Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 July 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 594 1 NIKKO No, 7, NOR7HAM IROAi. <; Telephone No. 579, < T'in ihj iimii i—i ~i 'HiiFT miiiir ~im niii iiniii iiiiiii hi I llJfejTtg Jl I 1 I “CRAWFORD’S” i s '*fJ i y o r I I SPECIAL <4 RESERVE I i 1 «3Bk I U I I LIQUEUR
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    • 26 1 i n frZW^ r THE BESI CAR !1 TOWH i 5 j MM»...» Sole *tt*Ol( &.S. A F M.S I Ong Sarvt u«ong A Uo, I
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  • 923 2 RANGOON PREMIUM BONDS KILLED. Tl»e scheme for the issua of premium bonds ha. been killed. The following letter has been received from Mr W B Brander, CbR, I o 8. Secretary to the Government of Burma, by the President of the Rangoon Municipal Council Sir, With reference
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1719 2 11 > 4. WJX-JaU»-* Municipality of George Town, TO LET. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Penang. Perak n onge p Prak R oa d, immediate The Master of the ss. “Saogola” reports ent y Applv Smelting Co., a derelict mast fluting vertical six feet OVERSEER OF ROADSIDE TREES. Ltd., Railway Bmid DkB
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    • 806 2 I INDIGESTION. It is not the quantity of food we eat. but what we digest and assimilate that nourishes the body. When the stomach and organs of digestion and Nutrition ar? diseased, and the food eaten is only impencctly digested, there is loss of nutrition, and the body loses strength
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  • 910 3 MJM LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF MiLK WHICH WAS BAD. Another «ppe&l, which is likely to occupy the attention of the Chief Justice, Sii Walter S Shaw, Mr Whitley and Mr Justice Barrett-Leonard for another day or two. resumed in the Coart of > Appeal Singapore, saye the u
    —“ MJM ”  -  910 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 «a«s» a—«aro. •>• ■*«—w—c—■■ > ■itmom— a I—- n-™- —-T-■'• M I HI ni /-V>, Qold J((edal ■i>? dernationel Medical Congress Exhibition, London. 1913. 3rA y-fc 3jJ A s ll Wgfc#' JpßK| ffl I&WE; jf [i J@K2£2?| |l I L ■> N Mf”B .rj IX) 3 By $1 ‘Rpyal ..Appointment
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    • 638 3 I w 1 aa Mat——— pinang gazette RATES OF CASUAL 1H the backADVERTISEMENTS is often of a most vio,ent character, and yet it is surprising how quickly it disappears when Sloan's Liniment is used. Sloan’s Liniment goes right to the seat of the pain—without rubbing—and gives quick relief. Don’t suffer
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  • 913 4 Mr A K B Terrell of the legal firm of Messrs Presgrave Jz Mathews has returned from a business visit. v Singapore. i Repeating their enter'ainmenb in the presence of the Hon Mr Oliver Marks and Mrs Marks, the children .of the Ceuvent, Kuala Lumpur, gained fresh
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  • 1609 4 how the markets are SUPPLIED. [SPECIAL TO THE P. G.”] Until recently, little or no attention has been paid to the production of the foodstuff i other than rice which go to feed the people of thia Settlement. E quiriea show that, with the exception of one
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  • 244 4 —••8 T" Sawyers Object to Reduction In Rates. Early 1 -st w**ek notices were served on the’h ad sawyers bv the proprietor® of the va'iou® sawmill® in Singapore inrima’ing ha’ a re uc’i-m of 20 per cent, would be made upon the ph c**w >rk ra'es payable
    —••8 T"  -  244 words
  • 697 4 FORTNIGHTLY meeting. The fortnightiljemeeting of the Munici pal Commissioners was held last night. There were present:——Messrs S Codrington, (president) W H Thorne, J L McFall, Yeoh Gu*u S«ok, P K Nambyar, Dr P St L Liston and Dr Lim Gu*n Cheng. The other officers present w^re:—Dr G 8
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  • 211 4 FOR S. GEORGE’S CHURCH FUNDS. The Jnmble sale held last «Saturday by the Church Workers’ laaociatinr. was in «pit? of these hard t mea. successful in bringing in a total of $277.62. The aale was opened at 10 a.m. in th? Town Ha'l, but before thi®, various buyers
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  • 914 4 THE CORONER’S ENQUIRY. Tffe death of Mr Georg* Woodcock, assistant »t. Messrs Derrick and Co, while under chloroform in the Nursing Home, Cavanagh Road, Singapore on May 26 hs% was the subject of a coronet’s et-quiry before Dr Gibb®, Medical Superintendent of the Lunatic Asyliuo, with
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  • 236 4 The following teams will participate j Q polo matches arranged for next week Singapore :—Messrs EOF Wolfl, A W Lee, A W D Dove and Col Morgan. Burma Rifles:—Major H R Maj >r A C Gordon Smythe, Lieut S p Care and Lieut H K B>at e
