Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 565 1 Obtainable everywhere wholesale from 1 1 1 /JJL. oa M T n> »CN>,* v> > -few aßr. i °v o J 10 ttmH /Cft'j? S- i <; Ong S«m Leon» A Co.. Penang. 1 1 I j I .WE WANT TO GET I YOU I II CLoowitv in fke Ilvrtd
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    • 24 1 THEBES! GATIN TJIVN i; 1; l 9 4 MMMMieuai-A*’ ueew*. I f Beta Malta S.B. A F.H.S I K Ong Sam Looag a Oa,
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  • 347 2 IN 34 HOI KS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. Jidy 15. From the beginning of next year Bangkok will be biought one clear day nearer Europe by the introduction of the new railway service which i*» due to start on January. 2nd. Penang will also benefit substantially
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  • 409 2 HOW THE ENGLISH PLBLIC GETS ITS VIEWS. Mr. C.J. Koh writes to the "Malaya Tribune." It has been with no little pleasure that I, a Straits born Chinese, after having 1 ved in England for the last six or seven years, now find myself back again in
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  • 99 2 At the meeting of Lodge Kricin at I'arit Buntar on Friday 15. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—R. W. M. Bro. C. W. L. King, I. P. M. W. Bro. T. A. Crossby, W. I). M. W. B. W. M. Dodds, S. W. Bro. G. S.
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  • 865 2 Mr and Mrs A Z Alsagoff have arrived u Penang for the Race». Hh friends will be glad to hear thst Mr k Jack’s condition continues co improve «ays the “T O M” Daring the absencs of Mr R Kellar on holiday in Australia Mr Wager in
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  • 115 2 TO-DAY’S SELECTIONS. The following are the selections for the first day of the Autumn Meeting of Penang Turf Club Race I—The Hill Stakes. (5 furlongs) Wind Up, Babz, Mimic. Race 2—The Malaya Plate. (6 furlongs) Helanel, Gamecock. R iC) 3—The Autumn Stakes, (one mile) Prudentious, Humble Lad. Pickle.
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  • 28 2 The following are the xcra'chings for t 0 day:—R C 3 3—Ga'acre, Race 4 Sobiina, Observation, Race 6—Gay lad, Gentle Eva; Rice B—Distour, Gooabilly, Duvernej, Sobri"», Ast'ico,
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  • 483 2 The following are the lotteries R, ce 1— hr Lottery Mimic $2OO, Avro $l9O, Sultan’s Stable 150, W iodup 120. 2nd Lottery—- Avrn $l7O. Mimic $l7O, Sultan’s stable $l6O Windup siso. Race 2—lst Lottery: Helanel $l6O Golden Mary 150, Titnah $l5O Gamecoc* $l3O, Hatfield Boy $lOO, Sultan’s Stable
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  • 267 2 SULTAN PERAK’S TEAM v MR HEIH SWEE LEE’S TEAM. An interesting game was played on the Polo Sruund yesterday evening when H H the Sultan of Perak’s team met Mr Heah Swee Lee’S Chinese team. This is probs by the first match of the kind in this
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    • 240 2 [To The Editor of thb Pinang Gazette,] Sir.—May I thr ugh your co umns draw the at'ention of former members of the Qaeen Mary Needlework Guild and other ladies in Malaya to the needs of this Home which has been established by Her Majesty the
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  • 186 2 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Trang for Del». Sitiawan for A-ahan and Batu Bahra, Seang Bee for Rrngoon (Mergui and Moul mein via Rangoon. Cilicia Singapore and China. Gbirbi for Dindings and Sitiawan. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kxpbotbd Arrivals. Laomedon, Singapore, July 22. Calchas Liverpool,
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  • 22 2 The B I Packet Tara, with mails from Europe is expected to arrive here on Thursday morning the 21st instant.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 PRITCHARDS j Penapg’s Premier Store. Tobacco Pipe, j and Cigarette Department. I t ■Dunhill’s Pipes IN THE NEW “Shell Briar Shape. j “Standard” Briars $10.50 nett. -Shell” Briars SI 1.50 nett. I I 8.8.8. Own Make Briars. I I 3. I 8 ffiSrjwßßg In The Newest Shapes. Prices earch. The
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  • 964 3 DRESS AT THE RACES. Two things struck one at the recent tace meeting—the popularity of capes and the unseasonable fashion of wearing fur. Every third woman wore a cape, and many^wore fur trimmings on their coat dresses. The capes are in almost every kind of material and shape,
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  • 628 3 PRICES REMAIN FIRM. Rangoon, July 2.—When the Rice Market closed on Saturday, the price seemed firm at Rs 566, but when the market was opened this morning the price was found to have risen to Rs 575 nor did it remain long at that figure. Rising
