applied to the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S. Shaw, in the Supremo Court, Singapore, on Monday for a petition to wind up the Singapore Branch of the Banque Industrielle de Chine.
    —“S.F.P.”  -  564 words
  • 201 5 The British Government s deci sion to decontrol agriculture and abolish guaranteed prices and the minimum wage has resulted in a political sensation- The decision was due to the fact that the Government s now tho roughly aroused to the gravity of the fin ancial situation. W
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  • 78 5 ROBBERY CASE. The trial of Khok Ah Koo>. an 1 Pan Ah Boon, who were arraigned on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to one Munian while, in conjunction w th another, committing a robbery at Kampong Bahru. Dindings on April 2s. was brought to a close before
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  • 1466 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. D. McLeod was a pas»eng«r on the Tara from Madras. A«» a farewell to Mr. P. de C. Morriss, a dance will be held at the Lake Club, Ku ila Lumpur, on Saturday next, the 23rd inst 1 The Hon. Mr. W. G- Maxwell, C.M.G., Chief Secretary
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  • 89 5 A COSTLY VENTURE. Reuter’s Telegrams. Washington, -July 19. Mr. Lasker. Chairman of the uited Suites Shipping Board, announce' the I oj>eration of the Boa-id’s fleet for the p.i' 1 financial year resulted in a loss of approxiimately $380.000.000. which is «280 000,000 j mine than estimate'!.
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  • 37 5 London, July 19. In amplification of the cable <ui July 16, it is stated that the Egypt! in »ec’on <t the Lancashire C"*ton Spinning Mills in ciea'ed the hours from 35 to 48 weekly.
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  • 932 6 chairman and key of position. Mr Charles Emerson, chairman of the Compaliy, presided over the meeting of the MBPonJone 7tb. He made a three column speech, mostly on the Company and Mr E G Wilde’s visit to the Estates. He dealt with Chinese labour, the new medical
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  • 1283 6 DR BRaDDON’S scheme analysed. At the last Committee Meeting of the Central Perak Planter’s Association Mr Cecil Payne, the secretary, was requested to go into the matter of Dr Braddon’s Rubber Scheme and explain it at the general meeting. He therefore studied the scheme and now explains it
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  • 178 6 Penang. July 21, 1921 SB. Tapioca Jfi.2s M P. Tapioca $6.75 seher». Cold leaf s< 2 9 llerB Black Pepper $l9 00 se era White Pepper $3O nomin** Trang Pepper $25.00 non» Mace Pickings nonim* Clove» ss’ iiommai Nutmegs 80s $42.00i > I IDs $32.00 buyer» rNo. $lO 00
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 411 6 I avery”~l 1 1 TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. 11 I 5 f jX ?O«3F^*"l r I 1: I 1 < n -PT» rf t h A Fili *-v2< h 5 6* I j Z jsSnF’TST» •3 *'/a V %MkL ~A ■'■> z. J ■:i A:t I IL BRIEF SPECIFICATION :—Four Cylinder
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  • 218 7 u rriSG OF CEYLON ADVISORY 511 COMMITTEE. meeting of the Eice Advisory Com IS held at the office of the Food li,. r Cevlon. At this meeting the ,f r ice ex-miffs, Rangoon, telegra- jortrr ghtly by the Eiee Commis. and a statement showing each ~1 cost from
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  • 69 7 A Government order prohibits the exporta! >n <>f rice from Singapore, as ■nm I'uesdiy. to any forego country. Em t’i n < limited to the Malayan British North K > iaw ik The prob bition i" tciiiporarx measure due to temporary ,|;,'_’ from Rangoon as the result
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  • 40 7 An itsai. Inly After making huge ••f'tsbv speculation in war time several firms re now failing. About a dozen me .ts Live already declared their J’ h o to uay the/r debts. The cloth market j« (hill
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  • 202 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Yatshing for Singapore, China and Japan. Pangkor for Teluk Anson. Tara for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Poh Ann for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Expbotbd Arrivals, Laomedon, Singapore, July 22. Calchas, Liverpool,.UxAy 23. Kashmir, London, July 24. Yangtsze, Singapore, July 24. Mentor, Singapore, Julv 29. Syria, Singapore,
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  • 62 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buutac, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, I Teluk Anron, Kuala Kubn, |By Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 57.15 a m Malacca, Johore, Singapore j&6 p v and Hongkong I Parit Buntar and Baran Serai By train aia< 10.15 a.m. <»
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  • 34 7 The homeward mai\ by the Tbongwa closes atj 10 a.m, on Saturday. The P <fc O Packet Kashmir, with mail* from Eur- p- i« expected to arrive here at noon Sn Saturday.