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  • 107 4 Mr WT Tilden the American lawn tennis player and champion of the world, who is in England again and playing at Beckenham, hug tried to rev&l the secret of his success (as far as this can be done) in a book he published last year, called The
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  • 97 4 A mee’ing will shortly be held in the Selangor Club ’o discu-3 ways and mesns of selecting a representative from Selangor to Tenuis Ch9mpion®hip naming at Singapore to decide who will be the first holdijr of the “Gaunt” Cop. Although it as if Selangor need look
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  • 355 4 P. R. C, V. I R. c. The first of the trial matches in connection with the H M S Malaya Cup was played on the Esplanade last night between the P RO and the IRC. The game was very patchy throughout aud the IRC could never get going.
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  • 1157 5 A MERRY WIDOW BILLS Half the world does not know how the other half lives unless it leads the law reports. They may not be the whole truth, but at any rate they are stranger than Galsworthy or Bennett. Indeed, law is far livelier than literature, for
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  • 280 5 market for over a period of a year. —“T.<>. M.” Mr. W. S. Zocchews writes: The present slump has affected this district as much as others in Malaya but the timely warning given by Lae A. D. Raja Omar, to the native holdings and the
    market for over a period of a year.—“T.<>. M.”  -  280 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 K Pritchardi i co.. L.T£&gt;- (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ipoh. j g For F July Races! I I Millinery I F I .1 V I I We have now on show a few of the newest creations in Millinery, in latest styles, and •a? exceptional prices. I __i g
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    • 210 5 A WORD OF ADVICE. There is perhaps no place in the world where a person voluntarily takes more risks against his m the Tropical hast. One cannot avoid doing so on account of the severe climate. dangers of had. watei and a hundred other natural causes. There are the reasons
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    • 351 5 r 1 I A GOOD motor car is a profitable invest- I ment. I The return on this investment depends upon the service which the car renders. Dividends come in the form of utility, service, economy and re-sale value. Buick cars render such returns'. The famous Valve-in-Head engine can always
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  • 21 6 On July 9th at they Central Hospital, Petoembockan, to Mr and Mrs E. O. Thomson, Namoe Rambai Estate, a daughter.
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  • 1111 6 From lime to time, in accord with several of cur contemporaries, we have criticised the character, tendency and influence of many of the films, chiefly of America origin, exhibited at She cinemas throughout Malaya. We have deplored the fact bhat a most interesting, instructive and entertaining
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  • 1285 6 The so-called Borah amendment in favour of a dis--Preside»: .rm.ment eooHaratng's Initiative, ference between tne United States, Great Britain and Japan, uynchronised with the U S Senate’s assent to the Naval Appropriations Bill, but President Harding has not allowed a lengthy interval to elapse before acting in
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  • 250 6 ACCUSED COMMITTED TO ASSIZES The preliminary inquiry into the charts of forgery the purp me of aw; Rising as geniunt, forged docu ent*. i.a.A Chong Leong who was salesman by Chop Soo Bee, ac ing rb agents for Petroleum Compaty, wat concluded before Mr AC Baker iu tbe
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  • 76 6 A Bhanq Cask Inphe District Court, Penang, i- n ing before M.- R Sc tt, H‘&gt;o Ah H* n Klang Street was charged wi’h (1) ing bhang into the Colony r Street Ghat on or about July V- e (2) being in possession of bhang time and place
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  • 122 6 FILLING UP OPERATIONS COMMENCED. ■&gt; -H. rha fill' ls l A start has b u en muds wl w »l! I up of the moat round F &gt; rr I* Several days ago. a length of W C o ci| down from the Jrttv. up behind y
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 41 6 Race Week Events at the E. 0.” Monday Special Tiffin Orchestra. Tuesday Dinner and Dance. Wednesday- Curry Tiffin. Thursday Dinner and Dance. Friday Tea Dansant 6to 7 p.m. Saturday Dinner and Dance. K. 0. Orchestra accompanied by Mr. Murphy Jazz Drummer.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 112 6 IN MEMORIAM. Crowing. -In loving memory of my late beloved wife Jana Elizabeth who died on the 13th July 1920. The Bible was the greatest source of consolation to her right up to the end. With rejoicing she could testify “For lam now ready to be offered, and the time
