Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 July 1921

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1059 2 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mrs E A Corbin and family have returned to Kuala Lumpur from leave. From the “Bangkok lime»:’’ Mr M B Mawaon, MICE, chief engineer to United Engineers Limited, Singapore, arrived in Bangkok on July 5. Mr J A McEwen of Messrs Francis Peek Co, Penang, leaves for Singapore
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    • 301 2 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette Sir —Rp the paragraph on the above in your i*?ne of Tuesday, the sth inst, do you not think the victim merited such if he got into the diningcar at Prai, and got. out at Taiping I certainly sympathise with
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    • 214 2 [To The Editor of the Pinang Gazette.] Sir, —Will you please grant us a space in your paper to corr»-ct some mi-statem-n’* which appear in one of your paragraphs under beading “Drowning Accident” in your yesterday’s issue. The unfortunate man was a Chinese and not a Malay. He
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  • 633 2 ASSIZE COURT TRIAL. Our Tpoh correspondent writes The trial of the two Chine e named Lau Khwan, alias Cheung Cfoung, and Lau Lam alias Lau Char, charge'* with tbe murder of the late Mr H W D Evans was begun at the As-ire
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  • 152 2 Penang, July 12, 1921. Bv Courtesy of the Chartered Bank i London Demand Bank 2/3 11/16 4 months’ eight Bank 2/4 3/32 3 Credit 2/4 11/32 3 Documentary 2/4 7/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 179] 3 days’ sight Private 185 Bombay D®m«nd Bank „179 o Madras Demand Bank 179
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  • 916 2 BIRTHDAY honours FOR SCOTS. •(From Our Own Cobrbspotobnt.) Edinburgh, June 9. Tbe most talked about honour in th? Birthday List, is the Peerage conferred upon Sir Henry Dalziel, who represents tbe Kirkcaldy Burghs in Parliament for □early 30 years. He left Scotland ac an early age for London,
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  • 1466 2 “Sunday Times.” MR- BALFOUR AND MR. HUGHES. e Mr. A. J Balfour. A long, th'in, rather graceful and willowy figure; a noble head, with beautiful silvery hair brushed back from a high brow, and giving a benign look to his countenance dreamy blue eyes with a
    “Sunday Times.”  -  1,466 words
  • 188 2 Peshawar, June 25. —A peculiar incident occurred recently in Tirah. The Mullah said that Akbar, the leading spirit of the anti-British party among the Afndis, wa« moving about holding Jirgahs to incite the tribes to action against the dars, and to stop work on the Khyber
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  • 100 2 o A iLUno is Constipation because of the l u fresh fruit and vegetables fo their y To them, as to everyone else, troub e< costive bowels, Pinkettes are a because they gently dispel con-t pain and erke the ailments which it I,UI 1 k
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  • 652 3 THE PADI AND RICE SITUATION. (From Our Owm Correspondent.) Alor Star, July 9. The surplus stocks of pad! derived from the recent bumper crop are dwindling. Many padi dealers from Penang and the Kriau District, Province Wellesley, and Perak, went to Kedah towards the end of March
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  • 85 3 Dr Yai Sanitwongse Bangkok has received word from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, that the spec mens <f cultivated jasmine, sent by him to Kew, in conjunction with a phonograph, now leaves no doubt that he has ad ;ed to the “previously known jasmines a new and
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  • 74 3 We learn that the, ques‘ion of financing the Anglican Church m Selangor is about to be settled satisfac'orily, says the M.M,” Ladies have promised to approach Church of England members and obtain their promises for small monthly subscriptions of two or three dollars. Many can manage jsuch amounts
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  • 47 3 The Band will pay the following programme of mu-ic at the Dato Kramat iiardms 5 30 p.m. tc day. 1 March ...Sievard ...Frankl'u 2 Polka ...Honeymoon ...Thierre 3 Walts ...Dollar Princess ...Fall 4 Fox Trot ...Kiss me ...David 5 One Step .«.Weary Willie ...Neat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1564 3 _WA" TED E|C(lrl( tiqudnq Billet waited.* -Engineer Manager Government Notification. 5 in charge of oraucn of iinp<iro>*ut |Am eompaoy r.qair-.po.ino U Shortly 12 ye»r. FIUIII IVI 3UI". For Sale by private tender the Colooi.l experience B O. T (oert) Manne, tnech Government Single 'Screw. Steam Yacht coo.truotional. Motor Engineering. Seamew
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    • 344 3 Protects from the Sun You need no longer suffer from the discomforts and unsightliness of sunburn. “‘HAZELINE’ (Trade Mark) SNOW" protects the skin from the fiercest heat. Keeps it Iways soft and smooth and j• «tf I improves its delicate texture. i n,, ls .iiul-soot lies hot and perspirmg skins;
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  • 16 4 Perrin —A.t Kulim Kedah 4th July to Mr and Mrs A V Perrin a daughter.