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  • 170 3 It is hardly in times like the present to fin i the question of registration of partnerships revived. The Perek branch of the F M 8. Cha nber of Commerce ha? been discussing the matter, says the “Malav Mail.” In view of the many failures nf CHre-.e
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1176 3 POSITION WANTED. NOTICES. B IUe« wrted,—! Engineer Manager JIN CHOE CO. a tpre «ent in charge off branch of important Notke ig he by given tbat Mr lee comp»°y T 8l C ert\ 9 M*nnp much G n Inn Mana er i has left the service experi ence L. in««ri
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    • 26 3 TO PRINTERS We hold a large stock of Kidd’s Printing Inks (In various colours) To be disposed of at reduced prices. The Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED
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    • 132 3 SQEZIBBB U SANITATION is not only a subject of interest to the U Sanitary Engineer, but is a matter of vital importance B to every individual. H H TWYFORDS LTD., HARLEY. FNGLAHD, have made a |j I study of sanitation for years, anti the result is that to-day thev produce
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 464 3 aonoKamo a iwm-nww U» w TOWN HALL, j I Lowell Thomas (in person) I I* “With Allenby in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia.” I Return visit by special request I* Two Nights Only July 25th and 26th at 9.30 p.m. I SPECIAL MATINEE on the same dates I for Children
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  • 31 4 Martin: Ferguson —On the 4tb Joly 1921 at Ypnangyhaug, Batum, Florence widow of the late W B Ferguson, to Samutl Martin, yuuugeat son of W Martin, station owner, Pittsworth. Queensland.
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  • 1392 4 In these times, whether for good or ill, no nation can escape the eff ct of forces internal and which render it d tficult for long to maintain a policy of isolation or to remain in a state of stagnation at d uudevelopment. The streams of moderu progress,
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  • 1187 4 In view of the possibility of the Crown Colonies’ participation in German the German indemnities Reparations. the matter has been deferred, and we are not very sanguine, though we hope for the best—a short interpretation of the agreement and the nature of the reparation terms accepted by
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  • 652 4 A Big Calendar. Penang Ass z»s opened at the Supreme Court, this morning, before His Humor Mr Justice Whitley. The calendar is a fairly heavy one. The first case to be taken was that of Khok Ah Kooi and Pan Ah Bo d, wtc were charged wi'h having
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 392 4 a II *1 1 1 I e Electricity in V the Home. M The From Rushlight lOH Austin All British to Autoplant. IMO. 5 Autoplant i Will furnish the elec* From a simple portable lamp to one I trie current for a house which could be hung from wall or
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    • 48 4 Race Week Events at the “E. 0.” Monday Special Tiffin Orchestra. Tuesday Dinner and Dance. Wednesday- Curry Tiffin. Thursday Dinner and Dance. Friday Tea Dansant sto 7 p.m. Saturday Dinner and Dance. E. 0. Orchestra accompanied by Mr. Murphy Jazz Drummer. Mr Mrs. Norman Kent V. P. C
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 108 5 pl II PR< H’EST AG A INST germ \n attfit de. Reuter's Telegrams.] Paris, .July 17. France has addressed to Germany a ftr<>ng represents ton against the threaten>ig attitude of the Germans in Upper Si-i.-sja and lias demanded the disarmament and disbanding of all volunteers other than corps
    | Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  108 words
  • 53 5 \sll\l)<>\\ <>X IJIE G CRM\N NAVY Leipzig. July 17. In sentencing Dittmar and Boldt the President -aid that jienal servitude was’ not inflicted as the prisoners were found guiltv <>f manslaughtei and not of murder. He deph.ied the action of the accused, who had < ast a
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  • 193 5 STATEMENT FROM LEGATION. London. July 17. The Chinese Legation in London, referring to misleading statements as to China which have appeared in the British pre<s. states, in regard to the alleged lack of public interest of China in developments following on Handing's invitation to the
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  • 23 5 New York, July 17. Ihe sexagenarian Lord Queensborough is marrying Mi&s Edith Starr Miller of New York, who is 33.