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  • 1273 7 the proposed conference. [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, July 11. The American Embassy has stated that I’resident Harding has definitely invited Britain, France, Italy and Japan to participate in the Conference cabled earlier, to be held at Washington upon an arranged date President Harding pointed out that
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  1,273 words
  • 73 7 AN AFFAIR OF OUTPOSTS. Constantinople, July llThe offensive (on the Brussa front), reported yesterday, has not matured. It was merely an affair of nfctposts. Kemal's Absurd Conditions. London, &lt;uly H. The British representative at Constantinople informed Mustapha Kemal that in view of the most absurd conditions
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  • 45 7 London. July IL Their Majesties the King and Queen landed at St. Peter’s Port. Guernsey, and were given an enthusiastic reception. Fiefs, homage and dues were presented .n St. George’s Hall with quaint ceremonial. Their Majesties subsequently toured the island.
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  • 200 7 CONFERENCE DATE FIXED. London, July 11The Irish truce was inaugurated, in Dublin at noon, amidst general rejoicing. Ships in port sounded sirens. Auxiliary police and Blacks and Tans are walking the streets unarmed and mixing with the people. Armoured cars and military lorries are conspicuously absent. London,
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  • 302 7 AMAZING SCENES. Loudon, July IlBelfast was quiet to-day. lighting at the week end was the worst in the city s history. It began with a Sinn Fein attack and the killing of one policeman and the wounding of two. Subsequently police raids unearthed a Sinn Fein arsenal,
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  • 236 7 A recent issue —the first of its kind of the “Belfast Gazette” notifies that the King has approved the following appointments to fte Government of Northern T reland: Prime Minister —The Right Hon. Sir James Craig, Bt., M-P. Minister of Finance —The Right Hon. Hugh MacDowell Pollock,
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  • 74 7 INDIA’S EXCLUSION. London, July 11. On the occasion of the House of Commons, third reading of the Bill, extending the Credits Scheme to the Empire except India, where ineffectual protests against exclusion had been raised, and to British Possessions in the Far East, Sir Lloyd Graeme stated
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  • 128 7 UNFAVOURABLE RETURNS. London, July 11. Lloyd's shipbuilding retains for the three months ending June 30. state that 3.530,000 tons are under construction in tho United Kingdom. 269,000 below the previous quarter, but 1.179,000, represent ing tonnage on which work was suspen-ded-owing to a decline in the demand for
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  • 103 7 SPEEDING UP WANTED Loudon, June U In the House of Commons, replying to questions with regard to the Imperial wireless -chain, regarding which Mr. P. Hurd asked whether any Dornin.on Government had refused to be associated therewith under State ownership. Mr Lloyd George sal J he could
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  • 82 7 MATCH DRAWN. London. July IL At Glasgow, before 5,000, in dull weather and on a fast, good wicket, the Australians made 540. Ryder scored 129 by stylish and chanceless cricket." He hit fourteen 4’s. West of Scotland scored 227, Stevenson and Carr made 50 and
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  • 52 7 OUT FOR DEMPSEY. Leavenworth (Kansas), July 11. Jack Johnson has been released after ten months’ imprisonment on a charge of violating the white slave law. He declared he intended to re-enter the ring and fight “topnotchers” He said, ‘The. public want Dempsey whipped, and he knows I can
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  • 107 7 Paris, July IL As a further sequel to the Bank In dustrielle de Chine affair, the "Echo de Paris’’ has published a statement y General de Castelnau that M. Briand told h m he considered M. Berthelot an honest man? He knew M. Berthelot had a
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  • 222 7 WATER SCARCITY. London, July 11. Ninety degrees in the shade were registered in London to-day, which is the 78th day of the heat wave. There is an alarming scarcity of water, with no prospect of rain. There have been many deaths from the heatEurope Sweltering
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  • 303 7 Reuter. Paris, June 9. —During the past few days there has been a marked increase, in crimes in which violence plays a large part, and murders, assaults, and robberies with violence have been reported from all parts of France, and more especially in Paris
    . Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 26 7 Bombay, July 11. Gandhi is now appealing to dealers in foreign cloth to cease importing, aPd thus revive hand-spinning and hand-weaving in India.