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  • 30 4 Biddolph-Wbst —Jone 9, at Folkestone, Norman Biddolph, Royal Scots, to Phyllis Evelyn Sackville, onlv daughter of late Fredk George West, Scraps Settlements, «nd of Mr H R Powell, Folkestone.
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  • 1230 4 Ai we pointed oub yesterday, the launching of the projected *OllOlO6 of a Rubber Producer’s Corporation waa conditional, for one thing, on control being acquired over an acreage 2,300,000. We were not in a position to say at the moment of writing exactly what that figure meant.
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  • 1228 4 The uncertainties created by the recent corner in rice in Raagoon’s Rice Rangoon naturally Supplies, caused some misgivings, I and a rise in price in Penang soon followed, but unless something entirely unexpected occurs, the effects of the recent manipulation are not likely to be felt for
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  • 436 4 DEATH UNDER ANAESTHETIC. (From Our Own Cobrispondbmt) Singapore, J'&ly 12. The death of Mr George Woodcock assistant with Messrs Derrick and Co while under chloroform at the Nursing Home in Cavenagh Road in May waitbs subject; a Coroner’s enquiry before Dr Gibbs and a jury. Deceased was admitted
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 e Electricity in I the Home. I H The From Rushlight Austin All British to Autoplant, No. 4. Autoplant Within the historic period, we know <= Will furnish the elec- o trie current for a house Greeks and Romans used using the equivalent of candles of wax and of tallow
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    • 41 4 Bace Week Events at the E. 0.” Monday Special Tiffin Orchestra. Tuesday Dinner and Dance. Wednesday- Curry Tiffin. Thursday Dinner and Danee'. Friday Tea Dansant sto 7 p.m. Saturday Dinner and Dance. E. 0. Orchestra accompanied by Mr. Murphy Jazz Drummer.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 289 5 A HOPEFUL ATMOSPHERE Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, .July 10. 'Hie “Sunday Express’’ expects that King George **ill meet Mr. De Valera w thin a few days. i The Cabinet is determined that no time shall be lost, and declared that General Smuts, who has done so much to
    [ Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  289 words
  • 123 5 London, June 30. —Th er are #|ear indications that a section of l ister opinion resents Mr. Lloyd George’s invitation to Sir James Craig to participate in the conference. The Belfast paper “Nor them,” which rs a Unonist organ, says; “It is unfair to ask Sir James Craig
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  • 178 5 Miss Sylvia PanlAurst was released from Holloway Gaol on May 28 after being there for about five months as a result articles which appeared in the. Workers’ Dreadnought.’’ Her sentence was one of six months, but by reason of good conduA the imprisonment was shortened. A large
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  • 69 5 HONOURED BY FRANCE. Amiens. July 10 Cnud appropriate military honours ajid stirring patriotic speeches nearly Somme Communes Revived the Croix de Guerre at the hands of «the War Minuter, M. Barthou, and Marshal F"c»»i assisted by Lieut.-. 1 mn«-i-dl Ijord Cavan represgiting #’>rit#in. fin, United States was represented
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  • 86 5 Paris, June 9. Japanese Crown Prim e lias arrivt-d 111 lonian. p on concluding his visit to 1 l; the Prince expressed his deep apthe comiJtle facilities exien 'I 'I him throughout France f>i study*he institutions, ait pleasures ami '""'“inients. •H, l 1», i IM staled h
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  • 90 5 PRESIDENT HARDING PROPOSES CONFERENCE. London, July lu. Reuter’s correspondent learns tl»it as an outcome of the exchange of views with the I nited States. Japan and China initiated after a discussion, on Fax Eastern Pacific policy by the Dominion Ministers a# in London President. Harding has initiated a
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  • 188 5 KING’S GOOD OFFICES. London, July 10. A revelat’o|| of the great part played by His Majesty King George not only in connection with Ireland but in removing a threatened hitch in Anglo-American relations is made by the “Observer.’’ which says that the statement of tin* Premia in
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  • 31 5 Paris, July 10. The “Matin says that the French Government is extremely favourable towards the proposed Pacific Conference, and has already communicated its view's to Britain.