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  • 46 5 ARRANGEMENTS Fol: INDIAN TOUR. Simla. .July 17. Mr. Geoffrey Montmorency. Deputy Societal- to the Government of India has h, j n appointed Chief Secretary of the staff of the Prince of Wales during his Indian tour and i- sailing for England immediately.
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  • 82 5 London, July 12. —The Prince of Males is suffering from a slight cold and is remaining indoors at the doctor's orders. The "Daily Mail” says that the Prince is taking a holiday for two months ami declining all public engagements as he has been covering a ceaseless round
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  • 31 5 AMERICA PAYS THE BRITISH BILL. Washington, .July 17 Ihe treasury paid the British Shipping Ministry 832.688 000 in settlement of all L iiisportation charges arising from the war.
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  • 44 5 BAI) WEATHER PREDICTED. London, July 17. Ihe long drought at home appears to breaking. Rain has fallen in a number of I'l i 4 '4‘s i n Britain ami unsettled weather is 'llcted an<R storms also in many districts of Fiance.
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  • 44 5 FRENCH TROUBLE? Helsuigfois. July 17. A semi-offici 1 statement say- it has been reliably learned that the Soviet Go veminent lias ordered a general mobilisation in Russia either against Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania or to support the Kemalist® against the Greeks.
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  • 208 5 London, June. 28. —The "Times” Constantinople correspondent cables that great anxiety is felt in the Ismid region, which ns full of Greek and Armenian refugees. It is estimated that 30,000 are fleeing before the Kemalist advance. These are being despatched to Mitylene. To carry out this work the
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  • 153 5 London, July 6. —A grave tutu in the Near Eastern situation is implied from the news that the K ema lists are threa toning to invade the neutral zone ten kilometres to the west of Ismidt which was proclaimed by the Allies on 29th June. A
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  • 151 5 London, Jm.e 2s).—The “Time*” Heisingfois c' respondent w re- that tJie Soviet Government has issued orders for the mobilization of all classes up to fortyeight years. It is officially stated that this is due to risings in Siberia, though it. is sugge-ted that an advance against Poland is
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  • 49 5 Berlin. July 17. The famous |H>et Hauptmann has received a telegram from Maxim Gorky stating that owing to the failure of the harvest in Russia millions are faced with death from starvation and are urgently appealing to Europe and America to send kood ami drugs to Russia.
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  • 101 5 Vale. r>is, July 16. It is believed that M. Briand, has intimated to the British Government Iris readiness to co-operate in sending to Upper Silesia a joint expert commission to enquire into thJ equitable apportioning of plebiscited territories. Japanese Appreciation Captain Ichys. Japanese Naval gave a to a
    . Vale.  -  101 words
  • 148 5 SPEC lAL CONFERENCE. London. July 17. The Colonial Office announces that a special conference will be held in the Colonial Office on July 15, with Mn Churchill presiding. Messrs. Hughes, Massey, General Smuts. Ballantyne, SirT. Smartt, Col. Mentz, Mr. E. S. Montagu, Secretary of State for India, the
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  • 96 5 London- July 1. —France bids fair tu lead the world in air travel'in fche future. Germany is preparing energetically against the lifting of the veto, while jn England the obstacles to progress are many. The public is indifferent and Government Is sceptical. Private enterprise is too heavily burdened
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  • 73 5 London. July 1. —The brother airmen, Sir Ross Smith and S r Keith Smith, are contemplating a flight round the world. Sergeant Bennett one of the two mechanics who accompanied the brother- on their flight to Australia will probably be accompanv ing them again as mechanic. It. is
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  • 196 5 The greatest satisfaction is expressed in French sporting circles that Paris has been chosen as the venue for the Olympic Games of 1924 It s generally felt (says Reuter) that the errors of 1900, when the Olympic Games were l®st held in Pans, must not be repeated,
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  • 172 5 A cable to the “Englishman.” dated Juh 3 say-. —The "Times” New- A ork corre-pondenf' cables "My .imagination is haunted by the sjiectacle of the doughty Gallic boxer springing into the ring smiling, a model for any sculptor and his appearance less than twenty minutes after stunned, paralysed,
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  • 53 5 London. July 4.—The Post Office announces that a mail for India and Lg\p-. was despatched from London to Pariair on the Ist July and overt'» k the ordinary mail which was despatched on th* 30th June. The mail ha- been forwarded from Marseille- by the P. and
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  • 29 5 INDIA PROGRESSING. Paris, July 17. In the Davis Cup doubles Fyzee and Deane (India) beat Laurentz and B>ugnon (France) 6 —l; 5 —7, 2—6. 6r-2, 6—4.