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  • 150 7 HOTEL KEEPERS’ LIABILITY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, July 13. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Another case involving the liability of hotel keepers was heard in the Civil District Court. Phil Carlton, actor of the Bandman Opera Company, sued the Europe Hotel for $590 in respect of a despatch
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  • 570 7 D.P.P. TO CONSULT LEGAL ADVISER. When the case against the two Chinese whe are on trial for the murder of the late Mr. H. D. Evans was resumed, writes our Ipoh correspondent. His Lord ship asked Mr. Mills whether he had given any consideration to
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  • 263 7 The Dutch Colonial &lt; &gt;il Company. Rotterdam, has sent an address to th-»* First Chamber in regard to the llill &lt; «neeining the exploitation of thi Djambi oil-fields of Sumatra. The address points out that n&lt; opportunity has been given to the company to participate in the exploitation
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  • 42 7 Mound'ville (West Virginia;, July 11. 7 were killed and 50 injured owHig to a bombing aeroplane falling on a group of motor cars parked in Langin. aerodrome. The engfine exploded, setting the machine on fire. The dead were all spectators.
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  • 985 8 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST S” NAMES. Si a to H RUBBBR (Dollar.) c c d e Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 15c 20? /.lor Gajah Rubber Setete 1.00 l I.A) 4mn.lgajni.tftd Malay Estate* 1.15 1.30 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 800 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate* 1.00 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 90c 1.10
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  • 1057 8 SUGGESTIONS •BY MR. ERIC MACFADYEN, At tbe Rabbet Conference in connection with tbe Rubber Exhibition now being held at tbe Agricultural Hall, Mr Eric Macfudyen contributed a paper on ‘‘Malayan Rubber Statistics.” In it be said- The importance which the predominantly British industry of rubber planting has
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  • 340 8 Messrs William Jack* Co, Metal Merchants London, report on 15th Jun?;The approaching settlement of the Coal Strike has had practically no effect upon markets, and we are afraid that both Employers and Miners will find that the would for the time being can exist without the usual «upplies
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  • 124 8 Penang, July 13, 1921. (Bt COURTBBY OF THE Ch ABT KERB Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 11/16 4 months’ sight Rank 2/4 3/32 3 Credit 2/4 11/32 i- 3 Doqumeotarv 2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand B*uk Rs. 179 3 dava* sight Private t| 185 I Bombay Demand Bank 179 c
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  • 44 8 4—Foothall, Central Union v C S C enang Impres«ionist Exhibition, PO C July 15—Girl Guide Meeting. Residency 5 p m,’ Joly 19—Penang Assizes. July 19, 21 and 23—Penang Races. July-26—Football. Possibles v Probables, Esplanade. July 28—Foorhsll Selected XI Next, best XI, Esplanade.