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  • 355 5 Important changes in the naval policv of United States are seen in the proposed early reorganization of the. Navy by a major flevt will be *tati<>ned on the coast, leaving the Atlantic coast without capital ships. Should this re-»r ganization scheme be put through, it
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  • 97 5 SHOWER BATHS AT FIRE STATIONS. N»-w York, July 10." The beat wave all over the I nited States is almost unbearable owing# to the great humidity. There have been many deaths from •> all the large cities, especially New )qrk, owing to the crowded Tenements the
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  • 119 5 ANOTHER ACQUITTAL J.ondon, July 10. The Leipzig court acquitted Yon Schack and Von Kruska, mentioned on the Sth inst. French Newspaper Opinion. Paris, June 9. In view of the repeated scandalous acquittals by the German High Court of war criminals charged by France, Britain and Belgium, notab.y
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  • 38 5 London, July 10 Then- Majesties the King and Queen, and Princess Mary left Portsmouth this morning on the Royal yacht, which was escorted by three destroyers, for a visit to the Channel Islands.
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  • 21 5 Constantinople, July 10. It is reported that the Turks have begun an offensive on the Brussa front
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  • 16 5 London. July 10. The death has occurred of Charles Dawson, ex-billiards champion.
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  • 42 5 London, July 10. Earl < raven has mysteriously disappeared from his yacht atgpowes. It is thought that he fell overboard accidentally at midnight and was drowned. Lord Craven’s body has been picked up from the sea without marks of violence.
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  • 143 5 Sr. Bononii has formed a new Cabinet, taking charge as President, and temporarily as Minister of Foreign Affairs: this latter pending acceptance by Marquis Della Torretta. the Minifter in Vienna. [Reuter has since telegraphed confirming his acceptance.] The new cabinet is composed as follows (—Minister for Colonies, Girardini
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  • 206 5 A Dutch firm of high-clas* drapers and costumiers brought an action in the King s Bench Division to recover £6-000 fr er the executors of the late <’• M l ’latl. formerly an officer in (he Royal Naval Brigade, winfought in Antweip in 1914 and wa> Mheiwards
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  • 59 5 London, June 27.—A Shanghai message states that the long expected hostiLtj,es between the Kwantung and Kwangsi paities on account of (he latter’s opposition to Sun Yat Sen’s election to the presidency have now broken out. Fierce fighting iis taking place. The Kwangsites are repbrted to have
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  • 264 5 STATEMENT BY THE PREMIER. Paris. Jul v 10. In the Chamber M. Briand, dealing with thy. lianque Indie trielle de Chine, de.-’ared that the Government had done everything to avoid the situation arising, of which the consequences would trecoi.l on the moial authority of France in
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  • 375 5 When a gentleman came to see me with a letter of introduction from a friend in America and announced that his name was Lennox Simpson, writes Mr. T. P. O’Connor, M. P. the name conveyed nothing to me. and it took me some minutes to realise that
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  • 175 5 At length, after many attempts during the last two years to simplify the regulations for the control of visitors to Switzerland (attempts which, it must be confessed, have proved to a certain extent abortive), the Canton of Vaud seems io have brought within reasonable 1 mits the
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  • 35 5 A WIN FOR AMERICA. London, July 10. In the international university and lawu tennis, Princeton, beat Oxford and Cambridge by 3 to 2 matches, thus taking the series by 5 to 4.
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  • 141 5 London, June 25.—1 n the fifth round of the Men’s singles, at Wimbledon Shimidzu beat Lycett, 6-3, 7-1, 3-6, 6-2, 10-8. The last result absolutely upset public confidence that Lycett was a certainty, for the final match was played before a record crowd and was a. pure test
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  • 360 5 The following ties have been arranged Friday July. 15. Single Handicap Class A. —15 A. J. L. Donahlson v. —15 F. N. Syer (4). Double Handicap Class B.—-3 L. Bostock and E. J. Brownings v. scr V. A. Hearne and J. W. Clark (3), C. H. Mac
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  • 97 5 THE SWEITENHAM TROPHY. The following players have been requested to attend cricket practice* for the pur|K>Se of selecting a team to represent Penang against Perak at Tai ping or Ipoh, «Hiring the holidays in a two day match (or the Swettenham Trophy Messrs W. V» Martin. R. N Hamilton.