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  • 61 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, July 19. A most successful tennis tournament at the Selangor Club concluded to-day. In the final of the championship singles, E. N. W., Oliver beat Bagot, 6 —l, 4 —6, 6—l, B—6. Mrs. Marks presented the prizes. Athletic Sports Cancelled. I’he
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  • 313 5 HILL BREAKS MILE RECORD. London. July I,—The British Athletic Championships <qx*ned at Stamford Bridge to-day. Five championships were decided and several preliminary heats were also inn. The finals will be decided to-mor-row. lhe following were to-day's results: Putting, the Weight.—B. JansOn (Sweden), 46 feet inches. Hop, Step
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  • 287 5 Simla. July 5. The following coprmunique .is issued: (Waziristan (Mahsud). —Mailjhi was shelled from Ladha on June 20th- lhe i habitants started to move their flock- but their families remained. Makin w aga.'n shelled on Jun** 21st and 22nd with good results. On June 23rd anothei bombardment f
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  • 1396 5 THE AUSTRALIAN VICTORY. London, July 2.—The T hird lest Match began at Leeds to-day. Australia batted first. W. Baiu-ley and T. J. Andrews opening the innings. The start however, was not brilliant Bardsley being caught by Woolley off Colonel Douglas when he had made onPy 6. Andrews
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  • 113 5 Surrey have made yet another “find. Last week W T. 00k of Honor Oak was distinguishing himself as a batsman, now Jennings, of the Oval ground staff, takes five Essex wickets for 47 in his first county match. A genuine slow bowler, with length, spin, and swerve,
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  • 56 5 Does the winning of 15 county cricket matches in succession constitute a record Mr. Warner thinks it does. This is the feat accomplished by Middlesex. In winning th»* championship last year they were successful in the last nine, county matches on their programme, and this year
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  • 101 5 London. July 7.—4 n th»* Commons replying to Col. Yate. Mr. Harmsworth -t iled that th»* disbandment of the South Per.ia Rifle- had b»*»*n decided upon owing to the refusal of the Persian Government to take the force oxq anil British trade inteie-ts had no
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  • 849 6 GANDHI’S ACTIVITY IN BOMBAY. Bombay. .July 6. —Anxiety is felt among hhe wholesale piece goods merchants of Bombay ove r Mr. Gandhi's latest injunction that all business in foreign cloth should be stopped within the next two months and that all should wear nothing but homespun
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  • 23 6 John Barleycorn isn’t virtuous, but he’s certaanly chased. Perhaps Professor Einstein could tell us what we made the world safe for.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 651 6 X ""X Insist on reliable Quinine £_.r Z<-. v v,i A You get quinine that is noted all over r °‘u">va ,e lhe world for its exceptional purity if M Bisu 1 i vou a sk f or an( see t j lat u o btain SH 4 X\. h
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    • 574 6 1 AVERYn TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. i II 1 j I o BwwwsJl W _4 .X j -j) .i-• z”!awLwrT I U *3»** J** J BRIEF SPECIFICATION Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed ot Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel.
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  • 593 7 I I-: OMMON CAUSE. I oi<l Bishop <>f Singapore gave an ,\tmu lecture-on. the “Reunion of b j.mi in the Town Hall, Kuala The Hon M r Oliver Marks Lunipm- j and ait« sprayer, commented on lumbers of the audience, which were '',.l'ullv -mall. 'He then went on
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  • 137 7 St HEM E 1 )EPEN DEN I' <»N DI TCH ACTIt »N. Kuala Lunipni', July 19. Ihe “Malay Mail Colombo correspondent -says according to a London cable the IL G. A. Executive met representative London, provincial and <4Bbnia] pressmen and explained the scheme of the Producers’ Corporation.