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  • 516 8 Mr G O Blacker for Messrs Morre 45 and Spiegelberg reports June 8 Cloth.—The cloth market is dotnimte-j by tbe labour troubles. Enquiry is well maintained from markets, although little business actually comes to book, and then, of coarse, only with a “strike clause” in the
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  • 329 8 Ex. How Ceylon is Affected, The new American Emergency Tariff is apparently identic*! with the tariff passed under the previous (Wils &gt;n) Administration t ut* vetoed by the late President, Primarily it was designed to protect Agriculture an I allied industries and to prevent a fall of
    Ex.  -  329 words
  • 44 8 The tynd will play the following programme of music at*the Esplanade at 6 p to-day. 1 March ...Tzar Nichol*" H...Bom® er 2 Selection ...A Runaway Gir!...K»PP®y 3 Waltz ...La Barcarolle...FetrM 4 Fox Trot Jazzing Now...Li*t® r 6) One Step ...boko ...Arnold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 236 8 Telephone No 49». TELEoeaMs: GAZETTE. 1 THE Pinang Gazette Press g EE Limited zE Holds a Large Stock of British Made Zz Manilla, Creamlaid, Cartridge and Clothlined @3o© I w ENVELOPES I Various Sizes, Shapes and Qualities EĔ Suitable for private and business E= requirements, to be sold at EE
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  • 346 9 “8 F P.” &lt;• NOT a PENNY FOR RUBBER COMPANY CREDIIORB. lam afraid my news for the creditors ,nd shareholders of this concern is not very cheerful, as there MoAs not seem to be a penny for any of you.” Thia was the opening remark of Mr E
    “8 F P.”  -  346 words
  • 61 9 The liquidator, Mr C V Bailey, has is-ued jig report of the winding up of this estate Mergui was sold as a going concern for £72,000 in May 1920 and this sufficed to pay s9.l6| share. A meeting to approve of the liquidator’s J report and dispose
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  • 82 9 The following are the latest quotations ii Messrs. Kennedy Oo.’»&gt;ihare list:— Yesterday. To-day. SHARES.* s S V 3 i) 33 UQ CQ M c o. c. 5 o. Mining. North Salak 75c 80c 70c 75c Papan Tin 65c 70c 60c 65c ftatrut B 17/6 18/6 17/- 18/South
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  • 31 9 The following are additional rubber outputs *or June Bandar Sumatra lbs 38,800 Eastern Sumatra 32,000 Glen Bervie 27,226 Langkat Sumatra 26,500 Lankat Rubber 36,000 Serdang Central 21,979 I'amiagg 72,644
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  • 96 9 The following is List of Subscribers Previously acknowledged $63,033 08 European Staff Casrh field Estate (inAthi# subscription) $79 European Staff Ba*u Caves Es'ate (monthly subscription $10; r J T Nixon $3O Concert ar. Malakoff K«Ute Club P W $663 “HT A B (Monthly oubscription) $25; Central Pahang
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  • 100 9 The Straits Trading Co,, Ltd., give the following London prices. 12'h July Spot £166 5s up 5s 3 months buying £168.5« down 5s 3 months selling £168.10s 5s Local Parity $83.61 July 13th Singapore sold 150 tons at $84.25: Penang buyers noeellersat $83.50. The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd
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  • 183 9 Pbnang, July 13, 1921 &lt;• SP. Tapioca $6.25 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $6.75 sellers. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $17.25 buyers. White Pepper s3'l| nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal Cloves ss° nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers 11 Os $32.00 buyers {No. 1 $lO 00
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  • 463 9 Victory Avenue. Charge’ «re taking place graouallv «11 around in Kuala Lumpur. The whole face of the land round about the Gpusra) Hospital ig rapidly changing, dwelling hnn’fs whicj| have exi’ted for years are fast disappearing «nd swamps which have been breeding mosquitoes in their millions
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  • 379 9 CEYLON AGAIN RATIONED. The Times of Ceylon" tpiiounces that rice control involving rationing and fixing of prices has been re-established in Ceylon. At the request of Government, a Committee of merchants met and prepared a rough, estimate of stocks of rice on hand or in sight. These
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  • 270 9 Rangoon, Jul\ 4. —-The rice market &lt;&gt;]&gt;eiied ste.i ly to-daj at Rs. 580 and continued at. this figure with little doing until a panicky feeling prevailed. At eleven o’clock the prices bagged heavily, and dropped to !i&gt;. 560 in one hour. The -treet wa- '-imply aliva with
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  • 97 9 —Ex. The following communique was issued to the Press by the Mayor and Chairman of the Colombo Municipal Council Th&lt;' preparation of lice cards is m hand and as soon as ready they will be distributed to the householders of Colombo. Unless by special European residents
    —Ex.  -  97 words
  • 134 9 The dispute between the dhobies engaged ,at the Slave Island Ceylon laundry and the Municipality over the question of rents ha*, it-' is understood, been satisfactorily The following are stated to have been made: (a) The payment of a sum of Rs. 5 per month, by those