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  • 416 7 The following Report of the Directors was submitted at the annual general meeting of the Company heli at the Registered Offices, 7 Martin’s Lane, Cannon Street, London, E C 4, on the 28th June The Directors submit herewith their Eleventh Annual Report with Accounts, duly
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  • 52 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <fc Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. S X «O SHAKES. S 3 5 a OQ OQ f c. S c. c. o. Rubber (Dollar) Minins. South Taiping 72|c 75c General. S. S. s|’t War Loan IS2B 93.00 93.50
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  • 42 7 Messrs Boastead and Co Yestrrdav’s quotation for Singapore refined tin $81.25 per picul, business done 75 tons Penang refined tin $8 per picul, buyers no sellers; raw tin $78.75 per picul, nothing doing tin ore $78.75 per picul, business done.
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  • 123 7 Penang, July 21, 1921. (Bt Courtbsy of thb Chartered Bank) Locdon Demand Bank 2/3 25/22 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit 2/4 17/32 3 Documentary 2/4 5/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 178 "j 3 nays’ sight Private 185 p Bombay Demand Bank 178 c Madras Demand Bank
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  • 57 7 July 21 and 23—Penang Races. July 21—Dinner and Dance E O. July 22—T ĕ Dansant E O, 5 to 7 p.m. July 23—Dinner and Dance E i O. July 25 and 26—Mr Lowell Thoma», Town Hall. Children’s Matinee, 5-30 p.m. July 26—Football. Possibles v Probables, Esplanade. July 28—Football
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  • 948 7 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. j K S NAMES. Jg ffl oQ 6a RUBBER (Dollar.) Sc. f c.l Sc. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 15c 20c Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.20 1.30 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.25 800 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 452 7 A WOMAN’S ATTRACTION. IE SHF IS ANAEMIC. O A who most, readily win* the 1 •'bnirati"! men s the plump, full-blood-■l vitality. are the make happy wives, vigorous Hie eorresponding attractiveness 10 im ais due to the same cause. The sthox, colourless woman, and the ‘ms to have energy- to
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    • 232 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION VACANT. Clerk wanted for Rubber Estate in Province Wellesley, Only three fully qualified to take charge of all Estate Accounts need, Apply Box No. 191, c/i Pinang Gazette. s. s. GLEHADE 20-7-21. Consignees of cargo per the above steamer from Europe are hereby notified that she has
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    • 352 7 11 1 in ■'■■mu urn u “Piccadilly” H VIRGINIA CIGARETTE. THE PERFECT ■bSSS^SSmhand made ggw VIRGINIA I CIGARETTE. ««S SOLE AGENTS: G H- SLOT Co PENANG. V. J THE NEW AGE ENCYCLOPEDIA BfeIn io Volumes. j This is the most recent, accur- I ate, reliable and up-to-date post war
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1240 8 L"!'.""— '.J?!J!g_ ‘-j AL ?TRfIL|A BY ffuRNS PHILP PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. d Singapore to Java Ports, Port Darwm.j j-n a Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, (Incorporated mU. 8. A.) The following f„t steemer. of above hue vi/Torre. Straits, also with tranship-j TRANS.PACI rIC SERVICE. ill be despatched ment to
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    • 823 8 BANKS. I »EBO«mLE T .A~« OF .OO.A, Z2S7Z2 ■mi jx Incorporated in Engluni 1 I (Incorporated m England Charter 1853 Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Paid up Capital I Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund £3,6% ./J Paid-up 1,050,000 Reset ve Liability of Proprie ois £3,0% A I Reserve Fund and Undivided Head
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