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  • 38 5 The first of the games to enable the lection committee to chose a Penang team for the “Malaya’’ Football Cup Competition takes place to-night on the Esplan tfle. between the P-R C. and the I.R.C-
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  • 149 5 London, June 20.—The “Times" Pekin correspondent states that the Dragon Festival has passed. The Government remains afloat, but foreigners in many points of the interior feel that they are living on a volcano which may any day burst into flames. lhe Government has failed to pay interest on
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  • 279 5 FIRST DAY’S HANDICAPS. The following are the weights for the first da v of the autumn meeting <»f l’< namr Turf Club: Race 1.—(5 Furlongs.) Mimic 10—7; Windup o—4; Avro 8—8; Babz 8 —1; The Bolter 7—lo. Race 2.—(6 Furlongs.) Timah 10—7; Hatfield Boy 10—7; Chenana 10— 7
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  • 184 5 l'h«- entries for the Autumn Meeting of Penang Turf Club, which closed on Friday,* probably constitute a record in the annals of thy club. Altogether 66 horses have been entered. The following horses have arrived and are in training: R. Billet’s stable:—Auberic, Tressalite, Sunsprite, Broomhills. Windup and
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  • 41 5 London, June 26. —A Paris message says: The Grand Prix was run to-day and resulted as follows: Lemonora 1, Flechoir 2, Harpocrate, 3. Seventeen ran. Betting 85 to 1 against Lemonora. Time, three minutes 12 seconds.
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  • 121 5 PLAINTIFF GETS JUDGMENT. The action against thy Bank of which was to be resumed before Mr. Allan Beven Additional District Judge. Colombo, came to an abrupt conclusion. In this easy a minoi, William Fernando, by his next friend, K. B. Fernando, sued the Bank for
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  • 63 5 London, June 27. In conjunction with the growing belief m the impending break-up of the coalition may be. taken the significant speech by Mr. Asquith at Blackfriais in which Mr. Asquith laid down two ma/iri planks on wh.k-h liberal reunion would be acceptable to him. namely dominion home
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  • 1167 6 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESS. A pleasant and interesting function took place at the Chinese Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, the 9th instant, when Mr. Cheah Choo Yew. J P.. Trustee of the Kong Hock Keong Temple, Penang, was presented with an illuminated address by his fellow-trustees. There
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 WHmil li ii |I. I Pritchard co., kTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) PCNANG (POH- II For -is Exclusive Millinery We have now on show a few of rhe newest creations in Millinery, in latest styles, and j at exceptional prices. Uadies’ Shoes. ChawpagHe K'd 3 4 Ur This Walk-Over
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    • 253 6 g F AVERY 1 I TRACTORS AJ4D. PLOUGHS. i’ X- O fey- y >,-■ t I Z-' J/ I X y ju 1 i Sr. If I I BRIEF SPECIFICATION —Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed ot
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    • 144 6 S SnSMSKME* MBHMMB EMBMRBK «■■■■MRBSX> MMMBSMM fIH f' i "I MADAME ALICE FORAY I I has pleasure in announcing that she has just received from Paris for the Races I specially selected Morning Gowns, Aft ernoon and Evening /t Frocks, Hats, Trimmings, etc., 1 I all in the Latest Styles.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 106 6 fTHEATRE ROYAL I From Monday, 11th to Tuesday, 12th July. I In the Second bhow at Q-p.m. ALBERT E. I ’reseOks the VitagAph Production 4 < 5 5 Reels WILD PRIMROSE Reels 5 I 2 Reels “PRO? DEW INN”* 2 Reels 1 Mrtro Presents Everybody’s lute favourite HAROLD LOCKWOOD J
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  • 1231 7 MALAYA RECEPTION. A reception was held of those interested the Malay» «e ol oo °f ®he Rabbet Grower»’ Association, at the Agricultural Hall London, on afternoon of Btb alt. he ia tion took place in the gallery adjoin- ihA North Borneo exhibit, and the Xt. -re received
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  • 416 7 Managsk Dismissed and Branch Wound Up. Shareholders who attend the annual meeting of Henry Gardner and C «mpany, Limited, says the “Financer” of June 16 will hear more of the extraordinary io-s which Bas been sustained by that firm ot metal and rubber dealers through the
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  • 163 7 (Ftom Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, Jui'y 12. the Katoyang (Bahru) Rabber meeting Mr Sl*e pressed, report showed a profi of $61,600 and the available to amoun' $lOl,OOO. A forward contract of five tons monthlv comes t? au |BP<I iu|W2l, at the price of 65 cents per lb.