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  • 140 7 The following is communicated We hear that one of the sons of the late Tan Ooon Peng. Esq., J. P., has introduced a big agricultural scheme to the British Government. This scheme will involve over a million dollars which will mean a great asset to the
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  • 162 7 KIDNAPPING A GIRL From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 19. In the District Court Ang Hik Fong was sentenced to six months rigorous imprisonment and fined *5OO. default to another three months for kidt apping a Chinese girl Boh Tan, 'n February last. Mr. Demuth for the defence
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  • 143 7 There was one coolie missing from the steamer Lai Sang's roll of third-class Ch nese passengers when she arrived in Hongkong from Singapore on June 29. He had been “drowned at sea. One day, it appears from the master’s account of the happening, the man was asleep
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  • 602 7 AN OFFER OF PURCHASE Messrs, Harrisons and as Secretaries of the Kandong Rubber Estate, Ltd., have addressed the following circular io the shareholders; The Directors regret that the shareholders response to the invitation to subscribe additional capital of $63,000 as oer circular dated 12ch May has met with
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  • 227 7 If progress continues at the present rate rubber will soon be able to hold up its head as a commodity that is pajiug its way, says the Tribune.” Many e-tatee can even make ends meet at current quotations. Three weeks or so ago the ioc«l price was down
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  • 587 7 ‘LIKE OLD TIME’.” Messrs Baker, Fearon and Co reported on Friday. The week closes, quite like old times, with a borst of activity in rubber shares, (he price of the commodity has been steadily rising daring the week, while enquiries for shares have been coming in, in
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  • 245 7 The “Straits Times” propounds a scheme, and says The suggestions mule may be summa ri*ed as follows (1) Government is asked to control production and guarantee interest on Rubber Security Bonds. (2) Help is to be given to estates which have exhausted their capital. The amount of such
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  • 89 7 New York, June 4 While prices of spot supplies of smoked ribbed Sheets are unchanged at 13|c per pound, dec ine occurred in the future positions from |c to fc. Trading remains inactive and last sale* were heard at 13 4<j for «pot goods, JalyReptemb#»r deliveries were
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  • 409 7 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., Penang, reports as follows: The Share Market this week opened quietly and while there appears to be an improved undertone business has been on a moderate scale only. It is to be hoped that with the settlement of strikes at home and the
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  • 96 7 The following lar-'st qnor,H.rions in M< ears. Keune iv Co.’a share list:— Yesterrlay. To-day. jo x f. ac SHARES. >, >» a a 6 aa w 5 c. S c 5 c 5 c. Mining. Chenderiang 13/6 14/- 13/- 13/6 Nawng Pet Tin 1.55 1.60 160 1.65
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  • 18 7 The Eastern Smelting Co Ltd London 16-h July *t £165 losspot; and £l6B 0s three months.
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  • 83 7 July 19—Penang A*siz-P. Ju'y 19 21 a”d 23— p eoang Race*. Jalv 19—Dinner and Dance E O, July 20 Curry Tiffin E it O. July 21-—Dinre- a n d Dane*- E& O, Ju’v 22—T« e Dwsant E O. 5 to 7 p in. July 23 —Dinner and Dance
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  • 951 7 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. 3 I i 5.2 a 0Q I H RUBBKR (Dollar.) *c. Jc.'Se. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 20e 26c Alor Gajah Rubber Estate l.lf 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.2 C 1.30 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 7.2 c 800 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 156 7 A WORD OF ADVICE. r k perhaps no place in the world 1 person voluntarily takes more 11 I his health than in the Tropi- One cannot avoid doing so on •"t the severe climate, dangers oi had wi- •ud a hundred otlmc natural icse are the reasons why so
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    • 103 7 WHERE THE GLOOM GERM LIVES. When you feel out of temper with everybody and every’ thing, when you find work a worry and life seems full of gloom, look to your liver, for that most likely is where the trouble lies, and a dose of Pinkeyes, for therein is the
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    • 51 7 PENANG SALESROOM TO BE SOLD By Public Aticfiom At the Bonded Store (Penang Harbour Board) On Friday, 22nd July, 1921 AT IO A.M. S.H. 20 c/* e*ch 240 packets Tobacco Penang 20 >, 280 5 480 Ex s/s I Gilpen. USUAL CONDITIONS OF SALE. Terms :—Cash Before Delivery KOH ENG
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1197 8 I AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP TOYO KISEN KAISHA. HONGKONG TO SAN LFRANCIS3O. VIA. JAPAN CONNECTING TO ALL POINTS! IN THE to Java Ports, Port Darwin, UNITED STATES. CANADA. MEXICO AND EUROPE Thursday Island Brisbane and The following fast steamers of above line via Torres straits, also witn ans *p ill
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    • 729 8 BANKS. THI OF .ho.a, o, t? lacorp-’i at'd m Englund iy (Incorporated m England-) Charter 1553. Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Paid up Capital £3, Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund £3,6oo'ji, Paid-up 1,050,000 Resei ve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,ft, 6 RAaerve Fund and Undivided Head Office Protfig 1,227,600 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E
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