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 FOR SALK. Pony for sale.—Chestnut Gelding, 5 old, guaranteed sound quiet to p'/ Or r *'e. Box No. 177. c/o **‘u*ug Gazette. k
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    • 915 9 ©ntniTTiisir.' r irr. 'I '''"’"B a f b 111 i /2&gt; gj-f\ s "—I I Only the. best Quinine is wonh buying. Make sure of V r p the quality by insisting on having TABLOID QUININE It is ready divided into convenient doses, easy to take and a '1 r
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  • 749 10 PO-DaYS DEPARTURE*.’ Teesta far Madras taking mails for Europe etc, via Bombay. Sitiawan for Adahan and Bata Bahra. Bellerophon for Colombo, Suez and United Kingdom. Kwaisang for Singapore and China, Perlis for Kantang (Trang). Lian Choo for Pulao Langk&wi, Setul and Perlis. I Expbctbd Abbivau, I Dilwara, Singapore,
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  • 272 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Began Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By trail Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, )-7.15 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore |A 6 p.m and Hongkong 1 J Parit Buntar ami Began Serai By train alsc 10.15 a.m. &lt;fc
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  • 367 10 Pbkahg, Jult 13, 1921. BEEF— cts Soup per catty 35 Roast do 55 Steaks do 55 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 36 stew 35 Rnmr Steak Jo 55 Ox Tail each 50 do Tongue do 80 do Feet do 50 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 222 10 cr~ii ij&gt;i_fiL ~w/wbi t? wws— i wkjw *J 1 —o—t. A Underwood Standard 1 T ypewrifers I The Machine you will I Eventually Buy. I I Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England) Agentspenang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I HOTEL BRASTAGI, SUMATRA EAST COAST. 4-.600 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. S
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    • 272 10 U I .ii.imuL, D Jim MSI 'WWII II II W»CTmMWWW—WB I ’I ■trim 1 r J. Hill—WWW tar —T I FOk THOSE LONESOME 5 1 NIGHTS. j 5 J X A Columbia Grafonola &gt; will always give you exactly J •J the Music that fits your J &gt; f mood.
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  • 399 11 Although some of the items in last year’s programme will be repeated, this year’s Royal Air Force Pageant will include a number of new and striking futures. It is to be held at Hendon on July 2, and the proceeds are to go to the Royal Air
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  • 204 11 President Harding is going to replace \i iba-sador Brand Whitlock at the Court of the King of th« Belgians, win- e he has been the official American Diplom itic Repre-entativ e since Doen.’w 3rd. 1913He v ill be recalled shortly by President Harding, who has named Robert P.
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  • 92 11 .—“S.T.” On Tuesday afternoon about thr-x* o’clock a Studebaker oar, 488. was going along Burma Vista Road. Singapore, where it had to slow down et a bend to allow another car to pass. The car accordingly changed into low gear, when the steering gear is said to
    .—“S.T.”  -  92 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 419 11 ■•^s^®f(©) C~J ~3 !X jf'' 7 Hr. REX ER Ruston and Hornsbv f \A/ engineering productions are used throughV V out the world the name stands for-»-1. Progress in design ;2. Soundness of manufacture. ~r y In oth these particulars the 16-20 H.P. Rustonz jr Horasby Car. to say the
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    • 138 11 TEETHING TIME NEED NOT MEAN TEARS. When baby’s teeth are coming through is a time of worry to many mothers. The little one'- gums become swollen and tender he is cross does not sleep well is troubled with constipation, colic or diarrhoea, and sometimes even convulsions seize him. During this
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    • 547 11 The se t confidence and mental 4 comfort that mark the man or woman fudl of the joy of Hving is lamely due to a feeling of bey ing appropriately dressed. I t J z Keen alert people give caretui I/ heed to thocs little points of snle V which
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1187 12 W 1 AUSTRALIA BURNS PHILP HENDERSON LINE. S*l! Ui"*- 21- r J r Steamship Co., Ltd., Pirt Darwin Of fast twiu screw Mail Passenger steamers between Vh^'SaykUnd,"Brisbane and RANGOON AND ENGLAND. n-~XPto“heV louth TnS With through connections from Penang. FOR LONDON ROTTERDAM ,ian and North Queensland Poru, British APPROXIMATE HOMEWARD
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    • 737 12 BANKS. THI «P ,«I*l ii iacorp- l ined in England L R (Incorporated m England Charter 1353. Authorised Capital £3,000,000 paid up Capital Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund Paid-up 1,050,000 Liability of Proprietors Reserve Fund and Undivided Head Office: Protfig m 1,227,600 3», BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Board of Directors.
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