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  • 592 7 FIRST SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING. The first annual general meeting of the Sungei Tukang Rubber Company, Ltd, was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, on Thursday, the 7th inst, at 3 p m, Mr Jas Sellar presiding. The notice convening the meeting and the Director»’ and
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  • 186 7 PuNANfI, July 12, 1921. SP. Tapioca $6.25 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $6.75 sellers. Cold leaf $72 seller» Black Pepper $17.25 buyers. White Pepper s3o| nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $39 nominal j Cloves ss’ nominal Nutmegs 80s $42.00 buyers 110» $32.00 buyers rNc. 1 $lO 00 per
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  • 487 7 Messrs Baker Fearon and Co, reported oo July Bch The Mining and Industrial sections of the Market have bean steady during the week and responsible for most of the business. But there are still no real signs of buoyancy and the same appears to be the position
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  • 59 7 The following are the latest quotations io Messrs. Kennedy «fc Co.’» share list Yesterday. To-day. so i S ft o SHAKES. >» a dB a c. c. c. c. Miaing. JelantohT 50c 60c 50c 55c Malau Tin 60c 70c 55c 65c T kah Hr T 15.09 15
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  • 19 7 Uiu Piah Mice for the month of June, 300 piculs, Sluicing 200 piculs and Tributors 100 piculs.
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  • 184 7 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following, Lon ion prices, 11th July Spot £166.0s down£2.7s6d 3 months buying £168.10-» £1.175.6i 3 selling £168.15s £1.17s Gi Local Parity $B3 74 July 12th Singapore buyers no sellers at $B3 3/4; Penang buye r s no sellers at $B3 3/4.
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  • 232 7 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Jin Ho for P Brandan and Langkat. I Fcoksang for Calcutta. I Gbirbi for Dindings and Sitiawan. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Expuotnd Abbivalb, Dilwara, Singapore, July 14. Eurydamas, Singapore, July 15. Kaga Maru, Singapore, July 16. Keemuo, Liverpool, July 17.
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  • 268 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Farit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, J Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Ta pah Road, j Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By trait Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, V 7.16 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore j& 6 p.r and Hongkong Farit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train a)»c 10.15
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  • 23 7 Despatched from Penang Delivered in London. 7rh June By BI 6h July 11th June By B I 6th July
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  • 13 7 The homeward mail, by the lara cloB.s at 10 a,m. to-murow.
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  • 16 7 Mails from Australia are expected to arrive in time for delivery at 9am tomorrow.
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  • 60 7 July 12—F «otbali, PRCv I R C, E»p‘ade. J a |y 14—Football, Central Union vCS C, Esplanade. July 15—Penang Impressionist Exhibition, POO. July 15—Girl Guide Meeting. Residency 5 pm, July 19— Penang Assiz-B. Ju'y 19, 21 and 23— p enan« Races. J o )y 26 Football. Probibles, E-planade.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 389 7 I HEW NOTICES. Penang Impressionists Exhibition At Home Friday. July 15th, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. AT THE PENANG CRICKET CLUB. r From the 12th instant the Postal and Telegraphic Addres* of this Estate will be Bagan Samak, via Paiir Buntar. Inchong Estate.” s. s. “GLENAMOY” 12-7-21: “Consignees of cago
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 725 8 BANKS. i THE >.. ‘'“S" .“S t, lucoii) i uted in England by R (Incorporated m England) Charter 1853 Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Paid up Capital Subscribed Capital 1,800,000 Reserve Fund e £3,GOO,Oct Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,01« Reserve Fund and Undivided Head Office: p rotfig 1,227,600 38, BISHOPSGATE,
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